Skyrim Guards Be Like…
You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?
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コメント (4212)
Skyrim memories
looks like a porno
Wait, is that you Lydia?
Is this so true😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Gdash Wave!!!4!
Need something🎉
Waaaaaait a minute.
she bad
And then a random npc walks by and goes : “Oh my, what happened?”
Needed more twisting with the death hahaha love it
At first i thought it was a dildo in her hand 😅
She finished morrowing with a fork 100%
how can you keep a straight face after that lmao
“Wait a know you”-Same guard who killed me
you forgot you easily killing the one, but than that one gets replaced by two like a hydra, exept instead of heads it’s guards
Bro loves skyrim
Inaccurate, she didn’t block all of your attacks for five minutes before doing anything.
The Table!!!!
Must be awesome to have a girl who shares a fondness for the extreme quirkiness of Skyrim.
АХАХАХАХАХХА это такая ностальгия, вспомнил как Айрилет хускарл ярла Балгруфа так же мены убила и просто села на скамью и смотрела на меня стеклянным взглядом
*Gta music plays*
Why is this so damn accurate? Lmao
should’ve saved first
I love you nic
Nah at that end part she gave you the stare that said you’re next
“Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying – of course you don’t.”
Why she kinda look like sssniperwolf?
He pickpockets all of her clothes & she’s there in a rag bikini
She was this 🤏 close to laughing
Let me guess. Someone stolen your sweet rolls 🤣
that’s why men should never flip off women
Hopefully he quicksaved
Woman 1
Man 0
Your home have good gerls stranger
Or they are like.. “Let me guess, someone stole your sweet roll?”
she forgot to say “wait I know you you’re dragon born” after she killed him😂
Awesome 🤣
Seriously though why are the Guards no matter what level you are they are the strongest ones
You forgot the “I’m the jarls thane”
“I’m the Jarl’s thane. I demand you release me at once.”
at the end: looks menacingly into the camera… 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Just pretend you didn’t hear the guard
I love these videos
He got the detail down to perfection with the vision blur after being dead 🤣💀
I’m gonna have nightmares of her staring at the camera like that.
Pov: my mom scolding me for skipping school
Need something ?
When she looked at the camera like “you’re next”😂
😂 my first time playing soon as I 1shot one person i thought I was op
He really had to do it to the women like that huh? A stirring spoon and a pot top? Gotta say respect. (I regretted this later on)
“Need something?”
Then goes, “oh!, What happened?”
This is actually really good comparing it to Skyrim
When I was playing this game as a kid, It looked just like this. I was so scared to fight because I didn’t know how to kill an enemy. My heart was racing when this happened.
Sksyrim? WHAT?🤣🤣🤣🤣
She looked like Michael Jackson, by the end
fun fact: i have a Daedric war hammer
‘Im going to find whoever did this’
Hell yea orc rules
I wish the ladys looked that good on skyrim 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
Michael Jackson?
man destroyed stuff
and sit down like nothing happened
Getting spooned to death is definitely one of the ways to go
Oh well must’ve run off
“Oh well must’ve been the wind”.
Did got one shot killed she must be a high level
Girlfriends acting skill top teir
This is a Family in ohio
Gf powwereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
I’d finally get one guard down and the next thing I know my ass is getting beat by 19 of em lol
He forgot to have his legs spazzing out after he died
That wind-up middle finger tho.
Aftterthr pls inform me
The face staring on my soul 💀
I could do better.
HE PUT UP THE 🖕😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂LOL
The slight smile at the end was priceless. 🤣
Did she just use a cooking spoon lol
Bro got that cod emote
What about reconning
*deathly stares*
There should have been a hey I know you after he died
The last moment when the gf watches right in ur soul
When she when into the table, I lost it😂
Me, a level 67 Nord, cuts thru guards of whiterun like butter during the attack on whiterun, 10 levels later and i am still having to chip away at their health like they are a fuckin drauger deathlord
She killed him with a lvl inf spoon
The look at the camera
How many girlfriends does guy have? 😳
Talos the mighty! Talos the unerring! Talos the unassailable! To you we give praise!
We are but maggots, writhing in the filth of our own corruption! While you have ascended from the dung of mortality, and now walk among the stars!
But you were once man! Aye! And as man, you said, “Let me show you the power of Talos Stormcrown, born of the North, where my breath is long winter. I breathe now, in royalty, and reshape this land which is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you.” [note 1]
Aye, love. Love! Even as man, great Talos cherished us. For he saw in us, in each of us, the future of Skyrim! The future of Tamriel!
And there it is, friends! The ugly truth! We are the children of man! Talos is the true god of man! Ascended from flesh, to rule the realm of spirit!
The very idea is inconceivable to our Elven overlords! Sharing the heavens with us? With man? Ha! They can barely tolerate our presence on earth!
Today, they take away your faith. But what of tomorrow? What then? Do the elves take your homes? Your businesses? Your children? Your very lives?
And what does the Empire do? Nothing! Nay, worse than nothing! The Imperial machine enforces the will of the Thalmor! Against its own people!
So rise up! Rise up, children of the Empire! Rise up, Stormcloaks! Embrace the word of mighty Talos, he who is both man and Divine!
For we are the children of man! And we shall inherit both the heavens and the earth! And we, not the Elves or their toadies, will rule Skyrim! Forever!
Terrible and powerful Talos! We, your unworthy servants, give praise! For only through your grace and benevolence may we truly reach enlightenment!
And deserve our praise you do, for we are one! Ere you ascended and the Eight became Nine, you walked among us, great Talos, not as god, but as man!
Trust in me, Whiterun! Trust in Heimskr! For I am the chosen of Talos! I alone have been anointed by the Ninth to spread his holy word!
Him: Babe, I *need* you to help me make a silly Skyrim video
Her, in the middle of making lunch: Say less
Kkkkkk toop demais igualzinho
Imagine your passing thru a small town then your vehicle breaks down.. and everyone there acts like this, but it’s not a joke, and the longer you stay the more you become like them.. slowly, from the food and beverages you consume, even from the air as the manipulating toxins are released from the peoples pores.. soon you to be apart of the hive. Never to be heard from again.
The girl we all want
You forgot to say “Did someone stole your sweet role”😭
The Waffle house has found its new host.
Walking thru the table was on point.
You forgot” Well, must’ve run off” after the guard killed him
“I’m gonna find out who did this”
I have cheats on I do
“You call yourself a warrior”
Bro why is she staring DEEP INSIDE MY DAMN SOUL
Good game.
I wonder how they manage to do this without laughing
She got such long feet
Me dying to a guard one hit and on level 25 😂
Yall have an awesome relationship. Keep it going.
After she kills you “Oh what happened?”
Put a mod in where random groups of enemies with archetypes try to hunt me down till I kill all seven boss ( sinister 7). long story short the guards and villagers are automatically in fear mod and like to run in front of spells so it turns from 3-8 to a whole town and guards.
This guy has 2 girlfriends?? Legend
The winding up of the middle finger was epic 😂
“My cousin is out fighting dragons, and what do I get guard duty”
Omg the so funny
this is like the start to a really bad porno, except this time im into it…
Run off I guess
I’m i the only one who gets soooo pissed off every time I die to a gurd beacuse of how over powder they are
Gf of legendary difficulty
Was expecting an execution from the Girlfriend as a coup de grace.
“Lemme guess, someone stole your sweetroll” 😂
guards don’t sit
i swore she was mjoll from the green blade
Lmao the look at the end
so true
Damn where’s the grab button
She forgot to tell ‘ah, must have run off’
if you steam a fork
Skyrim guards don’t wear makeup? I’m very confused
Don’t become another JinnKid
How is she not a famous actor or something
they don’t have this shit in fallout tho
With this guard I would probably commit more crimes. Nice armor by the way.
Stop right there criminal scum!
My guy you have a fire ball, and she has silverware, how do you lose?
“Wait.. I know you.”a
said the whiterun guard to my chopped up corpse.
Those are from Oblivion not Skyrim XD
Holy hell… the sweet rolls on her.
No lollygagging
Coolest girlfriend ever to do this video with. This must have been fun to make. Lol
Man these shorts are getting more and more original…
Nah that’s the Witcher bro I always get 1 shotted😂😂
She almkst cracked looking at the camera at the end.
Everything is on point on cue on time and takes an arrow in the knee
Damn! I know that the girlfriend is supposed to be a guard but am I the only one that she reminds of Lydia?
Me literally every time:
Im fucking invinsible!!!
When the wind is slow when the fire is hot the valtures waits to see what rots…
Bills counter: ♾️
I can see she is trying not to laugh
Mum’s slippers are the ultimate ranged weapon
Must have been the wind
Well you actually have to steal something first, just looking in there inventory isn’t a crime but great video
Owned! 😂
Haha exactly
“Pay with your blood” isn’t that Oblivion?
Who else here to look at her juicy?
Wait… I know you… ( fucking run ) 😂
This made my day.
You forgot to spaz out on the floor
Оооо я в скариме точно также делаю
Note to how beautiful his girlfriend his, she makes videos with him, AND support the gaming community by doing so?!
you had to put your equipment away instantly before sitting down
Didn’t have time to eat all his cheese wheels for that hp.
Masterpiece lol
girlfriend final boss
Lmao lol
How she didn’t break out in laughter at any point during this I have no idea, I would have been a sack of potatoes on the ground with collapsed lungs halfway through
Bro this whole video is too accurate.
Jokes aside, skyrim is a great and fun game.
Ah to he good days, I too have experienced this many times back in my day
Oh she pays with her blood once every month
plot twist:he has a god mode mod and he has a mod to play dead
You forgot the part where they say. “Wait. I know you.” after they kill you
*Walks through table*
I could see her trying not to laugh
So true
THE LOOK😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣
Him putting up the middle finger made me laugh so hard 😂
Let me guess someone took your sweetroll
As a woman, I’m taking her side. Gotta 😏
i used to be an adventurer like you…
I like when he cranks a middle finger right into her face😂
Her trying to be serious at the end it’s just hilarious
“What say you in your defense?”
I think she was trying her best not to laugh at the end l.
Short ahh socks💀 but this is pretty entertaining
Relationship goals right there
She’s staring into my soul mom I’m scared
Girlfriends guard said: ✨Sksyrim✨
I don’t even know if I spelled that right
This kind of reminds me of Dishonored
lol actually as a skyrim fan that has been on this game for over 6,000 hours its BREAK THE LAW ON MY WATCH and then its PAY WITH YOUR BLOOD!!!
(Dies to a spoon) wow I’m going to try this in real life (hits my self with a stick) ow
“Must’ve ran off”
You can see her trying not to laugh with all of her power😂
Guards are harder to kill than Aldruin
I just downloaded Skyrim it just got out on the ps4 and this accurate
he just said “👉🏻 🖕🏻”
He did 99999999999999999 damage with a spoon
Forgot he mandatory background “By the gods”
dude she was litrally holding her laugh while staring at the camera.
Omg this is so accurate. The camera blur and zoom. PERFECTO
The ending when she stares at the camera though! LOL
The motion blur when you die haha 😂
Why does she literally look like the girl default skin?
Midlle finger
Forgot the Well… must had run off
Lol awesome
Fat girls play skyrim too huh?
Then the “Oh! What happened?”
Only thing needed was right after saying pay with your blood the guard immediately launches into an overhead power attack
hey they didnt do the spinning death animation been a problem with modders for years🤣
Nah. It’s Morrowind guards that are that strong. Skyrim guards would die as easily as that guy did
Please nobody in this video shoot each other in real life. Thx.
Faltou só no final ela falando “Wait, I know you” pro cara morto que ela própria acabou de matar
I love the insta pot helmet!😂😂😂
She did a fantastic job holding back her laughter.
Nah bro she a real npc💀
“You’re next.”
How does she keep a strait face lol
She literally looks like an oblivion npc character…
Why does she look like Michael Jackson
Tab: tgm
Godmode: enabled
I was just me or does she have a face like Michael Jackson
Hilarious lol also heres a scary story
Chapter I: Mysterious Rumour
In my neighborhood theres a popular rumour that started in 1980’s to 1990’s there was a happy couple known as Mr Crawler and Mrs Crawler. Mrs Crawler was a violinist while Mr Crawler was a lumberjack. Both of them lived on a Mansion and were happily married but it wouldnt be happy for long because both of them would always argue. So one day when they were argueing Mrs Crawler got so angry that she grabbed a baseball bat and hit Mr Crawler on the head and accidently killing him. Mrs Crawler realized what she had done so she went to the forest and buried her dead husband’s corpse but she didnt know someone was watching her and had called the police. Two officers arrived on the mansion and they heard the violin playing on the basement so they decided to walk towards the basement but that was the worst mistake of their lives. The two officers and Mrs Crawler were never seen again and nobody knows what happened to them. Now whats really mysterious is that after that event multiple children started dissappearing and people have claimed to hear the violin when they are walking pass the mansion. Anyways back to the main story.
Chapter II: Candy Scam
This story happened recently on halloween of 2022. Me and my friends Matthew, Malek and Freya were out trick or treating for a couple hours until it was getting late. Matthew and Malek went home but me and Freya wanted to get more candy. We went to other houses but most of them had no candy so we were about to give up until Freya said “Let’s go to the mansion over there.”. I replied “Isn’t that mansion haunted?” she replied back with “Thats just a stupid rumour.”. So I followed her and I saw a bowl of candy outside the doorstep I thought it was one of those houses were you could take as much candy as you liked but there was no candy it was just empty candy wrappers.
Chapter III: Inside The Mansion
We were about to leave dissappointed until I heard the door open so I turned around and a man which looked about 40 to 50 told us “Wait! are you trick or treaters?”, we said “yes” so the man told us to come inside and choose what candy we liked. Both of us made a dumb decision of coming inside; the house looked very dusty, the walls looked damaged and the floor looked like it didn’t get cleaned for the past hundred years. The man told us “Sit down on the sofa I will get your candy upstairs.”.
Chapter IV: The Horrible Smell
While waiting Freya asked me “Do you smell that?” I replied “Yeah I do, it smells like rotten eggs.”. Both of us went to check where this horrible smell was coming from and it led to the basement door. Freya opened it and we saw a woman’s body hanging on the wall with a massive hole on her stomach that revealed her intestines. We ran out of the mansion but the man saw us and started to chase us while holding an axe.
Chapter V: The Man’s Fall
While I was running I yelled “SOMEONE HELP SOME GUY IS CHASING WITH AN AXE!” I heard the man say “Shut up will ya?” then I heard a loud thud. I turned around and im guessing the man tried to throw the axe at me because it almost hit my foot. Freya grabbed the axe and told him to back off but the man didn’t listen instead he took out a pocket knife and started to run towards her. Freya managed to cut off the man’s leg making him fall and drop his knife so I took this opportunity to call the police.
Chapter VI: False Rumour
Luckily the police arrived quickly and arrested the man. Turns out the rumour wasnt true because the man was Mr Crawler himself and he was a cannibal who killed and ate the two police officers along with his wife and unborn baby. Mr Crawler was also responsible for killing and eating multiple children. Whats even worst is that theres a total of 21 missing children but only 3 children were found in that mansion and none of them were alive.
“Oh well, must’ve run off.”
