Skyrim “Follow me…” #shorts #skyrim
コメント (2037)
コメント (2037)
Stands up then dies*
This reminds me off this game.. but idk the name
brooohh a glitching everything day
That’s a pretty high level girlfriend if she can one-shot a guard 😂
Dude is the real Npc irl
Woman killed a level 200 holy knight with a level 17 steel spatula, what Level IS she…?
Where’s the cup stuck in a table
Skyrim is an amazing game
I can relate to all of these things
“We’ll fight bi- ” 💀💀💀
The only reason you can tell the difference between this and actual Skyrim is the realism
She has the longest feet ever
dragonbord 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Yo the way he folded was amazing!
“Me just looking at the ass”
I hope ur not like the last guy who made skirim irl videos
Best thing ever😂😂
the most epic fight of 2023 !
I have that same mug
Must’ve run off
bro stood up before he could die
Ive gotten to the point where, if i kill someone, i take the clothes with me
That one NPC 💀
Bro got up just to die 😂
I did almost this exact thing yesterday
Holy crap this is accurate but the NFC’s walk slower than the turtle from the rabbit and the hare
Lol through the dingdong
Mhm yes I also use a spatula to kill my enemies and they die like that too
copper mug into face face fuels me & im not sorry
the guard just want to chill
I remember just killing everyone off in the city and then once I knew when the guards are built different I thought that if you took all their weapons/Armor you would be powerful then I put them on and I got 1 shorted by a dragon 😂😂😂 Good times…
Its great!
Pov: me gaming
The end is literally the most Skyrim thing I’ve seen in my life
Man, those feet are something
Every guy deserves a girl like her 😂
I have that helmet. 🤯
Could not avoid smilling, perfect video.
the rag doll moment
Why is Skyrim so broken?
deaths in indian films be like:
Big foot
Best actor, that guard.
Beautiful acting and logistics!
When i get deadric swords with cheats at third level 🙂
was that mehrunes razor?
she killed him in one hit😭
This is the best thing I’ve seen all day
Why is this so hilarious to me?😂
The synergy of LaFaveBros is strong with all of these different channels’ skits. I love it.
Realistic mod on skyrim
You forgot the sneak attacks on groups of enemies.
**kills enemy’s friend with arrow while hidden**
Enemy friend: Is someone there?
**Stops searching**
“Must be my imagination”
**sits back at the table with dead friend**
“Gets stabbed”
“Gets out of the chair”
“ Gives up life”💀
This is so accurate!
this is not real life this man in a game in don’t know
Not realistic, Skyrim guards have the second biggest health pool right after kaarstag
Most real npc talk
“You are trespassing!”
“You should’ve never have come here!”
The dialogue is so random, it’s hardly even funny but I’m still laughing…
that’s how my gf always ask for food from me 💀
He skiped the dialogue 😂 I was like ??
id live to “clip” your npc against..i mean into a wall.
loved it
Hey nic someone copy your clip😢
most npc game in the world LMAO
The fact that she pulled out a spatula as it was a sword and when she said keep up she just kept walking in the wall😂😂😂😂😂
My internet when I play games be like
Hol up let me std *FALLS DOWN AND DIES*
Spatula was upgraded with fortify smithing potion 1483%
Dialogue skippers comment here
You know, the last guy who made these types of Skyrim videos brutally murdered his wife….
Man its every game.
We have to
Get to the blacksmith there will be a carriage there where we will fight bandits follow me that is what she said
Wonder what she is saying without ekip
ayo sick shaders
You never should have come here you’ve been here💀💀💀
“Keep up.”
Delphine when you first travel to Kynsegrove and she keeps running off the road/path.
“Hey you’re trespassing, I’m warning you”.
The bandits at Valtheim on the same road.
$1 budget game😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Part 2??
Alter sind ihre Füße lang🤣….
I live the moment he stands up and dies😂
Cool edit
This full video made me question life itself
The action music
It’s so true
“Ligmaballz, I have an important mission for you..”
This is reminiscent of that one Skyrim short form content creator. The one that…
Murdered his girlfriend and is currently serving life without parole
this video is genius
Ngl his head would have gone through the chair when he died just how game phisics work
why do NPCs always stand up on a chair when they die
Too good
Why is this all so accurate 😭
we just ganna pretend her feet arnt weirdly long
Yep😂 skip through everything she’s saying😂
You can’t skip dialogue in Skyrim!!
Her feet 😢
Guard: stands up and then dies
The way he goes limp was just so perfect
That was good
bro the way man’s collapsed
I realize the Game was so trash xd
She got some bigass feet
Look like those jeans are tight
He died like a real NPC I can’t get over how perfect the fall was 😂😂
The way he put his hands out while following her looks like he’s tryna grab her as*
Bro I’m the master of skyrim my level is 87 and 8 maxed legendary perks
So I take it she’s okay with these completely random and just weird things she’s being asked to do in these shorts
That fall was smooth
im dying 🤣
We’re is your furniture???
She is fine
follow me to the bedroom 🤫
5 at best
I think he was following something else😏
*inspired by true events*
Imagine if we men can skip argument with our wife or gfs. 😭
A polite man never dies without standing up
Wait… this isnt actually skyrim?!?!
Is like a relity😂
Quedo re bien xd
A girlfriend _and_ friends?! So this is the true strength of the Dragonborn.
Biggest female feet ever
yall laughing
this woman killed a man i front of us in cold blood and yall laughing
Very accurate rag doll well done 10/10
This got me in the mood to play Skyrim.
Yall need to stop playing without mods if ur shit is this glitchy. 1 single mod fixed almost everything
Haha when you don’t like rpg games and skipping and spam space button
The death was so smooth 😂
**wahh** **stands up** **dies random**
Ur girl Gott big Feet! Nice, like it! 🦶🏼🥰👣
10 out of 10 for realism
How many times did yall break character whilest filming?
Way too accurate, I just got done playing skyrim and it feels like I’m already back on
Girlfriend is not
“Just slightly exaggerated”
Thos had me dying. I’m literally going to play this on the 360 rn
This is really well done
Your CBBE mod isnt working.
“I’m warning URGH”
Unrealistic helmet fell off. Not skyrim confirmed
The way he fell was so smooth bruh 😂
That girl is cute. What follower mod is that? And is it CCBE compatible?
Her feet 💀💀💀
I get so frustrated when they get stuck into walls that I’ll just sprint at them over and over until they get knocked back onto their path
“Hey, watch it” No YOU watch it, we literally can’t progress until you do
Am I the only one who still read everything just fine
whiterun security chickens laugh
Hahhaa skyrim bug is real
Hold on did she say dragonboard? 😂
Pov: you only play Rpg games.
Yeah, that about sums of the Skyrim experience
nah bro its way better when they get up then die just to fly in their death
(people who experienced it would like)
nancy drew be like
That one NPC
Your trespassing *SLICE* *DIES*💀
More please
i saw that thing behind the coffee maker
Shes so good at this oh my god
No, one’s talking about the fact that she’s said “follow me” and then said “you never should have come here” right before she fights the guard.
The ultimate spatula
Wtf lmao
You forgot the part when all their clothes randomly disappear 😰
Why does she kinda look like unspeakable’s gf / ex (Idk)
Her saying “keep up” while walking into the wall then the guard saying “you’re trespassing here, you better clear out” gave me so much anxiety. I was literally like, “Please go!!”
Spongebob: *Staring at his spatula*
That ragdoll though 🤣🤣🤣masterpiece
Skipping dialogues lol, so me.
So true
that sad
the skip bro.
star wars KOTOR be like:
Bro these games really be like that
Spot on
She has some huge feet jfc
logic killing sit guy
he just stand up and die in an second 💀
This isn’t even lore accurate, nobody clipped through the map
Bros got the perfect NPC death 😂
The knight is the wish version of shotgun knight
Girlfriend:follow me
*slowly getting up
Mobile ads be like lol
Looks good
ohio girlfriend
“keep up!”
*Gets stuck*
The guards standing up, just to die, made me cry with laughter 😂
Fr this is me
We fight the follow me☠️☠️
This is so accurate I can’t XDDD
You forgot the part where if you follow too closely they stop everything they’re doing to just look at you.
It just work
Why was that so accurate 😂
He’s walking up to die 👍
I was playing Skyrim when I saw this
Games be like
Give this girl an award for being an NPC
Every time I play this happens it’s so annoying
Man died like a realistic npc 💀
The animation is spot on!
I love this girl so much
as much glitches skyrim elder scrolls has i still love it
*Wow this is amazing the spatula didn’t even touch him*
A day in ohio💀💀💀💀💀💀
Skyrim in ohio
I’d give you a like if the cup vanished in his hand
Is it just me or after here is when I would restart the game cuz I actually wanna know the storyline then randomly quit on doing that
This is confusing to me ☠️
WTH lol npcs be like
Nice socks
That ragdoll was godlike wth
Bro fell with a spatula
Salut mon ami j’étais à Paris et toi aussi je t’aime très simple bisous ❤😂🎉😅
This is just beautiful 😂
Free fire max
Died from bleeding guys
man wtf goin on in Ohio man
The pain noise after he gets up is priceless
That radgoll is so accurate and well done
Bro got the ragdoll right 💯
Normal day in Ohio be like:
did bro just tf2 killbind??
Iblike those skit they’re funny
The drinking animation makes it for me
Npc’s be like :
This is so accurate
“Give me a second. I just have to get up…. ÆEUG
Good work
Npc actually in real life be like💀:
That is the most realistic Skyrim death
That Walk.. 😂
Accurate asf
Bro needs a Oscar ASAP
Humans: AI is gonna take over the world!!1!1
The AI:
Very impressive acting!
The way he fell after standing 🤣
the ragdoll had me rolling
Npcs in real life be like:
Man s-stut-tere-ed as if she had ping over 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000💀
The gf of him was walking to the the wall and say keep up in the wall🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
so true I play genshin and I’ve been skipping the ten million dialogue and j story quest just one bang and they’re dead
HOLY MOLY she got some big feet 😳
why is the NPC sipping through the side of his head
He stands up then falls down like me when im tired
It really be like this 😂
I watched it one time like 3 years ago and now i’m trying to watch but even without watching i’m like 🤣😅😂😂😂😅🤣🤣😅😂🤣😅😂😅😂🤣😅😂😅🤣😅😂🤣😅 for 5 mins.
the delayed death because of the animation is sooooo acurate
i actually like that video haha made me laugh to it haha thas is funny ha 🤣👍😁
JinnKid from multiverse
Only in Skyrim 😭💀
“Keep up!” Ya ok
it’s perfect.
