Skyrim Mod Recs for Xbox #gaming #skyrim
コメント (910)
コメント (910)
Thank you forest man… Why are you indoors?
If on pc, I find Nordic faces and then I don’t mess with any of the rest, mostly because most mods touch up human and beasts but leave elves hideous
3ba for me and the clothing pack 5 if you wanna make your character an aesthetic e girl but id say uchiha clan mod is a must
Wheres Inigo
CBBE argonian nipple addon. Yay or nay?
Do these also work on Playstation?
i was with you until cbbe
Oh shit, this king almost slipped but came back with that CBBE mod
This is all factually correct and perfect mod choices
Enhanced closed face helmets god as well
Real talk. Trying to find the original of any mod or the pack that has what your after on Xbox can be a real bitch.
How the fuck do I bookmark this?
Is there any way we could get a load order video?
my tip is to buy a pc so you dont have to deal with all of the unnecessary changes that ussep gives you
Have you done a recommend for fallout 4?
Fallout 4 immersive mods?
Personally a fan of UNP/BHUNP but CBBE is just fine 😅👍🤣
Classic Character Classes is essential in every one of my playthroughs, it essentially allows you to follow the Oblivion class creation (you can even make your own and also use the 3rd Era birth signs). Super easy to install, and all you have to do is read a book upon creating your character and you’re good to go.
For companions, Inigo and Lucien are must haves, otherwise it’s purely just guesswork
You gotta do playstation now
Dont download KS hairs. It will take you hours to sort through all the options when you’re going to wear a helmet most of the time.
Cbbe for only beast races if you’re a real man.
here’s my own personal recommendation: the Xelzaz follower mod
Can confirm the cloaks one is pretty cool
I didn’t know all these were available on xbox
top tier list of basics
Anyone have a suggested load order
Any tips for PS4 users?😮
I have 1200 mods 😐 in f4 skyrim 600mods f3 20mods fnv 30mods XD
….your a fucking goat
I cracked up at CBBE
Do you have some good mods for fallout 4 on PlayStation? I’m already using wacky weapons for „better weapons“ thanks
I think Swift Kingdom is the combo pack for both Old Kingdom mods. And it comes out a bit cheaper in terms of mb
My man you just hit the nail on the head through the whole ass board that was perfect
Bro I can’t find these I search CBBE nothin I’m on ps5 too but come on the only one I found was unofficial Skyrim patch
I would highly recommend Hunterborn.
Any time I use the unofficial patch my game starts crashing on loading screens.
😮😮 And all those mods are available on Xbox?? And for the newest version of the game?
Well you’re forgetting the best mod, LOTR weapons.
You forgot the katana crafting it’s bad ass
I download like 3 mods and my shit wont work lol
Solid, I use Nordwarua’s armors in lieu of Old Kingdom
I would replace “Old Kingdom” and “Unique Uniques” with “Legacy of the Dragonborn” but overall a great list
Legacy of the dragonborn is one I run it’s 😙🤌 chief’s kiss for any Skyrim world
My Xbox must have mods: Immersive Speechcraft; Thane Rooms; Carriage Stops; Extended stay; Ext Candlelight; Lootable Crates; Ana Editor, Draugr Horde, Merchants in Inns, & Bethesda Beer.
I didn’t hear you say Enderal.
there is this mod that adds hotkeys to skyrim on Xbox and I think its called practical armors or something like that
here is one for fallout 4 unique uniques must is a must have
I would like to see all these things your talking about in the game I think that vid will bring you a lot of viewers
What about PlayStation? Ik rip
UNP go brrrrrrrrr
This mf spittin
Legacy of the Dragonborn is almost a necessity for me now adays
First things first buy a new game jesus
Lmao I love this guy man he’s hilarious and wow!!!
Does anyone know how I could put AMY patch on my switch version……..crickets……..I’m sure of it.. but uh… srsly what can I do is the steamydeck worth it? Can it enhance things like let’s say cover everything Mal just in the vid? Thx guys✌️✌️
Super helpful l too:D I love our little community we got here we prob all watch nobleknight too lol malwai is on pooooint with his humor tho so naturally funny😅
He ain’t lying!
Very cultured mod list 10/10
By the 9, upgrade from xbox already and move to PC.
Nephilim v8 pairs really well with Amazing World Of Bikini Armor. Especially if you get the ancient nord marauder armor II from the abandoned prison just east of whiterun.
just saying you cant float to heaven on buckets with the unofficial patch soooooooo 😒 still cool that there is one tho
Good god you just named off my whole old mod list from my xbone days 😅
Honestly i loved all the mods from the author of ordinus and imperius
Dude just listed my load order xd
PS4 now?
Don’t forget about Inigo and Lucien
Hay man can you do this for ps4 and ps5
For companions get inego
I’m still a bit upset that Old Kingdom is console only. It’s a great all in one upgrade mod if you don’t want a ton of mods
What about the handy dandy cheat room
If you’re not getting Nordics armors then are you even playing true fantasy
My damn Xbox gonna explode
The man has spoken. I got no beef with any choice.
Me: the naruto mod
Enai’s mods really are peak skyrim fr
You left out all the good ones 😉
Ah yes let me get these mods on my PlayStation😢
Im saving this video.
Ik all of these 😭😭😭😭
Absolute god damn Giga chad, reccomending Unique Uniques
Most of these are on the first page of recommended mods on nexus😂
Mad bro cheers
Mods for Skyrim still work on Xbox. my Xbox can’t connect to the Ubisoft servers so I thought they gave up on mods lol
I used to play that, I’d always suggest looking for the speedster mod if you want to be fast and feel Immortal (unless you pull a netflix move and die accidently somehow)
how get Nintendo mods
Ps4 next
This is basically go to mod list for an Xbox run. Well said sir.
How’s a heavily modded skyrim and fallout on steam deck, looking to get one and finally get into some pc mod gaming
what about UNP?
Can somebody give me his list couldnt read it all
I had to stop at cbbe, had me monkey giggling
My dude had me at cbbe
Static mesh fucks with mine, I think it doesn’t like legacy of the Dragonborn
I have never looked at recommended mod lists but I have a vast majority of stuff he said but I have better werewolf/vampire shit and a mod call psikotics necromancy mod it allows you to use spirits to kill people and your max summon limit isn’t TWO at 100 in the mod 100 conjuration means you 125 max summon limit it’s great but on Xbox quite a bit is still in development or is in the process of being ported
just recently downloaded about 500 mods for Skyrim and 740 mods for Fallout 4. Took 3 days to install them all correctly, with proper patches, etc. Played for about 12 hours in Skyrim and 3-4 in Fallout, have barely touched it since….. Peak mod gaming bruh. All about the journey. Who the fuck needs the about 96 Gigabytes of space all the damn mods took up? Not even as bad as some of my others.
Would it be too much to ask for a load order for this list? The one thing i hate in modding is the countless hours of shifting files and enduring long load screens and waiting for something to break and trying to figure out where i screwed up.
Player.seav carryweight makes bandolier useless otherwise yes to everything.
Also legacy of the dragonborn
Dude literally listed off most of my mod list lmao 🤣
Very familar mod list.
How do I save this video for later? I wanna judge his taste in mods
BTW you got a list for PC that you highly recommend?
in case anyone wanted to know the entire list for a reference instead of pausing and playing repeatedly
Unofficial skyrim patch
Static mesh improvements
enhanced blood
enhanced night
enhanced light and effects
True storm
realistic water
CBBE body
Natural eyes
Old kingdom armor overhaul
Old kingdom weapon overhaul
unique uniques
KS hairdoos
apache sky hair
definitive beauty pack male add on
Alternate start
cloaks of skyrim
skyrim wet and cold
ordinator perks of skyrim
apocalypse magic of skyrim
imperious races of skyrim
When a Nemesis chests death repeatedly in Middle-Earth.
“Bruh, HOW are you not dead?! First off, I burned you with balefire. When that didn’t work, I sliced off your arms and legs. THEN when that didn’t work, i stealth shanked the FUCK outta you with a poison dagger.
Then when THAT didn’t work, i sliced you IN HALF, and watched you fall endlessly down a cliff! Hell, even after ALL THAT, i straight tossed your ass into the lava rivers of Gorgoroth! Like that shit be right next to MOUNT DOOM!”
Uruk Captain: “Just a flesh wound!”
I feel proud that I use quite a few of the mods you racked off
lol tbh unofficial skyrim patch just made me crash more
Alternate starts is the best.
Sorry I can’t fit those in my load order with my four gorbillion follower/quest mods.
Everyone needs CBBE on their list or else your not a actual Skyrim player
Yoo bro make a list i cant keep pausing and restarting this vid my boy
The moment you said ordinator I was assured you are indeed a man of good taste for mods
Only one more question Skyrim together ???
Don’t forget Inigo
If I could only pick one mod, it’s Legacy of the Dragonborn. (Ordinator is good too)
You forgot immersive armors and immersive weapons, well unless xbox doesn’t have those for some reason.