Imagine playing Skyrim using a guncon: *shoots gf*
She looked like she could barley hold in the laughter 🤣🤣🤣
Your such an npc
Why does she have a Michial Jackson face!?
I’ve seen that spatula in other videos, that thing is deadly
You forgot the “greetings adventurer” at the very end
Forgot about the part where the npc dies after they sit down
Bro she staring in to my soul at the end
nobodys here
Bruh. I just go to solitude and just kill all the guards if i need money
The poor demons are trying to sleep and this is what you. Doing to wake em
I hope that every nerd finds happiness with a gf like this 🤣
The death animation is nostalgic.. Nice work
*_NPC proceeds to have an insightful conversation with my lifeless corpse_*
that is 100% accurate even the fall and them sitting at the end casually XD
The death fall tho
“Must’ve ran off” would’ve been golden
So true
Skyrim mod list kill time be like
Must’ve been the wind
All I know this. This dude like to have many females in his house. She’s definitely persuaded him to partake in 3 somethings. They’re all little bit geeky girls too being a game like Skyrim. He’s got it made. A bird into games, and proper games too. RPG’s. So, you know they’re be a little bit kinky, as the repressed in school for being geeky, hence the threesome. My man! 🤣🤣😂😂
*Proceed to summon flame atronach*
These are great, please tell me your not going to be like that other guy
She forgot the “WAIT..i know you” after you die
no why guards are that strong
Skyrim and redemption
As a skyrim player
I can confirm that they don’t wear half dress clothes and pajamas when trying to arrest the player
still pretty accurate
he should have tp’ed to the core of the sun
Jajaaja el final es épico xd
A Ship without marines is like a garment without buttons
The dying animation…
I wish she started using the spatula to eat invisible soup out of her shield.
That’s not a guard, that’s a f***ing real life Lydia.
I expected a “Need something” or “Must have run off” at the end.
That girl : teach you to mess with me.. -_-
That’s obilvion gaurds..
Must have been the wind
That’s really how it be
As someone that JUST recently started playing Skyrim, I found this entertaining. 😂
Вот такую бы девушку, которая полностью разделяет все увлечения своего парня особенного компьютерные игры 🙏🙏🙏😘
Inaccurate, he didn’t accidentally exit the conversation
how the fk do i share a short? just copy the link?
I love skyrim when you fall 1000 feet in the air and fall the same way he did lol
Nice one punk as f Love run Amuck.
I loved that she just walked through the table lmfaooooo
Should’ve had her check the body and say “I’ll find who did this!” That one got me every time 😂
Why did she sit all stiff and look at the camera like that tho? Totally ended me! 🥹😂
She got the fatarseeeeee
Like my wife
😂the way she walks threw
Beautiful, just absolutely beautifully well done.
This is unrealistic and u immersive cus didint even spin when he died!
That death was so accurate
Cringe button
You should demonstrate the perfect touch pickpocket perk on her too.
Wait people who grind Skyrim get girlfriends?
The way she walked through the table
Very Accurate 😀
What’s on her foot?
I love it.
This is one of you best videos 🐱
Na na na the end naaaah 10/10 😂😭😂
First time play that game I challenge the gaint . I hit him once and he slap me like mosquitoes..i died..so I learn my lesson
should have shown them using other dialogue once they kill you.
A spatula
that’s not me I’m a werewolf in skyrim
Fo sho duh
That’s true except for the fact that if you have the Ebony blade then they literally have no chance against you
That stare into my soul: 👁️👁️
Me: 📱👀
She forgot to tell him she was an adventurer that she took a arrow in the knee after she killed him
“Must’ve been the wind”
And yet, we have to defeat alduin…smh
You forgot the what a waste
Must’ve been the wind
That deathstare at the end 🤣
How does a dishwasher kill you with a spoon?
Please don’t kill your GF like the other Skyrim tuber 😅
“Must’ve been the wind”
That must have scared them off
Must have been the wind
💔 Skyrim
I would so do that with my girlfriend
When you’re an alteration hater but you play mage
Must’ve been the wind
Thr last look: Need something?
🤣🤣🤣 accurate death
Она сначала должна была посмотреть на труп и сказать “Всё хорошо?”, а потом сесть.
we are all that old now huh
And the look after lol
You died to one hit lmao
This is dope
Jajajaja 🤣
What would you literally do if someone walked up to you like that as they knock over stuff and literally just push everything out of the way
That chick is best girl
table is no need for
My dumbass try to f****** dodge it while watching the video LMAO
*Stares right at your soul*
“What say you in your defense?”
Bro she was holding her laugh 💀💀
Why is this fact?
Yep just like they do in the game 👍👍nice
Must’ve run off
Bro got a spoon vs a fire ball
Jesus Christ this is where entertainment is headed. We are fuxked as a species!!
Umm I like cake
This is exactly how games are
You forgot to add that life spin before they die
She’s looking at the camera trying not to laugh I think😂
In like how she walk and pushed that whole table lol.
You pick a bad time to get lost friend…
Skyrim is a good game though
Pissing off by yourself handsome?
Onlyfans of your girlfriend
How tf did she keep a straight face the entire time? XD
Must’ve been the wind
Damn that’s your gf? I don’t see how that worked
Kitchenware vs Man
You forgot when they kill you they say “ Must’ve scared them off.”
She got em CHEE-
Imagine dieing from a women
That is not where I thought the pickpocketing was going to go
Dude she looks like a bit like Lydia from the side 😂😂😂 lucky chad
Her face at the end looked like michal Jackson
I could feel the urge not to crack up in front of the camera whilst staring into it
I like how “Then pay with your blood!” Is completely out of sync but everything else she said WAS✋🏾😭
Best comedy i ever Seen of my life🤣
Mlady is trying to hold her laugh bad
The elder scroll 6
Michael Jackson
So accurate. 🤣
Thank you for that. 👊🤣
Last person who made this their gimmick ended up real rough. Hope
I don’t hear tragic and sad news about you in 3 years
Forgot the “wait… I know you”
*Literally dies* ….”Huh did u hear something “
I’d get so so terrified when I got in trouble with the guards. Like now I am an enemy of the people. Lmao good times
Fallout:”Lost Carma👿”
Flame does nothing
No that’s eso guards
Best relationship
Forgot to add the ol’ “must’ve ran off” comment after they kill you.
i think i’m famous.
Nice a×ss by the way
Oops didn’t mean to click on a JinnKid copy.
Damn stormcloak rebels.
The stare into my soul at the end XDDDD
She knows I’m regretting not quicksaving
Lmao it was like I was really there. Gave me flashbacks to the Imperial City **shudders**
“Must’ve been the wind”
TOO perfect! 🤣
all the rules of skyrim are followed
Must’ve run off
she is waiting for you to come back from the dead so she can kill you again
“Mustve scared him away”
Need something
Let me guess…. someone stole your sweet roll.
that guard is thi….. Imma shut up.
She look like off brand Michael Jackson
Since when Skyrim has thicc guards ?
She looks a lot like Lydia…I thought at the end she will become lydia
Hottest guard I have seen
Hottest guard I’ve seen
“Wait! I think I know you!” Immediately after killing me
These mods are getting super realistic.
She’s trying so hard not to smile
Move along nothing to see here
Really good!!! Awesome
Skyrim guards be hot 🔥
Forgot where they randomly say they must have ran off
one hit delete he using kick off the stage mod XD
Why are people mixing up morrowind, oblivion and skyrim? The walking was from oblivion, the dialog was from skyrim and the firs persen view is from morrowind
If they add 4 crashes and 2 bugs, will be 100% real
*Sheaths sword*
Must have been the wind
why is the guards sword and shield kitchenware,,,?
You must’ve played alot of Skyrim, and honestly I respect it.
“Must have run off”
so funny
“Must have been the wind”
Its so true i play skyrim LMAO
Or I remember you now
While your dead the guards will say “wait… I know you”
Not perfect enough it should be doing violent mod finished move to him knee kick punch slam trow
Nah the character’s legs have to go totally limp and do a jazz split before lying down dead.
The best ones are when they kill your while you have a bounty and during your death cutscene they’re like, “Wait…I know you!” 🤣
Oh my god, a real unicorn.
Lol facts
after killing
“Huh, must have run off then.”
what did he steal tho ??
Guard: Wait i know you 😅
Lol pretty good u two
I haven’t played Skyrim since 2015 😂 I’m missing out
Why is this so accurate 😭
Elite boss kk
Must have been the wind.
okay this is heavily inspired by the original Skyrim IRL meme by Ciccio Merrino but it was still good af
So true XD
that death fall was not accurate. he didnt wiggle around and fly off in a random direction.
This is great 🙂
bro the first time i played i killed a chicken and then the entire village started following me, the i got lost in an icy place where a pair of cyclops wanted to squash me with the sticks, the i came across a tiger that fucked me up 3 times, that shit ate every magic/attack i trew at it
needless to say, i disinstalled the game right after
Shit. Her look at the end… Shes coming for us!
This isn’t the guy and girl where the dude killed her is it? Anyone else know of the Skyrim skit maker couple that the dude killed his GF?
“Stab” Ughh… “im gonna find whoever did this”…. “Must be my imagination”
Lydia in real life
The stare 0_0
True but the fallout sires is more accurate
You forgot to add the “wait… I know you!” At the end
If you look at the corner of her mouth you can see how hard she’s trying not to chuckle
fucking NCPs 🤣🤣🤣
I was just waiting for “wait… I know you”
You forgot the late power attack but otherwise perfection 👌
You forgot the “need something?” After sitting down and looking at the camera
One hit kill from the guard is all too real😭😭😭
I can just imagine how hard it was to not smile when she looked at the camera😂
Guards 💂♀️💂♂️ are ruthless 😳😂😐😭
A guard might get nervous with your weapons drawn
That was a good defense
the guy who killed his gf for cheating was better
Bruh. Was waiting for the moon walk the way she looked like Michael Jackson at the end lmao. This is some funny shit tho. And it’s so accurate!😁
“Girlfriend guard”
Trailer !!!11 YEARS LATER!!! Skyrim Together Reborn Multiplayer MODhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiIHNCjcgGo
I would be having a hard time keeping a straight face 😂
Instead of “You Died” use “Blue Balled
Isn’t this the guy that killed his girlfriend
*dies in ragdoll physics*
“Must’ve scared em’ off”
Anyone also notice how they misspelled Skyrim?
Prawn Ad: A small town, where thousands of people are getting arrows to the knee in an online game. Make Skyrim Cum Hard again.
As a guard we can confirm. That we kill the DB in one hit and act like nothing happened
That’s true
Need something?
Lydia turned on you and cut you down
Digan el mod para conseguir una novia que ame así skyrim 🥺🥺🥺🤩
You got legit floating markers but also a cheap, non-dynamic crosshair without outlines
Great content just don’t kill her like the last guy……yikes too far?
At the end she should said “Need something?” 😂
Guards: kill you immediately
Also guards after you die: “wait, I know you”
It’s like Fallout 4
Every Npc in Skyrim that your not supposed to fight is always Over-powered 😂
Dead ringer for lydia.
You forgot to add “You never should have come here!” 😂
I like how she was trying to hold her laugh while looking at the camera
…we just gonna ignore how micheal jackson like she was
Boyfriend guard: you have committed crimes against Skyrim and his people, what say you in defense?
Girlfriend guard: HE ABUS-
Idk about yall but whoever this dude is is lucky as gold from a leprechaun.
Legends say that she’s still looking at the camera
Battle should’ve ended with her saying “guess they ran off…”
“Then pay with your blood”
No Death Slo Mo?
Just copied other people
Whoever has a girlfriend that likes joining in dumb shit like this is really lucky
Well at least they were plastic utensils lmao
Hopefully this one won’t shoot his girl.
“must’ve been the wind”
Why is this so accurate?
How did U keep a straight face
Please don’t kill your wife
Broken physic be like:
Your pretty
That look she gives the camera at the end…
She’s trying so hard not to laugh at the camera I can see it in her eyes
Bro just crouch
Да-да, именно так – с одного удара на первом уровне.)
Why is no one talking how to girlfriend wear a pot and hitting the cup
Must if been the wind
Never swear on a woman who is stress at cooking and cleaning
Ull get ur ass beat that way😬
When you’re playing world of warcraft but accidentally enter a enemy capital city
I expected her to saw “must have been the wind”
Best part was: 👊🖕
Everytime my character dies, all his bones just crumble
The perfect gf
Am i next😅😓
This is exactly what happens when I play. I love Skyrim a lot, its a good game
I kinda wanna know what was in the girlfriend’s inventory tho
Just find 15 cheese wheels lmao
The way see walk toward him wow great and clear path girl
Gaurd: no wait we can ta…..
Ro dah
Wow this guy still up just fuck sakes you Tube
Every best friend be the Guard
Now this is a relationship goal.
The end when she just stared at the camera
Love it….
It looks amazing. What mods are you using?
People while watching this video be like:
10% this is so relatable
90% *T H I C C*
STAHPPPP….!! I’m laughing to hard!!!
We all know how these type of videos ended 😐
The only thing missing is her talking to your corpse immediately after killing you
More at the end: “Siiiiii” 😂
Question is, *what did he steal?*
The sword
Just what the bf was trying to pick pocket out of her pocket? A cell
“the nerve of some pple to leave their trash everywhere
Use the fus ro da
I thought she actually had a glass dagger 😅😂.
“Must’ve ran off”
The accuracy of this video is unreal 🤣
Must have been the wind
Should’ve said “take care with those flames”
Pure art
For some reason guards are so powerful
But when you kill them and wear their armour, your still super weak
very simple like mathematical measurements and calculating the distance between the earth and the farthest star
Ur gf reminds me of Lara croft from the new tomb raider trilogy
Call it cringe or wtv but what least they have fun together
I love that detail of the girlfriend standing up after she catches the pickpocket crime like in the actual game.
This is what you’d get if you’d merge Oblivion and Skyrim together.
This is what I needed today
Yes please.
Hahahaha I love this
It’s creepy how T girl looked at the end🤣
Btw that death kill is pretty fucking accurate 😂u could’ve also done the one where he spins around in a circle and then falls but I like this one a Hella lot more
This is facts🤣
you forgot to add her saying “must’ve been the wind…” after she killed you
My 50k health and 150k ebony dagger has a different opinion.
It’s a feature, not a hack.
I was fully expecting her to say “Need something?” at the end lol
Can’t decide if this is cringe or genius.
Ahh, I see you have the Beautiful NPC’s mod installed
I think we drove this topic into the ground
Too early for this uhhhhgg… 😒😭
Using kitchen supplies to fight as a woman? Yeah, I thought so.
The guards do walk into a lot of objects.
죽는거너무 리얼한데
bruh ngl she looks like lydia fr fr
Hoping this series doesn’t end the same way it did with the last “Skyrim in Real Life” i saw 😬
Surprised she didn’t break down laughing
I want a gf like this who is interested in games 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Is someone there?
I love this! nice effort! Also awesome you have ladies who are willing to help out. Do they like Skyrim too or just super chill?
*All your subbers are belong to me*
How are you guys so good at making these look like the games??? It’s impressive
I haven’t seen a more realistic one in all this years since it came out. Majestic work. <3
Are you level zero when this happens? This may be better suited for an elden ring scenario.
what in the corn man
You forgot to sheath you’re weapon.
