Super CREEPY Max Carry Weight Tip in Skyrim! – #shorts (Skyrim Tips & Tricks)
Skyrim Facts 11!
Skyrim Tips and tricks: How to get Unlimited Carry Weight useing undead followers!
The creators of The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim Special Edition, Bethesda put allot of hidden details and secrets into the game this Skyrim gameplay shorts series seeks to uncover the Skyrim lore, mysteries, secrets behind many of Skyrim’s locations that have yet to be found. Today we will be taking a look at some useful Skyrim tips and tricks you can use in your own gameplay in The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim.
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Taqs:skyrim,the elder scrolls 5: skyrim,the elder scrolls 5,the elder scrolls,tes 5,skyrim easter eggs,skyrim easter egg,skyrim secret,skyrim facts,skyrim top 5,skyrim top 10,the elder scrolls facts,skyrim special edtion,skyrim se,skyrim mod,skyrim creation club,bethesda,eso,shorts,carry weight,secrets,skyrim tips,skyrim tips and tricks
コメント (980)
Corpses destroy the beauty of the holds, i usually dump them in the river or in some bushes.
….. I knew that
*cop screams at the top of his lungs like a little girl*
*me reaching elbow deep into anus of draugr*: “So you don’t wanna see my ID? Its right here officer.”
Cheese 😂
It’s actually impressive coding that a body with full armor is harder to lift than an empty one.
“i am sworn to carry your burden”
I just hop on my horse and fast travel and fix my load out with one of my many chests filled with loot.
Reanimated corpse: “ughhhhhhh”
Me: “we?”
Or have a follower drop all ur shit ask them to pick it up I do it all the time
Lord Todd Howard is great❤😢
No, I most certainly did NOT carry a “murse” in Fallout 3 because I am a hoarder – how dare you insinuate that. I’m offended.
I wander how reliable shipping items on bodies through the rivers would be 😂
Or use the Alchemy glitch to create a powerful enchanting potion and …
Yeah … I’m already bored with this comment.
Mind blown
I can’t believe I never thought of this! It’s beautiful!
There’s a problem with just carrying them though how much weight in a body’s inventory this also includes what’s equiped on them effects so if your putting thousands of pounds in there inventory they either won’t move or can barely be moved which makes it so you can only really move them on a flat surface so it would be better to just be over incumbered it’s still useful if there inventory is light enough and so are the necromancer ones just pointing that out
Chop off a limb and then do that, but remember to collect your belongings before entering a new area
Actually some of those spells can be set with a 60 second timer so that it despawns itself into a pile of ash after 60 seconds.
Not much for elder scrolls but in New Vegas, after stealing hundreds of pounds of gold from the Dead Money dlc – I found a coyote, murdered it and decapitated it, shoved hundreds of pounds of gold and other loot into the head and carried at half way across the Mojave wasteland 😅
I’ve done all these things, if you drag them too far they can despawn and your stuff is gone. Last time I checked the ash piles from reanimated things never disappear but become unsearchable sometimes. Not good if you don’t want that burdening your cpu usage.
I used to kill village after village and make an army of undead and conquer all of Skyrim
Pfffff we learned that back in New Vegas
thats actually a really clever tip
I prefer a rabbit and a skiver as my bag for going crossed the tundra
Played skyrim like 30 times for the last 10 years and i cant belive i never thought about it
Turn them into a zombie if you drag them far they will despawn once entering a new cell
Im dissatisfied that it took me this long to realize this 😑
I just summon Arvak, then get on him to fast travel
…………………oh my god, thats genius
Or just save the time and effort and just mod your carry weight
I did this but with a chicken.
Or you can do ~ tgm like any normal PC player . fk consoleturds
I’m not a necromancer I just need a walking chest
Idk if its the unofficial special edition patch mod that i have downloaded, but the heavier a corpse is (with all the loot they have in it) the harder it is to move
You know that is one thing I’ve never tried. Nor would have thought about. Because I don’t play a mage so I don’t ever use reanimated corpse I’m going to go try that
Doesn’t Lydia have infinite carry weight? I always just gave her all of my stuff which would backfire occasionally bc the idiot would get killed without me realizing it sometimes
ah yes, the old skeleton trick. I like to bring an arm with me so they’re giving me a hand with all this loot.
oooo. I was having trouble w/ survival mode cus of the weight limitations but this should make it much easier
But it’s no fun unless they protest
True. You can also do this when you become a master of the alterations tree and unlock all the perks. Of course, if you just use some cleverly made enchantments and potions it won’t matter anyway
Never thought of this!
Omg this is the best
Guard: hey why does your friend have so many weird shapes poking out of his stomach?
Dragonborn: are you kink shaming him?
Dead thrall. Though tbh I can’t imagine anyone who doesn’t have some modded spells and stuff in their game at this point unless they are intentionally playing an old gen version like 360 or something. Usually you’ll have a few dozen more unique options. I had a spell that summoned catapults that I would load up with items and then fling them half a mile ahead for one of my more unique solutions
Well now I know what I’m using 😅
You can also drop all your stuff on the ground and if you have a follower tell them to pick it up, they will still pick it up even over max capacity
This is how I stole all the gold bars from the sierra Madre….. using an old man’s skull as a shopping bag
Or make a ring that can hold 900000 items just like I did😂😂😂😂😂
Or you can do the smart thing and buy a horse for 1k gold and not only be able to go fast while over encumbered but fast travel as well so long as enemies aren’t near by.
If you take the time to walk around for a long time while you have too much you’ll eventually be able to fast travel without issues
I don’t know how to feel about this use of conjuration butttt 3445/422… I’m willing to make an exception.😂
me after half an hour: player.setav carryweight 1000
My suitcase💀
Is no one going to address the fact he had 2200 Cary weight
I use a reanimate staff because they don’t turn to ashes and they would be my carry mule 😂 I would go threw a lot of soul gems tho
Imagine you get killed by some dude and your soul is sent to oblivion, just to have it brought back into the mortal realm to be a pack mule, then the second you make it back to town you get sent right back to oblivion lmao. Brutal
the shove it in a body strat is a bit dangerous because sometimes the body will despawn if you cross cell boundaries (basically chunks in minecraft) or it is around in the world long enough.
the safest thing to do is to shove in the loot, hit them with a reanimate/zombie spell and then fast travel to a city. the zombie will instantly dissolve at the city gates where you spawn in, making you not need to kill the zombie because the game can bug out and count that as a crime
Or just become and alcemist and make op enchanting potions
Ah yes. The necromancer’s packmule.
Human backpack 🥩🎒
Should see my designated trash can spot in whiterun.
XD man that’s a good idea
I use this occasionally in Fallout as well. I call them “suitcases”.
Thank you 🙏🏻 been playing it again recently and keep having the issue eith having to drop stuff
Still learning
This is pretty clever
Yeah I used it pretty useful
From a backpack to bodybag real quick
That’s a whole new level of messed up & I love it 😂
Or I can drop it on the ground and tell my follower to pick it up
I will have to do that in D&D lol
Just use a storage unit, corpses despawn.
There is Sofia who can carry all your stuff.
My reanimation always despawn when fast travelling and I have to reload to get the loot back when I forget why I don’t do that 😂
im bout to carry around my trusty dead friend edd
Keep that magic away from me…….
Another trick that works the same way is alternate forms, such as the werewolf transformation, which lets you ignore your encumbrance level. I think I had 700/350 encomberence level when I discovered the trick, popping into werewolf form and sprinting from I think Ivarsted to either Markarth or Riftan.
I do this all the time, undead pack mule
DER, I didn’t know that, come on man
the corpse will disappear on console. items do too if taken far enough (im assuming the next area loaded into as the moment you get told that, it thanos snaps iteself). so be careful as a console player when doing this. using a reanimation spell is safe however as they’ll follow you anywhere and i believe if memory serves; fast travel works by tp’ing you both, this essentially gives you a “lock” of sorts so npcs can’t loot from the dust as it won’t be out on the ground in the open. (anyone else remember morrowind and not having to worry about dropping weapons in towns and public buildings?)
Honestly in fallout out 4 I used to put all my junk in dead bodies inventory and would blow a limb off and just run back home carrying a head or an arm and just loved to imagine the settlers “ahh here they come again, only with an arm this time..”
I’ve tired this before. The ashs became unusable ;(
At that point I’d just use tgm
Stenndar have mercy on your twisted soul because surely only a follower of Hermaeus Mora would know such vile facts! O_O;
You beautiful bastard, I did NOT know that! Ohhhh….this changes everything.
