POV: you own a Skyrim store… #shorts #skyrim #gaming
コメント (287)
コメント (287)
Huh where did he go?
nah breh tli do this all the time
Dont forget to come back 5 sec later to sell everything you stole
Bro went light speed 💀
This feels *familiar*
You don’t go in to buy, you go in to take everything you can.
Add sell that stuff to the store keeper 😂
unrealistic, the bucket turned right side up
Mean my character doesn’t own a store but my character’s husband does (yes, my character is a guy so what nothing wrong with being gay)
“I used to be an adventure like you, Then I took an arrow to the knee”- Riften Guard
The flip-flops 😂😂😂
This game always bug, watch out…..???
True lol
I like how he sped up his crouch walk😂
If I ever saw this in a shop, some weirdo armed to the teeth and covered in armor, who suddenly squats down and crab walks towards me while holding eye contact, just take all my things I dont even care, business sucks anyway
We are so smart 😂
Me who would be the only person in town with 3 guards hidden in the shop
Player “oh yeah loot oh better put a bucket on the shopkeeper”(steals a greatsword)
Guard “stop right there criminal scum you have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people what say you in your defense ”
Player “I’d rather die than go to jail”(gets killed by overpowered guards)
Noice flip flops lol
The most unrealistic part is that the bowl was left untouched, everyone knows you always pick up the bowl when trying to get the last coin and then drop it in a random spot on the floor.
Nooooo, no no noooo, nooooooooooo. 😮💨 now I’m broke.
The shopkeeper and entertainer in TCPD get to watch me drop or throw the most random crap on top of the items, forming a stack that now belongs to me.
It’s rather amusing.
That bucket truck is really clever I wonder how many people actually figured that out on their own
The flip-flop sounds 😂😂😂😂
I come in with Daedric armor or Nightingale armor
Time to hire three mercenarys, give them a letter asking them to kill the dragon born with my name on it and never mention it when i see him again
Truth! 😂
God that’s creepy from a POV
You didn’t include the part where the bucket spazzes around on the head for a bit as the player fumbles to make it stay on
*punisher no no no meme*
I usually hold the item I want and walk off into another room and then pick up the item
It’s actually pretty cool that putting a bucket on a npcs head actually blocks line of sight
You have committed crimes against Skyrim and there people what say you in your defense
I love how there’s just a bowl left. It’s like those bones you find that you can’t pick up
Do this again but make him 50% transparent when he crouches because the sneaking is too effective
Lol omg
😂 freaking great man.
sometimes i run out of buckets and have to resort to pots and pans
finally, someone using pov right
Im the two player
whered you buy the props?
Man turned into a 🧟Falmer just to put that bucket on a man’s head.
Can you actually do that in Skyrim cuz if you can I WANT TO TRY
Dragonborns a menace if you ask me.
These fkg shoes lmao
I’ve learned if you sneak, and just position yourself in an awkward area, no one will see you steal, even if they’re standing next to you.
Im also pretty sure I figured out the glitch on how to get 2 staff of Magnus…
The first time where a pov video was actually pov
-Gaurds he violated the law-
Windy season
Honestly wonder why this was not in the game
Going into sneak mode got me 😂😂😂
Who in Skyrim is that short that you would have to crouch to put a bucket on their head?
The flip flops tho😂😂
Unrealistic , he didnt sell half your stuff back to you for more than what it is worth
lol would have been more accurate if you used the bowl to scoop up items to take
“Damn dragonborn with his high sneak and enchanted flip flops of silence” 😡
Finally right POV usage
The squat got me 😂
I used to rob everything until I realized half the early game weapons and armor I picked up weren’t worth their carry weight use, now I steal ingots, potions, scrolls and gems. Loved the bowl detail though, usually I swipe that accidentally trying to steal gems in a rush 😂
Hey man that’s so fucking true LOL 😂😂😂😂 I do the same shit
He’s even wearing those legendary assassin flip-flops with +50 to sneak
I’d always steal the Steel sword from Alvor’s house, only to immediately find a better weapon in Bleak Falls…
Finally someone uses POV right!!
Are those flip flops light armor? Cause they make the noise of a full set of heavy armor🤣
In over 10 years of playing, I’m finding out just now that you can block npcs sight with buckets and it’s through a meme 😭😭
I think the slight pause before continuing to crab walk closer is funny
Him coming in the door was funny as fuck
And then it loops as if this isn’t the shopkeepers first rodeo.
I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took a bucket in the head.
“i used to be a adventurer like u, till i took a arrow to the knee” -some guard
Every fucking time I hear this song, I expect Dan Bull to start rapping as a bard.
That fade in spawn was perfect.
