Playing Skyrim at 3am
Any Skyrim fans out there ? 🪐🔮💜
#Skyrim #Skyrimmemes #Elderscrolls #Khajit #morrowind #Oblivion #Gamingclips #Bethesda #Xbox #Jzargo
Soundtrack “Jeremy Soule- Secunda”
コメント (505)
We were all feeling it. He made a video on it. Respect.
Bro this is the best shit ever
I feel so validated😂
This feeling, this vibe man… There’s simply nothing that compares with this
Bro u mean to say when u high at 3am😂
I been playing Skyrim for a long time and moments like this never get old.
Smoking and feeling in sync with the world is amazing
i did the mehrunez razor quest for the first time recently and was super zoinked. Felt as me and silus went to his smoke spot and weird shit happened, when we had killed the daedra and ran back to dawnstar i never felt so in sync with a character. My mans just had an asperger obsession with shit and insta regretted it
Ayo, that’s a fact! And this specific theme is so fire too.
Perfectly balanced as tod Howard envisaged
Can i just like…..stay here? Forever? Please.
And then you go to random dungeon or fight someone or do a quest and the game turns in to a mediocre turd.
I’ve been there more than once. This is very relatable.
Word 😂 me last night no joke 😅
Honestly so true
I tripped on 4 grams of shrooms to the Skyrim soundtrack. Needless to say it was something else
I stopped playing Skyrim a long time ago. and as I understand the dude who made this short. For 12 years it has not lost its relevance.❤❤❤
Make a FO4 one thats not so chill
Okay I’ll play Skyrim again
Skyrim is a mood, i still rememher those 3am sessions of blacksmithing 10,000 daggers mindlessly and just getting lost in the time i spent playing
i feel you on this bro <3
Lol 😂 fr.
When the edible kicks in.
this video is so good
Yup been there
Skyrim’s soundtrack is so slept on I believe. It’s incredible.
nothing is ever going to beat my very first playthrough of Skyrim on the first dungeon to get the dragon stone tablet thing i still remember how i left snd outside the sky was clear snd i could see the northern lights illuminating the sky it was beautiful
That vape and or marinara hit was accurate asf man.
Is that weed ?
Exaaacctly my guy has the right idea
your hair is great, it shined like a ****in’ mirror
This is why Skyrim is one of the best games ever, the level of immersion is just chim and beyond amaranth!
Moments like these are priceless in skyrim
It really be like that i fk love this game
What is the music please? ❤️❤️❤️
Damn seeing this, gotta do the game again, thank you 🙏
Какая же жиза
yup, reinstall.
Jesus christ i was just thinking of this. Skyrim had such amazing moments. Hope they make another elders scroll this impactful.
Lol , yep.
I see no lies
All facts
Man thats literally me yesterday in vr helmet
im so baked
Respect man
This video hits home in a way you can’t imagine ❤
Bro yes
That’s the vibe
Vibe go hard
I see you busted out the skooma.
This is my Friday.
He’s not wrong. That is exactly how playing Skyrim is. That late, you just don’t want to get involved in another long mission. So you wander. And then come across visuals like this
Tambien hermano
Damn you! I thought i put this behind me but time for a playthrough
Im doing a platinum run rn iust finished 100% dragons age inquisition, now im doing skyrim and all its dlcs 😂 next dragons dogma
I’m not crying! You are crying😢
This video is everything. Literally.
Man this is so peaceful. I wish I could just die and get reincarnated in skyrim
I just restarted this a week ago no mods tryna mop up the last few achievements and this video just hits different cause the night is so beautiful in skyrim
Sooo this is my sign to stop playing and sleep… Farewell
My heart is crying
Damn bro i wanna live IN skyrim❤
That scooma is buzzin!
Sleeping on the most uncomfortable fucking mattress I’ve experienced in my whole Fucking life… thank you for the small window into what I wish I was doing
This shit really goated
I’m doing the same s*** right now
playing skyrim in the dark, secunda playing as you leisurely stroll through the roads at night. the way the two moons look in the sky as you lean back against your pillows, no particular goal or quest in mind as you just take in the scenery. no game has ever compared, honestly
People can say whatever about Skyrim. Sure it stripped out stats, skills and all the rpg elements of the other games but damn it looks good
Yo mero hace doce años cuando tenia veinticinco. Aquellos fueron grandes tiempos.
