Skyrim In Real Life Pt 3
Skyrim Elders Scrolls in real life part 3…
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コメント (1497)
She looks disgusting
Legendary 😂😂😂
Why did I read her shirt as an@L energy
He used a dragon shout on her
Fus ro dah praise the lord, fucking cool, oh my god
Btw the side quests leads to the main quest
Committed crimes against Skyrim and her people😅
She’s been yeeted towards the cloud district
Her: I need your-
Women 😂
This is what a woman need.
may talos guide you
And now it’s just nothing but us bros
You can tell he puts so much time and effort into his videos, and they’re funny too! Keep doing what makes you happy!
I’ve always wanted to do that to an annoying npc. Lmfao
I almost do it by sneezing sometimes.
Me: okay let’s see what The NPC of rush needs..
Rush NPC: I need your help with a sidequest
Me: are u serious right neow bro?
yeeted out of map 👌😂👌
I’ve actually yeeted Nazeem over a freaking house allll the way to Dragonsreach. Not much different here.
She just got yeeted into Proxima Centauri
Props to the girlfriend for taking a Fos Ro Dah head on for the video
me every time I see Delphen
LOL.PacSun, A.K.A, yeezy.
can’t tell ya how many times Ive done this. just did it yesterday 🤣
Foos has become culture. ROFL!
-Bless you
Location? I need that ability
Her in 20 years as a guard “I used to be an adventurer like you, until I took a FUS RO DAH to the face”
Lucid Dream obviously…
“I was gonna sayI need yeeting across the map, but he read my mind”
*Thumbs up back*
Man this new overhaul, relatable irritation, and buffed shouts? These mod creaters come up with inventive ways to make me come back to the game I’ve played through a thousand times
Kills girl friend him👍
girlfriend literally dies that guy:☺️👍
It’s unrelenting force the three words it say are the English version of the thu’um unrelenting force push
Sorry I sneezed bless me.
Girlfriend: weeeee
No one gonna talk about the side quest
Lol you’re so wrong on MANY LEVELS!!😆
Bro emoted 💀
Yes because most guys in real are going to turn down a hot girl asking for help.
they don’t talk like that
Lets see if this guy murders his girlfriend too
The waffle house has found it’s new host
Lol. 🤣👍
Got tested lol
LOL Best laugh I’ve had in a while.
Is it weird that I’ve memorised the word look of fus ro dah so I could tell what it was before he even used the word wall
Sigma male rule #1 Refuse, to help
Bro got nock back on is breet
El mejor vídeo que he visto esta semana… Que grande el sangre dragón. 🤣🤣🤣
This is awesome!
not funny
didn’t laugh
Try to Fus To Dah my wife… Didnt work as expected
Skyrim the best music 💪
“Did someone steal your sweetroll”
I need to ask you to stop
That shouting… it’s making people nervous
Careful man. The last guy that did these Skyrim videos murdered his wife
There’s another settlement that needs our help
When your side chick texts you she is coming over …
Let’s be honest when she comes back she going to be having those Sharingan and Rinnegan
Side quest need help. Fus ra da!! **Puts thumb up**
Oops! I meant to ask what yeeting is! I thought it was just called “shouting” in dragon speech! (Using the three words of power for unrelenting force: Fus (force), Ro (balance) and Dah(push)
What is “yeeting”? I thought it was shouting! Fus Rh
Lol yeet someone. 😹😹😹
POV your tired of throw away quests
She’s gonna be mad…
“You learned ‘The Send-To-God Sneeze’!”
You truly are the Dragonborn you got a hot ass girlfriend and can shout
“I’m sure you’re not doing anything important.”
“Oh yeah, nothing at all! I mean, look at my schedule. Save nirn from an immortal dragon god. I can put that off, Save nirn from vampires. That’s menial. Save nirn from a wannabe dragon god. Petty. But whatever sword or pouch of gold you want from a cave in a different plain of oblivion is much more importa- FUS RO DAH! God I couldn’t keep that up.
Holy shit you can see your hands when walking? This is amazing
Jinn the kid to her gf be like:
You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people-
Lydia approves
Best video ever
Look at her go! That side quest is toast! You got it honey! I believe in you!
Damn, Yeets would be soo useful in real life
don’t ask me why but she was def an annoying kid 😭😭😭
This is the way of the dragonborn, sky above voice within
Her Side Quest: Go Walmart for tampons and doritos
Need the thumbs up mod
Dovahkiin: “Fus Roh DAH!”
Me: “By the nine! Bless you!”
This was so weak
Well that’s one way to put a quest to the side 😉
Btw you can translate that shout I’m not going to but just a wild guess I thinks that’s unrelenting force
“We must you to stop that “shouting” it’s making people uneasy”
“Ok I’ll stop”
“Make me”
Congratulations! You’ve just unlocked fast travel for her
I can’t imagine how many tries it took to make this video. It looks pretty hard to fling somebody across the world.
well he’s going to be dead
Laughing so hard I couldn’t breath!🤣
Thanks,I needed that.
Damn, that’s one powerful sneeze. Bless you, have a tissue
He yeeted her for pronouncing it “imp or Dent”
So, then why have a girlfriend?
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and that’s how you break up with a girlfriend
Now that’s a super power I could do with…. Yeet
Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Fus Ro Da huh. I didn’t waste my time learning to translate runes…
The music matching just right
This guy gives me how to basic vibes…
…I wonder…
Hotwife 🤤🤤🤤
NAW IM DEAD LOL💀 but she’s probably one of those unkillable npc’s
I can’t not hear for the Skyrim song lyrics and think it says MUSTARD JAR, it’s a bot, fucking cool, oh my god
Silence hagraven
“I need to ask you to stop. That… shouting… is making people nervous.”
I really wish I had somebody that cooperative….. Please do Witcher 3
Unfunny as hell
This hits different now
Dads when they sneeze:
She want weeeeeee
That thumbs up went well with my like 👍
Shee rea)y turned into team rocket
To the sun!
These are so great, keep making them!
See ya latter!
Funny how years later he did this irl
what in the hell
😱🥺😟🙁😈😱😖😣😥😯😱 dragon rage I remember ps4 slim when I played be careful not be reckless even doing it when u didn’t mean to on just 1 innocent person and have guards kill u u do not want any 🙃🙂🤣😂😂 but dragon rage can help kill
I wish you could do that to Preston Garvey
Lol….how rude….
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I used to be an adventurer like you, then i took an arrow in the knee
Wherever her body ended up landing…. I’ll be there…and also be all like… Giggity Giggity Goo! Dear diary, Jackpot!
There’s emote in skyrim??? Is this some new update I didn’t know about? A VR DLC for 69.420 $?
I was playing yesterday and saw a lone guy on the road, so I got off my horse to chat with him and mid sentence with the guy I saw my horse run off and start attacking a frost troll
heard they’re reforming the dawnguard.. vampire hunters or something
its beautiful got the skyrim feeling 😛 gg
If you didnt want her, you could have given her to me 😕
Girl : i need your help
Boy : I’m not a simp … FUS RO DAH
The 👍 at the end 😂😂😂😂
She a real one for this I love Skyrim I beat it about 3-4 times even though you can keep playing / doing whatever. I was 15 with a job and now I’m 25, I still play ESO. Started from Oblivion
He messed it up with the thumb at the end.
You learned the word way to fast
The fact that the lyrics sound like “F**king cool” as you do a thumbs up make it so much better
Also a thumbs up mod
Dude that is epic
Hey Cheese Brain! He skeever butt!
Well this is toxic AF. Zero star review
singleness increase to 100
He was dumped as soon as she respawned.
What a nice yard
I legit thought she was a female military officer for a moment.
Me and the bois do this with our gf’s all the time, i just wonder why they havent come back yet
Dragonborn be like: ” I’ve been looking for you.. Got some yeeting I’m supposed to deliver, your face only “
Эти руки))))
That my shit
This one was awesome
dont jinnkid her bro.
