The TRUTH About Daedric in Skyrim
Daedric armor and daedric weapons in Skyrim have deeper Elder Scrolls lore than you may think…
Taqs:skyrim,elder scrolls,elder scrolls lore,skyrim lore,fudgemuppet,skyrim secrets,skyrim truth,the truth about ebony,daedric,ebony,daedric armor,ebony armor,the truth about daedric
コメント (292)
Dive deeper into daedric armor secrets here… https://youtu.be/tVVpxzEwXI8
even better
That outfit is badass
i wish they made more games like skyrim.
Those dremoras should be honoured to be reborn in a piece of Shor’s own body
I have to say the daedric armor from skyrim is the best looking armor i ever saw.
i loved the subtil red the armor has (the parts thats now glowing red)
Dude, I haven’t played this game in the better half of a decade. How dare you?!…
Mid-comment edit:
**Waiting for the download to finish**
I loved the whole daedra lore so much my first xbox 306 name was “Daedricbeast50” some people found ttoubke pronoucning the name but i always told them. Even my outfit (xbox character) was just Daedric armour 😂
You need to get them with console command because this stuff is so hard to get.
What sword is this? Looks good.
“The process is not a pleasant one for the Daedra involved.” You literally cut their heart out, soooo…..yeah, not pleasant.
Evwry single gaming channel has some high pitch dude for some reason
Whats that sword mod though
what game is this
Npc: you think you can take me in a first fight?
The daedric armour in skyrim is designed to look like a dragon
Thats all I rocked, ran all over everything too
What’s the name of the sword, and where can I get it ??
Bullshit all you have to do is glitch the circle thingie in the college and sumon it from oblivion itself so don’t feel shit Dadra use it and one day will try to envade with it so make some for every ali mercenary your cool with all the dark brotherhood,thieves guild chests, College mages , Companions everyoooooooooone!!!!!!
Gods blood crystalized and a heart from the opposite side, cool
judging from where you get the heart i highly doubt its a pleasent time for the daedra either way
So…. When I use a duplication glitch on a single daedra heart and imbue all of those hearts into a full set of armor and weapons, there’s a single daedra up there that is REALLY having a bad time?
Is it not just the armor from berserk
What is this mod name please tell me
Bring back spears 💪
Wearing a full set of daedra armour also has an unregistered buff to your intimidation attempts.
Daedric armor and weapons in skyrim are hideous. I never use them. Oblivion and morrowind both did it better.
Bro making the armor sound more badass
i just wish the added a cape to the armor
Makes sense. To craft Enchanted Daedric gear you really need to put heart and soul into it.
Most daedra are dicks tho, so that’s fine
Everyone is so obsessed with how cool this armor looks but its really not that cool. Oblivions style looks way better than this.
Full armor gives a 10% bonus in intimination😄👍
well, now i have justification to use daedric armor as a vigilant of stendaar. give those demon bastards a taste of the suffering they cause mortals
Daedric for life!! All hail the deadric.
The truth? It is misappropriation of carbon steel fused with….self. There being flesh & such as if it were a component to be divided once disintegrated no less.
Such armor done properly would be what any berserker of things would relish.
Warhammer fans: ” This shit’s weak. “
Cool all the more added to wear it.
Without mods deadric looks like trash tbh
Imagine being a daedra, dying but staying conscious and then becoming a boot
That daedric sword doesnt look like ass, must be modded
Lord Scattsbury???
But dragkn scale armor is better tho
I had the daedric armour with a priest mask combo. Looked awesome. Brst looking armour in skyrim for sure second to the Nordic armour
savitar the god speed
i infused mine with constant effect powered by the hearts of all the other…. i forget the name…
So, what does that mean for the dremoras, then?
Thats modded tho right?
I remember the first time finally getting to where I can make daedric armor I thought I was the s*** and that was until I learned about enchanting and all of that that’s for another time LOL
I knew of enchanting and mess with it here and there but on my first character ever playing Skyrim I didn’t do anything with enchanting really but I learned to do a little bit of everything
Wait what sword is that? Iv played Skyrim for over a hundred hours and never found the sword
Good, Daedra hold evil beliefs.
Funny, because the last time I remember, Dremora wear this stuff.
Too many times I grinded to 100 smithing and 100 enchanting so I could have a full set of daedric armor with 25% spell reductions on BOTH destruction and restoration on the helmet, body, along with a necklace and ring.