Just so you know you can just summon Arvada mount him then fast travel
Had a mode that would turn a body into a sack and found this trick after I slayed a dragon so I was going with the sack on my back and pulling the dragons corpse out of the sack when I needed something
Hah I do that but with the staff of worms
Just tell your companion to pick up your stuff off the ground and hold it, meaning you don’t need to max out the conjuration skill tree.
Okay YouTube, I will buy and try Skyrim out after beating elden ring for the 7th time
you have to drag bodies in some vanilla quests funnily enough
I logged into an old xbox360 save file i still have, to see what i was upto back in the day haha and it was hilarious, all guards were unarmed and naked, random npcs having daedric armour but not wearing it (sadly) and lastly nazeem was hardlocked on a roof in whiterun somehow .. i mean i couldnt get to him nor get him down i tried shouts but it was ineffective. I was truly baffled by my younger self and enjoyed every second😂
STALKER players were dragging gun bags around in 2007
I have Master Level conjuration as well as the dead thrall spell but I never thought of this option thank you for the tip
We need fallout 4 variant of this
Just don’t let a giant send him to the moon before getting to town !
i use to do this…. but then the body when flying somewhere and I lost my shit
You can’t actually walk all that fast while holding a person, and the controls are so finicky you’ll keep dropping them. I’m not even sure you can fast travel with you still holding it, so you’re essentially in the same situation as being encumbered. Better to use the stone.
Or you can just use one of your companions all you have to do is command them to pick up an item even if their inventory is full, they’ll still pick it up
You walk when you’re holding a body, same speed as being over encumbered
Backpacking with a corpse, what a time we live in 😂
Thanks bro
Don’t do this, it will eventually despawn.
Lmfao…. Ive never thought of that
Been doing this since it came out
This is really useful, I didn’t even think of doing this
A whole year and it doesn’t look like anybody made a body bag joke
I played this game for almost 10 years… And i never tought of that…
Then he despawns
Or chop off a limb for easier carrying.
Player.modav carryweight 10000
I’d never considered that…
I never think about this damn 😅😅
Dead thrall is better, if it falls it doesnt dust and/or the ritual stone combined with the aetherium crown thing. Legit OP, like having your own fighting bag of holding
Now I have an insane idea use a follower I know crazy
As a SkyrimVR player if you pick up a body and drag it around (i think vrik or higgs does this) dependend on how much and heavy the body is. The slower you walk when holding it lol
I’m using your drag method in fallout new vegas now…..
I’ve been playing skyrim for so many years and never once thought about this
You can also summon and ride Arvak (if you’ve been to the soul cairn) or I guess any horse to fast travel while over encumbered.
If you have shadowmere just knock it out and fill it up with your stuff
Or you could just get a follower
Just drop your items on the ground and command your follower to pick it up. Followers had unlimited carry capacity this way
heeey just like ark 👀
Dead thrall now has a new primary purpose
Nope the more things i put in the guy the slower he moved
Huh…now I gotta restart Skyrim again & try this…
Respect the dead
Or you go into a Black Book and get secret Servant, that shit has helmed me out A LOT
don’t let your followers despawn with your items though lmao
I can’t remember how much decapitation/dismemberment there is in Skyrim, but I’d occasionally have an over encumbered raider finger with me on my way home. :v
You can also direct your follower to pick up everything. Even when they are at maximum capacity they will still continue to pick things up.
You can also dismember them me take a tiny chunk of them with you as a portable storage limb
Thank you for the best info on Skyrim
Too much effort Id rather just use a carryweight cheat
I used skeleton skulls. Pack all your stuff in there and carry a floating skull back home 😂
OMG! Game changer. I feel so dumb that I never even tried that
Shove it up where😢
… Easier just to chop off an arm, leg, or head and carry that than the whole body… A friend showed me😉
……. me doing this since oblivion carrying a skeleton skull ….. I really hate you and now you’re in my youtube shorts….why can’t I just block you in real life already
The fact that I have never thought about this is actually blowing my mind this man is a genius
Use dead thrall on them not those temporary spells
The first one isn’t true. If a body is too heavy, it can’t be dragged.
that sounds horrible
The spell from the standing stone has a timer for how long your zombie follower can be around for – the master spell dead thrall hasn’t got a timer so therefore it is better
Much faster
You should do it with a hare or fox
As a certified loot goblin I pack my companion, myself and about 300 weight worth ibti a body before leaving the location I was at
I’ve played skyrim for almost 15 years and no one does this… ever.
during end game make a +1,000,000lb carry weight necklace.
Its easier from the beginning to have your follower pick everything up from the environment.
what a good tip, thank you.
Chester in Skyrim?
Horse: “you didn’t have to cut me off-“
Wtf I didn’t know you could drag bodies
As a first tiem skyrim player I can’t wait to abuse this
Note, it’s not faster at all to carry the body. The body will also get heavier the more things you put on it. Also you cannot fast travel with a raised body unless you’ve used the dead thrall spell, and only the dead thrall spell.
I’m really digging your Skyrim vids bro. I’m a vet at this game, and your tactics are out the box, and i likes them
Necromancy over powered. Two walking treasure chests.
Here’s a super weird fact, you can store items in containers. Who would have fucking thunk it guys.
Ah yes dragging body’s what a lovely thing to do in broad daylight friends
Wow, I just knew it 😯
I use the ritual standing stone power to create armies and it works on anything .
I once had 13 bandits , 6 necromancers , 5 wolves , 5 spiders , 3 mammoths and 2 giants .
They last for a while before some of them disappear .
Gather the bodies together wait 24 hours then use the power again on them
Zombie minions: worthless for combat, perfect for looting!
Carrying a body isn’t faster than being overencumbered
That’s dark
This is probably the best reason to get the atherial crown and ritual stone.
Turning into a werewolf negates carry weight and if you dont wanna do that in town crouching and holding a charged bow let’s you move faster
will this work jn NV?
You can decapitate them And just carry the head to make it easyer
A reanimated sack ha
As a necromancer main how the F did I not realize this ?!!!
I prefer to evoke the power of the Console…
Why some body are heavier than other?
I never thought about this. Being able to use Dead Thrall makes it easier for me aswell. Thanks whoever the heck you are!
Yeahhh… About the body dragging HAHAHAHAHAHA 😆
Why the hell did I never think of these????
I love Skyrim because when everything aligned it always felt like a real world made fantasy.
I need another game like that.
All these systems working together
You can use shadowmere too.
And wont need to use a spell. But need to wait 2 days for Shadowmere to revive
Thats actually a good fact wow
I used to do this with foxes
I have been playing skyrim since christmas of 2011 and I never thought of this even once
Or just press tgm
thought this was obv though, if I’m not doing a specific build I always get max conjuration first, dead thrall twin souls
All these years, I never thought of that.
Who doesn’t know this?
Huh, I didn’t think that worked
Or just download a mod to have 3 million weight 😂
I actually have not known about this feature thanks for the tip ESO
I did this once for 3 months using a frostbite spider and i lost the spider with all of my daedric artifacts except spellbreaker
I prefer to deposit everything I don’t want to carry into a container and then have an actual follower search that container, and hence carry everything.
It’s not being creepy, it’s being efficient
Been dragging the most weighted item in bulk this entire time to circumvent weight. Perfect protip
OR press tilde, type tgm and enter. Then equip and dequip and you’re good to go.
Unfortunately you have to reanimate for this to work, corpses fade out of existence about half a mile from where they died.
Also, if the corpse has a limit on the reanimation then you risk them not being with you after fast travel…
Yes, I am the sick fuck who shoved 500+ weight up a bandits ass and dragged his cold corpse down the highway for half a mile.
You can’t drag bodies with too much weight. I discovered it a long time ago but I’m pretty sure in the special edition if they have too much weight in the corpse it can’t move when dragging it
Perfect for my evil sorcerer I’m about to do
Or open console commands type tgm . Then fastrtravel to deposit the stuff. Bethesda exploits are so wierd. Like you get console commands why would you waste time using exploits
Bodybag…. Interesting
I swear to god j saw the face at the bottom move
Old fallout trick too, well carrying around a decapitated head, not reanimating their corpses
Did u know the dremora pirate guy u summon for that mages guild quest with the rings, once he ia dead you can reanimate him and he will follow u omce he dies his body doesnt turn to ashes so u can just keep reanimating him.
Exploitind the dead for a fuking bag
Little body bag chasing you all over skyrim 😅 vs dragging bodies all over Skyrim.
Or use mod for god sake
Fuuuuck whish I new that years ago!