With LoversLab this would be different 😉
Only thing that would make this better is having YEET at the end of the shout instead of “DAH”.
These graphics are next level what mod is this
Fus Ro YEET!!!!
I wish I had a girlfriend To make this with her
Me when ONE NPC is mean to me
Haven’t seen anything like this since Jinnkid
Always remember to not kill your wife irl ok?
I hope she’s okay
“I’m sure you get to the Cloud Distrct often“
They should put this in Skyrim
Dude! YOU FORGOT TO SAVE!!!!! Rule #1: Before thou do unintelligent ideas save so thou can go back.
Man actually learned Unrelenting Force just to yeet his gf for the video, now that’s dedication
Babe can you help me with the (yeeting shout) disheeeeeeeeees..
‘All I have is dirt, could you get me 75 dragonbells’
If only this were an option 🤣
Thumb up !
like for the hot woman
Realistically you just sneezed on her and she’d just be wtf bro yuck lmao
That’s why I love the USA
Lol 😂😂😂
Really good!
I wish I can do this to my gf
Who turns down side quests? No one that plays #Skyrim.
We’ve been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty!
I’m gonna use telekinesis to catch her then my flames on my self because I can’t catch bitches
Wow dude! Your PC is a insane! This game looks so realistic!
Absolutely hilarious 😂
Don’t end up killing her in a jealous rage a year from now bro.
It said Angel Energy… Not Anal Energy… I need new glasses.
“woah woah woah watch the magic!”
” one might get nervous, when a man approaches with his weapon drawn”
You just sent your girlfriend to the cloud district literally.
See? Domestic violence can be fun.
Shorty is hotter then any npc in skyrim tho lol….(PS5 VERSION MAXED OUT HDR SETTINGS)
Now he can go inside and regenerate his health after drinking a cure nag potion.
When I saw ‘yeet someone learned’ I was gonna do the same thing🤣🤣
Yeah at some point we all come to despise Lydia. Especially after she takes her death.
“New word of power unlocked”
Extreme cringe
Is she sweeping rocks
Need this shout so bad.
Please don’t kill her in real life.
That felt like the beginning of a po.rn.
I immediately burst out laughing and sent to my recent ex who thinks she the biggest fan of skyrim. Hahahahhaha EPIC!
TADA!!! She’s…ah, she’s gone…
Не превращайте жизнь в пиздец
Not to mention that this npc is dead in real life, by being yeeted by her boyfriend (pov) but with a gun
Sweeping rocks! I wonder what the quest was.
It’s the flip flops doing yard work for me lol
The way she kinda steps to talk to him was just perfect! 😆
Seems legit
Oh Arizona, how I miss you
God that’s so relatable. And it reminds me of Skyrim too.
I need your help
Shut up, I’m learning how to YEET annoying people who need my help urgently
Well that’s one good way to get rid of a girlfriend. 🤧
“This is how you get free time without doing quest anymore”
This lady looks like Chills if he was a she
Id help her with a few side quests no problem
Too cringy
Why…..just why is this as funny as I think it is?? LOVE IT! 🤣
What a beautiful video 😍😍😍
Did this dude really killed his girlfriend ? Or was that someone else or a rumor?
What is the side quest with the girlfriend? 🤨😏
Fus ro dah, kills to npc. = mission bugged
(In nasal pitch) Y do women like stupid jerks that (in computer voice) never help them. Reel Tawk easy fix easy day just have all the actual hardworkers that they reject to stop serving them. If they want lazy men they can do everything themselves. She knew he was going to do that.
Realistically this would be fun if you were able to be God using CPU edit tools irl; that way if she made your sandwich wrong you would simply be able to revive her again either instantaneously(a same new “Girlfriend”) or set her health back to 100 percent towards resetting her consciousness being a normal “Girlfriend” intelligence CPU Companion. Though Aela the Huntress would have been more preferable due to her inner cult warrior society being more stronger.
Dude I thought it was going to say “Foreplay learned” and then he was going to full on grab the melons 😂
You know this is not real when he don’t search for the box with the gold and very good enchanted armes next to “dragons shouting he learns”
I miss this game. Time to install it on my XSX through gamepass
The GF: “Looks like team NPC’s blasting off agaaaiiinn!!!”
She was gonna ask if you could teach her the ground ‘n pound shout
Fus roh dah’d her into my room, how do I get her back?
Weird seeing a person who’s no longer alive in videos
I haven’t laughed so hard in such a long time lololololol
If you can always see both your hands like that your game is messed up.
Ever since that dude killed his gf after making Skyrim IRL vids with her these aren’t as funny anymore lol
I shouted the delphine lady off a cliff and I couldn’t find her even though it was one of my best playthroughs so I had to restart
Just dont kill her pls
Why are your hands out like an idiot?
Sometimes you just have to Fus Ro Da a bitch
Wtf 😂😂😂
Thought it was Kim K at first.
Getting ready for work be like this that side quest was my life
But she was your sword and your shield!
If only! Lmao!
Almost thought this was at ft Irwin…til I seen all the plant life back there
This explains a lot.
Why isn’t not beside a mountain at high Hrothgar
She looks a little bit like Natalie Portman to me 👀
Then out of nowhere a blood dragon appears and you waste a few minutes for 300 gold and a soul-
Yo I just found this I’m a freaking fan!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💪👍
Guards at a 50 mile radius: you have commited crimes against skyrim and her people
You should just have raw dogged her on the spot
Lol, why does she look like an Oblivion NPC, tho?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I feel jealous of some parts of this video not the girl the yeeting people
Morrowind master race
Cringe tbh
fucking cringed ngl
I am sure you are not doing anything
That made him angry 🤣
Let me question something do you know where you will go after you die? If not let me say you can have a choice to either go to hell or heaven see 2000 years ago there was this man named Jesus who died on the cross for our sins and rose alive 3 days later all because he truly loved us he died for us so I question you now do you truly believe in Jesus or do you live for the world turn to Jesus Christ trust in him Christ has way much more to give than the world he loves us turn to Christ
What song is it? I always wonder
Lame AF
Didn’t he kill her in real life?
This didn’t age well at all since the Skyrim In Real Life guy killed his wife
Lol damn that was unexpected that was hilarious man love it
Whats the music ?
Master Oogway is proud
Hahaha!!! this is fantastic!! Have to watch part 1&2
Is no one gonna talk about how she was sweeping the air
Casually sweeping rocks
Everything about this makes sense except for how she is dressed which makes me think she pushed to make the video for recognition..guarantee she has never played a video game ever
Legendary. Quest failed, failed to harvest 20 babe milks 😂
Eeh, no cookie for her.
She’s cute.
Does she sell her farts in a jar?
I heard there was someone else who did Skyrim stuff and murdered his wife, except I think he used a knife or a gun, not the voice, points on originality
Come on at least make the shout more like the shout in the game looks like ya just threw her from fucking markarth to riftin
how do you find the SKOTA meme. Plz tell me.
You guys treat your girlfriends like that?
wasn’t there a skyrim irl guy that actually killed his gf?
Me: Playing skyrim
GF: im sure your not doing anything important
Me: Fus Ro Dah!!!!
Angel Energy 🤤
Hahaha pls more
Yeet ro da
Y si la encontraste cuando la lanzaste xd
Best thing I seen all day
Pls do dark souls xd
Lmfao 😂
I really thought this is a game😂
Team Rocket blasting off again!
good thing he quick saved… right?
Guy that killed his wife and her friend:
Wonder what the side quest was
Remember the vanpper DLC
Didn’t this guy murder that girl in real life?
Your girlfriend is Padme?
Ok, you will not get dinner tonight 😂😂
hahaha that bitch went flying
No simps allowed
Fus ro dah
Ayo 🥺 you might want to run. Those guards man. You’ve seen what happens when you accidentally touch the Chicken
Yeet 😂
What song is this?
this is not even close to being funny sorry im just being real bro
Wooo!!! Dang girl gone straight into oblivion!! Where is she now?! From Windhelm to Solitude in 1.2 seconds (depending on dragon traffic in the skies).
