Skyrim’s most FUN playstyles
Here’s the Top 5 FUN Skyrim playstyles without mods… make that Top 4 actually – we’ll remove a stealth archer! We have shield and one handed, a necromage stealth vampire, a dual wielding agile build and an arcane warrior!
Taqs:skyrim top 5,skyrim playstyles,skyrim fun playstyles,skyrim best builds,skyrim top,skyrim best
コメント (43)
Looking for a fun build to play? Try this one! https://youtu.be/xScZWYoVb4w
My favorite non-modded build is actually you guys’ “Solider of Fortune”. I love everything about it from the play style of a versatile illusion warrior merchant. to the aesthetics of the fantasy-look glass sword.
I can’t believe I’ve played this game so much and I still haven’t touched first two playstyles and barely played with the third one (destroyed my game with mods, couldn’t continue my playthrough 😂. It was exceptionally fun though. I miss my character Zuala)
I tend to mix the arcane warrior with a nightblade
My personal favorite playstyle is a Tanky conjuration acher. It’s chaos whenever you walk into a crowed room full of hostiles and you feel like a badass whenever you land a good shot on a couple of moving targets. I played for hours in blackreach clearing out everything just because it was so much fun.
I choose mace and shield because bigger number strong, also because maces are the true natural companion to the shield
Welp… time to make another playthrough I guess
Death Knight is always my go to with or without mods. Killing your enemies with a weapon then raising them to help you kill more enemies is just awesome.
Nord. Two handed. Heavy armour. Blonde hair and long beard. Everything else is a folly.
Also, Archery is fun without stealth too. Its so satisfying ti be a cobat archer by pelting people with arrows without letring them reach you. Having tank follower helps but even alone, if you have the skills, you can just pelt people and use guerrilla tactics and if they do ever get close, just fus roh dah them away.
I love using a shield but there’s a lot of bugs with the perks
I have been doing a Simonrim playthrough as a Destruction/Alchemy/Speechcraft specialist, and it has been a ton of fun CCing bads with shouts on a 60% cooldown reduction and blasting for hundreds of damage with juiced-up Chain Lightnings. Being freed from Necromage Purgatory has been quite refreshing. Also, Simonrim’s simple addition of Weakness to Poison as both a spell effect and a learnable enchantment makes Alchemy so, so, *so* much better.
1. Vegetable Soup
2. Necromage Vampire
3. Necromage Vampire /w Dual Flurry
4. Necromage Vampire /w Whirlwind Cloak
I haven’t played without mods in years. I finally found one with good disease spell. My son of Peryite build is almost done.
My favorite build is one handed plus destruction and alteration, or one-handed plus illusion and alteration
What? No Wabajack build? Fake news.
Mine is the 1 handed sword battle mage
Stealth archer who hoards valuable shit that I intend to sell but never do because there’s so much loot in the game and I just keep accumulating more and more hoard.
However I start out, this is how I end up.
Nothing about being a vamp in ES is “fun”.
Can’t really do destruction magic in vanilla since the damage never scales with skill level like one/two handed melee and archery does.
My man’s got cosmetic mods on. Leave him alone. You can use all these playstlyes/builds in vanilla skyrim lol.
“No mods” then proceeds to show modded gameplay
“skyrim playstyles without mods” Proceeds to show nothing but modded footage lmfao. Strange flex.
Samurai build?
literally the last one doing the lotd ATM and other related mods
Ring of the wind with dual stahlrim (or however it’s spelled axes was fun for me
Oh.. y-yeah.. those are really cool..
*crouch down and grab a bow*
What armor is the shield and sword build have on??
Honourable Mentioned to Dual Wielding Wooden Swords. For myself, adds a challenge but it’s possible to do Alduin and even Karstaag (Just)
My favourite build is my high Elf named Rudolf Jitler, that has little combat skill but manipulates others to do his dirty work with persuasion or illusion magic
A true psycho manipulative pesky one that betrays anyone who is not a high elf at the slightest convinience
“best playthrough without mods”
*shows modded gameplay*
Lol, the dude begins the video with “here’s my favorite Skyrim build with no mods…” Proceeds to show footage with a mod for the imperial armor.
Paladin never fails to be fun for me.
Don’t know why would you want to include stealth archer anyway. It’s lazy, boring and slow
I personally love the conjuration 2handed build.
Made a nord maxed out health and stamina. Then used a maxed out enchantment skill to make all my gear magic related like reduce cost of conjuration and magika boosts. So my warrior was perfectly good at melee combat yet as long as I wear the armor he is a very capable summoner. Very fun combo
I just started a 2 handed Orc playthrough, and I can’t wait to see how powerful she becomes over time. 🙂
It’s been a while since I played without mods, but a destruction spellsword was always a lot of fun. Basic af, I know, but you can’t go wrong with heavy armour, some mage gear like a hood and circlet, the elements in one hand and a glittering enchanted sword in the other. Puts the word “battlemage” into new perspective.
man, i was hoping for something new, but he really just spouted everything I’ve done before. plus, the vampire thing, but fuck being a vampire being a vampire sucks
Currently playing a Conjuration/Melee build on my current save file. Can confirm, its a lot of fun.
My favorite is stealth mage. Magic has a lot of potential for how it can be used in various ways
With Anniversary edition, I love the paralysis rune. Just continuously casting it on enemies they are helpless
My favorite build has been a. Modded necromancer.