Everything is just so true how walked through the table and chairs and one hits you lmao.
Beta testers are my heroes.
When you realize your last save game was FOUR HOURS AGO! Do we still say “lol?
tfw no braindead npc gf
forgot to say “must’ve been the wind..”
Can we just mention how much energy she was using to stifle her laughing at the end? 😄
That look at the and. Every time a guard kills some other npc they just look at like “what?”.
“Hmph, must’ve run off” as my lifeless body lies limp on the ground
Accurate fall on point 😂😂😂😂👍🏽
The blank stare at his corpse sells it beautifully
This is spot on.
Good, now do daggerfall guards next. HALT!
Must have been the wind
Kkkk hua há há há há
Haha that’s pretty cool! I wish she would look at you and say “need something?” I would’ve laughed so hard.
Lol the finger
Ngl, your character is weak af.
Should have said “must’ve been the wind” as she sat down
That was awesome and I thought the guard / gf was two different people. Very nice edit
Fallout when you just started playing and you have no food but you want to kill the important people…
Best video game ever and ever
That was amazing on all points and not even a bit cringy, which in itself is a miracle
Guard: oh what happened?
The walking through and knocking everything over is so accurate 😂
Absolutely priceless 😆👍
She forgot to say “Well, must’ve run off” after she killed him 😂
This is hilarious
Lol that was epic 🤣🤣🤣🤣♥️
WHAT??? 🤣
“Need Something?”
What editing for fireball
Why the girlfriend staring at me
Is there are camera?!?
What a shame…
Need something?
Adore thissss 🥰🤣
And then she pulls a loaf of bread out of her bra and starts eating it
This is EXACTLY what happens!
This is all wrong. The guards are ugly af.
I know that tone of voice it’s a high Elf
“You have committed a crime against skysrim and her people, what say you in your defense” skysrim?
The thousand yard stare at the end was perfect.
“Must have run off” would be more believable after the kill.
“Oh, what happened here?”
Skyrim…. 2022? Again?
Mother of god. It’s 100 percent.
I’m uncontrollably LMAO
Let’s please replace Jinn Kid for live action Skyrim memes
dam that bitch is bad ❤️
Even though this is meant to be Skyrim, all i see is Terminator. 😐
Guy killed his wife irl
Equisdé supongo
You forgot to add wait I know you after they kill you.
I did not understand…!!!??? why Lydia attacked the Dovahkiin!
After he’s dead, “trouble kinsmen?”
Lmao I’ve seen clip of skimrim never played it but that’s how I saw them happening
“Must’ve been the wind”
I , While Those of you might wonder about how much this game is a slow death of addiction machine,been through alot to escape the prison of tamriel but did i escape? No you are just being trapped in a large soul gem
And I read once “the life is just a break from Skyrim”
Skyrim player says.
Анютка смешнее
Damn this guard has a glass dagger
I love thissss…she just stares at the camera…hah
Hey look he’s cranking 9- his on hand to flip someone off!
Seems legit.
An amusing thing in Morrowind (2 games before Skyrim, trust me 😅) .. in Vivec City., when the guards stop you it was best to check where you were as the corridors were tight and if they wanted to kick your ass., they might swing their mace and kill a bystander or another guard.. only the 1,000 bounty would be on you for their murder 🫣😪
This is great! Watched it on repeat😅😅😅😅 love how she just doesnt notice the furniture in her way, too hilarious
Why is this so well done???
She was looking at the camera like “Need something?”
Nahh this time I didn’t like your video…
All cool but the guard had a super futuristic shield that reflect damage and he can even see throw it…
That took all the immersion for me.
This is so good 👍👍. Haha
The look at the end XD
Strange flex but okay
“must have run off”
Lol I saw her trying not to smile when she killed him
To make videos together like this. Awesome relationship goals!!! You guys are keepers.
She pretty
Someone stole your sweets?
The camera blurring is too accurate
The eat she walked through the table and chair tho💀💀
This makes me
Wish I was on that much adderal too( 😉 ) love all this I just discovered u. Can u make one about how double
Dragon made it look like it’s ok to hit random women in the street in those days .. ( #digitalmetoo)
Dude just hide behind the wall then they surely glitch out
Would you make also as a trickly castle
Your girlfriend I so dexy
Girlfriend Guard after killing you:
*stares into soul*
Hmm must have been the wind
The table just being swept aside by her menacing walk
When mom and dad fight belike….
The kitchen guard
Do even more shorts with your girlfriend, you both are hilarious!
No sign of him must have been the wind
I love how she is fighting in her pajamas.
“You think tables can stop me? Foolish Nord.”
“Guards might get nervous, a man approaches with his finger drawn.”
Son:Mom can we get skyrim?
Mom: Oh son, we have skyrim at home.
(Skyrim at home girlfriend edition)
Keep acting like a good Skyrim NPC, but never ever murder ur husband, okay ma’am? It reminds me of that NPC skyrim guy… 🙁
I wanna see the other chick…or is it the same chick…(staring at feet proceeds)
This is so accurate. Everything on the tables litterally fall off 😄
Man : fuck uuuu *hand turn 🖕🏼*
Guard : pay ur blood!!!!!
Man : ( x_x )
It do be like that 🤣
Ayo when I run around with the ebony blade😂
That sit and stare at camera was perfect for some reason😂
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this is crazy!!!
That stare tho 😆
Only fitting she’d use kitchen utensils 🤣🤣
Wow exactly 🤣👌🏻
The turn at the end lmao
What’s the brown on her foot?
💩 🔫
“Must have run off”
I love the details here, ahahahah ❤️
This is great!
I think it was hilarious that she was just walking through the kitchen table and stuff like there was nothing there
The Stare of Depth from the wife is too real.
You forgot the npc ,saying where did they go?
Ayo 😳
How meny times did you guys have to shoot this before you stoped cracking up
bro they literally do be walking into tables and chairs with no care in the world lol
“Guess they ran off…”
the perfect couple doesn’t exis-
🤣🤣 this is cool
Bro that face at the end
Mysoul: sheeeeeeeeesh….
You forgot the demented twitching of your corpse after you die
She kept a straght face
9999999999999- dmg
The way she looked at the camera at the end gave me goosebumps 😂🤣👍
What mod did you download to increase cake size?
Need something?
Haha, i love these vids!
This guy is gonna be the next jinnkid probably. Hopefully he dont kill his gf if he has one
Need something?
When she sits on the chair and looks to the camera, you can see her holding her laugher with every ounce of force she has lmao
Her feet look dope as hell 😀
your forgot the “wait I know you”
What is Sksyrim? You spelt it wrong in the video
Whats with the hands you donut, this is not accurate.
Addiction with skyrim like me
Ok I remember this one time I was playing Skyrim and I was like 8 so I didn’t know what to do. I accidentally hit a chicken in whiterunn and they started chasing me😭😭😭😭
ME : 0:11
Friendly ncp getz robbed ?!1!1!1 oNGmGodd! Crizminal!
_Let me guess someone stole your sweetroll…_
you missed her saying “must have ruin off”
Don’t do that!
Porn actress?
I was expecting her to say “Must’ve been the wind” after killing him
She reminds me of lydia although it might mostly be the hair
When he died she should’ve said “Need something?”
He say ✊🖕
The way she’s sat back down like everything is fine is so accurate. Just like fallout 4
Skyrim lore
This is fuckin perfect.
*me with windshear* You sure? Not anymore? Thought so, also, I was giving her a ruby.And an emerald.Not stealing.
This is the funniest shit i seen all day
You should loot her
I laughed so hard
She missed the queue to, after killing a guy, ask who could have done this while staring at the body
Hmm must have been the wind
“Need something?”
Ахпхазахахаха жиза
the only thing you forgot was the ‘must’ve scared them off’
Cannon, so cannon
muito bom seus vídeos
Pay with your butt…. AAAHH I MEAN YOUR BLOOD!!!! YOUR BLOOD!!!! 😱
Jinkid >
Ha. Looking at the camera and sucking in your belly makes the best skit.
the words not lining up, the guard just walking through the table and chair, the death fall.. it’s all so accurate
She was a boss of a npc girlfriend.
Wtf I just watched?
I kill guards for fun. Haven’t completed the story yet.
These girls did not want to make this video😭
Game over
Accurate depiction of my mage build. All power but please dear god don’t hit me, I have so much to live for and I have a wife and kids!
Was a already damaged dude got 1 shot
Naw they say “I’ll find whoever done this”
lmfao i always put stuff on their heads
When WARZONE crosses a Skyrim guard
perfect 🤣👏
Thats how oblivion worked, but with some skyrim dialogue
This is so beyond accurate
Please this is so accurate you are the best!! 😭😭
I wish that was a valid response to the guards
That girl guard have spoon (attack) glass(shield)
🖕🌭🍔💩 but you’ll pay twice
Me on my grandfather’s account: oh really?
I wonder how your girlfriend felt when you told her “wear a metal pan and slam a cup against your head 3 times then stand up”
Wow, what a nice couple, i hope none of them murder their significant other’s
“Need something”
Ahhhhh, picking up on Jinnkidds success and taking advantage of his downfall. I like it. 😂
Lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is so cringe.
Пхаха 😂😂😂👌
I see you’ve got one of those beautiful women mods installed. 😜
It’s Lydia!
If an oblivion gaurd so much as looks in your general direction. You die
The best part is things look random like bucket on head or using a spoon as a sword but that’s Skyrim 100%
Never start on the Guards in an Elder Scrolls game when yr low level, it doesn’t end well
She needs to say, this is part where you fall down and bleed to death.
Accurate. Female guards and their accent got me acting out. 😏
That’s what we call badass 🤣🤣
I love this a lot 😂 it pains me to be one of those “well actually” guys but “Pay with your blood” is an Oblivion line
Must have been the wind
Really wish the guards had an absolute wagon sheesh 👀
No more sub
…pickpocket girlfriend…find:
Phone with messages from ex
Keys to someone else’s house
Your secret stash of money
A condom with a hole poked in it
watch the spoooon!!! It’s the OP weapon in real life!
Thats his fault for being a pure mage
Lmao. I’ve never played this game but this is great
She pegs him
I know the girl in this I seen her face before has she been in something else like this maybe just a look alike though I’ve been seeing a lot about lately
A perfectly placed “Never should have come here” would have been icing on the cake! 😂
*steps girlfriend guard*
Would be even greater if he did that silly turn around dance before collapsing
*That’s funny* 🤣
That’s some thicc mod
Never mess with the guards
Как же это глупо было в игре но в жизни это дико смешно 😂
Oh man 😂😂😂😂
So accurate
Need something?
Watching couple’s Skyrim videos puts me on edge now….
I love how she walks trough the table with a poker face
At the end when she looked at the screen, she should’ve said “need something?”
I only liked the end when you died
The accuracy 💯
Im scared she is looking into my soul
The death fall was way too perfect, and her acting is well studied and memorize, u deserve alot of praise
Should have said must be the wind in the end
I like how she trying to hold her laugh at last😂😂
And the “What do you need?” In the final
Why does she look like lydia
I find it funny how I’m just discovering these videos after another guy who amke skyrim videos was arrested for murdering his wife!
Marry that woman, you fool.
She is so good at doing the Skyrim NPC act.
The last stare was something
“Must have been the wind”
Legendary mode, a gamer with an actual girlfriend
that’s too funny lolol
I’m pretty sure this dude is just showing off his girlfriend who apparently is always about to go to bed
Tbh guards are actually pretty easy to kill once you have replayed skyrim like 50 times
One time i run from a gaint a gurd cem to me to say me i need to puy with my blood inseted of helping me with a big ass gaint
Inaccurate. The guard didn’t greet you after killing you
was she tryna hold back a laugh at the end? lol
You forgot the “wait… I know you..”
Makes me want to play again from the beginning…
O yahh. Best one yet!!
Dumb thicc
These are getting to be too fucking much and I love it
This is incredibly dumb
I bet she tried so hard not to laugh
Missing the “wait, I know you” after you’re dead
“Must have been the wind”
Good video, just don’t murder your girlfriend after a while otherwise these shorts become meta.
This is so accurate. Their behaviour, the scenario and the expressions
yeah this is annoying I can’t even steal in my own house (picking up stolen things I have on display in my own home) she deletes my stolen inventory lol even guards won’t do that unless they actually arrest you haha
That’s actually the guards in oblivion that say then pay with your blood. The skyrim guards don’t
Her acting sucks
Too accurate
I was waiting for that “good morning” 😆
Fucking goals
Skyrim guards have dumbass tattoos on their right foot?
The guard should have said, “they must have ran off” after slaying you
The perfect ragdoll though
That ending 😂 👌
I tried so hard to not laugh but I failed when she looked in the camera. It felt as if she was staring into my soul. 👀 🚨
Tables and chairs are immovable in Skyrim, and that “pay with your blood” line isn’t even from Skyrim it’s only in Oblivion.
She’s perfect
So ture
On god i love that game
I thought she had a hairy right foot. But it’s just a tattoo.
Those are a fine pair of thigh girl. I guess you go to cloud district very often. Oh what am i saying, of course she doesnt.
You forgot the part after you die where they say “need something?” Or “must have run off”
Dude… you can’t use fire against that… you need to use the opposite element…
No ones gonna talk about how accurate of how she walks through the table and the chairs.
This is very well made
How do you do the Skyrim effects
This works in so many ways 👏 👏 👏
Definitely wouldn’t work as good if your girl wasn’t a freakin smoke show tho. 🤜🏼🤛🏽 ✊
How can you hold a straight face after sitting in the chair and looking at the camera?
Nossa achei que só Brasileiro era idiota
When your bounty is only 10 gold pieces but you accidentally pick “I’d rather die than go to jail!”
This has been done before, and it was much better.
Мне под 38.3 градусами такие сны снились
I remember what happened to the last guy that made skyrim videos with his Girlfriend… don’t be that guy.
If i have a girlfriend like her i quit video game
I’m so sad seeing that gamer couples exist when I can’t even get a normal girlfriend
I’ve played skyrim for years….you can put a pot on someone’s head!? My life is a lie!!!!!
Hmm, It must be the wind.
WTH is this is killing you just picking that up
Missing the “Need something?”
I love how she’s barely holding it in at the end
“Must’ve been the wind.”
Nice job dude. Both those ladies are hot
“I used to be an adventurer like you then i took an arrow in the knee”
I see you have the beautiful body’s mod installed
Hot asf, his hand must’ve been!
Their acting 🤌💋 mwah
I can’t help but notice she’s missing toe nails.
the details bro… they only thing they need now is a medieval style set and some fancy clothes to be just a rip of the game, good job
Nice 🤣👍
The only thing that could’ve made this better is if he did the little twirl around when he died
Just dont get obsessed with doing bad godfather impressions and kill your girlfriend in a few months
She kinda cute tho
🤣🤣🤣☠️☠️☠️ I’m so dead!! That was to perfect.. His fall was flawless!!
At the end she looked like she was gonna smile
Great death fall
Death by spatial, can happen in Skyrim xd
Hope this relationship wont end like the one with the tony montana dude
She was trying so hard not to laugh 😂
How did you manage to die with that in your hand?