This is what happens when you live in arizona.
Hey, isn’t he supposed to marry her, live in Markarth, and adopt two kids?
That thu’um is a helluva drug…..
And the the dovahkin was arrested by violence against woman
I liked it at the same time he gave a thumbs up 😂
But I love that video great job. How in the hell did you get the special effects?
At best she would ha been blown against the fence 😂😂
Turn the b upside down and you will know what the name means
The Bad News- You are naturally a born sinner and have broken at least one of the law (10 commandments) at least once in your life (Example: a lie) (James 2-10 says if you break one of these laws, its the same as breaking them all), so because of this you’re on your way to hell already, everyone is (Romans 3-23)
The Gospel (Good News): JESUS, Who is GOD in the flesh, came into the world and died for us, to free us from the curse of the law (10 commandments) and ressurected on the third day so that whosoever BELIEVES in HIM will not perish but have everlasting life! GOD said this! GOD cannot lie (Titus 1-2, Hebrews 6-18) we can lie because we are sinners. JESUS saved us already (Colossians 2-14) Just BELIEVE and TRUST in HIM! HIM ALONE, anyone who gives you another Gospel, whether an angel or one of us, let him be accursed, like it says in (Galatians 1 6-9) JESUS ALONE! Not religion, Trust in HIM and you will receive the GIFT of THE HOLY SPIRIT. GOD HIMSELF! Repent ye and BELIEVE the GOSPEL (Mark 1-15). AMEN!AMEN!AMEN!!!
If…..only we had that in fallout 4 when asked to help a settlement!
XD and thats how u get free time XD
Brilliant keep up the great work!
Last time someone made these videos he ended up murdering his wife.
Technically, due to her proximity to the word of power and the battle music she either is a draugr or a dragon
Ooh, Imma catch her.
Thanks Dovah bro. 😏
She went weeee
RIP jinkid
I thought her shirt said “anal energy”
Not another one of these. Better not kill this chick in real life
How do they put VR in the background
Oh nice special effects cool
This is the. Best. Thing. Ever. !.
If only 😥
Girlfriend is holding a broom? That’s not realistic
sounds like the start to it’s about drive
When you see that one friend that keeps annoying you:
Lazer beam yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
Я последний давакин
Why does she look like Chills?
I missed shouts in oblivion.
1000 Bounty added to *someone’s backyard*
What’s wrong with your thumb?
This was really funny haha. And I quite like the edits.
Sir I commend your service well
I got a sidequest for her
So well done actually, but I just miss a quicksave!
1000 bounty added
Lvl 99 gf
How many of us… have wanted to do this to a spouse, just fling them across the world when they bitch at you for getting OJ with pulp in it.
That’s awesome, what did you use for this?
Everybody gangsta until she actually gets yeeted
Я так же с моей Лидией делаю и ржу каждый раз))) 🤣🤣🤣
Crazy what happened rip his girlfriend
Damm bro what’s your gf’s onlyfans? Those hips are wild
Yeet someone learned😂😂😍
How was this made?
I hope this guy doesnt kill her
A more appropriate and realistic name.
Would have been funnier if the power wasnt fus ro dah
Last time someone did skyrim in real life didn’t ended well
Your gf walls around the house in. A half shirt and full makeup? Hmmm…
Do this video with another guy and his stomach out and see if you get the views. One a relative and subjective level, semi funny. End.
? is how is the girlfriend going to get revenge
Hey dude what song are you using in this video
I wish I was a dragonborn… so I can go to my manager and… FUS RO DAH
*why does it look like she has a tail as she flies away?*
The original guy who did this, did it best…. It’s too bad he murdered his wife.
I was sorta expecting the dragon shout to be, “YEET!” after that text. Little disappointed 😛
Thats me XD when I learned ous ro da with every women I see
I was about to skip it when it says Skyrim but I’m glad I didn’t
Pretty spot on sweeping the dirt
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It is amazing.
In my playthrough i married Camilla. came home after beating alduin and saw faendal in my house next to her. Idek how he got to whiterun but i think my wife is a hoe. Dam
It’s not a mistake it’s a masterpiece
Love this please more you guys know how to make these things look really good ❤️
Good job guys.
Omg, it’s so exceptional 😍
No men. Don’t yell each other
She.s already dead! Jinnkid style
Trying to copy jinnkidd now that he’s in jail eh
No mamesss 😄😄😄😄✌️😅✌️
Wait for the draugr overlord
Be careful, the last person who made these memes shot his girlfriend in the head and is facing life in prison…. Jinnkidd
I need the yeet someone shout🤣
Fuz DonRAAA! 🤣
Genauso weiter so
Mega realistisch😂
Noooooooo you didn’t quicksave, your game is lost
I’m sorry are you taking rocks
Yup definitely Vegas
That thumbs up at the end
🤣🤣🤣 these shorts get better and better
bruh the shout is too op
I need to know her name!
Draguon born nigdy by czegos tkaiego nei zrobil
Song name pls?
Где выучить крик который призовет этого гнома?
perfect my young student, You are followinth the voice’s path
He will murder his wife too, sooner or later
Чихнул так чихнул
Finally, a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary
Y she sound like Delphine
If you yeet something that has been yoted, the yeet gods will help you- one of me beast friends I can’t remember who lol
The Other guy is in the Prison now
Good Idea to Start With skyrim videos
Man’s no simp
I have never played this game but i want to now
Is it me or do other people also here “FISH TADA” ??
Then the realisation hits that you haven’t quick saved
I do that when someone asks me t do a fetch quest
**Takes a broom to the rocks outside lmao**
Excuse me, where can I get the mod to thumbs up? That looks awesome.
How to treat women
Not trying to start any game wars but I prefer in my opinion fallout 4
Is there an update to Skyrim? These new guards looking thicc
This is me 😂
Don’t Fus Ro Dah cute girls!
Fus ro Yeet
Love it
then someone runs up to you and hands you a letter and immediately glitches away into a wall afterwards
“Im sure your not doing anything important” some famous last words as she flies in the sky
I did the correct
Those thumbs look fucked
„Go to kitchen“
I love these shorts since I’ve been replaying skyrim. XD
The cross-eyed look she gives your mighty flesh sword 👌
Either that was the first shout he ever learned or he’s just so gigachad he doesn’t need to go into the menu to attach a dragon soul
So this is how you murdered your gf
EVEN at moment of FUSRODAH, THE FLAG turned into RUSSIAN!
Why did you send such a cool ass to the stratosphere?
His girl is really just for lecken
I need that. Really
She even looks like Lydia xD
She fake
Do something useful ínstead… this kind of videos!
You know if you got the aptitude…
Dragonborn sending her back to the streets
This has to be Arizona
At least you helped her on her way to do the sidequest herself, that’s empowerment
They got it totally wrong. She’s supporting hit the wall or go over it… LoL. This isn’t a cliff.
Yeeting someone is amazing in skyrim!
I’m sorry to point this out, since your video is hilarious, but your thumbs look like foreskin.
Good job
Your yard is a desert
This was incredible
Это он жену порешал?
4 weeks later and still absolutely hilarious lol
It’s all fun and games until he kills his wife
I think we all wish we could do this to our girlfriends sometimes lol 😆
What’s up with the landscaping. Makes no sense
Your girl is a real keeper letting u put this nonsense together and yeet her across all of Tamriel
I NEED TO ASK YOU TO STOP. that shouting… is making nervous…
R.i.p lmao
Let’s just hope you don’t kill your girlfriend
Please keep doing these skyrim shorts LOL
Why she sweeping the ground though?
By the order of the Jarl stop right there! You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people what say you in your defense?
Finally a channel meant for me!
What ever you do..dont kill her…
the reliable yeet
If you hate her that much, quit being a coward and break up with her.
