Skyrim’s MOST EVIL Spell


Does Skyrim have a most evil spell? How about necromancy / reanimation spells? Some would argue the soul trap spell from the conjuration skill and the use of it with soul gems for enchanting in worse. Perhaps illusion magic is evil enough in the elder scrolls universe?

Taqs:skyrim,elder scrolls,necromancy,skyrim necromancer,is necromancy evil,elder scrolls theory,skyrim necromancy,fudgemuppet,soul trap,skyrim enchanting,skyrim illusion


  • コメント (321)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • FudgeMuppet
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Is Necromancy truly evil?

    • Mythical Twinkie
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Imagine being a Nord, where your ultimate goal is to reach Sovngarde by achieving an honorable death in combat, but that funny wizard you’re fighting soul traps you and uses your soul to enchant a fork and send you to the soul cairn for the rest of eternity.

    • Nomy Mina
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    At the very least we can trap nazzime into a black soul gem and drop them in the toilet

    • Elanora Powell
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I’ve got no issue soul trapping dumb asses who tried to murder me🤷🏼‍♀️

    • ahh thats just grand
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Skyrim’s most evil spell is the Entire Magic System itself.
    Its a spell cast by Godd Coward to encourage people to buy a broken and lazy game

    • Darklord krator
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Bandits and forsworn are evil so I just use there souls for enchanting moral dilemma solved

    • Redneck Bwaoi
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    the only memory of me playing a necromancer was when I tried to revive a dragon and it threw the skeleton down the mountain

    • Nia Kitten
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    That’s why I only use Necromancy on known bandits.

    • SHDU Studios
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    It may be evil but those are some stylish Trousers of Fire Resistance.

    • Richard
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Anything that consists of making someone do something against their will is in itself evil. No less if it’s making them do your bidding against their will

    • Magical Minty
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    If a soul is used to enchant an item, and then someone who doesn’t know that enchant get that item, and disenchants it to learn the enchant… what happens to that soul?

    • Timju23
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The game takes place in a world where some random dude on the road will kill your ass with no remorse for a few septim. It’s hard to gauge good and evil when the entire world is inherently evil to some degree. Just a dark game.

    • Bidoof
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Whenever someone unforgivably wronged me in Skyrim, I would trap their soul in a black soul gem, take all their clothes, disintegrate their body, then put their clothes on a mannequin and throw the gem at its feet as a trophy and eternal prison.

    • Inquisitor Doi
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul trap and reanimate?

    • WinterXBeholder
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Oh, trapping human souls in black soul gems is by far the most evil magic in the game. Not only am I going to end your life, but also burn your immortal soul as fuel for my magic items.

    • Dapp _ Attack
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Not true. Even if the corpse is missing its soul (i.e. soul gems), you can reanimate it. The body is already soulless when it dies since you cant collect the soul of a corpse. Soul trap is definitely the most evil spell, forcing a person to be trapped in the soul cairn forever…

    • Ashleigh Rose
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    He was talking about reanimation and I was thinking “Damn, Serana, you’re COLD” and then he mentioned soul trapping …😳… oops…… 😂😂😂😂 hahahahaha

    • Silas
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul trap with a black soul gem. Nothing else even comes close. Reanimation will end eventually, and messing with people’s heads are also temporary. But condemning someone to the Soul Cairne for eternity?

    • Skyler
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Well they shouldn’t have been Bandits, then they would have been fine.

    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Well to be fair i only used the soul’s of bandits, killers, monsters, and rapist. So i don’t feel as bad when i soul trap them. Also i use them to make enchanted armor and weapons so in a way they lived by the sword died by the sword….. and then became my sword.

    • ThanatosOnPluto
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    It may be evil but the demand for enchanted items will never go down.

    • Reaper
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I’m just still pissed that that you can’t combine soul gem fragments into a full soul gem. WTF is the point of them then????? They ain’t worth a shit selling them, and you cant make a soul gem out of them. Literally the most worthless item in Skyrim 😅😅

    • Leeloo
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    you know whats even more evil? soul trapping someone and then reanimating them. literally splitting their soul between the body and the soul carin

    • biggestboy
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    And thats why i soul trapped nazzeem

    • KillerPi
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    None of those spells are evil 🙄 the most evil spell is probably mage light. Very terrible

    • Killer KIA
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    how about the literal summoning of daedra

    • plasm2
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    paralysis poison that lasts forever.

    Twisted high elf build, in my head cannon I would make paralysis potions that would last in game years, paralyze someone then whisper the cure in their ear. Knowing they’ll never be able to tell/get the cure and either slowly die or be paralyzed for life.

    • Gargoyle sex
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I do feel like Conjuration is pretty much the most evil Magic School in TES
    Which is the opposite to Restoration

    That’s why one of my favorite Modded Skyrim characters was a Heavy Armored High Elf Battle Mage that used only Conjuration and Restoration Magic.

    • ralph copas
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    all nonhealing magic

    • Ghostlyswat 12
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    At least with necromancy the body can be killed and the soul will go away after but if you trap them in a soul gen they are stuck forever which is even worse

    At least with the necromancer they’ll probably be using you to fight and this you’ll die again and you’ll be free

    And as far as I know reanimating skeletons isn’t bad because the souls long gone?

    • Sam The Dynamite
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Ahhh Soul Trap…
    I still have Galmar Stone-Fist hung up on my wall. I used his own soul to enchant his battleaxe

    • Error
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Lighting storm is pure evil

    • Justin Isenberg
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    So basically, enchanting is also an evil school of magic.

    • Grimm Blackheart
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Heading hands
    Excuse me I wanted to die in battle

    • MrDrEdward
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I soul trapped the Emperor and used him to enchant his own robes.

    • Samuel Speights
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Isnt soul trapping a person taking their soul and destroying it instead of letting them pass to the afterlife?

    • Uncle Robber
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Clairvoyance is the most evil spell in the entire Elder Scrolls series. If you know, you know. If you don’t, you don’t want to.

    • Diego Cotti
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Unbound storm. Just imagine your eating your sweet roll and out of no where a bolt of electricity hits your friend turning him into ash not even capable of resurrection then before you know it that same bolt is coming after you and before you can even speak the words “fuck” your die

    • Josh Sandquist
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    They’ve got a valid reasoning there.
    Messing with the soul on its journey of life is the most vile someone can do. Its like taking someone off the steets and placing them in a slave camp without their knowledge or awareness. Untill they have nothing left to give.
    Atleast with magic your using your own spirit.
    Its why alot of magic is low in active use in the human realm.

