Skyrim’s Werebears not being IN Skyrim was Weird!
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim features Werebears on Solstheim in the Dragonborn DLC, however based on Nordic tradition and folklore you’d expect to find them on the mainland area of Skyrim as well! Subscribe for more Skyrim & other Elder Scrolls related lore, facts, secrets and theories!
Taqs:skyrim,lore,skyrim lore,werebears,skyrim werebears,skyrim dragonborn,skyrim dlc,elder scrolls lore,elder scrolls v,skyrim theory,skyrim werewolves,solstheim
コメント (116)
Your Full Guide to Werecreatures: https://youtu.be/xjsJWz4m0d4
“To be fair, although it’s rare, you may wanna prepare for the werebears there.”
Sure there is A mod to fix this.
I have played Skyrim for many years now with different gameplays and I still can’t find the d@mned Torkild guy!
Yet they are far weaker than at least the player werewolf cause I took a group of three on no problems
In vanilla they had a rare spawn rate in wooded areas past lvl 80. This was a change with the DLC.
But is it true that the werebear were where the werewolves were before they all were wearing wearable wear and were very worried that the werebears whereabouts would be found out so they went from were the werewolves were to where the werebears are now so they could bear being werebears that were where the werewolves were without much despair getting all a bear to share so that they wouldn’t care?
I could listen to you for hours 😍 thank you so much 💕 your art is really magna cum arte 🤩😍🥰🫶😘
To be fair, although quite rare, you might want to prepare for the were bears there.
They probably changed it last minute and they chose the werewolf instead
I fought 3 of those fudgers on Solisteim. That was not fun.
As a Stormcloak recruiter once said “although they’re rare, you might want to prepare for the werebears there. They travel in packs”.
I thought it was weird
Diablo 2 bear witness
The companions had to drive them out of skyrim because they kept going after those picnic baskets
I installed immersive creature mod and literally whole pack of wearbears just mauled Lydia to death after i was just hunting giants 💀
On top of that those grand daedras
“You should really be aware, tho they are rare… You might encounter were bears there”
Yea…. came up on a group of 3 sitting by their fire in human form. So i snuck up, seen they were dressed plainly no outward signs of weapons so i came out of stealth hoping for a interesting interaction or a slight scuffle…. I got Slaughtered at the same time i realized what was happening…. then another 2 times before I won…
Let’s go mod community
I have a mod that adds werebears to Skyrim and a mod that lets me become a werebear
I wonder what different abilities you get if you’re a werebear?
Wasted opportunity to have a werebear in the stormcloaks
Werebears?! Where?!
No werebears, no wererats, no weresharks, no fun
Although to be fair,
even though they’re rare,
you might want to prepare for the wear bears there….
What they travel in Packs
reminds me of wereboars in daggerfall
I was level 65 when I first encountered them and they kicked my ass hard, i threw their bodies in the river for thier transgressions
The companions drove out the werebears and replaced their populations in skyrim which is why the werebears solely survive in solsthiem. I think they talk a bit about getting their numbers back up in the event of reclaiming old territories. Theres a whole history for it if you look it up. But mostly the companions faction of werewolves drove the werebears out of skyrim, and it was easier for the companions to remain as they have more control of their abilities and can often live full lives without being noticed, unlike werebears.
is soltheim in morrowind ?
Werebears being native to Skyrim is something you can learn in oblivion a couple hundred years before the events of Skyrim. But it’s explained away that the werewolves were able to force out the werebears and essentially claim all of Skyrim as werewolf territory, my guess is werewolves simply had greater numbers then the werebears or the companions killed most of them and the remaining few fled to solstheim. The werewolves of Skyrim were already enough of a problem for the werebears and then the companions intervention made it even more impossible for them to live in skyrim
Yet, in the wild the bears and wolves gang up to kill you. The bears will attack any other animal, but not the wolf.
