I’d rather die! | Skyrim Highlights #shorts
Gameplay highlight from part 14 of my Skyrim Let’s Play. You can find the whole playthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2e9YdI6fp8&list=PLobdprIgcqJ-7HzrDzInvB3xaRyuzHE6L
Playlist for all of my video game shorts: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLobdprIgcqJ8J-k7WVZwcIdq2zfne4kbv
#shorts #Skyrim #ElderScrolls
Taqs:skyrim,funny moments,highlights,skyrim highlights,skyrim highlight,skyrim funny moments,let’s play skyrim,let’s play skyrim se,let’s play skyrim special edition,let’s play skyrim 2020,skyrim 2020,lyle shnub,lyle shnub skyrim,let’s play skyrim legendary,skyrim legendary difficulty,legendary difficulty,skyrim survival,skyrim legendary survival,survival legendary,skyrim playthrough,skyrim walkthrough,skyrim legendary gameplay,skyrim se survival
コメント (827)
trying these shorts on. yt has this new 2-3 month old feature that’s exclusively on mobile, which is why this is edited and formatted for mobile. i’ll be setting any shorts to not show up in sub boxes. let me know what you think!
edit: seems like this thing went over pretty well, so i made a bunch more. here’s a playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLobdprIgcqJ8J-k7WVZwcIdq2zfne4kbv
In the wrong neighborhood ong
how many scripts do u want in m2 ? answer : Yes
I’ve actually had this happen in the middle of a dragon fight once. I was like Hey assclown, can’t you see I’m just a little bit busy here! But then the thief wants to stick his 10 cents worth in! Like dude just wait your turn already will you!
Bro you are literally hilarious in every video, Ive stopped playing and started watching 😂
Skyrim in a nutshell 😂
and this is why we love it
That has got to be the best and worst random encounters combo ever
That happens to me multiple times it instantly crazy 😂😂
that timing though XD
Why is there always a cluster of encounters in that spot?
I love ❤️ this game
Did you guys come here on a bus or something?
Murdered by the RNG.
Skyrim when there’s too many random encounters
They where working together the entire time 😂
Thanks Todd!😂
They were all in on it to rob & kill the dragonborn.
That man stop me while i am fighting a blood dragon
That was an example of the npcs becoming sentient and running a con on you while being aware of game mechanics 😂
You have got to be kidding Me, that pisses me off so bad 🤣🤬
ive literally had almost this exact thing happen to me. a fugitive ran up as i was fighting a dragon, right after i dealt with the dragon there was hired thugs right behind me, and the hunter ran up to ask where the fugitive went right in the middle of that fight 🤣🤣🤣
*”May the gods watch over your battles, friend.”*
The gods laughed and laughed and laughed.
That was truly funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣
That was the most screwed-up Random Encounters setup I’ve ever seen
Awe that’s sucks man xD
The fugitive approached me while the Thalmore were attempting to kill me and if not for my companion holing them off I’d have died for sure. Looked at the last time my game saved and it was a half hour ago. Thanks Ahtar!
This type of reason is why I use shield and sword for 2 or more enemies, war hammer for one good badass and magicka only for healing when enemies are close, staff when badass enemy too far.
I love his energy
Most inconvenient moment I all of Skyrim. All you needed was a Demon and a dragon to appear too and you could have went for a Guinness world record.
they were planing this
I’m sitting here trying to enjoy a Fallout 4 playthrough and you keep tempting me with all this Skyrim content
The timing of all this is amazing
They were definitely working together
Dwarven sword of arcing
I would kill them both
This happened to me but with a cave bear and snow bear by windhelm
This happened to me
bruh omg this happened to me today except i was being hunted down by afew hired bandits 🥲
I’ve never seen 3 NPCs walk up to me at one time
The worst luck
Never fails fugitive always shows up during a fight
Hey i been looking for you
“NPC Interactions will no longer pause the world outside the conversation”
Expectations: WOAH the realism is insane! now things can happen while you chat with people!
Plot twist: The Fugitive, the Thief, and the Hunter were all in cahoots with each other.
NPCs learned the Talk no jutsu from Naruto. Haha.
I think it was a health chest piece. The girsr guy gave you. I still have it in a cheat and dont know what to go with it lol
One of the few guys keepin’ skyrim alive
Love the content my guy
If only “I’ve been looking for you, got something I’m ment to deliver…” Turned up aswell😂
*EVERYTIME* e v e r y t i m e i get this radom encounter im low health fighting a wild beast… is it programmed like that or is this shitty thief trying to kill me
Happened to me once 😅 i was busy fighting the Bandits and the random guy suddenly show up like that
when got attacked by wild bear then there’s random people 3 in row messing with dovahkiin
This was an elaborate setup. All three men were the theives.
Really loving the feature you can just walk away mid conversation in fallout 4
This is truly beautiful😂😂
The whole thing was a set up.
This is so great 😂
This is why forced dialogue is one of the WORST features of Skyrim. The amount of times this has happened to me is ridiculous. It better not be a thing in TES VI.
Killed by rng, jesus
Wish granted 🤣
Fugitive: okay bet
Stuff like that in skyrim makes me so annoyed
That was hilarious
So much happening for a moment.
That moment you realize maybe you should turn down the random encounter frequency in the MCM.
That theif got me too, that MF. stabbed before I could breathe.
Bethesda, you’ve done it again.
I once messed up skyrim, to which I was sideways on the ground, only able to get on horses. .. and then I disappeared… and then those two came around..I don’t understand how they didn’t see the guy run away a literal second ago.. we were in a snow field… anyways
I said no, go get. I ain’t got anything, and then they tried to attack me but then they ran away.
Skyrim in a nutshell 💀💀💀
Perfect skyrim timing
They hit you with a triple whammy💀
Bro the npcs done teamed up to combo him💀
I’ve had moments like this but that’s some bad luck
It’s funny that all this ridiculous stuff happens to you in this play through, it’s perfect 😂
I laugh every time
Poor you
I just got done dealing with that fugitive and that hunter he gives you an enchanted helmet or some shit i think if i remember right. But you got some crazy luck thats a lot going on at once lmfaoo
Serious Skyrim energy right there
Lot of craziness right there
This is roughly how it went when I bought and installed all of the DLC all at once and loaded up my in-progress game. I was so confused.