Oooohhhhhh nooooooooo
Rich boyfriend, I will play along because you’re keeping me off OnlyFans…
Dont to this ……. .. to onother thniks withe your girfriend ….. bojemoi
Taking over where jinkid left
We’re blasting off again
Why is yo thumb shaped like a boomerang
So lucky to have a girlfriend that plays skyrim with you ❤️
That doesn’t work I tried it before
She’s hot 🔥
I had to do my wifes side quest to get to buy the anniversary edition! Best sidequest to get what i longed for lol
Yeeted her into last week
That’s why love Skyrim 😂😂
That editing though was gold 👍
Actually I actually played skrim and the spell should be called yeet-some-one because that shout is 3 different shouts fus-roh-dah
First guy who did this meme killed his wife
Spoken like a true Son of Skyrim!
Legendary dragon shout “YA YEET B!TCH” is super effective against thots 😂
This single handedly made me download skyrim onto my ps5 lol
That has to be in Nevada or Arizona. With that rock garden.
It’s funny cause the guy that started these really did Yeet his girlfriend and the dude she was cheating with 💀
I like this FOV slider mod
U can use it yet u need to unlock it with a dragon soul
I hope you at least saved the game first.
Simp = false
Chad = true 👌👌👿👿
WE in Germany say: Gesundheit 😉
Нужно было дизлайк поставить и покрутиться😂
Dude, you just yeeted your girlfriend…
Did you have to break her leg in the animation? 😆
she just went WHEEEEEEEEEEE
I mean… was it suppose to be funny?
Damn dude. Like 10 years late to this craze
This acting is really good.
What is the song?
She needs to lose the crop slop. It’s tasteless fashion.
TS has killed his gf IRL actually
Someone pls tell me what ze song name is I’ve been looking for this for 1 year now I forget but get reminded every once in a while
That was actually a “Begone Thot!!” spell.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I died, I F****** DIED!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
La dernière perso qui faisait des Skyrim irl a buté sa femme, faut faire attention
Someone’s made a mod where the “Fus Ro Dah” shout is replaced by “Fu Ckin YEET” right? That’s gotta be a thing.
Looks like team rocket is blasting off again!
The fact that he threw her that far shows the amount of determination he has when making these that he goes full out
Usually is the other way around:)
I legit thought her shirt said anal energy…
That’s so fucking 😂 hilarious. Made my morning.
Why is she sweeping rocks?…..or the air above the rocks 🤣🙈
Any woman that makes videogame jokes is a fucking rare breed wife material 👌👌👌
I thought it said “ make someone skeet “ then I saw her…. Lol
She should have hit the tree tbh
What editing site would you use for this. I need to know
Wtf uses yeet?
I was waiting for the sparkle and wasn’t disappointed
And kids you learned how to get rid of gold digging parasites rofl
Must suck to know your girl cheats on you.
You forgot about the word wall not working and constantly getting louder and louder until your eardrums start bleeding, then it works
You forgot to quicksave
Your videos are too similar to the dude that just murdered his wife… you’re going to have to find a new gig.
I am wondering what’s the side quest
I laughed waaay too hard at this! 😂👍
He should have said YEET
I would’ve used a paralysis spell and used her to help me with MY side quest…..
What music is this
He did not use dragon some ls to unlock that shout
Она подметала КАМНИ?😆
“You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people”
Dud this makes me wanna get skyrim
Unoriginal and cringe.
I love the audio from the trailer
Crazy looking back., this dude actually shot her in the forehead
I thought she was going to be the mid boss.
You forgot one thing.
Saving beforehand in-case she wasn’t essential
Be gone thhhhhhhot
Esto fue aún mejor de lo que esperaba.
Usually I drop a quick save before I do that
In an alternate universe he spawns her from Oblivion instead of sending her there
Nice thum!
The editing is so good
Didint even quick save? That’s just cold.
The girl kinda looks like Chills
One of many option to get rid of a side quest irl 😆
Is this the dude that just killed his wife?
Ses quoi la musique de la fin ?
Why is she sweeping the rocks?
Why is their yard rocks
😁😂👍 I love Skyrim Game Music.
Mustard jar! He’s the lord, fucking cool. Oh my god!
I wish I could do that
Oh putain haha 👍
I would have yeeted her even if she didn’t say anything lol
Dragonborn, I didn’t know you could do this! All I want is a girlfriend for Xmas. Please Fus-Ro-Dah a kind hearted girl for me! 😂
Not doing anything important…… Yeet😏
What the fuck bro 😭🤣🤣🤣
She is angel energy
She looks like Chills
A prediction for their future apparently…
🤣🤣🤣🤣 so cool
Pretty sure this is Phoenix
No simping I only pay attention to the grey beards
Ew she looks like an oblivion character with messed up face proportions. Wide eyes
The “Yeet” is too powerful for you to withstand, even a whisper could kill you.
This is dope 😂😂💪🏾
This is gold
That have happened to my followers when they are in my way for my shout
How in the Fuck does some 1 like this have a GF mean while I have to be here an suffer alone ………I am so tired of this BS suffering I promise to God if this dose not change I am going to kill myself 1 of these days bcz I can’t take this shit no more
I mean
Hell yeah duuude.
Please don’t kill your wife, seriously
Well this hits differently now…
I hope the girl doesnt cheat on the guy
This is even funnier cuz he killed his wife irl
Nice 👍😂😂
Sweeping rocks is so realistic lol
Magnifique !!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩
Oh ya this was filmed in Arizona where dragon boring’s lawn is actually made of cheap rocks.
Let’s hope this guy doesn’t murder her later
Wtf is this shit? Stop littering the internet.
Watch this guy kill his gf too
Send her to the streets
RIP gf
That was the correct decision
What kind of backyard is that…. Pebbles and rocks?
What’s up with her eyes
Popiwku kocham to
Yes 1shat
You sure you are not playing portal?
Best video ever!!!!
Oh the patriarchy..
the utter disappointment in her face as shes forced to do this skit is they only thing i could possibly squeeze a laugh at.
Omg phew!!! I thought it was you who killed your gf. She’s so fine!
Oh it was another dudes Skyrim irl
These effects, yo. These effects!
And now she’s been murdered by him
When you FUS RO DAH your wife and her friend irl
Send me location!
Aged well
This dude killed his wife and her friend irl.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 blew her into the sky loool
Greatest game I’ve ever played
Хороший удар, бро!👍
qual necessidades de reproduzir violência quando jogo tem tantas outras coisas legais
Uhp took my breath away
Team rocket blasting off again………. ding
I just see angel energy. Nothing more.
Preston Garvey sends his regards
She is fine!
Amazing 🤩
Simply the best
The edit is nice. Too bad it wasnt real.
Bro that was crazy
People still play this trash? Get a life
Man actually yeeted his girlfriend for a YouTube video, respect.
WTF 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. There is no other intermediary. May Jesus Bless you, trust Him, give your life – and He will take care of it :pray Convert yourself and believe in the Gospel:*♡
She’s a beaut!
She needs to my dragon slorned by my big groin
Etzadla bin net derjeniche !!!!!
Yo you got my subscribe. These have me so weak 😂😂😂😂
I didn’t expect to like this but I laughed
Reappeared on my lap. Sidequest complete! Yeet!
Géniale 🤩!!
She looks like she could be in Skyrim
That accuracy in her expression for a Skyrim character was AMAZING and completely believable, for the game. Great job!!
Off of the mountains near labrynthian, many a frost troll will fall from the sky
Serves her right for sweeping 🧹 stones
Anna that Star Wars girl
Cause all the NPCs acknowledge they are literally giving you a side quest
Sad but not true.
I love it
Make me a sandwich shout
It wasn’t your typical side quest 😏
Dumb it’s been many of times
No more honey dos.
I’d have something else for her to do…
yall in AZ fasho
Main quest Andy
That npc is broken, sweeping rocks. Lol
We all got You have a girlfriend
I thought arms were fake
That had to be delphine
You are definitely in arizona
How men really feel
Who the fuk , say Said Quest
So that’s how you say yeet in dragon tongue?