    • CrunchyBrownie5
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Capturing the soul most evil of people in Skyrim within a soul gem is lawfully neutral

    • JcTiger68
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    setting people on fire and then sucking their soul to power your flame sword is the definition of hell ol

    • help everyone
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I never tried this but can you capture someone sold using a soul gem and turn around and use a reanimation spell on them I can’t do it cuz I don’t have Skyrim anymore cuz I can’t play video games anymore somebody try and let me know if it works

    • Christopher Tucker
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    depends on whether the ego is taken or removed as well. their is a belief that their are multiple parts to what can be considered a souls in ancient times, modern times, and other mythos and games. if the ego is maintained and you steal leftover essence that just slows them down, the what about skeletons? could it be so easy to just revive a long dead person? maybe you just make it a construct using mana that emulates the bodies responses

    • Enebor._
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Another evil spell for me Is soul trap…cause when the soul Stone is used the soul doesnt go to Sovngard..but in the deeper part of the a limbo

    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I could think of a lot of evil things you could do with “paralysis” and that’s messing with people while they’re still alive!

    • Boethia
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I only soul trap evil humans, and I’m not a necromancer. Fuck them bandits.

    • Ryan Phillips
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Or just a thought black soul gems means more for less killing. Therefore not impacting the local wildlife and risking my life being best to death via troll fist. Now where did those bandits go?

    • Patrick K
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    This is why you soul trap the dudes wife and then enchant leather gloves and sell it to him

    • sten pod
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    summon flame atronach

    • Jason Gongora
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    In my game I probably have like a thousand foxes and wolfs souls in the soul Cairin

    • James Hardjosudewo
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Sending someone to soul cairn is evil indeed

    • Bond James Bond
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Hear me out.

    Illusion: Calm.

    You can straight up force compliance. Someone disagrees with you? Calm! Someone wants to fight back when you do something wrong? Calm! A mother wants to defend her child from you after you punch her for asking to play tag again? Calm!

    Read between the lines on that one its kind of messed up

    • Christian Leo Castelo
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I thought it was sould trapping, using souls as batteries for anything

    • Rhys May
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I’ve done worse in other games, like when i was playing this older game forget, what its called there was a choice to kill a old sorcerer that found immortality and could only be killed, what i did was put him in a state of near death but didnt kill him so he was in constant pain, and couldnt die with time i had a save right as you make the choice just to replay it. I was 9 when I did this hah good memeries😇

    • Ryguy
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Setting someone on fire definitely isn’t evil 😅

    • Skankypants
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am


    • istoleasweetroll
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    i love youtube shorts. Im so glad they added this. Its like we have a whole other new platform to watch even more new content. Thank you for continuing to make ES content even in short form:)

    • MobiusN7
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    It really depends on if the soul can still go on to their afterlife. Anybody know if a soultrapped ulfric still makes it to sovengarde?

    • Trapinator
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Fire. Imagine burning someone alive at your whim. Cruel.

    • Connor Wiseman
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul trap, just because I put the soul gem in my pocket and they spend eternity rubbing against my balls 😂

    • Magnus
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    stop spellshaming me

    • Unreal Reality
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Capturing the souls of sentient beings in black soul gems is definitely the most heinous thing in TES universe, in my opinion. Even if you’re revived by a necromancer, you may still eventually go on to the afterlife. But if your soul is trapped in a black soul gem, you’re condemned to eternity in the Soul Cairn, which makes the portrayed emptiness of limbo in pop-culture seem downright inviting. I reserve it as punishment for particularly evil people.

    • Isaac
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Reanimation? Not really worse than mind control, at least if the resulting minion is conscious. Bad, but finite. Soul binding? Depending on where they were going and how long dead souls last there, that’s literal eternal damnation or rescue.

    • N1K0X
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Illusion is very evil too in my opinion, we’re talking about a spell that can control yuor mind, you will kill your friend or betray someone important with this magic, and then, after you kill a friend or other, you will be killed or just wake up, and see what have you done. Very very bad yeah

    • Gabriel Arkangelo
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    This only says to me that the gods are jerks for allowing this stuff. You can mess with someone’s eternal afterlife with a spell.. their choice means nothing.

    • Ayy Lien
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul trap is the most evil.

    • NeonSprawl
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul Trap is arguably one of the most heinous spells you can cast on a person.

    That said, I will always cast Ancano into a Black Soul Gem, and then yeet him into the deepest or most northern part of the Sea of Ghosts I can find.

    • Kevin Palacios
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I don’t believe Reanimation is the most evil, it’d cause temporary suffering to that soul. Soul trapping is pretty evil but i want to put it on par with the Frenzy spell that can be use to make people kill their alloes or loved ones, something they’ll have to live with for the rest of their existence.😅

    • Dima Keller
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Yeah soul trapping is much worse. Suffering until you get killed for the second time sucks of course, but eternity in the realm of Ideal masters is just on another level of f-ed up… Unless we talk about Nazeem 😂

    • themonsterundermystairs
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    the most evil? definitely soultrap. i never do enchanting, simply for that reason

    • tutorial: brush him
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Playing with someone’s emotions is really evil.
    Temporarily or indefinitely preventing someone from passing on is incredibly evil.
    Dooming them to the Soul Cairn and the misery of never being able to reach the proper afterlife – that’s literally the most evil thing you can do.

    And I do it all the time.

    • Skyrim Nerd
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    “A new hand touches the beacon…..”

    • Skyrim Nerd
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Honestly we all hate the Meridas beacon quests boss. You literally can’t beat him without using a follower or being at a very high level

    • Skyrim Nerd
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Probably the soul tear shout. It breaks the soul down and causes the individual to not go to the soul cairn but into nothing. Not existing yet still can be used just for a little advantage in a battle. I also think the reanimation spell is also bad due to it’s ability to take another’s and use it against the souls control. But what I want to know is if you soul trap a person who is going to be sent to the soul cairn after you kill then, can u still reincarnate the dead body? Would that bring the soul back to the body from the soul cairn or no?

    • Otaku Freak
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Look i needed the best soul gem for my enchantment. U know how cold it is wandering skyrim? Have you ever worn enchanted underwear that resist cold. No more shriveled sausage&nuts is all im sayin.

    • Zemvic
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Im not sorry for ripping out bandit 87 with no names soul

    • Adam Wiebusch
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    What about conjuration spells? You’re zapping some Daedra away from their home and forcing them to fight for you. There’s a book in ESO called “I was Summoned by a Mortal” that clarifies that being summoned and bound is indeed an extremely painful, degrading and overall terrifying experience for the Dremora in particular.