Like tes 4 oblivion back in my young day’s 😭😶
I actually never related to something so ahrd in my life until now.
Fucking love this game so much
If only
This made me start a new playthrough
I play on the Nintendo switch. I save a file of every beautiful scenery in the game.
I have so many screenshot worthy pictures
This is accurate as shit lol and Me.
My dude just put the exact feeling into video form
Same bro, same
This in VR is a trip. Sometimes, you just stop and gaze
As a member of anti-Skyrim gang, moments like this do stop me from outright never playing it again.
Bro, I wish I could spend a single night in skyrim. I can only imagine how amazing the cool crisp air must feel.
I fuck with it
You get the award for most relatible short
💯 I do this on the regular
Imagine seeing all of this in Skyrim VR
Not a battlepass/lootbox/cash shop/ad in sight
It be like tht fer sure
The music is hauntingly beautiful
Damn I wish nobody to bother you nobody tell you not to do anything sigh games too beautiful sometimes.
Bruh thought i was the only one lmao. Shit got me in awe. I just sit there not even doin nun jus chillin
I thought you were goint to start floating away for a second, when that melody kicked in.
Holy crap bro! Are you a wizard 😮
Fernando meet Skyrim. (Fernando in Skyrim). So kewl holmes.
Hittin the vape in Skyrim is crazy 😂
DUDE !!!!! Me too broo mee too !!
OK, this was deep and personal lol.
Can relate get so into the game sometimes and legit sit back and just enjoy the scenery
Skyrim is the Goat
Me ^^)
Man’s chiefing with the skybros.😂
12yrs ago…. and i still get this feel on point ❤❤
2011 was a wonderful year. Skyrim will always hold a special place on my wallet and heart.
Man… i fell like i dont need to explain, you ‘’ll get it… this game has such amazing immersion
Makes me want to play skyrim again
Man I wish I could play co-op. So I can metaphorically smoke with my buddy in the forgotten vail.
lmao thats what I do, stop to take in the scenery while I smoke a bong pack 🤣
Get that vr bro 😂 a whole new experience
Facts my guy
Smoke a blunt
put the headphones on
Forget I live on earth
Bro, just had that yesterday. I had a friend tell me “Holy shit, we’ve been playing Skyrim for 12 years now.” Hearing that inspired me to play it again and every location I encountered I can remember conversations I’ve had on Xbox 360 lobbies or experiments that turned out to be another way to play the game. At 2:30 am last night, I decided to turn in after I finished this dungeon I was clearing; and on the outside of it was an aurora borealis that made me stare and be thankful for all the experiences I’ve had with the people inside this world and out.
Though Skyrim may not be my favorite RPG, it truly is a game that has changed my life in more ways than one.
This how i felt after arthur died
Someone had to do it
i have the cannabis mod i skyrim
You are my spirit animal
VR and y got it.. it’s incredible
This is the realest shit ever
Try vr
Well met travel, care to join me for some fresh mead.
Yup. Nice 🙂
Bro that shits funny too true
Yeah dude. Yeah.
Lmao smokin dope in Skyrim 😂
Literally me
Actually being able to go there would be so cool
This was me and my friends on read dead at 3am😂😂😂
I feel that
relatable content
Started a new play through that i play through the night bout 3 days ago, being either high or cross faded and this couldn’t be more accurate bruh 😭 sometimes you just be staying still and just chilling to the soundtrack
man i’ve been falling asleep to the ambiance of skyrim. some of the best sleep i’ve had
This is so fucking true! It’s the only game that ever made me feel that way!
Bro, I’d swear to carry your burdens anytime 😂😶🌫️
if you know, you know.
Best time to play Skyrim 👌🏻
a good smoke makes any good game a masterpiece
This is why I finally started playing skyrimVR after having it in my library forever
**courier comes running up to you**
It’s been a while
Christmas 2011
Yesterday playing the Witcher 3 it made me feel me like this, its so awesome.