Anyone else think she sounds like a young Natalie Portman? Padme Amidala from Star Wars
Ngl but I would fusrodah anyone sweeping dirt on dirt
“I need your help with a sidequest”
Are we all just going to accept that line of dialogue?
That was fucking stellar! Hahahahaha
🤣🤣🤣 fus
Я думал всё закончится несколько иначе с такой красоткой)
Ho god
She well respawn like CJ
Lydia is fine. She’s probably in a field somewhere. 🤣🤣
OMFG why have I never seen this before hahaha actually just choked on my coffee.
Aghhhhhh nerds
The thumbs up at the end😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
She will cheat on you.
Filthy kayaks on stolen land
I can translate those words on the wall.
“If I don’t take your house then someone else will”!
No need for that.
Sent her to oblivion!
Genius! 🤣
He sent her to Angels
I wish i could do this with my wife, ill tell her i learned something new I’d like her to see.
I mean it’s about 8 years late but… great shout
That boss eyed girl was cheating on him she was seeing somebody else
Fus ro dah.. fucking cool oh my gooood
How did he knew that she wanted to go to the beach and swim in the sea?
I like the way her leg hangs after being yeeted!! 😂😂
Mission accomplished.
Bang Brs, bros
Bleak falls barrow looking bright
Lmaoooo bro keep these up!
Is it possible to learn this power ….?
Kinda lame an I like Skyrim
Haha gf bad funny
Nice 🤣🤙
A full decade later and skyrim still rules the day, i love it
Now this one was funny
The NPCs seem to have gotten way prettier
Dumb, not very funny. Good try tho
Awesome vid, keep em coming!
Amazing. Does this work with Wife NPC?
This reference made my day!
Las Vegas or Arizona?
Skyrim first person camera does not show the characters hands out in front of them like that. If you’re going to make a video you could take at least 5 minutes to do research.
They shout and music just makes me wanna reinstall….
Return to alduin
What’s her onlyfans
Nice job !
“I used to be a sweeper like you…”
Yes just yes
She ded
Sounds like the dragon born is saying
in his shout
Just going to sweep the yard. Doesn’t Cali look great?
Where is the arrow?
Maybe someday I will have this strength. I bitched out back in 2012 😿 2022 might be the year.
How u get her to do dis 😂😂
Her leg lmfaoo bent as hell
Fucking cool
Oh my god
Seems right
Should have been called “team rocket yeet” as the words of power
Hahahahahhahahahhahah legend
Wait I got a girlfriend fusrodah! Problem solved
I didnt expect that.
How can you say no to that curves
Ce que je rêve de faire quand ma copine m’énerve 😂
Dislike for using the word yeet even though it’s a dead phrase
Dragonborn: *yeets his gf*
The music: *“He’s a boss ! Fucking cool ! Oh my god !”*
Humor from the 60s well done
This is so cringe
So cool!
So good… lol
Anyone know what chills looks like? If ya know ya know
Girlfriend time = Side quest
She should have dressed accordingly. This shit lazy for real.
This is pretty neat how you guys have been doing these.
Its the flying broken leg that does it for me
i suppose we all need the yeet skill irl
Ahh yes, real life
Lame…and yeet seriously, still?
Wow unrelenting force 2.0!!!!
Idk if he played skyrim
A little much just to say no, lol.
Awesome! 😂🤣😅
Kick was appreciated not a sneeze
True dragonborne would try to romance most of woman NPCs. Not yeet.. You’re not worthy m8.
Must have been the wind…
I like how she even looks weirdly cross-eyed like an Oblivion character.
“The job is done boys
Time to hop back on the grid”
Thot: Destroyed ✅
The saddest part is even as a npc she has more of a personality then some of my ex’s
Greybeard: just because you got lydia at your disposal in home.. doesnt mean you have to throw away imperial chicks.. you fool
NPC: “I need your help with a sidequest, I’m sure you’re not doing anything important.”
Player: “But, mom, let me finish this quest first.”
NPC: “Then pay with your blood!”
*battle music intensifies*
What is she sweeping? There is absolutely no dust there is only rocks.
Yes lol that’s what I need
Which mod is this?
No mom, i love it so much🤣 i will eat the soundtrack
I love it, but only because of the song. it would also be cool without your girlfriend🤣
This is so accurate, her pants textures did not load properly 😆
I am amazed at how real that looked
Didn’t glitch in the first 2 sec, unsubbed
Definitely californians that moved to Arizona. The rocks instead of grass and a palm tree in the backyard as my evidence. I rest my case.
Ah yes a solid 10/10, debated reducing a point because a guard didn’t run at you saying “Watch the shouting”
GOD loves y’all and have a Blessed day ✝️⛪🙏🙏🏻🙏🏼🙏🏾🙏🏽🙏🏿👼🏿👼🏾👼🏽👼🏼👼🏻👼😇🥰❤
Good jobe bro!
Don’t lie we’ve all wanted to do this to someone 😂
Epic xD
If only.
He really hates his girlfriend
Yeet Ro Dah!
Those rocks sure were dirty
To the streets shout
What is sweeping gravel? I can see why you blasted her out lol 😂🤣😭
He must be crazy to yeet a fine girl like that
The shout would stun a dragon and then i could clobber him with my berserker orc
The YEET is strong with this one.
Over a decade later, this is still hilarious!
I’d love to do this to my ex wife
Its like the 20th side quest
I like how the song goes “begone thot!” at a perfect time
Jesus this is hilarious
Yea so i hope you know skyrim doesnt show tour hands like that XDDD
Unsubscribing, what a stupid video!!!😞
You obviously don’t have a clue or anything important to do.
Get a real job!!, Or can’t you get hired!!!
She must be like so supportive to put up with this 🤣
The ragdoll effect was hilarious
Just as funny the 3rd time! 😆
< Y E E T E D. >
Fus ro DAH!… Hes the lord… Fucking coool…. Oh my god…
I love this it made me laugj whay to much
Lol eso que we
These are so cringe
Shoulda say YEET
Inaccurate! You still need to unlock the words with dragon souls!
Wait why is she sweeping rocks😂 typical NPC
Why Ponytail has five legs while desperately chasing Cindirella?
Bless you. Lol…she is so breaking up with you when she gets back to planet Earth. 😂
No simp time❗
“I’ve been looking for you. Got something I’m supposed to deliver – your hands only.
Another cheap flight provided by allergys…ah ah foujour
I feel like he should have asked what the sidequest was
Wish I did that 2 my ex
yep now you’re single😐
Good Olde AZ
Oh My Yeet
Who is she?
I need this yeet power rn 😫
I am crying 😂🤣😂
Activate adult mod
Funny as
Haha this is super creative, I love it
The https://youtu.be/5pQvM9ZY41k future
Can someone send me a link of the mod how to thumb up like he did 😂
Anyone ever fus-ro-dah a companion off a mountain top?
I blasted Vilja for talking too much, and wanting to “talk for a moment” every time I was about to assassinate the shit out of an enemy.
She was set to essential so I knew she’d be fine.
“Pow! Bang! Zoom, to the moon, Alice!”
She is swiping pebbles? That’s so accurate
I swear i heard “achoo” hahahahahaha
Нихера себе он чихнул!
The only game worth dying for!
I’m laughing so it hurts. XD And I thought I wasn’t that amused by anything now.
Make my dayyyyyyy
I got a side quest for her 😉
Ah the love life in Skyrim be like
Wouldn’t we all like to do this to our girlfriends and wives at some point lol
creation engine seems to have improved 😁😁
Virtual domestic abuse?
From 8 feet away u can still those eyes cross lmfao
Why is she sweeping rocks tho?
How did you convince her.?
You did the right thing chief😌
I don’t play games, sorry
How I feel about the ex-wife 😅🤣😂
I just want to know why she’s sweeping the gravel
Yeah she def looks like she came out of Skyrim
This is gold.
Nah the hands don’t stick out like that
Bye have a great time lol
If this was possible, all relationships would work out
I used to yeet…but then I took an arrow to the knee.
This is something Philips 3DO.