Allowed for maxed out armor, (weightless with 70..? heavy armor) and UNLIMITED destruction spells and healing.
Sometimes would do alteration instead for mass paralysis cause destruction doesn’t scale well enough
Sounds bad ass let’s make like kratos and clap some gods!
Skyrim is trash. Worst ES release by far
What mod is that sword at the beginning? That looks SICK
I don’t know why, but my dragonbone ste has higher stats at max than max daedra set, must be a glitch
The only thing about Daedric armor is that it looks too…edgy? Like, yes, we get it. Evil. Demonic. But the sharp edges and the glowing red is just too much, in my opinion.
At this point I know more about the history of Nirn than my own country.
What is that sword? Is it from a mod?
This is so cool.
What is this mod for these armors bro I need it
Something I once heard about the designs of Daedric weaponry, is that the reason the weapons and armor are functional despite being the most inconvenient design choices like serrated edges and copious amounts of spikes, is because the appearance is an illusion. The actual shape the weapons is much more functional, but our mortal eyes perceive them as these demonic overly designed pieces of metal.
Nah this dedric armor stuff is lamer than the in store target pizza hut
– madness armor gang
Hold on, did he just say Daedric provides best protection AND dmg…….. 😂😂😂😂😂 dragon bone weapons do the best damage, while daedric has the best protection
Whenever I for to daedric armor set I keep it in Skyrim because it looks so badass
The demons are in pain? … fu*k em.
Please pardon me, but how do you get daedric armor? Just a daedric heart and ebony ingots?
had no idea damn that’s awesome makes me wanna load up the game.
I was already sold on never using Daedric Armor. No need to keep trying. I prefer Dragonscale anyways.
There’s another way to get deadric armor….
So Lorkhan is a daedra? I always thought he was an alternate depiction of Akatosh. Damn that’s almost a complete 180.
Start by getting the Mage Stone , go the magic school talk to the conjuring guy ! Do his quest to get the circle , buy soul trap cast it with 2 hands on every animal you can find until your level 100 . Go to the silver peoples castle kill them take every greatsword , swords and draggers . Go to dawnstar talk to the guy who wants to speak with the red devils ! Get those hearts and void salts ! Go the magic schools dungeon and start crafting the devils gear to end the world !!!!
If that armor is not RGB you’re not a true gamer
only if it looked more like its alive
Yeah, you strut around Skyrim wearing armor made from the still beating heart and flowing blood of dead gods, and bandits still be like “Never should’ve come here!”.
You are definitely making the daedra in question experience a lot of pain by hammering its heart into the alloy
Its like french cuisine. The suffering makes it better.
I’m posting where to find loads of ebony ore!
God’s blood and demon heart
How are you getting these sick shots of the game?
Here we go again
me firing up steam and launching Skyrim
what is that sword in the beginning? because the Deadrian sword looks different 🤔
Doesn’t make any sense why Dragonbone armor is better than Daedric in Skyrim.
iron ingot
Literally thought this was Savitar lmao
I’m currently in a Corrupted Scholar playthrough. Pure mage, learns all spells/shouts/knowledge she can, several mods to add in research and archeology elements to the game and the Wintersong mod so she can worship Hermeaus Mora.
I also added the uncapper so she can only level mage abilities to double down on the theme. She just recently started researching daedric weapons and the lore behind them(in character) so this short made me happy. She also uses bound weapons, sometimes
Once you get this armor only bosses can really hurt you.
Reminds me of the berserker armor of Guts
And yet, despite this, i still fail intimidation speech checks while being fully decked out in this stuff
What sword mod are you using (if that is a mod) because damn do I want that sword
Me who prefers good old steel plate armor I swear I never use ebony or this devil armor true men use steel
Supposedly it gives other benefits.
What about rubedite?
So you’re basically telling me it’s venom armor????
Awsome game
I wrote a fanfic where I described dawning Daedric armour like Eddie Brok from Spider-Man putting on his Venom suit.
It melts and wraps around your body, hardening into metal, vanishing just as easily when it’s time to come off.
Well considering it’s an actual demon that’s suffering and not the user I see this as a win.
James Heller, if he had an armor [Prototype2]
Is the armor in the vid vanilla or modded?
I wish I could make thalmor armor the same way
Daedric Armor is Edginest most likely
That requirement for a Daedric heart basically makes it so you can’t smith it at all. You have to rely on loot tables. It has been YEARS since I’ve gotten my hands on even a single Daedra heart in Skyrim.