That’s the weirdest Skyrim moment
“Take this, hold onto it!”
“Give me all your valuables!”
“Did you see a thief?”
“Yeah, he gave me your valuables!”
“Give it back to me, please”
“I don’t have it, the robber took it.”
Okay?!? Where’s the robber?”
“Over there, the bear ate him”
“What the fuuuuu…..”
“Oh shit!”
“What now?!??”
Thalmor! On a dragon!!!”
“You gotta be shitting me, I just wanted to find the thief that stole from me, not the thief that stole from you what the thief stole from m…. AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!”
“HOLY SHIIIIITTTTT!!!! Giants!!!!!”
The game was rigged from the start
When I came across the fugitive, I was fighting a bear and a dragon. I still have no clue what he gave me 😂
Literally explains skyrim in just under a minute
Omg I can’t stop laughing 😂
There’s a mod for this it’s called “SHUT UP CAN’T YOU SEE I’M BUSY!” 🤣
Least favorite encounter
When the NPCs get their revenge for all those quicksaves
That’s Skyrim birthday edition
yeah it happened to me too 😂
lol the odds of that all happening
that is the worst luck I’ve ever seen
The series of unfortunate events 😂😂😂😂
Just wtf lol 😂
all in 1
I’ve had a fugitive come up to me in the middle of fighting a dragon before lmao
I know the feeling of this !😂
This is hilarious
LOL what is the chance…
I had a dragon attack me when the guy gave me the axe. I had no chance really to interact with this 😂
Wait is that thief also the voice of the damn didact from halo 4 lmao it suddenly hit recognition
What a nightmare of events xD
What are the odds
That sucks lmfao
It also happened to me, to add more insult to injury, I have Defeat mod on (for those who know)… The next time I see a fugitive, I’ll shot an arrow to his knee.
Thanks Todd!
Every short of yours I watch you are always in a fucked up and different predicament and it’s so funny😂😂😂
1k comment 🙂
Bro got all the random encounters at once. Lorkan must be beating again
Who are you!?!? IM CHAOS
The box behind him “I’m sorry little one.”
I have learn that generally everything can be solved with a few well placed fireballs. Except Serana’s parent issues… Oh wait…
Also you sound sorta like Morty merged with a coyote and I find that funny.
He gives you the hide helmet of minor alchemy I just talked to him
This is a series of unfortunate events
Too much happened ight imma head out….
What if that is permedeth
Still one of the best games ever made…
Not gonna lie, this has happened to me SOOOOO many times playing Skyrim, it’s funny to watch, but in all actuality, dude probably just lost the last 45 minutes of gameplay and that sucks, but it’s still funny lol
Well, that was simply unfortunate. I feel like Sheogorath had a hand in that.
The Hired thugs and Headless Horseman
Just patiently waiting for their turn
The most Skyrim thing I’ve ever seen.
They’re work together to rob the player
“Fuck you!” The anger and surprise
Skyrim just being Skyrim 🤣😂🤣.
That is why I always travel of the roads
They were definitely all in it together
NPCs in Skyrim are gems
🤣i rather die and wish came true 🤣🤣🤣
This has gotta be the best clip of Skyrim ever 😂
Omg that’s hilarious
That would be the most random encounters in the same spot😂
This is the most effective tactic against the dragonborn
Ask any skyrim player
Every single one of them died like this somehow
Skyrim is so great. I can’t think of any other game that has these absolutely hilarious, unintended moments organically happen. All. The. Time.
The beauty of skyrim is astronomical
Bruh they plotted that on you from the very beginning, they about to split your loot 😂
That Hunter and Fugitive gag is the single most annoying random encounter. Half the time it happens I’m engrossed in a fight, and about half of those times I die because I’m getting mauled while he’s talking at me. Like bro, I’m in the middle of something DO YOU MIND?
Lolllllllling funniest thing
Minus a dragon or two, and it would be perfect
hilarious clip :D:D
Bethesda thought it’d be funny to put this into the game..happened to me a couple times😂
god damn the this made me laugh so hard man
When you fighting against enemy, fugitive always bother you 🤣
A similar event happened to me but the difference is i got ambushed and took an arrow to the neck then the npc guy died shortly after
3 encounters at the same time to die for.
everything about this was so disastresously timed in the most perfect way. I love it. Thanks Bethesda!
So much going on in one area lol
You got MUGGED
It was a tag team🤣
I have never laughed so hard in my life! This was a beautiful moment, thank you for sharing 🤣🤣🤣
bro I related so hard to this with my modded master difficulty
Those odds are… wow, um.
Pro tip: any time you see (if you do) a dude in a hide/fur armor running toward you, just attack. No bounty for that so it’s perfectly safe.
Exact same thing happened to me but with a giant, it did not go well
Oh my God what is that bad luck lol
Id quit for a whole 3 days
Honestly why are you worried about a bear attack i mean its just a bear
I wish i had this moment
So i could just flex on the thief by first using the final form of dragon aspect
Literally the only reason I joins the thieves guild and dark brother hood was because of theses interactions
I love this lmaooo
Lol u got murdered
The comedic timing of that fugitive is impeccable
All three of them were in Kahoots!
That was a terrible sequence of events
They were working together
This clip never gets old
This is why Skyrim is Top Tier
Lool what are the odds
This is comedy gold right here.
Thief: “Hand over your valuables!”
Dragonborn: “I don’t have time for this”
Thief: “Oh sorry, when would be a better time?”
Those were really strong rpg elements at play there
How come all the dirty birds in this game are in eleven gear
😂😂😂😂this is legendary
The most annoying moment when I was at Winstad manor about to enter when a courier came with a message but a the same time a Legendary dragon was attacking!
Hunter: OK I’m going to give this item to that guy being attacked by a bear and after he’s done you rob him and I talk to him then you kill him.
Thief: This is the most wtf job I have been hired for.
Hunter: You won’t do it?
Thief; Oh I’ll do it, it’s just that this is weirdest job offer I got as a Thief.
