Skyrim’s unsolvable mystery…


This Skyrim mystery is unsolved! Did the Dwemer or Falmer make the Temple of Xrib? It’s found within Sightless Pit, not far from Saarthal. Dive into the Skyrim theories and mysteries around this Elder Scrolls secret!

Taqs:skyrim,skyrim secret,skyrim theory,skyrim lore,skyrim lore explained,skyrim falmer,skyrim dwemer,dwemer


  • コメント (69)

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    • FudgeMuppet
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    My deep dive and best answer here

    • Garrett Krypciak
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Dude it is solved its a hint to the alter u add pie to each pedalistal and it make the skeleton in the middle live again

    • Seriph Strife
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Xrib was a Daedra that tricked the splinter group into worshiping it.

    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Isn’t it creation club

    • GothicRose_
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Wow. What a coincidence I just went through that dungeon earlier. 😂

    • Wendigo with an internet connection
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Im subscribing but only because i need to know if it was a fever dream. There was a dwemer ruin somewhere with a security cage and a yellow orb that floated around you before dropping the floor out and letting you fall through the whole mountain

    • Aerrocuda
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    FudgeMuppet: “The Temple of Xcrib is Skyrim’s unsolvable mystery.”
    The Dwemer Disappearance: “Am I a joke to you?”

    • Amazing Autist
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    What happened to the Snow Elves is in my opinion one of the greatest tragedies in Skyrim. I really hope the Falmer are able to get their sentence back.

    It makes me sad that the Snow Elves and the Sand Elves are gone. Genocide is always bad, and I really want to see how their reappearance would affect the world as a whole. Pretty sure the Sand Elves will be be salty about the complete genocide of their race, and the Snow Elves will be pretty pissed at the Nords who stole their Homeland and forced them into that slave-contract with the Dwarves.

    Though they’d be much more focus on recovering our culture and repopulating and trying to Rediscover what was lost, instead of reclaiming anything at the moment.

    I want to see what African (shut up, you know what I mean) Elves look like, as well as seeing what the complexion, outfits and culture of the Snow Elves would be – would they be similar to Nordic culture, or would it be drastically different I wouldn’t be surprised if the Nords took some of their culture from the snow elves considering that the Snow Elves were there first.
    What they have cold resistance, or since the Fowler don’t have that anymore what they have something else to adapt to the harsh winters of Skyrim?

    • Wade Bergman
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    If I remember correctly somewhere in the lore it said the Dwemer mad refugee cities for the snow elves. And Xrib is one of the falmer dieties. Though I could be miss remembering.

    • Willow Original
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    What if there is no x because it went with the dwemer?

    • Vivec
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Perhaps this was one of those unimplemented quest during development and was forgotten that it was there by the devs upon the final product.

    • Edgard Berganzo
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    I think you just solved it

    • Violex
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    oh, sightless pit. I remember discovering that for the first time on a new character, was way underlevels after falling into it avoiding a sabrecat. Took me a good week to get out.

    • Gabriel
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Your character walks in that dragon armor like a tank.

    • Kirbythediver
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Bro i must have missed this one

    • Johnny Bones
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    at the very start of the game when you wake up the guy asked you ” hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were proclaiming the word of Xrib, right?”

    • Sean Rosini
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    The dwarves turned themselves into a deity like civilization, however they didn’t do it alone Xrib was a snow elf who unknowingly betrayed his own kind, in the end he went with the dwarves and became deity like himselfs, now falmer pray for his return that he might come back and release them from there torment

    • Coffee Addict
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    A legit question unlike the one I got after making it to skuldofin temple courtyard and climbing out of it, and then walking across the untextured and deloaded map of Skyrim, and finding a very ominous person standing in the vast nothingness with an X under him. Then like an idiot (and because it was 3 am and I was legit tired at this point) I just tried to talk to it. Game very expectedly crashed and when I loaded back in my save was before I climbed out so I just beat the game

    • Lapo802
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    There is no Umbra in that cave 😉

    • Vegabonds Escape
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Skyrim. I miss you. You are my true homeland

    • Shrimp Of Death
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    The mod “Legacy of the Dragonborn” solves this in a way 🙂

    • Harry
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Would it not be pronounced ‘zrib’

    • memegod
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    I’ve always thought it be a cool dlc to go back in time and meet the dwemer mainly because they seem like absolute chads🗿

    • MasoneerPros
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    @TheEpicNate315 had this in one of his video’s and he says that he thinks its most likely a temple to Auriel the Elven god of the sun, BUT HEY THATS JUST A THEORY A GAME THEORY!

    • Mmoogl
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Hey, can you guys make an updated mod list for the mods you use?

    • Matheus Avelar
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Nice one

    • Luχuria
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    If we consider Kagrenzel, to be the city of Kagrenac, maybe we can call the location Xribzel, however we never heard of Xrib, but giving the dwemer “atheism” , Xrib must’ve been a person.

    • Alexander Wetherell
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    It was solved tho?

    • Phantom Thunder
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Probably another name for Xarxes. What’s with your pronunciation tho?

    • khajiit
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Fine, i’ll play skyrim again.

    • Amatanata
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    There’s also a book you can read over and over for unlimited experience. 12 year old me loved that.

    • Red Wine Drunk Randy Marsh
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Maybe it’s not a who but a what.

    • Jack Jon Valois
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Somebody explained this on the imperial library, I can barely remember what that god was about.

    • Dean Moran
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Wrong again, I knew

    • Vakaria
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    This is awesome! I’ve never even heard of this place and I’ve played Skyrim countless times. I LOVE how much little things like this there are.

