I have to assume that all Argonians do this | Skyrim Gameplay Highlights #shorts
Gameplay highlight from part 220 of my Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition Let’s Play on legendary and survival. You can find the whole playthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2e9YdI6fp8&list=PLobdprIgcqJ-7HzrDzInvB3xaRyuzHE6L
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Taqs:skyrim short,skyrim highlight,skyrim gameplay,skyrim funny moment,skyrim funny,skyrim,funny moments,highlights,skyrim highlights,let’s play skyrim,let’s play skyrim se,let’s play skyrim special edition,let’s play skyrim 2021,skyrim 2021,skyrim modded,skyrim legendary,skyrim survival,skyrim survival mode,skyrim playthrough,gameplay skyrim,elder scrolls,the elder scrolls
コメント (183)
This short is from part 220 of my legendary/survival Skyrim playthrough. You can find the full video here:
Or, watch the entire Let’s Play from the beginning right here:
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Ahh classic Skyrim crack addicts
That’s like one of the rarest food items in Skyrim.
Take the skopma in front of him
I genuinely laughed out loud when you said “you’re old?” ❤️
Imagine they don’t start molting until a certain age and the first time a young argonnian saw his parent’s left over skin he nearly shi himself and thought a demon sucked the life out of them
Drinks the skooma and smokes the nirnroot
Yes he’s old, very old in fact, you can recognize an Argonians age by how white their scales are cause over time the scales of an Argonian turn pale and very rough almost like scar tissue
So the whiter the Argonian (besides albino Argonians ofcours) the older it is
I thought this was slimcicle for a second there- just not high
Never shitted skin
“your old?” Classic argonian problems 💔
“You’re old?”
Literally same thing I said out loud 🤣
There’s a sickly argonian woman out in riften, I think its riften, she actually talks about her struggle against an addiction to a similar drink. You find her at the docks not looking 100% (if you give her a healing potion she becomes very grateful)
Do they actually molt tho
Dagoth ur was right about argonians
Bro you’re literally the good dude and a hero saving the world and helping people. Then the game also forces you to serve daedric princes and further enable people’s addiction.💀
Breaking bad: Skyrim Edition
Huh??? I thought this guy died in a Dwemer dungeon… Maybe he’s interchangeable with the lizard lady that gave me the quest?
At first I thought he was hungry but he’s just a fucking junkie 🤣
As an Argonian main I’m always up to “help a brotha out”
Friendly reminder that the worst thing you can do to a skooma addict is give them skooma
Argonian has weird names man, took a look that female argonian over there? her name Don’t-Lift-Her-Tail I don’t get it
Meth till Death in Black marsh!!
Ah yes, The Last Dragonborn:
Master Thief, The Listener of Dark Brotherhood, Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold, Harbinger of the Companions, Thane of all Holds, Hero of the Civil War, Slayer of World-Eater and Master of All Thuums
Also known as
*Your local drug dealer*
Love your videos help me get through day to day bud! Hope you have a wonderful day if you see this and for anyone else that does hope you have a wonderful day as well and yeah I’m already a host at waffle house 🏠
I never did this quest. I hate stealing.
It’s not connected to the video at all but I just realized that all my favourite youtubers are australian. Weird
Helping people get drunk, stealing, murder. Just another normal day for the Dragonborn.
So somehow the Dragonborn can drink any amount of skooma and it does almost nothing but everyone else in the world just gets completely addicted and go crazy.
Sir you’re an enabler lol
Wuht quest is this 👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺
Nothing beats the Hist thirst but with a good ol’ Skooma. Double distilled, even.
And don’t forget that one shady lizard in solitude bar who wants you to steal a crate of wine from the blue palace
“Stands-in-shallows” is a oddly cool name
them fps tho whats the fps can anyone guess?
Thanks for helping my skyrim egg brother with his addiction 🙏
I need that friggin crack
He might just be a skooma addict on withdrawal
Great game my first character was an argonian
There’s 3 kahjit’s near dawnstar or somewhere in the snow I forgot. They partially close their eyes like real cats or at least they did to me 😂 one had his eyes closed for a long time too. Might have been a glitch but idk
Why do female argonians have boobs?
Sooo they retconned argonians too
Ffs figures
After hearing your voice in the first sentence, then paused thinking it was Goku 🤣
When you said are you alright you sounded just like Goku lol
I wonder if there blood itches from the withdrawals.
Shame on you for enabling this poor Argonian’s skooma addiction.
Argonians do moult, it is just like with snakes but more humanoid and it sometimes clings to your new skin
The real question is. “Would you bang an Argonian?”