Dude in the 1 and a half minute horse ride from lake view manor to falkreath to buy *straw* I was attacked by bandits, vampires, met maraiq the liar, was attacked by cultists then found a dead troll on the side of the road. I just need hay for my kids bed 😩😩😩
Mans got tag teamed
When all the random encounters happen at once lolb
This interaction was definitely faendals fault
YOOO ALMOST THE SAME THING HAPPEND TO ME THE GUY GAVE ME SOMETHING AND may or may not have oofed him and the hunter came looking for him but the body was infront of him
Nah this was a planned assassinaton
Skyrim really said frick you
That was hilarious 🤣 haha
For real everytime I got this random ancounter, this idiot talking to me while i fighting to death Sabre Tooth, Cave Bears or friggin Dragons.
And crap happens too many times to Lyle 😂 in his game plays.
A fugitive, thief AND a hunter dialogue all at once lmao dear god
Fortuna definitely pissed on you, Lyle. lol
How did you get 3 rare events in one minute
That reminds me of the time a dragon appeared randomly then a Thalmor patrol started attacking it so I fireballed them both.
Me: id rather die!*everytime i get robbed NPC: hey friend hes such an idiot. Also him after robbing me:so thats how i lost my arm and kidney and part of head. *i actually choose that and then brutally destroy them.
This was gold
This was epic. Lmao 😂
They were working together 🤣
Yay!! One of my fav shorts!!!
I just had that happen to me bro, but it was 3 bears and he pops up, like hey umm can you help me?…. dude I got other issues or did you not see the f’in bears 😒 🐻
How on earth did all of these events happen in succession?! 🤣
I love this guy ,he’s great
Thankfully I’ve never been set up for failure as much as you just was
I think Lyle could voice Cicero really well 😂
I’d rather die!
It was all a set up🤣
Bro I played Skyrim in every single way possible and still every once and a while I get this nerve to come back to it.
Right place right time lol
I see you in Sovngard bro
There is a tab button🙄
I used to be marvellous with random encounters,
but then I took an arrow to the knee.
First vid i saw of you. Instant sub
Clearly working together
82k subs in 1year playing only a 11 year old game. This dude has some major content skills
“Welcome to Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim”
On last werewolf totem, the chest is trapped with fire flame spray and she walks to me and starts dialog lock with “Is this the right one?” werewolves are weak to fire.
Price of greed
So many things happened in one video
Had this happen with a dragon
Such awful timing!
I had this happen to me while literally fighting a dragon 😂
This was too much 😂😂😂
I feel like this was planned. I can just imagine the fugitive, the bear, the thief, and the hunter just sitting in a cave like
Hunter:ok bear you’ll attack first. And then you I’ll give you something and you pretend to be a fugitive. Their you try to take his valuables and I’ll give him the ultimate stress.
And this is why I play on novice difficulty. It’s not that I’m a coward, it’s just that I’m still kinda new to skyrim and I would love to be able to go on adventures without 50 different creatures attacking me. Also it makes boss fights so much easier.
yo this thing actually happened to my brother while he was playing like skyrim he found like a dragon that was asleep and then he suddenly walked it up and then that guy that gives thing that thing that he stole like take this dina sabre cat appear to the hunter and then another dragon it just got aggressive i will so funny 😂😂😂😂😂🤣
That’s a lot of encounters in one place
Funniest random skyrim crap i’ve seen. Scariest random skyrim bs I’ve experienced was going up High Hrothgar at level 10 and being attacked by 6 dragons at once along with the frost troll.
bruh what are the odds
The hunter was his buddy
Something similar happened to me once.
I was in Morthal with my Khajit ranger type playthrough on Xbox 360 and a dragon attacked. During the fight a town guard ran in front of me while I was shooting at the dragon on the ground.
After the fight the guard came up to me to arrest me… But then a giant came running up behind him and before he even finished talking the guard was giant launched right in front of me but I couldn’t get out of the dialogue until he landed.
I just about managed to escape by standing under the awning of one of the buildings that was too short for the giant to follow or attack me through but the giant did get in a few hits before then.
It just works
Fugitive thief hunter trio combo. It was all part of their plan
That happened to me but the fugitive died to wolves and the hunter
What are those odds
Exactly why I hate Skyrim
This is so accurate, its insane
The most genuine swear
You should play fallout
When cut scenes combine haha
You regularly get attacked by multiple things at once that should not normally be populating that way. Your mods are fucking up the code.
You actually can get the thief to go away. I dont remember what exactly I did after “do I look like I have money?” But I think it was just passive aggressive suggestions that I’m flat broke and have no time for this shit. During all of that you get this spiel about how the thief is broke too and hes got his own problems to worry about, but that he understands your position and will eventually just leave you alone.
Basically, real recognize real
Once a fugitive came to me while I was in the hideout of the dark brotherhood (i was the leader) said hold on to this for now and gave me an orkish war axe ran down the stairs and started fighting against the members obviously died and his Korps ended up on the fire in the torture chamber
Always could of backed out of the dialogue and killed him immediately
A fugitive, a thief and a hunter walked up to a Dragonborn.
That’s a grizzly affair.
Random spawns too. I once had a thief get mauled by a bear mid-sentence only for a dragon to land ass-first on said bear, all while being followed by a courier
The game was literally trying as hard as it could to kill you
God I hate take reactionary streamers Jesus Christ
Skyrim encounters in a nutshell
rather normal in Fallout 4
Only in Skyrim.
Joshua Graham??
Did you know if you try tomoersude or intimidate a thief, then exit the conversation before he finishes the line, they’ll walk away like you succeeded regardless of the true outcome?
And then the WereBears attacked…
True entertainment
Thief will say yes regardless of what you look like lol
That’s f*** up
Shitting you not, I have been through this myself in skyrim XD
I had the fugitive run up to me as I was being chased by a giant once
Aaaah, only in Skyrim.
This was so fucking hilarious 😂
“So you have chosen death.” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Lyle: does it look like I have money?
Thief: yeah, that’s why I came up to you. Did you really think I was gonna go up to someone who looks like a beggar?