Sorry my english is poor
Smoking skooma with the boyz
Skyrim is so much better than older scrolls online it’s sad
I feel you bro
just starting my new vegas mod list for a new play through and now I gotta mod tf outta skyrim again bcuz this vid 💯
Facts my man.
My boy captured our souls in video
You know a game is good when it brings you in every once in a while with a nice scenery
Lmao hellye dude
I always loved seeing the night sky of The Elder scrolls games
I love this video so real 💯
Jeremy Soule created amazing songs. In nwn too
What’s their gamer tag 👀
I think we’ve all done this Atleast once
That was me about 7 years ago the first night i played minecraft high as shit with my old cod buddies lol the music put me down every time
Play it in vr and you’ll uninstall it because your married and have two kids now…🥲 im not crying you are
BRO me fucking too.
The biggest thing disappointing me in real life is absence of background music.
More like at 4:20am
Exactly. Fans of the game know😌 blissful immersion
Absolutely nailed this feeling with the vid
The next elder scrolls has alot to live up to. I stopped and admired the views in this and sheogoraths realm in oblivion. There’s something calming about it all
FAAAAACTS! I can’t wait for this day to be over so I can get back to my Wood Elf/Forsworn/Archer build. Spending time in The Reach for a change.
bro, I almost cried.
This be better in VR tho
And then a thief runs up and says shake out all your pockets 😂
yep these where good memories
Actually, Skyrim is the game of the decade (2010-2020).
Far better than Zelda
Nice one buddy!
I run away from nostalgia because it just invokes a sense of sadness. I never get immersed the same way I did when I was a kid. Nothing feels the same anymore. Maybe it’s not supposed to, maybe this is the natural course of things.
VR man. As a teenager i used to rip bowls while playing the game on a box tv.
I can now smoke at that exact tree in VR and fully immerse and take in that view.
This was for real how skyrim VR felt…if it didn’t make me super nauseated I loved it. Strange to be standing inside of the world you know so well, seeing ulfric or gjalmar as tall as you are eye to eye
Skyrim is calling 1 final play through before I move away from home and won’t be able to play games.
This is how it really feel tho
skyrim actually came out year i was born. now that im a fully grown man im still playing my favorite game
in case yall are wondering. he fell asleep whlst playing and his dreams seamlessly drifted into tamriel…happens to me every time xD
Everytime I play it. It’s such a great feeling.
You know this does exist. It’s the skyrim vr mod and it’s incredible. Oculus quest and steam
This is really it
bro get skyrim vr with some solid immersion mods that let you see your body n stuff then find a tree somewhere n kick back
Oh yeah! This is definitely a vibe we all can feel.
Yep, when Secunda hits, i pause and i take the time to appreciate the music
Wish I could play. I gave up and bought a whole new copy and STILL get a glitch where any quest I try to do won’t activate or appear on my mini map. Sad fr.
Wow dude! You nailed it.
Sometimes you would hear a dragon in the distance and you would just stand there hearing those echoing cries in the night just taking in the ambience!
I haven’t replied Skyrim since like 2017 I’m running through now as a 2 handed warrior with axes and I’m maxing out all my crafting for smithing enchanting and alchemy to make some crazy armor and weapons! Also putting points into speech since I buy and sell alot of stuff now to keep up with the crafting 😊
God, I can already imagine if Deep Dive VR ever becomes a reality, someone is gonna try to replicate Skyrim for it.
Why is this something we’ve all low key imagined
😂 facts
Nailed it . Totally been there . This week even.
Awesome 😂
The universe knows I’m craving skyrim
Bro that is me af. Can only imagine what it’s like in vr
Skyrim vr is a treat, I’d recommend
POV: coma
Skyrim nailed the Fantastical realism that makes Bethesda games so good.
It’s clearly impossible, but everything comes together to make the world feel like a real place.
You can lose hours at a time in these worlds and adventures, and unlike other games, it feels well spent, and the real world feels slightly dull when you leave.
Exactly dude. Secunda is the best.
I remember this particular day. It was summer and it was month before 1st year high school. Playing Skyrim at 2:00am then suddenly a deep realization hits me, the same exact scenery with the same exact music. Fully immersed myself to the world. Pulled out of trance when grandpa saw me still playing at that hour, he was little drunk at that time. He sat down beside me and talked about life, while we both immersed at the beauty of Skyrim. He’s chilling in Aetherius now
Nah man because of you I need to play it again and never touch it again for a year after… Goddamn
Damnit, okay, I knew it was time.