Thanks.. Now I know
If only Skyrim was in ps4
Wow, tyvm for this tip, ill try it later. What if u could put smth in a mammoth’s or a giant’s body and resurrect it huh? Or maybe, any boss or even dragon? 🙋♂️
Over 400 hours playing in both VR and flat screen over what 10 years now? Never thought of doing that once. I did other things though not as effective
I just installed a follower mod that lets you have 7 followers at a time.
i knew this actually
Reanimated spells was my go to way of “I shall have more than ONE companion please”
Damn this would’ve been so useful like seven years ago
Or, open the console and type in “tgm”
Like the Dragonborn once said it’s starts to Drag on
Yep I’ve done this many a time
Yup I’ve done that
Figured this out on my own, felt super clever
But you didnt know that bodies can be heavy too with eqipped item and if so, you wont be able to move them
I use to cut off body parts and carry just that so I wouldn’t have an entire body blocking my screen
Now my dolls are useful
Yo..that’s awesome
Oh yea this is classic.
In fallout 3, youd get the Bloody Mess perk – blow someone apart and then put all your loot in their head lol
Best way of use for dead thrall. You always have a suitcase with you and saves you the trouble of finding a corpse. Be careful of decapitation though.
10 years later and we keep learning new things about Skyrim
Bookbag Corpse Bookbag Corpse
Now I know how to make a literal body bag in Skyrim. Thank you.
Or you can just get a 10,000x carry weight mod like any normal person would do.
Just get a mod with unlimited weight
Wish I watched this 10 years ago
Nothing beats a necromancer when it comes to sheer amount of entertainment you can get from that class. I love watching how the game would dispatch my enemies. If you want a good laugh roll a necro.
I’m sworn to carry your burden
IQ 1,000,000,000 this makes me so mad that I haven’t thought of this thanks I am going to use this for now on
Would you let this guy join your group in the upcoming apocalypse?
Old as f
Or you can use the code to increase your carryweight
You can also drop stuff on the ground and make your partner pick it up, they only complain if you try to put it directly in their inventory
living chest
Too weird and creepy for me
This is fucked up, I love it
I store my Items in a Black Book when I am in Solstheim
What about Fallout?
Bro around 10 years to late, I needed this then.
I should try this in Fallout
I usually put loot into one body, take off the head and go to the nearest trader, I did this in New Vegas and Fallout 3
or u use the potion loop and u get urself infinite carry weight
I just use the resto pot trick and get a trillion weight carry points. No need for a chest or anything. I’ll carry all my stuff in my endless bag.
Cool I’ll go back and use this technique in 2011
I thought everyone picks up bodies….. they are great companions when you kill the real companions.
Wow super weird man
Me still wondering how to drag a dead body
This is going to go well with my Vampire/Werewolf Lord and Grey Fox and Listener Khajiit Thief King, forgot his name.
He uses *The Black Bow Of Fate* and *Soul Stealer* Arrows, so his target’s mortal possessions AND mortal soul’s are his for the taking.
Or use the companion chest glitch like a normal person
Or get on a horse and you can fast travel
Now, where did that nazeem go off to🙂
Necromancy, the art of having movable anti theft safes
Casuals. Casuals everywhere.
If you have PC, you can just enter a code to change the carryweight to 9999999999999
That’s amazing! I never thought of that! I just TGM the shit 😅
Use a rabbit or a fox
This will be so funny irl
Or drop all your stuff and tell your companion to pick it up…
Just drop all your stuff and make lydia carry it
You can do this with the unlikable hose as well 🤭
Ay kindalike michone in the walkin dead sorta
Bro ive spent countless hours walking enjoying the scenery for no reason
Holy fucking shit how i did not think about that
This why nightmare in oblivion is superior to all horses
or you can always /player.setav carryweight 1000000000000
Man I wish I k we this years ago
Sarsaparilla crates in New Vegas work also
Hi ESO, when I was younger and I got into skyrim in my Xbox 360 I would always follow your how to tutorials and after about 3-4 months I got everything I thought was cool. Thank you.
Use potion to increase carry weight and fast travel
Your companions don’t have a weight limit, you can tell them to pick up items when they are at max capacity. Beware, they will use potions like hp pots
Or just get bow skills and draw an arrow and you walk at jogging speed
ah yes i too don’t have enough weight to carrie 2000 ebony ingots
I learned about this weight hack from ark survival evolved
Hilarious lol
Another thing to do is have a follower, drop all the things weighing you down and order them to pick it up.
Or you can just create a pack spider from the dragon born dlc
What you can also do is get your follower to pick up the items. their carry weight only applies when you give them the items not ask them to pick them up idk why
I just summon arvak and fast travel while riding him.
I think they parched the fast travel. I cleared out all the foets and camps around Witerun, used the ritual stone to reanimate all the bandits and none came with me when I fast traveled. IDK if I just had too many though
“Body bag”
My mind is forever changed
Lydia must be feeling left out right about now.
Where was this video when I was 12 smh
Player.setav carryweight 999999
Nuf said
I do this all the time in Fallout: New Vegas.
All fun amd games till he ragdolls and clips through the floor
Just like the New Vegas exploit where you kill Father Elijah, shove all 32 gold bars up his skull and run away with said head.
10 years and I never once thought of this….goddamnit
No dude just eat those *2 0 T R I L L I O N B A N A N A C R E A M P I E S*
Great tip if I ever play the VR version but seriously this is like years too late
Mannn I wasted so many hours being over encumbered.
I was playing with extra magic spells and one of them was an aoe dot you apply to corpses, which made me use this mechanic in combat/assassination, great mod tbh
Just put in a barrel somewhere
I’ve gotta replay Skyrim yet again
I need to know why there is random mark in the game like circle with a cross in it etc
I always used the ritual stone but I didn’t think of that
Now I have a way to move nails from whiterun to lakeview manor (I had made 5K nails in whiterun so I had to use whirlwind sprint shout to get to lakeview manor)
Did you also know that that ritual spell is all you need to break the game
If ur in this situation find a fox it will give you that dead eye look… but thanks lil buddy
Shulker box
Okay never though to do this one
You can also drop your shit on the ground and force your actual follower to hold it
This hack gives Bodypack a whole new meaning.
This is clever af.. I approve good sir✊
You can drop literally tons of objects on the ground and your companion will always pick it up. Just interact with for example Lydia and choose the “you need to do something for me” option and go on the pile of objects that you want and select them. She will pick them up even if she is overloaded. You can literally make them pick up so much stuff that their inventory will lag when opened
Oh wow SO creepy, I was shitting my pants watching this 🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🥵🥵🥵🙊🙊🙊🙈🙈🙈
Get any companion, drop whatever weighs too much, ask them to pick it up and they can infinitely carry things this way!
😲You know y’all girl is doing that 😂😂😂😂
Wooooow I literally didn’t know this. Wtf
I didn’t know this, i would turn to werewolf and walk to town naked
………. why didn’t I think of this!?!?!
I was level 1 and had no such opportunity
Ha! A body bag.
this is genius
This doesn’t work I tried it lost a bunch of loot
I haven’t been able to drag bodies around in years, idk why
I am literaly a horder in skyrim this info is golden 😆
Pure hacks.
Pro tip. Thank you buddy
Or console tgm haha
Or you can just mod the game to where you can carry whatever tf amount you want and also ring of God mode mod
Holy shit that’s so smart
Best use of the term “body bag” so far.
Just max conjuration and get a thrall.
Dude I never thought of this
I use that to scape of laberintia
Or just use tgm command
Use a chicken ffs
This is beyond genius
Thanks ESO, you’ve given me a legitimate reason for doing a Necromancer build. Something I’ve always wanted to try but could somehow never justify to myself.
Dead thrall anyone?
Not gonna lie in a dark turn on an adventure I had to raise a dead companion and bring them to town for this exact reason. The loot is worth it and they were already dead. Needless to say it broke my good guy morales run.
Ok, here we go again to play Skyrim for the 57th time.
I know how my necromancer is gonna haul stuff in survival mode
or get your follower to pick it up and follow you
ah yes, my personal flesh bag!
I used to just input a command line to have a bigger carry weight and problem solved
I never thought of this. Perhaps necromancy isn’t so bad after all.
I like how you’ve made the same 5 videos for the past 7 years and you are still doing it lmao
Awesome 🙂
the corpse has a chance to disappear randomly even if you’re holding it so this is not very good advice
bro just use a companion that doesn’t die like Cicero u can store a bunch of loot in them
Followers do not have a limit to their carry weight, if you follow this trick. When you find yourself over encumbered, throw all the stuff you don’t want to carry on the ground, and tell your follower to pick it up one at a time. You cannot put the stuff in a container, and have them take all, because everything will be tagged as stolen. IDK why. Your follower can hold an infinite number of items, however they do start to get glitchy when they have tons of stuff, like not fighting back against, or attacking enemies.
