Having 100 Pickpocket in Skyrim like:
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コメント (484)
Your boy is a little under the weather so I’m posting older videos that haven’t made it to YouTube! Hope you enjoy!
You sound like kronk from emperor’s 😂
It almost sounds like you can do a voice impression of *Joe Swanson
I always love that I can take Nazeems clothes without him knowing ”do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh what am I saying of course you don’t”😂
I once went around whiterun and stole every item from all of the guards
Love the content lol
He sounds like kronk :3 or joe swonson
Man sounds like the dude is gonna go look for Kusco, I don’t know how people pull that voice off.
Me who just has a guard walking around naked💀
Looks like your average Strength build
The ability to give them stuff was even cooler… 😂😂
Love you Wahlid but next week is gonna be heat 🔥
Sounds just like Joe Swanson 😂😂
I can’t tell if you’re doing The Rock or Brock Samson
I need a kronk (emperors new groove) follower mod stat.
Joe swanson in skyrim
he was she
Why in Skyrim? There’s no possibility to streal during dialog. Oblivion maybe?
Do 100 smithing
its fucked up cuz its true lmao
Lol I couldn’t help but hear some bits of the voice actor that plays Joe on family guy 🤣
A mandalorian never gets pickpocketed!
Boba Fettin to get into them pockets…Sorry I couldn’t help myself 😭
Is that ZAZA growing down there!?! 😂😂😂😂😂
The mando helmet
Sounds like Joe Swanson
You should do molded skyrim or fallout
The Kronk impression 😂
Dude soundslike Joe from family guy
Bro I didn’t even realise
André’s long lost cousin
By the nine divines? Hey wait, isn’t it eight, because- [insert excessive skyrim lore here]?
Hiw can you do such a good Patrick Warburton impression?
Pickpocket 100 is when you take item, your friend is curently holding, without him noticing, while having a conversation with him.
He should have had his hand up like he was still holding the sword. Still funny though
Been on another playthrough, love the meme bois
😮 😂😂😂
Sort of sounding like kronk
God damn he stripped him naked
Hahaha love it!
Bros in underwear 😂
Ah yes the poision
I’ve got near enough the exact same mods that the enemy is wearing bro wtf
That sword isn’t big enough
Kronk! Amazing xD
Fun fact for anyone using the restoration loop, the pick pocket chance is capped at 90%, even if you are 28646226% buffed.
bruh you just got weed growing in your yard? haha
With the existence of mods, this could be a 100% accurate cosplay
Good shit, subbed
Or when u crouch and they go” must’ve been my imagination”
So hated that it gapped at 99% chance to not get busted, like as a top level pickpocket 1 in 100 items still got you busted and all your stolen good confiscated?
Breezy, huh? Must have been … the wind
Buddy sounds like Kronk
now make Charisma 100
Aww come on, don’t pickpocket the nice guard!
The Dragonborn can probably steal your soul and you won’t notice it until you die and end up in the soul cairn……
This video is Goated 😭🤣
Is that kronk from the emperor’s New groove?!
Mandolorian updayey
Day 1 of asking for 100 sneak
Is that mull in the back?
With that voice,
You could some wicked Joe Swanson impressions my guy.
Why does the mandolarian helmet go kinda hard without the visor? 😂
He kinda sounds like joe swanston
You 3D print?
You sound like kronk. That’s fcking awesome!
Why does cloud sound like kronk?
i got pickpoket 100 before any other stats were over lvl 25
Is that…kronk?
“Must’ve been the wind”
Sure is breezy today. Must be the wind.
I was expecting with every transition back to the dragonborn he would be wearing a new piece of the person’s gear xD
hey do you know who deez is? ‐who is deez? deez nut-
He almost sounds like Joe from family guy.
am i the only one who noticed that he got the mandalorian helmet on????
Was that the 4th hokage cloak
Bro why is Joe from Family Guy in your short?
Quicksave: Pathetic.
Quickload: Indeed. *scoffs*
What’s that feeling…. Must have been the wind….
