One of the best locations in vanilla | Skyrim Gameplay Highlights
Gameplay highlight from part 291 of my Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition Let’s Play on legendary and survival. You can find the whole playthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2e9YdI6fp8&list=PLobdprIgcqJ-7HzrDzInvB3xaRyuzHE6L&index=1
Playlist for all of my video game shorts: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLobdprIgcqJ8J-k7WVZwcIdq2zfne4kbv
As always, feel free to recommend clips for future shorts by providing time stamps and video information.
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Taqs:skyrim short,skyrim highlight,skyrim gameplay,skyrim funny moment,skyrim funny,funny moments,highlights,skyrim highlights,let’s play skyrim,let’s play skyrim se,let’s play skyrim special edition,skyrim legendary,skyrim survival,skyrim survival mode,skyrim playthrough,gameplay skyrim,elder scrolls,the elder scrolls,skyrim shorts,shorts skyrim,tes shorts,elder scrolls shorts,funny moments skyrim,highlights elder scrolls
コメント (474)
This short is from part 291 of my legendary/survival Skyrim playthrough. You can find the full video here:
Or, watch the entire Let’s Play from the beginning right here:
Want more shorts like this one? Find the playlist here:
As always, feel free to recommend clips for future shorts by providing time stamps and video information.
Lmfao 😂
I love the psychotic laugh
When I did it the first time I didn’t yeet anyone off ahead of me, I just charged headlong into it and prayed it worked.
I was met by an ethereal Alik’r bard strumming a lute.
Hello, very fun your video 😂 ! Bravo
This made me sub
Sheogorath has found his next host
Why he start eating ass at the end there?
This was the first Lyle clip I’d ever seen. That maniacal laughter reeled me in and I haven’t left since
Damn your hilarious man love your content.
You’re an animal😂
Bro went insane after 300+ hours of Skyrim.
parents: if your friends decided to jump of a cliff would you
him: ya I was the one who pushed them
Oof, swordbrother looked like he snapped his ankle on those stairs when he fell
Your Laugh………Is Evil…..You Know That Right . Reminds Me Of Joker . 🤨
that was so chaotic 😂
Yeaaaa i.wanna see.your reaction when u got there heheheheh 😀
Dude went full classic Joker mode
it just gets crazier and crazier by the second
bro is cicero
I love the tongue noise at the end. I didn’t realize other people do that shit!
Your laugh is psychotic ngl
That ending got me fucked up 😂😂😂😂😂
This location is commonly used in YouTube videos to execute Lydia follower 😂
Bro literally did an assassin’s creed leap of faith. I can practically hear the eagle screaming in the background.
I love that it gets more unhinged as it goes, lyle your humour and energy is incredible
This video is so chaotic, and i love it 😂
Are you Owen Wilson?
don’t ever disrespect my boy Kust like that again.
Don’t you get a magical buff after that?
It’s actually a Assasins Creed Reference
You know he died lol
I found this for the first time the other day and jumped with no hesitation
Got confused as hell when the ghost showed up and just left was I supposed to get a quest or something?
After all of these years of modding as a kid, adult me loves vanilla skyrim more than modded.
the purpose of this spot was a little game related to assasins creed the trust fall. you WILL survive if you fall from here. wouldn’t really trust anywhere else
my first time falling from this spot was an accident…and I got a quest out of it too. so every now and then I would come here and jump, just so I can feel vertigo
His laugh sounds like Cissro
Mikeal, your services in the Banered Mare is over.
It’s your turn to jump.
Bruh! Sounding like the fckin Joker 😂😂😂
Bro musta sipped that ohio water
Me three made my brain light up lmao
Sparta meme
That maniacal laughter🤣
🤣🤣🤣, that’s truly funny
You made my day haha 😂
That was the most insane evil villain laugh I have ever heard
I was gonna skip this and then you started laughing like a fucking MANIAC I love it
I definitely didn’t use a location cheat and fast travel but as soon as I saw this I just had to go see
part 291 of lyle losing his mind
That was awesome
holy crap i forgot that this location exists
*Athletics increased to 100*
This guy is real life Cicero.
