A Skyrim Mod gave NPCs Artificial Intelligence with ChatGPT
Check out the videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_Zn89_g7ok | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz6mAX41fs0
AI & RPGs: How Artificial Intelligence Will Reshape the Roleplaying Industry
Like many of you, I’ve been watching the development of #ai and have been flooded with ideas of how this will affect the industry as we move from an “ideas are cheap” world to an “ideas are everything” world. However, one area that has not been discussed much is how AI will reshape interactive storytelling, potentially leading to an entirely new platform/industry between tabletop role-playing games (#ttrpg) and video games.
As a gaming enthusiast, my favorite genre is RPGs, particularly those where your decisions significantly impact the story. Games like Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect 2 have kept me engaged for hours on end, and it is why I consider ttrpgs as the ultimate #rpg.
AI Dungeon and NovelAI are already utilizing #chatgpt for interactive storytelling and offer a glimpse of what’s possible. However, there are two major obstacles: firstly, reading a lot of text may not be suitable for everyone, and it may not immerse the player in their character. Secondly, AI still struggles to create large-scale stories that can be affected by player decisions. While I am skeptical that AI can ever fully replicate the feeling of being around a table with friends led by a human dungeon master, I believe that a new genre of Virtual Role-Playing Games (#vrpgs) will emerge.
Let’s first explore some emerging AI tools and how they can help create something more appealing to the masses.
No More Text
Although GPT3 interacts with text, GPT4 or GPT5 may be able to understand Audio inputs. Even if it doesn’t, there are proficient AI tools available today that allow us to engage using voice and audio input, expanding the possibilities of interactive communication.
AI tools like Assemblyai can convert the player’s (or players’) voice into text, enabling a party to speak instead of type and fully immerse themselves in their characters
The AI-DM can use text-to-voice AI tools like Murf to create unique voices for every NPC
Creating Emotional Impact
#dalle or #midjourney can be used to visualize anything you ask: from talking NPCs to maps & battle layouts, visual aids will help engross you in the world
Generate music for tavern scenes or epic boss battles using Beatoven or
As AI advances text-to-video (such as Meta’s Make a Video) will create cinematic cut scenes that transport players into the most important moments of the story, using their own characters & voices generated with Elevenlabs
Storytelling & A New Marketplace
That’s a glimpse at the possibilities of what AI can bring, but it’s pointless if it can’t tell a great story. While I believe that AI will eventually achieve this, I think that the best approach is to train AI in specific rule sets and how to run pre-written campaigns rather than giving it complete freedom in the storytelling.
I wouldn’t be surprised if publishers like Wizards of the Coast or Paizo Inc. are already working on developing this. However, I believe that the future lies in a marketplace like DriveThruRPG.com, where adventures are written in an optimized format for AI. Human DMs can help train the AI by breaking down a large narrative into bite-sized pieces (getting from point A to B), making it easier for the AI to remember and process.
Whoever creates this will open up the world of interactive storytelling and make it more accessible. I don’t believe that this will ever replace tabletop RPGs, as there is nothing like the feeling of rolling dice around a table with friends and laughing at unexpected outcomes. Nevertheless, there is a market for AI-run Virtual RPGs, and I believe that it will become a popular genre.
Bonus: For Game Masters
The AI platform mentioned above can be a valuable tool for DMs to test their adventures and generate NPCs. By using NPC clones of their players, DMs can ensure that the difficulty level of a one-shot or encounter is appropriate for their party.
Furthermore, there are various #aitools available today that can enhance a player’s experience. For example, you can use these tools to create unique and immersive NPC voices to narrate monologues and bring the game world to life for players. If you are a DM who already incorporates AI tools into your games or is interested in doing so, please let me know. Let’s explore how these tools can take players’ experiences to the next level!
#Aigaming #predictions #ttrpgs #rpgs #artificialintelligence #videogames #gaming #aicreativity #futureofgaming #immersivestorytelling #interactivestorytelling #storytelling
コメント (29)
For links to Art from the Machine’s, check the description. If you liked this video, please check out the kickstarter for my graphic novel, THE LUCENT https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/michaelbancroft/the-lucent-waking-dream-graphic-novel?ref=project_link
I remember all the way back in 2012 saying to a friend that it would be interesting to have chat bot a.i handle NPC dialogue and interaction. I said it would be dope if they would fully adapt based on past actions of the players and the world events at hand. Hope this goes further. Imagine almost self aware NPCs like star trek hollow novels
All fun and jokes, but I don’t know if any of the voice actors who were part of this game over ten years ago want their voices used to say things without their consent.
Eventually Greg the garlic farmer is going to become self aware.
There’s no such thing as AI at the moment. What people are talking about is more accurately described as Machine Learning. What all these ‘AI’ programs do is search various sources, usually through the internet to find things that matches the word in it’s database and then compiles it based on criteria set up by the controlling program.
In terms of Art, for example, these programs know what a face looks like, so it grabs all the elements and then mashes all these thousands, sometimes millions of elements together and presents a bunch of them to the user.
what is it with people and their fear of AI, we are gonna die anyways! Might as well enjoy AI for what it is and how it can make life easier
I can see this for Hentai Games….😂😜
Do you have a Dollar, i toke a Arrow to the Knee and are disabled now…..
Interesting and fucking creepy at the same time
while I would like this, to a degree, I would miss the repetitive chats like they had in Oblivion and their obsession with Mudcrabs
though it also means a waifu is 1 step closer….. but its a chat AI so….. would likely make some very odd personality quarks lol
I started this not knowing it was Bancroft. 😂 Was surprised to hear his Voice
Good vid Mike.
I can’t wait to see a NPC cancel itself for being offensive!🤣
Cool video
One step closer to realizing the dream of a Holodeck
I think using more sophisticated AI which can adapt to the prompts and digital environment can make for a more interesting gaming experience.
Especially in a game like Skyrim where the side characters are so bland even during scripted dialogue that they might as well be an AI from a writing standpoint
I think we’ve already opened Pandora’s box.
I’m not to sure about A I something like a possible Skynet in the future really freaks me out 😳 I honestly prefer that a NPC actually be NP 😉
There are already bot farmers in other games that pretend to be players and are convincingly passing casual conversations with players who are also farming/grinding in games.
This won’t just be for rpgs, but for mmos. Players opting to play with AI in raids instead of other players. The true step forward will be found when AI players unintentionally create their own guilds entirely made up of AI players.
Don’t get TOO excited guys. Remember these AI rely on MASSIVE external servers to run these A.I. and trying to run even a basic one internally requires some of the beefiest PCs out there.
So this is a cool proof of concept but we’re still probably a good decade or two off from seeing this outside of MMO’s which are already on massive external servers.
Wait until the npc asks u if it has a soul.
It’s all fun and games until one of the npcs realizes it’s in a game.
That would be pretty sweet but will gsmers become lonely and starved ?
I’m absolutely thrilled. Definitely the future of gaming. I’ve been wanting this since I was a child!
Actually the best application for an AI.
Actually might be used to create a genuine difficulty spike as it can alter game play based on your preferred fighting style.
Like using heavier armour and zerging your character if you choose the stealth archer or actually looking for you if you don’t hide a body.
It’s like lasertracing, but for dialogue…
Yes hello I am here for my RPG girlfriend to slay dragons and lvl up my bedroom rope binding skills with!
Finally. The future of gaming we have been waiting for. We aren’t in the simulation theory, we are crafting it.
That would be really cool cause After playing r p g for a hundred hours i’m talking to an n p c and they’re talking about shit that happened in the first hour It gets silly