The daedric warrior should have also been a thing in Skyrim that you fight at level 90
What weapon mod is that??
If the daedra didn’t want to be turned into gear for the dragonborn and endure immense and eternal suffering they shouldn’t have died to them lmao.
*deadra shows up*
Dragonborn turns around, draws weapon: “you should have not come here”
Daedric armor is the coolest armor I’ve ever seen in a video game
Whats that mod for the sword
No match at all!!
…and that is why I rareley use it when not creating “cruel, evil” Items and play an evil Char.
Seriously, a Heart of a living Creature?
Oh, and yeah, I use black Soulstones for enchanting them “evil Items”.
But normally? Are you sick to wear that?
Create it? That is for thoose who go full Daedric Champion.
me using my 224 daedric arrows that i made with their hearts while using my daedric bow that i also made just to hunt rabbits
I really liked ebony but wasn’t a fan of the ebony armor at first so I loaded a mod for ebony samurai armor that comes with it’s own katana and paired it with a black fur cape from capes of skyrim
This game has such cool lore it never dissapoints
Daedric armor and weapons are also ridiculously bad in design, as it’s flat, has spikes and jagged stuff about, and the weapons have serrations, which are bad in a weapon as that can make fabric bunch up on the sword and render it useless.
But with mods, anything is possible
This is why I like daedric. Makes you like the ultimate paladin with a constant middle finger to the daedra!
I do not like Daedric weapons and armor.
I do not like dragon weapons and armor.
I like realistic weapons and armor.
I use mods for this stuff.
I have alot of Fun.
After i bought a gaming laptop after my ex sold my ps4.
Haha fuck you sony. Can’t touch me anymore dipshits🤣
And to the gamers “playing” skyrim on a sony console (and trust me i’ve been there, felt the pain and lived it aswel so this comes straight from the bottom of my heart)
*Hahahah* 🚮
random deadra approaching me: “i smell fear!”
like ma guy, you realize my armor is litterally made out of your families hearts right?
I love daedric armor so much
I always hated the skyrim deadric armor design. Love the black armor with the menacing red glow, what I hate is how asymmetrical the armor is. It angers my brain and I just can’t wear it
I remember finding the armor the first or second time i played the game…ive never found it again😢😂
Ya should’ve just let me take Mehrune’s Razor. Now you’re stuck protecting my legs and crotch after immense torture from forging.
Daedric armour might give more protection but Ebony and nightingale have the drip
In Greek a god’s blood was called icor.
Daedra mine their own ore in Oblivion realms. So real Daedric armor may not be Ebony.
Idk who more psychotic. A skyrim fan or a blades and sorcery enjoyer
He holding that hammer wrong
lol what, Lorkhan is no daedra my friend
Ya but knowing the Daedra they probably enjoy it the degenerates.
Daedric stuff is alright I guess…
What mods do u use
What was retconned is that every piece of armour every weapon that is labelled daedric is a daedra, minor as it may be. They’re meant to be unique, but obviously graphically that’s a challenge.
The dadric set is pretty metal you have to agree or you lame as hell
Yowww what are those armor mods? gimme
anyone noticed in the start that he hammers with the wrong side of the hammer xD awesome video nonetheless
I’m gonna be honest, I feel way worse for the poor souls used in enchanting to give somebody +1 dick size than daedra who are really not sending their best when coming for a visit.
Fuck that’s cool
Expcet Daedra Lords arent demons so much as interdimensional beings, or aliens to put it bluntly. Or you can technically say they are the underlings of Eldritch Gods, even though the irony of that is great since only the gods can create, but since you use their hearts to crrate the armor and weapons, the irony hits again, that those who did not create nirn are use to create something else….. plus i doubt they actually hate being weapons or armour since they kinda exist to serve.
Why do daedra in skyrim wear it? Is it there punished brothers?
What sword??
Well the dragon armour is also crafted a bit similar but not quite
Now I just want to create Daedric Armor
I uh.. ok soo this might be cheaty. Tsk. Buuut. I got that armor within just a day because my nintendo has this glitch that allows me to just double my items. Sooo eh. Cant blame me. I wanted to do my quests after I became the strongest mortal in the world. Havent even spoken to the greybeards yet. Hey! I work smarter not harder.
Time to play Skyrim again
Daedric armor is cool, and this just makes it even better, but I cannot get over the asymmetrical spikes. It causes me physical pain each time I see it.