“That thing was too big to be called a sword.
Too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, it was more like a large hunk of iron.”
Joe from family guy?
So true lol!!😂😂😂
You sound like Krunk…..”pull the lever Krunk”
Why does he sound like joe from family guy
Bro thinks he’s Joe
You: *Steals their clothes*
Them: Must’ve been the wind.
You: *steals a singular golden coin*
This is a crossover I never thought I would see
That was just as fast as having something stolen at the local library, set it down for one second and it’s gone forever.
A breeze? Must’ve been the wind.
Hey, peter
I was expecting to see him just reach in and steal something from the guys chest pocket mid conversation
Dude sounds like a Black Patrick Warburton
I used to go to riften and steal the clothes and weapons of every guard in there, I would be laughing my ass off seeing them walk around naked without them realising.
I vividly remembering fully upgrading my speech and pickpocketing in this game, so whenever a guard of the city I was in would come up to me, I could bribe them to let me go and when they turn around pickpocket them to get my money back
I tried to pick pocket the ebony warrior…he rocked me so hard
Should have put poison in his inventory.
I can just see that shit eating grin under the Dragonborn’s mask
“Boy it sure is breezy isn’t it”
*Morgan Freeman voice*
“Indeed, this time, it was the wind”
Bro, is that Rengoku’s cape?
Sounds like he said dragon whore
Sounds like Gronk from emperors new groove
Sadly the success chance is capped at 90, even with overpowered gear.
If Joe Swanson was a Mandalorian
Very accurate
I need friends like these guys.
“Sure is breezy tonight!” 😂
Poor kuzko
You kind of sounded like kronk from emperors new groove
So fun especially seeing some in there underwater 🥰
All I can see is the Mandalorians helmet without the visor
Pickpocket is so overrated. All you do is quicksave first.
Is that kronk?!?!
3rd time playing through, 8 began with maxing out this to 100 before anything else. QuickSave, pickpocket, success, quicksave, repeat.
lol, good old skyrim, they need to make another game like that.
Then sends his mercenaries on you
All I hear is kronk and I love it
I half expected it to keep cutting back with a part of his gear missing in each shot.
Nahh who hired David Puddy to voice him
I was waiting for Rodveer to say “let me guess, the dragonborn?” While also being in his underwear
Mf its be like not just like
Lmao, love how you’re chaneling Kronk 🤣
Do you just have that whole sword like where does one put that
you sound like Joe ngl
I didn’t know that some NPCs in Skyrim wore mandalorian style helmets while wielding the big buster sword from final fantasy 7
Ay peter
dude I swear to God this dude’s real name is Austin Barta Colorado you used to own and or steel diver gaming center in Aurora
Yah that happens and it’s funny that they don’t notus there naked
bro sounds like how swanson
But having sneak lvl 100 is different story
Wtf is that ass slayer you got 😮😂😂😂😂
its so easy dude
I stripped the guards of everything except their helmet it’s great they’ll be like that for days and each time I appear again I just get a laugh each time
You sounded like Patrick warburton a little bit there
What’s an npc doin with a huge cleaver? 🤣
Oh yeah it’s all coming together
Why does Bro sound like Joe Swanson?
Why does he sound like joe from family huy
Bro is that JOE
Is that the 4th Hokage’s cape?
Bro it’s the non paralyzed Joe Swanson
I had 100 lock picking 😎
It took the huge sword and he was still holding his hips not realizing and his shirt and pants where taken too💀💀
Sound like kronk
How did he get the Mandolorian helmet💀
Hey peeeter😂
Sounds like Brock Samaon😅
What makes the Patrick Warburton even better is the reference to David Puddy! 🤣
Um.. sir your plants.. your alchemy must be quite impressive..
Is it just me or do you kinda sound like Joe Swanson
“Hey Peter, you will never guess who I just met.”