Surpisingly good quality
She wanted to laugh so bad
When I tried to play skyrim and went to a village for the first time I tried to steal from a woman without saving.. I had to start over again from the beginning.. I went again and saw chickens.. and I thought I could get some chicken meat to eat… got stuck on a loop and never played it again
You forgot “must have run off”
At the end, while starring into the camera she should have said, “ can I help you with something “
Hilarious and original
Im just tryna figure out if this guy has to girlfriends or if he actually keeps that chick around to guard his gf. Or maybe they just hang out while the pot is over his gfs head?
The lips synching and the voice over👌
😂😂😂😂she walked through the table and chairs, then that sit and look at the end
Soo true
Well, he was wearing a hoodie saying he’s one shot 😂
Game logic
Is this the dude that killed his girlfriend after finding her cheating? They made awesome videos, so crazy people just flip out like that
Eco lol
Skyrim skits are cursed.
I thought it would be emotional damage
I love how they covered her face as if we couldnt recognize that prodigious booty meats. Voluptuous viral vanity
Was this White Run or Markarth?
He will eventually kill his girlfriend and her lover lmao
Lmao. Walking through the table though
How GBFs get when u mess with their girl!
Brooke that fall how u randomly exactly like tbat
Relationship goals
Eso guards
This is totally accurate! LoL
Pls don’t kill her
Why so accurate
At the end she should’ve said “this body’s still warm, looks like there’s a killer about”
A wise man once said “You don’t really STOP playing Skyrim you’re just on a break” When i watch videos on it it makes me want to re download and play or sometimes it randomly pops in my head 😆
I’m sorry but, this is cringe.
That’s too funny! Lol!
You forgot the immediate „Oh, what happened?“ after killing you
Deathfall man, you got me to subscribe on that.
So cool effekts and edits
Yeah so true
Creative video but I don’t believe thts ur gf me thinks this is ur sister lol 🤣🤣 or your neighbor 🤣😂 🤣 funny thou lol
“Guess there’s nothing there after all”
most girl dont need to act to make aa good npc
Wow Flawless victory
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that’s hilarious
Those ragdoll physics though
Yeah that’s about right
Wheres the “hey I know you!” at the end?
Me not listening to anything and playing with the like and dislike buttons becuz I accidentally clicked dislike…..
GF: “What do you have to say about this?”
BF Dude: *starts middle-finger lever mechanism*
Sounds like a real-world scenario to me
They forgot to add probably nothing bit at the end
*Looks like they ran away*
When you play to much Skyrim that day 😆
Lmao 🤣😂
The “pay with your blood is only from oblivion” but still a great video
*instantly forgets what she was doing once he drops dead*
Hahahahahah this is the best
That’s so accurate xd 🤣
Walking through things like there not there are the greatest
Don’t you just love when your having a bar fight and some idiot decides he wants to get closer and next minute you hit him the NPCS response HEEEEELLLLLLLPPP MMMMEEEEEEEE IM UNDER ATTACK
Wow omg
That ragdoll was the purest form of beauty
How to absolute heck do you not laugh
You forgot the “I will find whoever did this”
Oh my God you even got the camera focus
Wait, i know you
Yooo that was lit. I need a Skyrim women guard too
No cap those guards are always on adapt lol
Wth kind of luckiest man in the world shit is this, living with 2 chicks that even know what elder scrolls is. Unless it’s a sibling situation.
Why is everyone doing Skyrim rn?
Who’d yall kill to buy a house?
Dude has TWO gamer girls that play Skyrim living with him!? Truly, a God amongst men.
I like this!!!👍
he forgot to spin on dying
Another reason why mages are usles
The best weapons in Skyrim
I hope this Skyrim channel goes better than JinnKid….
Simps are out here in force lulz
You forgot the”oh.. Wat happened?”
Be careful friend…these videos take a dark turn eventually…
Too Realistic Ragdoll Death
Dude she’s gorgeous af
The filming is on point
Need something?
You missed the part wherr the guard looks back at your body and says “Who could have done this??” 😂
Whoa. She scimitar his ass with that sauce spoon
Please dont kill your wife
Accuracy 🤣🤣🤣💀♥️
Lmao I also imagined the Oblivion version where your girl yells STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM 😄
Ok but the fact that the screen goes dim makes this video complete
Bol hahahahahahaha!!!
Disappointed she didn’t say “need something” when the camera zoomed in her face
Yeah yeah, very funny. Just don’t kill your girlfriend like that other YouTube Skyrim parody guy.
Ooooh we next
So bad ….
Player: *breathes*
Skyrim Guard: “Shout again and I’ll have to put you in the dungeon”
That ragdoll death was spot on 👌🏽
Hm. Need something?
This is oblivion because in Skyrim checking somebody’s inventory isn’t illegal
Oh my god that’s was perfect
Вышло хорошо
Must be run off.
One shot ring
Очень хорошо видно как она сдерживает смех)
The ragdoll death animation is way too accurate
⚠️HEY DON’T IGNORE THIS⚠️God loves you, turn to him today and Repent Your Sins And Believe That God Died For Your Sins.God Bless🙏🙏
For a sec there I thought this was the Skyrim YouTuber that shot his wife point blank in the face 😳
That was such a good fall!!!
Don’t kill people in real life.
Last guy who was making videos like that killed his wife.
Need something?
“Must’ve scared em off”
You better not become like that jinx nigga and murder yo gf
I’d buy that for a dollar!
You forgot the wait I know you after he died
God, that’s so representative 🤣🤣🤣
You tried I guess
Filthy Pickpocket! 🤣🤣
I mean I get it but how is this original. It’s just the obvious thing that happens.
the look to the camera at the end got me xD and also yes, the fall was great xD
She didn’t randomly start eating bread afterwards. Not accurate enough.
It’s cool, absolutely accurate and perfect concept.
This is actually mad cringe
Your not suppose to look at the camera you broke character
Fake fan spotted, pay with your blood is from oblivion
Never should have come here.
The new Skyrim is looking mad realistic
Yeah destruction magic might help you against a mudcrab on legendary, but not against a fierce girlfriend guard 😁
She holding the laugh so hard in the end 😂😂😂 Masterpiece
If she had just added, “need something?” That would have been perfect.👌🏻😂
her voice could make a mod character
This is great
Yep, looks so real
Must have been the wind
Must’ve been the wind
Showtime magic. Magic fireball
“Mmmm what cha say, that you only meant well” death sound mod
They would also say “must’ve run off” after he died😂
Very Good Men! 😆👏
You forgot “must’ve run off” smh
So funny😆
Humankind IQ going down so hard right now
Save from Brazilian 😎🔥❤️
I’m shark.. don’t press read more or else you will be … (small) blanked
Sussy😏. ..copy and paste this everywhere to annoy people…. But that’s if you want to idc your just dead to me
you are gonna kill?
Ayo 😳
Hoo Lara croft
When your girl is a bigger nerd than you are. 🥰🥰🥰
It must’ve been the wind
Pretty guard… I would give an Amulet of Mara to her.
Bad ass gf
Except the guard prob would have said “must’ve ran off “ after killing you lmaoo
How did two, count em, 2 bad b agree to this
“✊🏻 🖕🏻” part had got me
The fall 🤣🤣
That was spot on!
Need something?
Wow noob
The guard at the end be like. We have punished your character, but we know who really committed the crime. Looks into your soul
The GF is 11/10
Hold my vodka
Its not a mistake ✨ its a master piece ✨
Thats not funny
Accurate 🤣
Es muy bueno el video que viejos recuerdos con ese juego.
I never played with Skyrim but damn. Nice modelled guard. I give a try
Skyrim was spelt wrong
Wait i know you
Real one time i killed a chiken everyone in the village: i will colour the snow with your blood
The fact that he died to a spoon
Thanks God she didn’t had belt
The Girls cringe
You forgot the “wait I know you!”
Girlfriend guard trying to hold back her laugh while looking at the camera lol 😂
+ when the girl looks at us I said in real life lol why you sad and angry at the same time as your bsf
I am good at that game
Damn I hate the music in this game, and how do you get hot chicks to do this stuff with you anyway
She was trying so hard to hide that smile…
Try again
i thought she will say “need something?”
Does pin pocket the car
The way he folded tho 🤣🧻
I love this, also that’s so cool that you got two gf I mean I do too but they don’t know about each other
I love how they use plastic cups and paper plates
I like how your girlfriend drinks and your girlfriend guard just pushes the table
skyrim and her people??so now skyrim is female? feminists!!!time has come
Yeah fuck is this
Wow very high-quality
No ones talking about the realistic effect with fire
Omg that death was so good though
Must have been the wind.
But there wasn’t an eye
Dude when she pulled up with the frickin kitchen appliances 🗿
I I love how she just can’t keep the laugh tragically the smile Catched me off guard
You forgot the part where after death you shake uncontrollably until your vibration becomes so quick that you fling into the atmosphere.
i have daedrica armor and i not kill one guard kkkk
Sea of Thieves
actors, who haven’t got oscar. Sarcasm.
Him: **Survived a 10 meter blade going through his chest**
Him with skyrim guard: **died cuz of a scratch on his face by a sword.**
The whole thing deserves an Oscar for the accuracy 😂
It’s like one of those shitty games
The stare at the end 😍
He didn’t do the famous spin death animation
It’s Not a mistake ✨ it’s a MASTERPIECE ✨
How theay hold a cereas face LOL
Did he just stick up the 🖕
Smile you’re on camera
I play Skyrim
I always have to pick the unlive option cause half my inventory is stolen. Btw my pickpocket level is fifty six XD
A y o 😳
*It’s not a mistake✨ IT’S A MASTERPIECE✨*
Skyrim?? Or dark souls you died one hit
That,s not a game🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Damn thats accurate 😀
You two are cringe af. At least come up with something original
Bruh IS broke the 4th wall
Man this is absolutely nuts love it more please guys 😂🔥❤️
She is trying so hard not to laugh
They do be knocking over chairs over.
Nice girl. Hmmmm
I love the ones were people just walk through objects is so accurate and funny
Off the camera keep your flipped off
I could tell she almost blew it at the end LoL 🤣🤣😝😜😛😂🤣🤤
Do not disrespect the 🖕
Bru the nostalgia hitting😅
omg guys bring ot guns he did a bad finger
No one is talk about how scared she look when she look at the camera
(Im bad at english
This its not blood
She stared into my soul
It’s not a mistake it’s a masterpiece to be there
Gut, very gut
Then pay with your blood is actually from oblivion
Accurate out of ten
Hahahaha so accurate fall and sound effect when u get one-shotted
The girl is choose he’s own way
Well done but Jin Kid ruined Skyrim relationship videos for me.
This was too good man
Need something?
Sick and also Ayo😳
Damn she got cake
1000000 /10
She should say “Need something?” at the end.
Nailed it lol ….. Good vid
Witcher 3 guards be like
The fact he died from a spoon is actually canon in Skyrim
KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk KkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkKkkkk
Bullshit, I’ve taken like over 500 hits from 8 guards and survived
It’s not a mistake, ✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨
“Must’ve run off”
Perish, WENCH
Man that quest is so annoying because you _have_ to pickpocket your girlfriend to get the eldern lockpick to unlock a chest that gives you the last piece of the lever, but they made the girlfriend guard over powered
That stare at the end had me fearing for my life. I thought I was next to die.
It’s not a mistake✨it’s a masterpiece✨
It’s not a mistake ✨ ITS A MASTERPIECE ✨
Ayo 😳
Tellement réaliste
Nice yt short!
Do Sussy funny
Need something?
Wow so acurate!
Wow, imagine dying after getting hit…. once
Perfectly done! 😂
tumbleweed 🍄🌴🌻💐
Una obra de arte
Yooo that cup on the back flipped perfect 😳
Let’s just hope it won’t end with him killing his wife in the future
Haha, Lol
If there was an exam on the Skyrim then it would happen like this:
Guard looks like Lydia. Very beauty, awesomen breakfast vídeo. Congratulations. Greetings from Chile.
I was waiting for the “need something?”
Still one of the best games 😂😂😂
That’s what game be like
I can tell that she wasn’t tryna laugh
that was smooth
Against “Skysrim”
It’s brilliant, props to the girl for not smiling, I’d probably couldn’t restrain smile if I were her
Imagine how many tries they did to do it’s hard to hold laugh and smile
Ayo 😳
It’s not a mistake✨ it’s a masterpiece✨
lt’s not a mistake. Jelly Bean stans who are spamming “It’s not a mistake, ✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨” are the mistakes
– Sun Tzu, The Art of War
It’s not a mistake ✨ ITS A MASTERPIECE ✨
It’s not a mistake ITS A MASTERPIECE
Guys, we need recruits for the fight of YouTube, jellybean’s cult has gone too far, and the Ayo 😳 gang need help, if your in for it, spam Ayo 😳
On as much videos as you can. We need to fight for the sake of YouTube.
It’s not a masterpiece☠️ITS A MISTAKE☠️It’s not a masterpiece☠️ITS A MISTAKE☠️It’s not a masterpiece☠️ITS A MISTAKE☠️It’s not a masterpiece☠️ITS A MISTAKE☠️It’s not a masterpiece☠️ITS A MISTAKE☠️
It’s not a mistake ✨IT’S A MASTERPEICE✨
The reeling middle finger after walking through the tables was genius!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Need something?
Hey (●’◡’●)ノ o hef this game in PLAYTAICH EN 3
Only fans link?
I’ve already maxed out so I just one shot them but they get back up
Lol I use op armory to not get killed
Dont look at me like that what did i do
Don’t end like JinnKid guys
it’s not a mistake, ✨IT’S A MASTERPIECE✨
It’s not OKEH to be OKEH ❤️ (titan cry 😭)”
Shes dying to not laugh
I love Skyrim but it’s just the cheat room my cousin we get the sword that does 999 damage
Это так тупо
That is a mega dumper… oh wait what was I watching again?
This is kinda like a game called 12 minuts
It’s not a mistake ✨it’s a MASTERPIECE ✨
New r/bossfight
It’s not a mistake, ✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨
So true
It’s not a mistake ✨ ITS A MASTERPIECE ✨
You’re not I’m not rushing where is your babouchka because I’m the brick like pizza f***
the sword is not a sword its a *S P O O N*
Yooooo i’m playing Skyrim Right now
you forgot about the “wait, I know you.”
Too easy
XD the look at the end
Типичная семья игроков в Скурим
Nice modded females
That’s blade of sorcery right?
It’s not a mistake✨IT’S A MASTERPIECE✨
Lol her trying to hold her laugh in
Dammm the way she sit
Careful, the last guy and girlfriend who re-enacted Skyrim irl ended with a murder, no joke look up Jinnkid murder
“Wait, i know you!”
final boss vs levels1
What you have two girlfriends!? Consider it lucky🤞
With girls this just gets cringe
A discord friend of mine told me about skyrim
Ill pay with my soul
His girlfriend is amazing lol
R.i p he went flat line
Ah the smart move the fold up middle finger
Not one person realised that this isn’t skyrim guard, skyrim guard don’t say that lol oblivion guard does
My brain is melting cause this all idiot youtube shorts/tiktok trash
Game over
Me with my modded save: im about to end this mans whole career
Games be like when killing someone:
Minecraft: kill a villager A literal Robot made out of iron slaps you into space
Call of duty: Kill the enemy The enemy team targets you down
Fortnite: Kill someone next game he kills you
Gta 5: Slap a chicken the cops just send you to jail
Skyrim: Kill a tree everbody including god Target’s you down
“its not a mistake,”✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨
Pychologist: All dreams have a meaning
My dreams:
No ones gonna talk about the sword is a spatula and the sheild is a pan cover
So accurate 🤣🤣🤣🤣
That Altđer boyfriend got what he deserved.