    • CancerTheKid
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Fiery soak trap. Think about it guys, your a bandit and you see a traveler walking into your camp so you decide to engage them in combat. You swing your sword and deliver what you think is a decelerating blow but they are unfazed, with one single swing of there enchanted burning blade they knock you down and as you bleed out your is being burned to a unrecognizable husk of what it formally was. Just when you realize what had just occurred in that instance that random tracker delivers his final blow. As there sword comes careening down upon your hopeless remains all you can think of is the sweet kiss of death that is about to be delivered. But just as you think you are about to transfer from one plane of existence to another that sensation of excruciating pain never leaves as the flame that once took your body has stripped the very essence of your living self. Now you are forced to exist in eternal suffrage as the pain of that final flame resides with your soul in the pocket if your tormentor waiting to be used in a shiny ring or maybe to refuel the very blade that trapped you in such a state. I don’t know that just my personal opinion.

    • Voltaic Fire
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Yeah, soul gems are pure evil.

    • SilverJ17
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I justify my soul trapping by soul trapping necomancers and terrible people like Sild the Warlock. My character’s a fan of Merida and thus feels all Necromancers deserve the one way trip to the Soul Cairn for interfering with the life-death cycle.

    • Joshua Hardee
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I beg your pardon! Those pants give me a LOT of fire damage protection!

    • Gun Head
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Transmutation is by far the most evil, completely watering down the economy with gold enchanted rings and causing families to starve due to inflation.

    • Liquiir-Sama of Universe Eight.
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    If i recall correctly Necromancy spells dont keep the Victim souls in their bodies

    Instead its putting the spirit of a weak Daedra inside the corpse

    Basically Necromancy is stuffing weak daedras in a meat suit

    • A D
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Is there any argument for trapping the souls or raising the dead being nuetral or even good the only thing i can think is if the dwemer bindwd theiir collective souls to the numidium or whatever it was called and thay some how sustains nirn

    • Spook
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I’d say from most to least evil: soul trapping, illusion, then Necromancy/conjuration. Soul trapping is horrible regardless of who you use it on. Illusion is also pretty bad, but is (normally) temporary and sometimes even beneficial. Necromancy is likewise messed up, but can be a good punishment for especially bad people. It’s also (normally) temporary, which is good. Conjuration is normally fine(ish), but as it stands in-game, it is rather cruel to send daedra to death, just so you don’t have to fight. Yeah they’re immortal but I’m pretty sure they still feel pain and stuff. Plus they might’ve been doing something completely different lol.

    • Godrim
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Necromancy is a tool, as all magic is. All magic have the capacity for sinister purposes. Destruction can be used in aid of torture and, well, destruction. Restoration used to steal health and stats along with that fact that it to can be used in torture. Conjuration carries the connotation with necromancy and soul trapping (although in previous interactions of the elder scrolls it used to be a mysticism spell and not conjugation), along with summoning literal demons. Illusion consists of mind control and influencing a persons emotions.

    • Zetrosky
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul trapping may be evil but lets be real, some people just deserve to be in the soul cairn

    • hakeem pickering
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Yeah the next bandit that tries to braid my village he’s becoming my next zombified slave bottom line we strip you down to your slave garments and have you work for your soul

    • Mike Bar
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    If they are worshipping the Daedra then it’s okay in my opinion to trap their soul… They are basically forfeiting it anyway..

    • Dyvak
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Quicksaving is the most evil spell…

    • Nightwolf27
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    What happens if you soul trap, kill, then reanimate?

    • Crudelis
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The most evil spell has to be levitation. Other spells can be outlawed, but the main character can still use them, but the banned spell levitation is obviously so vile and disgusting that even the most morally depraved dragonborn would never use it. I mean, why else would it be missing from the game?

    • Matthew Alexander
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Dead thrall is by far the most evil. Since it’s a necromancy spell that last until the reanimated is killed.

    • Christopher Collaco
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Nordic Warrior: Let’s fight for an honorable death.
    *dies. Turns Draugr*
    Draugr: Ugh. Well, let’s just fight this random necromancer.
    *dies. Necro casts Dead Thrall*
    Draugr: OH COME ON!!!… At least I’ll turn to ash and can’t be resurrected anymore.
    *dies. Necro casts Undying Ghost*
    Spectral Warrior: WTF IS THIS BS?!!?!!

    • Dirk
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The most evil spells in skyrim are illusions, imagine peacefully farming for your family and just because a mage wants to test out his magic he alters your thoughts to kill your family. Now that is evil, the ability to bend wills.

    Even fear spells are evil, cursed to be afraid forever.
    Now if combine Necromancy with Illusion you’re truely evil. Why lift a sword when you can have others do it for you? Both in life and in death your unwilling servants are forever bound to your will.

    • Jesmarie Rodriguez Cruz
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Necromancy is the lowest form of magic

    • WorldElderScrolls
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am


    • localpsychosis main
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Call storms everybody getting hit

    • Kolup
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Restoration spell is the worst one. You force people to live longer and suffer multiple time.

    • F3player1
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Mage’s guild: “We’re banning necromancy”
    Also Mage’s guild: *sells necromancy spells*

    • Juan Acevedo
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Call off of work or you ending up in my soul gem

    • Juan Acevedo
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I hate that spell. I don’t need you I need your shit

    • General D
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Yeah the fury spells are fucked up. Imagine your friend suddenly tries to kill you. Wyd

    • Jace
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Seeing as there is no objective morality in The Elder Scrolls universe, nothing is truly evil in it.

    • Poke-Ladd
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    One of the few times I “revived” the emperor and the man who hired us to kill him, I was curious if there was any dialogue

    • TheDenssy
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul trapping is the most evil no doubt, condemning people to spend their eternity in the soul cairn is fate worse that any other oblivion realm.

    • Mr Spaghetti
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul Trap is easily the most evil spell. Reanimation is brief, Soul Trap is forever

    • Snowbound Whale
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    So here me out, does this make it MORE ethically sound to reanimate the corpse of a person who was soul trapped, compared to a corpse of similar post-mortum age that wasn’t soul trapped?
    Not that the soul trapping part is more ethical, just that if a corpse happens to have already had the soul harvested from it, the reanimating of it wouldn’t torment that soul further the way it usually would, right?