EVERYONE has done this i think when encountering bards leap lmao. including me
God, get a grip of yourself…. What is it with this guy
Bards leap kinda looks like a assasins creed reference to the well most people know but the leap of faith.
Did you see the ghost lol😂
I’ve tried to jump off there and the game won’t let me
Please real players jump from the college
Bro’s laughing like a cod zombie💀
What is that shield
A true nord can withstand pinging of a stone staircase
I want to have fun on skyrim like how he has fun on skyrim 😢
What shield is that
“it was just a prank”
The prank in question:
😂 this is chef’s kiss! Bards leap is one of my favorite locations
This is hilarious, but seriously, we need to get you some Ambien friend. 😆
Mfr laugh like the joker and I fucken love it
How did he survive!? I just saw him bang his damn cranium against the stone at 70mph from a 50ft drop? – 🤓
Wow you are annoying
Ezio liked your post.
The Best Spot
Why are you talking like cicero ?
Fuck yes
that laugh tho
I saw that location last night
I can’t stop laughing at this! oh my God! Where is it and how do I get there? I’m level 45.
I like how the first dude clonked the stairs before landing in the water lol
When he said “Wahbobolobolo!”
I felt that
Lol Never gets old
Bro laughs like the joker
Sir I only say this for your benefit. I think it’s time to get off the skooma
You cut it short because you mortis didn’t you
I just recently found this for the first time
Sheogorath himself playing Skyrim!
What did I just watch
“And in his town he is poo f*cking… DRAGONBALL!”
It’s the evil laugh for me😂
Oh, interesting recommendations from YouTube, nice video
I can’t believe the first guy survived after hitting the stairs first ☠️
I would have laughed so hard if you jumped and landed on the one part that can kill you
Mudcrab be like why am I here
Didn’t know talkin to Sheogorath could do this to you
***Aggressively wabbajacks***
This is the first time I encounter this man and I’m subscribing just for the chaotic energy
This guy has lost it.
oh miss, playing skyrim. Mine just keep “not responding” when i load a saved game that’s a bit old. DELETED it cuz’ of rage
what’s wrong with this guy?? Did the meeting with uncle Sheo impact him badly? lol
I’ve tried throwing Farkas and Vilkas off of there, THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME UNRELENTING FORCE EXISTED
Best skyrim video i’ve ever seen
I jumped down immediately cause I was being chased by the forswarn… met with a nice surprise so that was good
This is why I don’t play games with 7 year old kids.
“Some people call it spoon-shovelling in their junk…me? I just call it a pleasure”.
I remember having a quicksave on the end of that plank, on my dusty old xbox 360. Those were the days.
Still probably the best game I’ve ever played
God the absolute maniacal laughter broke me! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I like you 👉
I thought it was a assassin’s Creed reference
Sanest skyrim player
There is a mod that makes it a leap of faith from assassin’s creed… And i freaking love it
Its the unhinged laughter holy shit
Jesus this man’s a psychopath 😆
LEGIT DYING LAUGHING 😂😂😂 It’s the deranged cackling for me 😂
The laugh 🤣 that’s the laugh only fitting for dealing with the forsworn
That fucking joker laugh bro 😂😂
Smoking a bowl there in VR was one of the most peaceful moments of my entire life
This Man was born in chaos
Love this guy.
it’s the goblin noises for me
Where is this on the map I can’t find it
Best video ever
Man this dude is insane 😂
“Last time im carrying his burdens”
When the bro got severe autism
If chaos and madness have à son together… I think the son is this man
its also pretty cool in VR 😉
Kills 2 companions out of pure curiousity and self amusement and then proceeds to throw himself off to join in “the fun”. Truly a chaotic joker trickster player character energy.
You killed yourself
I literally lose my shit at the end 😂
“Me three! Ajdhshajshdhdjajshhsjs”
And this is how you identify a psychopath just see if they have Skyrim installed along with 300 plus mods. Anyway did i ever tell you that i love Skyrim alot?
