I know how to fix Dwemer dungeons | Skyrim Gameplay Highlights
Gameplay highlight from part 344 of my Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition Let’s Play on legendary and survival. You can find the whole playthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2e9YdI6fp8&list=PLobdprIgcqJ-7HzrDzInvB3xaRyuzHE6L&index=1
Playlist for all of my video game shorts: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLobdprIgcqJ8J-k7WVZwcIdq2zfne4kbv
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Taqs:skyrim short,skyrim highlight,skyrim gameplay,skyrim funny moment,skyrim funny,funny moments,highlights,skyrim highlights,let’s play skyrim,let’s play skyrim se,let’s play skyrim special edition,skyrim legendary,skyrim survival,skyrim survival mode,skyrim playthrough,gameplay skyrim,elder scrolls,the elder scrolls,skyrim shorts,shorts skyrim,tes shorts,elder scrolls shorts,funny moments skyrim,highlights elder scrolls
コメント (15)
I never understood what the Dwemer “cities” are. Like, I know they are tonal architects or whatever, but what IS each ruin? ARE they cities with residencies? Is that what that one room with 4 stone beds implies? That’s not a city, that’s just 4 beds. Are they big, long factory hallways, like assembly lines? Is it a hot dog factory? Is it an observation room to read elder scrolls? Then what’s with the miles of pistoned hallways and steam tunnels to get there? Just have an observation room! Are they just big “cities” that make attack spiders? Are the mechanical spider guards only made to guard the machines that make them, causing an unnecessary cycle of making spiders to guard the machines that make themselves? Were there shopping centers in the long hallways of a dwemer city?
They all just look like winding hallways with steampunk nonsense thrown in to look “mysterious,” but they all look like they serve no purpose.
Is that a modded dungeon from CC?
“And this Dwemer ruin is for, and you’ll never guess, torturing people.”
It’s like playing any quest mod, “and the bad guys are, and you’d never guess, the Thalmor”
This is modded right
They also could’ve at least hinted at what became of them or at least had a city that was active by the original host or someone claiming to be them
Alot of Dwemer ruins look super cool, but in world are just one note and not interesting
I absolutely love the dwemer, but this game makes it really hard to roleplay a dwemer archeologist
So true. So so true 👍
They didn’t torture people.
Lyle should make a compilation when he finally finishes Skyrim. Collect the best of these moments and the openings in one video.
I mean, the one where they look at the elder scrolls was neat. Especially the room off to the side where they tortured people.
Alot of dwarven cities should be repurposed for active cities instead same on camps
Made a dungeon for stars instead of going outside and looking up.
Where’s the damn toilets? Be funny if they disappeared trying to send a heap of shit to another dimension.
And this one…seems to be made to torture people WHILE they look at the sky…
Honestly a lot of Elder Scrolls dungeons need to look like ACTUAL CITIES! Like seriously the dungeons LOOK like they were designed for dungeon crawls.