Ebony Blade | Skyrim
Music and other sound effects are courtesy of Epidemic Sound. When possible, specific artists are credited below:
Bozz – William Benckert
Taqs:skyrim,tesv,ebony blade,weapons,rpg,gaming,swordshorts
コメント (266)
You just need to go beond “max” blacksmithing making 5 apparel items with 30% better smithing enchantment by using a combination of smiting, alchemy, and enchanting to get the blade as strong as dragon bone. It’s great.
Very cool
Don’t forget that you need to be at least lvl 10 to start the quest for the ebony blade
I can’t do it I’m a goody two shoes
How do you actually get that I always just glitch through
Fun fact Krosis means sorrow in the dragon tongue and the dragon priest krosis tried to save his cult members but they got slaughtered by dragons
I will never understand why people still play this game. It is literally the most boring, least imaginative TES game ever to come out.
On the other hand, I’m glad to see Morrowind is also still being played. That game is aeons better than Skyrim.
How about a 450 damage dragon bone Warhammer. One hits mammoths with a power strike.
And it’s enchanted with chaos damage and soul trap
Enchanted with a fortify enchanting potion buff and smithed with a fortify smithing potion and enchanted fortify smithing apparel
I don’t care about the blade but that’s my favorite armor you have on – good choice!
I just give a beggar a coin then kill them when no can see me.
Then use Dead Thrall on them and take them somewhere else then repeatably kill them with the Ebony Blade 10 times which works.
I can see me doing the same thing but with casting flame cloak first
We’ll hopefully we can kill jazargo cause I loved him but he wouldn’t marry me so he must die now
Ahhhh maybe not against Dwarven machines…
Orc settlement and ritual stone is so easy to power it up
Read somewhere it uses one handed level instead of two handed for some reason.
Wait how do you upgrade the sword?
Just hire random mercs and kill them it counts
Lol dang didn’t know that, that’s what’s up
How do you start the quest for it
literally just used telekinesis on the ground above and grabbed it
Oh, dude, there’s a way simpler answer.
1: Grab the ritual stone.
2: Sell a single firewood to Hert, earning her trust eternally.
3: Kill her and her husband. Can also be done during the respective Dark Brotherhood contract.
4: Raise them both.
5: Repeat. Wait 24 hours in between.
You could just use the friendly Dwemer spiders
Anytime I play a melee char I make sure to use alteration for magic resist
Just use the necromancer stone give a gold to beggars of riften and kill them both five times and that’s two for the cost of 10
The griffiths blade as i call it
Actually, all you need is a few wooden plates lmao
Just get one of the revive stone things and wait 24 hours after reviving them every time so you can spam
Killing the Dark Brotherhood counts towards the 10 kills even if you kill Astrid.
It you go to the sawmill where the two vampire live and cut some wood for them you will become trusted. Then it is just a case of kill them and raise them until you have filled the blade.
One trick to raise them is to press the tilde key, the one under the escape key, click on the dead body with your mouse and then type resurrect before hitting the tilde key again. Do this enough times and you are done.
Bring a shitty mercenary follower to the ritual stone and kill them over and over again using the ritual power to fully charge it
Windshear is still better…don’t need to absorb health if they can’t hit you in the first place
Does anyone know if they fixed the glitch where you can phase through the wall with a pan into that room? Because once you grab that sword it’s basically bound to you for all eternity and is beautiful! Can that still happen or did they fix it?
It’s worth mentioning two things
1 you can use the ritual stone abilitiy get needed ten kills to max out the blade on one character (preferably a follower) by killing them then reviving them with the ability.
2 you cannot upgrade it at grindstone and do to that it not that good long-term but great for early to mid game.
Bro you wear exactly what I wear in skyrim
Did anyone else just do the wall glitch
It is damn near impossible to die with this in my experiences 😂
Pro tip: find any follower that you don’t care about and kill them while having the ritual stone ability. It raises any dead nearby without turning them into ash afterwards. Just kill them and use the ability right afterwards to resurrect and kill again, it counts as 2 and just repeat the process. ( just don’t decapitate the npc as they cannot be revived after that)
I’ve replayed skyrims load and always used the same wooden plate exploit to get it lmao
What are npc I can kill without feeling bad?