Do more pls
It was try not to laugh or smt😂😂😂
It’s not a mistake ✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨
She looking at the camera make mi day creepy
It’s ok she will pay with her blood next month.
Noooo boy dont give up girls will lose
I hate you feel I will not talk to anyone 🤬
How she didn’t laugh 😂😂😂
Why i am thinking they both are same bcs there’s a cut
My mom would just hit me si hard that i die in real life
ur girlfriend single?
(this is a joke for people about to get mad at me)
Damn the look on her face in the end is priceless
Скайрим!! Теперь и на Украине!!
А че, не плохо 👍 анимация норм
this was so accurate
i need money man! gotta steal from the guards 😎🤘
Igualzinho 🙂
She just lookin at ur
Like nothing happend
So no one is gonna talk about pulling up the middle finger?
Honestly the only thing I took from this is that he has a hot girlfriend
Its the random unfocusing of the camera during the death sequence that really sells it
Thought she was gonna say “Need something” at the end 😂
that why i max sneak perk tree being a *mage*
Need something?
The death fall is so accurate lol
это шедеврально
в нее трудно не влюбиться
Amazing the last part when she looks straight to us, typical guard thing.
The sit tho
When the “you cant hit girls” kicks in
Im scared at girls
i just realise he didn’t pickpocket he touch something….
dont look or say sus on me
Need something?
Ayo 😳
“Its not a mistake ”
Makes me wanna play it now
Two girlfriends huh? Rad
Must’ve been the wind
He died from a spoon.
How do you copy the skyrim hud and make a video with it
I like how he use the midle finger emote in call of duty warzone
I’ll take that guard on
Since im thanos
Used power stone
Guard Instantly dies
Wow pretty uglu
fucking amazing
You forgot the hey I know you
the head turn was perfect
I always thought it was called skyroom
I was expecting her to eat that shield
Where she got that tho
But why tho👁👄👁
This is skyrim
Who is the girlfriend? The blue one or the white one?
U forgot the “must’ve run off” or “must be my imagination”
This is really true.
bro guards are too goid
This got me wheezing and also got me falling off my bed
Skyrim was the best Game i‘ve played the story is just good
Epic this it’s why i don’t want to get Any girlfriend when i grow up XD
“This isn’t a mistake”
“This is a✨MASTER PIECE✨”
Oh no witnesses
The moment i saw them arrows i knew it was skyrim best adventure game and story mode game for me
True im playing skyrim
Taunts in skyrim?
I have only one thing to say… HEE HEE
girlfriend guards are literal bosses that cant be defeated
Do call of duty please
do everywant see the man do the middle Fingers
We gonna talk about how accurate THIS WHOLE VIDEO is😂
Fuck in the box
She was trying so hard not to laugh at the end
Come at me bro
ayo 😳
FINALLY FOUND YO!!! after 5000 scrolls for so many days I first saw this vid on mxr plays
Why do them guard be so powerful?
True history.
When u forget u already have low health and wearing fancy clothes 😂
I could see her holding in her laugh so hard there 🤣
That gaurd looks like Micheal jackson
Hello! Jesus is coming! So u need to repent IF YOU ARE RELIGIOUS OR BELIEVE IN GOD. if you aren’t you can ignore this comment.
Thank you! 😄
Meet the god of accuracy.
Let’s get an oblivion version! This was hilarious
Ok, but why can I see her trying not to laugh when she looked at the camera at the end
XDDD hahahaha it’s funny
They really sit down like it’s a habit
Necesito jugar a Skyrim
Ah yes, Skyrim, the game that gets you side tracked with other side quests along the way, making it impossible to beat! 😏😏😏
One hit kill. That’s one strong spoon lol
Everyone know guards are impossible to kill
Oblivion be like:
Ayo 😳
Dude so true
Ayo 😳
“Ths is not mistake”
Lo reseteo
Must’ve been the wind
Its true I play skyrim
Hahaha *uses divorce spell* smell ya later
She looks like Lydia
I there really just got done playing that game
When she sits down and looks at the camera she looks like Micheal Jackson
I main ebony blade and killed the npc for wepons he wont respawn
Their acting is just amazing and accurate.
The way she just walked into the table
That’s the cutest NPC I have ever seen!😁
L o l
No it’s more like oblivion
This was so good everything executed very well lmao
She looks like sssniperwolf
Mustve ran off
It would have been more accurate if she said “must’ve been the wind”
Slippers are more good that that
look at that phatty
That’s only guards in eso, skyrim guards couldn’t kill nazeem
What video game is that such good graphics LOL
Lol true 🤣
Ayo 😳
How did she keep a straight face while doing this??
The fact her lip movement doesn’t match the talking is amazing
It do be like that though
All rpg game guards are op ngl
Man dude has a keeper. Marry that woman
bro that is so acurate
What I loveeeee Skyrim. I’m on level 21 and I have a family and I’m actually really successful
Guard: *pokes with baby spoon*
Player: *gets thanosd*
didn’t the dude who started this trend kill his gf
Is anyone gonna talk abt her using a spoon as a knife???
Omg I love this
Half-Life 1:0 Skyrim
Do not ever play the game that is bad for you
I sneezed
She bd looking like a smooth criminal
Need something?
Ayo 😳
So true
No one’s talking about the cup that landed on the ground
I actually used to play the real game 😃
Dont they know that your supposed to quick save before they pickpocket
POV: nobody. Fallout
Fus….ro….dah, in jarl’s name stop there
Oh well, must’ve run off
So true
So true 😭
The way that she looks at the cam
Hey have you played Skyrim special edition
imagine having cool magic and get beaten by plastic spoon
Didn’t the last guy that did this murder someone?
I don’t need to buy it I play it here
Hey you missed the very extreme glitching your body does when you die on Xbox 360
Trying so hard to keep face lmao
Is nobody gonna talk about how she looks like Michael Jackson though
They dont have respect for the furniture;-;
naw you didn’t glitch enough for the death. the arm has to go brrrrrrre
Ok so maybe this skyrim content creator won’t kill his girlfriend
He got the infinite girlfriends mod activated
Ain’t this the truth. AND I PLAY SKYRIM SO I WOULD KNOW!
Michael Jackson:
She is so crepy
let’s hope he doesn’t turn out like jinn
I love how the girl just walk in the table like there’s nothing here lol it is the perfect pnj role lol.
The table:i’ll get my revenge !!
Прям Дженасса или Лидия)
POV:you’re in a cringe game
dude i could never think of cleaning that table and those glass on the floor😅️
Usually after the “Pay with your blood part.” I use unrelenting force then runaway.
I know
Nice what mod is this ?
The Gospel: The Gospel in very, very short words is that you and i have sinned. Because we sinned, we fairly deserve the punishment of hellfire and death. After death, we are going to be judged. But we all will end up in hell because we all lied, stole, had bad thoughts, hated, lusted etc. we basically sinned! But God became a man and died for your sins, took your punishment for you, He was buried & rose from the dead, 3 days later. Without the shedding of blood, there’s no forgiveness for sins, if there’s no forgiveness for sins, everyone’s gonna be in hell, but God shed his blood for you on that cross. So you don’t HAVE to go to hell and burn there, you can be SAVED from hell if you trust in what He did for you & trust in His blood, not your good works/deeds or self-righteousness.
Why is this true?
Would be even more epic if after she killed him she said “hey I know you
Yes i’ve played
Gaster from undertale be like: * insert him flipping her off *
This is so cool!
Middle finger attack!
*walks towards Girlfriend*
*pickpockets her*
*gives her the middle finger*
*other girlfriend* : “ŤHƏÑ PÆÝ WĮŤH ÝØŮŔ B)ŐÖĐ!”
*gets out sword*
*turns into a firebender*
*victory royals him*
*sits down*
*stares at the immortal camera man*
“need something?”
Need something?
Reality:girlfriend R.I.P
Genshin Impact
To this day science has not and will not solve human “Consciousness” to disprove God (Who just asks to believe) with digits love would then be immaterial prophets use the i and Satan will take controll of the government at the end of the world and force people to take the ‘mark of the beast’ with a biological narrative.
I love the 2ay she sits down and stares at me lol
Bro they see everything you can’t pickpocket anyone😤😤😤😤
Crazy thing is with the right mods on pc you can make the game look like this lol.
You cant beat a skyrim guard lol. Luckily you didnt kill a chicken
Bro got his kneecaps broken
Yo pog this has happened to me so meny times
My defense is 🖕
When she looked at the camera it looked like she was about to laugh lol 😂
So bad and cringe
Iza wea kll
Her face looks so like lydia
Knocking everything down in their oath is the perfect touch up 👌👌
Hm must have been the wind
So these are the normies they warned us about
Lol this is so awesome
I tought this was an ad for a sec 🤣
I feel like everyone whatching this will start to act dumber for their whole life and pay with your blood this isn’t a horror movie?
he forgot the glitch
Good roleplaying! 👏👏👏
The graphics tho
Oblivion is better though
Love how she can’t keep herself from starting to smile there a little in the end ☺️
I play skyrim pls make more🐱🐱🐱
She’s hot af
The way she looked at the camera at the end was kinda creepy
Me watching this while playing Skyrim:
What witchcraft is this? you are holding your fireball on the wrong hand!
How did they both stay straight that whole time
Ads be like:
This was great! Missing the lag tho
This is so cool😂
“Wait, I know you.”
Dude lmao when he fell i shot to the comments laughing then saw the one under me about it and laughed harder
Lol yeah
The acting is amazing
He should have rolled
Skyrim is one of the best games i have ever played
Imagine the neighbour outside watching the scene 😆
Did anyone else notice her trying not to smile at the end
That middle finger tho
That made my day
If I played that game it wouldve been so true
Wow, can’t wait for this to hit the big screen… derrrrrrr..
I love watching remakes of the same video over and over
Wow, this is so very accurate
If you did this accurately enough you can initiate “Skyrim IRL” I hope some Will get what I’m saying.
Waaat did I just watch
She thick though (JOKE)
cringe gamer
Be like
whs that Michael Jackson at the end
When she just walks when the table in the way🤣
This is more like oblivion not skyrim. Better name would be Bethesda not skyrim.
She forgot to say “guess it’s all clear now”
So true
do you know the characters Osana and Raibaru? 🤣👍
Can you do ark or Codevein
Shes had a bucket head so she dont know who pick shes pocket and agry mom is on the way
Need something
No that’s a add for
Bug XD
I love how at the end she just stares at the camera 👀🧏♀️
More like press X to survive game
My people
I Gess, I’ll play again.
When she killed you she should have been like “must have been the wind”
Aye..who da guard tho?
I feel like the girl that was looking atvthe camera at the end was trying so hard not to laugh 😂😂
The first time i saw this i thought this was a game lol
The only thing it’s missing is the zoom when you interact with the npc. Loved it tho 🤣
My ex and I used to reenact gameplay when we moved in together, good times. We actually just had our last phone call after the breakup earlier tonight and my very last sentence to him included “honk honk, clown world”, kind of an embarrassing departure but oh well. Gave it a good try for 7 years, I’ll miss u khajiit
how she kept a straight face no one knows
The way she was angled at the end kinda reminded me of Michael Jackson
He got the flop down pat
The girlfriends face at the end 😂
True tho
The future of porn is here , it is now
Don’t forget when they say: “must’ve run off” as they murder you.
“What a waste”
Fr tho 😭😭
Про то что нпс всегда преходят из полного говна проходя через стены это правда…
Их нечего не остоновит..
She look like a toy
This is the only thing that has made me laugh so hard In so long omfg 😂❤️😂❤️ yall nailed it 😂
That happened to me in one of my dreams
“The body’s still warm, there’s a killer about.”
As someone who has never played, I can confirm this is accurate.
… This…is the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen. 😿
She can see u 😆
When your boyfriend plays to many video games🤠🎮👾
Poor quality
I thought it was a game
You forgot the classic “Must have scared them off” line, while they’re still standing on top of your corpse.
Bro how do I get the OP Blue kitchen spoon weapon?
،need something?
Damnit, now I want to play Skyrim.
What’s your defense: finger
How much damage this sword do
I love how at the end you can literally see shes trying so hard not to die of laughter
Where do I get this Foreplay dlc for my gf.
Hwoooooo 🖕🤩🖕
OMG this IS perfect
I remember Skyrim enemies having less thigh
everything but that foot tattoo was lit.
Looks like we found somebody who could continue that meme / series. Well done!!
…although, yes, seeing Jinnkid walking was a sight to behold. But we’re never going to see him again, so…
Girlfriend Guard: “You’re next.😈”
She’s trying so hard to not laugh 😂
Cringe 100%
how did she look at the camera like that with a straight face!?!?!
She looks like this girl I once knew named Lydia, we lived in a house together and we were married with kids.
You forgot “Where did he go?” After the guard killed the player
This looks exactly like skyrim
Don’t forget the “Hey, I know you!” Once you die
She looked like she was trying so hard not to laugh
Not true
Lvl 1 Legendary xD
This reminds my of how bad elder scrolls online is. If you commit one crime you’re subjected by op guards
Do more of this your really good at it haha
I love these games
Amazing 🤣
It’s the walking through the table for me 😭😭😭
So smooth… how amazing
There trying not to laugh lol
That walk through the chair and table is so accurate
girl boss
Imagine living a life that lovely of a girlfriend that allows you to do such things… I envy you
This is so accurate I love it
But why do you need to do this but why you do that watching kids TikTok not TikTok YouTube and TikTok
This is significantly accurate.
I love the glare at the end😆
Elder scrolls online guards: we.shall hunt you in the afterlife! You may not escape! DIE!
When you play legendary mode
WTF do something useful
If my npcs looked like that in pickpocketing clothes.
She used to be an adventurer like you.
How clear she made how ironic skyrim sometimes is
You spelled Skyrim wrong in the sub titles
Level 40 Mafia Boss
Bro that stare at the end just emulated “what’s good bruv?”
how is their acting so good?!
When u only leveled up magica and ur in survival and are cold so you basically 1 tap to anything
I love these
‘What’s your defense?’ Funny finger 😎
This was so accurate 😂😂😂
So accuret
He upped middle finger like rope!
I hope this one will not kill his wife like jinnkid
That death glare at the end
The most unreqlistic part is that he died from one hit… I could be attacked by the whole army and not lose half my health and that’s if im not even trying
Why this be so true tho
I love it 🙂
“hey, I know you”
Idk what Skyrim is
Bro the when girlfriends guard looked at the camera she looked like she was about to laugh so hard
Why she look like Michael Jackson tho
So no one gonna talk about the NPC always look at the camera in the death screen
“The perfect relationship doesn’t exist”
He had a bruh moment
Its so accurate wtfff. From the way the girlfriend sits.. to the guard walking into the table.. the way he fell and died. And the way the guard just sits down like nothing happened
The she looks at u
Just started playing skyrim. This is Way too accurate!
