15 NEW Amazing Skyrim Mods!
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Hey guys! Hoping you guys will enjoy this! This is my last video for May 2023. As for the title, for June mod showcase I will start adding dates at the end of the title example: 15 NEW Skyrim Mods (May 2023)
#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Intro
00:22 Mod 1 (Magic Mod)
02:25 Mod 2 (Immersion)
03:18 Mod 3 (Immersion)
04:16 Mod 4 (Location)
05:06 Mod 5 (Location)
06:10 Mod 6 (Animation)
07:19 Mod 7 (Location/Quest)
08:42 Mod 8 (Immersion)
09:18 Mod 9 (Immersion)
10:38 Mod 10 (Location)
11:19 Mod 11 (Location)
12:07 Mod 12 (Armor)
12:28 Mod 13 (Armor Addon)
12:46 Mod 14 (Playerhome)
13:39 Mod 15 (Retexture/Armor)
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✔️My Playlist :
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim SE/AE – https://bit.ly/PandaSSE
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▶️ Panda’s Modshowcase – https://bit.ly/PandaSEMods
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🔻Mod Showcased
1. Constellation Magic by Kittytail
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92104
2. Whale Bones on Coasts- Mihail’s Shards of Immersion (SE-AE version) by MihailMods
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91958
3. The Coachmen by Cale
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91430
4. Markarth – City of Stone by Amasido
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92028
5. Quaint Solitude Gardens by Rosehla
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92048
6. Leviathan Animations II – Greatsword Power Attacks by Verolevi
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92266
7. Morthal Barrow by Penrutet
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90737
8. Ferrymen – New Clothing SE by Xtudo
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92231
9. Journeyman – A Fast Travel Overhaul by SimonMagus and Colinswrath
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92220
10. Whitepeak Tower – Dawnguard Themed Player Home by balcer
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92177
11. Spaghetti’s Palaces – Blue Palace by RubberSpaghetti
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92284
12. HS Whiterun – Temple of Kynareth by Hylios Sykes
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92090
13. Dawnguard Armors and Weapons Retexture SE by Xavbio
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92161
14. Daedric Face of God by Nchuark and Kanjs
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92193
15. Kanjs – Daedric Face of God glowing animation by Kanjs and Nchuark
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92255
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors! 🙂
Members’ Thank You Area
1. Monkeyking
2. Claire
3. Gilda
4. Cosmix6
5. Miloš Milinkov
🔻 Additional Tags:
skyrim, skyrim 4k, skyrim le, 4k, skyrim graphics 2022, skyrim enb, skyrim se, skyrim 2020, best skyrim mods 2020, skyrim se 2020, skyrim mods 2020, skyrim graphics mods, skyrim se 2020 mods, skyrim mods, nextgen skyrim, skyrim 2019, skyrim enb 2019, best skyrim enb, best skyrim mods, hd texture pack, best skyrim graphics, skyrim se best graphics, skyrim modlist, new skyrim mods, best graphics mods for skyrim, skyrim crash fix, skyrim se mod list, textures, skyrim ultra modded, skyrim modding guide,skyrim se ultra modded 2021, Starfield, Bethesda games, Relaxing music, Skyrim Anniversary Edition, Skyrim AE Ultra modded, Ultra modded Skyrim SE, Licentia Skyrim, NSFW Skyrim, Skyrim armors, Skyrim next gen, Truly Next Gen Skyrim, Nolvus 4.4, Nolvus 4.4 Skyrim, Skyrim and eldenring, skyrim vs eldenring, elden ring, elden ring 2, Skyrim Magic mod, Skyrim best magic mods, magic mods for skyrim, magic mod skyrim xbox, new must have mods, RPG games, Latest skyrim mods, skyrim new mods for 2023, starfield, TES 6, Next Elder Scroll Game, TES Online, MMORPG, RPG Games, Role playing games
Taqs:Skyrim Mods,Skyrim 2022,skyrim gameplay,skyrim graphics mod,skyrim ultra graphics,skyrim anniversary edition,best skyrim mods 2022,best skyrim mods,skyrim mods weekly,skyrim mods xbox,grass mods skyrim,enb skyrim,graphics for skyrim,Rudy ENB skyrim,next gen graphics skyrim,skyrim,ENB Collision,ENB Comparison,Truly Next Gen Skyrim,skyrim special edition mods,Nolvus 4.4,Nolvus Skyrim,Magic mod skyrim,magic mod,skyrim animation,animation mods skyrim
コメント (74)
It’s hard to beat the YouTube algorithm as a small channel so every like and comment helps this small channel grow. I wish you all the best and stay safe! Subscribe for more! 🙂
P.S Hey guys! This would be my last video for May! Any mods I missed will be part of my June mod showcase. Thank you so much for all your support! You guys are the best!
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*Important links are all in the description!*
holy fuck the constellation magic mod looks so amazing
The mods work on ps4 or no?
What mod is used for the blood splatter at 6:20?
Doing a great job with these man. Keep up the good work
do you happen to have a full mod list of yours? I like the enb and how the blood works and all that
I wish their was a fast travel mod that was like the Kingdom come deliverances version of fast travel. If you haven’t played it, check it out it’s a great game
1:50 that is one smooth Nazeem
6:10 what are all the combat mods people recognize here..? I’m trying to use them
amazing video once again, bro. Keep up the grind 🙂
The Supernova spell: For when you’re tired of playing Skyrim and you want to murder everyone like a Final Fantasy boss.