    • Jimmy
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Dam wizards and their precious college

    • YouTube Sucks
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    What’s more disgusting? Necromancy, forcing the dead to do your bidding,or fucking levitation spells how the hell did they crack down on them so hard I wanna levitate

    • TaikaJamppa
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I wouldn’t mind being enchanted into Serana’s underwear… but then again, I would mind going anywhere near Nazeem, as he certainly will be in Soul Cairn by the time I pass away.

    • Colonel 100
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Mfw magic overhauls make illusion mages the most fun in the game by far. Alteration is also pretty sick though

    • CT-Devoid
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Yeah soul trap…
    I make myself feel better by roleplaying people gave me permission. My Cult of the Enchantry. 😊

    • James Madison’s spirit animal
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Turning a person into a sweet roll and eating them.

    • raphael phenix
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    If they didnt want to suffer the undeath, they should not try to mug the travller with the archmage vest who doesnt like to fast travel.
    Take the hint you dumb pelt users.

    • Jack Black
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Necromancy is banned only because it’s an only school of magic that supplies you with limitless army of unwavering loyalty of soldiers.

    The more they kill, the stronger the army gets, since even dead undead can be broight back from the dead to serve you in undeath.

    A single mage could create, order and overtake a country with undead.

    For those who say daedra conjuration can do that too: Daedra aren’t loyal, they’re slaves, but have their own minds and will try to fuck you up, once they die you need to resummon and who they kill you won’t be able to turn into daedra without a complicated ritual hidden by a daedra lord.

    • A K
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I was so disappointed when i couldn’t soultrap Ulfric 😔

    • Samurai Gaming
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    This goes way too hard

    • ZamboniZone
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Yeah soul trapping is pretty evil

    • boldbearings
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    “Serana says the leftover soul is-”
    Serana. Raises. Everything. 😱

    • jentzi23
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I’ve reanimated skeletons I’ve found in cages. I see it like: it’s been dead for ages, it wouldn’t complain that I got it out of the cage and it destroys itself when the spell wears off.
    If we look at what Mannimarco’s studies showed, it’s not the soul that belonged to the body but just any spirit being put into a vessel.
    I think the most evil spell is charm, personally.

    • BruklinBridge
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Would have been cool if you went to the soul cairn and all the people who’s souls you trapped were there, laying guilt trips on you and making you think twice about trapping souls.

    • nassa hexx
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Bro….a little less fire damage? you get the right soul you can take a blast from a dragon

    • GrimmTimes
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Me having a display case of black soul gems with Ulfric and Galmar’s souls inside: “Wait, this is frowned upon?”

    • Red Tsun
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I think the spell “Dominate Humanoid” is more evil than resurrection. Although unfortunately, it’s not in skyrim. It completely robs a person of their free will causing them to obey the caster’s every command. Having your freedom of agency ripped away from you while you are alive and potentially being forced to betray your allies or commit heinous acts all the while you can only watch like an observer is an unnerving prospect.

    • Morgrim DarkHeart
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Clairvoyance, it’s a fucking useless spell

    • Harvey Cotton
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I may have used Nazeem’s soul to power my shock resistant fine boots, but at least we make it to the Cloud District.

    • Lone Spartan116
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The most evil spell is a dragon shout… throw voice. Humiliating people every 5 seconds before a quick and swift death

    • Engel Ostermann
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The most evil spell is the one that puts a soul in a soul gem.

    • Eleanor Cooke
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Transmutate. Think about it, with this spell, you could throw the whole of Skyrim into poverty.

    • A24b13c38e
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I only soup trapped the most evil and vile mortals. You know, bandits, forsworn, nazeem

    • Himphulhiemersulavanzul Newtonsonperthomas
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I always thought that soul trapping was probably the most evil. The thing is I think that you are soul trapping in necromancy spells just binding the soul to the body rather than the soul carin through a magic gem. Which is why the soul would be able to fight in the first place. Soul trapping for enchanting specifically could be potentially the worst form of soul trapping because in universe it could most likely done in two equally as morbid ways. Normal soul trapping sending them to a hell they can’t escape and soul binding essentially forcing the soul onto your weapon on the spot and enchanting it that way though it would be temporary the soul would probably be even more out of place being that it’s not a vessel that has all senses. In other words it would be afraid and confused.

    • Michael Sebastian
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Aaahh so all of those Stormcloaks and Thalmor I soul trapped doesnt go to Sovngarde then

    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Drain life

    • Robert Yocum
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Restoration is definitely the worst. Think about it; a person is on their way to death, their destiny is intended to end there. But then some douchnozzle dragonborn decides “nope! I cast heal, lol!” Youve now irreperably changed that mans destiny and broken the natural order of how events were supposed to unfold.

    • Hellofend
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    nah, your soul is used to help me level up my enchanting skill lmfao

    • Meigetsu No Seishin
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    hmm..Soul Trapping is definitely up there on the Evil scale. but I’d also say Frenzy is too. making everyone and everything in range go Nuts and start attacking friends and foes alike against their will, to fight for the amusement of the mage who cast the spell, like a puppet master and his toys

    • Oeiskie Cleveland
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I’d say bend will and most frenzy spells are pretty evil.

    • Josh Nunya
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    They struck first

    • jacob freeman
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    well if a black soul gem does that then i know a certain nord woman who going to suffer that fate

    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Invisibility is the most evil. It allows me to cut countless npc throats in very quick succession.

    • Manga God
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Honestly the way the Elder Scrolls handles magic in a legal sense is deeply strange. Illusionists and Conjurors should be more heavily watched and sanctioned in a world where a particularly powerful magic user can make an insta army or mind control political leaders.

    • David Dragonheart
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I only use soul trap and black soul gems on bandits and scum. From the roleplay side of things, man and mer alike who walk the path of evil deserve no peace or rest for their deeds.

    Gameplay wise, bandits respawn so I never really worry.

    • JottoRuff
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Honestly I would rather be temporarily reanimated or mind controlled then to spend eternity in the soul carin

    • Wavierdig 420
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Also you can literally kill ppl by casting fury on someone and watching their friends kill them in an act of self defense
    Its pretty funny but its also kinda sad for the ppl involved

    • William Swiss
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The lore interpreted by Tamriel Rebuilt (expansion mod for Morrowind) has souls divided into two components: AE, the experiential aspect of the living being, and the Animus, which is the magicka that flows through the soul. Daedra only have Animus from their vestige shaping the Creatia that flows in Oblivion. Mortals have both, but AE can be preserved by Daedric Princes like Azura, Molag Bal, Clavicus Vile, and others. Soul-trap magic captures the Animus in soul gems, but relative to Morrowind’s gameplay most things that can be soul-trapped are animals, Daedra, or some pseudo-divine beings (Sixth House mobs and the Tribunal).