Not weird but lazy. I didn’t realize how dry skyrim was until I played morrowind and oblivion. That being said it’s still one of my favorite games of all time
Nobody tell him about weresharks…
Ha! I just ran into 3 of them about an hour ago
Werebears? Were? Bears? Man that are Bears?
Where are the werebears there
God I love werebears. It’s like a Grizzly bear but with the smarts of a human and the cuddly look of a care bear
Werebears? Where, Bears? Men that are Bears?
That’s me.
How do you get such good graphics
Though, to be fair, even though they’re rare, you should prepare for the werebears there.
Well obviously they are using the canis root and it’s working
“Quick Patrick draw a protective circle”
Gotta bring back the wereboars from daggerfall
It’s actually crazy how this dude’s whole ass channel has just been him talking about Skyrim and the “secrets” that people already know and have known for like the past 10 years. Absolutely crazy to me that you can’t think of anything else to do.
Then not being a summon for things under than a power is criminal
Sucks that Tamriel werebears aren’t like Faerun’s werebears. Would be really cool to have werebears run up and save you from giants or cultists.
One of my first visits to Solstheim I got gang Banged when like four of these spond out of nowhere. I was dead faster than a room full of Kenny’s, and one red shirt Star Trek guy
I just want my Argonian to Hulk out like back in the Oblivian Crisis.
I like both wear creatures
So it works, the Dunmer just haven’t figured it out yet
I totally agree after being kind of obsessed with Nord lore for a while back in the day I was so hopeful that werebear would be in the game and instead we got the companions werewolf thing instead 🥱
I could have sworn I’ve seen a werebear in the cave right next to the camp at fort dawnguard. I might be wrong though
When I found out we were getting a lycanthrope faction in Skyrim I was excited to see Werebears, as much as I love werewolves, I am highly disappointed that the Companions (composed HIGHLY of Nords and followers of Ysgramir) were werewolves instead.
Freaking rune bears….
I have lore friendly mods that add a lot of creatures from lore that should be in skyrim. I accidentally allowed npc to npc infected and ended up losing a village to were creatures. Thankfully i was murdered by them before it stuck and i turned that option off. Only player to npc infection allowed now.
I mean they were probably killed off and made extinct in skyrim. The werebear curse, much like the werewolf and vampirism, are spread via contact with an infected person, or on rare occasions with direct transformation via a daedric prince. So if you kill all the werebears in a given area, you cannot make more werebears unless hircine directly does so, which he probably doesnt because he prefers his wolf children over his bear ones. But they were never killed off on solstheim so there they carry on as if nothing ever happened.
Seeing how canis root only grows in skyrim in tes 5, it makes sense that there aren’t were bears. Also, the main pack of wolves in skyrim is the companions
Well clearly there are no Nordic traditions to rub canis root onto nearby trees around one’s house(s) over there. I’d go there if I were a werebear.
Can’t you find werebears in the wilds of skyrim?. Maybe I’m misremembering but I swear iv ran into them in skyrim.
Well to be fair, you ought to be scared and you might want to take care of the werebears there.
What about Wereboars?
It is because of Hircine’s influence on the island.
Why can’t I be 1
Bro I always wanted to see a mod where they retextured the werebears into Yogi bears
it was probably left on the cutting room floor, and then they got to add it in with solthsteim, but it would have potentially been too jarring to patch them into the mainland out of nowhere (and like hell were they going to add a quest to reintroduce them). Pity though, I wish there were any loose enemy werecreatures running around, not just the player character
Fallout 5 will have WhenBears. These clever bastards can time travel and will wreck your shit mark my words
We need a manbearpig transformation
Hmm, yeah, Werebear, as if regular Bears weren’t enough.
Yeah, same for boars.
Lol the were bears are in skyrim
Why do werewolves and werebears seem so rare
The modders: hold my nexus
TES6 needs more werecreatures!
Oh no it’s furries send the imperial legion in using blessed enchanted silver weapons.
this is why i always install some.mod that adds a chance for werebesrs in skyrim.