Genshin Impact in a nutshell 😂😂😂
The Last stand before passing in too accurate ☠️☠️
He gets up and then fall to the floor. BRUH!
She kills him for a low reason
Im questioning things❓
I love this
Am I the only one who never skipped the dialogues in Skyrim?
This was so true that I’m dying of laughter
This is literally so funny, I don’t play the game but I watch my dad play it… this is accurate XD
Wait, sine when can you have a girlfriend in Skyrim? Do I have to be a male character? Can I get a boyfriend as a female character?
This is so true to game 😂
It’s so real that it feels unreal but then again games are really unreal
Wait…did I just really type this
Same old Bethesda. Better visuals but same old buggy game engine.
Skyrim ai is just like farcry ai
So funny bro 😂😂
Bro just stood up to die
This is so godly
she mastered that talk
Slurps coffee: ah one oofffffff
Dragonboar I have a ah nex s then follo got I like will you let me fricking talk
Dislike and don’t recommend channel.
I don’t know what Skyrim you’re playing, but the one I play doesn’t have my hands out like that.
Nor glitch this bad.
That fall though
So good!
skyrim the eldern scrolls is the most cringies game ever
Bro died to cringe
*Stands up*
normal game in ohio 🙏🙏🙏💀💀:
No girls in Skyrim are as well curved as that 😂
Bruhhhh 🤣🤣🤣
His death was smooth as hell
I can’t with the way he drinks and looks the complete other way
Perfect except for the lag and glitching through walls
“Keep up” in front of her
When your gf is lagging
I got the same cup
So accurate
Skyrim in ohio:
I love how the guy had to stand up to realize he just got eliminated
*kills with spatula*
Enemy gets up normal* *dies*
Wow your girlfriend looks like she never missed 😂😂😂😂😂
“alt title:how moms beat their gamer kid and the dad judt wacthes”
She has some huge feet. Bet she can share Jordan’s with her man not a bad thing.
Nah bro has to stand up to die
bro had to stand up before he died
I think my wifi breaking🗿
They took Skyrim in a nutshell to another 10 levels
Bro why is this so accurate
dude really stood up to die
Skyrim ai as actually very good besides from your followers and pets
That is so not what skyrim Ai is like
You never should have come here!
Proceeds to cut the air but still kills him
The Waffle House Has Found Its New Host
Yeah I don’t think I’m gonna play Skyrim 😭
So why does Alvor need you to go to the Throat of the World? What did these Bandits steal?
저게 ㅅㅂ 대체 뭔게임이야
Uh someone get a poison potency check on that spatula
F***ing realistic death ragdoll XD
…..I Think That’s– OMG!!——AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!
damn, this mods are getting ridiculously realistic, shame that we still can’t fix the bad programmed AI… 😉
omg that death was 100%
100% accurate. Your gf rocks.
After the death animation, she should have sheathed her spatula and said, “must have cleared out.”
Then taken a step towards the mission, stop, turn back towards the corpse and say, “oh no, what happened here??!”
Just a slight addition that would have furthered the theme, otherwise all currently existing content was *perfect*, absolutely loved it 💯👊🏼
You do that so goodd!!!
Wait till he installs mods from loverslab
The eye of Todd Howard sees all
i really wanna cry i remember the first time i played this game ahhh yes THE GOLDEN AGE best openworld ever like it or hate it
That girl npc has size 13 feet
The most accurate video I’ve seen this year.
Yep pretty much nailed it.
Gets up immediately dies
The acting is too good and relatable
You why her feet like a mile long
That death rag doll was perfect
Quest back in the old years there was no “missions”
npc moment
I remember watching this guy who I loved do these vids…. Turns out he was crazy and killed his wife no joke
When do we find the npc that’s barefoot, unarmored, oddly dressed and that no weapons? You don’t follow these people for any reason. That’s how you end up saving their ass after they take you to help with some “little problem” and rush in to die.
what the heck is going on
Why she thick doe 😮
His helmet fell off in the game that doesn’t happen lol
at least they patched the graphics, looks so real now
Skyrim seems fun
Might watch it one dY
Is it me or do y’all see her feet it’s really long
As a person who never played Skyrim…
Or they stop walking and say something when you get too close or too far lmao
Man that chick has a strong jaw line goddamn
Not another…it just works🤣🤣🤣
Never encountered walking into a wall in skyrim, just other NPCs… But the chair part is 100% accurate
Accurate as fuck
man, this Skyrim hd mods are getting pretty realistic
Beautiful work and my fave game
not the “you never should have come here”. hahahaha
Npc’s be like
Bro these npc be acting like they from Ohio
I hate when your faster than an NPC and have to wait 20 seconds for them to catch up💀
She’s got some impressively massive stompers
👏👏👏 Bravo on perfect death animation rendition.
So accurate 😂
I love how the helmet goes off his head at the end
The Skyrim npcs have less braincells them me on the last test of school
What size shoe is your gf
Yes, yes aaaand YES!
Remember the need something guy?
She bad af 🥵🥵
The way he dropped to the ground though
This whole thing is so accurate hahaha well done
Lmfao so true
Dude didn’t even get a chance bro
this is amazing 🤣
I actually rode those sentences like in skyrim lol
Can’t believe no one has brought up her feet. Sleds that would make a giant jealous…
Heres hoping this one doesn’t end up like the last guy who did skyrim irl, for those who dont know, dude killed his gf, pretty sure his videos got taken off YouTube
Is that guy’s archery 100? Cause he went bullseye on that acting.
… NPC’s. ..
No cuz fr and they be running hella slow I’ll be waiting for them at the checkpoint and have to wait for like 2 min
the death is so accurate i’m crying
……….. I have questions…
Damn, this ragdoll die was so fu***** accurate man! Great job! XD
Man you probaly would find a whole bakery if you pickpocked your gf
One of the best ragdoll I’ve seen in years
You’re perfect. * — *
the morality of this game if very human
The dead anilation is so perfect
Okay the death was 105% accurate lol
This has got to feel so wild filming 🤣
The most realistic guard death I’ve ever seen 0.0
POV: the girlfriend Dra- let’s go
I’m one of the few people doesn’t actually skip the dialogue in Skyrim
W-T-F cringe
I would love to live in Skyrim
The chair stand and flop over bravo 😂😂
Is it just me or ol girl look like she got big ol turd stompers?
Total laggy…
The standing up and dying is one of the things I love about Bethesda games 😂
Last guy that did skyrim irl shorts ended up killing his wife.
*crouches and pickpockets her clothes for the memes*
Omg 9/10
the GTA SA physics 💀💀
Grab her ass damn lol 😅
The guard should have done the spinning death animation
XD amazing
Skyrim in Ohio💀
Bro my dreams are the same
If only the guards could slip out of their helmets on death, that would be a cool feature
POV : every Skyrim player
No skyrim role playing girlfriend why live.
I want her weapon it’s 1 shots guards🤣
That death animation is so accurate.
One hit kill
Big feet 🤣🤣🤣
he NAILED that slump
the death was the best part
Didnt the guy who made this original vid murder his wife?
Thou woman have the sweet rolls.
Are they the same couple where he killed her for cheating on him?
You have cometed crimes ageists Skyrim and her people what say you in your defense!
this is so great lol
The death was way too accurate 😭
That was well done
Yey new free armor that you can sell
His fall was perfect
(Girlfriend)-bumps into wall and gets behind (girlfriend) “keep up!” (Guy)”…”
Even the way the guard falls is accurate!
Didnt clip trough the floor when dead. 9/19
They should have put the earnings in the middle of the screen😂😂
Dot be accurate
It’s the rag doll physics for me! 😂
*keep up!*
*bangs into a wall*
Another Skyrim in real life channel. Let’s this one doesn’t murder his girlfriend.
I love it we all skip through the dialogue and then the fall to the death
100% accurate. Have no high hopes for Starfield….Hopefully it just works…
Genshin impact be like*
Una lanchaza 😯😯
The guard looking away from his cup while drinking got me. True Skyrim. 😂
Average skyrim AI
HOW OMG this is incredibly done
I guess bodies really do fall like that in real life
Even the way the guard dies was spot on XD
my big bro seen a t-posing bandit with no head
this is soo true
Bro the guy that fell perfected the animation perfectly👌
Why is it actually like this 💀
Everyone was Brianna Why does that look like Chase When he was real he’s a mask it fell down by accident
When the guard stands up so he can slump over dead….XD
This is perfect
They way he died was just.. SO accurate
Dragonbord? Well, this is hilarious. Where do I play modern Skyrim?
The realism on this scene and the accuracy is astonishingly amazing.
What are you playing?
How I play:
I need more of this, this is to good
100% Skyrim !
Npcs irl😭
That is… Uncanny
🤣 so acurate dude drinking then gets up to die 😂🤣
Fr me skipping the intro telling me how to play the game so I can figure it out the hard way
This is wy to real…
This is true like games
Skipping the dialog was hilarious 😂
She walked right into a wall 😂
Video games theses days
Lol why im looking the foot of girl ?😅🤣…so long 🙄
Why is this so accurate 😂
When you mod with nexus mod manager
Auijxkjcksksj follow me
I cant tell if this is real
How he had to stand up to die….. True🤣🤣🤣
That is so equal to the games lol
Slowest walker in Skyrim must be Erandur during the ‘Waking Nightmare’ quest in Dawnstar. Should have fast travelled but decided to follow him and took ages.
I love Skyrim
Bruh the words getting skipped all the way to follow me got me cracking up 😂
“I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee.”
For me, its the guard standing up into an immediate fold 😂😂
“Hm, must’ve ran off.”
Dude died perfectly
Ohio npc
Skyrim log8c looks like
The npc is dumb and her ai finding path is trahs as hell
My bro really said *melt*
How… did… she do her lines so well… wtf? (Second watching: Oh they edited it. Did NOT catch that the first time through and was just mind fucked.))
Bro you have the same mug as me
I was laughing for a long time dude
I just started playing Skyrim and this is so accurate lmao
Wait…isn’t this the guy that murdered his gf?