I was doing this and didn’t know that it was unknown
Interesting but Lydia is glad to carry all of it
Lydia : I’m sworn to carry your burdens
Personal Squire
Ahhh yeah I already know this Trick.
Cool, that it also works in Games
Or use horses to get around. Alteratively hold A on your companion and have them pick up your stuff off the floor, this glitches their inventory and effectively give them unlimited carry weight.
And I thought I was this brilliant. I got a lot of cheat cheats in this game but never thought of this one before. Even had a different way of fast traveling too
Woah!!! There’s an actual reason to be a necromancer in Skyrim. Bro you changed my life
Bad and time consuming, just make your follower to pick-up, any item you want, that way they pick up all of the skyrim in their inventory.
Or, deposit your loot in a chest and have a follower empty it, no matter how much stuff a follower has they can always pick up unlimited stuff if off ground or from container, same for the fallout games, make sure its a follower whom you can access inventory
Well, now I know how I’m gonna be a hoarder in Skyrim, once I play it.
Let’s teach something better (sorry for the poor English, still learning)
1:Locate an chest/bag/anything you can put itens inside.
2:hold E pointing to a companion (or just ask him for do something for ya) and send him to pick all the items inside the chest or body. Even if he is already carrying the maximum capacity, because you’re not putting things in his inventory directly, he will carry literally infinite items.
You can use Lydia for this, I used to make her carry literally all the dragon bones from the game for me
I do this to in New Vegas to run off with all the gold in the Sierra Madre using Elijah’s head
You can do this in almost all Bethseda games but don’t stray too far from it or fast travel/ go into a big building for too long or it may despawn or return back to where you killed them.
You keep posting the most obvious things tho smh
# basics
“I hope you DONT know you can drag bodies…”
*Then how am I supposed to complete the Dark Brotherhood quest line?*
You could also use dead thrall
Its just works-tod howard
That’s brilliant. I need to do that in my skytim vr game. I already have a necromancer build going on
Everyone has been doing this since fallout 3
Npc:what is my purpose?
Player:to be a walking bag.
Npc: omg.
Lol imagine being a shop owner
Blacksmith: “that will be 5k septims”
Dragon born:
*kills own dead thrall, pulls from it; daedric armor, 500 ebony arrows, one giant toe, 20 straws of hay, 1000 gold ingots, 5 sweetrolls and sells*
I do drag bodies around skyrim.
Yaaas finaly an good invetory .
Ah this is what i was doing with my necromancer character i had a mod that lets me equip weapons to summons and a mod that deletes summon limit and changes it to magicka debuff for each summon i literally had 3 bag bag named bob was my weapon bag. A mage named one book man i killed randomly was holding all the books because maybe one day i will read them (i didnt) and third guy its name is third guy he was holding literally everything else
I did this back in New Vegas with mole rat babies they were so small they didn’t slow you down while carrying
Basically hiding drugs up your ass with extra steps and benefits!
Guess I’ll be a mage in my next playthrough then
I actually just put my items in a corpse and use my necromancy to make them follow me, unwilling shopping cart
Imagine a Nordic axe comeing right towards you and you just pause to the menu 80 WHEELS OF CHEESE just join straight down your gullet – the Russia badger
Imagine some guy walking into town with a dead body full of cheese wheels and sweet rolls
Alternative way- use deep storage spell
So this is thesonoofbirch who keeps todd howard into skyrim
Ty loll
This also works for carying gold of dead guys head
Based Necromancer Sigma Male Grindset that doesn’t carry anything because his corpse friends do it for him.
This is why skyrim is so disappointing.
Imagine if the game was all this? Imagine if you could be a necromancer, or a pyromancer, or a cleric, or a duel wielding barbarian, and have incredibly deep and rich skills that are unique to that class.
Couple of days ago i saw an article of someone who’s been doing this for a year or so now. But reanimating the corpse takes it to another level
Or you could just hop on horseback while over encumbered and then fast travel.
I did this all the time in the first Stalker game
So much time wasted…
Man I got a sudden urge to play Skyrim….?
Something I found is when you’re carrying too much, you can do your weapons charge attack and your character will move ahead at full speed or even slightly faster, even while full of all the buckets and pots you stole, works the best with daggers!
i do this in new vegas with sunset saspirilla bottles lol
If you put too much on a body you can’t move it
Or you can have a companion, drop your loot on the ground and make them pick it up.
Used to do this in Fallout 3 where you could just sever an enemies head and carry that much easier than a body
That is so incredibly fucked up though if you actually think about it, for the person you’re doing that to in that universe since the afterlife exists it’s probably fucking horrible
Thats a very useful tip I finally have a use for my necromancy spells
This is also how you get all the gold in Fallout nv Dead Money
Or get a mod that makes your carryweight 3000 lol
Ok, a little off topic but in Skyrim when your over encumbered you can ready and pull back an arrow with with a bow and move like three time’s faster.
this also works in real life! #facts
Fun fact art imitates life 😆
Or just have your follow pick everything up😂
I did this in Fallout New Vegas but I put a couple bodies filled with all my stuff just outside of an important place that didn’t have a dropbox
“If I can’t cast the feather spell, I’ll make my own!!”
I do this more in Fallout. Typically with a small Radroach. I call it my “Bug of Holding”.
why so strange ideas? mods have spells for creating a storages and as long you have magica you can us is. plus if you have costreducion for the school of this spell you not even need magica
I will make you my meat backpack!
“You know when you get overencumbered”
Me with +1000000 Carry Weight: _I don’t have such weaknesses._
This is so obvious- but it never occured to me once. What the fuck
Never in my life I imagined such thing
But now since you mentioned it I will use it … thank you
*cries in Skyrim VR*
Drug a body from a dungeon to a town once the guard just stood there like yup not my business
When you’re carrying a heavy object you move the exact same speed as when your over encumbered lol
If you decapitate them you can just carry around their head, filling it with all your treasures 😅
When I first found out about carrying bodies I was carrying around the body of a cultist that tried to kill me in whiterun, and I was posing her on the bridge like she was sitting
You can’t drag a dead body loaded with alot if stuff! Or if it’s not fully encumbered you drag it really slow so why not just keep the items in you and move slow yourself, it wouldn’t make a difference either way. You are starting to get clickbaity with your false info ESO
Mad fam i didn’t know about this
I literally did the same thing in Fallout 3. Minus the reanimating bit.
Personally, I prefer dead thrall
Idk if it’s a mod, but when I do this it just says the body is too heavy for me to move
Did this with fallout 4 all the time.
– A Necromancer
“shove it right up there”
*A little bit too much loot*
What makes it so that i can’t pick up bodies sometimes? I’ve always wondered. I always thought it was if they were wearing heavy armor, but I never actually took the time to confirm it
Don’t forget to soul trap them. Twice.
Eso bro your moving mad🤣🤣🤣
Okay, this is fucking awesome and Skyrim is a great game. However I have to say that I was not fully paying attention in the beginning because that fucking still image of this guy’s face in the corner both made me laugh and feel super creeped out. Why do this? Why not just have a face cam, or better, nothing at all??
If you drop it on the ground in singles only then tell your follower to pick it up they can pick up a unlimited amount of loot and still run and you can just take out what you need
My shipmates thought my sled was cruel
The first few seconds dont make sense
Хмммммм, мне кажется или я где-то это уже видел? (Сталкер)
“Hei I know that you’re dead or something but can you carries these bags for me?”
I tried this.
The body just turns invisible and disappears
You can’t run when carrying and it glitch drops way too much. This is an awful idea lol
I actually use the “carry stuff in a dead body” trick IRL. It’s really helpful if you don’t mind your neighbors giving you the “stank eye” or policemen showing up at your door every week
I honestly never carried that much since I played Skyrim 🤔
So wrong it’s incredible
😆😆😆😆👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 GENIUS!
Прямо как в Сталкере😂
In Oblivion your horse Shadowmere was immortal, so you can use it as a portable chest and kill it when you need your stuff, it gets right back up 😂
or just read the Black Book that gives you a Daedric butler that carries any items you want that works too
People who play fallout and cant reanimate the dead ”
*Crying noises “
Bro been doing this since Morrowind
That’s actually genius
Now why the fuck haven’t we done this sooner?
A friend of mine playing through skyrim, once moved all the bodies he killed to one spot on the map now there is a whole section of map he can’t go to because there is that many bodies in the pile it lags the game and has been known to cause crashes 😂😂 it a biiiiig pile…
“Body bag”
I do that if my companion dies
Or I take the 2 hundred thousand weight of items with me
It you didn’t know this did you even grind the game?
done that 4 million times, delivering my stuff between my houses and the forges
ANOTHER SKYRIM TACTIC THAT MY ASS NEVER THOUGHT OF, I’ve never felt like I’d actually wasted my time gaming but apparently i always was
I do this in fallout
Hahahaha. No. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
How in the h*ll did I never think of this?