The first mod on Xbox one I saw and loved was for F4 Pew Pew because it makes me smile and giggle And I can hear Lazer weapons easier 😅😂
I use the majority of the mods you just listed
Also heavily recommended if you wanna play an actually playable and not disgusting vampire: Sacrilege or Sacrosanct, I cannot stress those enough. I personally use Sacrilege and vampires are all I want to play now
The bare bones must haves, my man knows what he talkin about
Also lux for lighting it makes a massive difference and companions like inigo/m’rissi
Bro the unofficial Skyrim patch hates fun but so many mods rely on it.
What are your thoughts on Tales of the Dragonborn or whatever the museum mod is called?
Bro just listed my essential starting mod list on pc
How bout one for Playstation 😅
Im saving This video for later
Yes on every single one of them. I don’t think he missed any
The fact that I use all these makes me happy
Static mesh is way too big to be worth it imo
Can you do a recommendation list for Oblivion?
All on my modlist. Excellent job.
Hey I have most of these, nice going me😅
anyone wanna post a vid of all these mods running and see the difference between this and the base game?
This man out here bringing me back to 2015 with these mod suggestions, damn
Beyond skyrim Brums
And everything ENAI has made
Got anything for a litch that sells smokable Skooma on his travels?
good taste and straightforward; thank you man 🤟
Good mods?
Couple names come to mind.
First, Enaisiaon. Absolutely vanilla plus king. Dude is a gift to modding.
Second, Jayserpa. His quest enhancement mods are amazing.
Third, try 4thUnknown/Xtudo. His armor and creature mods are just brilliant. Xtudo is the cherry on top.
If you want more creatures, try Mihail mods.
Better cities and interiors? Jk is good, the great cities series and cities of the north.
An amazing scenic expansion to a lot of places you need Ryn. He’s also brilliant.
If you need followers to really help you enjoy your run, try Inigo, Lucien, Auri, as well as Xelzaz and Remiel. I enjoy them in that order. The first three have patches to talk to each other.
There’s my go to Vanilla plus Playthrough. I don’t really care for the graphic overhauls are things that completely change armors and weapons. Old kingdom is good for Xbox because it enhances the armor and weapons without completely changing them. Guard armor overhaul is good but the lite version, not the ones that make it stand out. Same thing with civil war armories. Also try creation club integration mods.
YouTube, I am BEGGING you, please let us save Shorts in playlists of their own
Can you do ps4
What are your suggestions for fallout 4 xbox mods?
I wanna use mods but I’m stopping my self for now as I’m working on achievements due to boredom
Never thought I’d hear the exact words said and understand where it is all from, all the hours looking through mods more then playing the game ha ha ha good times
A xbox isn’t running all of that
Can I get these on PlayStation
OWL: Open world Loot and associated patches
Archery tweaks and associated patches
Headsplitter arrows
aligned crossbow reticle,
TUDM reborn (if you are using Growl, TUDM reborn patched out the stuck in place glitch after beast form transformations)
Xp32 maximum skeleton + realistic ragdolls and force
UKDS for staggers and knockdown
Any faster getup animation mod that doesn’t conflict with what you got, there’s a few to pick from
Summermyst enchantments and associated patches
Growl for werewolf playthroughs (just place growl below imperious and wintersun) I think there’s also an Enai bundle available so you dont have to manually order them which is great
Sacrosanct for vampires
ViolenS, to customize those finisher moves
Heartbreaker has never given me issues
Some neat spell mods aside from Apocalypse:
Improved telekinesis and festus Krex inside out spell, really fun for vampires if not OP, Beheading spell as well, Sleep spells
I also forget but I have a mod that adds lighting and physics for the vanilla spells (fireballs and ice spikes have an arc to them) I wish there was a way to apply it to the Apocalypse spells but there isn’t so far to my knowledge.
Improved Atronachs is great too
There’s a modified port of deadly mutilation but it conflicts with alot of stuff, it let you smack people’s heads apart as a werewolf tho which was dope
Bro i have everything he named lol
Me playing fallout 4 with over 200 mods:
*Gamer raging after the game crashes immediately after i keave far harbor or nuka world and fast travel*
Cbbe 3bbb bbbbbeeeeeee
A man of culture.
I remember playing Skyrim on PS4 a few years ago and being immensely disappointed that Alternate Start wasn’t available. That mod alone is enough to completely breathe new life into the game for me.
Could I get a list in the description
What’s funny is you mentioned quite a few I used to use before I upgraded
You are a saint, THANK YOU
Good mod for female beards?
Love the bandolier mod! It’s useful, and stylish.
Ah but alas i am a filthy playstation player and must use the discount bin of mods😢 nah im jk theres a shit ton of great mods on ps4 lol 😂😂😂
How do I save this video
Interesting npcs is a must in my book
And the cheat room, and I personally like the Continuum Gauntlet but i unserstand others not wanting it cause its literally an infinity gauntlet and the stones and it makes you really op but you gotta find the stones first. Talsgar the Wanderer has the mind stone on xbox which really sucks but
Sadly I play on playstation and it’s even more restricted than Xbox is
Thank you for the mods! am gunna do some modding on PC with this as the base, you got any more recommendations?
Ordinator that good shit
I need some good follower mods and multiple companions mods?
My Xbox already broke
I personally, for vanilla weapons and armor retextures I like to go with nordwarua mods. He/she has other mod packs for civil war armor, guard armor, and unplayable faction armor. He used to have a mod that retextured the armor the draugr had, but I haven’t seen it on Xbox lately
this is literally my PC base modlist xD
how many hours did bro spend looking for these mods
PC player reporting in. Excellent suggestions across the board. These are some of the first things I do when building a fresh modlist (which I do less lately because Wabajack go brr) but yes. It does put a smile on my face when console folks are able to do what we do and also enjoy the great experience that is modding. Needs more support industry wide.
Another mod that I really like is wyrmstooth because it add’s a large island and a few quest to go and if you explore you can find interesting things like a wagon wheel shield.
Does the races of skyrim one have more races to play? That’d be fucking dope
Recorder mod
Gonna need a written version of this for a ss later.
Literally my mod list rn
Cbbe is weak sauce shit, I download Oppai bodymesh
May i just add inigo if you want literally the best companion ever. Thats my virtual best friend right there.
No quest or NPC mods??? D: Lol
I use all of these glad im on the right track
Mf literally listing off my mods list 💀
*saves to playlist*
Yeah he didnt list a single bad mod
xbox has cbbe??
I…I use almost all of these
alternate start is a good one.
Damn naiwal you got a good mod list. Usually I just add mods until my game is unplayable.
I don’t like that I know all of the mods listed
Legacy of the dragonborn is also an amazing mod
The “old kingdom” mods are god tier!!!!!!
That’s awesome this is my base load order but did you say imperious races cause that’s a good one as well
I need some playstation ones if you can help with that
This is the definitive mod list for xbox SSE! An absolute master class
Could someone please list these in the comments
No cbbe I use unp
Dont forget the Devious Devices compatibility for CBBE. Absolutely essential 👌
Amazing Follower Tweaks, My Home is Your Home.
Inigo and Lucien
Can you actually have all of those simultaneously? I know theres a cap on the xbox.
Bandoiler is a goated mod
I got some recommendations.
Staff of Shalidor
Clockwork (XB1)
Morrowind Imports
Katana Crafting 1k
The Facebreaker
Khajiit Merchant Tracker
Lore Friendly Guns of Skyrim
Weaponized Junk
I have all of these downloaded and more. Doesn’t crash at all.
loverslab is a great resource as well
I’ve used all of these xD
Don’t forget the goat companion Inigo love traveling with my blue cat buddy
Can list the authors of those mods my good sir please so I know what I’m looking for
Sequel for PS4 please
Nah first things first play it on pc.
Inigo, the follower. And the Muskets mod.
Basically everything you brought up but the unoffical patch has better alternatives now, both for space & function. Hell iirc, the reconciliation mods served the exact purpose of replacing ussep. Cant have a load order w/o inigo either 😂
Wabajack mod installer is god tier
Good lord there’s that many mods!?!
He took it personally
Necromancy mods??
Thank you so much
Wow. You forgot:
Shirley Companion mod
Serana Dialogue Add On
Wow, cant believe you even call yourself a skeerim fan shaking smh
I love ordinator but the same author came out with a new mod for perks called Vokrii that is even better imo
Are the moods the same for ps4?
My boy called out all the banger mods on the nexus.
Fallout 4 mods pls
Alternate start doesn’t work anymore on my system
Hey I knew a couple of these
the moment he said the first one being the unofficial patch, I completely agree with everything this guy has to say afterwords
i would recommend forgotten magic redone over apocalypse. you can use both, but i’ve found i tend to just not use any spells that aren’t part of FMR
The second you said CBBE I just switched the fuck off
…..I have about 80% of these mods
I like the divergence mod packs for Xbox, they cover weapons armor enemies/wildlife and more. Good all in one bundle to save on storage space and time going through mods!
Unofficial Skyrim patch sucks sometimes. It is the main reason so much of the missions break on me. I turn it off and the missions fix itself they need to revamp it to fit AE
W takes
I’ve never played skyrim before but what’s CBBE?