I’m glad this still gets uploaded even after the last guy went to prison
I listen to all of the dialogue 😔
Girlfriend: now I got the spongebobs power 👁👄👁
Why is this soooo accurate
Why he sound like puss in boots💀
done, and done.
Didn’t the guy who made the og skyrim vines end up killing his wife
I stg if there’s not a major jump in the npcs from Skyrim in elder scrolls 6 I’ma throw hands been 2 whole console gens since it came out lmao
How you get Skyrim so realistic
This so accurate
The only thing that isn’t accurate here is the helmet falling off of the guard, but it doesn’t take away from the wonderful watch experience
A hidden feature in all Bethesda games is hold the weapon draw button X on Xbox . You can put your weapon away , also where the fuck do get hovering zombie hands i haven’t found that yet and I’m level 66 with 3 DLC’S
😂😂😂😂I love it
well done on the… everything
What the fck is i am watching
Bravo Perfecto that was amazing
npc? More like npthicc! 😉😍
the death is hella accuarte tho im dead💀💀💀
But why’d you say mission
es6 graphics looking great
Npc be like:
Edit: omg it auto corrected to not instead of npc so I had to change it 🫣
Take us- to find- follow me.
Got me chocking on melons 🍈 😂
The first part actually has me so funny😂🤣
The collapse was something
Yall have too much time on your hands lol 😆 😂 🤣
“You never should have come here!” pulls out spatula 😂
Very inaccurate as it didn’t end with a comical fus ro dah off a cliff
The way he dies 🤣 accurate
Not the standing up to die like folded laundry 🤣
Amazing detail making the top bar animated
This is perfect
Good old skyrim
Fr accurate as shit
Bro Carrying the whole team💀
Looks like that guy in the chair has a drinking problem
Why is this accurate 😂😂😂
The way the legs curled under him…it’s so accurate!
The rag doll into the chair is so true 😂
What fallout 4 mod is this? Lmao
Perfekt getroffen. 🙂 .
Its like I’m playing the actual game!!! Lmao!
Lag be like
Omg it’s exactly like in a video game
That death animation was actually perfect
This is the most accurate thing I’ve ever seen, I felt like I was in a real game
A little treat for all the Skyrim fans! https://youtu.be/6ys4Q1PO5ek
*OBJECTION!!* Skyrims players don’t see any part of their body in the 1st person.. UNLESS THEYRE HOLDING WEAPONS OR IN THE 3rd PERSON
Crappy video games be like:
These glitches or Cyberpunk glitches?
Which do you prefer?
Games be like with npcs:
So true
It’s Dragonborn, not dragonbord.
Pov: you play sky rim for the first time
“Come for we shall journey forth into the raging blizzards of winterhold”
Walks two inches
“Congratulations, warrior. “
Man, next gen graphic mods looking good.
You can’t just take a clip from the game and try to fool us lmao
Yo I thought I was in syrim for a sec
My brother’s say I bug every game i touch, and they’re right, this are all the bugs that had happened to me:
Character T-posing while riding a horse
Random animals or people walking on air
Falling through the floor
People having no name
Enemies disappearing through the floor after killing them
Enemies walking after killing them
Dragons paused on air
Dragons not attacking
Going through walls
Weird combinatioms of animals (example; A Sabrecat-spider)
Followers just disappearing of existence (but not dying)
Npc’s eating in the middle of nowhere
Npc’s appearing out of nowhere
Lots of guards appearing out of nowhere and non stopping
Quests targets not appearing
Drahons flying through the dloor and appearing back
Horse randomly sent to the air and staying there (even if riding it)
Stormclocks not attacking me (I already chose the imperials)
Enemies not attacking
Npc’s that were supposed to die staying alive
Horse going through the floor or walls
The mission of “The legend of the Red Eagle” appearing everytime I read the book (that’s not supposed to happen)
No guards at all in any village
Seeing through doors that lead to skyrim (like, seeing the actual outside)
After a load screen I appear without my armour
Random objects appear in my inventory
Objects disappearing from any chest or inventory
Sprouse won’t wake up (literally)
Having bounty whiteout committing any crime
Npc’s sentences won’t load or subtitles won’t load
Can’t loot dead bodies
Game crashing at one especific quest
And. . .
I think that’s all
Props on that slow fall? like. that’s some powerful leg muscle control there to fall slowly and controled like that?
The npc walking into the wall acting is classic npc moves
Even the actors are laughing
The knight: ” the fork are they doing????? *takes a sip*
This is so accurate
I just love how got up to die 😂
A townswoman with a spatula. Be very afraid.
That is so true!
most normal family in ohio
The death after getting up was SUPER ACCURATE
Everything but the death I think is accurate. The death was more of a fallout
The slow fall is so legit tho😂😂😂
Bro drinked his through his ear😳
Aw mann this isnt a skyrim song:(
She was just walking into a wall
That ragdoll was… Too accurate.
When i was 5 years old girl my dad play that game🙂 sometimes when there was much blood he said it was ketchup ✨
Wow this is so accurate
The ded was great 😂🤣😂🤣
Cringe games be like:
Literally 😂
I laughed so hard when he lifted the cup to his helmet, he wasn’t even looking at it 💀
I don’t know where the legs begin and the cake ends.
That spatula must be enchanted with the power of exploits or something
Brooo 💀
😍 Skyrim!!
the amount of effort in this skit is unreal
This is what I do when my door is closed 😂✨
Why must it be so accurate 🤣
POV. Your an NPC.
Then girlfriend: “Must have been the wind” *proceeds to mission*
Npcs fr though 💀
Bro. the house turned into a full on gameXD
mobile game be like:
Bro I thought it was real for a sec
Bro really wanted to be a NPC
“Keep up”
*Proceeds to bang head against wall*
We’ll fight follow me
bro really died in his chair
No one:
This guy being hit with a spatula: “Augh!” *Dies*
That death fall was so realistic I can’t 😭
this is so completely accurate.
Always loved the ‘urgency’ they would have getting up off their chair while you kill them with a fork
This is super accurate because I have played Skyrim and watched my mom legit have all these strategies to beat the game.
for a second i thought the girlfriend was gonna kill the player, that happened to me once where one of my allies just killed me because i trespassed
That fall was perfect tho
Literally every game I always skip everything
Wow is so realistic
hes not even drinking anything
An I thought this was going to be a NSFW porntube preview
man, I wish I could give you more than one likes xD
Pfft That helemt is a paid actor I bet XD XD
I hate how accurate this is like what
we are in a Skyrim simulation
where are the sex mods?🧐🤨
What is this how to play Roblox tutorial😭😭🥲🥲
Dudes a Minecraft zombie 💀
Everything about this is just perfect!
The walking made me roll on the floor lmao
Why is this so funny
Lydia dying the first day I got her from a yeti in 2 hits XD
npcs ne like
CPUs are so funny when they walk into the wall
When Skyrim is remastered for PS8
I put this video on my second monitor and played skyrim on my 1st monitor and I saw NO difference between the two
The helmet was a paid actor👍🏻
Too real bro too real
it do be like that
The ideal relationship
wayyyy too good ✨✨🥰🥰🥰🤩🤩
100% accurate!
The way the soldier falls to the ground after realizing he’s dead.
When the guy dies is so accurate
Bros hands are popping out 💀
perfect stand-up-then-ragdoll
Mobile games be like:
Stand up and die
Reminds me of my sims when I put them in bed but they stand up to pass out
I know I’m dead when the dragon attacks
Oh I thought this was a game
Games be like:
“Keep up.”
Also her: (casually trying to walk through the wall”
Her: (kills with a spatula)
Me: what-
Can you do one where you skip the dialogue and arrive at the quest marc but don’t know what to do because you skipped the dialogue?
Very polite of him to stand up before he dies
This is so accurate
Video game be like
*hold on let me just stand up to die*
Those player hands knew the assignment.
Accurate Bethesda coding
for me skyrim is a childhood game so i am glad people still make contect about it
It,s like a game gta lol
Dragon board
Funfact:I have that exact same cup at my house
Keep up!
We have to speed to a kiddd fight follow me . Hahaahaha
wow, even the ragdoll physics are on point
🤣🤣⭐got me on the floor🤣😂🤣
At first I thought this was real
my weapon would have been a House slipper
lol yes so accurate
It’s 1 am rn and I have 0 sanity
That death scene was so accurate I could see it happening in game in real time in sync with the video and got Deja vu
And it will take us to- Well Fight- FALLOW ME…
And it take us to-
the dead limp got me wheezing
This is the best acting Ive ever seen ngl
I’ve never played Skyrim before but this makes me want to start
What just happened is the question I’m trying to solve here.
Is this the game elder scrolls online?
Accurate all of it
The death rag doll was the most accurate Skyrim portrayal I have ever seen. The dedication
This sketch has less bugs than Pokémon Scarlet
I always used to watch my brother play games like these when I was little this just gives me memories of that
Skyrim is one of my favorite games and this is so true 😂
My brain is going negative right now……
did you know that you can pick shit up in skyrim and carry it around with you as if you were really holding it
Mpc’s r spot on!
Follow meee
I’m sorry… the way he crumpled down 💀✋🏻
I mean….you’re not wrong skipping through all the talking
She started to lag💀
This is the greatest
Question remains, how are they trespassing? Isn’t that their home?
Not him getting up just to die
Uuuuummmmm guess it’s been a glitch in the system
So true
Part two maybe
Why this guy has my helmet?!
Why is this so accurate LOL
skyrim is my favorite game and this is so accurate 😂
It’s just the: “keep up!” Even tho the npc is so slow
Skyrim but RTX is turned on
We have to _________g0 to________ follw me
types of og games
I love this so much
“Follow me”
“you never should’ve come here!”
The way he just fell to the ground😂
“*old man scream*”
i needed this at 1 in the morning
You NeVer ShouLd HaVe ComE here 💅🙄🗡
I watched my brother play Skyrim and I’ve never seen anything more accurate
So accurate! 🤣 the dialogue skipping was *perfect* ✨ and the continuously walking into the wall while saying “kEep Up” just perfect
-soul leaves body-
NPC behavior doesn’t exist it can’t hurt you
NPC behavior:
“add games be like”
Real life games can’t hurt you
Real life games:
I never played Skyrim before, and pretty much all I know about it is that it’s a video game, but this popped up and I thought ‘wow this games so realistic it’s incredible’ then I realized and felt so stupid😂
I was abt to say:DOWNLOAD
For the first few seconds I thought I was an actual game 😭💀
Only in skyrim
I love these Skyrim shorts! Just please don’t kill your wife like another person we know who used to make these
Yo them duck feet are unreal bruh
What about elder scroll?