This works with the Dead Thrall spell for infinite shopping bag corpses 😁
I’m gonna do this in New Vegas.
Also if you aim a bow you walk faster for some reason
I have used this many times
Or just get a mod that gives you infinite carry weight
I tested this and it actually works!! nice.
Cant confirm it for skyrim tho
Could also use Thrall. When are you going to post things people don’t know about again?
You can also transform into a werewolf and weight wound matter then fast travel to a town when you get there you will shift back and then you can slow walk to the shop
Finally the answer to my over carry weight thank you
Easier way to do this and it works in fallout 4 as well is put all your loot in a corpse you just killed and manually command your partner to loot the body. They also can’t be over encumbered this way. When the survival update came out for fallout 4 I used nick valentine to carry over hundereds of thousands of pounds in ammo and gear for me all the way back to sanctuary.
Wooooow. Never thought on that. Whaaaaaaat
First one works only with small animals that don’t slow you down
Ah yes. The Necromancer’s body-bag of holding. My favorite
«Welcome to Belethors goods how can I help you?»
«Cheers mate, got some trade goods from my last adventure… lets see *casually decapitates a living dead wizard*»
This is fucked up.
It also works if you use the command feature for your companion to make them pick something up as long as it’s not stolen other then that then they’ll have infinite capacity
Just summon a horse
You can’t just run around with a body with thousands of items, they get heavier.
If you ever get overencumbered? Dude with that weight you’re gonna break your damn legs
“i noticed you have a corpse?
*call him my undead cargo*
You can also fast travel with over max weight if you’re on a horse
The carry mechanic is weird for me. When I try to lift a corpse it’s super heavy but after I become a vampire it’s lighter than air.
Meanwhile I’m here with my 100x carry weight mod because I find the mechanic annoying
You can loot same type of a heavy item, drop them from your inventory at once as a huge stack. Then you can carry this stack and run at the same time.
Pracfical use: go to markarth dwarven ruins as a noob chracter, scavenge what you can, melt them and level up smiting with upgraded dwemer bows. Level+money
Takes man purse to a whole nother level
I thought the weight of things actually affects the corpses weight as well tho BC sometimes if you kill a bandit with a lot of heavy stuff their heavy to pick up but of you just remove all their armor and weapons they’re way lighter.
Imagine losing the corpse with all the loot
“Have you heard some local degenerate is digging up bodies and doing unspeakable things to them!”
“Are they… by Talos!”
“Yes, indeed, using them…. as suitcases…”
All these years and hundreds and hundreds of hours playing. I never thought of this. Did you know if you equipped your torch and tap the run button you will stay in Sprint mode even if you’re stamina runs out and as long as you don’t stop pressing forward I believe it only happens on an original non-upgraded version or patched version of the game.
No more abusing marcurio.
I am not a pack mule!
And ppl are still buying this game today!
“Shove it right up there.” – ESO
This has been a strat since Fallout New Vegas. I remember dragging around a head in the dead money dlc and just stuffing it with all the gold bullion and becoming super rich
You can Just do that with the item you have dropped since when you get like 100 wood and drop ’em all at once it just appears at one log while having the value of 100.
You can also just order your follower to pick stuff up off the ground. there’s literally no limit to what they can carry this way
Did this with those lava rock monsters in oblivion, can carry one of their chunks around
Another fact you can equip a pickaxe and hit the ore veins directly to more quickly mine them instead of going through the animations. To be even faster you can swing then do a power attack following right after repeatedly
Yeah I think I’ll just mod my carry weight instead 😂
u got all the pearls huh.im gonna test all of them
Or….you could stop picking up everything
Or just stfu and play with mods
Imma use the first one in fallout 4
Lol just drop the item & make your followers pick it up. Unlimited
“And run around much faster”
No. That’s super slow
Or get shadowmere horse and have a ass kicking horse that allows you to be overweight and still get around
I have transplanted 98,573 Kilograms of bones into this dead persons chest cavity, now let me revive them with black magic and use them as a human pack mule.
When I was younger, my brother taught me how to play- the first thing I liked to do was kill foxes, pick them up and run around with them saying that they were my best friends (don’t judge okay :’)) I was 8 years old)
Try using a fox or a rabbit, you run faster
You can also direct your follower to pick up things instead of using the menu to transfer inventory. Unlimited carry capacity. But if you drop a stack on the ground and your follower picks it up, you lose the stack and it turns to a quantity of only 1. So be careful with that.
In other Bethesda games such as fallout 3, new Vegas, and 4 you can do the same thing but shoot off the head and just carry that for much faster movement
Omg a youtube short about skyrim. Wake up it’s 2011. Ah the memories.
Same with fallout
Amateurs lol
i used to grab all the loot and didnt know it slowed you down as a kid so i was so confused why i was moving so slow my brother called me dumb after showing him my inventory
Ohhhhhhhh! I’d never even thought of it! It’s like zombie mules! So cool!
You can’t fasttravel, with ther ritual stone reanimated
Ah yes, gotta find place for my *2* ( *tWo* ) thousand ingots
Usually when I have crap I cant sell or dont need then I just throw it in that little stream at teh hates of white run, right infront of the blacksmith’s shop
“what is my purpose?”
-“You carry stuff”
“oh my God”
I usually called arvok or turned into vampire lord to speed up the pace
Or and here me out here, you could drop it and command your follower to pick it up, doesn’t count the weight of the object when it’s picked up via command so your follower can hold infinite items. Use a follower like the lioness who’s immortal and there you have an immortal never ending chest.
You can also do this with animals if you’re felling slightly less murdery.
Thank u for the nostalgia, that was nice
Omg I wish I fucking knew I could do this.
I’ve done that before, I was too heavy and placed the heavy stuff in a dead body but the body only got heavier and slowed me down lol.
Brings a new meaning to body bag
Maybe I would care for this 20 years ago
Skyrim facts…. on 2021…. bro i know this game is goooood, but… making content about skyrim on 2021??? Men skyrim was released on 2008 xD
I like how that skeleton just waddles
I played this game for years and had so much torture of being over weighted with weapons, armors, and potions. I never thought about this. (Minute later with a reanimated body with 7k of loot weight).
Because picking up a body that has all that stuff is somehow easier to do than just holding all that stuff…..
This game came out how many years ago?
Wow! And I’m over here just using strength potions to increase my max carry weight 😱🤣
This is also a fallout tip
Tell an existing follower to pickup stuff infinitely
Or you can just use command.
After a long journey
Body bag: that was fun friend where else now?
Player: I’m sorry little one -draws arrow-
woaaahh dude this is sick
In hindsight I knew this was possible but didn’t want to try it myself
I’ve played since 2011 every month on and off and still play till this day.. I can’t believe I’ve never thought of this.. thank you ESO
Me: Mom can you get me a new backpack
Mom: We have backpacks at home.
Backpacks at home: (corpse)
Why do i feel so dumb not trying this?…
horses work too.
except that the body may eventually despawn… or am I thinking of Fallout and it actually DOES work in Skyrim?
Its hilarious that Bethesda games let you do this, like oh you can’t carry a full set of steel armor, but you can carry a body wearing the armor
Or you can just get yourself lydia
Or just get on a horse… you can fast travel on them while encumbered, arvak is the best way.
Lol I just used the alchemy glitch to make a ring of infinite carry weight
…Fuck me.
Best idea ever
I’ve always found the elder scrolls games economy to be so bad. Just steel all money weapons etc or kill people who have what you need. No point collecting resources.
Or you can just tell your follower to pick up everything
Why would you kill Brenuin 🙁
Or you can give all your loot to Lydia.
*Walks into general store* Clerk: “woah don’t bring that corpse in here” Player: “ah yes give me one second, Meat Bag your excused” *shoots corpse with an arrow* Clerk: “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING” Player: *pulls hundreds of ebony ingots, mammoth tusks, and other heavy misc* “ alright…so….how much will this be…”
A living Money bag. Nice
This makes me realize that 6/7 ago years I haven’t fully beat Skyrim… Actually I haven’t even gotten thru 30% of the game probably… Now this makes me just wanna finish it with my old khajit follower 🤣
This is also how ARK is often played
Alright, this is actually useful.
