15 NEW Amazing Skyrim Mods!
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Hey guys! More new awesome mods for all of you! 🙂 Hope you guys will enjoy this! Don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe if you are new! It took me 4 whole days to make this lol
#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Intro
00:14 Mod 1
02:50 Mod 2
03:32 Mod 3
03:59 Mod 4
05:44 Mod 5
06:25 Mod 6
07:05 Mod 7
07:56 Mod 8
09:18 Mod 9
10:00 Mod 10
11:27 Mod 11
12:02 Mod 12
12:48 Mod 13
13:50 Mod 14
15:31 Mod 15
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✔️My Playlist :
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim SE/AE – https://bit.ly/PandaSSE
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim Cinematics – https://bit.ly/PandaCinematics
▶️ Panda’s Modshowcase – https://bit.ly/PandaSEMods
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🔻Mod Showcased
1. Stormcrown – A Shout Overhaul by Simon Magus and DeltaRider
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90659
2. Hot Lava – Heat Distortion by Yuril
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90916
3. Maormer Seascale Set by Pulcharm
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91506
4. Desecration by Darenii
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90832
5. Cathedral – 3D Solstheim Grass by Dr Jacopo
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90945
6. Statue of Kynareth by Mandragorasprouts
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91358
Xtudo’s Patches
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91379
7. Ancient Nord Armors and Weapons Retexture SE by Xavbio
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91136
8. The Black Door Revoiced by LeoMaximus
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91124
9. JK’s Riften Outskirts by Jkrojmal
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90864
10. Rudy ENB for NAT 3 by Rudy102
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91675
11. Adventurer HDT-SMP Armor by Fuse00
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91741
12. Nightingale Armor and Weapons Retexture SE by Xavbio
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91723
13. Spaghetti’s Palaces – Dragonsreach by Rubberspaghetti
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91781
14. Arcane by Darenii
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91602
15. Nordic Jarl Longhouses by Skyfall515
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91529
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors! 🙂
Members’ Thank You Area
1. Monkeyking
2. Claire
3. Gilda
4. Cosmix6
5. Miloš Milinkov
🔻 Additional Tags:
skyrim, skyrim 4k, skyrim le, 4k, skyrim graphics 2022, skyrim enb, skyrim se, skyrim 2020, best skyrim mods 2020, skyrim se 2020, skyrim mods 2020, skyrim graphics mods, skyrim se 2020 mods, skyrim mods, nextgen skyrim, skyrim 2019, skyrim enb 2019, best skyrim enb, best skyrim mods, hd texture pack, best skyrim graphics, skyrim se best graphics, skyrim modlist, new skyrim mods, best graphics mods for skyrim, skyrim crash fix, skyrim se mod list, textures, skyrim ultra modded, skyrim modding guide,skyrim se ultra modded 2021, Starfield, Bethesda games, Relaxing music, Skyrim Anniversary Edition, Skyrim AE Ultra modded, Ultra modded Skyrim SE, Licentia Skyrim, NSFW Skyrim, Skyrim armors, Skyrim next gen, Truly Next Gen Skyrim, Nolvus 4.4, Nolvus 4.4 Skyrim, Skyrim and eldenring, skyrim vs eldenring, elden ring, elden ring 2, Skyrim Magic mod, Skyrim best magic mods, magic mods for skyrim, magic mod skyrim xbox, new must have mods, RPG games, Latest skyrim mods, skyrim new mods for 2023, starfield, TES 6, Next Elder Scroll Game, TES Online, MMORPG, RPG Games, Role playing games
Taqs:Skyrim Mods,Skyrim 2022,skyrim gameplay,skyrim graphics mod,skyrim ultra graphics,skyrim anniversary edition,best skyrim mods 2022,best skyrim mods,skyrim mods weekly,skyrim mods xbox,grass mods skyrim,enb skyrim,graphics for skyrim,Rudy ENB skyrim,next gen graphics skyrim,skyrim,ENB Collision,ENB Comparison,Truly Next Gen Skyrim,skyrim special edition mods,Nolvus 4.4,Nolvus Skyrim,Magic mod skyrim,magic mod,skyrim animation,animation mods skyrim
コメント (70)
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P.S Hey guys! Thanks to everyone’s support, I was sooooo motivated to make another video ASAP (Was not busy as well). Next video will be a special video for everyone! 🙂 (Hopefully)
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*Important links are all in the description!*
Need a mod that rounds health, magic, and stamina up to the nearest 5 multiple… the 1-4 and 6-9 really tug on my ocd.
how can I mod my game to look like yours?
Hi can i have a list order for all mod for ps4? Please because I have a problem with graphics resolution, textur armor and every other mod for ps4.
What texture/mesh mod are you using for the noble furniture, specifically wardrobe and bookshelf?
Don’t mind me. I’m just here for the algo. 🤙🏽🍻
Hey what mods do you use for character bodies, skin, and hair?
Hi what mod are you using for first person combat? It looks fantastic!
what specs does your pc have?
Just install everything JK, you wont be disappointed.
Stormcrown def mod of the month. Also IDK if I like the door voice. The OG one is a throwback to Oblivion.
Really like that you put Timestamps AND Links for download!!!!!
which enb and weather mod do you use in this video?
Heyy I’m looking for some combat mods, which mod are you using at 1:28?
Im still rocking the older mods…i hear the new mods are causing more problems…maybe next year i will start the fight for the new mods to work and not break the game.
How did you get the spells from Desecration to have their own icon in the inventory ?
This Stormcrown mod is great. Thanks for showcasing it.
Hi! What is that armor at 8:12?