Skyrim is the best fantasy right game I have ever played in my opinion
Literally true in games
I’m weird I like listening to the dialogue. Probably cuz I don’t got a clue what I’m doing if I don’t
*yawn* the Skyrim jokes are getting about as old as the game itself now.
I love how she just walks into the wall
Should’ve had all the guards in the town flood in😂😂
when you realize most gaurds in skyrim dont normally die in one or two hits normally, and your girlfriend just delayed ended him in one shot….dont mess with her, I see why you don’t rage when she runs into the wall.
The icons are from skyrim but the music, that is from FATE: the cursed king
I have never seen something so accurate 😭
Are actually in the game how did you that so cool
Skyrim dawg 💀💀
bro be right
Npcs in Ohio
That is SOO accurate bro!!!!
Who knew someone could be so good at cosplaying and acting as an NPC 😂
WTH is this. Why are you walking into the wall?
Me on desktop: ME HAVE INFINATE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When there is a glitch in the game
That death was amazing
this is so well its actually looks like a game
W girlfriend
Bro is that Lydia
My friends husband could grow a beard at 11
Nobody skyrim be like when i play it
Skipping through dialogue is so accurate fr
“He- Ash- Wh- Poke- Cho- one”
my brain:clap that juicy a-
This is the ideal gaming experience. Everything is top-notch and realistic, and it’s clear that the developers put a lot of work into it.
Keep up. (wall physics)
* Stabs the knight *
* still sitting and drinking the tea and then stands up and dies *
Do this what they call “the walking dead” but he stands up 🤣
lol relate able
i have not laughed like this since so long 🤣🤣🤣 so relatable
Image this is a REAL game! LOL
Let me menacingly drink from this mug through the side of my helmet
Why are her knees like that when she walks
Nah bruh I hate how accurate this is
Was is it so accurate 🤣😂
“Ey! You trespassing here! Bef-“
NPC blocking on walls
I know this pain 🥲
Just regular people in ohio and skole
lucky guy got the guard when i did it i got a fucking dragon to fight (i had no healing left)
Fr that’s how it was
Bro made a perfect ragdoll..
Omg yeeees lol
Lol agreed imagine the NPC jut walks into a wall then the enemy cutscene lags out
Don’t pin me…
Keep up *walks in wall*
*moon walking*
Pov: genshin players when dialogue :
Bro drink water with the helmet and died after stand up💀💀💀
This is accret to a T
Not the walking into the wall💀💀
No wait that’s actually acurate
I love how true this is 😂😂😂
“I-i-i dont get paid enough ELOOUGGHHH”
I have that Hemet
I love how he just standed up to fall
My bro died to a spatula😂
your trespassing here dont test your luck
dies to a spachtula
i wanna play this game
Whoevers under that mask is a god at stand up dying
Spot on
SO accurate 😭
This is my first time seeing a Skyrim short… I LOVE IT
The get up make a dying voice and falling is so true
“I am warnin-”
Hey girlfr-
Explains the entire universes lore*
And then you speed up ahead of them and they have the nerve to say “keep up”
Normal day playing Skyrim in Ohio:
cybreg 2077
Skyrim with 0 logic be like:
Mobile game ads be like😂🤣🤣🤣
Bro seriously skipping his girlfriend’s lines 💀
This is the most accurate representation of skyrim
Been a while cince I’ve played skyrim, idk how to fix it. Every time I play it freezes. Probs from old console
why this is so true
I came here looking for the size of the sock comments….. I found none
I love ‘em when people act like real life is a game
that ragdoll fucking perfect
Me: Heh, there’s not a video 100% relata-
Girlfriend being npc: 100% accurate
Skipping dialogue:5000% accurate
Girlfriend being npc while walking to the wall:1000000% accurate
She‘s hot the power…
i love that he has to get out of the chair to dramatically fall down 😭
Bruh the skipping though the text was the most realistic part
How games be like with low internet
RPGs be like:
Why was I very able to read her dialogue even though they were skipping it
Is this proof that we are all just npcs 😅🫣
I love that spat- I mean the weapon
That’s so facts IT happens all the time
Best part of this is the dialogue skipping and the way the guard died..
it do be like that tho
Her talking : hvydc NJ uppity ewsvmijb
“Come on, let’s go before we get caught traveler!”
Isn’t this that guy who murdered his girlfriend?
You forgot the part where they don’t move until they suddenly grow a brain and fall through the floor when they try to move
That’s exactly how it is
Vr games be like:
*NOT THE SPATULA!!!* I was going to cook Burgers with that 🥺
lla make more if these😭
girlfriend pregnant By sneezing / uploading (Bro i wanted to say girlfriend? nice and the autocorrrct wanted to say whats above this)
They should be paid actors
Omg, you got spat of wack!!?!?!? That’s impossible to get.
Accurate AF✨💅🏻
The lag be like
Me in styrim:
POV:your dad playing a game
Why does my comment gets removed every times
My name says mex
My profile name says s-
Game graphics In 2050:
The guard drinking his coffee while his head is turned, getting up a few seconds being hit, and then just collapsing. That’s what makes this a good video.
bout right
It shows above the title of shorts if it’s a game end it thinks this is elder scrolls v
Girlfriend:let me drive the car
You: NO
NPC moment
I love Skyrim you guys are amazing keep up the bad ass work y’all re my favorite YouTube channel
“Follow me”
2 seconds later
“You never should have come here!”
Pov game’s
Me playing a game:
So true-
Man I love Skyrim, good to see someone else enjoying it
Now tell me what color her shoes were after watching this.
I love skipping dialogue
It gets annoying when your on your 5th time playing
Skyrim in Ohio
then when you come across a wolf you just use unrelenting force 😂
The game NPCs in Ohio:
I love how they skipped when she was talking
To real
i love it
Bruh the knight stands up before deaf like you could of died on the chair
You died
it’ll be better if he died and slide a bit and spin around
I don’t think my brain can fully acknowledge that these are real human beings 😭
I mean thats one way to get them off the wall though.
Why is this so accurate💀
Nice watch
What he say:
Dragonbord i have an important mission for you
We have to go to riverwood
And speak to the blacksmith
There will be a carriage waiting for us
And it will take us to the top of the mountain
We’ll fight bandits there
Follow me
‘Hey!No trespassing’
‘Youve never shouldve come here!’
fall animation was too good
usual family in Ohio
Lag be like:
I should show my dad this.
nah bro this is every single game like skyrim
Bro that ohhio
Lag + miswalking + standing up and getting lag at right time + Voice line of girl skipped + imagine spedrunning
Its the sounds for me
Now full vid
This is so good😂😂
when u skip the whole thing-
That goofy ahh walk tho
This is accurate on so many levels
Npc be like
Skyrim meme is too much accurate
Npc’s when real life be like:
It the skipping dialogue for me
It’s so disgustingly accurate- 😩
Omg I have the same cup!
Keep up
Proceeds to run into wall
I have- go to the- follow me
Npcs be like
The “keep up” as she walks through a wall is painfully accurate 💀💀
There’s something missing
*You forgot to drop the cup*
So accurate I love this game
Ik it’s a joke I am just bored
“dragonboard i have an important mission for you we have *hbjugshhhghtbbebevev* fOlLoW mE”
(World of War craft be like: )
Half the fun of skyrim was the mildly buggy behavior of the game. It’s the reason why there hasn’t been a sequel in this performance focused era.
npc moment
that was so accurate and relatable 🤣👌
Average day in ohio💀
I crashed my YouTube with haha’s
Bro had to stand up for that one
That one NCP:
I remember the first dude that made this series hes dead now
Games be like
Lol the night drinking the coffe 😂
what’s the song name
“we have to-”
“Go to-”
“Follow me”
**Weird giga walk**
Here before viral
“Keep up” meanwhile she is trying to walk through the wall 😂😂😂
The game even says skyrim💀💀
I need help
Only in ohio games
You gonna search his loot 🤨
Why do you talk like that
guard shoud sit on a wheel chair tbh
Skyrim Player Button
The knight was a monkey😱
the chair moved unrealistic
Bro where the heck his hands are pointing
look I don’t mean to mean and I don’t want to look like a hater but that is obviously fake 😑
nahh that spatula more stronger than a claymore 💀
“You never should’ve come here.”
“But I’ve been sitting here all my life.”
The way he drinks his cup looking the other way
“glonk the one who dies”
the girlfriend was talking Russian for a sec
I didnt even understand what she say 😂
Man just drinking coffee why kill him-
This is meeee 😭😭😭
Skiip 💅🏻💅🏻
it just works
too accurate
videogames be like :
For a second I thought she was gonna walk through the hall
and then u have to push the npc so it isnt walking on the wall
This is a copy of my old game we’re you stalking me when I was little!
Is he ok
I had my last 2 braincells here not its nowere to be seen
Yo I play Skyrim and it’s so like the game
Me noticing: oh it’s real life but they look like a game
Only in ohio. ×_×
Average day in Ohio
He a npc
Npc lore😭😭😭
This is indeed skyrim
Y’all and niki gotta do a collab
Skyrim be like that
hold up lemme finish meh tea, ok I die now😔✌️
“Keep up!”
My friend does mage play through a lot
He likes to use both and run and just start going WHEEHHHEHEHEHEHEHEHH WETARD WUN HEHEHEHH
This actually sounds like a game ngl
Follow me runs into wall
*walks into wall*
“Keep up! 😊”
this is me but pokemon dialouge that isint the story
Skyrim in a nutshell 😂
Lol this is true
Bro it really happened everyones an npc
XD the skip dialog ahahahahs so relatable
Npcs be like
NCPS be like
everything about this is perfection
I love how the guars is laughing while he acted ded
that’s one powerful girlfriend npc.
Yessssss. I hate so much of the dialogue!
Anybody going to eat that cake?
She moves like an actual npc lol
Goku would not even dodge that attack even with true mui
*Threateningly pours Moscow Mule over face.*
“You’re trespassing here.”