What mod is that daedric sword. Because I love it
Another thing is in oblivion you need an enchanted sword to kill ghosts but you can use a daedric sword to kill them as well without any enchantments
After all these years and I still haven’t worn it yet, the grinding is too much for me
That deadric sword looks badass, even better than vanilla’s one
“laughs in console commands”
So daedric armor + enchanting and your armor is a whole house of suffering souls
what is the mod for the sword
To be specific this lore only pertains to the default deadric gear from dagons realm. Not all deadric gear. So Noone should be surprised that armor from the realm of the lord of chaos is made in fooked up ways 😅
What mod is he using to made the armour glow
I was about to go work on my next video and then I saw this awesome thumbnail. So I guess here we are back on YouTube shorts somehow
They deserve to suffer after they made my brother jump off the cliff in an attempt to keep ground between his character and them. He fast travelled to the temple of Mehrunes Dagon and they immediately went for him
They deserved it.
What is your enb please
I’m surprised he didn’t mention the fact that you could get daedric hearts in Oblivion.
Well considering the Deadra are basically demons I’m ok with that
Oh the unluckly souls of gods just so happen to be needed for my armor in wich they will then be in eternal damnation and suffering ?
Too bad
No way, shadow fiend
What is the mod he uses for that daedric sword? Not sure I have seen it before
The craziest thing is, you have to hit it with the back of the hammer
Bro I trade it with daedras by sigil stone , and I bought the daedra heats I didn’t bother anyone 😊
Everyone here I HIGHLY recommend reading Daedric armor crafting motifs. Some are written by Daedra and specify the use and reasoning behind their designs
Waste time. Not 🍏💚💚
I’ve spent so much time and resources building my armor rating into the thousands with Daedric armor, when it caps out at below 600… Daedric doesn’t even look good to me anymore, so I strictly use light armor now, but the lore is cool.
if deadra are immortal, do they grie new hearts?
So why does it look stupid in eso
What clothes is the blacksmith wearing?
I would assume daedra themselves are still alive in their own heart and by forging daedric you’re forging the daedra itself into the piece. You could also make the argument that daedra are fragments of lorkhan himself and you’re putting pieces of lorkhan together.
God what level of hell is that you body and mind permanently merged with another God like being forced into an unnatural form with the only way to move is to be puppeteered by you killer and jailer potentially to kill your own kind
That would probably explain that certain dwemer hammer tbh
I always thought Daedric sets were so cool. Easily my favorite, but this vid just made me think they’re even cooler.
Hearts and gods blood……… just hit X. That was easy!
It’s very similar to Argent energy from Doom. I wonder if you were to hypothetically try and use Argent energy, energy as a substitute to a Daedra Heart. Maybe you could make even stronger Daedric Armor.
“Never should have come here”
I even like how the daedric armor has pre natural stats to boost flame enchantments and buffs
So the Daedra that wear daedric armor are using armor made of themselves?
I accidentally ate a heart.
Damn then ive caused a lot of pain 😂😂😂
Imagine getting murdered and due to you being a magical being, you’re still semi conscious then your murderer turns you into a shirt.
I swear there’s more lore in Skyrim than there is in the entirety of earths history🤣🤣
What is this armor?
fur armour > Daedric in survival
I preferred the old origin where it was bound gear (aka a deadra morphed into the shape of armor and weapons,) made permanent, helped explain both the power and why they were so rare,
Cool looking, BUT Daedric Armor is only available in Heavy Armor option. As a Light Armor user i find it uncool.
What is the mod ?
What armor mods are you using that made your Daedric armor give off a light glow?
I need that sword mod
Humm-fawkin-yeah! Gnarly!
I’d probably use Daedric gear more if it’s lore didn’t sound like an edgy teen trying way too hard to make something sound cool
So if I beat a daedra with a daedric sword I literally just beat a mothertrucker with another mothertrucker. Now I wish there where knuckledusters fitted with vampire teeth so I can do the same to those lifeless necksuckers
You are all wasting your lives on this.
“some say” and “thought by some” is a crazy way to refer to Mankar Camoran.
“‘Lord Dagon cannot invade Tamriel, his birthright! He comes to liberate the Occupied Lands!’ says anonymous source.”
But, since you are technically an offspring of Lorkhan yourself, wouldn’t your blood be better?
So… I’m wearing armor made from the blood of God and tempered by the suffering of demons? That is most kick-ass thing I’ve even heard of.