Your think werewolves and we’re bears would get along and team up, both being children of hircine
the Skall are more traditional nords, so a more traditional transformation kind of makes sense. what doesn’t is that every race should have a different transformation. Werecat-Khajit, Werewolf-Imperial, Werebear-Nord, Lesser dragon-Argonian.
I found some up in the ice region and thought hmm weird yeti and when I got close I was like wtf is that🙀
They are referenced in the base game not often but they do exist
You don’t find wearbears in Shyrim cause all of the fences are made out of canis root
We should have been able to catch Sanines Lupinus out in the open world. Maybe tweak the name for when a Werebear infects you, call it Sanines Ursidus/Ursidaeus, and let us come across lycanthropy naturally in the game. Or, if they really wanted the Companions questline to have the exclusivity for werewolves, make it so you can only catch the disease from a werebear, and you can only become a werewolf through the Companions storyline
It honestly feels like Todd neutered Skyrim’s fantasy element so it’ll be more generic, like turning werebears into werewolves as Skyrim’s main were population
Were creatures are great. I was so happy they were part of Skyrim and I saw that leaked video of Farkas transforming just before launch. Werewolves are critically in short supply in video games.
So basically, if the gameplay is taken at face value, someone and/or something chased the werebears out of Skyrim, and now they’re chasing the werewolves out of Solstheim.
Many things are “weird” in Skyrim when considering earlier, better, lore.
“How the hell should I know?”
Thankfully the authors of More Werewolves, and Diverse Werewolf Collection, fixed that absence.
true wheres my werebear/wereboars todd
No actually I can find a few of them in Skyrim itself but I’ve only seen them in one spot
i hate how they casualwashed the lore in order to make skyrim more popular tbh. i fell in love with the series with morrowinD for its unique character. tes5 feels like any random fantasy mountains with any random people, immigrants, and zombies.
Realistically its likely just Bethesda forgot they existed until Solsthiem where some dev read a lorebook and said “Oh yeah we do have other werecreatures” an there you have it.
Makes complete sense, because they have a way to keep them away
Does anybody else have problems with dragons spawning at lairs? I have deactivated all my mod with dragons and still nothing. Divers dragons will still spawn but only at the college. Help me
Ah yes 3 homeless men turned into these right in front of my level 21 eyes my first time playing 😃👍
Werebears look cooler than werewolves. Werewolves look like mutated skeevers.
Love this
imagine if the silver hand was a were bear group 😂
werebears are the coolest were creatures itryed to talk with them in order to join them but the game didnt allow it
I love yall make shorts now
I forget what mod I downloaded but I occasionally run into werebears deep in the Falkreath forests or the plains between Whiterun and Rorikstead.
It’s a great opportunity to run into the nearest town and watch the werebear solo the guards or duel the monster as a werewolf
Werebears should have been the main form of were-creature in Skyrim and the one you can become in the Companions questline, with werewolves being a minority (maybe just that pack in Solthsteim). It would have fit lore better as you note here, and offered a more interesting experience than just regular werewolves.
I just assume that the werebear population is low due to people attempting to wipe them out for something.
I wish becoming a werebear was an option, there doesn’t have to be any mechanical differences but if there were they would be nice.
I fixed this issue with mods.
Honestly, sounds like canis root is working. Maybe they should grow it on Solstheim…
I have Growl so I’m absolutely a werebear lol
I’ve been more than sick of werewolves and vampires. Couldn’t we have gotten werebears and litches, or something else?
Or you can mod it in and take to the roads causing mass mayhem and panic
Because in Skyrim they have anti-werebear circles and don’t have people wearing a Sombrero in a goofy fashion
Pushing out the werewolf population.
Only an elder scrolls YouTuber can say that like it’s a totally normal sentence.
Were bears? Where? Bears? Yeah, would have made a great addition to basic skyrim. Bearly better than werewolves, but better neverthless.
They existed. They were just very Sneaky.
Yeah because they rubbed canis root on the surroundings, of course there’s no werebears
Really wish there was a werebear option with its own tree that is different from the werewolf option