What is that she’ll do I see you use it all the time and I have an a lot but I don’t use it
Mans handing out achievements
I was ok with you and the guy but jzargo didn’t deserve that
I need this guys energy
Coringado kkkk mas não julgo, faria o mesmo
Most ominous laugh. 😂😂😂
This is legendary 😂
Me threeee argh🦃🦃🦃🦃
I was there!!! Just yesterday
*Eagle screeches in the background*
This guy is too excited
The crackhead battlecry when you jumped had me dying.
I keep coming across these shorts and every time I’m impressed with your lunacy
That was funny asf my dying 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
a ghost bard should appear after the jump, you could have show it as well yet it is a good video
Bro turned into the Joker
Where this at?
The sheer sound of his insane madman like gurgling laughter as he hurls himself at the end makes me want to watch moar.
My insane side coming out in Skyrim…
Use whirlwind sprint and eat something that paralyses you right after
I love you vibe. This how you get 10000 hours in Skyrim
You definitely had too much to drink last night.
What u got on that shield that pushes
That full on Cicero laugh lol
Man… You did this to J’Zargo…. I can’t believe…
Give this man an opportunity to play as the joker his love for Causing Chaos is hilarious.
This man is Cicero’s relative
You laugh like the clown in the darkbrotherhood
…but did you die?
this is me in skyrim xD
Its 4 am and i felt like shit then i seen this short, I laughed soo fxkin’ hard 🤣
Swear I saw him hit the stairs
And this was the day Lyle Shnub, the Dark Elf Dragonborn, went insane.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 that was hilarious
The ending 🎉
That ending
I literally was here yesterday and had the same thoughts 🤣🤣
Absolutely fucking manic 🤣🤣
I make it my goal once every play through to ‘Whirlwind Sprint’ and try to launch myself to my death ‘past the pool’😂
My first playthrough I didn’t want to walk all the way down and jumped down the waterfall, i was so tipsy I killed the poor bard when he appeared, at least i had quicksaved before jumping
Best part is you clearly died after the cut from not jumping far enough
You crazy mother 😆😂
The devs know exactly what we want
I honestly love that the Skyrim fandom is still going strong. It’s a game I come back to again off and on, a few times a year. Might be time to dust off the mods, and update all them clonks.
This man seems to never have a dull moment
Best AC reference ever even has a stone bird
What a fucking manchild
Fuck, never have i cringed so hard
That one friend you have:
Bro why you laugh like a evil villian but at the same time sound like a insane child
Rookie mistake to not drop a save there bro! I once had a save where 12 markarth guards were all at the top tower in town and they all got fus ro da out of town
Actually an Easter egg if you jump down there there’s a ghost that congratulates you and raises your speech
Hahaha you’re so silly
That was a VERY quick descent into madness
bro is one of assassin’s Creed, he forced them to make the leap of faith 🤣
Bro hahahahah I been watching this guy playthrough of these shorts and oh man, having a lot but a LOT of laughs, thanks man, really needing since I going through some bad sh*t right now with my father that is in hospital.
Sorry about the bad english, not my native language.
Bit of a bob lennon vibe with that laughter at the end ^^
Love the commentary style I’m subbing
Ay where is this at?
Cringe, innit?
Fuck yes
Must be on acid 🤣
Easiest ways to run and jump off the end then when you land in the water go up to the ghost looking guy that sings and talks to you and then get your completion plus your achievement Point congratulations.
That “me 3” while making that noise got me good ngl 💀💀💀
Me three lol
Joker vibes
am I the only one who gets butterflies jumping off high heights in games???
This is the start of his villain arc
*dies landing on rocks* 👀
This is the correct way to play Skyrim
Where is this I’ve been looking for it forever
I love the “me three” LOL thats some Leroy Jenkins energy right there! ME FOUR!!!! (jumps)
“🎵 Sing with me, sing for a year. . . 🎵”
I honestly had no clue if I could survive it when I first found it so I whirlwind sprinted and went too far and hit the concrete lol
Bro now gets a quest 💀
Dudes voice is so annoying do not recommend this channel
I can’t tell if this dude is borderline insane, or just having the time of his life…
That’s too much fun.