    • Wavierdig 420
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Is soul trapping the most evil thing you can do in skyrim?
    *Dragonborn laughs in his socks of the cloud district*

    • Donlookatme
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    when I first casted a Necromancer skill with the help of a staff in Oblivion. I actually felt guilty and shameful. I raised a body with no soul or will of its own. I was a young teenager then. But the feeling was real. Necromancy in game or IRL. Really is evil.

    • Jared Gordy
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am


    • VicThor310
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I think using someone’s soul as AAA battery for weapons is one of the most cruel things in Skyrim

    • Ailius
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Are we only allowed canon spells or do mod spells count?

    • onlyworstgamers
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    There dead that’s there fault

    • Till Schill
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soultrap is obviously the worst

    • Solidus Snate
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul trapping …. most evil.

    • Patches gaming
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Necromancy is badass

    • Astercat
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Souls are only sent to the soul cairn if used to make a deal with the Ideal Masters, and they don’t have any interest in white souls. So soul trapping is perfectly fine on non-sentient beings, and I imagine their souls either go to Aetherius or simply dissipate.

    • OzzietheFree
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Ya with the mods i have i use a deep storage spell for a bunch of black soul gems, so when im about to kill someone i really dont like, i take one out so I know their having a bad time, I imagine some are still collecting dust in some chest in my house.

    • SaintRagnar0k
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    My character always carries black soul gems to trap the souls of people I don’t like, then I put them in a bucket in my houses “bathroom” to be stored for all time.

    • Not an Alien
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Healing hands is obviously the most dastardly evil spell in Skyrim

    • Rockyvolcano4
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    If we are going for realistic connotations? Illusion, 100%. An illusion spell essentially allows you to take control of someone for a full hour in game time. That would basically make illusion spells Skyrim’s version of date rape drugs. Someone who literally cannot say no to any command you give them? Yeah, no one would abuse that kinda spell. Necromancy is bad, but illusion is the stuff of nightmares.

    • aaron sullivan
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    With the mods I use, Instant death, then resurrection, basically they taste the sweetness of peace in the afterlife and then its ripped right from them bringing them back to the land of the living as if they never died. (I do it to nazeem alot lol)

    • ace Hafiz
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    That soul tear shout is the most evil spell.
    It trap the soul, it reanimate the corpse, than the corpse turn into dust like its nothing.

    • Bad Script
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    There was a missed opportunity to have a calm spell cast on the Dragonborn. In a fight with a wizard, they cast it on you, and you lower your weapons.

    • PurpleDevil R
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I think Soul Trapping should be a punishment for the worst crimes.

    • Milokiss82
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Necromancy isn’t evil. Soul trap, On the other hand, Is EXTREMELY evil.

    • Ultra
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Yeah well I gotta fight this dragon so they gotta help

    • Nick Paz
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul tear, I know it’s not exactly a spell but you literally yell someone to a painful death and then they immediately reanimate

    • Josué Neufeld
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Duping soul gems is easier

    • Arfumo Biscali
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul trap most evil

    • Lord Zonar
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Me, eating 20 sweetrolls: Neat. *Soul traps Nazeem*

    • The Major
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The most evil spells are all healing spells. Here your opponent is slashing away at you, chipping off your health slowly, and then you disrespect them by healing up to full health…

    • Sagan The Khajiit
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    With the amount of everything being made out of wood, fire Destruction would be the most evil if the game had fire spread and destroy stuff like the real world.

    Now respecting the game’s mechanics, the Thu’um has the most potential for evil. Soul Tear is both necromancy and soul-trapping, then there’s Bend Will doing as advertised, Marked For Death permanently destroys the health of the affected victims even if you hit them accidentally, Storm Call is basically a war crime… and there’s probably more that I don’t remember right now.

    • kyle anderson
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    People in Skyrim don’t realize soul trap is so evil. They do not know about the soul cairn. Also they don’t ban necromancy because it’s evil. They do it because they don’t want to have to deal with undead. They then call it evil to justify the ban. If they really baned it because it’s evil then they would also ban soul trap without knowledge of the soul cairn. After all it basically does the same thing to the soul as reanimation.

    • Dk Boss
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Evil spell cocktail-…Soul trap + Paralysis+Touch of Death=💀👍

    • Samara
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The most evil spell in skyrim is transmute. You can buy a bunch of iron ore, turn it into gold, craft gold rings and sell it back at 300x cost. Diabolical.

    • Thomas Devlin
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    At least in vanilla skyrim people just seem to cease to exist when their soul is used up in a soul gem, dawnguard turns it into existential horror. The way it’s talked about by NPCs it seems like you don’t even have to kill the victim, a necromancer casts one spell on you and now you’re stuck in purgatory for eternity

    • Sammy Ebonyhorn
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Nords were right to hate magic

    • Bidoofenshmirtz
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Necromancy is evil, yes. But I think soul trapping is definitely more so. I consider it basically like putting a bug or small creature in a jar and then shaking it. Then, whenever you’re done shaking it, you send that bug to dark, hell like landscape that pooks pretty cool, but continues the torment of those sent there. Plus, there’s no way it feels painless having your soul ripped away

    • Waterdonuts
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    *kabuto casually walks in*

    • Nigel Alsbrooks
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Bandits have it coming.

    • Halden Nelson
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Use raise zombie on a living npc that isn’t essential enough times in succession causes them to turn into an ash pile while they’re still alive, thats pretty evil

    • Unswimming Fish
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I’d have to say illusion is pretty messed up since you can literally control people’s minds to some extent, and it’s like rapid brainwashing with short-term effects. Probably traumatizing for some people.
    Reanimation is worse since the person is fully aware what’s happening, and not only has to work and attack others against their will, possibly even people they care about while they helplessly watch, they also usually suffer agonies from pre-existing fatal wounds and whatever happens while they fight, making it physical torture as well.
    Soul trapping is not so bad if it’s done to a skeever or a mudcrab, but the Soul Cairn sucks, and being the guy stuck there for probably forever being a battery for some incorporeal necromancers is probably the worst. That alone would be enough to drive some people mad eventually, but it’s made worse by the Keepers who terrorize these people, the hideous and uncomfortable landscape, and the total lack of any comfort whatsoever, on top of the periods of intense boredom, where the only possible stimulation would be talking to other dead people, many of which would be very traumatized and lead to poor conversation. It’s better than Coldharbour, but that’s still a crappy place to end up.