One of my favorite armor sets in any game! Oblivions Set was ass!!!
Daedric armor is amazing. I prefer daedric stuff in I’m doing a darker warrior style build but I also like paring the daedric helmet and chest piece with the shrouded boots and gloves (or the stronger version you can get of those idr what it’s called) for a dope asf rouge warrior assassin build
Why tf would I care ab a suffering demon who tried to kill me he’s lucky I couldn’t take more than his heart👹
Do you have a mod list for your graphics? Your game looks very nice
Wtf I’ve never seen that sword is it a vanilla item someone tell me what it’s called I’m going to find that
reminds me of the Berserk armor worn by Guts.
So then how does the deadra make their weapons and armour if they need an deadric heart to make literally one piece of equipment
What sword is that and how did you get the red glow to be more prominent
the asymmetrical horns on the helmet mean that I never use daedric equipment in Skyrim. dragon bone all the way
I wish there was a way to change the red in Daedric armor and weapons.
I always saw it as more of a constant battle on the fantasy molecular scale, rather than breathing new life.
The blood of Lorkhan, trying to forcefully reject the power of a separate Prince’s daedra. Seems more on brand for Elder Scrolls.
Hands down, one of the best RPG games ever made. I’m glad I was a kid with a lot of free time when this game came out.❤💎🔥
Daedric weapons are kick ass for a vampire character build.
i mean, the daedra are assholrs anyway xD id do it again
Don’t most pantheons consider Lorkhan/Shor/Sheor/Lorkhaj/Shezzar to be neither Aedra not Daedra?
Always appreciated that the edgy armor has equally edgy lore that actually kinda makes sense
I wish there were less daedric items just lying around in skyrim. They shouldn’t be on every max level bandit leader or found in loot chests. They should really be something special like in previous games.
its still gonna be a big minute before TES6, you guys really need to inovate
That’s exactly why I love making it!
The deadra laughed and then not involved with the cration of nirn, but when you tear out one of their hearts and push it into that gods blood there is some strange irony going on there.
Shoulda mentioned the cave or whatever that you can use to craft daedric with a full moon for added bonuses
Unethical then
And i’d do it again. And again. And again until they fear the very mention of me.
>looks sensational
You must be joking. Daedric armor in Skyrim is by far the most ridiculous-looking armor.
Something I love about the Daedra is that they’re not as much “demons” as they are extradimensional aliens
Ok I have to know what mods do you guys use? that daedric armor and sword looks dope
If ebony is lorkans blood, isn’t the og amulet of kings lorkans blood?
What mods are used in this?
The creation of daedric weapons could, in theory, seal a daedra, right?
Does the lore specify what happens to daedric items (not artifacts) after some time? Do they return to their respective planes eventually or something?
This reminds me of Onimusha, where you seal the souls of demons and use their essence to power up your gear.
Both concepts are metal as fuck.
Wait, so you’re telling me that Daedric Armor is made from the suffering of lesser demons? Where the hell do I sign up?! That sounds like some epic Doomslayer shit!
Never liked the look of the Daedric set so i always used other sets
so you telling me my armor is alive?
ngl chief ain’t gonna start feeling sympathy for dremoras any time soon
That armor is bad ass
Is it possible that every daedric item is alive?
I mean your using a heart so it’s possible that it is alive
Come to think of it, would be interesting to get other variations on ebony/deadric armor and their type/effect depending on who’s blood it was made from.
That’s the most metal thing I ever heard! 🤘
man with Ebony, Daedric and dragon bone armour lore it kinda makes you realise..the strongest armour’s in Tamriel have some pretty scary lore with them haha
There’s this arc idea I’ve always had where an NPC steals a daedric sword from my dragonborn and is put through hell by the Daedra within who twists their mind and commands them to kill their loved ones (it’s a pretty good Roleplay idea if anyone wants to use it)
I do faintly remember being told that the Daedric crafting bit of Skyrim wasn’t entirely lore accurate but more just a way to have the armor available to the player in a craftable method.
It would be cool and kinda scary if daedric armor can speak because we put daedra heart (probably they very soul too)
And start whispering to us like stealth suit mk II from fallout nv
The daedra are still suffering after I use their heart to make gear? Good, they picked a fight with the wrong guy
I love it I always play a good karma Nord so this fits great. Making daedra suffer
Or just get the sigil stone and spawn daedric armor
I cannot take Daedrick armor really serious. Looks really goofy. Stats are best yea… But if you look essentially about basist of deathmetall band. Takes the same “umf” that Ebony has and. Squander it
What mods make the sword look like that?
