Being in a Skyrim prison with the Dragonborn #shorts #skyrim
Taqs:asmr,dragonborn,i am naiwal,naiwal,naiwal skyrim,skyrim
コメント (201)
Taqs:asmr,dragonborn,i am naiwal,naiwal,naiwal skyrim,skyrim
コメント (201)
No miss here hahahahahahahhah
This seems more like a oblivion thing. But it’s good stuff.
His bootyhole 😂
bro in the drunk tank concerned for the safety of the realm
The guards looking at all the *can’t remove quest items* “well shit”
Somehow these shorts started showing up in my feed and I must admit. Many, like this one, are pretty funny and cool
the dragonborn only goes to jail if he’s too bored to use his immense wealth to just pay the fine.
“By order of the Jarl–”
“Here. Money. Shut up and go away before I use you and your friends to powerlevel. I’m busy.”
Ah the dragon born the person who will either save the world or destroy it
He should’ve smelled the skeleton key as he walked out the cell door.
I only go to jail if I want to get rid of my bounty…there’s no way they’re putting me in a cell unless that cell is where I want to be. Especially not with mods. I heal faster than they can wound me, and have like 100,000 health too. Plus I have like a million armor defense as well. It’d be impressive if they even SCRATCH me. But one swing and even Akatosh would die.
quest item can’t be removed also i’ve done that
I remember my first play through i had a obsession with stealing keys. Just all the keys that could open something. If there was a key to the jail cell i would probably have that to
God i love this guys content. So funny and original
“Quest items cannot be removed”
I mean…the key does have a flared base at the end 💀
“They got ya huh”
“Only because I chose to, I wanted to see what it was like”
Being left in prison might be the safest place
Lets be real
Us skyrim players do the nightingale quest for the armor and the skeleton key
Nobody uses the powers
Im a god damn vampire and i use my vampire lord powers for the funny
Dude asking where he got that from not realizing he’s looking at one of the most powerful daedric artifacts to ever grace nirn. It can phase itself in an out of existence at the wielders will.
This is the best one
Guards couldnt remove the quest item from the inventory
Skeleton key is better then the Armour
This might be a bad thing..🤣.. I’d stay in my cell too
I think they patched that out. I legit tried this thinking they cant take it as its a quest item but then i went and boom. No key just tiny lock pick
Man I totally lose myself when the prisoner laugh and the killer say ”what you talking about?” like Negan, just got me so much, I love this video😆
I’ve got tears in my pillow from laughing at this shit.
Def a bad thing
When your locked up in the wrong cell with petty criminals and your a mass murderer bent on defending the world and bending it to your will all at once. He needs to be in one of those magneto prisons that hang off a cliff. 😂😂😂
Look when your the dragon born and you saved the world your allowed to do what ever you want
You damn right I’m serving my time. I own a farm that makes about 1k gold a day without me having to do anything. I’ll wake up with 20-30 grand 🤣
The tavern thing has happened to me. I can empathize.
NPC: you can’t go walking around without protection
*My level 200 dragonborn with 100 in all magic*
I love ur acting
Prison Wallet
😂😂😂🤤a ha?!? dang💪💪💪👌
Prisons the only time my poor Dragonborne gets to sleep.
Imagine visiting Rorikstead for the first time. It’s named after a Breton who fought in the last war. He is getting up in years for his race; he had a dark elf companion. The town is said to be named after him, though it is written about many times in lore books as being an ancient place. They always have plentiful harvests.
Seeing you do that has me wondering; if you have the skeleton key when your get taken to jail, does it get removed or because it’s a quest item, do you keep it in your inventory?
A lot of people doesn’t quite fit the dragonborn.
Turned the surrounding cities into a wasteland fits more
That’s not just any key. That’s the skeleton key he’s got there xD
or you get pulled in for them to take any stolen belongings and then just leave
Im dead
I love that this incorporates elements to both the thieves guild and dark brotherhood storyline, because of course the dragon born is the leader of all significant factions and organizations in Skyrim.
This dude never fails to make funny skits. He just can’t miss! Wow. Like where does he even think of the content
I’m just imagining that these two are in the same cell, but the other guy just stays put to serve his time because he doesn’t want to get involved with whatever the hell is about to happen.
My favorite was freeing a prisoner then once we walked a path a bit, turned into a werewolf and ate him
The waffle house found its new host.
“This might be a bad thing”
Dragonborn proceeds to kill every single guard in town😂
This guy is criminally underrated!
Dude your content kills.
So, you can bound daedric dagger, sword, bow AND FUCKING TWO HANDED AXE! But you can`t just conjure a little toothpick to pick the lock, so you`re using skeleton key, that is so complicated by design – it`s not even matching time period
Love your vids man your hilarious keep up the great work
Man seriously, you’re an insanely good actor.