Had me dyin man lol and yeah Patrick Warburton for sure
That Music Throws Me Back To When Times We’re Simpler
I think the part I love most about it is, the gloves you’re wearing don’t impact it at all. Like the big sharp stabbing points of daedric gauntlets would be unnoticeable 😂
a mandalorian with guts sword ? what in the name of crossovers
Annoying that the chance caps at 90%. Always save before you pickpocket lmao.
Remember this, you wouldn’t need 100 pickpocket if the whole town can’t kill you.
Best truth
As soon as I heard the ching when their hands met I knew he was done. 😂😂
There is nothing more cool than seeing Naiwal dressed as Mandalorian while wearing Dark Souls weapon
Yeah that’s a bullseye.
He sounds like the guy that says hay Peter nice cock
Why he sound like that dude from mulan😂
Nah, 100 pickpocketing in Skyrim is you still failing a 90% chance for 3 gold
I love your videos man
Is that…is that a Patrick Warburton…with a Mando helm…and the Buster sword…in Skyrim?
Kronk in skyrim?
The nice sounds like love swansan
Bro if you alchemy glitch an enchanted item with pickpocket you can literally steal their shit mid fight 😂😂
Hey Peter
Here I though he was saying stealing from other games and even tv shows. Mandalorian, FFVII 😂
Bro sounds like kronk from emperors new groove
Kuzcos poison, poison for kuzco
I bet the dragon died cuz it’s bones and scales were pickpocketed
Why do you sound like Patrick Warburton
That’s about right 🤣
Is that Joe Swanson?
Fucking facts tho right😂😂😂
Hey Peter
“wheres my penis?”
Him talking to Roggvir must imply he died
That NPC started sounding a bit like Brock Samson
Thats a neat looking sword you got there. Did you make it yourself?
You saved Rogvyr?! 😮
By the 8*
The poison for cucso
First thought this kinda dumb… until the end. Then I laughed my a@* off. 😂😂😂
I have much more on my first character
You must’ve felt the wind.
I like your kronk
Then, the numbers get all fucked up and pickpocketing something with a 99% success chance might as well be a 1% success chance. The one thing they kept from Morrowind is the one thing we wanted fixed.
Cloud Dragolorian.
Ah yes the good old Mercenery Set
: Mandalorian Helmet
Cloud’s Buster Sword
Mercenary Undershirt and the op
Pharmacist Cloak
Joe Swanson, the Mandalorian in Skyrim, Whiterun, colourised 4K. Circa 9/11.
I didn’t know they added Kronk in skyrim😂
Patrick, is that you 😂
You sound like Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove and I love it.
One time I pickpocketed every item off of every person in Solitude. That was very fun. 10/10 would recommend.
Bro I remember grinding it just to get the white blacksmith shirt lol
Yes 😂
You can’t even be mad when someone steals your clothes. Just impressed and full of self hate
Im looking forward to the crazy good voice actors theyll most likely have for tes6 but ill miss hearing the same skyrim voices on 100 characters
Why do you sound like Joe Swanson from Family Guy
Kuzko’s poision
When did the guards of skyrim start sounding like Joe Swanson from family guy😂😂😂
I’m not gonna lie, I really enjoy your low budget Bethesda takes. They are refreshing
oh yeah. it’s all comin together.
Outfit and swords reminds me of elden ring players more than Skyrim guards
He sounds like Kronk
This creator has some serious talent❤
🤣 the wave 👋
This dude sounds like kronk
is that weed growing in the background?
Kinda wish that was a sword in the actual game now
Accurate, could probably peel their fingernails off as well without them feeling it
the best comedic play through is 100 speech for sure.
Dad bod and don’t care… i respect that. 👌
I do that all the time!!!😊😅😅😂😂😂
Weird I have 100 pickpocket and all guards every say to me is “Wait. I know you…”
Bro give a shot at voice acting. Patrick Warburton did it. And you got that voice of his. XD
That’s a big ass sword
Man sounds like the Best Choice brand Kronk
“Must’ve been the wind”
I heard 9 to 5 and got reminded
Did u know that u can pickpocket a briar heart’s heart and he will instantly die??
Is that joe Swanson I hear!?!