Nixe list <3
What is a mod?
All of these are most haves definitely a solid base
Isnt there a mod for religion that was made by the same guy that did ordinator? Definitely a must have.
Can You do the same but for Fallout 4
If you dont feel like dying, get the ring of the divines mod. Its overpowered
Dude had my mod list down to the T. The fuck you doing, FBI?
That is all the mods I use on xbox lol. Minus bandolier because I just don’t need it.
Nah I got to say most that was nooby mods there’s some really gourmet mods out there yall really be missing out on.
Could’ve just said anything made by Enaision
Yoooo this is my mod list I have right now! CBBE>UNP every day
Me struggling to find these mods
Watch R.T.D videos. Pick and choose your favorite gameplay overhauls, and for graphics watch Gigio Gameplay he posted a build 11 months ago I still use it for graphics but I spoke to him and he’s posting a new one as I write this. And what I do is mix and match both of these youtubers stuff plus some of my own stuff into my load order
ik its not for xbox, but the skyrim nexus collections are INSANE especially the immersive adult team packs
You seem to be obsessed with Skyrim and fallout (Respectfully). I wonder have you got all the achievements for both games? And I wonder how mosh Tim have to spent on both
Wish can do mods on Switch
Bro was just like: Hold my beer
My word of skeptical Skyrim advice to everyone is, don’t install the unofficial patch. Just install the other mods you want. 100% Perfect for me on steam with the OG basic Skyrim. I can’t speak for the newer versions tho. Nice to have both versions is all I’ll say.
Video idea: what goes on in shopkeepers heads when the Dragonborn puts a bucket over their head
As a fellow cultured Skyrim modded enjoyer I have all of those, plus I always add the homie Inago to the game.
Mods for PS4 too?
Well how about Playstation then cause Playstations mods are mostly garbage
Sent this to my dad whos 100% fallout 3, 4, vegas, skyrim, and is on oblivion now
MXR would approve
You sir are a gentleman and a scholar ❤
What about pc?
Omg you are the best thank you!!
i need this list written somewhere
I also use Cheat Room and wear more rings
Cbbe makes the people look super ugly ngl
My man was 100% in all these mods
Man just gave you the definitive starter pack for skyrim mods on xbox
Thank you sir
Load order?
Even better, get a PC as there are many amazing PC exclusive mods.
Lute Bear is the most essential spell you’ll ever use
Can you recommend some mods for ps4 fallout 4?
No woman mod
Alt start is one of the first ones I’d recommend. Goodbye 15 min opening.
All great choices
Also on xbox Cheat room just cuz and Add item menu is a must have
Horns Are Forever so thar Argonians wouldn’t have to take their horns off to fit into a helmet. Also, the one that removes the face part of helmets so that Argonians and Khajiit will not get their faces smooshed.
How do I download mods for skyrim on xbox360?
Could you show us what all of these mods look like?
Was this man reading my mod list
It’s sad that the visual overhauls take such insane space, doesn’t leave you much space to get the big fun mods
How do I get Serena to love me back 😞
USP is crazy. I know its one of the biggest mods, but i find the game less fun without some of those bugs
I have all of these..
I was planning to continue my two vanilla playthrough but never mind
Ps. Enhanced blood is a mod i have used and loved in the past it makes the blood look like blood and not like crimson red spit
CBBE is legendary!
Do Fallout 4
This dude legit just listed off the majority of my old order.
Does all this work on Xbox one?
Frostfall is amazing
Cheat room
Why is it that i not only know what mods he is talking about but also have them installed already.
Inigo?? 🤨
wait CBBE is on xbox now?
more trees is a good one too
Dude just gave out my load order lol
Thanks for the suggestions, I will look into these.
If you uninstall frostfall on your Xbox wrong it takes up Shadow space and it leaves the scripts running
This is basically my mod list
Thank you for the mod list, mister Skyrim man.
Wish Playstation mods werent gimped to high hell 😢
I run most of these with some civil war mods going as well
There’s a mod called invested magic.
Normally, casting a summon spell will take some magic that’s immediately returned and the summon will only last 60 seconds.
With invested magic you can invest the mana points into keeping that summon for as long as you want. You lose the mana until the summon is destroyed or desummoned. Same with buffs. It’s nice for a summoner or magic buffed knight who can’t be bothered to constantly recast the spells.
Is this list in load order you’ve got my attention
These work for the playstation version too?
Mans just listed my whole mods.
Holidays, Winstad Mine, Heljarchen Farm, Landlord, Legacy of The Dragonborn and Legends of Aetherium are some of my all time fav mods.
i’m so upset that playstation sucks when it comes to modding
Where do I go to download these
Can you do ps4 too pleaseeeeee 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
There do you find Old Kingdom – Armor
This a good list 👍
Don’t forget SkyUI
I know this is a man that has modded since the beginning. Hit all the requirements, tho I did not know there was that many for Xbox now 😮 still a PC modder since 2014
You forgot ENB.
Hey just a question, can you make a skit about skyrim after you kill miraak? I think it would be a funny video idea.
This channel is perfect for me. I never knew this was the humor I needed as a Fallout/Skyrim lover 😂
All of EnaiSiaion’s mods are recommended, Andromeda standing stones, wintersun, and thunderchild are great as well
I’d recommend nordwarua’s stuff over Old Kingdom
Can you do this with Fallout 4?
If the enhanced lighting mod isn’t to you liking go with LUX
This man knows
why not any playable race mod?
Damn, I wasn’t planning to but It’s time to play Skyrim now.
Enaisiaon’s mods are a MUST, for sure.
Can you do one of these for Fallout 4 and New Vegas?
No way he recommended useless ussep that we only download so we can use certain mods 😭
You named all but 3 of mine you’re a boss 😂😂👍👍
Not to mention the mods that make Ordinator and Apocalypse work together
Good list. I’ll try to remember to come back when I play it again.
If you’re gonna get any one mod besides the unofficial patch it’s gotta be interesting npcs
Also besides ordinator, apocalypse and imperious, Thunderchild from the same modder overhauls the shouts, adds a buttload more and makes a shout-oriented character actually viable
For more magic, arcanum, triumvirate and forgotten magic
And if you wanna make most of the world look great while being storage space friendly
Jk’s Skyrim, uses existing in-game assets to make towns, villages and cities look much better, and there’s a boatload of interior overhauls but no AIO pack just yet
Idk if it’s on Xbox but vibrant weapons make fire, frost and shock enchants on weapons have better effects so instead of just a colored overlay you get actual flames, shards of ice and mist or lightning sparking around your weapon. Or all three at once with the chaos enchantment
I love you !
Came through with the whole staple base.
Don’t forget Carnage for fallout style gore!
To everyone who hasn’t played skyrim VR with your mod menu and have a VR laying around PLEASE! do yourself a huge favour
Follower mods like Auri, Lucien and Gore are all pretty amazing , too.
if you chould do this with fallout 3 or nv it would be great
A great mod is the forgotten city. It’s a quest but it literally became its own game recently
> Reconmends CBBE
Aw, c’mon man, I thought you were cool..
This is my exact mod load, not in that order but that’s everything I use
All the necessary mods.
This is the list, no notes.
Dude asked for a few mods and got a dictionary 🤯
I’ve used only some of them, but on my Xbox Skyrim I have 200 mods in my list always active no bugginess, no freezes, no game crashes. Took me the better part of a year to get all the right ones for a very awesome Skyrim. Far batter than Bethesda came out with when they created Skyrim. My game now, makes vanilla Skyrim look like Morrowind.
OK this was clutch ngl, too bad I don’t even have skyrim 😂😂😂
Alternate start is a necessity for sure
Alternate start is probably by far the most fun mod because you can legit make up any character background you want to role-play as immediately. Spent hours with characters each with what felt like unique backgrounds
You forgot the most important one my guy: bigger trees for the immersion
I know all these mods.
This is the way 🤝
He playing a whole different game
Tainted Blood of the Dragonborn and Better Vampires are some of my mainstays.
Legacy of the Dragonborn for the horders out there.
And I never go anywhere without my buddy Inigo.
Commenting so I can find again (for whenever I play again)
Bro really gonna not mention Skyrim together… in 2023
Don’t forgot a companion mod, like Lucien or Inigo (or both)
Actually I think the official Skyrim patch is still broken don’t install it unless you want to play the game for five minutes yes I timed it and I think it’s worse on Playstation as well
Honestly though CBBE takes up too much space and eyes are a minute sea tail but the rest are good also check out the alternate start mods like the alternate helgen start mod
The eyebrows at CBBE…we all know.
This man just described my entire load order
Are these free? And Also Xbox what… ? Rocking the 360 and I’m pretty sure none of this applies to me.
I’d like I link or a list of all these mods for my next play through, please help
Yeah i personally find the 18+ mods to be grotesque or in poor taste . Nothing breaks the immersion like seeing chicks walking around with inflated chests in medieval Skyrim like they got the Brazilian treatments
Norduar AIO I believe to be better than the old kingdom mods. Old kingdom is great but it kind of just changes the size of the weapons. Norduar retextures the entire blade/helmet/etc and has become a staple mod for me in any play through. Also Nytras Enhanced Performance Tweaks helps the game run smoother for those who use grass/foliage/tree mods.