    • Jake LFO
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Wrong, Soul Trap is the most evil spell, as we found out after visiting the Soul Cairn

    • JoCoHo
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Its only evil if you do it to anyone other than Nazeem

    • Black Light
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    This is why I just RP thinking either reanimation just uses magicka to control a corpse like a puppet or soul trapping just drains the magicka of the person to fill a soul (magicka?) gem. Cuz in the end, they’re really cool spells to play with

    • The Business Goose
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I think the calm spell is the least evil of the illusion spells, it would come in very handy for law inforcement like if someone’s getting a bit too rowdy in a tavern and needs to calm tf down, or to get a bandit gang calm enough to arrest them.

    • Human User
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    soul trapping ebony warrior is so fun lmao you shouldn’t have challanged me buddy 😀

    • malachai uys
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    paying for DLC and loot crates expecting something

    • Henry
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    the most evil spell is clairvoyance

    • Niteowl
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Frenzy has been used to kill NPCs players don’t like for decades in the Elder Scrolls. Making someone go on a crazed stabbing spree so that either you or the town guards can murder them has gotta be the most strictly evil action someone can take. Soul gems don’t need to be filled deliberately. There’s a Skyrim standing stone that resurrects corpses. Casting Frenzy is something you need to study and then deliberately use.

    • Hugo Boncar
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I think the Fear effects are quite evil too. Imagine conjuring a sentiment so horrifying that it would make a seasoned warrior, not afraid of death, flee from a fight.

    • Hoodriich Lik
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Yea sending people to soul gems is evil if you go there you realize the souls are tormented there

    • MaXy Gaming
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Anyone know any mods or packs or anything on PS5 to make my game look like this?

    • vect0rwolf
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Don’t assume you speak for all disembodied spirits. I still have someone I need to give a heart attack to.

    • Hithro pyro
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    In my opinion while illusion magic is dark magic. It is not as dark as necromancy. Messing with someone’s mind is not as evil as messing with their soul.

    • OsamaBinLooney
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Ebony Warrior: last…..Sovengard…
    Me, with soul trap on my weapon: yeeeeahhh…..about that…

    • gamergodofjustice
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    We all know restoration is pure evil

    • jerry henderson
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    If any magic is evil it’s obviously necromancy . Any other form of magic someone could do just as much damage with a sword or a bow . And should we be looking at the end result or picking on just one of the groups that caused the end results ? Dead is dead , and a dead person doesn’t care whether it was a sword or a spell that killed them . That’s one of my biggest gripes with games like Dragon age , people celebrate the fact that the Templars are just killing mages left right and center . But since they’re mimicking real history of what happened on Earth . The Catholic Templars did the same thing .

    • michael smith
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Hey if you do soultrap on a deadra worshipper you’re actually helping them. Rather than eternity in whatever hellscape awaits them. They get some time in the soulcairn which yeah is also a hellscape, but they are eventually destroyed for good.

    • noname x
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Someone should make a adoring fan spell. Effects summon the adoring fan, which is immortal and will follow the target until death.

    • I.M. Shirley Rongh
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Whichever one opens Oblivion gates, that’s worse.

    • Dogdog 357
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Obviously, it’s Transpolymorph Skeever. Not only does it turn the target (in this case, the user,) into a giant rat, it does this permanently! And to make matters worse, there’s no way to fix it, so the user is stuck as a rat that can’t attack and has breathing problems for the rest of their ratty lives!

    • Bobistheone1
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Having robes that made me infinitely walk through the air in Morrowind was 100% worth the pain and suffering of a soul.

    • Russell Revis
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The bandit that powers my Warhammer’s chaos damage enchantment seems pretty happy

    • JelloFluoride
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Using telekenisis to put pots on people’s heads

    • He Who Murks With One Leap
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The most evil spell in Skyrim, is the spell that can only be used to burn cheese.

    Every time that spell is used, a puppy in the Shivering Isles cries. Please, stop burning cheese. Save the Mad Prince’s puppies.

    • TydusisTV
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The most evil (or wholesomely badass, depends on context) thing you could do would be to soul trap your friend into a sword, shield, or armor so that they could continue the fight (whether they wanted to or not)

    • Yohef
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I wonder what’s worse; being soul-trapped in an unused gem, or when the gem is consumed.
    Imagine a mf soul-traps you then him and all his gear get eaten by a dragon, an immortal creature that then poops the intact gem out onto a mountain top that no one will ever find…

    • KingOfAmerica13
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I know that soultrapping is the most evil thing you can do to someone in Skyrim, and that’s why I master enchanting and put fiery soul trap on my weapons, so that no one can escape the Cairn

    • James Bonk
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    My Fleshlight is made with a shard soul

    • Barry Allen
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I think the fact that dead thralls say thank you when you kill them shows how evil that spell is

    • Zeo Grand Master !!!!
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Alright Vampires, take your pick.
    Coldharbour or The Soul Cairne?
    Which would you prefer as your final destination?

    • ARandomNerd
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Nope. Too bad. Cry harde-wait, you can’t. YOU’RE DEAD!

    • Mikael The Bard
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I think necromancy, like other forms of magic, could be considered moral. It just depends on the context you’re using it in. I could imagine many instances where using necromancy could be morally justified, say for instance, to reanimate a murder victim to find out who killed them, ect.

    • David hatcher
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul trap

    • Dake Long
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    call me evil all you want but I don’t feel guilty Soul trapping vampires Bandits necromancers anybody who is cruel yeah I’m going to send them to the Soul Cairn

    but between you and me I have said nazeem there few times and I have no guilt

    • Spongebob Psychopants
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Haha soul go brrrrrr

    • munkithestoopid
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Nothing more evil then casting pacify or harmony in the middle of battle, taking out an ebony Warhammer and then “sneaking” behind each enemy to one shot them

    • N N S
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    One of my characters was roleplayed to value souls as sacred and so I resign from using Soul Trap and Enchanting. It was fun 😊

    • Scheneighnay
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Probably every storm scroll I burned through in the middle of a town to try creating an opening to flee from the guards.

    Kills half the guards, a bunch of NPCs, and my follower.
    Thankfully my followers are usually drunks, housecarls, and mercenaries for their disposability.

    Absolutely massacred Markarth during the forsworn conspiracy

    • Bryce Benson
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I feel like soul trap is even worse no?

    • Jacob Wineteer
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Well, it may be evil, but i always play a necomancer. Dead thrall is a ton of fun when you increase the limit on how many controlled npcs you can have. Personally i enjoy running around with 6-20+ thralls and about 10 companions to do my looting for me and to heal me. Good fun.