Thanks for the video. Good stuff.
JK never fails to impress
Yo Capt., what mod you’re using that puts the unequipped shield on the back? Thanks in advance, and great video! Gained a subscriber.
Is stormcrown compatible with thunderchild?
I feel ARCANE has missed a trick.. It should have been a water/mist spell system. With wet effects. The spell lists Darenii produces are becoming too generic… they need to be mechanically different from each other .. not just “hey guys I’ve created a cyan coloured set of spells”
I would’ve made this a control stamina and slowing spell list (getting wet makes you heavier) and once the stamina is sapped then you can damage over time hit points) and make it stack with ICE spell feats.
I’m also not impressed with his AMP yellow lightning spell list.. should have made it a CC paralyze spell list.
I feel like many of these mod channels just filter by endorsements for a month and makes videos. I’m bored of mods like texture replacement, armor and magic mods because there are already tons of mods available throughout a decade in these categories. There are creative mods which nobody showcases, for example I come across a mod called “Triple triad” which you can play triple triad against NPCs. “Gambling Additions” where you can play blackjack and other card games. An immersive carriage mod for no fast travel playthroughs called “Wait Carriage in Inns” which as the name suggests, you can now drink mead at the inn while waiting for the carriage guy to appear and fast travel from the inn! Simply knock and many many more which goes unnoticed.
Like the lava one and Rudy ENB but worry about ENB’s impact as while I have a solid rig I’m playing in VR.
The Black door and Riften outskirts look good to.
good show mate 8)
not sure how long my yearly skyrim binge will last but ill sub anyway
12 years playing Skyrim (come back to it aprx every 24 month or when new PC)..modded the game hundreds of hours, fiddle around with the mod list for months for perfect integration (graphics & gameplay & quest mods) etc but never finished the game (think max progress was 60ish% in a 200h play or so) roflmfao
One thing I really want when you show ENB is show the interior ,dungeon and inn or something like that, anyway still good vid as always I download more than half of them already.
Hello panda, thanks for de video !
Whats your armor mod you wear that add some dragon priest elements in the bracers ?
Thought I would put a thankyou here for taking the time to reply to all the comments on your videos. That must be hard work sometimes, but it really shows you value what people say and I’m sure everyone appreciates it
I’m wondering if you still use your modlist, you showcased one month ago (the one you made a showcase about), and if so: aren’t you running into trouble with installing new mods?
Whats the armor u were wearing outside of the black door
What enb do you use? :3
just out of curiosity what’s the visual overhaul you use for your game?
Stormcrown seems awesome…. I will definitely try this one
We need ur mod list ur game looks amazing good video btw
man, just when I thought my mod list is ready you drop a banger like this. (👑, here you go king)
what landscape texture do you use?
These look like some really cool mods that I’d totally install if I wasn’t worried about it conflicting with my other 250 mods 😂
Hi Panda! I’m just wandering which ENB and weather mod combo you use? Also lighting and fire mod. I love the look of your game.
What average fps do you get with your setup? I have a 4090 and still struggle to push 50 fps even with multiple performance mods 😂
cool video, but what armor are you wearing at 8:08?
Hi Panda! i have question for you… in 14:18 we can see this (mod menu) or something, can you tell me what that is ?
Skyrim keeps getting better and better with no signs of slowing down after all these years thanks to these mods and their talented authors. What a time to be alive for the gaming world! And this is one of the reasons why I love this game so much. Another amazing job on these videos Panda. Keep up the good work.
Always love checking for a new vid before loading Skyrim up for the day so I can add a bunch of mods to my load order 😆Great video!
Glad to see Simonrim getting recognition. I like his mod Mysticism.
do you have some list with all the mods that you use in your game?
love the video btw
What is the graphics mod you use? I like how it looks because it looks so close to the vanilla. And if you know of any mods that do a remaster of the original textures I’d be glad to know! And the closest example I have is the Faith Texture Mod in Minecraft, basically just higher quality textures, if any of y’all know, comment below. 🙂
Informative and straight to the point. Excellent video quality, voicing and lengths. I always like your mods and make sure to “like” them!
Amazing video Panda! I love the statue mod haha. It just looks so good! 🙂
what enb are u using?
Thanks Captain 😃
I gotta ask what that cape mod is lmao I got cloaks and stuff but none look as good as that one
Very nice mod showcase video! Thanks for that.
I am using the Statue mod already but will probably add the door mod as well as your video highlights it’s options very well. Great video as always.
Man i really appreciate all that effort you’ve been putting in lately on bringing us longer showcases with 15 mods or so. Love ur work!
Let’s be real – Mern, Sgt. Ghimlino, Heavy Burns & now Capt. Panda are the new generation of fuck yeah awesome content for mods. Between all of you, I cant play the damn game ffs. Great work my dude. I especially appreciate that you get straight to it; I’m also understanding if you get yourself sponsorship deals). Also how do you just keep pumping these out so quick?? You have some serious skills
Nice vid man
I have a question, can you tell us what is the mod that changes your magic first person animations?
Darenii going crazy with the magic mods and I love it.
Hey hey, just found your channel and watched a bunch of videos. Great work, deserve to grow!
I can’t understand why “desecration” is such a popular mod, because the only thing it changes is the color of the flame, nothing more
ur videos are amazing bro keep going <3 and i have a question too ,could you please tell me what graphics mods are you using? I mean ENB, weather and lighting
“you gain a meditative power of… meditate”
Speech Level 100
Author of The Black Door Revoiced mod here. Thanks for the showcase! Major credit to the voice actors, they did a fantastic job!