8 Amazing New Skyrim Mods You Need To Try In 2023!
In today’s video I showcase 8 brand new Skyrim mods you 100& need to try!
Despite these videos being short they still take a long time to make/edit, consider subscribing 🙂
Patreon Link : https://www.patreon.com/Kaoson
Shameless plug… Any support is appreciated!
Timestamps :
00:00 – Intro
00:05 – Mod 1
00:30 – Mod 2
01:02 – Mod 3
01:32 – Mod 4
01:55 – Mod 5
02:12 – Mod 6
02:35 – Mod 7
03:05 – Mod 8
03:30 – Outro
Mods Showcased In This Video :
1. Ancient Nord Armors and Weapons Retexture |
2. Statue of Kynareth & Statue of Kynareth – My patches |
3. Horse-Slaying Saber |
4. Runic Dragonstone Replacer |
5. Another Whiterun Castle Bridge |
6. Hot Lava – Heat Distortion |
7. Spaghetti’s Solstheim – AIO |
8. Maormer Seascale Set
ENB And ReShade Used In This Video :
Link – https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-version-of-79952349
Video created & edited by Kaoson
I love you!
#skyrim #bestskyrimmods #skyrimmods #skyrimmodded
Taqs:skyrim mods,best skyrim mods,skyrim mods 2022,best skyrim mods 2023,skyrim mods 2023,skyrim special edition,skyrim mods ps4,skyrim mods xbox,skyrim,skyrim mods pc,skyrim se mods,skyrim se,skyrim best mods,skyrim combat mods,skyrim 2023 mods,skyrim hidden gems,Skyrim monthly Mods,Skyrim enb,enb Skyrim,skyrim 2023,skyrim enb 2023,Skyrim immersive mods,kaoson,skyrim anniversary edition,Skyrim underrated mods,new skyrim mods,skyrim amazing mods
コメント (12)
Hey, sorry about the pops In the video every now and then when I’m talking. I really need to get a pop filter haha. Anyways I’ve tried changing certain things up in my videos such as the mod reveal text, made my mic less bassy and bunch of other smaller things. If there’s anything in the video you needs changing please let me know and I’ll try my best to improve upon It!
Hope y’all enjoyed the video! Don’t forget to leave a like & subscribe! 🙂
Love you! 🙂
I love it when videos show a before and after. Thank you for taking the time to share such a gorgeous video! I love the visuals and smooth transitions.
Last time I modded Skyrim SE 1 year ago with so many mods that it crashed on start.
So I never touched it again its just there on my PC wating to be reinstalled.
I never completed the game too.
Re-downloaded and started modding last week – still haven’t played the game yet but thanks for more ideas! 😆
blud you are a little too quiet
Can we get your full load order? Your game looks absolutely incredible! I think you can do it fairly easily through modwatch.
The horse-slaying saber is amazing, and I definitely need the statue and lava mods. Thanks for the video, really. It shows you put a lot of effort into It.
Love the content man! That scale armor is pretty sweet! Would be great for a sea elf play through!
Awesome as always bro! 🙂
Great list of mods! Hopefully I can get back to modding soon after moving. Currently my setup is in storage and I miss being able to just hop on and test new mods.
Wassup Kaoson Kaosoooon, last vid i saw of urs i was blitzed so now i have a special bond with u and am gonna subscribe
Damn, gotta replay this game. Nice job as always Kaoson