It was invented before skyrim released. At least in stalker
Forget all that, can you legit imagine stuffing everything up an NPCs arse?…
Just use a companion
If you doesn’t have any ressurection spell at the moment you can also ride the corpse by dragging it on top of’em and travel with style…
I’ve been doing it wrong all these years 😭🤦♂️
What de fuck
Since when is dragging a body around fast?
How funny i just started doin this on fallout 4 lmao
What a crap 3D looks in a video.
I did this all the time in Fallout 3, except that game has dismemberment. You could keep all your possessions inside someone’s skull.
But I usually used a radroach corpse if someone was watching.
Holly hell why I haven’t I tried that 😂😂
This’ll be helpful
This could be very useful to get all the dwenmer steel from those ruins
I just used a hack tool for that. Broke the weight carry barrier cuz I was going back and forth between my house and loot places.
Eeehhh i wouldn’t say you travel MUCH faster
I really hate you
or just… setav carryweight 5000
Just type player.setav weight 50000 or something. Weight limits are stupid anyways.
Doesn’t work, least not anymore. Body becomes nearly completely immobile after like 30 or so pounds, and at that point you might as well just ditch the stuff you’re storing
Yeah… There are two types of necromancy, the spell where reanimated corpse turn to dust and those who don’t turn to dust. You can buy or craft a reanimation staff that won’t turn humans to dust, and if you have the skill to cast two instances you have two walkings human saddlebags. Just don’t put a ridiculous amount on one corpse or they may bug out and lose all loot.
Then I bring a house-full of loot and put it inside a storage INSIDE the Hermeus Mora book. So basically everything that I physically own is inside the Eldritch Book, which weighs just as any standard book.
OK I ain’t no Simp When you takeoff the clothes of a lizard thing Bruh that’s pretty hot not gonna lie
Body bag…your hilarious
Or just fucking type tgm sell or store your items ya wankers
Instead of dragging a body around. Chop off a limb, stuff all your goodies into the body then get to stepping carrying that limb. The limb and the main body are still one lootable entity.
Thanks. Thats was useful 7 years ago
/ tgm work must better
The more items a corpse has the slower it moves when you try to drag it but reanimating them is a good idea.
You know, I’ve never thought to put all my loot in a corpse. I just drop the heaviest thing and carry it at running speed. Not very creepy though, stop getting my hopes up
I did this in highschool 🤣 I’d fling the bodies off cliffs and watch them glitch TF out flying through the sky 😂 or use them as a body shield and flop them around like a beyblade.
just Wuld Nah Kest your way around and wait 1 hr for efficiency
lol yah body bags. remember farming ARK
or console commands, use tgm and run around freely
Also works in fallout btw
Just like old Stalker game, classic
I roleplayed this strat in fallout 4 and carried just the head of a bandit around for the whole game
What do you sell here?
“Trinkets, odds and ends, that sort of thing”
Hold on, I need to go get my money
Alright, I’m back.
i would just drink the carry weight potions and then fast travel
Or you can do the alchemy/enchanting exploit because that’s way more efficient
Thk you my dude
Actually if you drag the body too far it will despawn so don’t do that
Easy to lose loot this way. Had my corpse agro enemies and he ran my ass all the way down a hill to try and salvage my shit from wherever his dumb dead ashes fell
very cool
Of i kill it nearby towns guard will they agro me
Why did I not know about this , I just got back to whiterun after 7 years of walking
Still learning something new
I never thought of this. Then again, the conjuring gameplay never intrigued me.
This makes me rethink stripping bodies and burning them.
A new meaning for a “bodybag”
Or use command tgm
I’ve been playing skyrim for a decade at this point. Why did this never occur to me…
Fun fact! In S.T.A.L.K.E.R. shadow of Chernobyl you can do same thing with weight (stalker shadow of Chernobyl exit before Skyrim)
Honestly that’s kind of messed up not only did you kill them but you reanimated their corpse to use as a slave to carry around all your shit just to kill them again and again
Imma cry now fam skyrim was the best thing in my life but it started crashing and after i couldn’t play anymore so i had to delete and by mistake i deleted my save games so that was the worst thing happened to me
Did you also know that if you manage to while over encumbered get on a horse you can fast travel anywhere so if you have say avarak the summonable horse you never have to worry about being overencombered again
Or u can use commands lol
ORRRRRRRRR how about a dead thrall
Wow undead suitcase
You know those moments you wish you knew years ago when you played the game. Yup.
😳🤭 …my life is different now.
Or just use console commands
I feel soo stupid for never thought of this
Yeah kill the corpse
Nice lifehacks homie
Or use the Dead Thrall ability so that your temporary follower is permanent c:
Bitch i used dead chickens as 3 storage around the game, one had the materials the other the gear, god damn i am a genius… Then i got tired and jus bought Breezehome
Well done, you’re about 10 years too late
You’re like 10 years late!
Feels like you’re saying I Shouldn’t have already known these things
How did I never think of this in Skyrim haha I loved this game.
I may be misremembering but I thought you couldn’t pick up a body that was too heavy
You cant do this though, bodys have weight and you can’t carry heavy bodies
Ok… Didn’t know this one, bravo
Homeless people are easier to kill (in the game)
Or just tgm that bitxh and be on our way
2nd tip or trick most ppl probably know but dont know, take as many things as you want, go over carey wright as high as you want, pick up a dagger and power attack forward and sheith it mid swing, keeps the atamina and also shoots you forward like normal sprinting speed.
Played skyrim for years and never thought of this, im so angry
Why loot bodies of your own items when you can literally send meat shields to Iraq?
Me that never played Sky rim:. 👁️👄👁️
After this video I’m kind of worried about you
Depends on what the corpse has equipped. Unequip their items if the body is too heavy.
When I play fallout I kill people, strip them down, cut them up, put their parts in a pile and burn them. 🔥anyone else do stuff like that?
How tf have I played Skyrim since it came out and have never known this 🤦♂️
I remember in New Vegas’ Dead Money DLC someone did that where they just cut off that one dude’s head, stuffed it with gold bars, and walked out, completely missing the point of Dead Money
Why have I never thought about this? I legit either get on my horse and fast travel or if i dont have a horse or follower I just walk for hours and hours to the nearest city😂😂😂
Or you could drop stuff and get a companion to pick it up, that’s been a thing since the release of the game
Not gonna lie if you did this before watching the video, you need serious therapy
that skeleton looked like he was having a good time
Work for fallout too?
Did this in fallout 4
How to carry a body?
Do other people know about the glitch that if you make your follower pick something up from the ground or a container they can carry infinite things. It’s been in skyrim, and fallout 3, 4, NV
Just command your follower to loot a chest they will do it no matter the weight
Bro just use a chest
player.modav carryweight 100000
Shut up
Imagine *not* knowing this
I never thought of that wow I’ve been playing all wrong
I mean duh
I think this is called trafficking
Dude I have like 800+ hours logged into Skyrim and I never even considered doing this
Imagine trying to smuggle some cocaine or something across the border. “No officer, I don’t have any cocaine. Only this corpse. Don’t check up it’s ass though.”
the face down below makes me want to commit arson
I have a feeling theyll despawn when i turn around lmao
Over 1000 hours on the game and I never thought about this
You know. This seems like a good idea because in skyrim I like to mess around and be the terror of the skyrim world, and I like stealing as much stuff as I can from everyone.
So slave labor?
Thats the same what I Do in fallout 4
I havent played skyrim in 5 years and I didnt even know this
Or just use a horse
Lydia am I a joke to u
That’s kinda genius never thought about that. I would just spam wuld all the time
2 words
Father Elijah
I can tell he is still new to this
WHY have i never thought of this
Aaaaahh, so like a living drug mule!
Man I want those old Skyrim Nights back. Life as an Adult fucking sucks
Bro this is actually a really good idea
Doesn’t this also work in fallout, the carrying the body with the loot part not the other parts
I’m glad I’m not the only one who did this.
Хуйня, я так в Чернобыле делал
It is Bethesda, you can do the same thing in fallout.
I really wish I knew this before. It would have saved me so much time.
I will write this down
Bloody Brilliant!
That only works sometimes, most of the times bodies become harder and harder to carry the more they are carrying.
Meh, I just summon ghost horse, mount, fast travel
You’re a terrible person
Thank you for this
Or go into the console and remove that shit cuz it’s dumb
I used the potion glitch to make a crazy enchanting potion that increased it by 300000% and then made a ring with +30000 carry weight
I always did this in Fallout New Vegas 😂
“Just kill them and they’ll drop all their…”
Whiterun Guard: *You have committed crimes against skyrim*
Companions have infinite carry weight if you drop single items and tell them to pick it up.
You can also knock down beehives and use them as backpacks. I do it all the time.