My guy, love all your content. I expect that you get to the cloud district very often
Is it healthy I knew all of these by heart and the exact load order to I have them in?
I’m pretty sure the first 5 mods already went over the download space limit lmao
Dawn weathers and, dawn water if want a smaller alternative that still looks great
I have a couple questions if anyone could answer them for me pleeease. Is there a specific load order for the mods to ”prevent” game crashes like in Fallout4? Had a lot of trouble with this in Fallout 4. Also, can Creation Club Mods be used/installed with mods that aren’t apart of CCM? In Fallout it crashed my game so bad with all of them. Really I just want CBBE and a few outfit mods to be honest plus all the CCM
Forgot to add Inigo
Don’t forget the capes 🤌🏼🤌🏼
CBBE mods with some…exquisite female mods….
Unofficial Patch is awful for what it did to my boy Jzargo.
Beyond skyrim bruma!
I was waiting for him to say the ones that add “extra immersion”
Schlongs of skyrim is a must.
Whatchu got on them PS5 mods tho🤔
New vegas mods. Best fallout ever. Period. New vegas for life. I love your content. Not as much as my car or my children, but close 4th to my business and trade.
Is ordinator available on Xbox now?
Preem Choom!
Legacy of the Dragonborn
He had me at CBBE. Haven’t heard that in probably 8 years but that will be the best acronym of all time
You’re just giving away my mod list.
All facts this is THE BEST MODLIST for enhancing your Skyrim gameplay
Don’t forget “bikini armors”
Bro literally just listed my entire starting load order
Might be a little broken! But wearing ALL the rings is too good to pass up on
Like 75℅ of these mods on my Xbox.
F that sh*t im going on pc😂
Man just hit all my favorite mods in like 60 seconds!
I can’t turn this into a normal link to save. Can someone please help me?
Also download all enchantments
So u can add any enchantments in, however many you want to any item😂It’s soo fun
When I’m on my deathbed I’m going to yell out “For the love of Talos let’s just get on with this already!”
All great mods, 100% recommend.
My guy has good taste and knows his shit.
Everything i already have.
“CBBE, ok!” – ‘nough said lol
That one AI overhaul, the big one, it’s great.
I cant play Skyrim without Ordinator anymore.
Anything by EnaiSiaion (Apocalypse, Ordinator etc) is good
Need this as a favourite
Geez, never realized how many good mods made it to the Xbox version.
So glad I got it on pc instead of ps4 when they announced console mods.
POV me modding for a week straight only to find that the game won’t even launch
Make me wanna go back
All I have to say is your game will constantly the crash downloading all of these mods no? Matter what the load order is
Could you maybe, perhaps, do the same for fallout 4?
Also do cloaks and Bandolier. Also realistic weapons is a must can’t be walking around with no boat paddles
Good mods for PS4 fallout 4?
Frostfall overrated and unnecessary
No More Dead merchants! Absolute necessity!
Y’all playing on Series X? I got a One S and it crashes before I can even think of adding mods 😂
You should do more informative videos like this
Never use the unofficial patch. It’s the worst thing you could do to your game.
These all on PS4? My PC died and got SAE on sale
The foundation of any modlist worth its salt. I cpuldve used this 10 years ago
The kids are alright. Good mod that makes it so there aren’t only nord kids and you can even adopt some kajit kids
Let him cook
After thousands of hours in Skyrim I can’t play it without Ordinator Perk Overhaul. It makes it so much Better and let’s you actually build a specialized character and play style
Is that the load order too??😂 my shit be crashing
What about ps5? Sony is incredibly stingy so we don’t have access to this kinds of mods sadly.
The best Skyrim mod for Xbox is to get a PC, literally a potato can play Skyrim with 4k textures there’s no excuse nowadays
This dude gonna make me redownload Skyrim just to use these mods
I sadly got a ps5, can someone list me some mods, take ur time.
CBBE! 😏😉 Ok?
Pretty much each every one of these mods has been in my Skyrim load order since like…2015. You are on point. I never doubted you for a second.
Do this for fallout as well lol, I need to add more mods to my 200 I already have
Max charisma Max luck Max Int what else can a guy want?
Damn bro this is giving me flashbacks to when I got my first PC and booted up Skyrim and just destroyed my game with hundreds of mods
About mods on PlayStation
Reliquary of myth
Not a Skyrim player, so all I heard was “gibberish gibberish Skyrim, gibberish Skyrim, gibberish gibberish gibberish Skyrim.”
This man deadass just listed off my entire mod list.
I can’t play Skyrim without alternate start.
Bro, you even gave me some ideas and I already got a decent list. The bitch is all the mods that make serrana amazing are fairly big
get a pc? they cost as much as a fucking console now
Is it the same for play station?
Can’t forget your boy Inigo
How do i get Inigo on PS4?
Very excited to try this out
Only correction I’d make is using Adamant perk overhaul instead of Ordinator. Has most the perks you’d want anyways without the perk bloat. Also check out Simons other overhaul mods
good to see most of the preferred mods have remained the same since I stopped modding my game a few years back.
As a modder myself, I highly recommend you download these one at a time, not all in one sitting. Try a mod out, then download another, it’s less risky for your game.
What are some good first person movement mods for Xbox
Then get a pc and have real mods
Such a lovely mod list. Absolutely wonderful.
New to modding, like doing a melee assassin build. What armor mods you recommend, and is there anything with something akin to a shadowstep?
I have a question:
How are you? How was your day?
Agree 100%
Unofficial Skyrim Patch breaks too many things than its supposed to fix. Download alternative bug fix mods. It’s a shame so many mods require the unofficial patch when it’s responsible for a lot of fps drops…
Skyrim together reborn. Me and the boi playing together
I would have figured cbbe wouldn’t be on xbox
Unofficial Patch is ass because it takes away free training from followers (which doesn’t make any sense if a muthafucka is willing to die for you he’s willing to teach you how not to die) and breaks attack mining.
Nah this just shows how much this dude puts into his scripts. He said “oh a newbie want some good mods hold up” (turns on his xbox)”heres a entire list have fun.” This is pro level skyrim sht.
Quest mods: Legacy of the Dragonborn, Mrissi’s Tail of Troubles, and Clockwork. Those are 3 questline mods that easily add 3-5 hours of playtime each. They’re unique and intuitive with their storytelling. Highly recommend. 👍
sounds nice but I’m on PS4 so I need a nice list for that because I can’t quite get me list quite right
This is exactly why I hate Skyrim players. You can’t even tell them that their game is bad cause they just tell you to heavily mod it without realizing there isn’t enough lipstick to make that pig shine.
Great list! Only one I don’t use (which cones back to bite me at times) is CBBE. It works especially well in Fallout when the lack of CBBE makes some folks have weird looking skin, like bomb scars.
You are the goat with mod selection
Legacy of the Dragonborn
Thank you for always sharing knowledge and making great content thats why your the G.O.A.T have a good day man .
CBBE was a mod sent from the heavens
Bro left out Inigo 😢
Heyyyy, I use like half of those. Lol
Didnt miss one my man, that is the optimal console modded experience
Cbbe and cloaks of skyrim are og mods
👀 could you be an absolute legend an give your Load-Order? Cause Xbox has to be done piece by piece
Ooh I’ve got some for y’all
Amazing Follower Tweaks aka AFT: the BEST follower mod out there. Makes them more intelligent, gives them better perks, let’s you choose their city and home outfits that they’ll automatically wear at correct times, have them interact with you it just makes the whole damn experience so much better
Winter sun: religion mods, makes the gods actually fucking do something
Reforging to the Masses: HUGE weapon overhaul. So many more options than just sword axe and blunt, so much more fun
Growl: werewolf overhaul, way more fun plus you can be a werebear
Sarcosanct: Vampire overhaul. What is a lord to a GOD
Serana dialogue overhaul: you wanna marry her don’t you?? DONT YOU?? Plus it makes her way more efficient and fun
Skyland AIO: bring those graphics up to modern expectations
Valhaln: light weight combat overhaul
Immersive Citizens: tired of every farmer squaring up to every dragon, bandit, vampire and either dying or worse, getting in the way? Tired of the same dialogue between NPCs? Here you go.
JKs interior overhaul: just do it, thank me later
Audio SFX overhaul OR Sounds of Skyrim: fill the air with sound, also make sounds more immersive HINT audio SFX will also adapt the daedra voices to be more in character INCLUDING MERIDIA. Makes her much more…endearing
Be a bard: does what it says on the tin
Jaysherpas line extension: tired of goons saying “never should have come here” and fucking little else? Gives them lines that are triggered by your actions. Also if you sneak up on them, you may overhear things you’ve never heard before
Jaysherpas quest extension: *who wants to bang Haelga in her bunkhouse* nah but it does lots of other cool stuff too
I’ll edit more if people are interested, these are just some of my essential nods
am i the only one that hates cbbe? whenever a mod make it a requirement im just discarding it (which happens very rarely)
Could you show footage of how the game looks with those mods if you have it already setup?
