7 Amazing NEW Skyrim Mods!
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Hey guys! This is my last mod showcase for mods released on April! I will be working on the next one for May as soon as I finish exams 🙂 Thank you again for 5000+ Subscribers! Enjoy! (Video got delayed a bit)
#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Intro
00:12 Mod 1
00:38 Mod 2
03:11 Mod 3
05:05 Mod 4
05:48 Mod 5
06:22 Mod 6
07:14 Mod 7
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🔻Mod Showcased
1. Guardian Shield – God of War by SilesianLion
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90163
2. Kratos Guardian Shield Animated by 6Four9
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90228
3. Vocaris – Conjuration Sounds Overhaul by pentapox
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90180
4. New Weynon by Schlitzohr
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90041
5. Winged Hussar Armor and Weapons by Kreiste
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89496
6. Detailed Carriages 2.0 by GervantMods
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89604
7. Spaghetti’s Solstheim – Raven Rock by RubberSpaghetti
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90303
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors! 🙂
Members’ Thank You Area
1. Monkeyking
2. Claire
3. Gilda
4. Cosmix6
5. Miloš Milinkov
🔻 Additional Tags:
skyrim, skyrim 4k, skyrim le, 4k, skyrim graphics 2022, skyrim enb, skyrim se, skyrim 2020, best skyrim mods 2020, skyrim se 2020, skyrim mods 2020, skyrim graphics mods, skyrim se 2020 mods, skyrim mods, nextgen skyrim, skyrim 2019, skyrim enb 2019, best skyrim enb, best skyrim mods, hd texture pack, best skyrim graphics, skyrim se best graphics, skyrim modlist, new skyrim mods, best graphics mods for skyrim, skyrim crash fix, skyrim se mod list, textures, skyrim ultra modded, skyrim modding guide,skyrim se ultra modded 2021, Starfield, Bethesda games, Relaxing music, Skyrim Anniversary Edition, Skyrim AE Ultra modded, Ultra modded Skyrim SE,
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Taqs:Skyrim Mods,Skyrim 2022,skyrim gameplay,skyrim graphics mod,skyrim ultra graphics,skyrim anniversary edition,best skyrim mods 2022,best skyrim mods,skyrim mods weekly,skyrim mods xbox,grass mods skyrim,enb skyrim,graphics for skyrim,Rudy ENB skyrim,next gen graphics skyrim,skyrim,ENB Collision,ENB Comparison,Truly Next Gen Skyrim,skyrim special edition mods,Nolvus 4.4,Nolvus Skyrim,Magic mod skyrim,magic mod,skyrim animation,animation mods skyrim
コメント (39)
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://clcr.me/CaptPanda and get a special starter pack with an Epic champion ⚡Tallia⚡
Click here📱
https://egghunt.plarium.com to participate in the AR EggHunt Event. Get your chance to grab Legendary RAID Champion or Amazon Gift Cards with a total value of $20K for FREЕ💰🎁
what ENB do you use?
What armor mod did you use in Mod 1?
6:23 truely polish moment 🇵🇱
Is there anyway to get rid of object flickering at 7:21 , i have the same problem .. Tnx in advance
do the
what armor you use on the shield scene ?
looks good and fit for that shield
Congratulations on your sponsor! Well deserved for a hardworking person 🥰 It’s evident you’re very passionate about your videos! keep it up
hi! can i ask what ENB are u using?
It’s the first time I see a sponsor in one of your videos. Congrats!
Spaghetti’s mods are fantastic. I love the new take on the carriages as well. Great video!
The Conjuration sound mod is cool and all but I’m more interested in the 1st person magic animations you got there, I don’t think I’ve seen them before, what mod are they from?
Amazing video as usuals bro and congrats for the sponsor, you deserve it and more, keep on like that!!
Wow… I just realized I’m not subscribed after enjoying the videos you’ve uploaded… Let’s fix that (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
muito top seu canal queria saber qual é essa armadura q esta usando
At first i thought that was the Archer Guard armor from BDO its the Atanis Male version -_-
The detailed carriages mod is great. It’s always a treat to see the carriages now in my current playthrough, especially when combined with the mod that animated the drivers so they shift around in their seats. I’m going to give the Raven Rock one a try right now. I liked what I saw. Thanks for the suggestion.
Me, an avid ESO player who saw the Winged Hussar armour?
“Shit, is that Welkynar armour?”
4:40 How to make skyrim looks like yours (gloomy and dark)
Dude I love the look of that New Weynon town mod! Also cool to see you got a Raid sponsorship!
Oh nice ! You got a sponsor ! Hopefully you can get more ! Way to go!
throwable leviathan which can come back to player like in god of war would be amazing🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
I swore that if I see RAID in a youtuber’s ad and I’m subscribed, I’ll immediately disappear from there, so bye.
What is that armor at begining?
raid shadow legends is not an rpg.
Whats the spear in the thumbnail from?
I have nothing but the highest praise for your videos and your channel. You really care about what you’re doing as evident by the loud noise warning for the conjuration spells sounds. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that. It’s reasons like this why you have a sponsor now. I’m happy for you. I also think it’s a testament to this community that an up-and-coming mod showcase channel can get sponsors like this 11 years after the fact.
Anyone know the mod that gives you those cool looking symbols whenever you cast magic?
That’s strange runes right? What settings do you use the have it only while casting? Mine stay static idk why
Great job like always my friend!
Aye the captain got a sponsor! Congrats!😊 This time was hard to decide what my fav. is but i gotta go with the carriage mod to even further enhance the roads of skyrim. But holy moly that shield is also awesome.
Ps. Thats the third in a row😉
Fantastic showcase as always Panda! Also, huge congrats on the sponsor! Your channel Is going places haha 🙂
As always awesome.
Greetings panda! Congrats on getting a sponsor! Its the First time right?
Sabes algo? estoy en clases pero necesito ver esto amigo gracias y exitos