    • Kisser bobus
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    I mean the Dwemer were sorta religious they weren’t atheist they believed in the aeadra and deadra they just say them as another race of being which is what they are and they wanted to become like them

    • magicpyroninja
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    That is quite the mystery, especially the long expanse of black silence. I don’t think we’ll ever figure out what happened

    • redandblue101
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    More likely, the designers of this location weren’t aware that the dwemer weren’t supposed to be worshiping anymore

    • hindsight is 2020
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Not an Alter . Its DJ Xrib’s booth
    Representing Solstheim and
    spinning stone instead of vinyl but the acoustics are awesome there ..
    Killer raves twice a month 😎

    • Joshua
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    No diablo content eh

    • Finlay
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Are you guys done making long form content?

    • Gio Martino
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    This game was truly ahead of its time there’s so much lore it’ll make one’s head spin mystery around every corner

    • Anna Saultron
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Na what everyone denies is right in front of us. TES is connected to Fallout in it’s far future (in the time of Fallout 4 some scientist think we may have captured a second moon). Crib is just on last remain of this. It’s a warning of the hassle you go through in Appalachia for hunting down legendary modules. For which you need Scrib. They found this note about an pre ancient currency and did there beat to understand it than History worked out it’s way and we end up with Crib being worshiped as a deity.

    • A Goldfish
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Tbh I was just trying to get the fuck out of there

    • Peter Francis Nuevo
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Omg 10 years of playing skyrim on and off and I haven’t heard or seen this yet in game

    • DC 26
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Xrib is just the Door dash guy

    • Zachary
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    ah, Sightless Pit. the final resting place for so many Lydias

    • rcbecker1
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Maybe this was added by others later, Falmer.

    • noname x
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Mystery solved. That is where the ebony warrior goes to clap cheeks. Until one day he clapped to hard and they haven’t been seen since.

    • Xavi’s Dad
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    I’m sure my femeldahide rotten mind would have found this interesting once

    • G
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    @camelworks: hold my beer

    • Just an Average Dragon
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    _When the Chimer first abandoned the herds and tents of their nomadic ancestors, and built the first Great Houses, we loved the Daedra, and worshipped them as gods. But our brethren, the Dwemer, scorned the Daedra, and mocked our foolish rituals, and preferred instead their gods of Reason and Logic._

    • Mephilis 78
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Xrib would be pronounced “Zrib” not “Scrib” lol

    • Hollen 36
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Or… is Scrib and the Falmer worship the cute little bug dudes from Marrowind.

    • Mary Beth Reimer
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    I really miss waking up on Sunday mornings with Fudgemuppet podcasts. 🥺
    Oh well, I hope you’re all doing okay!

    • Dan B
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    I mean if I had to take a guess i would say it was a great king of the Dwemer.

    • Tris-Chan
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    How do you know it’s pronounced like that?

    • Wesley Molt
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Wait, I thought you guys already solved this

    • MoonFoxArise
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    What if the Dwemer created their own deity who they considered worthy of worship? Maybe some kind of hive mind made out from important members of the species?

    • Brian Boudreaux
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    I am wondering how you get Sk-Rib from Xrib. ‘X’ usually sounds like a /z/ or /ks/.

    • Luke Brocklehurst
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    I believe The Temple of Xrib could be something erected by the Falmer after submitting to servitude under The Dwemer. Xrib could’ve been their interpretation of Xarxes.

    • Djordje Djuric
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Here’s a good mystery, why do dwemer ruins even exist in Skyrim? Sure, I understand a few around the Velothi mountains in the east but not throughout the entire Skyrim, especially in the Reach.

    • Aldryth Rhu’læl
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Fun Fact:

    It’s just an Easter egg left by the person that wrote the books for the TES games.

    I’m not even joking. The guy who wrote every book within the Elder Scrolls games left it to Bethesda to add certain books in areas that make sense to the book being left.

    There are 16 that correspond the Daedric Princes. 8 for the Aedra. And (if my memory serves) 13 for Mortal Heroes that went above their station in life.

    • High_Bi_Wanna-Die
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Just above the sightless pit there’s a unmarked place of sacrifice where you can find a skeleton that has a copy of the book “Doors of Oblivion” that duplicates in the skeleton’s inventory every time you open it, at 50 gold a pop it’s an easy way of making gold, if you have the carry capacity for it

    • Skeleton_craft Gamming (the skeleton king)
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Or it’s a deity of the snow elves.

    • Not a Dog
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Said this on the long for vid as well, but the name you’re using is wrong.

    X at the begining of a word doesnt make the “Sc” sound, it generally either makes the “Z” sound like “xylophone” or “Eks” sound as in “Prof. Xavier”, with some languages giving it the “Sh” sound like the Portuguese “Bruxa” and as an “H” sound like “Mexico” which is pronounced as “Mehico” in Spanish.
    Show me a single language where X is pronounced like “SC”.(you cant.)

    • Ryan Rodgers
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Here’s my answer. Xrib starts with the letter X and is pronounced Scrib, similar to scribe. Which elven deity starts with the letter X and is known for being a Scribe? Xarxes!

    Perhaps the Falmer rediscovered a piece of who they used to be but their primitive minds didn’t understand it so Xrib is a bastardized version of Xarxes that the Falmer pray to for answers and possible Salvation. Gelebor would love to see this as evidence that the Betrayed are capable of learning their old culture

    • Wawale
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Plot twist xrib is just some bloke that built a temple for himself just for the memes

    • johntrevy1
    • 2023年 6月 05日 8:40am

    Maybe you found the Falmer Embassy.