Me three but I’ve toggled god mode so I won’t lose all my loot
I will never watch another one of your videos this was annoying as hekl
J’zargo fell so smoothly, it looked like he jumped out of a plane to skydive!
Do it in vr
Love the maniacal laughter 😃
This guy went insane in this short
That laugh 😀 x x
Ever jumped from there? No? Do it.
Bro he’s like golden boy 😮
Everyone be careful he’s gone crazy
The maniacal laughter followed by each person companion then himself going over lmao 🤣
Dude not only let his intrusive thoughts win, but also bring his friends with him.
wtf did I just watch omfg
That “waaooow” was the greatest unintentional Owen Wilson impression ever 😂
Lyle, which button the on your controller will call your parents to come and pick you up?
I love how it looks like j’zargo actually dove 😂
and then he died
you were having too much fun with this X’D
This guy’s crazy lol
I wish this didnt have 15k likes…I had to stop watching.
The waffle house has found it’s new host
J’zargo jumped in style ngl
Dude turned into Owen Wilson with that woooow
” oh please:,…Leap from
a few times..
wtf is wrong with this dude? does he have downs or something?
If dragonborn is real, this is what really they would do
This man is so *unhinged*
this is cause of vikings extinction
Dude turns to joker
The problem the player had … he didn’t leap. That part should have been self explanatory.
The shriek of insanity.
Assassins creed 2 flashbacks forcing me to jump off with the leap of faith sound effect.
Azzadal appears and gives your companion two speech points…..
Lyle sees leap of faith
Me 3 😂
He laughed with an evil anime laugh lmao
Bro laughing like Cicero
I literally did the same thing
bro sounds high af
That laugh from Hell 😂😂😂😂
Skooma is one hell of a drug.
Lyle just discovered this location?
Man’s laughing like the Joker over here and I love it 😂
prob end myself if i had this guys voice
I like how you slowly became insane
What happens when you have way too much time
That´s how a madman Mexican Goku would sound lol. His voice it´s like hims xd
Bruh my first time seeing this, I looked down and I was like nah, Than LYIDIA CAME OUT OF NOWHERE AND JUMPED AND PUSHED ME OFF, she survived and I died and spawned all the way back at WhiteRun🫠
Jzargo can fly!
That’s when you FEIM your way to the bottom.
No lollygagging..
I love how the first guy at first is mad but then he’s like “ok… I’ll admit that was cool”
is this the guy that made like RP playthroughs of skyrim with a second guy? i can never remember the name of the videos, i’ve wanted to rewatch them for a while now
Cicero gaming moment:
Intrusive thoughts won 😂
I love this 🤣🤣🤣
How did he push J’zargo off with the Spellbreaker shield?
Stop. Fake. Laughing.
My first time finding this spot I jump without hesitation
What’s wrong with your generation? You people are so freaking weird
Dream On starts to play
You laughed just like ceciro lol
“Me three! Leoleoleoleoleoleo!”
Lol the ending got me 😂
I didn’t even know this existed. I’m going there right now.
me threee😂😂
there’s mod that makes this location to be a leaping spot like assassin’s creed’s leap of faith..with the leaping animation
You’ll live if you land it right. And then a dead Bard’s ghost talks about how he missed.
You turned into Owen Wilson with that wow in the beginning 🤣
Ah yes, I remember finding this spot for the first time like 11 years ago. I’m pretty sure everyones first thought is to find someone to toss off the edge. Just to make sure that the water is deep enough at the bottom. 😜
I found the fastest way to flakhreat
That’s the greatest thing I heard while watching Skyrim stuff
He just got more insane as the video progressed 😂
But is this base skyrim or modded in?
Finally found someone who play skyrim like me
Hold my beer
1000% annoying.
Научите меня также заразительно ржать хахаха
“Me three, ughlulululalalalalalaololololol.”