*Legendary Dragon Proceeds To Drop On Top Of You*
Some people come back for story, some for NPC interaction but we all know we come back for the atmosphere
…. ojala mundo fuera asi de hermoso lastima como este mundo ya no es asi eo echo de la luz del mundo nublo la nube de la noche no esta claro como ese juego asi es que deberia ser
Literally just go outside and away from the city, I love having my friends from the city swing by, anytime they step outside they get blown away by the night sky.
This takes me back. This game was ahead of its time.
Imagine Skyrim in vr
Going around dungeon after dungeon and then resting at the campfire with the night skies, pretty surreal experience in VR, felt like I was truly there
POV: after you beat Alduin 😂
Yesss love it
We really out here rn ✌️
So good! Can def relate!
ayo m’aiq, pass the skooma
And next thing you know your console is on fire bc u slumped and it still running.
Man i appreciate the hell out of this video. We all had this moment when playing this game.
Playing Skyrim in the middle of the night just heals my soul.
Skyrim’s ambient is one of the best I’ve ever heard
Pretty much doing this right now
Spends 6 hours trying to get 300 mods to work, plays for an hour, uninstalls.
The weed pen was the cherry on top, good video
Fr fr ✌️
yooo I was talking to my coworker about listening to video game music and she started teasing me and asked what exactly. I said the streets of whiterun, because it’s so damn chill. she agreed, she only ever played skyrim, and that was her favorite song too. good video man
Brother Skyrim vr
I still feel weird knowing the music for the next one will be a complete departure
Damn time to get suckered into Skyrim now that i got a ps4, my favourite part us starting a new playthrough and walking to high hrothgar on foot taking the paths, the music and the ambience is so amazing at night, especially if youre smoking a j while playing, i do kind of burn myself out i play for like a month straight taking my time with everything listening to all conversations even if ive heard them 1000 times just for the immersion
i feel you
Skyrim has some of the best ambient music in video game history.
True ❤
Lmfao its perfect ive Smoked a whole joint and just played skyrim latenight and I would ‘Wait’ in game Until about 1:00am just to see the beautifuk nights up on a high hill or mountain.
I really really miss this feeling
Broo me like a mf 😂😂💀
Skyrim Vr friend, with mods
Thank God I’m not the only one that feels like this lol
by far the best video i’ve seen on yt. i miss playing skyrim for the first time and being up until 3 am exploring and listening to this soundtrack
DEADASS!!!! Bro that game is still so Beautiful. I have my original disc from 2011. It literally has prices out of the middle and still work😭🙏🏻
This is the best thing i’ve ever seen
Bra that’s a vibe man
Bro high af
It is Nostalgia …what a good days were… Now i am too busy …work… Work …work
This is what is about.
He has no enemy
Just need a VR set
One Great Way to Describe The Love of Skyrim Players for this Game!❤️🗿🍷😅
You’re the whole vibe and I appreciate that. Mood AF
Secunda… what a beautiful track. Also thanks for putting the name of the song in the description, there are many in skyrim so wouldve been hard to find. This exactly how it feels to delve jbto the world of skytim jmduring the moonlit hours, what incredible atmosphere they created.
This is real
Omg yes, also going for a horse ride at night in skyrim vr so nice
I like your Weapon choice 👌🤜🤛
This is *actually* my fav short on YouTube.
You even got Secunda playing.
Okay but why is no one talking about your hair it is gorgeous !?
3rd person Skyrim is crime
Right on
Damn I should probably go to sleep. Sees the scenery and realizes he’s already dreaming
thank you for this… I love it.
This is what happens when its three a.m irl and in skyrim
It’s a journey I will never forget
So much
Yes yes and yes. If you’ve not done this…why are you even playing skyrim? 😅
Bro every time this exact moment happen, I moved my camera to the sky just to admiring how magical this game.
Go to Iceland man. You will see how Skyrim really is. ❤ 🇮🇸
Skyrim sucks.