Slaving the dead
Or hear me out hear me out just force Lydia to carry all of your s***
Very dark
I like to think im not monsterous enough to stuff a corpse full of iron ingot juat so my fat ass doesnt have to cary it. XD
Knew ab that from fallout 3 but ya
EASIER METHOD: drop all the loot, command the followers to pick them up. Companions have nothing stopping them from picking stuff up
Ive actually been doing this since 2012 you noob
Well now i know how to continually loot everything
you can’t actually pick up a body if it has too much loot on it. the more the loot on the body weighs, the less you can move it
Better trick : don’t carry junk, you won’t get encumbered.
Heres anpther fact quest npc dont finish the quest and the will kill alduin for you mercer with infinity hp is too op
Loser. In fallout I would put the items on a person then decapitate the corpse and only carry the head around.
I’m happy to say I am a dangerous degenerate because I use this all the time with the zombie golem spell 😀
Dev gonna update ..the body becomes heavy
Or just. Tell your companion to pick things up off the ground.
Or you just use a mode…
Good to see ESO here in the shorts!
Been playing this game for almost 10 years and I never knew!!!!
just level stam or use the Bandoliers and backpacks mod 🤣
That. Is increadibly morbid but useful.
Never again will I have to dump 13 swords on a corpse again! Thanks
Just don’t forget to pick it up
Ima do this now instead of using cheat codes
I usually just use a potion of strength thats stupid powerful because of my enchanting shenanigans.
Guys who played this when it was out pretty much know this.
Thanks for the info
Now I get to put this on my to do list
This is gonna be fun
The reanime spell
I don’t think the airport will let me carry those…
Me who plays Skyrim on VR: You can do that?
Those who don’t know, you cant properly drag corpses in VR
Or you can drop your items on the ground and command your follower to pick it up and there’s a bug where it makes their carry weight infinite
Or you can just use console commands 😐
Never thought of doing this…. kind of genius. Super useful for all those dragon run-ins what with dragon bones and scales being so heavy.
Ark players all nodding their head in agreement
That’s dark and hilarious at the same time
I swear the bodies gets heavier depending on their inventory.
But why would you need to do that when the follower exploit still exists and you can literally store endless shit on your followers?
You fucking genius
“Life” hack : use bodies or reanimate them
I knew this. I’ve used this.
I wish you can do that in eso 😭
All those necromancer builds and not once did i ever consider my dead slave meat shields could also be my wallet
Reasons to start a necromancer playthrough:
Cosplay a God that controls souls and the undead < This
Me,an intellectual : use tgm
Mayor stops you what’s that ah just my bag nothing much
sKyRiM iS a PeRfEcTlY BaLaNcEd GaMe WiTh No ExPlOiTs
Ive never thought of this AFTER ALL THESE YEARS
Necromancy.. when its evil but still considered useful.
Why did I not know of this know I don’t have to walk all the way to wight run with a wait of 2000/500😂🤣😂🤣
I’ve done all of this
Could I do this in the casino dlc on fallout new vegas
Stalker’s leave the chat
This is the only good tip from this channel
I haven’t thought of this, but I seriously need to try this one day
How did people even figure this one out?
Is it bad I already knew this….
Bruhhhh why haven’t I known this my whole life
You can do this in pretty much every modern fallout as well.
Just put ur stuff in the barrel back at nibelhiem I think it was
Smart boi
Damn I never thought of this 😭
Or you can store your items on a chest or companion like a normal fucking human being
Or you can.. nvm
But some bodies you can’t carry
Player.modav carryweight 9999999
I learned about this trick years ago, didn’t know you could fast travel while carrying something, though.
B i g. B r a i n
Unfortunately, if you play on Xbox, carrying a body is _slower_ than being encumbered. That is, if you can even carry them without your crosshair dragging off and dropping them!
ALL THESE FUCKING YEARS! I never would have thought of that.
was bored out of my mind when I made this but my feeling are still valid.
I thought the 1st fact was common knowledge,I used to carry around bodies everywhere because I didn’t want to leave my dragon bones or armor in the forest
I never thought of this, this changes everything. Thank you!
You could do the same in the STALKER Games
Well, same way work at Stalker 2007 game. And fallout 3…
I’m already doing this big brain move.
Guard: Whatcha got there?
Dragonborn: [dragging corpse] Dungeon loot.
Or you can do what I do. Drop item or see item. Talk to follower. “Need you to do something” pick up item “okay got it” they can carry as much as you tell them too
You sir deserve a cookie and I mean that
Bodies will despawn if moved far enough from their death location and you may lose undead followers when fast traveling be absolutely certain you save before doing any of these tactics and also if you decapitate a body it’s even lighter
Just activate longstride and fast travel
Damn how did I not think of this
You can also do this with pacified peoples in Fallout 4. Additionally with a companion as well, together.
Or you can just have Lydia pick up the items from the ground, bypassing the follower carry limit.
Ah yes, the walking luggage trick. A classic.
How have I been playing for years and not known this.
human purse
actually the more items that are stored in a body, the heavier and harder to move it is
never thought about reanimating them into walking backpacks, but I do recall spending half an hour walking to town only to find out I cleared there of gold earlier and had to go awalking once again
Or you can just frop your loot and make a follower pick it up, they will even if they are beyong their weighr limit, that’s something i usually do in dwarven ruins so i can get all the metal and farm smithing with it
ok I tried the dragging body part but not the reanimated one
THAT’s pretty useful.
Bruh, this is just too many steps when I could pop 3 or 5 weight potions in 5 seconds
This is what I always do in my Lich King build
This would have saved me TONS of time and money
I like how the skeleton was just waddling towards him
Or just…. don’t carry 2000 ingots….
So that’s what necromancy is for. I always wondered why that waste of mana exists.
Finally something i didn’t already know about skyrim.
Bro even to this day you are still giving me tips
Oh i forgot about this one too. If you have the sole stone activated you can kill a bunch of bandits arm them with top gear and bring them all back to life under your controll. You can then storm a fortress with them and they will be the fodder as you tear ass through what ever high levle fort is near by. Also works on bears and saber cats. Don’t be shy kids anything dead is free game. 😝
OR Drop your shit on the ground and tell your follower to pick it up.
You can also drop all your items and command your follower to pick them up and they will even if you couldn’t give them more items in their inventory
Dude I do this all the time, put everything into a server I killed and fast travel to the nearest place, skeever is teleported with you and dies in the spot, take your loot, and sell it to whoever takes your shit still
Literally never even thought this could be a thing. Blew my mind
Damn can you do this in fallout 4???
Dam wish I thought of that a long time ago
Did this, my items are gone
Great idea 💡
Me in the background dragging my companion corpse because they hate werewolves*
Me: huh?-
Or or….. You can run to dawnstar and find a special chest. Loot kill reload. Rinse and repeat till you has enough munners. Then take your munners and buy a lot to build. Then take lot build a green house. Growushrooms and roots till you has 300 of each. Each time you pick ome you get 3s take one replant it. Fast travle and come back it has regrown. Make streanth potions. Sell them. Go back find 1 item enchanted with alchemy. Dischante it learn the spell enchant 4 pieces. Alchamy should be at 30 at this point. Catch 30 blue butterflys and pick 30 frost berrys this will make fortify restoration. Drink it. Take off armor put armor back on. Alchemy increses by 5 each time you do this. Do till your alchamy is at 100. And restoration potion is at 30k drink that and fortify enchament armor is at 9000 enchant yourself fortify strength. You should be able to carry anything you want.
Me thinking back to the time i walked from Windhelm to my Hearthfire Falkreath house over-encumbered… transporting my hoard of useless items… it was bad enough that I forgot about carriages.
You walk slowly while dragging bodies
When I first played this game at the age of tenish, I was in white run and came across a skeleton in the water, and I asked my dad, “Couldent I just put all my stuff in here like a chest?” He said no because it would despawn so I didn’t
Tik tards thinking they discovered something new when it’s been common knowledge already.
This is actually pretty fucking awesome
“You know how you can drag bodies is skyrim (I hope you don’t)”
Used to do this in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games
I thought this was a well known strategy in bethesda games
Me, an intelectual:
Player.modav carryweight 1000
Tf is that soyface in the corner
You can do the same in fallout 4 but easier because of the gore and bits splattered every where
Um. On consoles the carry weight carries over. At least last I tried it did but haven’t been on Skyrim in a while.
Oh my God how have I never thought of this
The body I drag around is Nazeem’s
I usually drink lots of carry weight potions till I am no longer encumbered and fast travel home, did this early game too, just gotta loot and you’ll find enough potions for those moments that u have too much stuff
I haven’t played in a while, but don’t reanimated bodies disintegrate when they’re killed
Best tip ever
I tried this in fallout new Vegas, the DLC about the casino. I couldn’t escape with the gold 😪
Legit question, how do you do this on console?