Great showcase, thank you. I see you are using my gold patches for Dwemer metal, I am very glad that the tastes match). You missed the sconces, they also have a patch.
And may I ask, whose sky and galaxy textures are you using?
Todd Howard would be proud 🙂
Supernova is one of the most beautifull spells ive ever seen.
What ENB and weather + lighting mod are you using?
Some really nice mods here I’ll definitely add to my play through. Been playing Skyrim again after so many years and your videos helped my mod list a ton, thank you!
Man, a lot of mods in my modlist from your video 🙂 thanks for your job!
Nice showcase!!!! This game looks beautiful. Do you have a lot of bugs caused by mods? I mean desktop crashes?
Do you have a list of mods you use?
I used Nordic carriage company for awhile… Had some truly funny moments riding in my carriage
please, tell me how is the Mod called that makes the Whiterun Banners Dark like yours? 🙂
10:34 which loading screen mod is that?
Great video panda! The solitude garden mod looks amazing! I didn’t see It on nexus so thanks for sharing this one haha 🙂
The mods i really wanna know about is those that gave you some neat first person attack and power attack animations & effects. 👀
Excellent vid. Love the showcase.
Which ENB and other graphical mods do you use man? Looks nice!
Great video and interesting mods, definitely going to have to check them out 👍
Hi. What’s the armor in the intro – 0:01 to 0:03 ?
Awesome video. Looking forward to trying some of these.
What is your pc spec
whats is the mod for the magic spell animation in 0:45
If I may for the leviathan animations the half sword animation is wrong the hand fully wraps around the blade during a half swording attack
13:23 Those manekins aren’t wearing underwear like they normally do. Must be modded.
Here we go 🍿
can you give me some advice please bro, im trying to get my channel started but i barely get any views.
Great video as always!
I gotta stop watching these videos, I’ve restarted my playthrough like 5 times in the past month 😂 level 20+ saves too, but some of these mods are just too good
Just what i needed before a good night’s sleep
Okay, some thoughts: one: Constellation Magic is awesome but that flash drives my epilepsy-like condition wild so I’m not installing that. Really would love to though. =/ The Carriage Guards mod is part of my load order already and a fave except they act like regular guards. XD Which if you’re a thief or bandit your life is now hell and you cannot use a carriage without waiting for that wanted level to go down. ^^;; It has been both bane and boon. The Leviathan Great Swords animation mod looks made by Sellsword Arts it’s so accurate on how a great sword is supposed to be used. o.o; Not sure if it’s good or a bad thing but seeing a Mords’lang in Skyrim is interesting to say the least. Making Skyrim dungeons less dead? Hell yes, people give to this guy and keep him on our side! One of the only things I hold against SKyrim Dungeons is that enemies don’t respawn.
Overall not a bad showcase!
I think Kittycat became the best magic mod creator with his last mods.
Another great showcase
Combine Constellation Magic with the Stellaris spell mod and you’ll get the full Star Mage experience
Ey you da goat
Thanks for another great video.
thanks for the showcase. I really appreciate it.
Amazing as usuals, i’ll take “Morthal’s barrow” i didn’t knew that one!
Great video, thanks for the tips! just played Morthal Barrow and it was really fun
Your link for Leviathan Animations II is wrong.
As an example to what I was referring to check out Ultimate College Of Winter hold, or U.C.O.W…. it refers to itself as A patch ,but it’s much more than that…
algorithm.. im so drunk
Nice, I don’t know if you have done this already,but if you could showcase some merged mods, i.e. similiar to Some of the Winterhold ones or Whiterun,some people want the best of both worlds, yes there are mods with patches ,but often you have to decide what assets you as the player will use,whereas The merged mods have been meshes together to varying degrees,depending on the mod author.
Great video. I will be checking out some of these mods for sure.
Keep up the great work on your channel, and thank you for featuring my mod!
dude i love your channel you always show us best immersion mods
It always bothered me that there was a Whale Bone Bridge, & the Ancient Nords have a Whale God but yet no whales or whale bones anywhere in the game world. I’ve been waiting on a mod for that for years! 🐋
Hi im sorry if this is a dumb question also haven’t gotten through the whole vid so I don’t know if this is a mod shown here but how do you get such a beautiful sky and nighttime like when its evening it becomes super dark but also I feel my sky is lacking so please please tell me the mod for the sky
I’m of the opinion that the Travel Pack should require some kind of food item to craft. If you really want to call it a travel pack you’d need provisions.
How do you find the motivation to create these awesome videos so often. Hats off to you bro!
whitepeak gave me a reason to replay now lol
thank you
Your game look so good and not so overwhelming like all next gen list😢
9:50 what is the name of this ui ?
Thanks for showcasing Daedric Face of God, we appreciate it!
Thank you for showcasing my mod. And as always, nice job on the video. 🙂
Hey thank you so much for showing off so many of my mods in your amazing videos!
Superb! Subbed!
That Celestial Magic looks amazing! Great showcase. 👍🏻👍🏻
I need supernova. Just put in the port request.
Nice showcase! There are so many interesting mods. And I’m glad you liked mine. Thanks!
Great video 😀
Thanks for another showcase! Love your channel and seeing a lot of cool mods I wasn’t aware of 😍
Any recommendations for vanilla plus gameplay mods?