This is the chaos we all love
lol this is soo hilarious
Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣 that’s unlucky
Bruhhhh noooo lmao
I love how like the thief’s try to intimidate you but if you have good stuff you can one hit them 😭💀
I saw this roughly when it was posted and it’s lovely to see it on my home page once again 😀
I’ve been playing Skyrim for years and this is still fucking amazing I’ve never seen anything like it
Best short I’ve seen in a while 😂😂 YOU FUCKER 😂😂😂
You wanna see what bad luck looks like? Your welcome this video explains it in very good terms. 😂
This had me laughing and giggling for a solid 30 mins
Truly riveting gameplay (rolls eyes into brain matter)
These games suck
You got a fugitive thief running from the hunter and giving you the item he stole from him. Everything else including the other thief was coincidence.
To me happened this moment very similar lol
Aw, good ole Skyrim
I think those 3 work together
A series of unfortunate events has accrued
“I’d rather die!”
Hunter: *Very poor choice of words.*
Just the worst timing!
What Website did you download the mod from
Just wanna know if his “OKAY!!!!” TRIGGERED anybody else’s phone
You got caught in an NPC vindaloop
Generally I don’t save often if I’m just wandering in the middle of nowhere, so this situation would’ve sucked for me.
I hated when they’d run up during a Dragon attack.
“YOU FUCKER” -maniacal laughter-
That’s why you immediately say I’d rather die then go straight for the Fus Roh Dah the MF
It just works.
Something similar happened to me on a relatively new character, except with the courier, dawnguard recruiter guy, and the cultists that attack you
Go back to toy story Rex
Dude has the worst luck
Skyrim at its finest.
Been there but replace the bear with a dragon
Now this…. This is the Skyrim we all know and love.
why his inventory look like that?
It’s like a Tamriel vagrant meeting spot! All that was missing was the dying ork and a courier with a message for you, your eyes only…
To many random encounters at once
Player: I’d rather die!
Hunter: *starts dialogue*
Player: YOU FUCKER!!
“If rather die!”
The entirety of Skyrim: and I took that personally.
I freaking hated that NPC lol had the same thing happen to me and I posted about 2 hour of progress lmao
I cant😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
It just works
Thats some good rng
Dude literally got backstabbed
Imagine if the courier or a dark brotherhood assassin show up
Me and My friends call this getting Skyrimed
They were in on it together, it was just a long ploy to kill you
trash game
Can you not skip dialogue on pc?
Goddamn Skyrim sucks so bad.
Theres no way this isnt a mod 😂
One time I was in one of the small isolated houses in riften, and for some reason an imperial Currier came about, and the guards started attacking him till he ran off. Safe to say I did not get that package, assuming it was for me
Got fucked up, down and sideways… smh
Laughing hurts
This is officially the worst luck I’ve seen in skyrim yet
Oh man I feel nostalgic again might as well buy skyrim later and play it!!!
How much shit happening can you fit into a YT short?
Skyrim – Hold my ale
Need to add the oblivion npc theme over this
This may be the rarest event happening ever
NEVER should have come here
xD I cant even be mad if this happened to me I’ll be laughing so hard.
This LITERALLY happened to me.
This is honestly just so much spaghetti code in one place and Todd Howard is loving every part of it
This guy: I would rather die!
That NPC: your wish is granted
I had a thief try to rob me as i was finishing off a dragon.
Classic Skyrim. First rule. Never stop moving unless you’re in a town or hold even then with the dawnguard DLC whole cities will be slaughtered by vampires if you stay too long in a town
Chaos is the name of the game and Todd Howard is suckling the teat of it
This happened to me too.
But with a dragon…
I died a lot.
Oh skyrim my beloved
Hey YouTube algorithm I don’t want to see shorts
Freaking hilarious!
bruh just use escape, this was annoying tbh
Thats hilarious
“YOU FUCKER!!” Lmfaooooo
The npcs in skyrim are perfect. I was fighting a dragon before and a random person just came up and started talking to me.
Im not even being mean but your voice really sounds like the female dark elfs from oblivion when you yell. 😂
Only a scrub plays skyrim with the normal graphics from the game. you can get better graphics from moding skyrim with a Xbox and even better graphics from a pc.
What bag addon is this ?
skyrim in a nutshell
This is discount phly.
I literally just killed him. And the other came around and I told that guy ran away.
But what did the fugitive give him
Lmao! That’s hilarious!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Forgot to pause and eat 80 wheels of cheesr
This is comedy gold, story time:
So I was just finishing some quest in windhelm or riften (I don’t remember been awhile) and you know how sometimes when leaving a major city and a dragon can attack. Well just after I started running from the guards cause I had a 10k bounty a random bear started attacking me while being completely ignored by the guards (thanks Skyrim AI) and just as I thought things couldn’t have gotten worse on legendary a dragon attacked. Now you may think that I died here…. But, thanks to my stupidly good luck the dragon was after the guards and not me so I was able to hippity hoppity and get the hell out of the property. (To clarify it wasn’t a tamed or friendly dragon that you can summon)
The Skyrim experience
That sucks… when you’re forced to stop and can still get injured.
Lol that made my day
Skyrim: your trying to progress? Tisk tisk tisk.. not on my watch
If I have to hear a fucking NPC say “you never should’ve come here” one more fucking time…….
A fugitive, a thief and a hunter walk up to the Dragonborn…
Sky UI is dope
This literally just happened to me, and the giant spider killed me. Ugh.
Remember guys, they already remaster and sell this game 6 times lmao
That would have me screaming at the top of my lungs
Man what a fucked series of events to happen all at once lmao
You got robbed by Joshua Graham after fighting a Giant Yao-Guai.
My man got setup
A series of unfortunate events, written by Todd Howard
Not pausing the game on dialog was a perfectly balanced option. Also, not being able to talk and walk is also a perfectly balanced and very realistic option. Also, can’t just say screw your dialog, as that’s also not realistic.
This comment is only here for a 69 joke move along
Why does this sound like phly daily
Elder scrolls 6 is going to be waaaay to polished. Its these kind of shenanigans that rip you out of immersion for a couple mins when you puss yourself laughing that make skyrim 5 the best game ever
That’s some messed up interactions right there aight
disgusting Laugh… please dont laugh like that.this is so fake and false…😫
You’re all over the place as well as your character’s blood😂
It happened to me once while I was fighting a blood dragon 🙃
Skyrim:they’re features not glitches
Every corner had some dude DYING to talk with him
Oh shit this actually inspired me to play skyrim again
U can’t handle bots
Sky UI Unites!