Breaking Bad: The video game
Also going to an addict and saying here more drugs you’re quite literally a drug mule
No if he was going to shed to be clear shedding is different than molting molting is what birds do and if he was gonna be shedding his eyes would be cloudy (former snake owner)
Ironically enough, you do the opposite to another argonian dockworker in next hold over.
I play argonian. My guy isn’t a skooma person. And he has a snakey name like Hspspspsp lol. He just likes to swim and collect barnacles
Brooo jes even using the mic tp chat mod
Bro sounded like Goku at first
HE’S GONNA MOLT!!! I’m ded
racial profiling
I mean, this isn’t much different than bringing Brenuin the Argonian Ale from The Bannered Mare.
“I assume all argonians are hard core skooma addicts” lol
plot twist: imagine if this actually acted as medicine for his species’ older folks but you just assumed he was a druggie
I tried this quest, but i was playing as an argonian myself… So i drank it myself before i got around to him.
All Argonians are like that
i wonder if argonians shed their skin like RL lizards and snakes
I wonder if Argonians go into shed like other reptiles?
No stop! Your feeding his addiction
That’s kinda an issue i take with those quests. It’s either give addict more drugs or don’t do anything.
It’d be nice if there was an option for example to give him a healing potion, like you actually could to one aronian with skooma adiction in riften docks. The difference is though that she actually asked about it, because she wanted to heal her addiction.
“Its gonna fix all of his problems ” 🤣
I always see argonians saying that their dying and then when u try to help them they’re like gimme drugs
Imagine there a mod that adds new dialog but makes it so the Dragonborn’s microphone is actually picked up for the random player sounds, and the npc now says stuff when you fart.
God this game is terrible.
Opinion piece
Windhelm is the worst city in Skyrim because two reason
1- it freezing outside so you want to go to the interiors
2- the interiors are often empty in many of the houses and it makes a good chunk of the building feel unfinished
And then you get attacked by hired thugs just for helping an old argonian out wow wtf new gnisis cornerclub >:(
The drug dependency of the argonians is due to the lack of hist trees in Skyrim. Argonians have a hive mind they tap into that the trees manage. The need the extra stimulation.
This is amazing “he’s going to molt” 😂
I can relate to that argonian 😂
Reminded me of this: “No… are we here just to suffer .. I can feel my arm… And my leg…” Lol
I looked up his age on the wiki this agron is fuckin 37 whatever man
When I first got this little fetch quest I thought he was gonna send me to get him a cure. Turns out he’s just a skooma addict.
Kahjiit with skooma: Money
Argonian with skooma: The ones actually using the skoomers
As an argonian man myself I can confirm this
You’re old? Great one liner
So traditionally moon sugar could be compared to cocaine and skooma would be refined cocaine (crack). In morrowind it was smoked. As someone that did crack for 6 months straight a few years ago I can tell you that feeling like your skin is itching and stinging from withdrawal is very common and hellish.
Damn, times were hard back then.
man, I thought the man was just starving to death
no, turns out he has a skooma addiction. dammit.
This man does not represent all us argonians, we don’t claim this junkie.
Argonians are my favorite race
Time for him to go to the whiterun rehab center
You just enabled him. I don’t know if that helps or hurts him. Short term, helps, long term, probably kills
The Bible is truth. Please read at least three books of it, Genesis Mathew and one you chose yourself. As you do look inside your heart and do the inner healing we all need. That’s the important part that makes it all click. Start with forgiveness,
that’s like passing a tweaker on the street, feeling bad for him, then getting him his next hit of meth
Can confirm, all argonians are skooma Addicts
Man’s eyes tho
He’s dopesick it’s not a “molting condition” when ppl are dopesick they say things like their bones or skin hurts and they just need something “to get them through” so their symptoms disappear for a little while.
I thought he was going to ask you to go to his place to help him shed some skin and nothing more.
I can hear angry House Telvanni noises from Xelzaz
Him eyes… lmao
An argonian’s worst fear: molting prematurely
Yeah this is true
“Forget it.” 😑
Stand-in-Shallows is that guy you see at the 7/11 when it’s 2 in the morning…. You know the one.
I always hit em with the “drugs are bad, mm’k?”
I mean, it IS fair to assume that argonians molt and khajiit shed. These are true for most-if-not-all reptiles and furred mammals respectively.
Anyone else’s dyslexia change his name to Stand-n-Swallow? Or is it just me that does it?
Poor lizard man
First half of this *did not* sound like drug withdrawal
Imagine that argonian goes crazy and bites you
U sound like Goku lol
I can’t get over how all argonian names sound like translated native American names from the 1800s
“Your old?!?” Got me 😂💀
Assuming all argonians are drug addicts is exactly the type of behavior that stuck all the elves in the grey quarters. Damn grey skins, I mean lovely elves.