These kinda videos are cursed like sour milk. Especially since the guy famous for making them was convicted for killing his wife…
that death was flawless lmao
She even got the stance when they just stand there after killing an enemy right
Skipping the dialog, walking through the wall, drinking an empty mug through his cheek, standing up before dying while still holding his mug. This’ waaaaay tooo accurate 😭
*When you lag in a game*
Imagine he kept following her
Only in Skyrim 💀
lmao accurate
this is amazing lol
That guy did a nice ragdoll
My Man explained 200 hours of gameplay in seconds
The way he fell
Sex sidequest
This was so good I can’t tell if it was the real thing
Girlfriend: *kills with a spatula*
Is it really how Skyrim looks like? Well shiver me timbers I think I now want to play it
Skipping dialouge
NPC walking to the wall
Another NPC gets killed after standing up because hes bugged
*K E E P U P*
guy talks while drinking coffee
People in Ohio:
Only in ohio
can’t believe how accurate it is
Bro unlock the mangekyou sharingan and super saiyan
Miss this is your last warning!
Sips coffee*
Exactly how games work
girlfriend walks right into a wall
Rip crusader
my dream be like
Bro her feet be looking weird tho 🦶📏
The dude getting out of the chair just to die immediately 💀
cosplayers in Ohio 💀
Hope this doesn’t turn out like the last one😬
The stand up and rag doll death hit WAY to close home lol
Bro really stood up and went 💤
Bro MPC‘s be like
NPCs be like😂:
forgot the death spin animation
The only inaccurate thing is that his helmet fell off when he fell lol
Damn, your girlfriend’s cracked..
Mobile games be like
That rag doll looked like the ones in game
I just realized after the 6th time that she was holding a spatula
the spatula is now the most dangerous weapon😢
That how it is
If only the guards were that easy to kill early game for players
Class clown: we need to hire them
the fact he standed up to die
Skyrim was never good
Idiot, you can press circle to skip the last and first line of dialogue
The tea: bye 🙁
so accurate tho haha
The way the guard died was ACCURATE AF
Pov Skyrim irl
Can’t even visit Ohio with these NPC’s
(Silence laughing)
This is so perfect It made me lol for real for the first time in my life
Assassins creed be like
Bahahahahahahahaha the chair moving
I’ve never played skyrim but this is so relatable in other games lol
The god damn time and quality put into this is Unbelievable (atleast they got the graphics right)
When it’s too accurate 🤣🤣🤣
This is what I needed in my life.
I never knew Skyrim was so bad…
So true bruh😂
Didn’t this guy end up killing her and then himself
This death is so skyccurate ^^
i tried ones to kill every NPC (sadly only 75% died)
So real
I thought that was a game☠️☠️☠️
When you used to many cheats and your game strarts glitching 😂
pin me rn or i will come to ur house
This is why I love Skyrim
The way he stood up and died 😭😭
I can agree
Thats it. I love the girl. The guard is perfect
Your pushing your luck *dies*
This is so accurate
are u sure this isn’t straight from the game?
Never played but now I want to
rip that the other dude is in jail
He ragdolled perfectly.
Genshin player on story quests
Legit almost thought it was really skyrim, it was too accurate
I would love to be able to skip my wife’s dialogue … sometimes 😅
this has no business being soo funny
Bethesda: “It just works”
Now steal her clothes 😂 😏
Why did he just record himself playing Skyrim???
Did you just take characters from the game?
Looks at woman “wait I know you”
50 bounty added to Falkreath
Is this skyrim music or is it from Fate
too accurate
That gane mechanic always gets me
“Get up just so you can fall down right”
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪- 𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓲𝓼 𝓪𝓶𝓪𝔃𝓲𝓷𝓰
Jak ona ma krzywe nogi lol
Im da 1000th commenter lol
I’m ruining this 999 comment
Skipping and the ragdoll after standing up lmao great vid
Normal day in ohio
Nah, when he stands up, cut to him t posing and then falling
Npc detected
One moblie ad
The ragdoll was way to accurate
Only a decade behind.
That’s pretty much how Skyrim worked
The skip got me😂
Bro this is actually fax
Your girlfriend was an amazing npc 😂
Your girlfriend is fictional
Games be like lol good jod on your vids
Low quality games be like:
Npc Walking into the wall in a cutscene is soo accurate.
And i love the way he just dies after standing up🤣
What a distinguished gentleman, he stood up before dying
Dies of cringe 😂
When u stand up too fast💀
Ohio be like:
Bro 2022 is literally rpg games these days
He went down so PERFECTLY
When the solder fell down and was a bit late for the voice acting was just so accurate😂😂
U ned te ge te fellew mo
that’s looks awesome, what game is that?
Npc’s be like on ohio
Thats some good graphics
Skyrim in a nutshell be like
Dang the graphics for Skyrim on next gen consoles looks great
This golden, all the way down to the skipping of the dialogue and the way guard guy fell lmao
To accurate.
We have to
And speak to
There will be a ca
And it will take us
Well fight b
The people who paused perfectly to actually read the dialogue 🫡 👏
It’s so true tho
Ever game ever be like
Sorry but I just have to say it since no one else is, HER FEET ARE GIANT
“Damn it! My potato stopped working!”
That was fucking amazing.
bro why where their movements so much like actual npcs
Yo bro yo wifi ok I think my characters bugging.
My man really stood up to die
Bruhs are literally NPC BRO
That death fall was too good
💀💀💀💀cringy af🤓💀🤓
pov your playing a video game
Good skit. Hobbit feet though?
So fake
This is so true 😂🤣😂😂😂😂
Ugh I’m subscibd
You forgot the part where you strip the soldier naked
soooo true tho
i heard a lot of “skip” in there..
the helmet tho💀
This is so accurate lmao.
Please show us the bloopers
this graphic overhaul came without animation package, what a shaem, still looks good tho.
When your too lazy to listen to the NPC
100000000000000000000000000000000000% accurate
Bing chilling
That collapse was spot on 😂👌
The way he fell, fucken legendary
Bro forgot how to die for a second there
one shot Jesus
The best thing since JinnKid
If anyone wants to read the dialogue here it is:
“Dragonbord, I have an important mission for you. We have to go to Riverwood and talk to the blacksmith there will be a carriage for us and it will take us to the top of the mountain we’ll fight bandits there Follow me.”
If game ads were on a one dollar budget
He’s drinking air on the chair lol
It’s lagg
How so good
this is so accurate lol
Bro stood up to die💀
NPC walk is perfect 💀
Everyone knows the Dragonborn never had a girlfriend only a wife
That one impossible boss in the game:oi who are those two mortals?
Gold. Just pure gold
The guard registering death after completing the stand up animation had me so blasted with nastalgia i reinstalled skyrim
npcs when they realize their pathway is walking to a wall
Bro was like” hold on lemme finish my coffee first” *stands up and dies* 💀💀💀💀☠️
So true
Well sometimes I skip the dialogue and I go there and I’ll be like what the fuck is happening i’ll get jumped by like 800 knights
he really stood up to die
bro what did i just watch 😂🤣
The dude ugh stands up *falls down*
New Skyrim quest mod looking nicee
Bro these npcs are getting out of control😭😭😭
This is so bad like i just really hare this so much
The girl still bobbing had me laughing 🤣
“Only in Ohio.” 💀
Heeeeyyyy, this is Oblivion!😂
Girfriend npc
I hate that I mostly focused on the cup in the guards hand, I don’t know why tho
I bet it was hard for her to keep a straight face😂😂
This is just Skyrim AR.
This is so true
What installing shaders feel like for the first time:
I have the exact same helmet
Why was she bending over on the table like that though
best game logic video.
this is just gameplay footage.
Game logic problem moment
we have to-
and speak to-
and do-
follow me.
Can we appreciate the time they spent setting this up? Must’ve taken hours
And no I’m not a bot
She used a spatula a weapon
Bro the dialog part was flicking smooth af
the death was incredible
Npcs in ohio
She got some big aess feet
When I was fighting the guy at white run so he could see my strength he said h shouldn’t have come here and I’m confused cuz he said attack me I can handle than I realized that he was seeing my strength and not fighting
Me being a Dragonborn in DND
Maybe like skips instructions but this is stupid
I love this fir these 3 reasons:
1: skipping the dialogue
2: NPC walking into wall
3: standing up before dying
Never even played Skyrim, which makes this better to me
Bro really said “Hold up I gotta stand” 💀
Skyrim had pretty good graphics for back then ngl
He should have drank again after being dead
Bro got up to die💀
You didn’t look at the female body like every gamer
Then they will disappear or turn into dust. 🗿
This is awsome!
I thought this was a mobile as for a sec lol
This is Soo true
What mod is this?
And then the mission turns into a dungeon somehow. 😂😂
Somehow i got 40 Skyrim graphics mods and my game looks awesome but didn’t crash:)
Too real😂
Damn this Skyrim mod looks great 👍
My boy these graphics lookin insane 😂
Every dialogue with a skip button:
Gamers: Skip inf
Bruh why are feet so long 😶
The way he fell from the chair🤣🤣🤣🤣
He dont even want to listen to his girlfriend in skyrim and real life🤣🤣🤣🤣
Am I the only one pausing just to read the dialogue?
Drugs wont effect my child
Also the child:
Mobile ads be like:
Random guard:”you cannot pass through here!”
*Oh yeah?*
* puts a bucket over head and walks over the restrictic area *
Random guard:”hmm nothing to see here.”
I recently got it on steam and these are so much more funny now
“damn back in 1966 it was just 8:24 pm and i saw there were no pilots on board my ticket was on HHAREESA Flight 5653 and there was a black boy right then he disappeared out of thin air i was worried so i went to pilots and saw a ghost it was soo scary and part 2 is out on 69 likes”-👴🏻
Skyrim has joined the chat.
She was speaking 247BC
My man seriously slurped some coffee, standed up and just fell💀💀💀
This is perfect 👍🏻😂😂
I love the dragon born ability
“Dragonborne, help find some real clothes.”
Yeah the avarge they in skyrim what we love to see
Death fall on point
Me sees YouTube ad in great collate downloads the the game
NPC’s be like
Me skipping all the npc talkings:
Nice gameplay, what mod is this?
My game after l got in a plane
What the fu*k just hapend???
I beat the dragon born dlc today
Accurately games be like🤣🤣🤣
808th comment and i got the cup that the guy was holding💀
My grandma has the same cup!