When U use the un official patch an no perk mods. I also use the the Necromage perk unpatcher (i think that’s what it’s called.) Especially if I want to go with an op Vamp build.
That’s the one thing about the vanilla Skyrim I couldn’t stand (even with all the official DLC content) is the armor designs were so mid imo (Nightingale Armor is the rare exception)
After playing Dragon Age: Inquisition, and the Dark Souls Trilogy it’s so hard to enjoy the cosmetic parts of Skyrim WITHOUT using mods lol
i suggest using dawn water instead of rw2
Could you do one for fallout too? Or have you already
Apocalypse and ordinator are mods I literally cannot play Skyrim without anymore playing vanilla Skyrim after that is like eating a dry sponge
CBBE is a little touch and go, doesn’t work with alot of mods that aren’t in your classic upgraded style mod packs
Alternate start is a role-players dream mod!
Do you have some for playstation
I know my man watches or used to watch MxR mods
IT LOOKS LIKE A BRAND NEW GAME. Thank you for the tips
Ordinator is probably my favorite mod of all time. The perk overhauls completely change the way you play the game, it’s so fucking good
Cant play without it
At this point skyrim is barely playable for me without the bare minimum of these mods
For Followers, Lucien –
Immersive Fully Voiced Male Follower is a good one
Lucifer, an argonian follower is neat because he has functionality with Alternate start and is around during some of the starts (Like in the shipwrecked one, he’s swimming out to see if there’s any survivors). He’s also the only follower mod I’ve seen that has dialogue for a custom race mod, the Playable Skeleton Races mod.
Your mileage may vary for the next one, but Serana Dialogue Add-on.
There’s also Interesting NPCs which adds npcs, followers, and quests to Skyrim.
Could you do the same for fallout 4 Xbox?
This load order has stayed standing since the beginning of time
For Playstation?
3/4 into the short and then he gets to the meat and potatoes.
Now for fallout 4 ps4
How about ps5
Every good mod is here EXCEPT the indigo companion mod. Hes such a developed character that i feel horrible trying to delete his mod. Its like killing paarthurnax
I will listen to this man on all that is Bethesda like its gods word
Divergence has replaced Old Kingdom for me, it’s newer and compatible with some other newer mods, I just wish it had a patch for sleeving Skyrim. The good thing is it covers every single piece of armor, clothing, and weapon in the game and has optional add ons for creation club content which is fire because the creation club armors are dope
Legit named off every single mod I use on Xbox, besides a few select ones. Seems like we might be in agreement.
IMMERSIVE PATROLS, Enhanced civil war
When you literally name .1% of the necessary mods on every mod list
This isnt even mentioning ALL the followers you can add to the game that actually have diverse dialogue and thoughts
Holy Hell, Naiwal… I get ragged on for being borderline an encyclopedia for FO4, but it sounds like you’re something of an encyclopedia as well but for Skyrim and the mods for it.
Respect. That seemed very calm, concise, informative, helpful for those who play Skyrim, and even offered for people to ask more questions.
This was just downright polite and gentlemanly. Mad respect. Must have popped some Grape Mentats or something before recording because his Charisma stat is BANGIN’.
Will defo be using this for my skyrim runs
I search these exactly as he says and I get… Not those
I play on Xbox SX and so I approve of everything thing said in this short but watch out that 5 gb mod capacity is annoying.
Dont forget wear multiple rings
Can someone write that down?
It’s good to see a nord helping a red guard .
Ok…..now for PS4 😂
Dude just rattled off my mod list😂
Alternate start is where it’s at though
Project aho is a mandatory
Ahh all the basic essentials
ELFX HARDCORE. And RASS. Not a fan of Nordwar AIO?
Now add all those mod sizes up and see if it doesn’t run you past the 5gb limit that xbox has.
I prefer regular skyrim, so if I get mods, it’s usually as anargonian named Mark Zuckerberg with a submachine gun
I have all of those installed and I just thought it was standard issue?
I have or have had every mod called out. One other top tier mod imo is a mod called The Choice Is Yours. This mod allows the player to refuse accepting any quest except for Dragonborn & Dawnguard. I’m not sure about the main quests. But for RP purposes as well as not having your quest log huge with things your not going to do it’s really nice. My personal fav mod is What You Say (XBOX).
Schlongs of skyrim is also a good mod 😂only for pc tho
mate only listed nexus mods.. what hapenned to loverslab? and the ENB forum.
If you’re khajiit get khajiit speak
Will be using all of these when I go to play again
Are these also compatible on PlayStation
I’ve never done apocalypse magic of Skyrim yet but I can vouch for most of these one of the best being ordinator perks trust me completely changes the perks in fun ways also it allows you to actually grow stronger in the voice making shouting feel like an actually fun skill to use as it is now a branch on speach skill
Wow thank you
Bro, one more. ‘BETTER FOOD’.
cooking and eating is helpful and fun when soup heals 100pts
My whole list
@Naiwal don’t forget Xbox has a 5gig mod limit
CBBE >>>
Entire Mod list from Naiwal for anyone interested:
Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Enhanced Blood
Enhanced Night
Enhanced Light and Effects
True Storms
Realistic Water
CBBE ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Natural Eyes
Old Kingdom Armor Overhaul
Old Kingdom Weapon Overhaul
Unique Uniques
Better Beards
KS Hairdos
Apache Sky Hair
Definitive Beauty Pack Male Add-on
Alternate Start
Cloaks of Skyrim
Skyrim: Wet and Cold
Ordinator: Perks of Skyrim
Apocalypse: Magic of Skyrim
Imperious: Races of Skyrim
Note: For beginners, this is definitely a baseline modlist that I think is worth trying out. I recommend taking a look at some of the top mods and finger-pick anything that catches your eye. Assuming that you have the space for it, of course. Happy modding!
Would this qualify for PS5 as well?
I dont even play xbox but this shows ya boy has got your back
lmao dude just mentioned over half the mods i use
You just perfectly listed my mod lost😂😂😂
U sir are very much appreciated. Talos guide you!
Bruh mans just called my load order out
If you’re getting CBBE get bikini armor for your females asap
any good mods for skyrim on ps4 ?
Artefakes is better than unique uniques imo
Dude’s a man of culture and listed off my load order
Be true you only Help him for the Love of Talos
Could ore do you have a video for Fallout 4. I play it again and some things are just trash and some lit auf.
Hell no you don’t use the unofficial Skyrim patch that lets you do some fun shit
Just emailed this to myself to reference later! I didn’t know ANY OF THESE
And let’s never forget give Serana consent to suck neck
Opinion on Wintersun – Faiths of Skyrim? It’s one of my must haves, but I’m not an experienced modder
I’m reminded that I need to fix my list, gawd dsmn
You recommend my whole mod list😂
The only one I’d add is the one that lets you grow all alchemy ingredients. Can’t remember what it’s called but it rewards planning as I did only to have it thwarted when Hearthfire actually came out. I held onto that damn root for MONTHS thinking I’d be able to grow more buuuuuut noooooooo.
Yo, Ay yo this is important work
Yo this is a pretty based list
As a PC player I feel bad for Xbox players that want to get deep into modding but can’t afford a PC. Xbox limits you to 5GB and/or 100 mods from what I’ve heard. My modlist on PC has exceeded 1800 Mods and my mod folder was over 300GB
cbbe, talos would be proud.
OK! These are just all naughty film titles.😂😂😂
Oh fuck nah. Odin gets in there two. Makes vanilla spells better too and doesn’t overlap
SHEEEEEEESH when modding is more important than playing the game
Ordinator is legit one of my favourites
Ok, now do PS4/5
That’s basically most of my list I knew it was fire 🔥
I love how nerdy this guy is
Touched by Dibella all the way, though I doubt that’s on Xbox so you right
MAKE JUNK USEFUL, underrated as all hell and can’t play without it now.
Any mods that can…. fix bugs on the P.S. 5? 😂
Dude! Are you just reading my mod list for this?😂
Is there any mod that makes me a king of a castle or town?
Bro I think there’s some skyrim in your mods
I’d add Wintersun: Faiths of Skyrim
Yo could we get some console fallout 4 mods too?
Triumvirate for mage archetypes. Shadow magic is my favorite from triumvirate.
Can you do Ps4?
Since we got CBBE already lets double down and get HIMBO as well
Civil war overhaul
This is my Xbox mod list just a lot smaller, mines the same but also including every single possible functioning graphics upgrade or add on
Adding on to apocalypse, ordinator, and imperious, all of enairim is top tier. Add in summermyst enchantments, Andromeda standing stones, wintersun faith, sacrosanct vampires, growl werewolves.
Multiple rings and the settlement/city overhaul mods are pretty baller too
I can’t believe how many of these mods I had 😂
DAMB, they got CBBE on console now?
Can you even cbbe on xbox? Pc user here
I’m saving this video and gonna install all of these I was goofing time for yet another Skyrim playthrough
You are a godsend sir!