Yo… thought this was going to be a lame video until the Fus Ro Da…. that made me piss myself
This might be the best thing I’ve ever seen
Gives new meaning to the words on her shirt.
I hope you quicksaved before this!
That was quite the sneeze
The side quest must be to do the dishes lol
Flying to the moon…
When begone thot couldn’t be more accurate
You guys ever hear of grass??
Girlfriend comes running back swinging fists: Never should have come here
Absolutely so funny
Wtf 😂😂😂😂😂😂
One does not simply Yeet without provocation!
And this is why unrelenting Force is my favorite shout!! 😂
It actually blows my mind how people play these games, I can get behind the genre the sense of adventure and the quests 100% but from what I’ve seen and very little played this game and the rest of the series aswell as the Witcher although has done so well in popularity 👏 is to me, cursed. Please don’t hate I get people like different things I still cannot comprehend the fascination with it and I consider myself to be open minded. Again not hating on anyone I’ve seen way to much of these games and the skits kind of say the same thing to me as my experience with the community and the game. As a gamer happy gaming no matter what game you enjoy playing 😉 👌
I didnt see the ending coming
Say what you want, to me it always sounded as MOOSE CATCHER
Ultimate cringe
I think i know which sidequest she needs
Stupid 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆
Lol she sounds like padme
Love it!
The fact she called him Dragonborn is legendary.
Depends on what the side quest is. Sweeping rocks? That’s a no. Taking her to bed? That’s a yes for the quest. Lol.
The behind the scenes video showing the bungee cord is hilarious
Song name please
Never gets old
Amazing editing!
I am pretty sure we all just witness a crime in some regards.
I guess at least he didn’t hit her, with his hand.
Wtf she sweeping the rocks tho? 🤔😅
Blowing shit off tables using your shout never got old lol
Still looks fake cgi
Yeet unlock ahahaha 🤣
Killed his gf fr fr
Skut Chaawww!
10/10 thots slain quest complete
And I don’t blame the guy at all get her out and sent her to a different universe we’re only she exist of life.
Laughed my ass off
Tell her to sweep those damn rocks better
Why does she sound like Padme?
That was so perfect Lmfao. So unpredictable. Gave me a good laugh. Thanks!
She took an arrow to the knee
I love these too much
I don’t yeet you
I don’t care to yeet you.
That was just “fus” for one. Secondly would’ve been better if it actually said what it supposed to
No npc says sidequest while giving a sidequest
Please teach me how to disappear people that would be a great power
Bad manners
U forgot to fade her into a star
She shouldn’t have insulted him. He has plenty of things to do
This is so relatable
I wouldn’t mind doing a “sidequest” with her😉
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, HELL YEAH ❤
Still a fantasy. Reason, you have a girlfriend.
I’m loling so hardcore!!!
*okay so how can I show YouTube that I have a gf without making it too obvious?*
And this is how this pointless video was made 😀
Faaake! Skyrim players don’t have a girlfriend
Looks like team rocket is blasting off…again.
The side quests more interesting than the main story. And killing random people is even more fun
She had it coming
This is how Men need to interact with Women today, not this Simpin crap, naw, time to yeet these garden tools everytime they try and hustle a free meal or drink out of us…we wise to y’alls game. 🤣
The broom not touching the ground is nice.
She’s fine
Holy shit, the music 😂
The girl who sweeps dirt and rocks deserves to be yeeted wtf?
The Dragonborne is legendary for his shouts, but even more so for not being a fuckin SIMP
Is this what backyards are like in AZ?
I’d rather learn the bedth shake shout granting you extra girth, length and stanima lol especially with that busty beautiful town maden
I’m soooooo confused.
People still make these videos…yawn
I don’t get it why getting girlfriend and trying to kill/ get rid of her 🤔
she should do more quests herself loosing 30lbs would finish the quest. ew those fat toes… skim a meal 2 x a day
Hahaha funny decade old joke
Sooo good!
Omg was not prepared 🤣
Your girlfriend is a babe. Is this Skyrim New Vegas?
She sweeps with technique.
This dude has a really crooked fukin thumb?? Must be a lizard.. 😂
Fakeeeeeee. Dragonborn didn’t say “Boooooooooooosh”
He was not a simp
I’m playing skyrim while watching this masterpiece
This is so dumb and yet genuinely made me laugh
Don’t worry guys, she’s an essential NPC and can’t die.
Please, where can learn that shout? I need it ASAP!
Now that was funny
People have nothing better to do
God,so cringe
Da da da Fookin cool oh my goood
The yard is absolutely horrible
Ha ha ha ha
I was not expecting that. Lol
I love it 😂
dragonborn im stuck in the washing machine!!
Team rocket blasts off againnnnnnnnnn………..
Omg is she okay, she flew like 50km
When find thot
Damn nice effects!
Next time say unrelenting Force
I think kids these days don’t know the meaning of ‘yeet.’
This game is 10 years old and there are still many new memes about this game. I love it
And so It was written.. twas the coolest video I’ve seen today day.
Thanks for the laugh 👍
I wanna make a vid with her
Played out, recycled humor
this is so damn funny
Send ittttt🌌😍
😂 😂 😂 epic
Dragonborn: Not doing anything important… I’m only trying to save Skyrim… FUS RO DAH!!!!
Something that powerfull was on the wall outside of their house and he just noticed?
That cracked me up !!!!
Unrealistic. She didn’t drop the broom as soon as she was talking to the dragonborn.
Fok side quest
Matt!!!?? lol that you
Is this possible to learn this power?
When she talks too much and asks for your password 😂
The funniest part is her broom isn’t even close to touching the ground.
I’d help her with that side quest 😏
Why u holding your hands like this ?
It isn’t csgo bro 😉
I’ve noticed that men these days can’t appreciate anything or anyone. They really yeet women out of their life for number of reasons.
And this is the only reason people enjoy the game… The game sucks… And it lets you tell it so repeatedly 🤣
You forgot to learn it in the magic menu via the dragon shouts you had to get earlier. Amateur move not to put that in.
Wait so did he help her?!..
ТНН получаица 😀
This would be funny, if it was less artificial and try hard.
Take my money.
NPC: I’m sure you’re not doing anything important.
Me: hang on, I’m trying to find Breezehome. I just purchased it
Where are parts one and two? LOL
Typical npc. Sweeping where nothing needs sweeping.
Definitely need to learn this
This is on point!!! 10000000%
How rich do your parents have to be to get a girl like this
The fact you used the word yeet ruined this video
The funniest thing ive seen in a minute
I love this!
Oh I def approve this video! 👍
Dragonborn don’t need no woman
Well, time to find another girlfriend…
I hate when my girlfriend asks me to help her sweep gravel
Learn to press the sheath button to put your hands away bro
That was pretty good
Might want to see what the side quest is first.
Engel Energy? Ze Germanz ar evrywer!
Not realistic enough, he’d already have the quest item and the shout, any Skyrim player is smart enough to know you’ve already played 1000000 times
I am sure that’s the only time when she holds a broom.😂
Lmfao if only this was a feature in real life lmao how many generations would do this
The rag doll mechanics had me in tears! 🤣🤣
Not realistic. He didn’t check out her tits and arse before he blasted her into oblivion.
Let’s be honest, that was probably his sister and he didn’t say she would be “girlfriend”.
😆 Excuse me while I go download Skyrim for the 50millionth time 🎮
Someone made this 10 after it was funny
😂😂😂😂 süper ya.
I wish I had a girlfriend like that but than again there’s something we have on common with this video they all leave my life the next day or two 🤣🤣🤣🤣
For some reason i feel like it would’ve been better if she was yeeted into the tree while continuing to fly away, nonetheless this had me cracking up
Great editing bro that do be them tho
He just team rocketed her lol
Muito bom, Skyrim 😆
Stepdragonborn i need your help with a side quest. 😏
Finally something creative and funny.
The amount of cringe is unreal
this is how you permanently delete someone in life the internet controls the entire human race now and everyone is a slave to it.
Is she a marriage option?