This guy does actually come at the worst times
“it just works”
Ah skyrim. Truly a masterpiece
So one time I was playing and I was fighting a dragon and a hunter came by started to fight got killed, the a thief came by tried to rob me got killed and then the dragon got killed
This happened to me and I was so fucking pissed!
He was pretty polite for a thief.
“Thank you for handing over your valuables, and good day to you sir”
I always have these fugitives run up to me but they never come back does anyone know if they do
Don’t appreciate screams
Would’ve been even funnier if it was the courier standing behind him too
Pressing TAB intensives
I rly expected the skyrim reincarnation meme
The “You Fucker!” Made me laugh so damn hard lmao
One does not simply hit escape, To stop the conversation. True sons and daughters of skyrim listen to every passersby request.
Todd: It just works
If only when he turned around it was Obi Wan saying: Hello There
As a veteran of many perma-death runs, the AI knows what it’s doing. I’ve had Wispmothers ignore Bandit Chiefs as they work together to tree my ass like a raccoon. Strike teams of Dragons and Frost Trolls waiting in ambush in the wild. If you don’t die for a while, the AI will get creative.
So cozy to see a game about Russia
Aw dude. Tgis is gold
That hunter has bad timing 😕😒
Plot twist: they were two thieves
Typical Skyrim
Golly bum your certainly popular today everyone just wants to say hi to you. Even bears want to hug you. What a lovely day in Skyrim 😁
One of the best timings was when I was stopped outside solitude by a guard. I tried to use “arch mage of winterhold” to get out of trouble and a dragon came and interrupted the dialogue. The guard proceeded to do the kill animation where he mounted the dragons face and hacked it up. He then jumped off the dying body and remarked, “So you can throw a few spells around, am I supposed to be impressed?”
Simple kill the robber
Todd Howards Work At Its Best 🤩
😂😂😂😂when you speed travel everywhere and the random encounters stack up😂😂😂😂
The Fugitive once interrupted me in a fight against a dragon in Dawnstar. As soon as the Dragon flew from the ground fight the Khajiit caravan, he came running from underneath the Dragon’s dust and proceeded to give me the items. Lol And people complains about the courier?
3 encounters back to back lol
The Only time The op player is vounrable is trapped in dialoge. My god… The Npcs are geting smarter
Yeah. Had this happen while playing my modded playthrough, except instead of a bear it was an Antioch that healed faster than I did damage
That made me laugh so fucking hard when the hunter came up🤣😭
The timing was impeccable😂😂😂
My game does that all the time. Either that or I’ll just spawn in and there’s a wolf, bear, and dragon waiting for me 😅🙏
Wow that is the worst case of RNJesus I’ve ever seen
This happened when there was a dragon attacking in winterhold. I almost died from both npc’s.
you did tell him you’d rather die
I got something like this on my channel 😂😂
Omg one after another hahaha
Little does he know all 3 of those people were actually working together, setting the trap
God Idk how many times this happened to me when a dragon appeared or random wolves.
This was a very well thought out robbery/murder.
It was a setup
Sad to see Joshua Graham has strayed from the path of the lord and became a thief in Skyrim
Only if he had a small bounty and a guard showed up to ask for his bail
This happened to me too lol
Only thing that would of made this better is if we could faintly hear in the background ” m’aiq knows many things “.
Wow never encountered such a thing even for a player who is clocked the game over 20 times
Another day in Skyrim. 😂
The way his voice cracks when he shouts, “There’s a bear attack!!!”😂
I knew thats gonna happen. Lolll
Plot twist: it went all according to their plan
So funny.
I know this is old but im pretty sure he gave you a greatsword of arcing
Had this dude pop up when I was facing some hired thugs… I didn’t button mash enough…
This is just a series of unfortunate events
You got your wish
It was all a trap.
Then the messenger comes and tells you got a message from a friend
Just a whole clusterfuck right there. Big oof ma dude.
This guy sounds like mr incredibles boss 🤣
The only thing that would have made it funnier is if after your character died a random guard walked by and said “Let me guess…someone stole your sweet roll”.
That guy dropped his shit on me yesterday 🙂
The AI is seriously lacking, but I like the humor that comes with it. Hahahaah
I love skyrim cant wait for the next elder scrolls
Skyrim is the gift that kerps on giving.
Wow man, this is such an unrealistic playthrough. Who would say “they’d rather die” in real life bro? Just give him the money and pick pocket it back man. I’m tired of the lack of realism, do better bro.
I swear I can’t be the only one who briefly thought he sounded like Phlydaily
Ah yes the fugitive. I was in the fucking middle of fighting a dragon when he grabbed me by the neck and forced me into conversation which killed us both
Damn another day In skyrim lol
Escalated quickly
That’s what you get for having Sven as a companion lmao
he will give you an enchanted weapon or armor and the hunter will ask about it the theif is your bad luck lol
Lol to this video.
So it seems the their event he just gives you a random item as I got a sword from him
I thought I got attacked by 2 dragons and 3 vampires are the worst moment in my playtime. I was wrong.
Hard to listen too
Omg hahaha 😆
This dude showed up while 2 dragons and a sabre cat were ganging up on me -_-
How do you get that inventory
I’m pretty sure anyone whose actually played skyrim has had something like this happen to them once
Where’s the courier-
Robber: Robbing you at gunpoint
The “IRS”: Hi we’d like to talk to you about your extended warranty
This reminds me of the “I’ll get you bitch” video.