Also legacy of the dragon born. Adds a muesuem for every unique item in the game adds a bunch more uniques and a hand full of quests
I’ve actually used half these mods myself…some of them are still on my load order. This list is the SHIT. But I would add True Hybrid: tainted blood of the Dragonborn, Growl: Werebeasts of Skyrim, Undeath Remastered, Undeath Immersivd Lichtman SSE, Predator Vision, and finally Dark Envoy to that list. It lets you be a Vampire Lord, Werewolf/Werebear AND a lich, while also empowering your vampire and were beast abilities. You should also get the tainted blood & growl patch too.
My Xbox wasn’t even plugged in and it still exploded halfway through this video
Don’t forget Wintersun, the best religion overhaul mod to have ever existed
Truly a sage. All of those really do bring the best out of skyrim after stoll so long
I don’t want to start no fight, but UMP is the superior to CBBE.
I remember when my brother tried to mod Skyrim years ago (centuries even) and he had like 1000 mods that all weren’t compatible with each other, it brick his game multiple times
“For the love of talos”
True nord indeed 😂
Do they have those for PS4 too??
Give me some quest mods on Xbox
Do one for ps4/5 Xbox one got all the better mods though
What about PS4?
Hey, if we’re on the topic of mods here are some additional ones for some bored or curious people:
-Mundus, it makes the standing stones like older titles (example: Thief Stone Improves speed, reduces fall damage and increases stamina)
-HTD-SMP (Gives body mods like CBBE physics, also gives physics to armour that supports it)
-3BA/3BBB (CBBE for cultured individuals)
-ThePure (a god tier texture mod for bodies and faces)
-Skyland or High Poly Project (makes all the textures high quality, can single handedly modernize the look of skyrim)
-Expressive FaceGen Morphs Male/Female with conditional expression (Gives everybody animated facial expressions and new lip syncing)
-SoS (If you know you know, it’s about the CBBE of male bodies)
-Phenrix Magic Evolved (More spells)
-SmartCast (More effecient spell casting for people who don’t like favourite swapping)
-I strongly recommend the Immersive Armour and Weapons mod, then convert them to CBBE.
-Precision (Better weapon accuracy)
-Sneak Tools (Better Stealth)
-Book of Shadows (Better Better Stealth)
-Crouch Sliding (for those sick stealth builds)
-Immersive Artifacts (Make the Skyrim Artifacts actually good)
-Better Vampires (Makes playing a Vampire cool)
-For the love of god download Serana Dialogue Overhaul and INIGO, straight up missing out without those two.(Get Kaidan, Lucian and Auri while you’re at it).
-Anything by JK (Make skyrim beautiful)
-SCAR (makes the AI fight better)
-Lux Via (Makes the world feel more connected with better roads and more bridges).
-Nemesis and FNIS (The god engines that will make every animation work, yes they can be used at the same time).
-AGO (makes archery more complex and fun)
-High Poly Head (Gives female heads more Polygons for additional details)
-Diverse Dragons (More dragon types, whats not to love.)
This is a few that can make Skyrim more interesting for anyone interested, and I also have a massive list of combat and cultured mods if anyone is curious (Those can be summarized with OStim and SkySa).
Great vid, the topic made me realize I have nothing but tig bitty npcs everywhere. I have a problem.
Inigo for a really well made companion. Especially if doing a thief or archer build.
this and any lore friendly mods
Spot on
WAIT does this also apply to Playstation or are there certain mods that don’t work between the two.
I used all the honorable mentions I feel complete
…As a PS4 player who has played Skyrim modded on PC, I’m shocked, appalled, proud, and salty because Sony is just the worst with allowing things like that.
Do you play pc too I’d love to see your recommendations because I can tell your cultured with cbbe
I’ve used all of them, but I was never really a fan of the perk overhaul mods.
All are super good i remember MXR back in the days helping find fun mods
How the fuck do I download mods on xbox
Great now im gonna have to start a new skyrim playthrough again lol
When is someone just going to make a 1:1 remake of Skyrim in UE-5 or at least in UE-4 already? I mean there comes a point where you might as well do that instead of running 100+ mods on the damn thing.
If you want to go crazy add Dragonborn museum! Best mod ever!! Gives you displays for quest items and weapons along with quests and mod support you wont regret it. Key mod to transform your game. (Ops this is xbox only if your pc and dont know this is a crazy mod)
Are these in the mod menu for skyrim or nexusmods
Yo Naiwal, Know you might not see this but could you show what this Looks like pulled off?
Cloaks of skyrim let’s gooooooooo
Okay how do I put them on
Also get one of the cheat mods that adds noclip, so you can get past the inevitable glitching and progress blocks in a few major quests. Hint hint Dawnstar
Hear me out, Divergence for the weapons and armor. There is also a version that covers all CC content for those of us with Anniversary Edition.
Bro just listed my modlist, wtf
For a gud collecting mod legacy of the dragonborn for some companions you cant gi wring with inigo and lucien
Literally read my whole mod list.
Killable Children mod
My mans so official helping out ppl and ngl I need some info on ps4 Skyrim mods
This man knows
Now We need good mods for fallout 4 xbox
When I heard CBBE I thought it was gonna turn in to an MxR video, however I age
My Xbox: Crashes in spectacular fashion. 😂
Mods on fallout 4 PS4?
I personally cant play without Legacy of the Dragonborn now, it has unique uniques built into it. If you havent tried it, I highly suggest you do, game changer forsure.
This is probably the FIRST time in like a decade or more that someone has layed out a comprehensive and simple mod list for anything.
Good woth the videos and good with the recommendations🎉
Tdm is the best combat mod
Lilmonthiit:im i a joke to you
It makes me immensely proud that I had every single one of those mods that you listed in my mod list at one point or another
Legacy of the dragonborn is the goat of mods for me, literally rewards you for hoarding all the cool things you collect from the game. But I think it’s only for pc though
Perfect list
I wish CBBE wasnt a requirement for mods.
Unofficial Skyrim patch? Pffft I abuse the games numerous bugs as Bethesda intended
Oh shit, I didn’t know I was playing the best skyrim till you just rapid fired through my mod list
Love it, been using Old Kingdom for years now, can’t go without it. Ive tried other armor and weapon retextures for space, but they never hit the same. Also, side note, I’m pretty sure Old Kingdom has Unique Uniques in it, or at least has a good chunk of it included. Seeing as UU has a sizeable space on Xbox I thought it worth mentioning. Either way, love your load order, love your videos and hope to see more!
For the love of Talos thank you!!😂
I recommend looking into the same guy who made apocalypse and ordinator, I personally would also add unassuming multiple followers and Outlaw, giving you 3 followers total and making basic enemies like bandits that quickly become obsolete against higher level Dragonborn a boast in ranks and firepower to keep up with the dragonborn.
Fire info or a good funny great content
Man really out here giving away his god like knowledge
And while ur at it, look up GamerPauly who has bundles for most of this so u can also save mod count space. 👍
Bro hit them all. I commend that👍
I’ve seen a lot of people say that CBBE is only for horny people, but it doesn’t have to be if you don’t want it to be, all its really meant to do is make bodies look better and more immersive
Bro I beg you make a mod list and link it in the description
Love Frostfall combined with Alternative Start.
Bandolier is a must
The unofficial patch fixes the funny rock chest so I dont use it
What about fallout 4 xbox?
man named all the mods im using right now
are these mods even on ps5? i use alternative start for sure already.
Predator mod is sick are we gonna ignore you can be a Yauja
Is this just for x box?? Bc I couldn’t find some
I can’t agree enough on the alternate start. Now, if you want to get into PC modding and you want horny, this I can help with, if you can stomach it.
All vampire mods !!
You gotta do a skyrim play through from scratch for us
Story Change mods? Something that’d enhance one’s experience.
skyrim chad
Get a pc N’wah
Are any of these on ps5 Skyrim?
I don’t know how but you literally recommended almost every mod I’d recommend. A shout out to mihaelsmods too as he has created a boatload of mods for skyrim I belive they’re predominantly hostile npcs usually forms of monsters but he also makes wildlife mods makes the millionth playthrough of skyrim still fun and give those damn crypts some variaty in what you encounter
Dude is the Skyrim master!
Can you even mod Skyrim if you don’t have CBBE installed? I think not.
You can say the same for fallout too
He ain’t lying I’ve used 90% of those and their really nice but I would say it depends on what each person is looking for but for the most part almost All of these right now and pc vs console drastically changes the mods
Another worthwhile mention is Summermyst Enchantments of skyrim
There is a mod bundle for mage based mods made by the same author who made ordinator but im afraid of misspelling the name 😅 but im curious about dunmer/dwemer based mods like exterior mods, playsyle like spells gear etc, quest mods and player home oh also place changing mods like quaint raven rock. For me i sometimes mesh some mods together that change the same place. So to make it short does anyone have a mod list of for a dunmer or dwemer experience or both combined?
CBBE *stares into camera intently for a long second*
Naming all the essentials
Legacy of the Dragonborn is a good one to
those are all good MOD
Is there a mod that lets you jump really high like in Morrowind and Oblivion? How do I get acrobatics?
Tarhielis my spirit animal!