Those effects are accurate and awesome. Good job. 🙂
Was she sweeping the air?
What you don’t know is it starts a quest chain that you have to complete before anything else.
💯 he wasn’t doing anything important because he just yeeted the only thing he should have been doing during this time
Based as fuuuuck
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣best ever
Love it, whooooooohaa’ chaaaaaa!
Mustard Jar!
It’s a bot!
Fucking cool!
Oh my god!
To share life with a Woman who just gets it, bout it, goes with it and is actually into it with you and whoever/whatever you are as a Man, that is A ONE OF A KIND WOMAN & worth repenting from all others so ye could receive that reward IN YESHUA AMEN👑
The true hero we need and deserve.
This Vegas
Epic chungis
I m dead..
Hahahaha exelent!!!
Ah yes, brooming rocks.
My Favorite Power Hands Down!!!!
Hell… I wouldn’t yeet her!🥰
This was masterfully edited I love it
Idk y I died at this
Side quest is necessary to a hot night.
You are cheating you need a dragon soul to unlock it
Never would happen. This NPC (girlfriend) looks amazing! She would be requested to be a Follower from all geek fans.
Got her sweeping rocks 🤣
She needed a lift to Tyrone’s apartment. Quest complete.
Why am I laughing so hard?
Forever my favorite shout
Is it possible to learn this power?
….not from a simp.
No it doesnt have that kinda range try again
The dragonborns fus ro dah = naruto’s rasengan
He should have shouted YEET
Just me or does she actually have an npc face?
I’m dying 😂😂 LMAO
When you start sneezing like a dad
Sidequest Completed: Can You Take Me to the Mall?
Someone was banished to the sofa that night lol and all doors were not pickable
Best girlfriend ever?
Another waste of time,
Whyyyyy she’s pretty!
Im in such a good mood now. Why is this?
I swear if an npc said “side quest” they will indeed be yeeted
This would have been useful when my buddys mother in law got stuck in the washing machine. Could have just yeeted her out instead of causing two messy divorces and a whole bunch of drama. Remember fus ro dah, not fawk yer mother-in-law.
The dragonborne has much important things to do than to spend alot of money for a diamond ring.
Thats so accurate tho, everytime an npc says im not doing anything I just fuusruuda them
Respect to your girlfriend for learning how the NPCs talk for your series
Not accurate, he emoted
So we’re just going to ignore that fact that he didn’t even unlock Yeet with a dragon soul…
Scary thing is she built like an Oblivion NPC
Niceeeeeee fus ro dah
That’s what happens when you use a broom to sweep outside gravel
God that looked so good lol
This is like the “take my wife, please” jokes from before the sixties when they were still beating their wives, or Jackie Gleeson threatening to beat his wife “to the moon” on every episode.
OH. OH SO FUNNY. YEAH. Violence against women and hostility toward life partners, yeah so cool.
Bite the bullet, break up with her, and start dating your hand. Your hand doesn’t ask you to do shit, bitch baby.
Incredible work!
Got me cackling
That thumbs up, I’m dead xD
Reminds me of how I once did this to a bandit near a cliff. Fun times
The mods are getting out of hand.
I guess that’s a different way of breaking up
Damn, what a big waste of good [thinking of something safe to say]… um, human being.
domestic violence never was as much fun
Ok, I normally don’t like such cheesy 💩, but this was ok. lol
Wish I could do that to my wife some time lmfao
Oh brings back memories. Long live moments when u first hear dragon encounter music… And don’t realize it’s in the sky looking at YOU!
Where can I acquire this power?
I hate sidequests
Lame AF
NPCs don’t ever actually say the word “sidequest” to describe the crap they want you to do, she was sussy af, beyeeting her was the correct decision
The ragdoll leg is perfect
In videos fus roh da is so much better because it’s “Fus roh DAH!” but in the game it’s “Fus…. RohDah!”
He ain’t no simp.
The Ultimate Chad
How I end all my relationships.
Me from the PNW: What is this place?
I want to know how you managed to get real life to look so fake lol.
Brah lmao😅😂
Wow, not even a quicksave? This dude meant it 😬
Did my nigga here just Team Rocket is own gf
I doubt that would be strong enough to Yeet a wife.
That was awesome 😂
El sueño de todo hombre de sacarse a la toxica de encima…
What is this mythical being called “girlfriend”? Is she a mod companion?
Absolutly genius ! 😂👏
Cant wait for remaster
I “yeet” this shit back to whatever crap hole it climbed out of
Literally the millennial version of “I hate my wife”
that’s probably gonna end in a breakup.
Me to my bf 🤣🤣
Hope she’s ok. Lol. Those thums and give u one hell of fall.
Lmao. Amazingly accurate.
This is legendary meme, can’t just walk away without like it.
I couldn’t like this more
HELL YEAAAAAAH😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣
The HowToBasic thumbs up got me good job
Male opressor detected 🤣
Violence against women is not ok and this kind of approach to a request for responsibility is a pretty weak attempt at humour and shows weak character.
I’d have done the same thing man, not because of the side quest thing but because she was sweeping gravel
A skyrim meme? At this time of the decad, in this part of the country localized entirely on my cellphone screen?
Why’s her eyes all fucked up ones looking one way and the other way
Or you could just help her. Have a bit more motivation for the slow things in life lol
We gonna ignore that the power words look so good its almost like there part of the wall
Sidequest failed
Why she look like chills
I was thinking about a different type of yeet
This is AZ I would like to meet this hero
El macho
Fuck that.. I would help her with the sidequest and then, with her free of quests to complete, take her to the bedroom and lick her mana until she levels up and then add a staff into her inventory until I myself level up.
I love how perfect the timing the music was with the Fus Ro Dah
That’s what made skyrim better than oblivion
Is this content?
“Looks like Team Rocket’s blasting off again!”*… …chinn* 😅🤣
A great sacrifice ! The Gods will bless you’re journey young warrior.
The kicker is u watching u probably would do the same thing in game 😂 Skyrim NPC could do that to u
Lol fus ro dah for what 😂😂🤣🤣
Y así es como la humanidad perdió la poca inteligencia que quedaba en el planeta y los extraterrestres que quisieron contactar se fueron a un planeta que hubiera inteligencia de verdad..
Creo que murieron en el infinito espacio y vacío, porque si aquí no hay imagínate en otro planeta
Yeet someone learned🤣🤣
Still funny after all those years
Que buen video 🤣
Reported for domestic abuse
“I saw you asking my sister to go on a sidequest” (aaarghhh… busted).
This was epic lol
Unrelenting Force ✖️
Yeet Someone ✔️
She sounded just as wooden as an npc
When your girlfriend ask you to help her with chores…
I kind of missed the ding in the sky like team rocket.
My girl just woke me up 30min before my alarm…to tell me my alarm goes off in 30min…
funniest shit ive seen in quite awhile
🤣🤣🤣 bwahahaha
Look, angels really can fly…
2400hrs, 73 games started, 247 mods installed, still haven’t located this shout. Good luck y’all.
Funny shit
This is so cringe
You should probably reload or she’ll nag worse than ever.
Should have checked the wiki for info the quest reward was some head welp gg
This is a skyrim parody but she do be looking like an oblivion npc
0/10 an npc would never say that
She assumed wrong
“Henry! Listen to your heart!” 😂
This was pretty cringe
This is soo good!!! XD
I’d rather the increase stamina spell and take her inside.
Single handedly created new jobs for the khajiit.
Every married man wants this power lol
Doods. Haha dooods. I am stuck at work right now and doods. This video freakin made my day man. I am still laughing. 🤣🤣🤣🍻
Never spent the souls unrealistic
Maybe one of the greatest videos ever produced. Yeeeeet!
she’s not wrong
Actually, the side quest she was about to give him was to help her get launched into the stratosphere, so…
Pls name of song
This is definitely in arizona
“Fus Ro Dah” is an antient language that translates to “Be gone THOT!!”
this is like the definition of Chekhov’s Gun
That escalated quickly!
