Every poison dart trap is like this | Skyrim Gameplay Highlights



Gameplay highlight from part 305 of my Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition Let’s Play on legendary and survival. You can find the whole playthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2e9YdI6fp8&list=PLobdprIgcqJ-7HzrDzInvB3xaRyuzHE6L&index=1

Playlist for all of my video game shorts: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLobdprIgcqJ8J-k7WVZwcIdq2zfne4kbv

As always, feel free to recommend clips for future shorts by providing time stamps and video information.

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#shorts​ #Skyrim​ #ElderScrolls

Taqs:skyrim short,skyrim highlight,skyrim gameplay,skyrim funny moment,skyrim funny,funny moments,highlights,skyrim highlights,let’s play skyrim,let’s play skyrim se,let’s play skyrim special edition,skyrim legendary,skyrim survival,skyrim survival mode,skyrim playthrough,gameplay skyrim,elder scrolls,the elder scrolls,skyrim shorts,shorts skyrim,tes shorts,elder scrolls shorts,funny moments skyrim,highlights elder scrolls



  • コメント (33)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • Lyle Shnub
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    This short is from part 305 of my legendary/survival Skyrim playthrough. You can find the full video here:

    Or, watch the entire Let’s Play from the beginning right here:

    Want more shorts like this one? Find the playlist here:

    As always, feel free to recommend clips for future shorts by providing time stamps and video information.

    • Nightfall89 z
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    Most traps in skyrim yes. But I have failed to notice the trigger point a few times during an initial playthrough. Generally every trap after the first is easier to spot.

    • Jasper Zanovich
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    That looks like the trap is meant to hit anyone but the one on the pressure plate.

    • Dragoniel
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    -flame oil trap easy
    -tripwire trap easy
    -pit of spike trap medium
    -dwarven automatic trap hard
    -trapped in the room with unkillable nazeem famous line death sentence

    • MysticShades Meow
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    It’s because it’s aimed for where they predict the player is gonna be by the time the trap is activated if they were to go through the dungeon normally and not notice the pressure plate

    • Marvin cooper
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    Never leave Helgen without 100 in Sneak 50 in One Handed and 50 in Destruction. I forget traps are even a thing untill my extra stora- I mean my follower is limping against a wall

    • God
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    Thats a lot of strawberry jam, also I’m god.

    • Michael M.
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    I just did this dungeon last night! I think this particular dart trap would have been meant to protect the person sitting on the throne from would-be attackers. There’s a couple other dungeons with traps in front of thrones like this but I can’t think of them off the top of my head.

    • 2Foot
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    I hope one day you’ll do mod reviews for Skyrim. But specifically just better traps and ways to kill Sven

    • Chardevi
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    you’re talking exactly like me 😅🔥

    • ΩGrεεkGamingΩ
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    “Miss miss miss miss” well on to the treasure

    • angrybird6784
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    the ones by the chests are awful aswell

    • NexusSilver_
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    The damage from traps is extremely disappointing. I dont even bother dodging them cause its so insignificant, the only trap to ever ONE SHOT me was the falmer claw trap. Wish poisons, diseases and what not were actually a challenge rather than a slight inconvenience

    • TheWestFire
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    It really was the worst

    • Nate H
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    The only effective trap at killing the player is the dwarven spinning traps.

    • MARK-23-PLAY
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    there’s something cartoonishly hilarious about that XD

    • John Wiks
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    Turned into the dad from Fairly Odd parents near the end there.

    • Stormborn Apostle
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    Even if it hits, it does next to nothing in damage. The only time a trap ever killed me was one of those spinning blade traps in a Dwemer ruin.

    • Paulinie
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    Don’t forget to adjust the font size so we can read the dialogue 💜

    • Muskls
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    It’s meant to hit you as you either pass over or retreat upon realizing you stepped on a trap.

    • turnipling
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    traps are so funny to me bc i’ll walk directly into them, take a solid 1 damage, and go “huh????”

    • Ra’Virr
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    Even when poison darts hit and you have no poison resistance they still feel like they do nothing. I wonder if they were originally extremely dangerous but the devs took them out

    • CodeeXD
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    Yeah well you’re not supposed to stabd still. The idea is you hear the click and either move forward or backward which gets you turned into a pin cushion

    • MoFuShi
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    I like using sneak a lot. So I usually have the light feet perk. It is hilarious to drag a non-sneaking followers along, and walk them through the traps just to hear them yelp out when they get smacked with a spiked door, or poison darts. Then I look back, and see em crawling on the floor, and I am like, “What the hell you doing? Get up…”.

    • BigLargeEmMANuel
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    They’re all so fucking terrible too like the poison does four damage

    • Riot Ashley
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    Traps in any Bethesda game: 🎂

    • anonymous goat
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    I remember always being able to do the bleak falls barrow door perfectly but for some reason I always do the gate with the stones backwards so, I’m always getting shot with poison i’ve developed ability to dodge all the bolts

    • Grayson Brant
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    Ngl as a vampire throughout the game I would just walk through these traps and cackle

    • Fargo Retro
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    lmao when the trap aint that life

    • Tucher97
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    Actually, I think the trap is meant not to pelt the person stepping on it but pelt the person after they walked forward like a dunce.
    A lot of traps in the games were made for you to walk into them but if you see a pressure plate, it defeats the point of the trap.

    • Aragog Znethos
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    How bad should this trap be


    • fallen alpha
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    Oh, this is how the falmer learned to set traps.

    • JBTop Gaming
    • 2023年 2月 13日 8:40pm

    I remember coming across this trap and thinking the same exact thing😂