I’ve tried this but the bucket isn’t actually able to fit on their heads and it falls off
Hm, must’ve been the wind
Lol does that trick still work?
Bro the fucking flops are killing me fam while your trying too sneak 🤣🤣🤣
It’s amazing people are still playing skyrim
Sneaking with flip-flops haha 😄 so good
When he came closer to the screen i jump out the window because that screared💀
I can’t see! My pockets! WHERE IS THAT BAD GUY?
Bruh that FLIP FLOP STEALTH hahaha
God’s be praised
I’m scared
Who turn off the lights
Didn’t know I could do that with a wooden bucket
It’s the flip flop noises for me
I love that the bucket slowly turns up right nice detail
The most unrealistic part about this you not selling the shit you have and then doing that 😂
I’ve honestly never tried placing a bucket on there heads…. Is this a thing?
The squat😂😂
POV: it must’ve been the wind
nailed it.
Wait, does that actually work in Skyrim?
Sneaking in flip flops. By the Gods!
I love that he even animated the bucket flickering back and forth while you move it in the air
Truly authentic Bethesda right here, it just works.
I think they patched this year’s ago lol
The flip flops somehow make it 100x more terrifying
Yeah i just usually buy everything I need and get my money back by selling paralyzes potions i have like 500k gold sure most of it is from mods because i downloaded a mod where i can craft a stack of 5k gold Wich gives you a lot of smithing XP but i still haave gotten probably around 200k legit by selling potions since i can make paralyzes potions for like 1.6k gold or i have one water breathing potion which sells for around 10,000 septims
Ахааэха его шлепки так шлёпают я немаэ
You miss the part where they fidget for a few seconds to put the bucket over their head before doing so and then accidentally punched them and have to quickly reload the autosave from when they first entered the building
The form on that goblin walk ! 10/10
what was that I guess it was nothing
You have used “pov” correctly 🙂
No wonder why they say nothing. Id be fucking terrified too
я прав я
The perfect loop doesn’t exi-
the flopssssss 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Me: Not again ! Please !
Hey there!
Mr. DontSteal here!
Are you tired of getting your stuff stolen?
Tired of the endless gold pickpocket, Or even having your guest complain about their items stolen?
Then call me for Bucket insurance! We protect your business from buckets, pots, baskets and barrels! Skyrim’s number one insurance company. We rid of all the stuff that gets put over your head.
Call now and we’ll give you a hat that prevents anything from coming near you again.
I thought i was the only one who knew about the bucket!
So true
Stealth level 100
That bucket went on that persons head WAY too fast. Or I just suck at it.
I swear when I buy a house I’m gonna have Skyrim music playing through the whole house I just love the music so much
Hey you.. you can’t take that!!!
Huh could of sworn I stocked the shelves this morning
Unfortunately… he didnt realuse im a dungeons and dragons shopkeeper and activated an event on him.
it’s the bucket of Doom!!!
Skyrim moment
Hehehehe I love this! i’ve played this game few times and I love the fsct that I keep stealing goods from stores! Even people’s houses!😆
So true
I dont understand why, but watching him from that perspective made me feel empathy for the store owner like, “aw man, not this shit again.”
Quit posting cringe
“You’ve committed crimes against Skyrim!!” – the good ending
*you are carrying too much to be able to run*
FINALLY, someone who uses POV right!
Lol he ain’t wrong 🤣🤣🤣
Vr gsme
None of them… I play alone qwq
Пиво: мои сны при температуре 39.9
what? i dont see anything, just an innocent man walking out of the store
I’d love for that to be a mod
The flip flops add a 10% decrease to movement noise
I just started playing oblivion. Ive been hunting for slaughterfish in one area for an hour for a guy who needs em and have only found 6
“hey, i got some stuff to sell”
“You have committed various crimes against skyrim and its people!”
-Some random guard
I swear that face when you were squatting towards the camera oh my God that was funny
How do you put a bucket over their head? In the game
Take a look around, I’ve got lots in store.
I wanna war country Roblox game🪖
It would’ve been more “Skyrim” if all the stuff in the house was gone and it looks like his pockets are completely empty 😂
Love those Flip flops
“Hey. You wanna buy this stuff I just found?”
I hate Skyrim, but same time I love it xd
Its super dumb XDD
It’s funny because this meme has been overused for years, haha so original right guys 🤡
Me when I see a spider at 3am
I haven’t played that game, ever
Now I know that I didn’t miss much
Me: brb!
𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 18 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙨
Me: Back “goes afk after saying back”
No not the bucket
Pov: someone actually uses pov correctly
The walk is just hilarious😂
Let me guess someone stole your sweet roll?
You: Huh, must have been the wind
didn’t they patch that
you forgot to add the bucket spassing out on the npcs head
Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll.