Dude has the Joe Swanson voice.
…that mother f-
Why does he sound like kronk XD
Joe showed up in skyrim I’d pickpocket him too lol
For real though lol you stare at them for a second like “we cool?….no bounty byeeeeee”
Funny Mando stole the buster sword
Correction he would not have any clothes except for cloth on the bottom
I love these videos
Thank ya Joe, i really appreciate it. Dont get a lot of appreciation around here
“Oh yeah, it’s all coming together”
Waitttttt.. Roggvir??
Is bro joe swanson
Can you do a might guy accent
Mando in skyrim?
Why he sound like that guy that talks about finding cusco😅
He sounds like he would say hey Peter
Bro sounded like gronk
“By the nine divine!”
hmmm4_4 Goood show kinda nice
Bro you are so funny
Is it just me, or did anyone else notice that he wore a mandalorian helmet without it’s visor?
Why does he sound like Cusco from emperors new groove
Max stealth
What type of Star Wars buster knight were u going for
“Hey peter!”
If a knight approached me with that sword I’d run for my life.
That was a good Joe swatson impression
YouTube and black Patrick Warburton.
How in the hell did you get Kronk voice actor from Emperor’s New Groove to voices for you
By the eight in Skyrim
Bro your voice is godly
This has major Kronk energy.
Bro sounds like gronk from the emperors groove
Bro sounds like Joe Swanson or kronk
Do not high five that man, he’ll steal your virginity
Bro he sounds like Joe from family guy 👁️👄👁️
Must’ve been the wind
“Where is your stuff?”
“Ah the wind must’ve taken it”
Hr sounds like Joe Swanson the guard
Kronk meeting the dragon born caught in 4k
Nice job Kronk now where is Cuzco
“we need to find kuzco, kuzcos poison, poisonous kuzco”
Why does he sound like that dude from that move kusco
Why do you reminde me of Andre the giant
You know my guy really sounded like kronk from emperor’s new groove
You look like Andre the Giant
Bro looks like Andre the Giant mini (Don’t worry that’s a compliment)
“He’s the peasant who I saw leaving the city who disappeared into the crowd with Kuzco on the back of his cart. He must have taken him back to his village, so if we find the village, we find him, and if we find him, we find Kuzco. Oh yeah. It’s all comin’ together.”
Pls say Peter
Bro like: hey Peter 👨🦽
Fallout 4 handing someone a live grenade 😂
Raider: “Oh NO!”
Me in the shadows: 😊👍
You kinda sound like Kronk
That’s a big mf sword
I didn’t even notice
Kusco just got his pockets ran 😂
Why does he sound like Kronk from the emperors new groove
It sounds like you’re about to say “Hey peter, nice cock”
Yo didn’t know din Jarin had a sword like that
Hey Peter
Bro is trying to find kuzco rn bro💀
I’d be too afraid to rob someone who can casually hold the dragon slayer like it’s a fuckin slung back gym bag
Bro is Flynn from slylanders
😂😂😂bro I same way I see something good it’s gone. And they get to feel a nice breeze.
Another funny experience is having the skeleton key in Oblivion, you get it as a reward for completing Nocturnals quest for you. It’s the easiest and fastest way to level up your lockpicking in the game, you just spam force lock (x on the xbox) until it opens
This guy sounds like Kronk lol
I was waiting for “I was an adventurer once, then i took an arrow in the knee
Bro sounds like the sherif from mystery incorporated
Joe meets the dragon born!?
Forget ‘must’ve been the wind’
You can steal everything off of a npc and leave them nude(even stealing Brairhearts from those Forsworn killing them) or swap stuff around like some Thieves dress up game.
Why does this man sound just like kronk from emperors new groove
“Oh you met the dragonborn too?”
Says while in underwear
100 sneak?
I just love that Naiwal went from making Bethedsa game jokes in his backyard, to being invited to events by Bethesda.
Feel better, man!
Man just walked in carrying a door on a stick. Lmao
Joe from Family Guy
Dude sounds like Brock Samson.