I do this when I get asked to do this dishes.
Legend ahaha 🤌🏽👏🏽🤣🤣
Her pose is perfect, she has mastered the « Art of the NPC »
omg damn near died laughing
Shes your companion. She will respawning back in your house lmao
That was super lame and unfunny. Get a job.
“how to sleep on the couch”
God bless you
Quest added: Take out the trash… No really.
She knew what she was doing…
I need that shout so badly 😂
Wicked allergies, hell of a sneeze
Can you up 👆 your graphics settings, hands looks pretty low poly
Your Girlfriend is Skyrim material
It’s true, skyrim NPCs are constantly asking me to do sidequests while using the word sidequest
Does she have onlyfans?
This is the dumbest shit
Towns person: How would you describe the unrelenting force shout Dragonborn?
Me: Fus ro dah equals yeet.
Towns person: What do you me-
Me: Fus, RO DAH!!
Imagine doing that to any side quest NPCs that come your way.
Must’ve been the wind.
😂😂🤣🤣🤣 I cant
Woooooooo. Where can we learn such magic?
Turns around:
“Another settlement needs our help.”
When he said “Ros Foh Dah” I felt that
I would do all side quest for you lady 😀 after i type resurrect in the command line 😆
Girl: I need your help
Him: *And I took that personally*
Girlfriend NPC is marked ‘essential’. Yeet her all you want, she’ll be back. (with like all the the Whiterun guards…and Nazeem)
Um…he forgot to save the game first.
Editing budget seems to have increased
No ones mentioning how good her acting is here
Dragonborn dont simp
ok this was pretty fucking hilarious lol
So it’s raining Girlfriends now. Would be nice, could need one…
When the NPC says the word “sidequest” …
Bro why does your thumb bend like that
I touch my Xbox more than I touch my girlfriend. And I see that as an absolute win
Juste génial 💡 😂
“Strongest choices require the strongest of wills.”
I wisj
Got to give it to her, she got the Skyrim npc posture down to a tee
The power of money
Yeah they say that they’re giving you a quest idiot
Why do you put your hands out like if your playing ark 🤦♂️🤦♂️
Omg i fucking lost it when she went flying
Plot twist: she needed to get unstuck from the washing machine
This was hilarious 🤣
Or knowed as the BeGoneThot shout.
I really don’t get the “I hate my gf” punch line…
Someone could litterally stop you while you’re fighting a dragon. Death animation and all, and they’re still asking you to get them some eggs from the top of the mountain.
The legendary side quest of taking out the trash.
You really blew her mind lol
I call this shout: Ho-nnihilator
I hope she is alive
*A man can dream…*
Definitely has angle energy now!
I see you have learned the begone thot shout.
Ancient stories tell of Nords who’s Thu’um was powerful enough to tame and yeet females.
What a Sigma male 👏🏼👏🏼
Don’t worry she was a milk drinker
A king in every sense of the word
#sigma rule 420
Yeet your girlfriend out of existence
“I’m sUre YOur’E nOT dOinG AnYthINg ImPOrtAnT.”
she says as she’s casually sweeping dirt off of the dirt…
Him: Yeeted his girlfriend
Music background:
2/10 the broom didn’t disappear the moment she started talking. -ign
Where can I obtain this power?
Fun gf
This shout is necessary when you’re married. Otherwise your wife makes your quest list too long.
She went to meet Nazeem.
Love is temporary , Skyrim is forever “apparently”
Fus ro yeet
What no town guard chasing you across the entire map? I’m calling shenanigans.
GF: I need help with a sidequest: Will you marry me?
Smart guy: I’d rather die then go through marriage!
“Why are u gae?”
There is one slight error: Skyrim players have no time for a partner
oh wow.. you role played Skyim so well my phone actually crashed and gliched out, it just doesn’t work now
She’s sweeping rocks..
So accurate.
I’m sure you’re not doing anything Important is particularly condescending. LOL
You have the best GF ever that she will personally help you in these Videos
tbh the thumbs up ruined it
True Sigma.
Just causally sweeping the pebbles
Fus Ro Dah Enjoyers vs Yeet Fans
What is the description of this shout even? “Yeet someone learned’? What does that even mean?
is your girlfriend single
Talking about low maintenance garden 😅
Is her leg ok?
Wow this meme isn’t over done at all
You forgot to quicksave YOU FORGOT TO QUICKSAVE
Was she killed?
Plot twist: she was pregnant
He really just said “BEGONE THOT”
If it were skyrim you’d put a bucket on her head while you steal her broom.
The power to yeet is the power to live
Yeah shoot the cringe tick-tock girl in the air
What is this shit?
Funny with a decent bit of boomer humor… 🤣🤣
Women, am I right fellas
Mustard jar! (He’s the lord fucking cool, oh my god)
Girlfriends are temporary, Thu’um is kalpic
good boy
Spoiler warning, she remembers everything when she respawns.
Dragonborn is here supreme
Nice house: learned
She ain’t gone like this one
Fucking cool, oh my God
Bro you didn’t even use a dragon soul to buy it stop cheating
Pure gold, thanks!
Not to be rude but man, let’s be honest. You see that NPC, you’re gonna install loverslab mods, not use Fus Ro Dah XD
Bloody hilarious though,pissed me self laughing in the middle of the night, pissed the neighbours off enjoying it
Damn she could be my housecarl anytime.
69th comment
Definitely not vanilla, you have used CBBE body aren’t you?
Savage 100.
I laughed so hard and sent this to a bunch a people 🤣🤣
Whos the thot sweeping stones
I’d help her with any side quest
Yuranda the thicc’s armor discovered.
Her: You know, I used to be an adventurer like you, but I got Yeeted
A want a thumb up mod 👍
Oh you bastard if there’s a pretty woman I wouldn’t fus-ruh-da her across Oblivion Morrowind Solstheim Cyroadil Tamriel and back 🤦🏻
That sound is my fav vid game sound
Great, now I have to finish it.
Omg im in love with your videos 😂😂
I grinded this game so much
Did you have to give her the Team Rocket?😂
Woman moment
Dragonborn Sigma Grindset rule 10: Yeet bitches
Plot twist : its Skyrim remastered version .
Except Skyrim actually let you ask for work, fallout 4 would force radiant/side quests on you just for talking with someone 🤷♂️
Evidently he’s playing in VR
The girlfriend is gonna have enough one day XD
Npc sweeping dirt and rocks. So Immersive
Eh the whole dog on the girlfriend thing is funny when youre sneaking away to play games to escape nagging but straight up hostility isnt that funny. Youve done better
Ayo what’s the song?
I just love the blank expression
When a father sneezes
goddamn how can i get a hot gamergirl like this they all fat and ugly never like this 😤
The yeet is more powerful than the Fus Roh Dah. ()._.)
Why need woman do house chores when you can do it yourself?
Wow I didn’t expect this to happen..
Where is the fucking quick save and the reload.
Fus Ro Yeeeeet
So tired of the people who do these Skyrim imitations showing their hand like that. No, that’s not how it is in the games. Just film normally and use the compass and crosshair it’s really simple.
Beautiful 😂
Cringe video
Great, now I need a Skyrim mod that lets me give a thumbs up every time I shout
Fact: he yeeted her to her side quest
Mans underrated as hell
Hell ye
The wall carving translates to unrelenting force
Amazing stuff 😀
realistically, she would just be yeeted to the corner and be ragdolling over there by the tree, before getting up and continuing with her same line of dialogue as if nothing happened
Fus do rah !!!
It is him… the DRAGONBORN
I can’t believe you killed your girlfriend just for this video.
Edit: You dumbasses commenting on Jinnkid killing his girlfriend do realize this isn’t the same guy, right?
Unbelievably genius
This is what I wanted from Zelda
Bruh, the guy didn’t even use the dragon soul
This needs more views
Yeetus Maximus
Please never stop making these videos 😂😂😭
The power to yeet is a power beyond our understanding. Only those with such potential can truly understand it.
😂😂 this guy