Not gone lie that blade was by far the strongest blade paired with assassins armor
Does anyone know about the dragon born sword?
Idk if this is better than bloodthirst (higher damage and the fastest swing speed in the game when dual-wielding due to a bug but the life steal enchantment also runs out really fast)
This blade with the 5 amulet of Talos glitch and elemental fury was broken
Get a companion. Go to the resurrection stone. Kill ur companion. U can use revive thing on stone once perday. Kill ur companion wait a 24 hours. Revive . Kill. Wait 24 hours . Rinse and repeat 10 times n it will be fully upgraded
Thankkk you Broo
Me who one shot alduin with a wooden sword: ……….
I just used the follower for the other daedric artifact where you have emml tied up to a pole and kill em. Even then I just used the mercenary follower that you can hire.
It’s really stupid how much you life steal with this sword, the vampire power of life steal magic is nothing in comparison
And it’s locked in an empty room and placed on a lousy table. Way to make daedric quests interesting, Beth.
I I just see the wooden plate wall glitch to get it and now I can’t drop it it says quest item can’t be dropped and fjolas ring and the ring of heroine won’t drop from my info and iid the qeast
Ebony war axes and fury blades shout or something like that’s like a whole cheat to beat the whole game
You can also use beggars and the power to revive them, that way you won’t mess up your game by killing lot of followers
For those that don’t know, the ebony blade is glitched. while being a 2 handed weapon it benefits front the 1 handed skill tree.
And here I am with fully upgraded and enchanted daedric armor with a fully upgraded and enchanted daedric greatsword. Miraak was a 5 minute battle.
You can just give w coin to a beggar, take the ritual stone, kill the beggar, use the ritual stone spell on it 10 times and thats it…
fun fact: if you want to remain a good character but still want the upgraded ebony blade, then go kill the dark brotherhood. For some reason they are still classified as your friends when you choose to destroy the dark brotherhood.
Ritual stone power works very well for this, 1 follower and then wait 24hrs each time
You don’t need to absorb health when you can 3 or 4 shot anything in the game with high damage swords
Love the glitch through the wall to get that bih
This combined with the Ebony Mail is game breaking
Ebony Blade is the worst weapon in the game hands down. Even if you power it up its still trash and a wooden sword can be far better than the Ebony Blade
Am I the only one who doesn’t understand why everyone loves this blade so much? Like sure when you fully upgrade it the enchant is cool and you don’t have to charge it but come on this damage is literally trash. And if you really need health absorption just use enchanting and get black star. Then you have good amount of absorption and weapon that actually does damage
Or you can start the game level one go to white run how in the kitchen go down to the door use a bowl on the wall to the right hold it faze threw the wall have another bowl to drop when you faze threw the wall grab word drop bowl faze threw any wall drops you back into main room of the castle then you have a insane sword to mess with at level one
I’ll kill the npc’s who trust me in riverwood cos I never go there anyway
When did it become a daedric artifact?
So sad you can’t destroy this blade. Imagine if there was a secret quest like that one of the Naughty Nightwear from Fallout 3 and you could just pin the sword deep inside the ocean or send it back to daedric realms someway.
I put the ebony blade in a display case in lake view manor and now it’s gone😢
This my favorite weapon in Skyrim by far. It’s just strong enough and doesn’t make me overpowered. It really sucks how underpowered it is compared to everything else though.
I’ve never got this honestly, I’ve always just walked through the wall with a bucket.
I need help because it said it returned to its full glory but still 19 damage.
I killed them mask guys in 1 hit with sneak
You can get this blade at level 1 by using a metal platter to shift through a wall in the basement of the whiterun castle
Kill the hobos. Easy.
I got it as a lvl 4 lol
When i took it the entire WhiteRun attacked me
I can’t be the only person to get this by going through the wall.