Even when he decides to do the time he’d get out before the guy that was in a bar fight
that 3d printed skeleton key is fucking awesome
Bro you’re freaking hilarious all these skits crack me up 😂
it is a bad thing, DB is a menace
I remember when I was younger I used to purposefully get put in prison so I could escape because it was fun
when the crazy one make sense
This might be the best one
You got me man im dling skyrim again
Where DID he pull that out of?
Approaches adjacent cell with boner
*quest items cannot be removed from inventory*
Aah … Dang!
is that the skeleton key?
I picked the cell lock made a duplicate and left it in the cell for later
Npc I stole bread to save my sick and starving child MC I killed 9568 people before blowing up ⅓ of the world and stealing the lands riches
🤣🤣🤣 I’m playing skyrim now, this is way too relatable and funny as hell
The black air force one activity is strong with that laugh at the end lmfao
Oh… dang.
“This might be a bad thing” 🤣🤣💀
guard walks past:
Fus Ro Du
“Quest item baby, they can’t confiscate this!”
This’s hilarious
That skeleton key be the reason that people who are supposed to spend 5-10 years, spend 5-10 seconds
“Eeeeee-hee they gad me tu” was all i needed to hear to know this one was gonna be fuckin hilarious
“whaddya talkin bout?” 0U0 “Oh *see ya* “
“ah- daeng.” *other prisoner is just looking around nervous as fuck*
I love these videos so much
I love the very just- lunatic ramble delivery.
It made it unreasonably calm and chaotic at the same time
The real question I was always asking in Oblivion and Skyrim…. Where they keeping the one lock pick? I have a good idea.
Man where you pull that out of fr
“Yo if I get caught tryna get my loot back? This whole prison is dying… *stares into other prisoners soul* THE WHOLE….PRISON”
Broskies… what’s he using as the jail bars?! On point.. at first I thought it was banister.. but then I was like no can’t be cause of the background… lol
A dark elf from across the dungeon: Oh the mighty Dragonborn, caught in jail, how tragic… Oh look, do you hear that? The guards are coming, for you!
You truly feel like a God in that game when no prison can hold you, and no guard can stop you.
First time I played Skyrim got locked up but still had a fire spell and just started burning the guards alive once I got out of the cell
Goes to jail for the 100th time and the bar fight guy has been there the whole time
I love it great vid man I’ve seen a few of your vids now love the content I’m subscribing plus I love I love fallout 4
That skull key
Yo where’d you pull that out of 😂😂😂
This man just made the Dragonborn seem so sus.
“I-Im sure you’ll serve your time… be alright”
“What you talking ’bout 😈 🗝”
Love it. Downloading Skyrim for a quick dark brotherhood playthrough
I try so hard to be a bad guy in these games I just can’t work up the maliciousness needed
“HeY WhErE DiD jAh pUlL OuT oF” must that filthy casuals first time in jail.
imagine getting caught for killing the emperor. Murder only gets you a fine of 1000 gold per body which is knocked down if you got good speech….and that’s only if you leave witnesses. And if you leave witnesses, then you’re not really a good Listener. I’d be worried about a Dragonborn that LETS themselves get caught
I thought he was going to serve his time for a day or two, and still get released before the other guy.
Oh no he’s got the skeleton key lol
This is what happens when you have the skeleton key, use mage armour spells with perks and summon conjured weapons, every jail is just screwed 😂😂
What’re talking about? That and the face is overly funny and I do not know why. Haven’t even played Skyrim
The dragon born is the kind of guy to purposefully get caught by the guards, and escape prison just so he could get to dragonsreach in the cloud district faster
My guy using a doggy gate as prison bars lmao
Aphex twin
Then you see the dragon born sleep for 2 weeks straight and wake up exactly in time to be released
Oh oh. he’s done it again.
What’s the music in the background
Me with a bounty of 15k Gold because I refuse to goto prison
In Tifton you can just take a bucket and run through the door. Just take your stuff from the unsupervised chests and walk out. The guards won’t even mind because you didn’t open the door
“This might be a bad thing” got me crying dude
“Yeah I murdered the entire populace of Whiterun… anyway I’m going to bed won’t be seeing you”
what about the fact of “quest items cant leave ur inventory”
(Muffle and invisibility) Then walks out.
Holy hell you’re funny 😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Every one of your shorts I’ve seen makes me laugh every time. Love these videos so so much you are hilarious, divines bless you
“Wutchu talkin bout?” 😜
*boofs key*
Bro I wanna see more on the prisoner 😂
Don’t forget the shout and dragon born possibly being a werewolf so your stuck with a half dragon, werewolf, thief, assassin and with magic at his finger tips and plenty of weapons as well as archery bro
The prisoner should be happy cuz being locked away into some damp dark dungeon where there is nothing to do is probally the safest place with my psychopatic ass running around
I’ve killed…so many…
And I’ll do it again, and again, and again, there are no consequences, I went to heaven and killed god
The joke is that no one does that’s because fuck the main quest
I normally “clean” the cells before leaving. Even leave them with fresh paint on the walls
“Yo where’d you pull that out it?”