“Hey dragon born, nice cock.” 😂
Sounds like kronk.
Didn’t know Joe Swanson was a part time Whiterun guard.
It do be like that
This guy has so much video game/ pop culture props and I want them
Was waiting to hear rodvir say “Greetings… Where your clothes at?”
By the what? This person right here, Justiciar!
Bro mando helm guy sounds like kronk
Nobody gonna say he sounds like joe from family guy
Dude your voice would make some awesome redguard or orx character
Man the live action berserk adaptation kinda sucks
😂😂 it sure is breezy, bruh stripped his ass down
Someone needs to make this man as a follower mod
😂😂why is Kronk a Skyrim guard?…
Kronk is that you🤣
Only stat I ever got 100 in.
Man that Warburton impression on point, nice
Anyone else get gronk from my emperors new groove.
Man walking in from a bout of monster hunter
I’m so close to level 100 pickpocket
He almost sounds like Joe Swanson…..”Hey Peter”. Lol
Hey Peter, nice job dealing with that dragon.
Where’d my wheelchair go?
That sword is bigger than my garage
Why does the first guy sound like grunk.
When I was playing Skyrim as a kid I heard an old lady say something like, “I see everything, hear everything, and know everything.” and I responded by promptly pickpocketing everything on her person
I love the voice you did for the guy who gets robbed haha 😂. Rob Riggle vibes
“Must’ve been the wind”
Bro, you sounded like an NPC of Joe Swanson 😂
Woah I didn’t know kronk was in skyrim!
“Sure is breezy today”
Are you saying it.. must have been the wind?
Why the dark souls sword?😂
The ‘breezy’ part got me dead! Man, I love your skits so much😆
I like how dude sounds like Joe from Family Guy.
You’ve heard of the buster sword, now get ready for the bigass sword
Why’s he sound like Kronk
the funniest part is him not even noticing that big ass sword is gone
1 of the top 5 most underrated content creators
Joe you can WALK!
The tits on that guy daymn
Nice Kronk voice 😂😂😂
Sees unaware clothesless person
“Oh I think I can”
The best one yet!
‘Boy it sure is breezy today’ 😂😂😂😂
“we have joe Swanson at home”
It sure is breezy today ” must have the wind “.😅
I fuckin died as soon as I heard the coin noise
“Hey peter”
Ey Peter! 😂
Lmfao. The item collection noise
I’m glad Joe from family guy can walk again even if all his stuff got suspiciously stolen
This is one of your best.
I love that your nose sticks out of the helmet
The “hey rodveer …” bit sounded like Joe Swanson with a cold 😂
Bro, I’ma need you to voice the “Kusco’s poison” line.
Having pickpocket 100 is basically “hey that outfit looks cool. I’m taking it. Ooooooo that’s a mighty strong sword that you ha- I mean that I have”
Bro sounds like Warburton, really good impression
The npc sounds like medieval/fantasy joe swanson
Get well soon😁
Why is he Kronk?
Why you gotta do kronk like that he had spinach puffs ready foe you later.
Ysmir’s beard, you’re going to freeze to death!
That is one of the most perfect kronk impressions I have ever heard
Bro has the joe Swanson voice mod for npc
How the Dragonborn gonna do Kronk that way 😂
And then you try to steal a single coin from a peasant and they catch you because the minimum chance is 10% for some reason
_”By the 9 to 5, are you the Dragonborn?”_
The naked man fears no pickpockets
Joe is it you? What is joe from family guy doing in skyrim?
Mr Handy Fuel made an appearance in Skyrim. Sweet. Roll.
Love that you use Kronk’s voice. Made it so much better.
Guy sounds like kronk
That look like Hella nugs on the back fence there
Please never stop appearing in my shorts
Truth bomb!
It was much too big to be called a sword
The reaction is perfect 😂 just continues on their day my last play through I actually started doing this a lot before battles and stuff it was fun 😂
Redguards am I right.
That’s a fantastic Kronk.