How do you tell when it’s finished if you forget how many you’ve killed
You wore the same outfit i did lol
I found windshear on my first play through… but haven’t used it in any recent saves because it makes the game too easy.
This the normal game or the anniversary game?
Always bothered me that smithing made more powerful weapons than uniques you find, makes finding a ‘legendary’ weapon feel disappointing
Skyrim “this is a weapon that had caused thousands of deaths and is imbued with power so great a daedric prince used it himself”
also skyrim: 5 points of stamina damage per second, oh no out of soul gems, 20 damage and you might as well just switch to a elven sword thats been buffed a few times and apply a more powerful enchantment that a 30 year old nord discovered on a bloody iron sword 2 days after he first reached level 5 in a small bandit infested mine.
basically daedric artifacts are useless besides mehrunes razor the rest just dont feel as powerful as they say.
skyrim should make daedric quests unlock at much higher levels, never require soul gems and be on par with daedric level weapons.
a magical shrine or the atronach forge should allow players to convert the stats of one sword to the other. so you can convert a super powerful daedric sword to say a steel or iron sword but not artifacts that should be the acception
Neve knew this
Love the ebony blade for a non cheating play through. My first ever two handed special kill thing with a dragon was with that sword (like where you climb on its head and stab it)
For those that dont know Windshear is by far the most powerful weapon in the game that isnt created by the player coming with a base damage the same as normal scimitars but the enchantment is crazy OP. The enchantment says it staggers opponents when they hit you while blocking with windshear but doesnt mention that when you use a normal attack with it, it has a 100% chance to stagger your opponent and it works on any opponent. Literally anyone that tries to fight you 1v1 will not be able to hit you as they are constantly being staggered. Combine this with the OP ass tornado cloak u can get from the telvani dude makes a nearly untouchable build while even fighting a crowd of draugr.
LOOOL i love the fact that we both have the same character gear(Nahkriin, snow nord armor)
I cheesed the fuck out of Krosis, I found out he won’t attack if you’re too close to him or he bugged after i used the disarm shout (first time playing ever, so if it’s common knowledge, meh)
If you glitch the door youll bug the questp
I just use stendars hammer
This is honestly one of the best weapons in the game especially if you build around it’s the best no argument tbh you lol
Quick tip, you can use the ritual stone and bring back a single follower 9 times after the first kill so you only have to kill one person 10 times instead of 10 separate people. I’d recommend a crappy follower or one you genuinely don’t like
I know the sword is the main focus but what is the armor you have on?
Thank you 👌
I prefer to use the bug to maximize it
Me who slaps 20 health absorb on 2 daggers with my one handed mage🥸
I found a weapon in the game files years ago that has the “ability” (not enchantment) “Targets do not treat an attack with this weapon as an assault” so basically you can use the thing to.. kill Nazeem without having to care!
It’s a 2h Akaviri blade
The platter in my inventory
Ritual Stone is your friend for this one
Ah yes Skyrim. The game with the same 6 attack animations that people still play 10 years later despite it being outdated AF
Guess im not grabbing this weapon.
I know theyre just lines of code but i just started playing skyrim last month and now im in love with the world 😂😂
I’ve had this blade for a while and the only reason I didn’t like using it is because it looks like a samurai sword
I can easily one punch all my enemies is that they’re all ancient in my armor to do 700,000 damage without mods Took me forever to make enchantment glove they could do 2000% improve enchantment but I managed
You can also just slaughter all of the killable characters is riverwood and that would work too
The ebony blade is so overpowered because the absorb life doesn’t count as an enchantment because it gets more powerful the more people you kill so you can use the elemental fury shout to make you attack much faster with it and become unstoppable because your basically gaining health extremely fast to the point where your not even using it
Nervshatter: am I a joke to you
10th blade artiform
Where in dragons reach is it
Nah, gotta get Umbra from Oblivion
I love Ebony blade ♥️
Just givee the Beggars money then kill them
Apparently, calm spell on bandits to befriend them also works, or so I heard.
The npc requirement is also fulfilled with a summon idk about atronochs but I know dremora lord works
Why all this effort and betrayal, when you can just smith your own, more powerful weapon ?