Man I want to play skyrim now
It just works
This is too funny 😂
The skyrim bugs and glitches are gold, it’s what makes this game amazing even almost 10 years later it’s still better than battle royal games today
those 2 are just doom
….. And this is why Oblivion’s conversation time-freeze comes in handy
Then they just engage in a free for all 😂😂
a fugitive, a thief, and a hunter walked up to a dragonborn once…
It really just combo you
This moment is just pure chaos. I love it
this gonna be my favourite video of skyrim
I had the fugitive talk to me in the middle of a dragon fight, I died
This is the most Skyrim that Skyrim ever gets
Next thing you know courier appears with a letter from calcelmo in markarth
That guy randomly showed up to hand me something while I was fighting a blood dragon. Not the best timing
Turns back on Angry dark elf
I just realized the thief voice actor sounds like Joshua Graham’s from fallout new vegas
I had this happen to me when I was fighting necromancers for the mages guild and a frost dragon at the same time then this fuck head shows up
I havent had a laugh this intense in so long😂😂 skyrim is the only game where all the npcs are secretly plotting against you at all times
I love it when multiple random encounters happen at once. Even better is when they fight each other
When malcolm shows up to talk to you in the middle of an assassination attempt
Bruh i spelled my cup of water
Happens every time I swear!
Classic Skyrim
Ooh what mods do you have enabled? Your inventory looks awesome
death by cutscenes
What perfect timing lmao
Instead of healing just use the wait option, it will heal you and also save your game
Well.. that happened. Don’t worry a fugitive came up to me while battling ulfics men at whiterun. It auto saved at my death. So it loaded my death 5 times before I reloaded to before the battle
This is BEYOND unlucky, my Lord I was dying
This is where the fire breath shout comes in handy. I just shout them and they go flying backwards. It’s hilarious. I’ve killed like 4-5 people with one shout bc they were all in a group.
someone doesn’t know how to press the “escape” button
When you know Bethesda hates you.
“Here. Take this.”
*Obtained bear skin*
“Give me all your valuables!”
“Do you have any bear skins?”
***P A I N***
Lmao he’s supposed to be the one that looks and the others supposed to com looking are you using mods
is this with a encounter mod
Ladies and gentlemen: Skyrim.
This is the definition of unfortunately circumstances 🤣
When keeping it real goes wrong
It’s always the Dunmer🙄
Omg lmao 🤣
And this is why you never camp low hp
Oh Bethesda…. lol. Skyrim is such a great game it also has comedy
Is that real life 😥😥😥😥😥
🤣🤣🤣 skyrim plotted on u bro🤣🤣. that was great.. who’d you piss off lol??
The timing is so hilarious that it feels like this has to have been planned.
“A series of unfortunate events”
Eu realmente ODEIO o fugitivo e o caçador. O evento deles é um saco sempre que acontece.
Me- **fights a giant near a town**
The guard ready to make me pay for the goblet I stole three hours ago- “It’s go time”
I was getting attacked by a dragon, two giants, and four mammoths when a fugitive came up to me and gave me a shield with was too much for my carry weight
I lauged so hard to this video. I’m so happy that you recorded it 😂😂
Player: I’d rather die!
Astronaut npc behind him: Never was
What DID he give you?
I love random encounters in Skyrim. One of the first (and most memorable) that I experienced, was on the way from Whiterun to Riften on the path down from the mountains into the valley below. A young Breton woman was running away from a heavily armed Khajit, the latter taking swings at her as she ran. They both bolted across the path so quickly that I didn’t get involved, and disappeared into the forest. After continuing along the path and fighting a few wolves, I hear a commotion of a Khajit begging for mercy, and I see them running yet again, but this time the young Breton woman is giving chase and casting spells at him. They disappear yet again. I continue along the path for a few more minutes, and around the next bend there lay the corpse of the Khajit, scorch marks and blood all around the body, Breton woman nowhere to be found.
U just got three of the rarest random events at once
Still love to come back to this video. Pure gold 👌🏻
Dialogue lock.
What are the odds
How to kill a dragonborn
1. Put him in a long dialogue
2. Have a friend beat the dragonborn up while you are still talking to the dragonborn
3. Congrats you just killed the dragon born
They’re all working together! The old misdirection trick!
Skyrim in a nutshell
The fact that The Hunter was going to avwnge you alongside your follower is even more hilarious hahaha
“There’s another settlement that needs your help!”
☆looks around☆
“Whoops wrong universe! I’ll mark it on your map anyway”
Lol letraly me every time when I’m not using fast travel 😂
I had that happen to me yesterday I was oh my way to whiterun when I got attacked by a saber cat, cave bear and then a damn blood dragon all at the same time
All that is left is for a dragon to land next to you.
How have I never encountered a thief before
One of the most unfortunate series of randomly triggered events ive seen
Dude those NPC’s got you good.
Skyrim at it finest 👌
“Hey I’d like to learn about some spells” “okay” *hits me with a fireball and then gets killed by a guard for attacking me* “I just wanted to be someone’s Yoda” 🙁
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣that’s a one and a million chance
This is the most skyrim thing I’ve ever seen
My boy, you gotta learn how to exit dialogue. And how to just kill thieves the moment you see em, decent loot.
It just works
For a game released in 2013, it’s as buggy as a game released in 1986
This reminds me of the one time I was in werewolf form, and a thief literally stopped me and tried to rob me
When the noc’s of Skyrim finally had enough of your shit and launch a methodical attack using game mechanics against you instead of the other way around
Fucking. *S K Y R I M*
When the game is tired of being played
It just works
I love Skyrim
Why did this man sound like the T. rex from toy story lmfao
Skyrim is crazy
What exactly happened here?
Apparently encounters love bad timing.
I live thos game🤣😂🤣
And this is why crosswalks are dangerous
To be fair….you spent 30 seconds on a simple choice. Your fault.
Lmao no fucking way
The most perfect thing to ever happen in Tamriel.
All the npc’s that ever show up: stop what your doing and take this, hand it over, have seen a thief?
You to each of them: yo theres a fight going on right now, your gunna kill me
Holy loly
Skyrim review 10 years later: the game is broke, outdated and glitchy
10/10 we still love it and will protect the game with our lives
Talos guide you
I love Bethesda.
“It just works”
That is what you call a series of unfortunate events
Unfortunate timing. This is why I live up in the mountains with a talking dragon.
This was so chaotic and I fucking love it!
It’s the same dude who i have come across today, weird coincidence 😳 , he will give you a bow with useful enchantment
Theif and hunter: Your wish is our command.
A fugitive, a thief, and a hunter walk in a bar…
I had never seen such a combination of glitches 😂😂😂
I sure hope they don’t make the next game like this 😂
Watching this as a vet Skyrim player makes me cringe ☠️
I like the idea that the hunter was patiently waiting until the thief was done robbing you.