Idk why but I like that vid
Felt this video in my soul
recently started skyrim VR playthrough with all the mods that make it look and feel so much better and this exact feeling consumed me for a whole 20 minutes when night hit while exploring some mountains
Yep so true so true sometimes you do forget it is best to forget where you at
Me, a Skooma Pipe, and the Aurora Borealis!
W vid
If this ain’t me, I don’t know what is!!! I absolutely love at night time and taking in the scenery
Been there. Done that. Loved it.
Actually the best video I’ve ever seen
lmao this is perfect 😂🌲🌬
Playing Skyrim right now
Truly a dream. Ngl though I was waiting for a Saber Cat to get you lol
This was me the first time I played it in VR
Skyrim’s a beautiful game.
For real, though 😂
Dude honestly man
That is me playing Skyrim VR right now. Sometimes I just have to sit and exist in that world, it’s so breathtaking.
same my dude i havent played in 7 years and to me it feels like i started over again sometimes i like to stand in fields in skyrim just look at that nice sky ❤
Omg we all been there lol
Same vibes with Elden ring
So f*** true <3
Bro this is the most accurate meme I’ve ever seen. The amount of times I catch myself headphones full blast wandering at night then just stopping to stare and feel peace is insane
Skyrim has one of thee greatest soundtracks of any game/movie.
Como se disfruta tanto Skyrim con un poco de la buena! Saludos de Argentina amigo
Those were the best nights
The best feeling there is
Bro that nirnroot Jzargo sold me last week still got my stamina a lil messed up
Bro this feeling in VR was the only real worthy part of Skyrim vr… to truly understand the scale of it all
Literally me
Get the vr version and spend i hours molding it. It was worth it to me
cant explain the feeling this game gives me
The atmosphere always brings me back for another run
Always wanted to see these northern lights in the sky before I die, skyrim made it possible.. Thanks Todd.
Have you done this on Oblivion in the Shivering Isles? No words can describe the feeling.
Thanks for this.
Its just such a masterpiece
Music is so fitting too
I have never connected more with a Skyrim short. Made with the finest of moon sugar, here is your sub.
Aurora Borealis?
Yoooo, for real
If there’s one place i could go when i die
VR Skyrim be like
thought he was gonna pass out from Skyrins sleepy soundtrack like I’ve done many times 😅
Thats how it be
Ugh can’t wait to play Skyrim on a big monitor, it will be even more immersive then 😍
next playthrough in 212 days… yep, i love skyrim, but there are other games to be immersed into in this heat. skyrim best winter game ever <3
Nah fr
Man, Jeremy Soule’s music hits.
At the end of the day, allegations are allegations. He shouldn’t be judged as guilty by everyone until the court judges after rigours examination and collecting evidence.
Until that day, he shouldn’t be forced to leave his job. Not one that he’s worked at for decades, man. Then again, Bethesda doesn’t want to have that reputation for harbouring a possible grapist so I can understand them axing him – cancel culture really is a bitch, huh?
I just hope that these move beyond baseless accusations and get into a court of law where his innocence (or guilt) can be proven instead of the poor man having to live with a reputation he may or may not deserve.
When you wish for VR
Shit I want to rail some moon sugar with M’aiq and go sight seeing
Secunda is Just the Most beautiful Ost in all of gaming
I have 5k Hours on Point. Ive done Everything and anything. Any Single Quest anything. And I cant stop Enjoying this game every time I think about it.
We all need to work on some sao type shit for Skyrim and upload all our consciousness to the elder scrolls world. Fuck this one. Let’s all chill in tamriel, motherfuckin high elves can’t stop all of us from rushing summerset
10 years later and skyrim is still played amongst us. Amazing atmosphere.
You know that you can play in Vr head set
Literally feeling this so hard.
Love this so much 👌🏻🖤🙏🏻
Look for the three stars in a small triangle. You can see the same ones if you look up in Oblivion.
No gonna lie i grabbed a cup of coffee and spend a good 4 hours just enjoying the moment when i first saw this.
Random but relatable God I miss Skyrim
I put a 10hr Skyrim night playlist almost all nights…
Segunda ❤️🔥
And I also hit the DOPE while listening sum times, I love Skyrim
3am gaming hits different, especially when playing campaign based games
I started a whole new play through. Because of you . And I’m just high as hell getting lost in skyrim .. only on weekends from 12 am to 5am cuz I have a family 😂
Bro. Skyrim vr had me doin this for days. Ever smoke a blunt with paarthurnax?