My advice is to use Zim Immersive Artifacts, you can upgrade the blade depending on your smithing skill and perks, almost all enchantments are replaced, and you need to refill ALL of them, even the Ebony Blade, with soul gems sadly, one thing i hate about it that its tooks away the black shroud effect from the Ebony Mail and the insta kill ability from Mehrune’s Razor
Damage output 45? You’re definitely rocking some one handed Enchanted gear, despite this being a two-handed katana
I like to keep it as a way of saying I could, but I wont
You should upload one of the firearm or gun mods basically you shoot anybody or anything and it’s pretty much an instant kill at dragons you have to shoot a couple more times but it kills them pretty much a lot quicker than any other weapon
I can do more damage as Conjurer stealth marksman.
1 coin + 1 hobo + ritual stone = stronk blade
Killing guards counts.
Where is the giant space program
fusion(weapons) mod please someone make it(I want to swing rainbow energy)
How do you know that someone trusts you
I just used the ritual stone and the blind guy to get a few charges haha
I would always kill a random beggar at night in rifted and drag their body out of the way and use the daily ritual to bring them back if I wasn’t doin any magic that run.
That sword sucks
I love how this edgy Odachi has the most edgiest way of making it super powerful.
Is this part of the base gsme or the anniversary
Somebody help I restarted playing skyrim again couple months ago, I lost my ebony blade I can’t find it anywhere! How can I find it without crashing the game?
Or go to the stone near Valheim towers, whichever that is…ritual? Cast that x times and baddabingbaddaboom
I thought there was a way to upgrade it using a Dwarven machine companion?
Thank you ATUM for my breath, my heart, my soul
My chaotic good Dragonborn gets the Ebony Blade through pickpocketing, then throws it into the Sea of Ghosts. Y’all motherfuckers need Talos.
My brother showed me a glitch to get in and out of the room with plates or somthing
You can just use Ritual Stone and kill follower you hate the most like 10 times but never did it i have over 5000 hours in Skyrim and i never make unholy characters
keep in mind that life drain means it adds the 30 points of life steal to the sword damage so it does 75 in total
Why is yours 45 damage and mine is 18 damage and it’s max level
luaghs in lev 50 restoration destruction and enchantment mage
It has special stats? I always just found one but it’s damage was lacking compared to my randomly upgraded sword
When i was a kid i searched up ebony night instead of ebony knight
*shrugs and proceeds to put absorb health on my weapons at max enchantment level*
Argonian, two handed expert, heavy armor, necromancy, become highly familiar with all move sets, nearly invincible and look badass recruiting freshly killed enemies 💪🏼
Or alternatively, you could mod the s**t out of your game like a normal person and just have op weapons that give you godlike abilities
It’s really really good but the enchantment doesn’t work on every enemy and you can’t improve it on a a grindstone
I’ll stick with my godly fork and knife, that can one shot dragons.
Who gets tired from Skyrim,???
Me, never
“One of the strongest swords in the game.”
Me: Cool!
“You have to Kill 10 of your closest Followers”
Me: Nope
choose a follower you dont care, and kill and then use ritual stone and repeat 10 times. revive spells wont work, they will turn thwm into ash
To Get the Ebony Blade just ask for a rumor from the Tavern in the whiterun and it’ll ask you to talk to the kings kid do it this and you now have the ebony Blade
true to being a paper towel
Heres a step by step of achieving this early in game with minimal casualties, i call it:
1st: farm stealth and longsword skills in the whiterun hold till your high enough level that you can obtain the quest. This can be easily done by clearing the nearby caves and dungeons, while finishing the early quest the game throws at you. This useually take me anywhere from 4-8 hours from starting a new vanilla game.
2nd: do the quest and take your prize, it may not look like much but just wait in time itll be more vampiric then the Underworld franchise.
3rd: make your way from Whiterun east following the road alongside the river to the Ritual standing stone, and activate it. Thisll give you a nice once a day Raise Zombie ability that will be used later.