“By the 9 divines!” ☺️💀🤣
Good impression. Top quality Shorts
Lmao is this supposed to be your Patrick Warburton? xD
Eezma! Put your hands in the air! 😂
Wait why does he have a mandolorian helmet
Bro you got to do one on the fortify Restoration loop. Just make him look like a crackhead making potions and then drinking them, then constantly taking his clothes off and putting them back on and becoming more powerful.
Kronks gonna need a new sword 😂
At least they get to live, unlike a pickpocket victim in Fallout 😂
Uhh, Nine Divines!? Don’t let the Thamlor catch you saying that
Boba Strife?
Lmao gets funnier with each video I see 😂😂💪🏽
Joe Swanson was a guard like you, until he took an arrow to the spine.
You sound like Patrick Warburton in this one!!!
Yo- you did not have to flex that hard on us. 😢
Did you intentionally sound like Kronk? Lol
Definitely giving Patrick Warburton vibes, amazing voice work!
Did you mean to sound like Joe Swanson? Love your content.
I love how the mark sounds like Kronk.
And my guy Nai with another hilarious and superbly done video. They can’t stop this man!!! #theydontwantustowin #bigws
It’s beter
And yet that 10% failure will happen from time to time.
Not a terrible Patrick Walburton impression
My goodness, what a kind soul, Uplifting *cough, cough * Shoplifting*cough, cough* the good people of this ere fine land.
Is that a sword or a propeller blade?
He was such a chill guy that’s so mean 😭 man when I play the npcs are my friends infact my best friends are npcs
Yup I did that to one of the girls in the game
Bro just channeled Patrick Warburton lol
NAIWAL please do You’re S.P.E.C.I.A.L
If this was really skyrim you’d just get caught with that max 90%
Nice tomato plants you got there! 😂
Brock Samson ??
Joe Swanson
Whah magic
Good Kronk impression
This man can’t miss
Did you by chance 3d print a mandalorian helmet and not properly size it before you started
Sure is breezy 🤣😂🤣
Omg please get better so u can stay consistent , i live off your videos and i cant afford to go through withdrawl. Lol. Do u have anywhere we can send donations.
He met the thieves guild leader (also a Dragonborn apparently)
It sure is breezy 😂😂😂
I know this is weird, but at 100 sneak, I liked robbing people naked, but leaving them one of my many books or dining utensils in place of their valuables
That character almost sounded like Kronk.
Bro sounds like joe from family guy lmao 💀
Hope you feel better Naiwal! Love the content brother.
Should’ve used a Forsworn Briarheart instead xD
joe swanson
All of these shorts are great. Don’t stop making bro
Mans got a whole ass weed field growing either that or my high ass is seeing shit lmfao
Bro’s one handed was 100.
i remember i tried to do this to the whole of white run
apparently the dude leaning on the post was too good
noone else noticed but that mfer never missed
Nice Joe Swanson voice!
That’s a pretty good Patrick Warburton
I’d like to see him sheeth that sword 🤣
Pretty impressive stuff indeed
Your average sized skyrim sword
I do this to all the town guards and royalty
Npc congratulating you? Nahhhhh there’s a glitch somewhere.
What even is that thing and where did you get it
Hope you feel better soon. I’m replaying Skyrim now with my favorite build, Argonian with max marksman, conjuring, stealth and the good ‘ol invisibility spell.
I can so relate to this. I had one theif character who ensured Diamond City was a town of underwear.
Hey peter nice job killing that dragon
This guy single handedly brings down the property value of all nearby houses lmao
Definitely wish I tried a stealth character on one of my go throughs.
Nice job getting Patrick Warbutron to make a cameo!
“Boy it sure is breezy today”😂I’m dead. I love this dude
😂😂😂😂😂 true
That really is a good Joe, lol. The second you started talking, I could hear it. Makes me want to watch the Tick, lol.
“Hey Peter”
DragonBorn the most hated in skyrim
Thought process: “your stuff is cool so it’s my stuff now”
He must feel a whole lot lighter after that.
That’s a good Joe impression