It do be like that
Don’t do this to me, I already have 10k hours
hits so different
Chillest guy in the province
LMAO the accuracy 😂
And then you have to piss and when you get back your tired and then to go to bed with the music
I love this
One of my favourite accidental shorts. Just nailed that feeling.
Playing Skyrim as a kid who couldn’t understand english was such a special and unique experience man. Every quest, every dialogue line became whatever my imagination would come up with, so it was way more immersive than it would have been if i actually had any ideia of what was going on.
Makes me want to bust out the VR mod again
Honestly, i dont have the words for how much i can relate to this. Nearly 4k hours and i still catch myself stopping to take in the scenery
Bro being from cities, I always think this. Enjoying the night, the music, the peace, the blunt. It’s all perfect and ain’t no one bothering you
alright back to them game i go
Does anyone ever get so tired that they run around in circles
In VR🗿
My brother’s and sisters of mundus ! 😂
it truly is beautiful tho
sharing a smoke with the bandits, man i miss that
i wish real live could be this peacefull
This beautifully captures the immersion of Skyrim
Me but with oblivion.
Yes but have you ever gone outside in real life at 3am?
Dudes high bruh😂
This is me everytime i play skyrim and it’s dark and no one is around
With full volume
And inigo and lucien and sofia and record and ebony warrior (follower) traveling together
Fuck yeah
Yell yeah man
Bro thats me!
I love this games, with a few mods and some good blackout curtains it’s easily the best time ice ever had.
This guy gets it.
Catch myself doing this too many times
It’s fine to see another merry soul on this fine evening. How about we share a nice bottle of honningbrew mead?
OMG man! This game is so so imersive!!! Every time i play this game i feel living in Whiterun… I love this game so much!!! Oh boy!!!!
Dam bro I can relate 😂😂😂
I’m going down the rabbit hole again. Swear that song is one of the most beautiful ever made.
This was. Badass.
Bros got that feel down.
Suddenly monster hunter Betelguese
I wish i could do that…
Ahh yes the iconic Skyrim night scenery
J’zargo wants you to use his flame cloak scrolls to light the spliff
si no sientes esto al jugar skyrim… no lo estas jugando bien
idk who you are bro but this sucha vibe of a video bless you bro
They still out here peaceful af
my man
Well there is skyrim vr so you can do it in first person
I remember that feeling
Lmao real, once My friend and I took shrooms and he played something else I can’t remember while I played Skyrim ON A VR HEADSET and by the gods that was the most peaceful thing ever
😂 so true!
Yeahhh buddy!!
Yooooooo I like this
I do this all the time playing this beautiful game here’s to elder scrolls 6!
The khajit said “is that the zaza i smell?”
The fuck that’s my night daily down to the pen hit
This feeling
Its the music man. I love that shit I run a bulldozer for a living and listen to several from skyrim and oblivion while I push its relaxing I guess but also takes me back to simpler times.
Good game ❤
We need to get this man a vr stat!
Man, that make me so melancholic
Lmaooo it’s so peaceful.
Music skyrim secuda
Love it. Perfect cross-section of funny and relatable.
So true ❤
This went crazy hard. Literal goat Skyrim video. TOO RELATABLE
Dude Maiq would totally bring the good shit to smoke
Умоляю название трека
Да время настоля я снова проду скарим это мтоит многого
Skyrim vr, fulfills that feeling.
He Looks Just like my Brother😂
do this in VR. its a different world.
Skyrim ❤️
I don’t play Skyrim, I go to Skyrim. Just like this vid. 🏆
I do the same shit when I walk into a tavern at night…it be poppin’
A bandit would fck u up if you were ever inside skyrim
Too relatable
Every single time I play. The ambience, the music, the quests, that ballsy “chosen one” feeling I have walking around. I just need a VR headset & a fan pointed at my face with a pine-scented candle lit nearby.
Bro playing this game back in 2011 when it released, seeing sights like this in the game was amazing.
proceeds to hit the pen…
I always feeling it when SECUNDA arrives
Not everyone gets Skyrim, but those who get it, get it.