Sneak streak 10000000
When he approached, he was scary
Wait you can put buckets on people’s heads?
“i mean, you never know, that could’ve been someone else’s giant bag of stolen goodies!”
Pov: when your mom types p into your computer .
I will put rule “no player alowed”
Oh Hay there why do you have a bucket
I dont get it, i see nothing wrong then every is black…
It’s God
Atleast the game is realistic enough to make the npc’s not see
Do come back
“Who there”
Pls do a anime character
You are carrying too much to be able to run
Pov bucket rec room players
Congrats for actually getting the POV correct!
Pov: You’re in the Rec Center and you’re a level 3. (Rec Room)
“Need something?”
*steps outside*
Guard: “You have committed crimes against the realm of Skyrim and its People.”
“You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people, what say you in your defense?”
I used to be an adventurer like you, until I took an arrow to the knee
me: hello Traveler want something? i give you best sword! *drop bucket* WHAT YOU DOING
Or when you sneak is lvl 100 and you shoot a dude that’s 10 feet away with a crossbow and he turns around looking for you then says must be the wind with a steel bolt in his spine
This is normal
*put bucket*
“Hello good sir you need something ?”
*take off bucket*
“Have a nice day and dont think twice when you see my shop !”
works every time XD
This is great 😊
nah man just take what you need i been robbed like 100 times today
Is this guy incredibly small, or all his furniture extremely big?
I wish you could own shops that would be awesome
They stuff isn’t worth stealing I just dupe and forge my own stuff with smithing 100
Am I the only one who played the game without cheating the economy?😂
That sound is sooo relaxing
The most terrifying thing I’ve seen
I don’t know what else I can tell you guys, he literally robbed me blind.
“Gonna find whoever did this.”
On point
50% accurate the last other 50% is selling the stuff in the store that used to be there’s
Need to put a muffle enchantment on them flip flops. 🤣🤣
You’ll make a fine rug cat!
If we dont play alng he kills us all
we all know, its a topic at the merchant association, the dudes weird especially that vampire girl, we all know that too she smells like a hundred year old corpse
The cloppy sounds of the flip flops has me 💀
“dont you fuckin dare”
Does that really work in skyrim tho I wanna know just started a new playthrough
Wow this is scarier than getting robbed at a 711 and the robber is a methHead with a rusted spoon @ 3am.
Man enters store squats down and crab walks toward you with a floating bucket
With an empty stare never breaking eye contact. Nah I quit.
The way he didn’t break eye contact while squatting and crab walking was scary. I’d be more worried for my life if I was the shopkeeper
Too bad that trick got patched out.
What Skyrim song is this?
I love the flip flops. Would wear those 100% of the time in any stealth game
The sandals make it so much better
Man he stole everything but didn’t return my dad
I feel that dragging-
Flippity floppity coming for your property
I love putting kettles over Npcs lol
Never did this
everything’s for sale… EVERYTHING
POV the shopkeeper in White run
he just appeared 😂
Absolutely amazing!!!!!!
Sneak 100:
So unrealistic. Realistically the vendor glitch is performed and you get all your stuff sold back to ya
To be honest this never work with me i don’t know why the bucket always fall from merchant’s head
even the bucket shaking is on point lol
Pov waht npc,s see when you try to rob something:
“Good day”
Roses are red,
Violets are fun.
You’re carrying too much.
You’re unable to run!
Oh but not after dropping the bucket a few times
“Need something?”
make sure not to kill your wife like jinnkid did
Yes, my Skyrim character wears flip flops as well
Honestly I am tempted to make this guy a guard’s helmet replica. He feckin deserves it.
I noticed that like all players, he left the wooden bowl! 😅
Do Roblox!
Well since that one dude that used to make this Contant killed his wife I suppose somebody else hast to do it.
i was honestly expecting for the words “saved” to pop up over his head.
Must be my imagination
do roblox doors
What species are you in Skyrim if you play it?
I’m a Khajit girl
Idk i think he is up to something
I see no conceivable way that he took any of the stuff.
When will you kill your girlfriend?
This gives me serious Deadpool vibes
God, that’s a lot of rubbish ya got there
Something about having a man squat down with a floating bucket and crab walking towards me while never breaking eye contact has frightened me more than anything this world has to offer
“Must’ve been the wind!”
Seeing this vid in the ai pov makes me think that am a dick head
My cousin’s out fighting dragons, and what do I get? Guard duty.
You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people what say you 😂
No— not the bucket, please!
Works everything baby
Hahha 100% accurate good video!! Love u!
Faxx lov3 to see more skyrim vids
Trust me I have stolen from many stores this way it works try it
Third 😁
Epik 😃