Poetry in motion.
The sinister laugh lol.
He is doing what I do.
I love how this started out as a casual video but swiftly changed into a maniacal nightmare
That laugh
This is the third short I’ve seen with him and the chaotic madness is almost making me watch the full video with the playthrough
Try it with the sprint shout from where the wooden plank starts…or you have to run & jump otherwise you leap into certain death
love ur energy, bro!
He just goes ape 🦧
Me 3 wwwwhahahahaha
That laugh was so great
J’zargo has long hair?
Probably need to use at least the first word of whirlwind sprint on yourself lol
Why tf are you laughing so much?
I feel like this is definitely something a psychotic Dragon born would do. I mean look at all the shit he hast to go through in the game.🤣🤣
I’ve watched this so many fucking times 😂 literally never seen your videos before and I subbed just for this one
Fucking dying 😭🤣
This laugh XD
Am I the only one laughing because he hit the side and bounced in. It’s all fun and games until you push your buddy in and they hit their head and die.
POV: you are playing a game with a physics engine and see any cliff edge.
He went insane 😂😂😂
ive never seen anyone like skyrim players descend in to madness that quickly
I don’t know if you saw but that first guy definitely shouldn’t be alive he hit the stairs
That run after he gets out the pool, he’s coming for you man! Pmsl 😂
the perfect spot to Whirlwind Sprint and spam Netch Jelly
We are one in the river and one again after the fall
Now this… this is peak skyrim.
Madness 100.
why you don’t jump yourself in there chump 😜
Imagine being thrown to your death only to look up and see the person that threw you making demon noises as they follow you to your death lol
Full on Inoske vibes 😂
You screwed your own jump and died…ask me how I know this.
i wish they had bridges and stuff that broke when you walked on them like oblivion did, imagine walking to the edge of bard’s leap then CRACK it breaks off.
Me 3 🦃🦃🦃
The crazyness is just amusing😭😭
The single best Skyrim video
Been playing skyrim since it first came out… this is the first time I’ve even heard of this location. Guess it’s time to boot up the game
I’m sure a lot of people know about the bard ghost that appears after you survive the jump but you might not have known that if you stay and listen to him play for a little bit, you’ll gain a level in speech
lmao i love this guy
Thought I was listening to Owen Wilson with that opening, “WOW”
Sheagorath has definitely taken ahold of you
Wasnt there like an assasins creed easter egg or something like that in this location?
One of my favorite moments happened here. I decided that my Khajiit should unequip their gear (partly from being overencumbered looting) and make the leap naked. Two steps out of the water, a set of Hired Thugs shows up. So my character just summons Durnehviir to help fight them off. It was epic.
You should try Dive Rock next in Oblivion
There’s no coming back from that one though…
That laughter nearly made me die lmao
I laugh like this, when I play destiny 2 crucible
Inigo where are you?
obnoxious child, why was this in my recommended?
Imagine if you died at the end lmaooooooo
Umm I was gonna check your channel out but that psychotic laugh kinda turned me off
Oh yes aggressive tongue noises
I love your commentary🤣
Man this is unfunny
Wonder why no one built a freaking water park here 🎉
npc : this dragonborn issa psycho😆😂
Why no graphics mods? You can really make this gane look amazing with them.
You cut the best part of the bards ghosts at the bottom
Kust and J’zargo, at the bottom: how could the dragonborn betray us as such?! How could he do this to allies who would go through fire and brimstone?! How— oh, oh no wait there he goes
That was f*cking stupid
The more I watch the more you turn into the joker
its nice seeing the dragon born at work
Dude sounds like me. Like the cut of yer jib m8. Keep laughing like a lunatic!
What a laugh 🤣… Cicero is that you? 😅
Uh I’m no doctor or that but I’m pretty sure this guy has a case of stage 5 insanity
That’s awesome hahaha needed that laugh bud
Calm down Sheogorath.
Omg you should use Whirlwind Sprint from there , to see how far you’ll get 😂
I know I will, if I find this location 😁
this video needs to be preserved in a vault
I haven’t watched much of this series yet but I noticed something out of place..