Shove it right up their-
Don’t reanimated bodies instantly die whenever you load into a new area? Fast travel or even leaving a building?
you’re still playing this game?
That’s useful
Necromancer play right here
Imagine going to school and seeing your classmates with their bags meanwhile you have this decomposing human body that you lug around
Oh please nevermind my reanimated human bag.. He’s harmless
The only part they aren’t telling you is that if you put too much. Usually nothing compared to what you carry. The body becomes nearly immobile and you end up slowly dragging a body around like you’re in fallout
Thats useful thanks man
Huh like in stalker
I never knew we could carry dead bodies in Skyrim until I joined the dark brotherhood.
The body does get heavier though, depending on what it has on it.
Oh You can do the same in fallout nice😄
This gotta be one of the best tricks in the game. This is perfect for going to solthime the first time in skyrim and carry weight and good loot become a problem quick. It’s a lot of money on the island the problem is there are basically only 3 merchants.
Or you could tell your partner to pick your stuff up for you they have infinite weight
This works in fallout as well.
I thought everyone doea this
Or increase your carry weight in console, I enjoy the a lot more like that.
Why are people still making skyrim videos
I do this all the time when I play skyrim
You can boil water with fire magic
Just use a mudcrab you savages lmao
That’s how you carry your things in stalker too – put everything in a body and carry it with you
shove it right up their what
Body Bags OP
This is the way to get away with the gold bars in F:NV’s Dead Money DLC, except you chop elijahs head off, and you only carry the head, since it’s faster than carrying a whole corpse
I do this with dead thrall as I have a conjourer battle mage, conjours allies and weapons to dominate the battlefield. Though, at higher levels the weapons are starting to become a little weak.
Sorta reminds me of the morrowind days. Containers had a limit to the amount of stuff you can put in them but characters don’t. There was a quest about a dead guy in Balmora. If you never do the quest, then the body never disappears. Called him the dead body bag.
Like beating nightmare unconscious and shoving loot up their ass is what I use to do but never thought this as an idea
Carrying around a body would be so slow.
That’s……..actually pretty smart. Hadn’t occurred to me before.
Wait what. You can drag bodies around in skyrim?? I knew you could store items in dead enemies. But I didn’t even know you could drag bodies at all. How do you do this? & also can I drag around furniture in my house. I’m trying to redecorate. Lol
Here me out; Lydia (okay maybe not Lydia specifically but you get my point
I need my companion
Npc pov : Yo you killed then ressurect me just to be your bag
This is genius lmao
How old is this game now? And still little things like this are very amusing. Hope TES VI is going to have even more possibilities for us
ur vids making me want to start playing skyrim now cuz i havent played it before
Thank you!
Huh… Never thought of that.
I just used reanimate spells to turn people to dust in the dark brotherhood questline
Now that is what I would call life hack.
It work well’ the body is quite nice to carry loot’ but it kinda inconvinience because the body weigh, also what is skyrim, seem like a pretty good game
GENIOUS ive been playing since 2012 and never thought od that.
Hey look it’s a water slide 😀
You could also just carry one big item if it fixed your carry weight
I sure hate when i get overcucumbered thanks for the tip
Just started playing again after a few months break 🙂
Why hasnt anyone thought of this it seems so obvious especially since everyone in skyrim gets over encumbered at some point
Good to know thanks
Sweet, can you throw them at enemies and kill them?
Or you can have your still alive companion to pick stuff up for you by holding x on them or a if you’re on Xbox and then giving them the command to pick stuff up = unlimited carry weight
I saw this trick on reddit a while ago. Personally, it’s easier to transform into Vampire Lord/ride my horse and then just use whirlwind to sell.
Bruh how did I never think of this. I mean. I love the conjure tree so I almost always have access to necromancy…
Broooooooo after 7 yearssss
I bullshit you not, in one of my many skyrim runs i actually had Lydia carry all my shit around as a dead corpse.
When she eventually died in a high level dungeon, I just took all her shit and gave it to a draugr.
Quite useful I must say! ✌🏻
I like to drag bodies with me and throw them in lakes
Used this in f04. Just drop all your stuff and tell your companion to pick it up. Initiate inventory
” *shove it right up’er* “
You forgot to mention that you can use their dead body as a shield 🛡 if you meet archers or wizards and any arrows that hit them will be added to their inventory and if you strafe a bit they’ll swing out of the way so you can return fire without lowering your human shield
Literally no, the corpse has an inventory weight and your ability to drag it is effected by that weight
Ilove everything about this ty
I just drop the item and manually carry it
That ingenious
Some mfers never played stalker
Ill call that human backpack
I was just going to suggest abusing the Restoration glitch to give you an item that will let you carry everything in existence but this is a fun (?) alternative
Now I can become a cartel lord in skyrim, by using bodies to transport my skooma.
Ohh! A good use for necromancy.
Tbh skyrim is almost a sandbox rpg
I just realised that my primary school had this game on the iPads I think lol
Just drop all items in a stack at once (6 or more) and then drag the singular item as it’s easy and counts as all of them.
Or download a mod to increase carry capacity
Used to do this in oblivion as well! A dead rat was an easy thing to carry, especially early game
This would’ve saved me so much effort…
Lol u lateasf figured that out 2 weeks in when it fist came out lol
“Shove it right up their…”
Always wondered why there was the option to put items back onto a body lol
Or you could learn the summon horse spell you get from the Dawnguard DLC
How old is this game?
You could use a rabbit as well, or a fox
This is common knowledge as a necromancer. I laugh at those who follow the Nine divine
Fallout players: “First time?”
Wait, is this not normal?
I believe if gaurds see you carrying a body they’ll attack you. I remember being attacked by whiterun douchebags for accidentally picking up a dead guy’s hand in front of them
I’ve never played Skyrim and currently not planning too. However I love watching these tips and tricks for it 🤣
Did you know that the speed at which a body can be carried is determined by its weight
Love the skelly walk… 😁
This was a Fallout fact before it was a Skyrim fact
edit: in Fallout you can dismember the enemy, then you only have to carry around a severed head or arm, inventory size is still the same
I tried doing this in fallout the bodie glitched and I lost all the stuff in it
Lmao his face
What Skyrim tho
My man thank you
Could you imagine being a shop keep and a customer says “let me pull out my wallet” and immediately kills the guys he was with pulls out gold from his corpse.
They died to carry your burdens
Yo this actually helped me, I’m too heavy to run, thanks!
Someone else already said this, but it doesn’t quite work like that.
I always command my follower to pick up the heaviest items I have in my inventory off the ground and they can carry infinite amounts of weight as long as you tell them to grab it
That’s fucking genius!
I did this exact thing in fallout new Vegas except I used a sunset sasparilla box
Or just use a horse
NPC’s were harmed in the making of this video.
Of my 2000 hours on this game. I did not think about this. I could’ve saved so much time
To the people who never thought of doing this.
Dont worry, it means you’re normal, and not F-ed up
I mean, i dont get why people are getting so worked up on my comment. Its just a statement meant to make some people laugh. Maybe not everybody, but some.
The same can be done in Fallout: New Vegas, in the Dead Money DLC. I guess Elijah just became my personal gold bar bag!
I do this in stalker lmao
Just use a wood cutter axe. Power attack cancel = sprinting
I like this fact however there is a better one…
Basically you know where you can make your follower pick up items and do tasks if you make your companions carry weight full then you can go over their limit by dropping the item you want them to hold and make them pick it up and surprisingly they still do and it won’t be affected by the carry weight limit of your follower.
This is these for fallout 4 to.
Hope this helps:)
How do you come up with these things? That’s so useful
The bodies get heavier to carry though, an empty body will ragdoll like that beggar, but with 1000 carry weight worth of stored items. Lead balloon.
That is mind blowing! You’re making me want to play again
Dude this is actually cool wtf
This is useful yes but slightly fucked up
You killed booze guy I always get him his ale every play threw pls tell me you at least got him his ale
Im Obsessed wirh dwemer Ruins and always take every item that can be made into dwemer Bars with me and i really really wish i would have known that sooner 😭
Now I have an idea for a rich necromancer who loves shopping and has a big group of skeletons that carry all the knickknacks suvineres he buys on shopping trips.
You can also get a mod to increase carry weight to 9,000 :^)
Never thought of this… can be useful in new vegas too.
Its really good tip
Can imagine myself using this before power crafting
Let me just get some gold . OI BODY BAG OVER HERE. he means well