Skyrim is such a legendary game 🤣
So accurate
Its funny😂😂😂
/e drink from side of head
Omg you got it spot on Xd
When, you skipped the entire meaning and context on purpose and also on accident.
What I meant by on purpose and also on accident – That one person who skipped it on purpose and also was on accident by not knowing that he/she skipped it!
Is it a Pixar game or something?
nah the “keep up!” 💀
Same with elder scrolls
My dad (profile pic) has took more than one whole year playing this game.
gta be like:
🐉✨damn that super accurate bro! (I like the acting and the dialogue skipping /the cool cosplay / outfit) ✨🐉
why does this feel so accurate 😂
Bro did the Left 4 Dead 2 death pose
Remastered glass be like:
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 skipping
Bro tell me what game this is
This is so realistic
This is what fortnite MPC’s be like in 2100
I have that helmet
Average day in Ohio
No joke though, your girlfriend has strong Nordic cheek bones
You forget about when you turn away from the NPC they just teleport into your eye line again
That’s the exact mission I’m on in Skyrim 😂
the skipping the dialogue The Walking In The Wall the drinking from the ear is standing up before dying is perfect a random medieval person in your house so accurate
Ah yes, drinking some coffee with your *EAR*
That was peak perfection 🤣
He did the gmod rag doll.
Maybe I should try out Skyrim
not glitchy enough
I wanna do this but will fail through it all by laughing
That death fall was legendary.
Pov the game has the irl update
Okay this got me cracking up so mad was turning his head he was sipping coffee and then I look like he was pouring his drink on his cheek and then she slices the air once he stands up and is like okay time for my delay death and then just like falls over and the way he hits the ground in the home and falls off
𝘚𝘰 𝐚𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞
Hay this is Hollywood
Bro I’m ded
the helmet falling off 🤌🤌
These graphics are crazy.
And then you can’t progress the mission because they just stand there and stare at you
kind of sad that ur girlfriend calls u dragonbrorn
My character when my wifi act gae
it’s so true
Even though this is accurate, i still love skyrim
This is so accurate 💀💀💀
this is exactly how it is when you play 😂
Why is this so true 😂😂😂😂😂
Bro litterely said Wait god I have to stretch before I die
You forgot to wait 24 hrs so the noc is where they need to be
Holy fuck look at the size of her feet gawd damn they be like size 13 in men’s
The end has me dying 🤣
I have that helmet
“Keep up!” 💀
That is highly accurate 😂.
Not good enough
Knight after getting hit: *no reaction*
Right after that: *stands up and dies*
Part 2 maybe
And then suddenly that one faction you’ve been trying to get on the good side of is now your enemy because you skipped dialog
The way he just slides down calmly
When you skip to the catalog a little too far: wait what do I do-
Why is this so accurate
Giga girl
“It’s just a glitch guys”
Only in ohio
The skyrim curse will take another
9/10 acting
-1 for being unrealistic you dont get any bit~
we hav- hojaos- ushsh-ydysg- follow me.
Who else loves skyrim
If it was me I would be called………….ligma…….
He fucking died I can’t believe it
they even had the camera lock during the guard first (your trespassing) phrase.
I love how they just die once they get up
How does he act like an nocturnal so spot on🗿
She have giant feet 😁
why is this so damn accurate
Blruh NPCs be like😂:
the hell goin on in ohio
Every free midieval game
Me in game be like
The guys death was so cinematic lmao
We- hav- sh- follow mee….
I have never played the game but this looks exactly what would happen if I played it
Most average interaction in Ohio
I had that exact same helmet for Halloween
so clean!!😂😂😂😂
I thought the guards would not ask you any questions when you’re following somebody especially when they’re part of that village or the kingdom
Damn these graphics lookin fresh i wish i had the 4090 as well😢
Her feet are massive!
Why is this so accurate though?💀💀
Lol lag
The death animation- 💀
We- Dr-Go-I-Follow me
Gf: Keep up
Also Gf: Walking into a wall
Me: U going to Hogwarts or somethin?
This is every game
696 comments lol
bethesda games in a nutshell
Is he gonna kill his wife too?
When the babies now is luck
Damn she got some big ass feet. put the dogs away pls. Thank you. 😌
For a second i fought this was really skyrim
Anybody else have has this happen after watching this?
The helmet was paid actor
Super accurate 🤣
POV:your an npc
“Hey babe how do we show off your butt with such an overdone gimmick that we cant even figure out an original way to do it?”
Fr tho
whats skyrim?
The gaurd is uncanny 💀💀💀💀💀
Please God just don’t be like the last one that did these kind of videos
Skyrim in 2022 is cringe
this is better then my dad not lying about getting the milk
Is no one else seeing the damn clown shoes she calls feet??
Why did this guy just upload a clip of regular Skyrim gameplay, smh.
Did the ES6 get released!
Anybody else just randomly get forever blindness in Skyrim? Like everything brights up and goes blurry it happens randomly and there nobody around to cast a spell or anything on you it just happens
Waiting on the Jinnkid arc.
why is this like when i played miitopia
When was NPC so strong💀
Now they can make YouTube channels💀
The way the npc get up and died
Why is this so true though
“Follow me”
Me: “I’m happy it actually says to follow you because I skipped everything you said and also it doesn’t have a quest menu so that’s that”
Npc’s be like:
Good i found a shit short so i can finally leave from this trans
It’s just a prank bro
The prank:
Why is this funny
These are some giant Hobbit feet. No offense
Me watching this while riften is being loaded on my pc
Mans so bri’ish that
He gotta finish his cup of tea before dying
*stands up*
“oh wait I’m dead”
Skyrim mods are next level
Mm yes skyim
Press R2 to grab asscheeks
Yep that’s skyrim
POV you download Skyrim on grandma pc
Nobody’s saying how she walks into the wall
Bro my running noise flew hahaha
The guy died like an gta character😂
Hahah the fall though
+1 subscriber
Average human interaction in Ohio
what was she paid for that acting?
I though i was playing an actual video game
Skyrim be like:
I almost laughed
He got folded
Actually happens to everyone
I hope this age well not like THE other dragon born
at least it’s Skyrim
Wow, these are really good graphics
I see kids acting like npcs sometimes I think it’s skrim in 2022
Bear- seek- seek- lest-
NPCS be like:
this girl said hey I got a request for you fgwhahrhshzb hsue follow me
Got to love the ragdoll physics
The accuracy
Dang the guard had a true ragdoll death moment
Games be like: 😂🤣
bro got up to oof
That is the most accurate thing I have ever seen in my life😂
What the heck just happened
I don’t play Skyrim😂
Plz do pt 2
“Must have been the wind”
sipping through his cheek is very accurate
Bro had to get up and die 💀✋
Oblivion moment:
Nah bro you forgot that the knight gets up afterwards 💀
Bro said “hehe”
So true
The accuracy on this is fantastic 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bro had a heart attack 💀
The fact that you can’t skip the first phrase is what make this a true masterpiece.
POV: your playing a Source 2 game and you make the npc ragdoll (he falls slowly)
I love this
POV: ur on a league game
Rtx Skyrim be like
This is so accurate
This was so accurate, as and elder scrolls fan this is valid
You missed the part when they say hurry up when you’re basically inside of them
She belike hcghfbgfggfffhcffff I belike what
How did no one laugh tho
Poor guard
Skipping thru the story lines….. relatable🥲
Yeah that’s pretty much Skyrim
“Keep up”
*Proceeds walking into the wall*
Normal day in ohio
if fhis was onlivion the character would do a mini jump when it dies
Cesar Orozco.
The dialogue of the guard stopping after getting hit is true
This is just next level
I miss that skyrim dude whos in jail for murderin his wife she cheated tho so he had the right
Keep in mind these are real people
Oh no not again last time it was 69 comments, now it’s 69,000 likes
Only in Ohio
Bro why her feet so long 💀
Alright I’ma gonna get up
2 seconds later: ow my BACK!!!
How without laughing 😂😂
Bro I have that knight helmet from a Halloween costume I had a few years ago dang
What 999+ ping looks like.
Why does this compass system and interaction display system remind me of fallout 4 probably because both of the systems I just explained are basically the exact same in both games
GOTTA Be Honest, i looked at her a…
Man got to die fr 💀
Man got up to die fr 💀
that stand up and just die was WAY TOO REALISTIC
The part when he screams but didn’t show any sign of being hurt 😂
A normal day in ohio
I like Skyrim
These npc’s these days bruhh 💀
I think Modding has gone too far… this is almost too realistic!
So true
Not glitching enough.
This is so accurate 😂
She said we’ll fight babies wtf ?
I’m never playing skyrim
“Keep up!”
-girl walking into a wall
Lmaooo i play skyrim and happend to me-
Delphine leading me to karthspire for my first time. And then expects me to kill parthunax, da main homie.
“follow me” 👀
Almost as bad as ark Ragdolls
So accurate
She sounds just like Raven
So damn accurate
the way he died bro💀
Holy S$#@ I’m f****** phenomenal emotional
also my face be like
👏( 👁️_👁️ )
Respect to the people who made this so accurate and didn’t die of laughter while making it 😂
The drink didn’t spill
Bro said one more sip
bro the sideways turn and drinking the tea bro bro that is oh my God that is nostalgic as s*** it just felt like I was actually playing Skyrim I just wanted to shoot him with a fireball real quick
Todd Howard :ITS SUPER immersive
This is too accurate, the getting up before death, the walking straight into walls even though there is a clear path, and the head twist drinking is really bringing back memories.
It’s a masterpiece
nice graphics
Cheap games be like :
POV: you have a boys vision…
This is why d&d is waaaaay better
Npc be like
Pov ur a gigachad and u read all the words 🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔
If this was real life I wouldn’t believe any conspiracy theory cus of how realistic this shi is
Npc action
What people think Genshin impact is
I haven’t even played a second of this game, but I know that this was so accurate
The hell just happened?! 😂🤣😂🤣
Love how the knight drinking physics 🙂
Only in Ohio💀
It’s also funny he skipped the dialogue because she’s a woman
This is so accurate that it scares me
The ragdoll got me
Games in a nutshell
How this vid is like to me. Skip skip skip epik skip and skip. Lady =lag. Enemy inbound. Slice* and dead*. And left 4 dead 2 death at end 💀
This is the copy of assassin creed origins I swear
Is it just me or did the knight sound like ubba ragnarson from Assassins creed Valhalla?