Oh my god so cringe 😬
It’s true thooooo
Lol the animation when he dies was perfect
The menacing Stare 👹👹👹
Low key though she was gonna say “Need something” at the end.. 🥺🥺 sucks Jinnkid situation
The guard be like: I will stare in your SOUL
is this dude gonna murder his wife too?
I would buy this
Nice death spin, that’s what really sells it
I live skyrim vr it my fab
I was just playing Skyrim and that basically how they acted
lol I love when she walked into the table without noticing
For real tho🥲. I tried to pick pocket the king when he died but his guard was watching over the king’s dead body💀
*d e a t h s t a r e*
Pretty good
Pretty goo
This looked so much luke one of those games I actually thought is was a game 😂😂😂
1 like = 1 no girl
that death is the most accurate representation I’ve ever seen.
Also, where can I download this mod?
Lmao shes rlly trying to not laugh
I love how she’s really trying not to smile and laugh right at the end 😂
How is she so serious during this?🤣
Seems impossible!🤣
Basically 😂🤣
Dang I bet that spoon hurt
Man should have used the bend will shout
She tried so hard not to smile at the end
MichAel JaCkSoN
Pretty good
No one noticed when the cup landed bottle flip.
The cherry on top would be looking at the camera and saying ‘what happened here’
The wind up middle finger fucking killed me
Next thing you know, we hear about how “Skyrim Girl accused of 1st degree murder”.
When you use the girlfriend NPC Mod:
I like how she changes clothes and her acting as a skyrim npc is so very accurate lmfao.
you missed one part .. when she killed you she should’ve sheathed her weapon in obvious fashion and said “never should’ve come here” or “thought i heard something”
The fall to the ground was so Skyrim
7/10 not enough randomly spasms
If their kids saw this when they bring friends and see this
Jajajajajaja wtf xd
How did they do this without laughing
Tattoo or just a hairy foot?
Now just start saying need something over and over again
Legenadry difficulty……
sooo perfectttt
3000 coment
Haha😂😂😂 just run through the table I’m dead XD
Shes cute❤️
I love how she just stared at the cera at the end
Nice perfect in every part the video 🤣 👍 thumbs up of 2 💯% 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
What you expect you see a weird guy and a weird girl that haven’t grown up yet…. Perfect match
This is so accurate how
*Raibaru protecting Osana in Yandere Demo Be like* :
I don’t play Skyrim but it’s hilarious 😂
Dude stop ifkwjkdjwkajznc 😂🤚🏽
The way he put up his middle finger had me wheezing
I was waiting for his body to start glitching out on the ground after he died, but the dramatic push in was perfect
Fucking lol
The Death Animation- SO accurate.
Please don’t end up killing your wife Mr Nick
Her eyes start to glow red after breaking the 4th wall
So true
**Thick guard**
Love how one commits potential double homicide and another pops up like it’s not weird
Girlfriend is a stand user
Foooossss rudaaa
Skyrim be like I miss that game bro anyone else in here getting vibes from this I really miss that game I don’t really finished it I never did get to finish it I was still trying to understand it
2 girls
I hope these guys don’t end like jinnkid
I love how hard she’s trying so hard not to smile at the end
Bro that *breaking the 3rd wall* stare at the camera is intimidating AF
I prefer Jihnkid version more but unfortunately it didn’t end well for him
* dies*
-girlfriend: need something
She looks like she has more plastic in her than the ocean
Omg how is that so accurate
😂😂😂😂😂 So true tho- I was being attacked by guards once and after I died they just sat there like nothing happened
If she Playa skyrim she is a keeper
Well done!
This is so fucking cringe
The way she tried to hide the smile at the end was priceless 😂
Must have been the wind
En la última escena ella se parece a Matías Vera kanskajqjq
I actually thought it was a game at first that’s how good this is
Old and good TGM
Probably a good think I got subnautica below zero instead of skyrim, that seems annoying
That was so cool!
The fact his death fall was SO perfect. I can’t. 😂🤣
When you play to much skyrim
This feels more like oblivion
As someone who has never played Skyrim before I can say that this is very accurate.
This reminds me of the videos by that guy that eliminated his girlfriend and went to lido.
why was this so perfect😭
She has a nice set of melons… I mean weapons
The stare at the end💀
I like how she didn’t care some items around her
It’s kinda cringe but I respect the effort
You got one shot by a guard…sad times
Realized he put skyrim
Where do I get the mod for that reaction to the guard?
Perfect girlfriend
She walked right through the props lol
U had to be mage
Died of 1k spoonful DMG
Props to her for not smiling and busting out laughing
womans can’t be guard
“ill find whoever did this.”
Perfect 🤣🤣 and was the audio taken from the game or that her actual voice 🔥🔥
Through the first half I actually thought it was a game
I want to pay with my blood too 🥺
Now just imagine making this video
Ya know the start of the intro is funny because i always put pots on top of the gaurd’s head lol
Keeping a straight face while looking at the camera like that! 🗿
Wonder how long it took to explain what all to do! 😂
The fact they did in straight faces tho- 😭
She’s fit… 😄 🤣
Lol the lip sync
This is epic!
That was some very good acting
Anyone else see the cup land in the background
I love how I’m the end she looks at the camera like Ur Next
Blade and sorcery
The glance of evil.
Flipping the guards off thats my mood in a angry day
I remember that my brother was playing Skyrim and he just entered a village and saved his game right before accidentally killing a chicken in front of everyone. Everytime he logged back in, the whole village would chase him down for killing the chicken
The death fall was good but needed a little bit more bug
The camera angle at the end💀
The way she walked through the table and chair nah I’m done 🤣🤣🤣
This was the best scene in real life
Weird to think that those people’s lives are now drastically changed. She’s dead and he’s in jail.
Yall suck at skyrim
It looked like she was holding her laugh 🤣
Need something?
I love this
Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk no crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.
Ephesians 5:4.
They are the perfect couple
-change my mind
Takes a special kinda woman to do things with you like this. Spot on acting 👏🏻
Kinda looks like Micheal Jackson at the end
There is one really nice girl in my class named Keira and that’s really it
Soooo true
You forgot the “wait I know you” at the dead body
That facts
the fuckin bethesda zoom at the end
Damn she bad!
Had all the kitchen ware and that cup sounds right out of the game
she look like micheal Jackson far away
These are so accurately done
The death fall tho!! Accurate af!
Its the look at the end for me
After the news broke on this guy this is Dark
you forgot the
“Must have run off… ”
Oh boy I hope this one doesn’t kill his wife too there’s probably alot of people that won’t get this reference
Yess Skyrim
Girlfriend guards mod? Thats a good idea
Anyone realize when he said “then pay with your blood” she sounded like Mable for gravity falls?
POV: your playing blade of sourcery
The way she just stares at my soul- I can’t. 😳💀
Ok how many times did y’all do this and NOT break out in laughter
Spspspsps so accurate 😭then they sit right back down and drink as if nothing happened
hopefully this guy doesn’t end up committing double murder.
The only person ever to best the wind-up middle finger
We all know why she sat down and didn’t walk away on cam
I love Skyrim so much this made me happy
Shoulve said “hello there” right after
I want a girlfriend that will wear a bucket over her head, and say random npc shit.
Really Really one hit🤣
Be like I ain’t paying Nothing and I ain’t going no were just to get hit one time and die like what I’m a high level cmon🤣
Hold on a minute this is so true🤣
Y’all better get a Grammy for this
he killed his wife
I live how she pulled a a soup thingy instead of a knife 🤠
That girl in the ounk is creepy looking
This was so accurate 😭
デベロッパーThe FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.
My guy just take you freaking mom out of the bucket 🪣 SO SHE CNA FREAKING BREATH
Love this😂
Her face at the end looks like an actual computer
I remember when the guards were aggro at me because of the vampire status ailment
The gals pulled it off nicely
bro this is ridiculously accurate.
The woman is gorgeous.
The way he flipped her off LOL
lmao 🤣🤣
Is this guy going to kill his girlfriend too?
That’s a shout that you can basically beat the whole game with its the shout where you can doing your knifes quick af I beef the game twice that that
Then looks like the roles are reversed in this situation
Where is the “need something”
That was dramatic
When he did that cod middle finger tho😂
Hey, you’re finally awake
damm she got that bottom
Sup chat i is monke
“Sorry Miss, blood is not a currency”
probably the least funny version of this ive seen yet.
Kinda cringe tho
Missed opportunity to switch with a slipper as sword
Her face at the end
is this the guy who killed his wife
I played used to play Skyrim… the guards one shot me no matter what ;-;
No one’s mentioning how perfect her walking right through that table and chair was
For a second I thought it was a vr game until I read the title lol
This was nicr
“Must have been the wind.”
Hey! I know you!
And the worst part is when it saves mid battle so your stuck in a loop every time you die.
I love skyrim but this is so true
Last guy who was making these was a murderer.. watch this guy
She’s trying to hold her laughter
Oh thank god this isn’t the guy who killed his wife
Are willing to mur*er your girlfriend/wife in real life too?
Seeing this with women reminds me of the skyrim greentext.
I was expecting cringe but this is genuinely funny and well done. Nice!
“must’ve been the wind”
This guy was in lock up for forcing her gf to act into these videos, let that sink in.
I swear for the first time i watch it i thought it was a 3D bcoz hand n the women looks like that but its actually real 🔥🔥
Qué chido que su novia haga esas cosas con el ❤️
That screen stare cracks me up🤣
Just don’t kill your wife irl bro
Does this guy murder his wife and kid in the end too
How genshin impact really be:
The menacing look of death
Haha, I know what kinda cup that is, it’s a HuntAKiller cup, I work there and have 4 of my own
Me wearing dragon bone armor:*i don’t think you understand the situation*
You missed the part where they kill someone then freak out over there being a dead body
I don’t know a lot about Skyrim, but you need to tell me that you had a ball of literal fire in your hand… And you still lost?
Oh wait, it’s that kind of girlfriend, Now I’m surprised that you’re not completely and utterly decimated
Your girlfriend is amazing for participating in this!!
I am scaroused.
mobile ads:
I remember getting killed by some bounter collector guy in whiterun and when I died he said “So do you have any news about our quarry?” To my dead body
“Then pay with your blood!”
Me: that’s Oblivion, not Skyrim
The physical acting in this is amazing. So on point lol
the should feel awkward
Guard afterwards: I’m gonna find whoever did this.
she looks like icarly if she was an adult
Hit kill😨👌
She havith nicith rack
I was waiting for the HEHEHAHA
She was *ONE* second away from laughing
Jajajaja tiene razon
Merry Christmas
Shes forgot to say “looks like they ran off” after murking the DragonBorn.
Bro you have a frickin fire ball u could have dodge it
Dunno if it was a good idea to get a tattoo on them big ass feet. *Girls* 🥴
This was so satisfying
I shouldn’t enjoy these as much as I do, but here I am laughing like a lunatic 😩
Perfect defence response doesn’t exist. Gotta try it on my mum someday, to see if I get a different ending.
Pointing the index to the middle finger was an act of class and subtlety.
Украинска арми наисильнейша
Was it me or did girlfriend gaird look sttaight into my eyes then under my skin she looked like she was trying not to laugh tho
Слава Украине
Fuck he doesn’t install the nude mod
this is fucking great
Everything about this is accurate
Must’ve run off
this looks like a p0rn parody lmfao
If skirim guards are this op why don’t they fight the threats?
The end when she just looked up at the camera😂😂😂
Not them spelling it SKSYRIM?! 😂😂😂😂
“need something?”
Lol he kept his robes on
The fact that she didn’t immediately start eating some bread or drink from a tankard kills my immersion.
You forgot the “stop right there you criminal skunk”
dam she was supposed to say need something at last
That’s from oblivion though not skyrim
Shorts are cool I find myself scrolling my so long
Didnt know the guards had american accents now
Dummy thicc girlfriend.
Rubius le pegaría a su mujer
Bruh, what, this guy got the entire family going
She’s hot…
Wouldnt it be wild if he idk…… murdered his wife
Wow, graphics is so lifelike in this game!
They did that so good! Good job Team!
You guys were bored as hell until one of you thought of this masterpiece
iikkkk i love
*ah, yes…*
Okay- but is no one mentioning how accurate that death fall was? The whole thing was accurate though. I remember in the olden days in skyrim, I would try to kill myself or pickpocket Hadvar, it did not work and I was so freaking sad (tysm for the likes) <-- Edit
I was expecting a “Wait i know you”
I love how the guard has a spoon
We all know who inspired this person’s video that murderer
Lol the chair stare
My mind at last: Need something?
She’s flat foot! 🙈🙈🙈
No way lmao I’m crying
😂😂 I like that
Should have invested in more health
So accurate
Memories….. I used to watch my older brother play this all the time, it was hilarious, he kicked cheese down the mountain and died, so when he re spawned on the mountain, the cheese would fall again and again haha
Bloodborn be like:
She killed u with a spoon? HAH! pathetic i get killed with a manlier weapon like a fork
JinnKid wannabe 🥱🤦♂️
She bad
The end is kinda creepy
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 개똑같네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
She’s a keeper on god almighty
You nailed the ragdoll XD👌
Se ponia a cosinat dale la chava😎
Well ir thick..get over it sexy
What a fool fighting a women with the thing they use the most cooking equipment and he uses a Ball of fire he controlls with his mind he is as good as dead at that point
Ending : “need something?”
What’s with all the basic ass tik tokers making skyrim memes 5 years late all of the sudden
Stop! You’ve violated the law
The vacant facial expression is giving everything 💀
Wait! I know you!
*looks into your soul trying not to laugh*
Must’ve been the wind
I was just waiting for the: “need something?”
Omg yesss
O. M. G.
This is HOT
When she looked at the camera I rolled off my bed
Why did she looks like a michael jackson in the last scene?
yeah shes gonna vlean that up-
Pushing the table was on point lmao
It’s so cool that your girlfriend fully supports this
please do not be like that other skyrim tiktoker who killed his wife bc tough she was cheating…
Once I defeated the Guard and then more came and send me
Man be looking like Michael Jackson at the end lol😂
Maybe another life in metaverse
She is gorgeous man
Why the pot😅
This was amazing
On point🤣😭
These shorts are so entertaining ❤️🔥
STOP! you violated the law
She really does look like a skyrim npc lmao
Accuracy 100
The way she walked through the table omg stop 😂😂
The deadpan Uncanny Valley is so accurate.
oh god the accuracy of the ragdoll
Как же он правдоподобно упал🤣
I don’t know you and I don’t care to know you.
Im honest I thought it was a real video game for the first 5 seconds 😂😂
“Need something?”
This was hilarious
Middle finger
Fus ro dar
She definitely stubbed something on that table
the quality of that was incridible
also girl is so cute
Girl:The main thing is not to reap
I love the look just like “Your next”
At least he ain’t that one person doing the dark brotherhood mission on there wife
*laughs in oblivion*
Sexy guard, helloooooo! Need to mod it haha
Sneak baixo, o meu era tão alto que eu roubava no centro da cidade proprio guarda kkk
More real than Skyrim it’s self
You are the biggest nerds…
…can we be friends lol
Go girls
If you have rose summoning stuff its easy kill they…. but another guards will come :/ but it’s great exp😁
you forgot the “wait i know you” after they brutally mutualise you
God now I’m scared to get a girlfriend in Skyrim or even real life, her script might overlaps and she just kills me 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆.