4th: continue down the road as it follows the river the same way a beginer would take on their first journey to High Hrothgar. Eventually on your right there will be a trailhead going up the mountain to a Nordic Ruin called Hillgrunds Tomb.
5th: talk to the cowardly Nord Golldir to get his quest Ancestral Worship, basically just clear the dungeon.
6th: leave and and come back (youd probably need to fast travel back to Whiterun to store and/or sell of all your loot from the journey up to this point anyway)
7th: when you return Golldir should be outside the tomb where you first found him in the first place. Pull up your dark hood draw the Ebony Blade, and kill him.
8th: use your Ritual stone ability to bring him back then kill him again.
9th: sleep/wait for 24 hours to reset the Ritual stone ability.
10th: repeat steps 8 and 9, 9 more times and congratulate yourself on a job well done, not only did you easily obtain and upgrade the Ebony Blade to its maximum potential but you also got to enflict hellish suffering onto a nord whose cowardice let his own aunt die.
Yeah I can’t lie I was that guy who went for the ebony blade and armour combo,something bout radiating shadows that actively harm others is rather cool when added to the ebony swords life stealing effects.
So you need to kill non-Agro NPC’s to get the weapon buff to happen
This one was one of my favorites. And to fill the enchantment, I befriended the Dark Brotherhood and Thieve’s Guild, then summarily executed them all for their crimes against Skyrim and her people.
what armor is that?
too bad it is actually garbage because it is flagged as a one handed wep even tho it is clearly a 2H wep.
I got ot before the quest so i cant get it😭😭😭
I need to save a comment here for all the tips
The ebony blade is nothing more than a wall hanging P.O.S.,, I. Have Hand Crafted Way better weapons in game ,, and as a level (#87) master enchanter/ blacksmith/ battle Mage/ archer,, I could kill god in game,, and giggle while I’m doing it,, Damn,, it’s good to be dragon born,, because afterwards,, I’ll ride my x3 pet dragons,, off into the sunset 🌅,, looking for my next quest or just to go hang out,, with other werewolves. Because I’m also a werewolf Kinghound in game 😜😍😇🫠
On one of my old characters I got the ebony blade and wanted to upgrade it with the orc stronghold method, however, I guess I missed the pop up saying that it was fully leveled, so I ended up gaining the trust of, and then killing almost every NPC in Skyrim and solsteim
yeah, well, full 2h and a big stick does the same job
**Laughs in lichdom**
I usually just keep resurrecting them over and over
Me with the ebony blade: a fine addition to my decoration
I’ve heard that you can
1) Kill owned horses to charge the blade
2) Kill enemies you’ve cast the calm spell on to charge the blade
Can anyone confirm?
Funny thing is you can power up the blade without killing any followers or going full evil. You just need the following.
1. Get a really powerful necromancy spell.
2. Do the solitude quest, until the argonia. Asks you to go to the ships wreckWhen they betray you, specifically the argonians sister kill her.
3. Use the necromancy spell to revive her and kill her again. Rinse and repeat ti’ll the blade is fully powered up
This is actually a great idea for a weapon, it’s just in the wrong game. There’s no real consequence to killing all those people and you can ultimately circumvent it since it’s so easy to make OP items yourself.
im sorry Narfi, but i gotta do this to you 10 times
Why is anyone playing Skyrim when there’s Elden ring
pretty sure you can summon like, ten wolves and use those too
Just use dead thrall. I always kill that bit who does the shield training in the companions.
To charge the Ebony Blade just use the ritual stone, wait a day, repeat.
Easiest way to lvl it up is narfi you can kill and revive over and over to get the 10 kills all on the same guy
Screw that Daedric Prince, I take that thing and drop it down a waterfall so it’s never used.
Just kill and use a reanimate or raise dead spell to bring them back to life then kill again my favourite to do this to is Narfy cause he dies anyways give him 1 gold then slaughter him for 1 night over and over 👍
Let’s point shit out why do this when I’m a glitcher i was one of the many who refined the potion and enchant bugs and well I love bows but once and a while I do funny ones like unarmed and more
Get blade of woe. Use it to gain enchantment. Enchant personal one-handed weapon. Dominate.