NPCS when a new game has been made
why is this so true
I am now convinced that this is a very detailed mod and not real life.
The gard pov:u pushen you’re luck pall. Am I the only one
Soooo accurate 🤣🤣🤣
Dont people in Skyrim jump up into sky when they die while sitting?
Would have been even funnier if he took another sip of his mug when he was on the floor
This is what happens when you dont give chocolate to angry women
The guard dying from a spatula? Ya girlfriend must be really strong or that guard is on low health because a dragon attacked earlier.
Why is this so accurate
i have that exact helmet
Why is this so good
the animations are perfect
Its perfectttttt wowww
All after 11 years (2days ago) this is still funny 👍🏼
Accurate representation of skyrim
When your NPC walks through a wall be like:
The stand up before dying is so true
A kitchen appliance is holding a kitchen appliance
NPC Activity 💀
Thats one thing in Bethesda, they casually get up from their chair, in fallout they get up normally and then when they are up they hit you
That fall doe 💀
Funniest thing I have seen all year
Nah if she kept walking in that wall she would have just teleported where you would have to go or far away
She has HUGE feet!!
Lol so realistic
What’s a girl friend
That’s surprisingly accurate and good acting
When games lag this is what it be:
Follow quests are the worst, no matter what game it is
💀minecraft in ohio
She cute ❤
She got some hobbit feet.
I’ve recently playing Skyrim but for some reason it just open back up while I tried to watch this video
Wow Bethesda did a graphics update it’s been a while
you forgot the part where you are 2000% faster than the npc
Is no one talking about him having a drink with his helmet on💀
Ah, I’m pretty sure I saw that in fallout 76 too
Npc be like:
Everything was so perfect
Bro was using his arrowkeys to skip the cutscene
Way too accurate
Is no one gonna sag anything how she say
“Keep up” bish im right behind u-
*”Proceeds to walk into wall”*
Respect to the blacksmith dude. That rag doll death was on point 👌with the helmet falling off too 🔥🔥
pov me getting out of bed:
“follow me”
me:slowly starts looking down
stay focused brothers
“Keep up!” Litteraly runs into an wall
this is too accurate did they record all our gameplay
So true
Bro what is this
The acting is on point
What is this the actual game or is this real life I can’t tell
“Must have been the wind.”
It fr be like that tho.
You forgot the part were the npc walks 0.1 mile an hour
This is all facts but the NPC walking into the wall never happens its a stereotype because Skyrim was glitchy for a while but its doesn’t do that anymore and hasn’t fo ryears
These are just golden
Why is the death so accurate thi
Oml I cannot stop laughing when he drinks and gets up then dies 😂
I don’t play Skyrim and I’m questioning why people do
This is so well made ❤😂
they seem like besties
Npc be like:
Must have been the wind.
Bro this is too perfect! I don’t know how they got it this accurate but this is Hella cool.
I can’t with Skyrim bro 💀
This is beautiful
I heard her say bitch 🤣
If only we could skip through some of the dialogue in real life with our girlfriends and dive right into the action.
So true of og
This is to accurate man
I feel like I’m watching someone play a modded version of the game-
Ncp’s be like:
Seeing the guard fall down was the funniest thing.
Imagine tf2 but less crack but still funny
You forgot the part where when your follower kills the guard you get a bounty and they leave your service and your forced to load a save.
There should be a “press x to mount” option when she leans over to loot the guard.
I forgot what day is today can someone tell me?
I love how the guy politely stands up before dying 😂
Ok so understand why this is here but WHY with all these Skyrim parodies does the camera man have to have his HANDS UP LIKE A LITTLE DIPSHIT LMAOOOOO
Took me a solid 5 seconds to realise these are real people
I love it😂
When you play in Ohio:
The helmet 🤣
That death animation man hit the mail on the head with that one 😂
Nonody: game physics accidentaly breaks
Me: why tf are the game physics broken☠️🗿👁️👄👁️
,,follow me”
Man, skyrim got some good graphics nowadays.
woah u made such a high frame rate and so many pixel woahh
Stands up then dies:
Everyone else: u stoopid
a Ai Game be like:
This “relistic” mods for Skyrim are geting wild
Mobile games be like (LIKE IF IM RIGHt)
Your ragdoll effect made my knees hurt.
“No sign of em”
So relatable
The death is so accurate
Bruh she has clown feet size feet wtf xD little hobbit hahaha
this is so accurate
The dying was not only the best but most accurate. Love it
Nice bro😂😂😅
Everytime I skip dialogue in a game: I don’t know who you are, or where I am, all I know is that I must *_kill_*
It’s all accurate except for one thing. YOU DIDNT LOOT THE CORPSE
POV: Your looking in the comments to see what she said
ME: What did she say
10 Minutes later
She said: Dragonboard, I have an Important mission for you, we have to go to riverwood, and speak to the blacksmith , There will be a carriage waiting for us, and it will take us to the top of the mountain, we’ll fight bandits there, follow me
👇 if you find this aRtIClE HElpFUlL
Oh no I hope this doesn’t turn out like jinnkid
Bro I love this
It just works
Full version?
More accurate than accura
Skyrim in a nutshell
Glitches be like
when u skip all dialogue and the final boss shows up=
“who TF are you and what’s happening?”
Bro this is TOOOO accurate like how did you nail this? It’s like you are actual npcs
Yoooo am i tripping or does she have some GIANT FEET LIKE DAM
I just entered a different plane of existence after watching this where my mortal and immortal conscious altered and twisted eachothers vines together into and ensnared position of an unkeen comfortability and nostalgia
bro she got boat paddles for feet
Bro tje cup perfectly landed safely
X to Grab
Yo that was good, even when he died lol
This is so accurate
It’s not as accurate as people make it out to be. NPCs don’t stand to die. They can’t die from a sitting animation.
Lol how accurate this actually is
Didn’t the last dude who did videos like this murder his GF?
Great scene….just hope this guy doesnt murder his wife like the other guy
Must’ve been the wind
Hilarious lol also heres a scary story
Chapter I: Mysterious Rumour
In my neighborhood theres a popular rumour that started in 1980’s to 1990’s there was a happy couple known as Mr Crawler and Mrs Crawler. Mrs Crawler was a violinist while Mr Crawler was a lumberjack. Both of them lived on a Mansion and were happily married but it wouldnt be happy for long because both of them would always argue. So one day when they were argueing Mrs Crawler got so angry that she grabbed a baseball bat and hit Mr Crawler on the head and accidently killing him. Mrs Crawler realized what she had done so she went to the forest and buried her dead husband’s corpse but she didnt know someone was watching her and had called the police. Two officers arrived on the mansion and they heard the violin playing on the basement so they decided to walk towards the basement but that was the worst mistake of their lives. The two officers and Mrs Crawler were never seen again and nobody knows what happened to them. Now whats really mysterious is that after that event multiple children started dissappearing and people have claimed to hear the violin when they are walking pass the mansion. Anyways back to the main story.
Chapter II: Candy Scam
This story happened recently on halloween of 2022. Me and my friends Matthew, Malek and Freya were out trick or treating for a couple hours until it was getting late. Matthew and Malek went home but me and Freya wanted to get more candy. We went to other houses but most of them had no candy so we were about to give up until Freya said “Let’s go to the mansion over there.”. I replied “Isn’t that mansion haunted?” she replied back with “Thats just a stupid rumour.”. So I followed her and I saw a bowl of candy outside the doorstep I thought it was one of those houses were you could take as much candy as you liked but there was no candy it was just empty candy wrappers.
Chapter III: Inside The Mansion
We were about to leave dissappointed until I heard the door open so I turned around and a man which looked about 40 to 50 told us “Wait! are you trick or treaters?”, we said “yes” so the man told us to come inside and choose what candy we liked. Both of us made a dumb decision of coming inside; the house looked very dusty, the walls looked damaged and the floor looked like it didn’t get cleaned for the past hundred years. The man told us “Sit down on the sofa I will get your candy upstairs.”.
Chapter IV: The Horrible Smell
While waiting Freya asked me “Do you smell that?” I replied “Yeah I do, it smells like rotten eggs.”. Both of us went to check where this horrible smell was coming from and it led to the basement door. Freya opened it and we saw a woman’s body hanging on the wall with a massive hole on her stomach that revealed her intestines. We ran out of the mansion but the man saw us and started to chase us while holding an axe.
Chapter V: The Man’s Fall
While I was running I yelled “SOMEONE HELP SOME GUY IS CHASING WITH AN AXE!” I heard the man say “Shut up will ya?” then I heard a loud thud. I turned around and im guessing the man tried to throw the axe at me because it almost hit my foot. Freya grabbed the axe and told him to back off but the man didn’t listen instead he took out a pocket knife and started to run towards her. Freya managed to cut off the man’s leg making him fall and drop his knife so I took this opportunity to call the police.
Chapter VI: False Rumour
Luckily the police arrived quickly and arrested the man. Turns out the rumour wasnt true because the man was Mr Crawler himself and he was a cannibal who killed and ate the two police officers along with his wife and unborn baby. Mr Crawler was also responsible for killing and eating multiple children. Whats even worst is that theres a total of 21 missing children but only 3 children were found in that mansion and none of them were alive.
I wish
This is accurate maybe to accurate
What’s up with the Dragonbord’s legs tho 😅
THIS was good!
THIS was funny!
How did he perfectly do the ragdoll?
You’re pussing your luck💀💀💀
You’re pushing your luck, I warned- UAAAH! ☕
The NPC getting up and dying gives me cutscene/Payday2 cop exiting vehicle camping vibes😂
Bruh how accurate this is tho
And the fudged up thing is the game be like that at times xD
Accurate 👍
NPCs be like
video game be like
Why is this every game
How is this so relatable 🤣
This is me when my wifi is poor
Pretty good acting.
They’re so good at acting
All Skyrim on one vid
How is this so perfect
The death got me 💀😂
average npc behavior I can relate
If only you could skip dialogue in real life maybe then 50 of marriages wouldn’t end in divorce
the fact that this guy has a gf is amazing
If npc were in real life
This is awesome bahaha 😂
Oh my word 100% accurate the way he died
Bruh, Proof that NPCs are real 😆 🤣
The dying animation was flawless
Idk what yall are hyped about this just looks like a normal skyrim playthrough to me
she should walk alott slower
I love how she said “keep up!” to the wall
takin the term NPC to the next level
This is accurate
Even the dialogue skipping is on point.. damn.