    • Maya
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    i think that soul gems are the most evil! unless the person would be going somewhere even worse, like to molag bal.
    Also, if necromancy does forcefully keep the soul, then yes its evil, but if its just a souless body then now
    finally, illusion magic is only manipulating emotions, right? but forcing a person to do smethinf such as murder their friends using rage is evil (still gonna do it, though)

    • Ryan Patriot
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I think the most evil spell is master version of frenzy let chaos take the world.

    • Jimmy Gerano
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul trap? Oh, you mean the Recharge Magic Batteries spell

    • Shideon
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I read that title as “Skyrims most Fucked Up and Evil Spells”

    • Life after death
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The spell you have over me

    • PsychoTy
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I would argue its not evil with the black soul Gem, as I personally carry at least one empty one in the final battle against Mercer Frey. I then never consume the soul gem and leave it in a Chest. 😂😂

    • Guilherme Lima
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Wait, if you soul trap something, what’s in the body if reanimated? caster will? or something else

    • daniel Trout
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    nose whistle is by far the MOST EVIL (doraleous and associates)

    • u4m
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul Trapping Ulfric before killing him so he cant go to Sovengard.

    • LilPorcelynDoll
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The most evil, I don’t know but it always makes me lol

    • Samuel J Weber
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I want to start doing role play builds.

    • BS
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I like trapping people in my pants

    • You Tube
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The spell that one necromancer outside of ivarstead uses to create an army of chickens.

    • Tyranus Xaviar
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    And that’s why I play as a Vampire with a thirst for bandits, mercenaries, and Altmer.

    • My Old Friend
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    It can completely destroy the economy

    • DatShadyGuy
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Evil spells. What a quaint concept. Assigning morality to things that have no morality. LOL

    • Seth Harris
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul trap seems a bit more evil imo.

    • John Smith
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I know it’s bad but I have a iron dagger named Nazeem it has a special enchantment that sends people to the cloud District

    • zealotmaster1
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    death is not the end of one duty.

    • AnakinEC
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    “Magic isn’t evil, it’s how you use it.”
    – Yoda the Grey I think

    • HorizonTide
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I would argue that it’s more immoral to bring the dead back to life just to watch them struggle to fight a single opponent..Don’t embarrass them like that. Or just lob elemental blast at both of them while they fight to rid yourself of that pathetic display 😤

    • Jam Sam
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul trap tbh because you can’t even die correctly after you are soul trapped.

    You ether stay in the crystal, become apart of some weapon, clothing, or otherwise, or you wind up in the soul cairn… can’t even go to an afterlife of your choice

    • qwert010
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    soul trap is the most evil if you think about it the person you casted it on will never be at peace

    • JJ
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I think soul trap is the most evil.

    • SomethingWorse
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The mod I got, got these all beat. I just cast the spell on someone and they’re being aped with a r in front.

    • Ancient Horny
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I don’t know bro, roasting someone alive seems pretty evil

    • Fatih Enes Bucak
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    And every deadra is evil with the same logic

    • Kurt Cobain II
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The most evil spell is healing hands

    • Alkor
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    That’s why nord hates magic

    • Glen Perkins
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The most evil spell: Skyrim shorts.

    • PatchWorkPerson
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am


    • TheFlyWahine
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Its jusdt a game so its not real. That means its not really good or evil.

    • Samuel Kjellgard
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Transmute or is for sure the most evil, because how is the world going to get by with a crashed economy?! 🤪

    • Kazuma – kun
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Morality is an illusion orchestrated by the weak to compete with the strong.

    • Tomha
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Excuse me? Alittle less fire damage? Maybe if your enchanting is 15…

    • Rogue Calvinist
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Black soul gems should be reserved for evil mages/ dark entities

    • Mary Beth Reimer
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I only soul-trap necromancers 😇

    • Travis Walls
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Don’t the souls pf soul trapped mortal only go to the Soul Cairn if the soul trapper made a pact with The Ideal Masters?

    • heart broken
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Selling soul gems in Skyrim is nasally human trafficking

    • James King
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Depends on how its used and why

    • DanDunDun
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Actually no. Soul trap traps the soul in the gem and then, through the process of enchanting, the soul is essentially sold to the horrifying beings in the Soul Cairne in exchange for the enchantment on your pants.

    • Space Ghost
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    And it’s weird

    • Space Ghost
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I just think that it wasn’t that useful

    • Joernare94 Larsen
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Imagine this: being locked in a room with your loved ones and your jailer hits you with fury, causing you to attack them unwillingly

    • some dude with a keyboard
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Not EVERY trapped soul is sent to the Cairn, only souls used in deals between Necromancers and the Ideal Masters. Serana partially Soul Traps you if you choose to not be a vampire, and then the two of you basically scam the Ideal Masters out of their deal with Serana by taking back your soul

    • Dominic Ballinger
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    If only soul gems worked like they did in Daggerfall, where the soul escapes once youve completely used up your enchanted equiment.

    • A. Burton
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I don’t care what anyone says. Paralyze will always be the more evil and better spell. Can’t do shit if you can’t move. As soon as it wears off you’ll get hit with another. All chance to fight and defend is gone.

    • Joseph60
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I really love the dialogue reanimated corpses start using after you turn them into a thrall. It’s quite entertaining the things they babble on about

    • Kenneth Bowen
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I soul trapped Astrid for her betrayal. As she shouted, “No!”, i felt she knew her fate.

    • Brreakfast
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Hey, better to calm someone than kill em, no?

    • Synful Soles
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I mean… paralysis can ne used for very evil reasons…..

    • Eli 13
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    soul trap is mesed up.

    • FishStick101
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Alteration as a whole change can the natural order of the world.

    • Thomas Johnson
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    soul trap

    • I I
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am


    • Yohef
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The fury spells are pretty bad. And fun. But making friends kill one another to soften up their defenses prior to attack is messed up af.

    • Pizzagui2 Pizza
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Crucio is pretty bad lol

    • Jar of Pickles
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    This has been a struggling point in role playing in Skyrim for me because soul gems are literally necessary for enchanting as a gameplay mechanic but it really doesn’t make sense for a good or even neutral character to be harvesting souls for such frivolous reasons.

    • Daniel Alexandre
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Imagine the humiliation of being killed, Tbaged and soul trapped in a pair of pants just for you captor to celebrate in the local pub, dinking mead till passing out and peening in said enchanted pants

    • Arijit Das
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The most evil I guess is the hypocrisy of the mages guild, declaring necromancy is evil but reanimation, soul trap, etc is acceptable. I think except for restoration and most of alteration, all other schools have certain degrees of unethical aspects to it.