Fallout mods next?
You got any good ones for PlayStation?
So accurate
My mod list almost to a T. A cultured man truly.
Save for true storms not sure if it’s on Xbox but I like to use Obsidian weather bc the weather having seasons is super neat.
Lmao CBBE 😏 a man of culture
I usually use Skyrim redone for perks
Im convinced this man hasn’t played a new game since 2015 thanks to the modding community
One of my personal favorites is “Heartbreaker” it gives you a finishing move where you rip out someone’s heart Temple of Doom style. It’s quality
Shocked that we have the same mods
CBBE all the way
There’s better than ELFX now! Lux is where it’s at
i was hurt at cbbe at the start but then all hope returned with old kingdom, uniques and all the perks/spells, and frostfall.
my. man.
Bros out here just reading my mod folder live
This man not only gave us notes. HE GAVE US THE WHOLE LIST OF THE BEACON’S COMMANDS
He said cbbe
AAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHHHH I need to get my XBOX out of pawn… whenever I finally getta roof over my head I mean.. 😅
Priorities Kris! Priorities!
This is a *very* good list. I just wish XBox modding allowed you to add animations, Nemesis engine makes Skyrim a brand new game.
Man, I couldn’t LIVE without MCO/ADXP, and SCAR. Valhalla combat aswell. Skyrim combat is so lame, but you can make it play like dark souls.
Honestly, all of these mods (even the bonus ones) are essential for any skyrim playthrough for me now
Do playstation next
Those last ones aren’t recommended. They’re required just like watching my man.
Will always reference this when I get that skyrim kick
Dude legit ran down my old load order on PC lol only one he missed was Deadly Dragons which is another I recommend
I need a list for fallout now.
This literally just had me re download skyrim after not youching it for years
And then for ps4 you’re gonna want:
-reskinned op weapon
-reskinned op weapon
-cheat room
-reskinned op weapon
-reskinned op armor
Holy shit, almost every mod you listed off is one I either use, or have had my eye on but haven’t used coz of conflicts. Honestly uncanny how similar it is
I would trust this guy
Saving this video for when I play never ever wanted to play with mods but I trust this guys content
How many of these are actually on the Bethesda mods store?
Dude, you are AWESOME!!! You didn’t have to do that. So, that was really cool. I’ll keep following!
You’re an absolute champion
Ha, throw wildcat and andromeda in there and you have my exact mod list
Named off literally half my mod list bro 😭
Don’t for get brawling fix!
im more of a fan of SPERG over ordinator, I will have to check out the old kingdom mods as i usually go the immersive weapons/armour mods
Any mod collections you’d recommend or that you’ve published?
immersive armor and weapons is a good choice as well
Write that down Write that down
If you want a more vanilla plus feel, go for some enasiaion mods; Odin magic, vokrii perks. But also good emersion, hit up Wintersun faiths of Skyrim for a worship system and cool bonuses.
Legit my essential mod list. A+ info. Great stuff!
I would add Inigo to that list.
Very good and respectable mod list. I love it.
Thank you so much
Almost exactly my mod load list hahaha
Yooooo let’s not forget about them…loverslab mods
This is actually a really good primer suite of mods, well done
Never get the fps fixer mods in console they will stop you from getting more mods some type of glitch
I use most of these myself
Definitely a mod set-up guide for fallout 4 mods on xbox
Noble skyrim is a really nice texture overhaul for skyrim, especially if you pair it with some darker weather packs.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would suggest “Realistic Conversations” as well
Sleeving Skyrim for Old Kingdom
One does not simply make a skyrim mod list with no beyond skyrim bruma and smilodon combat.
Great list.
You know, if you have the aptitude, you should join the Mage’s College in Winterhold.
Some mods i want havent been or are unapproved by the creator to be ported to xbox, some not even created, idgaf what is lore accurate or not, gimme the edgiest fucking claw gloves you can make and lemme be a dark brotherhood assassin with illusion magic that works on dragons, and the ability to make clones of myself, i wanna fuckin shadowclone jutsu this shit
Based list
Bro youre one of the few people id play skyrim online with. Not ESO. Modded skyrim. Lol
To find later
I was fully expecting a joke but somehow the lack of joke still feels like one has been played on me…🤔
You a real one.
Thanks ill remember this for modded stream i plan on doing after 100% modless on stream
Dont forget a compatability patch for ordinator & apocalypse
The only mod u need is froggy chair it’s lore friendly asf it’s just so immersive
Thanks I’m downloading them all now just got to listen to the video on repeat a couple of time lol
i can vouch for 70% of these and the other 30% i cant wait to try
My recommendations-
1) Prettier roads – Puts lore friendly objects along the main roads like extra buildings.
2) Dime’s Quickstart – skips the intro. You start near the Helgen Cave exit. Usual character creation and choose between Hadvar and Ralof. Have beginner equipment for light/heavy armor, a sword, and bow.
3) Better starting equipment – add on for Qickstart which includes 2h iron sword.
4) Dragon punishment for Cloud district – for those who hate Nazeem. Get him to say the line then take a few steps back.
5) Divine punishment for arrow in the knee- when a guard says that line they get hit with a bolt out of the blue that insta kills them.
6) Invisible helms – turns vanilla helms Invisible when equipped.
7) Reyak’s End – great home mod with a well thought out lore. Boasts over 100 ‘display cases’ from paragon jewels, to elder scrolls to whole lot of stuff in-between. Note this is a bachelor/bachelorette pad.
8) Skyhud dissonance- my chosen custom HUD
9) Dragon Wall Wisdom – Translates all the Word Wall texts to English.
10) Fushimi Skeleton de Gozaru – Able to sheath 2h weapons at the hip instead of the back. Need a custom skeleton for it.
11) Katana Crafting AE- create katana/wakizashi(1h sword), tanto(daggers), dai-katana(2h swords). Creation path is the same as vanilla weapons – need perk and material.
You are the real Dragonborn
You just read my load order. Im impressed
Visual weapon and armor enchants, sons of skyrim, dodge roll, and camera custom. These are some other really good ones imo
Damn can’t believe he just dropped 5% of my mod folder.
This is literally a perfect list
Don’t forget Sancrosect, vampire overhaul by the same person as ordinator and the others
Do you use wintersun as well?
It’s one of my personal favorites.
If I add the unofficial patch will it fix all the broken stuff in my current game or do I basically have to start over?
Ayyo where that love lab at
A man of culture lol. Would love a Fallout 4 version, been lost on what mods to use
Dude just blasted the 1st part of my mod list all over the internet.
Just casually listing my mod menu. Forgot NordwarUA’s civil war and guard armor.
Dude thanks so much
It makes me smile that I use most of the mods he named
are these all on playstation as well lol
I got all those 😂… plus, like 200 more
Can you do one for Fallout 4 for ps4 please. (I don’t have a xbox)
I have one question…
Is CBBE in Skyrim as “family friendly” as in fallout?
PC skyrim next….. 🤨
Any good PS4 Skyrim mods that don’t make the game spontaneously combust
I appreciate your enthusiasm but most of those probably won’t run on the Xbox. If it’s anything like Fallout 4 you’ll only be able to run like 5 mods at once. Lol I guess it depends on your Xbox. I’ve got an older Xbox so my mod lists are pretty short.
Sir I think there’s some Skyrim in your mods.
Inijio or however you spell it is a cool follower mod . Also legacy of the dragon born is amazing
Another good one, Wintersun (I can’t remember the rest of the name lol), it’s just a good mod in general and makes religion in Skyrim a lot more useful for your character
Edit: I remembered the name, it’s Wintersun – Faiths of Skyrim
Putting this into my back pocket
What computer do I need to use to run all these?
God damn it. I guess I’ll have to play skyrum as well as fallout 4 again. Gonna have to save this video that was a lot of mods.
I love the skimpy armour mods . They aren’t like super overly sexual but they look good
Do you PlayStation list my dude
Most of these are for PC though right? I swear a good chunk of these you can’t Install on an Xbox, not even via creation club, unless you modded your Xbox or something.
The optional section is just more mandatory
The fact this man fired off a good portion of my mod library for xbox lmfao. Love it
I’m genuinely proud that I know and run all these mods
Brooo nahhhh I figured that all out by trial and error now people get guides smh
for real mods get a PC and never worried about mod space
I have most of those, “jks cuties” and unique bridges”
Wildcat, ultimate combat, tk dodge, sands of time. Skyrim is now DOOM
The sad part is; somehow the mods that make the textures look better MAKE THE GAME RUN BETTER!
If your looking for quest or other misc mods then legacy of the drogonborn, AHO, cowl of the gray fox, tournament of the ten, and kagrenacs tools are some of the most fun.
is CBBE on xbox? 😂
Can’t forget Wintersun. Makes religion meaningful qnd boosts roleplayability.
me pressing all the buttons I can. “How do I save this?! I need to save this to my lists to return to, I must use the recommended list by this man.”
WOW! You are awesome! So glad I subscribed.
My man knows what’s up with the modding scene.
Ordinator is godlike. Shame Sony has a stick up their ass about mods otherwise this list would apply as well.