You can also kill a beggar and use the raise dead stone and keep waiting a day and killing the same beggar
Finally! Someone who know the Ebony Blade and actually knows what there talking about. Mad respect Thank you!!
Or you can keep killing those dwarven pets you find in solstheim
Just donate to a beggar until they trust you….. then rinse and repeat
Lmao it’s broken as hell, swings as fast as a sword or dagger, it’s just so stupid op. Fully upgraded you can take on 2 giants, their mammoths and a dragon that flys in all in basic clothes cause wth not
I used to just glitch my way in the moment I start the game. Just grab a plate, walk it over to the door, and run into the plate. You’ll glitch your way in and can start the game with the ebony blade. Warning, this will make you fail the mission associated with the blade
I’m good just using bow and arrows 😅
I love this weapon so much
now with the annyversarie edition u can use the staff of worms to revive a friendly npc so u dont need to walk across skyrim to find 10 tools
Using the ritual stone counts as well and you don’t have to murder any possibly useful npcs
I feel like my game must be broken because I’ve never found the dragon priests to be overly difficult, I just hack em with an axe
What about lemkil in roarikstead? Plus ritual stone.
Cosnach from Markarth+ ritual stone. Do thralls count?
Wait it raises its power from killing NPCs you trust? I thought I got mine to max enchantment just by using it over time.
I just hunted every stray dog
That was my go-to weapon, never used anything else. A shortcut to reach the friend murder goal is to hire somebody at a bar take them to the middle of nowhere kill them! Use spelled to bring them back as a zombie or a spirit. I forget which, and just kill them multiple times to reach the goal
isn’t this a mod weapon?
If Lydia isn’t dead in a ditch by then, she’s usually my go to with the Ritual stone loop.
Love the blade. But have I don’t like killing people who trusted me with it. So it remains at its weakest.
i didnt like two handed weapons the first time i got this weapon and every run after that one i never got the quest to pop back up…but at least all my friends are still… oh yea thats right… i killed them anyway cuz they stepped in front of my sword… damn
There is a list you can look up of which NPC you can kill to fully charge it but it has always taken more than 10 for me.
Stealth archer: allow me to introduce myself
I had the same armour set as you, looks very nice!
Wait How Do You Get It?
You only got 275 damage? Lol weak
Bro that armor set looks so cool
I do the quest to get it… then I drop it in the Ocean. Hate it.
You can cheese it with one of the standing stones to only kill one npc. The standing stone that lets your raise the dead once a day since it lets you revive the same body over and over again.
No, first you have to figure out how to trigger the quest.
For easy levels with this get in good graces with the orc strongholds and slaughter a few of the strongholds, or use the stone that lets your resurrect nearby corpses once a day and just use that on one stronghold till its maxed. Ik slaughter sounds bad but that’s what it is
Or you can do the Quest line Breaking the Brotherhood, killing them enhances the Ebony blade without having to betray anyone.
I hate the fact that the most powerful weapons aren’t the daedric artifacts but just dragon bones you glue together.
Step 1. Beat uthgerd in a fist fight in whiterun, choose her as a follower
Step 2. Get the ritual starsign
Step 3. Kill uthgerd
Step 4. Revive with sign and repeat step 3
Step 5. Success
You can go around killing the orcs at their strongholds after you get something like Volundruung or the blacksmith’s fingers, and it will count as progress.
It’s garbage
you can also use the resurrection stone or some sort of resurrection spell
I’m not using that, I have to much of a heart
This is boarderline broken, like the dual wielding spears in AC Valhalla. But effective af. And I’m going do that quest rn.
Is the old one-handed bug fixed by now?