Who needs a smart phone when you can have smart armour
So true give it new life soul🎉🎉 is awesome awesome armor and weapons too
I preferred how Morrowind handled Daedric armor. There were two sets – one that you can acquire legitimately, the other on an essential NPC – and you can’t make any more. It felt so much more special that way, tracking down every piece was a task in and of itself, rather than just any smith who had forged ten thousand gold rings having the “skill” to make it. Daedric gear SHOULD be hard to come by.
Is that a mod sword?
Drip over souls
Zombie god armor
I think daedric armor is just ugly I prefer dawnguard, steel plate , ebony
Ngl a daedra suffering makes it even more fun
I really like that Daedric sword mod. Kinda like a streamlined Ancient Nord sword. Just serrated.
My Daedric sword is curved… how you get a long sword like that or is that with the new Annversary ed
Fun is also, that in some games/lore, to craft these, you have to do it at mid night, full moon. When whatever is left of a body of that god is high in the sky.
Good I’m glad the daedra continue to suffer 😂
It’s such a hardy metal that you have to hammer it primarily with the pointed end 😂
What Daedric sword mod is that tho
A new meaning to “Living Armour”🤌
Just throwing this out there it would be cool to plants at Daedric race
Literally cursed Godsblood armor.
in the Old days to make Daedric. You had to take the ‘Soul’ of a Daedra. Not it’s heart? But the Process is even worse. Cause when your making or using a Daedric weapon. The Daedra whose soul you infused into the weapon is forever in Suffering. Meaning Pain and Horror of their soul being grafted into a Weapon.
Is it a modded Daedric set or he’s using an ENB ? If anyway have the name i’m interested.
You also get +10% intimidation when wearing a full set of Daedric armor (not including the shield)
I need to know these mods
I just hate the way the armor looks. Its repulsive
what is that sword? is it a overhaul or smth else?
Never cared for how it looked. Oblivion or Skyrim
I like the creation club daedric armor better.
I spend loot of days on this amazing game!
I just get conjuring 100 and the red big ball to summon the armor in the collage (my explanation is so bad, but i think every skyrim player knows what I’m talking about)
I wouldn’t care if it gave me 0 armour. I would still wear it just because of how good it looks.
So there are other uses for the heart rather than eating them?
So you’re telling my Daedric armor is sentient? …Cool. I mean, there’d be some moral implications if it weren’t made from literal demons. You know what would be neat is if this gear would occasionally speak, or maybe they cry out in pain when the player takes damage.
So essentially you use crystalized god’s blood and another world’s creature’s heart.
Yikes makes it more terrifying than it already is.
So I have a question, as we know there are daedric beasts or lesser daedric entity. Do we have lesser aedra or aedric creatures? Sorry I don’t know much about the lore of skyrim
So has Scott just given up?
What mods are used?
I play on console and all the alternative armor mods on the creation club are meh. I’m talking about the reskinned vanilla items not the unique ones like that spell binder or the steel soldier. Idk just my opinion but I still love daedric items
Hey if your binding the essence of the deadra into Ebony….are you forcing them to give part of themselves to the mortal world?
In lore like no way a normal person could make this armor master smith or not Hahahah if this was realistic
I still love Mage Armor in Skyrim. The Dragon Aspect shout pairs so well with Bound Weapons.
So do all deadra and aedra have different versions of daedric armor? Daedric armor created by man uses Lorkhans life essence, while other deadric princes create their version of daedric armor, using their own life essence? I’m just trying to understand this. If we look at Lorkhans heart, its a blood red, obviously, but if we look at Molag Bals daedra, they have the blackish armor, but they also have a dark blue glow.
What’s also fun is conjured weapons are actually the souls of lesser daedra, forced into the form of weapons.
Crazy how shit the in-game stuff looks. Like not a single weapon looks usable or even remotely sharp. Mods are the gods’ work.
It feels so anticlinatic thar you can just learn it by acquiring smithing 90. Like, there shoukd have been quest, a ritual, etc. And only on certain forges, not in every forge.
I remember there was a mod that made a alternate version of Daedric armor, it was White and blue, it looked interesting
In my headcanon you bind the deadra to the weapon/armor similar to the bound weapons/armor and they are sentient in some way.