    • RetroAlienFreakaZoid
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Paralyse spell almost over powered and Funnest spell that’s just basically torcher HAHAHAHAH in every game from oblivion to Skyrim and even Morrowind I’m pretty sure haahaha

    • Dave Hartsock
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Answer me this, I used a soul trapping weapon on Logrolf the Willing during the House of Horrors quest because I thought the Soul Cairn would be a better place than Coldharbour. Was I right? Or did it even matter, and he still ended up there?

    • Will Parkinson
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I only soul trap the evil people. Usually. 🙂

    • Buck Duck
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    What’s evil is how long we are waiting for elder scrolls 6, that’s evil.

    • Sheogorath the Daedric Prince of Madness
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul tear or bend will, which is more evil? I couldn’t decide so I used them both.

    • MoonFoxArise
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul Trap used for lich transformation. I know it is not in the games but in the lore is the most evil one I can think of. One has to take the soul of a tortured person to fuse it with one’s soul, and attain immortality.

    • Kamina11
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    There is no evil spells, only evil intent by casters. Spell can be used in good or bad ways, magick like weapons are nothing but a tools, bound to the will of their master to be used as they see fit.

    Like restoration can be used for torture, Flames can be used to warm the cold nigth.

    • ♘ᖇ𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Aye yo what’s that armor mod called

    • Ezekyle Abaddon
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    is there any redemption for me if i drop a bunch of filled black gems while in Sovengard?
    they made it to the afterlife… kinda

    • Fernando Gonçalves
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    But what about soul trapping vampires? They are going to die due to our combat, and their soul is going to the realm of Molag Bal, so, being bored in the Soul Cairn is less bad then being tortured in Coldharbor

    • holly clown
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    “Hehe body turn to dust!”

    • Player One
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Paladin’s, Priests, Warriors of Life. You will all fail to the darkness.

    • Sanguinius on vacation
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Necromancy is honestly kind of useless tbh

    • Dan Guillou
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I think the entire magical economy powered by captured souls is inherently evil. But anybody who won’t take part will have to be prepared to have their guys facing opponents in magical gear from head to toes, while wearing nothing but unenchanted steel themselves.

    • Rewwgh
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Yes some of those souls in my stone collection simply chose very poorly their profession. And time. And location. And tone of voice. Sometimes haircut.

    • Little Pookie
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Detect life is not so innocent 😅

    • Mr Flawless
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Definitely feel soul trapping is the most evil. Trapped in the soul cairn just to have your soul used to enchant or be used to replenish enchantments is hardcore. Doesn’t it destroy the soul too after it being used? I heard that somewhere in one of your videos or camelworks videos. At least reanimation you get to eventually die.

    • BeverageBrit
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Oh, deal what a pity nevermind

    • Rithm Alfortele
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Isn’t there a book that states you aren’t *actually* binding the souls of the dead to their corpse, you’re instead summoning a daedra to possess said corpse?

    That being said, being bound to rotting flesh can’t be pleasant for the daedra, either.

    • ThatGuy
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am


    • KD
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The soul traps are the most evil i haven’t done a really evil playthrough i generally will buy them but i dont soul trap.

    • Darth Lazurus
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Tae be honest, part of me was angry that Black Soul gems were in Skyrim. The end of the Mage Guild questline in Oblivion made me think that Black Soul gems would be lost, given how Necromancers got outright brutalised and the surviving mages would look tae wipe out all trace of them, along with others who would understandably hate these cults in a post Oblivion story.

    • Ben Shapiro’s Greasy Cock
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul trap/enchanting does not automatically send souls to the Soul Cairn btw. It is made clear that the Ideal Masters only get souls through express dealings with necromancers, not just enchanting in general. The soul energy is directly powering the enchantment. I see too many people misunderstand this and believe that all enchanting sends souls to an eternal hell.

    • Rat boi
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I despise the people of Skyrim so using this kind of black magic bothers me none.

    • Caustic Puffin
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The YT algorithm is the most evil spell.

    • snipy
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Defenitely soul trap with black gem. You don’t only end the life of your ennemy. You make their death an eternity of suffering.

    • ZeroNeonix
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    When you raise the dead, they at least go back to being dead in a few minutes. Or at worst, they may stick around until an enemy strikes them down or dispells the magic that is keeping them bound. Those who have their souls trapped in a Black Soul Gem have no hope. They’re just completely F’ed for all of eternity.

    • Bad Luck
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    *Mayhem* is a pretty f***ed up spell. Imagine a random shopkeeper starts killing a patron due to an illusionary spell.

    • Meep
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am


    • Caitlin M
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Sometimes when a reanimated corpse dies they will say “Thank you”.

    • Chris Rupp
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    It’s all worth it for the fancy enchanted items.

    • Weng Heng
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The worst feeling in Skyrim is when I forget to soul trap that goddamn wizard for spamming lightning bolt and fast healing

    • Gamin’ Reasons
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Using magic to kill someone isn’t that much worse than conventional weapons. However, using magic to compel someone to kill someone else, that’s pretty fucked up. However Necromancy’s tendency towards screwing with people’s souls makes it pretty bad. But assuming you didn’t use Dead Thrall at least it isn’t permanent. But Soul Trapping a person IS evil, because regardless of who that person is they’re getting sent to the Soul Cairn, and that place is clearly awful.

    • Mr Slagowhoreusrex
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I kill people with fire spells without their permission lol

    • Nic Tracy
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    The Ritual Stone power, even if it isn’t *technically* a spell – tormenting many souls at once! And if you have it attached to the Aetherial Crown, doing so repeatedly 💀

    • Mark Morose
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    My number 1 request from any future elder scrolls game is… let us be evil please. Let us side with the baddie, even if we lose in the end. Dark and evil magic is all well and good (bad?) but if your not using it for evil purposes it feels like just dabbling.

    • William Black
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    I usually reserve black soul gems for certain characters like Ancano, Valmir…basically all Thalmor

    • speks36
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Ultimately, it depends on how magic is utilized.
    Using Destruction spells for self-defense, that’s fine. Using Destruction spells to torture your victims, completely evil.
    I think using Necromancy on skeletons and long dead corpses is much less dubious than stealing sapient souls and reanimating the recently deceased.

    • Tespri
    • 2023年 5月 07日 8:39am

    Soul trap hands down. Illusionist is usually just in pacifistic manner. Instead of killing your foe, you manipulate him to leave you alone.