I’m fuckin dying
Well lets see…
Killed a shit ton of marks for the Dark Brotherhood, including the emporer and his neice.
Burned the Aldmeri Dominion Embasy to the ground and slaughtered them to the last mer.
Systematically killed every bandit, animal, tree spirit, giant, forsworn, draugr, and dragon from Solitude to Riften holds.
Cleansed an ancient and terrible clan of vampires while trying to date the master vampire’s daughter.
Revived and strengthen the grip of the Theive’s Guild all across Skyrim.
Completed the errands for 16 Daedric princes for fun and profit.
Chased Alduin into the afterlife so I could bully him into non-existence.
And Finally!
Stole every sweet roll I could find along the way!
There’s something about the way he’s watching the hallway with that side eye that has me weak!
Skeleton key in the prison pocket
Prolly safer in the jail
What’s awesome about these videos is bro is genuinely a good actor and makes these scenes work so well
Skeleton key being a quest item makes this even funnier because it literally wouldn’t have been taken off you
your videos are perfect everyone 👌
My guy like *”Yeah I’m gonna stay in here…rather not be out there with you on the loose”*
That smile and look in his eye after, “ Where did you pull that out of?” was top tier sus.
What you talking about?
–yea he’s bad news lmfao 😂
Sabojn gets life for giving a guy a tummy ache.
A smart man finishes the guild questlines first so you can just bribe your bounty away.
Never finished the Thieves Guild quest. The skeleton key is just mmmmmm
Always got that one lockpick 😉
Lady Nocturne no longer wants her key back
“See ya..” hahahaha
Dude this guys role playing/Acting are so on point….he definitely played a convincing crazy guy in jail here….love these man
ah yuss, the trusty asskeleton key
This man pulled out the skeleton key 🗿
I honestly thought you were going to go to bed and poof you’re free
Top tier content
Lol it was “where’d you pull that out of” that got me 🤣
Or the other way out, via the escape route.
The lowly trouble maker vs the evil genius Dragonborn
“Where you pull that out of”
“Trust me man you don’t wanna know”
“See ya…” That shit made me laugh AND gave me the chills.
Another great short, keep em coming man, love you’re work.
You stayed in that cell a lot longer than me..
And you left a witness..
Broooo I’m Dying!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂
Yooooooooo you’re an Amazong Actor!!!!!
You gotta pick pocket everyone in the prison 10000 times to get that lockpick up
Best one yet! 🤣🤣
The key from the thieves guild quest line was singlehandedly one of the most broken items in the game. You could literally keep the key in your inventory if you didn’t finish the quest line. 😂
The dragon born has a large prison pocket
Good lord you always have one lockpick when you get arrested..
The where did you pull that out of was too apt
Bro all your shit is amazing.
Where did you pull that out of?
This might be the best of all of them
Wait till he sees him pull out them bound swords….
Prisoner: i started a fight over gold
Me: i killed all guards in markarth because they where annoying me
Must be markarth lol
So accurate my dude.😂
I wish the prison system was good, instead of you just getting a free lockpick
Dude, you continuously put out funny, original content. I can’t wait to see you hit the big times.
Keep these going man lol best renditions of Fallout and Skyrim I’ve seen and you’re actually funny and not trying hard like most.
Straight Gold
ive never broke out
This man is singlehandedly the reason I bought Skyrim again
Dude, you are the best! Every single one of these has me legitimately laughing out loud, and it’s been a long time since a creator got me like that!
Bro you is hilarious, these vids don’t get enough love!
this is so true
I’m In for stealing sweet rolls
“This might be a bad thing.” “He might go kill somebody!”
This has to be the most accurate things about Skyrim…..like where in the holy freak does Dragonborn keep them lockpicks and skeleton key at when he goes into jail🤔🤣
Lol,quest items can’t be confiscated biiitttch
Where…..Where did he pull that out of? 😳😦
Summons my daedra butler and dwarven mudcrab
Getting locked up just to level up your lockpicking skills.
Bro you don’t miss 😂😂😂
“ohhh dang” 😂😂
Nah it’s fine I’m gonna save the world.
That smile… that goddamn smile😭
That face that went with “oh?” *Starts to lockpick*
Bro I fuckin *LOVE* your shorts. They’re genius.
Lmfao Skyrim is in peril and not from dragons
Bro every video has me busting a gut. This is gold 😂
Don’t forget convincing a priest to follow you into an ancient ruin then eating him
“This might be a bad thing” 🤣😂🤣 my mans don’t miss
Crossover of this dude and Joevahkin would be Legendary.
“This might be a bad thing” got me
I thought he actually was going to stay in the jail and only stay in there for like, a week.
And then there’s Brand-shei, who’s stuck in jail forever because the dragonborn framed him for stealing a ring.
The trustee old skeleton key
Oh the key part
Lmao he’s like lucky
The nuance