Is this the short guy from the princess bride?
Just subbed bc of this lol
You died
Players: Why does Oblivion pause all life when you talk to someone?! It’s so unrealistic!
Bethesda: Fine. We’ll just have it pause you.
Player: Wait, wha—
I love it 😂😂😂
that’s a hell of a coincidence
This game is dumb and so are the ppl who play it
I just realized he had 3 events
*Does* *the* *thief* *still* *try* *to* *rob* *u* *when* *your* *part* *of* *the* *thiefs* *guild* *or* *it* *doesnt* *matter*
I prefer real life… This game playing is so boring
Never laughed so hard in my life.
This is perfect
How do you get do many random encounters
At least they avenged you at the end😂😂
Todd personally coded this interaction
Man reminds me of my play through stupidest things happing in a chain 🤣
pure art of destiny.
That was just sad
The master scheme to take down the DragonBorn XD
Only thing this was missing: ” Need Something? “
I was trying to sneak into an elven outpost _invisible_ and this guy just ran up and did this shit… 2 minutes later I’m still sneaking and here comes buddy, “did someone run by?” The elf guard is just looking at me.
npc behind him: *then so be it*
Skyrim in a nutshell
I’ve had this happen when I was fighting a saber 🤣🤣
You can press “tab” or whatever you use to open navigation menu to exit coversations
Lol that was gold
I have had this happen when a dragon was attacking me…
I love skyrim
Well this is a planned event. The npcs abused the system and and used the game to kill you. Geniuses.
Now that’s funny!!! Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣
This really makes me wanna play skyrim again
Three interruptions during a bear attack and then death… nice vacation
Murphy’s law states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. This is the perfect example of that.
What if there was a situation where a thief told you to hold onto something, somebody else mugged you for it. Only to turn around and the guy comes back for it and kills you when you tell em you were robbed
When the game doesn’t care
LMAO once a thief came up to me while I was fighting blackbrier guards to steal the horse, I didn’t notice and miss clicked the “take it” option while trying to leave the speech box, apparently it was only 500 gold so it was a waste of time chasing him down tbh
Dude this happened while I was in battle with a mammoth and I got destroyed lol hopefully he pops up again somtime
Try saying this ” hi! I’m goku!”
What a skyrim moment XD…
One time I was in falkreath and there was a dragon attack and in the middle of it the guy that give people notes just came in and said “hey I was looking for you” and gave me the notes then said “better run off” I was like I’m in a flipping dragon battle idiiot lol.
Npcs out here abusing skyrims broken mechanics lol. Those two are genius.
I remember I was approached by a thief in Skyrim he tried to rob me too I told him I didn’t have any gold or valuables meanwhile I had a full set of dragon bone armor and weapons along with 70k gold in my pocket 🤣 did he believe me no did I die yes that’s because I was in the middle of fighting a dragon and a whole bunch of guards which had a 30k bounty on my head 😅
So unlucky lol
So much bad luck lmao
This dude is way to excited for the dumb shit he is doing
The magic of realizing you can back out of these dialogues
Hahaha game is so trash
Have you watched a series of unfortunate events this is that in a nutshell
Now that was funny 🤣
Skyrim in a nutshell
And that’s my friend is why I lost all faith in humanity
My Orc character is so jacked on Health points and stamina those daggers would tickle
That’s why you join the theves guild
it really do be like that sometimes
Imagine Joshua Graham mugging you
Same thing happened to me while I was fighting a frost dragon 😂
This is what we need nowadays, a man who keeps his word
Does the Thief Voice Joshua Graham from fallout new Vegas?
“I’d rather die” fucking dies
Dude wtf wheres the hype? This shit is hilarious 🤣 why doesnt this video get more praise
Omg those npc
Theyre working together, theyre plotting against you
I was once having my daily fist fight with a dragon when a guard came over to help and then right before the dragon died he tried to arrest me and got us both killed
The worst trio to evver happen wtf
You just earned yourself a free subscriber
Its a funny encounter but it gets obnoxious when you look all the new triple A games recently , bugged games became a waste of money .
How do y’all think this is funny
I wished they allowed you to back out of the conversations, or at least make it so they don’t drag you into conversations you don’t want to take part in
The pain is real
Skyrim in a nutshell
this is why Skyrim is my favorite gams
same thing happened to me mid fight with an elder dragon
Well, he got his wish
Yeah this happened to me at a low level once, except I was fighting a dragon. Suffice it to say the thief got my killed!
And this, is why skyrim succ
you took to heart with that even tho it took a little persuasion from one of the allies.
Yea this is just legendary or goty edition Skyrim in a Nutshell
This is just like how after I joined the companions and became a werewolf, the lady who was with me to keep me out of trouble or whatever decided to have a conversation right as a dragon attacked me
Yeh I’ve had this happen b4
I was exploring so I could unlock locations to make fast travel more convenient. Had two different npcs stop me during a fight.
Talk about bad timing
When you’re in a boss fight and your friend yells watch out
The event was great and all but that laugh at the end just killed me
Ok how unlucky can you be to get 3 random moments and get killed?
Now that’s just unfortunate
“I’d rather die”the thief and fugitive “that can be arranged”
I gave lydia an ebony greatsword, but my speed was so fast as I ran halfway across skyrim she was nowhere to be found when I was mugged, I went through the options trying not to fight when I see lydia running down the hill from the woods in the distance like lancelot in monty python and the holy grail, so I waited until she was right behind him and told him I’d rather die, he didn’t finish his sentence before he screamed as that ebony greatsword burst out of his stomach with such force he was lifted off the ground. That’s the hardest I’ve ever laughed playing skyrim.
Dude omg
This reboot of Series of Unfortunate Events is pretty great. Lol
Had this happen while a dragon and bear were attacking me once
I remember this guy from my first playthrough on 360, it was an axe that done burning damaged I used a version or another of it all through my game….. shows what an impact the game left….
Welcom in my kingdom skyrim 😂🤣.
Hope he saved
Is it that the voice actor for Joshua Graham?
That’s Skyrim for ya, when it actually isnt buggy for 90% of it gameplay
This guy sounds like Jimmy from GTA 5 lol
This damn refugee stoped me during a dragon fight.