Hey, is that guard romanceable?
Bro you need to make a real game that’s awesome
обожаю скайрим
Ragdoll animation has improved
Kinda ironic now she has cooking utensils
Table best girl
Never have I played Skyrim, but I can say I’ve seen a lot of other games where npcs do watevs this is
Some THIC guards tiger 🐯 RAr sexy lady
This reminds me of another YouTuber who almost would do shorts like this…
I so glad he definitely didn’t KILL his wife 😃
I love how he rolls up the middle finger then with his other hand he is pointing at it
Like “ Eh?! Eh? Pretty cool eh?!”
The table 😂
Why so accurate
need something
On me like im lvl 12 you shouldn’t be one shoting me
I love this channel
Ofc it’s the girl who won
LOL that is the funniest thing my mind is excitement an exploding amazement I’m always amused
Tht was aweeeeesommmeee
싸우는 이유좀
Don’t kill your gf bro please not a another Skyrim content creator
A real Thiccy
haha pretty funny, it makes me to laugh when the lady is looking straight at the camera and trying to not smile
That was cool I like it 🥰😊
Bot still bot doesnt give a single f on anything in its way..
where do i find this girl friend
my friends told me that skyrim’s graphics are good but wow
Wait what, i would come up with an excuse for her to take me to jail bruh…
I didnt understand but i like it 🙂
😂😂😂 I wonder how many times they laughed during this
Ахах блин почему так ахуенно?))
Este no es el mismo que mató a su novia o era otro? Xd
Upon deploying her weapon of choice, it was proven her serving skills have no match.
Lmfao why did she have to look at the camera like that
Казуала вынесли. Ныааааа
Hopefully this guy is not a murderer in rl
What the f-
Girls have really nice figure
Se dan cuenta que las poses de las mujeres siempre las hacen curvadas en la espalda, hay veces que se pasan😂
“Must have been the wind”
I love how she just walked into the table
Hope he doesn’t end up murdering her
Just great
Класс. мне нравится прям как в настоящем скайриме
ai q vergonha alheia 🙁
So accurate
The graphics is incredible, what is the name of the game?
i wouldnt laugh if there wasnt this look at the and
Just don’t go crazy and kill your girl after she cheats on you
scuse me what??? sword plastic sheild glass?????????
Skyrim 🔥👍yes its so True 😂😂
Camera man: Bro why.
She was trying her best to not laugh
Oh no I’m having flashbacks to the last time someone made skyrim vids
the song is mask off
The sneaking was so smooth
Uhhh… Try to dodge?
Just 1 spoon death .
Cameraman wall hack
Cara igualzim kkkkkk
I love how she breaks the forth wall afterward
You’re not gonna kill your girlfriend too, right? Not this time?
This is absolutely disgustingly awful
My first time playing I didn’t see the grey beards or the yarl because there was a glitch were he attacked me. But I got 62 before finding them and putting the yarl in his place
Chơi game quá 180p
Bro how did mans go from Skyrim to cod war zone
To now i don’t know how she didn’t laugh
To be honest I’ve never played Skyrim but I absolutely love how accurate this video is down to the body movement and dialogue just brilliant 💫
Jogos da Ubisoft:
I think my favorite part of the reenactment of an NPC drinking something with their helmet still on or face covered. That’s so scarily accurate.
u forget to say when zoom u say -Your need something 🤣🤣🤣
АХАХХАХАХАХ это пиздец
No juguéis a mierdas
Dumptruck detected
Beautiful and deadly, just like the real GF guards.
She looks like Lydia
Шок лидия убила довакина
Would’ve been better if you ended with “need something”
HAhahaha fantastic! 🤣🤣🤣
bro please don’t murder your wife too
Your forgot to say ” they must of ran off”
Soul stare at the end
Her face reminds me of Lydia…..
That’s a fine NPC right there
Whi the girl assomiliet to lara croft 3
Words do not describe
It’s look like fallout 4 😂🤣
Me waiting “need something?..”
GTA Devifitive Edition be like:
How long untill this dude snaps and kills them?
You forgot to say “must’ve been the wind” while he was dying
Wow, women creating a genuinely funny meme video? (I’m sorry I had to 😶)
Broo thanks for changing the murderer. Now you stay good !
JinnKid kills better. Also his gf falls more accurate.
Kitchen tool alway dangerous than military weapon
Don’t touch baby cakes sweet rolls
Look kids this is what happens to you when you play too much video game
Girlfriend performed, “make a sandwich.”
It was very effective.
How cringe must that be it wouldn’t surprise me if he just booked her for this
Hopefully this dude doesn’t go rampage on his GF like the original dude
if he just twitched violently once it woulda been so much more accurate 😂😂
Jesus it’s female Michael Jackson.
I lost it when she walked into the table then sat on the chair 😂😂
Women Moment
She’s so Funny 🤣
They don’t got asses like that
Who’s gonna tell her that not funny
Skyrim of my dreams
she looks like michael jackson
Thought for a second there that you were that TikToker that life ended his wife
“Must of been the wind”
I’m screAm
No sign of ’em.
Two girlfriends?
Just don’t kill your wife like the last guy
Dam I wish the guards were that hot I would pay with my seed instead.
What about the: must have been the wind
She should have said must have ran away or something like that
Damn she has some big feet ❤
it would be better if she says “need something?” at the end when she look at camera.
My Lydia looks much better.
Cringe I’m 1000% sure she hasn’t touched a single game and has an onlyfans
Need someting?
Fucking cringe lmao
That ragdoll was so accurate
Very very perfect, wow!!
Упал как в скуриме
Montok bgt sih🥰
the final is SOOO CREPPY MAN
Its man killed wife
Forgot the typical dialogue of
“Oh… what happened?”
and or
“I’m going to find whoever did this.”
need something?
who still makes skyrim videos …lame
Careful last one to do this trend unalived his gorl
“Must have ran off”
Player.paycrimegold 0 (location id) console hack 🤣😂
Changing the camera position after death was the most accurate thing I’ve seen along with the ragdoll
This with Cbbe mod on ? ☮️
Need something?
I’d load up my 100 lvl Pickpocket build
Please, fuck off with these skyrim videos.. there was a single funny one 6 years ago, be creative and do something new
Need something?
And then the exact opposite of this happened irl
I was expectint to hear a “need somethin” at the end, Now my days is ruined
Damn she perfect
Morrowind is the Best ❤️❤️❤️
This guy actally killed them. In real life. Look up. Skyrim tiktok murder
Même pas l’excuse d’être blonde
The replacement for Jin kid.
What is wrong with her face?
The fall is just spot on
You missed the guard asking, “What is it?, Dragons?” to your lifeless body
“I’m the Mayor, after all.”
-Far too busy
That Micheal Jackson look at the end…
She kinda looked like Micheal Jackson
love how the guard just pushes everything aside like an absolute sigma
Ah shit… here we go again…
Don’t kill each other
Man, that’s a pretty thicc guard.. my skyrim guards don’t look like that
How cute is this guard…
Not enough glitches to be skyrim, body needs to start convulsing
Let’s be honest, in oblivion, the guards were wimps and could easily be wiped out. I once tried to kill all npcs in a town and for what i could recall, was almost successfull
This was scarily accurate
I imagine how it was hard not to laugh at the end🤣🤣
Glad someone took the reigns on the Skyrim memes since the original guy wanted to murder people instead of make good content.
Hold my rolling middle Finger
The feets of your girls are gorgeous, where i can watch them?
This IS Skyrim!
Wonderful…. Jajajaja… Kill me Lidia….
You’re missing the part where a small army comes into the house and swarms you.
Least some girls will support their man.
I played a video game once while mine was home and she threw my computer out the window. We live on the 11th floor.
Only thing needed at the end :
Need somethin?
Need something?
“what say you in your defence”
him: 🖕
her: so u choose death
My favorite is ‘hmm, must of run off’
I really love it when the guards kill you and immediately say something in awe, in reference to your power/accomplishments
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 졸라똑같네
Dude is lucky
Should’ve pickpocketed with the
EyE closed
What gaurds u fighting that one shots u 🤣🤣😭
True lol
You can see she’s trying her best not to laugh
Not funny
Pay with them toes
Ne yaşıyonuz siz Allah aşkına?
God save polyamory
call of duty emote in Skyrim? 🤔
Those kitchen utencils were always hitkill?
He shouldve done the skyrim shuffle
And when you die they always say “must have run away”
Another Stupid video…!
Beautiful Woman 👍
Way better than that murderer jinkid
I asked for irl not actual gameplay
You people are so cringy. the desperation for attention is the real pandemic
Este tio mato a su mujer y a su mejor amigo es un assasins
Should’ve ended it with “wait, I know you” to his lifeless body
The death fall and camera angle is this best 😂
Fucking great man! 🤣
the only thing missing is she didn’t say “must have been the wind”😂
“Must of been the wind”
You forgot the “must have run off”
Wait.. I know you!
Need something?
Wait, I know you.
I wish the other guy hadn’t killed his gf. His videos were WAAAY better in the character likeness department and lesser in the cgi department. The cgi is not the amusing part of these video imo
This reminded me of ginkid and his wife I used to watch their skyrim videos
She looks like lydia😂😂😂
She is bad.
1 shot by a mere girlfriend guard… Noob
El mati:
She forgot to unsheathe but either than that solid gold!
inaccurate, she didnt say “must’ve ran off.”
this is a joke
Need something?
Have a Sword in game with 999999def 😂
Gotta love a big booty gf. You lucky skeever you.
But.. what if someone actually DID take my sweetroll?
This is a beautiful short.
For the girlfriend’s guard. There’s a Mara’s amulet around my neck😉
Number one reason no one wants to play the game.
Que lixo
Need something?
Sending this to my girlfriend, she loves Skyrim lol.
The way she just sits down afterwards ☠️☠️
that ragdoll is spot on
Faith in YouTube Shorts restored
You are next
Ain’t no Whiterun guard got that body
Come on guys get out of the house, lockdown is over
Spot on 😂 brings back happy memories of playing this game for hours on end
The ragdoll was so accurate wtf
When does he murder her in real life?
That’s sad he had to put girlfriend as her name poor lass doesn’t deserve a name
A guard bad ass, with charm…
I like it ^^
No Sign of em
You can tell she was trying so hard not to laugh at the end, must have been so many out takes lol
Long loading coming up
No. Stop. The music alone is gonnna make me start my 14th playthrough
And they get no fking damage
Don’t fake jinnkid
que vergonha alheia pai
Skyrim guards have never been that thic
I wish she said “ need something?” At the end there
Will the Metaverse be like this?
Жесткач из Скайрим 😂😂
I love skyrim tho honestly
Their cute and funny
Guard: There’s been a murder!
I hate fake on people
Shouldnt leave things around for people to trip on…
Destroys my character in one hit: must’ve been the wind.
İ have expected her to say “need something?” at the end
Must have been the wind
Need something?
Wtf that look on her face at the end 🤣🤣🤣
That brooooom. 😂😂😂😂
Another wife killer ? XD
The last couple who was making skyrim TikTok’s didn’t end in such a good way..
The witcher game ?????
I love how his girlfriend is cool with them doing this 😭 relationship goals
This guy shot and killed these girls less than a month ago. He is jail now
Realy great ! I love this!
I really have absolutely no idea what game this guy’s referring to.
It definitely isn’t Skyrim, or at least the proper one.
The Skyrim I play and watch others play is far smoother and the guards don’t push furniture out the way, maybe in oblivion, but not Skyrim.
And the guards don’t sit down like they’re taking a squat while holding in a shite
😂🤣that’s funny
The first funny tik tok, I ever saw
All thats missimg is the “need something” at the end
Plz don’t kill your wife like one other Skyrim YouTuber/TikToker thank you
Deja vu? Please dont kill any poeple in your household. 🤨 If i could just remember where..
Please no murder your girlfriend….no lucky who made meme in Skyrim
I like how gaurds are stronger than soldiers
she’s good
Mah dudes, this was fucking awesome
Guard got a donk on her
How many more people are going to do the same shit to attempt to seem funny? The other 1000+ videos like this beat you to it
Fantastic job and so on point! The music and acting brought back good memories too. Best part was at the end when, just like the animations, sat down all mannequin like and acts as if nothing just happened. God Bless. Peace. Jn.3:3
Thast Crank hahahaha
Hahahahaha. Too bad you couldn’t stand in the air like some of the glitches lol.
Must have been the wind
What’s the mod you used here
When dudes make videos just shoe off a sperm toilet they’ll never keep.
This is amazing😂😂😂
Looking at the camera at the end is on point
She tried so hard not to laugh 🤣🤣
Waddaya mean “girlfriend”
I love how every comment is “I love this” or “I like this”.
Блин вот людям делать нефиг))
Ah, He must have gotten away
You need must of been the wind
Hhhhh 😂😂😂
Too bad one of the most popular irl skyrim skit creators got arrested for domestic violence so the pool of content is a bit tainted.
Well atleast other people are doing skyrim impressions now that the other guy is gone.
Cringe af 🖕🏻
The way she sat down and turned around she drifted a little bit into the oblivion guards 😂 not complaining tho xD
Need something?
100% accurate
Honestly I don’t think I would be able to hold the laugh in her place
Ridiculus… xD
Hot creepy😳
walking through the table and chairs…accurate.
Forgot to install no spinning death animation lol👍
What a fookin beautiful girl WTF
These used to be funny
Clearly a modded savegame
That creepy look at the end 😆😆😆
Oh my god I would pay to be one of those chairs
Wher you find 2 fat chicks ?
Не гоните. Посмотрите канал главный герой
Missed the “Body’s still warm, there’s a killer about” or “what was that? Must’ve been the wind.”
so cringe
That’s disappointing
Don’t kill your girl
That’s some hot chics and dude
😂😂🤣🤣I love this shit
That death animation is epic
That’s false, the body didn’t bug out
The icing on the cake would have been her pulling a sweet roll out of thin air after she sat down😂 the ragdoll was spot on too
not realistic without the crazy ragdoll glitch lol
This is all lies. I’m a battle warlock I can never die hahahaha.
I love how this isn’t skyrim but oblivion and nobody cares
Oh no, more Skyrim videos. Please don’t murder your gf in real life, bro.
I hope he doesn’t catch her cheating and shoots both him and her…
Too soon?
Nice pijama
Clever! Enjoyed that
Must of been the wind
That’s some kinky role-playing you got going on there
I thought she’d say, “need something?”
She’s hot!
How long before this guy murders two people?
I wish I was that gangsta
So is this like “Hey the guy who got popular for doing this is in prison now… My turn!”?
Domestic abuse.
Hmm must’ve been the wind
Man I WISH there was a “tell the guard to go f*ck themselves in a sassy way” dialogue option
The end stare of her trying not to laugh just sent me over the edge
That ragdoll is on point!!!
What mods make your guards so….. attractive?
I am always amazed by people. When someone does a video, you are sure, that you will see dozens of variations of the same video. One more…
The ragdoll got me.
Perfectly executed!
Lol, that sit down and stair animation was on point. Busted out laughing.