Animator: What is my purpose
Boss: you paint buddle
Animator: Oh my god
That rag doll was perfect XD
When your ping is over 9000!
I don’t know if it’s the FOV but that female npc has some big ass feet
Ping bad bruh
Who else feels like this guy reminds them of a certain dude who made these exact videos and murdered his girlfriend 💀🌚
I hate how good this is XDDD
I feel if I skip dialog I’ll miss something important with the mission and I won’t be able to finish the mission due to missing vital information…
Is it sexist to use the “ weapon” that the woman used in the short bc it’s for the kitchen 🤣🤣
Damn Bethesda
Man even let his ear drink the coffee or whatever
Dragon what ?
This is to good
Amazing performance
Maybe this time I can watch these references without supporting a mudere’s content.
You know what I’m talking about…
Bro took his last sip before he was like i am dead
Ugh npc
Why are you just posting skyrim gameplay?
Is this the same skyrim npc meme guy who killed his ex-wife and her friend over his own paranoia of her “cheating,” even tho they were broken up while his daughter was in the other room?
So true
Bro I do this quest every game, am I missing something???
Funniest part of this is trying to convince me a Skyrim player has a girlfriend
You forgot that they have to be faster than your walking speed but more slow than your running speed
I Love skyrim lol
If this was how medieval times would have been like I would try everything in my power to to try and go back in time
Yea pretty much
My guy was practicing that fall all his life to be that good at it
Dragonborn I have an important mission for you
We ha see E wenamechaindasoma
Never gonna give
Follow me
It just works!
Said Todd Howard
Why is the death so accurate 💀
100% accurate
dude is lucky to have such a cool chick
and they say cp2077 is buggy lmaoo
New skyrim mods are lookin’ fire 🔥🔥🔥
How can you be that accurate
describe Skyrim in one minute:
😂 that’s exactly what happenes 😂😂
Pretty much
Replace the skipped through dialogue with fallout stuff and make the UI green and boom Fallout 4
Skyrim physics at its finest
What you got wrong is the npc is too fast
This is what caused me the most pain and grief while playing skyrim
Never should have come here. Classic
Bro just skipped through his girlfriend’s dialogue 💀
Is this a new edition? The graphics look so real!
The death animation was touching, that’s the most beautiful animation ever
Hmm yes the ai is looking radiant today
How did you get the guard thing so right
how accurate do you want this to be
them: yes
Lol 😂
Nailed the fall.🤣
That was really good guard death
The fall
Back in my day, we didn’t need to follow someone to Bleak Falls Barrow.
This is the 1st time in a while that a video has made me have a real laugh 😂
Ayo I don’t think skyrim videos with your gf are very cool since that 1 dude
That’s pretty fucking accurate like the whole thing that’s funny
These new graphics are awesome
bro that death is too realistic😭
the part where he sat up and fell was WAY too accurate lmao
Mission? How dare you try to trick me you mere mortal its quests not mission this is skyrim mortal not grand theft auto those milk drinkers were talking about
That’s very accurate
don’t let this parody series end like djinn kid’s
So accurate
Duck feet.
“Instincts kick in”
“Loots aggressively”
Standing up before dying….200% accurate
imagine walking through your house and your friend says
your trespassing
that means he has claimed that part of the house and will pay the rent and bills only in his part
NPC,s :
She made a kitchen tool OP and one shoting, I think she watched TheSpiffingBrit
Oh no it’s starting again…
Muy realista, 20 de 10 xd
bro stood up to die
That death was great, he went all in on that chair
Let’s just hope this skyrim impressionist doesn’t end up a murderer
This is so funny
Shis is awesome 🤣👍
That was a PERFECT death fall omfg
So true
I’m dieing
Ummm, isn’t this the guy that killed her and is now in prison?
Seems about right
The Dragonbords Girlfriend has “sweet rolls” for days!
Good video but your hands should be fist becaus you dont see friendli hands in the game
Missed a golden opportunity to put the helmet over the camera
Luckiest man on earth
vanilla skyrim experience
wow, modders really made the game look kinda different 😯
I love this dead
what actually made Skyrim good anyways
Skyrim isn’t like that
Maybe for you cuz you suck at playing but i never got attack by a guard 🤦♂️🤦♂️
Dragon board😅😂😂
Razor dagger OP
LOVE THIS !!!! All that awesome sauce and no mention of the arrow or sweet roll… You Rock !!!
So is this the guy that killed his IRL girlfriend for cheating on him that had created SKYRIM IRL or just an idea thief?
Unrealistic. If it was realistic she and the guard would have attacked you because you… even though you had get over there.
“Keep up!” **walks in to wall**
I find it inaccurate that the guard didn’t tank the damage and then one shot her.
The getting up to die is too accurate
Truly magnificent
I have a same knight helmet in my home
Still a better game than fortnite
I swear it’s not *that* clunky. The walking animations typically just look like regular walking at least.
First dude to do these types of videos was an absolute psycho
Best death ever
Everyone knows they aren’t that smart
Damn that’s fucking accurate
I love these 😂
Nice. Lol
I love it this is hilarious keep up the good work.😂
The 2022 Skyrim modding community is cracked. I thought this was a skit
That “you never should’ve come here” sounded very valley girl 😂
“Like oh my gosh, you totally never should’ve come hereee”
Nice vid tho
I love it when NPCs have to finish their previous animations before dying
That dying was SPOT ON. You sure it was acting and not just gameplay?
Lol 😂😆😂😆😂
Playong D and D be like
Oh no someone who’s doing Skyrim in real life with his girlfriend I wonder what could possibly happen
This is a reference to breaking bad, in which gus fring dies after standing up
You forgot walking ahead and having to stop to wait for them.
damn the actors are so great! 😂
How my mans fell in the chair is pure gold 😂
is this actual remastered skyrim gameplay
ROFL she was perfect 🤣☠️ long live the Spatula
Pleas don”t end and news this time like the other couple 😂😂
So relate🤣 this happened te once in the game
the sitting up and dying was too real LMAO
I thought he was arrested?
“You’re puss*ing your walk” just why
It do be like that sometimes….
Skyrim be like:
Manz playing Skyrim vr
this is funny but exagerated 👍
The stand-up-to-ragdoll death is perfect.
Yeah cool, why does your girlfriend call you Dragonborn and not.. yknow, your name??
so accurate
My ragdolls don’t fall, they eject.
Can’t wait until this game which I’ve never heard about finally gets all fixed and will be perfect
BY YSMIR! Your mightiest jaunts have been escalated with perpetual accuracy on thy videos! Good work! **Applause**
Haha 🤣 he fell back and it looked so awesome
I hate NPCs that do shit like this in missions. I once was playing fallout 4 I was attacking the institute with liberty prime, then I see the fucker paladin danse walking up the road so everyone stopped and shot him. Yet he couldn’t die because he’s was “essential” so I had to redo the whole mission and pray he wasn’t there worst part was I was maybe 100 feet away from the institute when it happened
Literally that is Skyrim
This is accurate if you mod at all lol
The almighty spatula
Just don’t commit crime like that Skyrim content creator okay
she killed the guard with a spatula
You speak truth.
Skyrim is still an amazing game though.
Disrespect the law and you disrespect me.
Where he get that helmet from? I want one lol
This is so good. Keep up the great work. Not to mention, i enjoy Skyrim a lot cause of how good it is
This boy drinking before h
e die
the hands xdd
What mod did you use for the helmet to pop off slain enemies?
your aim is disastrous
Jajajaja se mamo cuando saltó la conversación jajaja
🔥 Gf
That ragdoll was so accurate bro
Guardian Legs.exe stopped working🤣🤣
Don’t shoot your girlfriend after one of these
We have to- Go to- Follow me
Honestly i just let the dialogue run so i could play clash of clans until it was done
U know its skyrim
Yep thats skyrim
He has to stand up for the death animation
How that person dies is *precisely* same how npc die in Skyrim.
Who tf says draygonborn
Bro WTF I’m dead😂😂
The fact ALL sitting NPCs stand up before falling down 💀
I honestly just don’t get how they keep a straight face
I have to say, that was an awesome ragdol
Sooo good
Comment 69
So true tho 😂🤣
Probably thw worst part about this video is this is stuff that actully happens sometimes when playing the game.
perfectly balanced, as all things should be
You never should have come here 🤣
Games be like
the guard understood the video
now I remembered why I never played this. lmao
Do roblox death
Only thing missing was the girlfriend sheathing her weapon going “must have cleared out”
bruh this is so accurate
Very good 👏😂
Hahah loved it
How do you do the game interface effects? How can I do in Real life
Nice graphics
#مهسا امینی
Dude I got the same helmet as the guy in the chair
Lmao why is it actually like that 💀
At first I thought it was a real video game until I realized how realistic the graphics were.😂
I remember picking someone’s pocket and got charged for my follower killing two people in whiterun
This feels more like oblivion to me
That was disturbingly accurate
female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character female character
My boyfriend literally skips everything then gets surprised pikachu face when shit escalates 😭😂😂
very well made 👏👏👏👏👏👏
That death fall soon after getting up was too perfect, I’m convinced this is in game.
Bro skipped the entire conversation
POV:when you wanna skip the words she saying
Why was this so perfect
How is this so real
That death drop was impeccable 👌
This is TOO accurate bro. The head turn and the drinking. The dying after standing up. The everything
Skipping through the dialogue is so accurate 😂
“We have to- Go to- Follow me.”
That was accurate except the death wasn’t glitchy enough
How many times have you watched this video?
Me: *Yes*
the dialogue skipping 😭😭
And then he killed someone
pov: you see some guy starting a secret foot fetish thread
Dude this is literally just Skyrim this is so accurate dude the way the guy dies while he’s on the chair
Fucking Accurate AF!
Hahahahahah the way the guy died was hilarious good vid
What mods are these😂
this is fucking dope
Anyone notice her feet and toes are GIGANTIC!!!!
Way too close nice job there
Wow nice game play
Explora the XP
This is way too close to the real game 😂
This was done so well thank you for making such great content