W Vibes
Try skyrim VR
I bought Skyrim many years ago but never played it, because i wanted to mode it and don’t know how, maybe i should give it a try anyway ! ! ! !
*sighs* time to 100% the game for the 8th time
Skyrim hits different
You just gained a subscriber my friend.
That really is what it feels like especially if you’re walking through golf courses 5am.
The graphics are so good tho for the landscape
Played VR skyrim and this definitely hits the vibes ngl. Spent hours just chilling looking at the night sky. (Had to freeze time cheat)
Traveling across Skyrim when it’s dark in the game and in real life is a magical, special feeling. It’s the world and the music together that set the stage for memories to be made
Secunda is my favorite musical composition of all time
This is sooooo true😂!
It really be like that
One of my greatest desires is to experience what this video illustrates, obviously Elder Scrolls, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones etc. don’t actually exist, that doesn’t stop me from wishing I could see the beautiful tundra of Skyrim, the glimmer of the Undying Lands in Middle-Earth, or the untouched wilderness of the North
There’s really nothing quite like Skyrim. And the music is absolutely perfect.
🚬🥲🌚 hit me with the feels
Pfuuuh… Haaaa
Pfuuuh… Haaaa
Pfuuuh… Haaaa
It’s a shame that Jeremy Soule won’t be composing the soundtrack for the new TES game.
Good skooma
skyrim in vr is amazing tbh
i could actually sleep there
Bro after this short i want to create a new save, make the character and close the game.
Love this dude
G for real
make another one
Bro this a straight vibe fr
Seems more like playing skyrim at 4:20 am, but yes.
I would give it a like, but it’s on 666 and don’t want to change it XD
Ah yes the best friend you can ever have. Jzargo
As a skyrim alchemist, that unpicked tuft of tundra grass is…
as much as i love sovengarde, skyrim night sky is so beautifull
i always want a meditation mod where u get a small buff from not moving 10, 15, 30 minute
J’zargo 100% the plug at the college
I sleep😴
I need skyrim vr at 3am
So relatable
Skyrim and that zaza mix so well, don’t they?
I love iy
Or any time really
I’ve played Oblivion & Skyrim on PS, XBX & PC….and every damned time it was Epicly Awesome.
The Music in these games, the Atmosphere….shit…Mag🙌🏿ical For Real.
I hope Microsoft institutes serious changes within Bethesda so there’s no more Buggy Messes or Lazy “Remasters”
I hope they Release ES6 on every platform it can so it makes Microsoft enough money to keep them Happy & the Elder Scrolls Franchise going.
I also hope the same is said for Oblivion and Fallout as they deserve Proper Love & Respect for all gamers.
Hell yeah brother, I also love coming across a nice camp and night and chilling there and smoking a bowl which watching the lights of the sky
Just needed to drink some skooma with khajit
That’s that true immersive experience
Yeah i know this feeling..😢
It’s time for new playthrough and i definitely won’t be an archer 😂
Skyrim VR at 3 am… very nice
i respect it fr fr, i got a 4k night sky mod, so when the northern lights happen… it looks bliss a..f
I love Skyrim for the fact that its something that i have no memories or feelings attached to it. It is its own independent experience and identity, and i can enjoy it in the moment, as it is, without feeling nostalgia or the game taking me back to another time. Its timeless.
Turn on this music when i go sleep
Me as of lately
Literally me
That’s why i love this game so much
I love to see Hogwarts Legacy there too. These two games have something in common.
It really do be like that
immaculate vibes
Yep it’s time for a new playthrough
Standing next to the Khajit killed me 😂
Just found your content love you man
-Are you crying?
-No, Skyrim hit on eyes😢…
Smoking that canis root hard
This is so accurate..!! Still love this game and ots atmosphere so much..
Perfect 👌
When you gotta fight a boss in the next town over , take a rest
Skyrim it’s so magical , it’s an experience ❤
Best track in the game imo. Good schtuff.
Hahaha, can relate.
Damn bro thats so atmospheric
Дайте мужику оскар, он курил вейп в Скайриме 👍💨
It do be like that
M’aiq says he has no za but you know he’s lying