CBBE, you ain’t nothing but a hound dog 😂
Looking for a House mod; there are many out there but my personal favorite is Clockwork Mansion, has around a 4 hour quest to it, starts of spooky, gets deep into the lore of the dwemer and is a really conventional house with a neat armory and item transfer system
This is a good mod list though. My problem is I get lost in the mod sauce 😂
I love how Skyrim mod suggestions will regularly just tell you with no elaboration to download something called Schlongs of Skyrim and you’re meant to take that at face value no questions asked
If nothong else. CBBE 👀
Pretty good list ! I’ve got 88 mods currently installed (a lot for some, tame for others ^^) and quite a few of those you mentionned are among them. =)
Wintersun, and generally a bunch of Enai’s mods
Strong disagree on apache sky hair. Shit looks like it came from final fantasy
See I pegged you as someone who delves into the darkness of Loverslab for mods of the CBBE variety
You can run all that on an Xbox??
Wintersun is my recommendation.
Where’s the Sheogorath follower mod?
Try out thaumaturgy, an enchanting overhaul. Makes destruction actually useful rather than having to cast a billion master level destruction spells to kill a draugr
Honorable mention to the spawn trader ring mod before the dlcs it was a godsend. It was so good they just had to add it.
Surprised Seranaholic wasn’t listed 😂
This still felt like a character
I already had all of them in my load out 😂. Great minds think alike
No cutting room floor? No color patch remover? No cheat room?!?!
Cbbe is a waste of space, why get a body mod if you’re gonna be wearing armor all the time?
And most importantly: Serana dialogue overhaul
No spinning death animation!
Could you do one for fallout 4 on playstation?
These videos are so helpful thanks naiwal
Not only a man of culture, but a man of exquisite tastes
Honestly great mod load order i use skyland aio i belive for graphics i love the modding aspect of skyrim i have an Instagram where i post pictures but i wont say the name
These are my go to mods, I usually use these except old kingdom (will be looking into) I use these as a base to start my list and sky ui and skse
Broooo everyone uses bandoliers too??😂
Are these on the pc version
👍 il try some of this in my list
Do PlayStation next if you can
I’m personally a fan of Inigo the Brave and Lucien! Recently been playing with Auri as well
Here’s what I’d do. Forgo your console, you’ll get no where with modding on a console. Once you mod on pc, you can’t, I’ve tried.
This is a mod list of a cultured fellow. I approve. CBBE is a necessity
No nemesis mod😢
All of the mods by EnaiSaion are phenomenal. Great list
Can we get a modded skyrim playthrough 🙏 🙏
Now what about a modlist for the classic game, Oblivion?
I’d imagine you might need a lot more than just 60 seconds to do that one.
I play on pc, pretty insane how good the modsupport is on xbox compared to ps
I think he goes by MXR I used to watch his Skyrim videos all the time
Solid list. That’s the bare minimum to bring the game to the 2020s. Have you played Skyrim VR? Shit is pretty awesome with mods
Great list has all the basic necessities.
That is probably the best mod list for skyrim on Xbox.
what about for playstation?
..im still trying to find some that enhance gameplay
I have used a lot of these!
CBBE is the definitive Body enhancement mod for Bethesda Games.
Thats cool and all but (Simply install mods like a chimp with a computer, with absolutely no organization whatsoever) dont believe me? I permanently can no longer go into the boston area without crashing even WHEN i delete mods and re install game. A warning to those new
How does you game not crash lol and the naruto overhaul
At this point, those mods should be in the base game.
Thats pretty much the long and the short of it
bro… modding skyrim isnt something you really wanna do lol once you start downloading….. you cant stop YOU CANNOT STOP!!!!
I want to buy an Xbox just to play Bethesda games with good mods. Us ps5 players ain’t got shit.
Things I will say, ELFX is great but can cause many issues when trying to add city expansion or editting mods. It also is the thing resposible for a lot of the flickering shadows and textures you may find. If it does conflict with other mods it may cause memory crashes.
Realistic Water 2, if you suffer from game crashes around Windhelm/Solitide… yeah, it is Realistic Water. Those areas are not the most stable at the best of time, in part because of all the water, boats, and all the weird scripts that can run around them. Add in Realistic Water and it becomes even less stable. Add in expansions to those areas and you have crash death zones.
I don’t play with the old Kingdom Overhaul instead using Immersive Weapons and Armour with a realistic armour replacer mod.
But the rest I.can attest to being good starting points.
Thanks buddy
Apsolute legend
CBBE. *stares at camera knowingly*
alternate start is always fun
A true Skyrim lover. These mods are game changers for real. Start adding some quest stuff and bam Skyrim 2.0
Is this the same on ps5 ?
For the love of Talos can someone make Bethesda, Sony, or whoever allow these mods on PlayStation 🥲
Let’s not forget Inigo the brave!
Man just listed my whole mod library haha
I know the ps4 mods aren’t great 😭 but do you have any recs for that version?
Man I remember modding on Xbox back in the day. Now I have a PC and my Skyrim has 1100 mods. I just finished Fallout 4 with around 650. Reaching that plug-in limit
On ps4, mods very limited.
Am sad
BASED mod list, honestly
I was just sitting here nodding along saying “yep, gotta have that one. Oh yeah, that one too. Uh huh.”
Noted got any for fallout 4 pc
Mods for playstation please. And can you help me decide what side to pick my 1st time playing? And I. Don’t understand what side I shall be on
Those are all excellent choices. Basically nailed my list of mods, plus a couple more for me to check out.
Mhm, my man knows EXACTLY what’s up.
Flower girls *eyebrow wiggle*
My man! You named off a good chunk of the mods I use.
Can we got a fallout 4 mod list as well?
When you upgrade your pc for the mods
The mods you said + wintersun Faiths of skyrim is like just the vanilla mods I need before I decide what mods I want to play with
KS hairdos is chef’s kiss for Skyrim and The Sims 4 sul sul!
*CBBE* 😏😏😏
I’ll check these out
Step 1: buy a pc
Step 2: nexus mods
Step 3: ?
Step 4: profit
Legacy of the Dragonborn. It adds so many things to the game. It’s really amazing. Now it will drive your load time up a bit, but it is worth it
CBBE I almost died but this facts. I wonder do console players have to spend 8hrs trying to find the right load order too? lmao
My guy you’re legit the 10th divine out here!
I always liked the immersive armors/weapons mod; I loved it since oldrim, but still holds up
I cant find a USSEP in my language. The only one i found changes text into some language that i cant read. Any one know how to find one in english?
Based list tbh
To all the kids viewing CBBE is 100% family friendly
I had each and everyone of these mods in my modlist for years. Also to add; use Mod Organizer.
I just got into mods on my Xbox for Fallout 4. any recs?
CBBE is a MUST have.
Thank you man💯☝🏾
How do I download your contact details and romance mod?
I wish i had this when i first started, i probably borked like 30 saves (all of them my fault to be fair) and i still mess up every now and then, still totally worth it.
Can you do one for PS4/PS5? Please and thank you.
How do I save a YouTube short?! 😂
Every mod you mentioned has been in my mod lists for years! A true skyrim expert
Best mods for Oblivion
The sauce
Man is tying to kill his Xbox
Dude, if your a vampire lover make sure you have Better Vampires
Good list. the only thing that is missing is inigo.
Modding on console is so wack, 5Go limit is criminal. When I switched to pc, I went from ~70 mods/5Go to ~1400 mods/65Go lmao
Literally my add-on list on every platform except switch because no mods for switch
HASTE is really good if you can find it. Also realm of Lorkhan is a better alternate start mod, it can change the entire playthrough.
I like the conquest of Skyrim even if it breaks lore
That eyebrow gesture speaks for itself and everyone in skyrim community 😂
Apart from my comm:
Idk if this is a no brainer to donwload so thats why u didnt mention but SKYUI i consider very essential over the clusterfuck the game organization have
If anyone wants to be a necromancer i suggest
Dark arts
And ordinator
Dog you’re just naming all the best ones lol if you get someone to make a Bethesda account or go to some streams at certain times you can get mods as soon as they’re uploaded but they have to be taken down for “various reasons” lmao.
CBBE, because Naiwal is a cultured man
I’d use USSEP if it’s file size wasn’t so large.
Just to be safe, you might as well download all the mods made by the Ordinator creator. There are like 10 of them all solid mods.
His name is: EnaiSiaion
Man console mods are so lacking. I need that mod that changes the leveling and xp system to fallout style
I enjoyed my Adamant/Mysticism/Thaumagurgy playthrough. Vokrii is also good. Both Adamant and Vokrii preserve a lot more of the base experience than Ordinator, IMO.
THANK YOU. My brain doesn’t let me stop downloading mods (my PC version is unplayable and I refuse to fix it or have less mods) but having a comprehensible list from you is something I can adhere to. This literally made my day. I appreciate you bruh!
I love you, ty.
or just get a pc 🙁
USP does several things that aren’t fixing bugs (see, e.g., Necromage Vampire). Hard pass.
Well now i know what mods i will run when i do a survival play through