This game sucks lol
Getting robbed by joshua graham aint that bad
Hands down one of my favorite random videos recommended to me 😂😂😂
why does that thief sound like joshua graham
God I have never seen so much chaos in a YouTube short
He actually got tag teamed lol
Ah yes skyrim 5 hours of nothing happening and then 3 encounters at once.
I had Thief, assassin and old orc at the same time. I didn’t even got to speak with orc before assassin killed me when i was talking to thief.
always liked how all time stops when you initiate dialog in new vegas
“I’d rather die”
Hunter: So you’ve chosen, Death
Skyrim do be like that
Its a dialogue ambush!
The first and last guy approached me while I was fighting a dragon they are so annoying
This happens too often, my friend.
If you need reliable steel to clash the blades of the Empire, head to Whiterun
Here take this
This happened to me while fighting two mammoths and a giant at level 11
I had almost the same exact encounter happen with the first and last guy on my first playthrough, except instead of a bear I was hunting a BLOOD DRAGON.
In the middle of the fight the Hunter comes up and asks me if I’ve seen the first guy, I give him the shield, and the dragon instantly kills me
Only good part about it was in the death animation I saw the dragon lean down from offscreen and eat the guy right before the game switched to a loading screen.
“Your wish is granted”
Yeah this
Giant attacked – the attack sends you up in the sky, then courier appeared, then fugitive…then robber, then Thalmor escorting prisoner, then “You be committed — then “The Seeker has been found!” —Pay with your blood!”
Then I was in the sky
That was hilarious.
ID RATHER DIE……but first let me talk to this guy
The sheer amount of random encounters
Why does his menu look like that
A fugitive, thief, and hunter walk into a bar
What are the odds?
Lol popular forest
I was in the middle of an orc camp when that fugitive came to me. He gave me a bloody axe that managed to encumber me. This events are timed to happen at the least convenient times I swear.
Is this what we call assisted homicide?
I was fighting a dragon and a dude just came up and challenged me
What a great game.
Lmao that’s skyrim for you
The timing
This game can be one giant piece of shit sometimes
If I remember correctly you can simply get out of dialogues by pressing tab or something. Has been a long time since I played Skyrim though.
Literally this exact this happened to me, i was fighting giants at level one and i got thrown across the entire map cause of this guy
That is a big oof
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 poor you I hate that
It happened to me, when I was fighting a dragon, bruh
The best
This guy sounds like phly daily
When the npc fights back… I suspect wreck it ralph was involved in this 🤔
My 744+ hours and this shit ain’t never happened to me! What type of 1 in a quintillion type of luck is this shit!?!?
Such misfortune, always carry potions for when you have no time to use magic
As if skyrim wanted him dead there
This happened to me except it was a dragon and a thief just kept asking me if he could have my stuff, I died and I knew I could kill the dragon
Damn… I remember playing for 5 hours, not saving, then the game froze. I ended up way back, trapped in a master lock cage with a vampire shooting spells at me. I had one lock pick and no skill in it. I stopped playing for a while after that.
Never say Skyrim NPCs are dumb. These bastards are sneaky as hell XD
Guys just get hacks online for free
This is amazing
Lmao this was golden
M8 got but raped by ai and their timing
Skyrim is a beautiful game
That would make me rage so hard
Holy shit I laughed waayyy too hard 😂😂😂…only because that’s the Skyrim life 🤣🤣🤣
Thus happened to me once, except the flame monster shot the fugitive mid dialogue
Skyrim in a nutshell…
The NPCs knew what was happening
man, that was hilarious lmao.
I love this game, for all it’s faults. It’s many, many, many faults
Such bad luck 🤣🤣
I was fighting a fuckin blood dragon at winter hold when this guy showed up
“YOU FuCKer! NO!” Bro I’ve been laughing for five straight minutes. Fuckin crying and all. Instant sub from me man 😂😂😂🤙🏻
Well damn funniest shit I’ve seen in awhile better then when my game glitches and I cut a dragons head off and I’m playing on 360
I was battling bandits while this happened to me
Why does he kinds sound like goku?
When I first encountered a blood dragon, this happened to me. I died. When I went back to the dragon, the dragon thought he could take on 2 giants and died and after that, one of them killed me. One the third attempt, the dragon didnt spawn
Anyone think Skyrim’s price is wack 40 dollars for 10 year old game
It should be 100 dollars
It just works
Skyrim…. another bethesda jewel
Got you twice XD
I had no idea what this guy gave me either… any of the times I encountered him
He seems to only strike me when I’m carrying a shit ton of things (also he has ALWAYS encountered me near winterhold area)
He was trying not to kill the bandit. When I play skyrim I’m like the incarnation of the doom slayer
Yeah this is funny. It’s funny the guy pops up out of nowhere, gives u an item and then a thief shows up I usually kill him.
I Would’ve rage quit and suplexed my ps4 off the Empire State Building
This is so good
So this shity game cant work properly without like at least 15 mods. Bugs not being addressed since release … Which is More than almost 10 years ago. And no hate. Wow. Yet 2077 got all the hate. Wtf.
A common day in Skyrim😂 for me
Best laugh I had in a while!! 😂😂😂😂
Yep, thats skyrim
Hahaha 😂
The pain is deep
This was perfect 🤣
He’s stolen so much shit🤣
Best timing ever 😂😂
Amo Skyrim
This just happened to me. I went to Mzinchaleft and was fighting the bandits. The fugitive came and gave me something and the hunter comes by asking about it all while fighting the bandits there. It’s not as extreme as this one, but still sucked.
As a veteran player this is one of the funniest shorts I’ve ever seen lol
“You fucker, nooo!” Killed me 🤣
skyrim is just amazing
This happened to me while I was fighting too. It’s annoying
I can play this game for hours and not get one random encounter 😭
Thats amazing!!!
I feel sorry for the bear, it was only trying to defend it’s home and all these human idiots kept disturbing it XD
This moment was pure gold. I wonder how both events managed to trigger so close to one another. Usually the zones for encounters are spread out far enough to prevent this kind of overlap.
Lol I remember this moment. What a clusterfuck of random events.