Just have faendal follow and spam ressurectuon on him every time you kill him. You have go make sure that yoh rest in between kills or this method wont work and he’ll just turn to dust
I couldn’t kill all the NPC’S that trusted me, so I only killed the old beggar in riften multiple times until the sword was complete still feel bad tho
I never used this blade as I hate the slow attack speed kf two handed weapons but seeing that it attacks much faster than a normal one I’ll have to try it out
Is it a mod
Well the thing is I have berserker rage and secret of protection and not only that I have chaos damage on my Warhammer and battle ax while wearing full enchanted ebony armor it’s going to need a bit more than that to kill me
Edit: and I do a lot more damage than that thing
Ritual stone, 1 follower, and a lot of waiting, saves a lot of trouble
For anyone without a high level raise dead spell: Just go around and hire mercenaries. Almost every city has atleast one.
You can also steal crops and sell them to the farmer that owned them, that automatically classifies them as a friend (perhaps wait a full day to make sure it takes effect) then you can insta shank them.
Not sure it works with the unofficial patch mod but if u kill a follower who trusts u and resurrect them u can kill them again for it to count a little scummy but it works
Good bounty joke
When I first god it I was with winter hold collage so I just killed one person there resurrected them killed them again for all 10 times then payed to join again
If you get up close and hit a dragon priest as they are “spawning in/waking up” you can break thier ai so they won’t attack and only move backwards, I found this out fighting Volsung at the top of Volskygge, collect the word from the word wall (which triggers volsungs awakening), run to the other side of the coffin this so the priest is between you and the wall and start swinging, his ai breaks and he just keeps backing up into the wall without attacking at all, Volsung is also one of the better masks early game
This was my favorite blade cause it was a two handed katana. But man was it depressing to raise it to its full power.
Dispoint ment line 😄
You could either use it to kill characters who are gonna die anyway. Or, you could use dead thrall & murder the same person 10 times.
I’ve never once actually leveled that thing. I really need to figure out how to be more mean in games lol
I just thought of something, realistically the health drain would give you tons and tons of diseases and give the opposite effect
I’m currently using this blade. I think I killed 2 so far but not sure. I do know I was able to get it when I first got to Dragon’s Reach using the door glitch. Used the same glitch for my bow.
Can you add extra enchantments on it?
Or I run tank razor
Ah yes the power off the edge
there is a random encounter with farmers who were attack by a dragon
give them gold then they love you
kill them to upgrade the ebony blade
You can actually fill the blade much faster with the ritual stone on the aetherial crown and one follower
Never used it. Honestly I can make somthing better in every way, Sep the unlimited uses but I always have so many soul gems that’s actually a negative trait for me lol. Wonder if I can disenchant it. Only value it could have for me
You can use calm spell on bandits to charge it
Killing an orc settlement when you have their trust also counts
actually you need to kill 30 not 10
I can never do this I can’t bring myself to kill my companions
The biggest flaw of this weapon is it’s ugliness
I call it the gucci blade
Basically you’re just Melania with extra steps.
Easier way get the aetherium crown get the necromancer stone then pick another stone wearing the crown pay a beggar at night is easier then stab revive and repeat by removing and putting it back on
I would never kill my allies with that thing cuz I actually use them instead I’ll just use some sorts cuz they’re not important to the campaign they don’t sell anything useful and they’re a dime a dozen
Or kill someone revive them and kill em agian
How do I get this weapon
I actually never knew you could make it more powerful wtf lol
Is this modded or vanilla?
Or you could just turn a fork into a weapon more powerful than all the gods
This quest never seems to want to start for me even when i meet the requirments
Love the armor setup. Would do the same thing lookin like a soldier of death
I didn’t wanna use it so I sold it to Farengar but then i found out other ways to upgrade it so i went to buy it back but it broke 🙁
And if you’re a neanderthal like me who still plays Skyrim on the 360, you can just use the platter glitch to phase through the door and grab the ebony blade at level 1
For those who do not know, you can just use a follower you hate and if you use a high level raise the dead spell you can just keep killing the same npc until fully upgraded
Doesn’t seem worth it. If rather just use my fully upgraded dragon bone mace, with fire damage, and health absorption enchantments
Excellent video and great commentary 👌🏻👌🏻
Souls for power fair
Nice video
Nice commentary, if all your shorts are like this I will be here 👍