Probably more so that he’s an addict and is feeling like his scales are digging into him because it’s withdrawl.
No They dont, he is just a skooma addict
“He’s going to molt” 😂
Is it bad that I actually though he had a legitimate issue which made me feel bad for him before he revealed he was just an alcoholic
As someone who consistently plays argonians in TES games, in trying to help out my fellow lizards I’ve enabled a LOT of bad habits.
I didn’t expect the dragonborn to sound so… sun deprived if that makes sense
Gotta feel sorry for him. Not everyone can quit their addiction cold-turkey.
A slower scaling down is usually better.
… no pun intended.
I Mean
They ARE Lizards
Don’t be enabling that Argonian skoomahead 😂😂😂😂
He’s feenin’ for sure. My first thought was that he was on that moon sugar.
To be fair, what else is an Argonian gonna do in Windhelm
On that dock is where I pick up my male spouse every playthrough. The lines of Argonians are just magnificent. Granted, there’s a female argonian I could also marry, but her quest bugs like crazy and sometimes I can’t do it.
The skooma will help him achieve CHIM
you sound like Goku when you said “are you alright?”
i like helping people
I know a guy who laughs just like you, it’s funny.
That’s called withdrawals, bruh…
Argonian Dockworker: “hey I’m going thru withdrawals and I know where there’s some skooma, can u get it for me?”
Me: “thanks for the tip.” *Drinks double distilled skooma*
Whats the location
Okay, this was really clever on Bethesda’s part!
The feeling of your skin clawing itself, and feeling stuff running under it, are actual effects of RL drugs akin to Skooma.
I think it’s referring to his addiction. He’s having withdrawal symptoms from skooma.
‘scales are clawing into me’ , could be like ‘ants crawling under my skin’ , which is a sensation many people have when withdrawing from alcohol and other drugs.
So no, probably not all argonians. Probably just the addicts
Dude looked like he had three Skoomas just to get out of bed.
Oh oh..! Two or three days later, there will be 3 guys coming for you and teach some lesson.
they wont be digging into him, they wont get the chance as he’ll be scratching them too much
Love the way Lyle straight up asked the dude “you’re old?”
Because of this I have a question do argonians mult?
Do you like the way your scales feel on your body? Rip off your scales.
Всё же в русской озвучке аргониане действительно звучат, как ящеры. В английском только еле слышно протяжная буква ссссссс
Double distilled! Holy sheet, that’s the gud stuffs
Dude. Seeing Skyrim in decent quality is so strange to me as I’m used to it on the 360. 😂
Okay does this lizard one drugs or alcohol
Is this real? There is a game you can interact with like this?
Dwarven mud crab. I see you are a man of culture as well.
Argonians have the best names dont @ me
Argo boy <33
Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever done this quest. 2000 hours in Skyrim wasted not seeing an Argonian molt I guess
So, we’re enabling addictions now?
This games portrayel of heroine is frightenly accurate.
“He’s going to MOLT.” Is the funniest shit hahah
My first elder scrolls game was Oblivion my first race was argonian
When I went back to Morrowind liberating my character’s people was satisfying
Ngl thats the only way my argonian got through the war. Tough times in Tamriel
My favorite type of quest in Skyrim: Helping people maintain their addication.
Assuming that all Argonians use skomma pretty fucking rasict
I can respect this guy, he didn’t even flinch to help a fien, even knowing that a high dose to someone in withdrawal is most likely gonna kill them lol
I literally did this quest yesterday, best part is I stole the skooma back from him after lol
Would it be like an ingrown toenail, just all over your body?
Bruh, Skyrim literally just made you give an addict more drugs.
Oh man, Argonians are cute…or is it just me who thinks that?
I always help those in needs that’s why I always buy skooma at every khajiit camp
Oh hell nah not the skooma 🤣.
Do Argonians molt… Nevermind, dumb question, of course they do. They’re reptiles.
My dad is actually the Vice President of Bethesda game company and he told me that the argonians have a Disease called agronomy that makes that pain
Bro out here sounding like goku from the og show “are you alright”
Lmao the mudcrab scared me
Skooma is literally just drugs, so yeah it’ll make him feel better, but it won’t help his scales
This is like the admin we got now giving out bags with free crack pipes lol
Argornians dies out because of kajhiit
Kahjiit dies because traveling too much with dragons
Dude looked like he feeling the effects of some skooma
Gotta give the lizard his drugs👍
I always assumed the night mother was a daedra
“You’re OLD?” ☠️
Dudes about to molt out of time and space
Gives him 2 of them
I have played this game loads… And I have never seen/done this quest!😯
All argonians are druggies?
What an interesting name
Edit: so now I have likes I gotta be like oh wow likes I’m famous right?