How did Sven die? 💀💀
I love that you still play skyrim like me. Best game yet
joker laugh right there
Dagon: Tries to destroy half of Tamriel.
if anyone wonder this is a Assassins creed reference to the Leap of Faith
Who else wanted a Assassin’s Creed Like jump down tehere?
Bro you need help
Sheogorath be like:
the greybeards made this place specially for the dragonborn to practice the thu’um
Me 4 lmfaooo 😂
That laught is annoying af….
this is a whole mood
just like that high ass glacier in Oblivion with a jumping point
You’re a menace
« Me three »
Hazing in the Dragonborn’s party is just tricking people into falling off the highest ledge possible
I took the safe way out and did my shout to turn ethereal before I took the leap.
*So this is where my braincell ran off to*
i saw those rocks approaching through the water lmao
karma came hard and fast
Which drugs did he take and where can I get some?
The purest of chaotic energy. (Smashes glass)
Bro wth 🤣🤣
Lmao that Asian joker laugh thou
no wait you gotta synchronize first.
🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂 very funny, I love bard’s leap
When you jump for the first time a ghost bard gives you props for making it and plays you a silent shanty before passing to sovngarde
That was really funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I love they came back for another dip.
Descent into madness
I felt that “wooaaaaaaaaaaaaow”😂
When I first found this I was being chased by forsworn and jumped…well I got dialogue locked and almost died
Your videos are entertaining ❤❤❤❤❤
I fucking love this guy’s energy *”ME THREE!!”*
ME 3!!! LOL
The guy is probably coming back up to kick the crap out of you. Lol
Well we found the real life Sheogorath 😅😂
Poor Gordon in the background screaming ‘father help’
Possessed by Sheogorath are we?
Oh I love the energy
Cheese-its christ he sounds like an evil necromancer
One of my favorite moments in your Skyrim play through
I’ve got so much to catch up on. Haha this is amazing exactly the content I started watching for.
so hilarious
You are freaking insane.
I love it so much!
I would’ve died from laughter if he died from the jump lmao
I never knew J’zargo had hair 💀
“J’zargo is beginning to regret some choices.”
This is just fantastic 😂😂😂😂😂
With each new clip ur sanity seems to be plummeting
What is this man on
_Adrenaline junkies_
You have perfectly captured the essence of Dragonborn in one video😄
What a mad man😂
I love J’Zargo so much
Does anyone know the armor J’zargos wearing?
Bruh his laughs make me dieee laughing, one if the best content creators in my opinion
The resulting aggression of the new guy afterwards, was pretty hilarious and maybe deserved.
He channeled owen wilson for a second there
Hahah wow I remember doing this and thinking “ oh shit I’m gonna die” and end up swimming to safety lol his way is much better though 😂😂😂
Me thrreeeee *turkey gobbles*! 😆
Who made this video? Lyle, or Sheogorath?
Damn I’m only on like episode 15, I got a lot to look forward too😁 it’s been hilarious so far
That maniac laugh tho 🤣
where is that i need to know
I have a feeling he bounced off the rocks right at the end. hence the perfect cutting. xD
Are you sure you are not Sheogorath?
“Fastest way to Falkreath” is the most creative and evil thing I ever heard.
Easily my favorite short 🤣
That ending agaha
Cicero what the hell are ya doin?
The pure chaotic energy of lyle never fails to amuse me
i need an edit of Starlord flicking off the camera saying BOOM and falling backwards!
I like this spot because there’s no incentive to jump apart from curiosity and if you do you get a nice encounter
the joker laugh, it’s perfect
Ah yes the supposed assasins creed reference is here
“I found the fastest way to Falkreath asshole!” OMFG😂😂😂😂😂
Most hilarious Skyrim short 😂😂
*You have entered the Mind of Madness*
Maiq has heard it is dangerous to be your friend.
1st ime ther I got mad and jumped.. but didn’t die, everything changed that day jaajjaj
Most sane Skyrim player