That was actually good wth
This was the funniest clip that I’ve seen on YouTube in years. I haven’t laughed like that in some time. Thanks!
This was almost good
That’s too many girlfriends in one house
okay that picked me up a bit 🤡🤣
I’ve never seen a more accurate Skyrim performance
These always wind up with you going to jail for killing her in rl
Death animation wasnt glitched enough
I wish you were that chair if you chatch my drift
shameless bards song ripoff
“Huh, must’ve run off”
Must’ve been the wind.
FUS RO DAH!!! Skyrim’s awesome!
She’s cute. Make sure you don’t kill her.
Dude I can’t even get girls to talk to me. Wtf are you doing?
It would be perfect if she say “need something?” at the end
She gives me penny wise vibes
“must’ve run off”
After attack: “you died”
This is clearly fake. They didn’t say “wait I know you” after killing you
The ragdoll is awesome
LOL too good
Death cam is perfect
Accurate 😂😂😂
Skyrim shorts are coursed, be cautious guys
If i get gurds like that.. ill play till die
I love Skyrim skits but please don’t kill your gf
This was great 🙂
Lol somebody needs to do a werewolf death act,it’s hilarious in game.
careful, wife.. being a skyrim impersonater wife is dangerous business for you (and your boyfriend)
No bugs or glitches? Un-emersive
She bad
She should have said ” need something?” At the end.
This is great, used to watch these from jinnkidd but unfortunately he shot his wife in the head so can’t get them from him anymore sadly.
You seem like a great couple pls don’t do the same
Need something?
Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhaha, sensacional!
Nothing more true than getting oneshoted when playing a mage build LMAO
How can you don’t laugh?
How did she keep a strait face looking at the camera 😂😂😂
Yall know this guy killed this girl IRL right and he’s in prison
I’m playing Skyrim atm 😂
Everybody gangsta until this guy also murders his wife.
At the end “Need something”
Need something?
I hope this guy doesn’t kill his wife too
Need something
Ахаха охуенно
Even fallout the guards one hit u every.Bethesda game where there’s a City that has guards they’re op
Boy level 7 squaring up with the level 40 gf guard
This gives me hope that girls like her actually do exist out there 😭 epic accuracy tho lol
Dude’s been one shot by a guard…
Pssssshhhh what is he fresh out of Helgen? Get that full Daedric and some master level destruction son. You better come back and quick save on her ass.
She forgot to end it with “Must have been the wind”
The guard should loot you naked
“Move along citizens”….
ive been waiting for her to ask “need something?” in the end
I wish she said ” must be the wind” at the end
Damn, this guy pickpocketed his girlfriend just to get caught by his other girlfriend that was working as a guard.
Hope he doesn’t kill his wife
it woulda been legitt if at the very end she just uttered… need something?
На моем канале вышел новый ролик
Everything was perfect 👌🏻🤣
I love how accurate this is even the death animation at the end just lovely
Guards: *slaughters player*
Also guards: *looks at camera like “did you see what I did?”*
People copying content be like…
Omg I needed some content like this after… the other guy who… yeah
Girlfriend: kills boyfriend
Also girlfriend: “need something?”
She doesn’t sheathe her weapons before sitting down, smh
Dem skyrim guards low key curvy
Uhhh… That was a girl. We all know girls aren’t aloud in elder scrolls.
What’s the girls @ with the bucket on her head
She’s doing her best not to laugh at the end 😂
Better than me I would have cracked up
Who cares about skyrim in 2021?
This was accurate tho
Ana Abulaban was slain on October 21, 2021, at the home she shared with Ali. Her husband, TikToker JinnKid, real name Ali Abulaban, allegedly shot her and her friend Rayburn Cadenas Barron, 29, of National City hours after allegedly installing a listening device on his daughter’s tablet.
I see she’s using a new style of the original glass armour shield
need something?
Man people keep posting all these Skyrim clip what’s going on?
The table THO XD
The ragdoll was perfect xD
Ruined it by looking at the camera
That stare at the end got me. LoL 😆 perfect
staring into soul trend lol
Shawty kinda bad tho
Skyrim guards are weak though
Hey buddy don’t kill your wife now I know these skyrom vidyas fun but can take a dark turn fast
Wonder why isnt there jokes about killing wife
Damn better be careful. I hear these have deadly outcomes lol
when the npc is hot
2 girlfriends? ForsenCD
Yeah that one shot can be ridiculous.
One shot one kill
Pliss jangan ingatkan aku kepada pcku yang hancur karena game itu
Oh boy, attractive girls!
You got a beautiful girl willing to go this far for a accurate depiction of one of your favorite games? Bro, if you dont put a ring on it, I will!😂
no, the guard does not sit on the chair, he says “hey, you look tired”
me: these people.have so much free time what a waste…
my brain: more skyrim memes please
She didn’t say the thing god damit
It must have been the Thicc.
“need something?”
This is so accurate that it almost hurts.
The fact she could keep a straight face at the end is amazing
Fr. I killed the owner of the bits and bobs shop km solitude so I could take the amethyst for the thrives guild and despite doing it in a closed room, I got a 1000 gold bounty and was swarmed by guards
Jinnkid from wish
Her feet and she thick
Hey! This one didn’t kill his partner! I can enjoy skyrim tiktoks like this again!
I love how she’s holding in her laugh to stay in character, especially at the end XD
Inaccurate. The ragdoll didn’t spazz out.
Wrong, she didn’t say need something when she sat down
Need something?
*laughs whit emperor shirth that heals 800000% faster and nord sword that absorbs 800000% health*
haha so funny
Really don’t need to copy the guys that do this
Lol 🤠🖕
Guard continue eating bread 😹😹
She kinda looks like Lydia.
That is so cringe
Haha reddit humour. Funny.
That guard is so thick
Im reading: Skyrim Guards. in the title. But its literally Oblivion Dialogue xD
Must’ve been the wind
Must’ve been the wind…
Must’ve been the wind
Completely screwed up… They don’t say “Then pay with your blood” in Skyrim. That’s Oblivion… LAME!
She forgot to say “lost them” after she killed the player
That guards thick 👀
I thought this was going to be a cheap copy of the others but… Ragdoll on point, delayed stare on point. Good stuff.
This is absolutely perfect
She was trying so hard to keep a straight face
*need something?*
What an axxyy
I was expecting the “Need somethin” in the end like that one dude💀
That kinda be true tho, Haven’t played Skyrim in ages ;-;
She was trying so hard not to laugh that what got me
you just got beaned
Staring into i out souls
Hmm… must’ve run off
The animations are spot on in this game
Shes holding a soup grabber
That was cool
𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙪𝙥 𝙘𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙨 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣
Then the guard is like INVINCIBLE
at the end she should have been like “need something?”
Ayo what the f*** he didn’t even move
The ragdoll is just PERFECT
Skyrim but it’s middle finger
Does anyone know the @ of the girlfriend guard? Asking for a friend 😅
Goldengirl for helping this real life skyrim vid. Also looking good. So mariage material to me
She should have the flip flop
Gender-swapped mod of Jinnkidd committing crimes against his girlfriend.
Gets killed by guard and he says wait I know you
how did u manage to convince her to make this tiktok, I wish I had the ability to do the same lol
So true🤣🤣🤣
don’t kill your girlfriend dude just a heads up
Cap no one playing skyrim in 2021 has a girlfriend
She using glass weapons
Star lord move
Is that true I never played Skyrim
Ficou ótimo, me senti no jogo.
Skyrim gaurds in a nutshell
Dam she did that with a straight face
Imagine playing Bethesda games in 2021…
All you had to do was crouch man…
The guy is just showing off his girlfriend.
Nice ragdoll
But the person he was pick pocketing had a pot on her head so he could pick pocket her without her noticing
I expected her to say “have you heard of the high elves?” to the cameraman at the end.
You can just use force-ro-dah
That is one sexy guard!
Perfect ending:
Need some thing?🗿
Couldn’t be more accurate👌
Unrealistic, the guard didn’t sit down, get back up, go to the body, say “what happened?” And walk away
Is no one gonna talk about how they just but the #-# bad sickn in. The video bc of the finger they showed
single slice straight up dead and at the end the stare force me to sub lol
This is funny
Kangaroo mode activated
Bro he died to a scooper
“You’ve committed crimes agai..”
Ever dnd player ever:FOR FIRE BALL!!!
Yo, i play videogames since I have 7, and I never tried Skyrim, I don’t know why, week ago I buy it and played, and let me say that is a masterpiece.
Pretty accurate
Yo you should be making elder scrolls 6! “It just works!” says Todd Howard.
I can agree
Oh damn that death stare at the end is watching straight into my soul
Why is this like Witcher 🤣
The graphics are so good
Can’t wait for
The Elder Scrolls 6: Skyrim 2.
You have awesome girlfriend
I still play skyrim
Soo cool sjsjsjksksksks
Not bad ass
Least there almost da same
Nice video! She was trying not to laugh at the end, it seemed. Very funny..
Yo i feel my soul deteriorating
Is it me or guard is lookin kinda T H I C C im just sayin
Dat ass tho
Ngl the way she stared at the camera was so creepy..
The npc just pushing and destroying anything in front of their way is too realistic
My brother loves this kind of game 😂
She almost died of laughter when looking at the camera 😂
Your girlfriend has some cake tho
That flip off is the best thing I’ve ever soon
I wish that was a way to regard arrests in the Skyrim.
Lol so true 😂😂😂😂
What kind of mod is this?
The look that the guard gave to the camera at the end tho😂
im not even gonna cap
*EXG has been banned*
No this be thief I swear
At the end she should have smirked that would have been so creepy and cool
There’s new people doing these skits now since jinnkid killed his wife and is now in prison and can’t make Skyrim skits on instagram and TikTok anymore
I like how she literally walks like the table is not there
When she look at the camera her face look like Michael Jackson’s face 😆
I feel that the creation engine makes both fallout and Skyrim kinds the same but one has a big fucked up world by the beeg kaboom and the other is a big world and m a g I k
Please don’t kill your wife and her friend
You can see her trying not to laugh lmao
The WiFi at McDonald’s
Need something?
AHAHA so true
The thing that she looked at the camera was kinda scary-
You didn’t glich out enough
When he rold up the fuck finger
The guard: what say you and your defense?
The player: 🖕
The guard: then you shall pay with your blood!
That “Need something?” look in the end is perfect.
So accurate tho
Vr Skyrim is so fun
Хаха лол
What are you looking at
The voice and phrases are spot on
Not realistic she dnt say “must have ran off”
Let me guess. Someone stole your sweetrole
This is accurate in literally every detail
I love skyrim
You sir have the best girlfriend in the world
Did anyone else see how when the guard came and knocked over the table the cup landed? Just me?
honestly without seeing skyrim yet this is pretty accurate
Wow. Memes from 2011 in 2021 oh my god that is so original
This is the fine line between cringe and funny, im all for it
She’s holding her laugh so hard lol
She’s starting into ur soul
Skyrim be like 😂
Wait hold on so your telling me that you can use a spoon as a sword 😂
Its worse when u got like 50 on you gang banngin ur ass in a corner
Loverslab mods please
Table:Why u gotta do me like that 🙁
Oblivion has better npcs
just put a leaf on ur head and you are sneak 100
*kills dragonborn*
every hostile within a 10 foot radius:
“Must have been the wind”
“Must have scared him off”
Not enough glitching my guy
This is RPG real
Girl be looken like Michael Jackson
Just give the guard bread, ham, cheese and mayo her instincs will kick in and make you a sandwich
“No sign of em”
I like how he dies an his shirt says one shot
Very very accurate
Bruh he just flipped her of 🖕😬😳
You forgot the “must’ve ran off” as she stand over your body
She be like-
*Whatcha doin staring at me*
She stared deep into my soul
Armas de mujeres
Esse sim e um Jogo Totalmente Delicioso
Bro you’re so lucky man you got yourself a keeper, wishing you two the best, cheers mate 🍻
Skyrims the best game ever
Hell Yeah!!!
Why does a girlfriend need a guard
Lmao im surprise that the girl didnt laugh
When the guard is level 1000 and the player is level 1
Dude.. you have taste..
what mod did you use?
I want all my guard looks like those girl wearing nothing but sleeping pajamas..
Dont get me wrong, those pajamas is heavy armor..
ah shít she knows were watching, we are next to pay
I love the rag doll death ahahah
better watch out. the last girlfriend that did this stuff with her bf got killed. 🤣
Bro i thought its a real 3d game
The way she just 😐 at the end 💀
Skyrim is just so good game lol
You should rename it “skyrim guards early game
This mod is so realistic
No one was actually murder, thank goodness
Wtf are you staying at
MURDERED TO DEATH! Just had to get that out of the way, but then they go, “Oh must have been the wind!” Like BROOOOOOOO
ah yes, kitchen weapon. very typical
Oh God that stare i-it scares me
One shot one kill
A couple days ago the guy who makes these killed his wife and her friend…
Repent and Get right with God before it is too late ❤️
Omg first of all I LOVE shyrim and second why is this so true
Ik she was trying so hard not to smile in the end 😂
*gets killed*
God mode on
Who the Fyck you looking at
So true
So true
Man I can only imagine how good their d amd d nights are lol
Couldn’t get into skyrim myself but I know people looove it .
Karma be like irl:
Your girlfriend let you do that ,You are a odd person
As a skyrim player i can say its the thruth
It’s even accurate how many hit points it takes to kill a mage lol
I love Skyrim
lol when she walks and the table just pushed out of the way 🤣
I love skyrim and I play it all the time, and this is way too accurate 😂
For someone that played skyrim all his childhood this is so real
Wow just like it 😊
Swiggty swootty, come for skyrim stay for the boody. Woooooooh
Use belt
Bruh that death animation was nailed AF
Лайк только за страную рожу в конце видио
This is underrates
Pro player: WEAK
And get killed afterwards
His defense is epic😂👌👌
Michael jackson?
“By the gods there’s been a murder”
So true tho
I thought she had a furry Hobbit foot, but turns out it’s a tattoo.
I swear, guards are so strong late game like they just chugged down 20 pounds of gfuel
The way she stares at the end 😂
Just tell her to do the dishes
You forgot where she says “yes?” after you’re dead lmao
*Ignores table in the way*
*flips guard off*
This is pretty accurate 💯
Edit Caleb sounds on anything and that anything becomes funny
He didnt press to burn her
She’s sitting there… Menacingly..
Having couples doing Skyrim npc videos reminds me of some old guy who did videos like this and he’s story did not end we’ll 🤡🤡🤡🤡
The table
I was expecting a skit not actual gameplay
The look at the end…lmao
God loves you very much, dear friend. You see we, humans, have sinned against God and broken His Ten Commandments. Romans 6:23 says “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”. Sin leads to death and hell. Death is a disease, but there’s a cure. God, the Creator of the universe, in His rich mercy and love, sent His Son Jesus into the world 🌎 . Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life. Then God, rich in grace, was willing to sacrifice His Son whom He loved for the sins of the world ✝️. Jesus says in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” ❤️ When Jesus died on that cross, death lost its grip and got a cure, because three days after Jesus died, He rose from the dead! Friend, it’s up to you whether you will receive the cure of death by putting your faith in Jesus Christ. When you put your faith in Jesus Christ, you have a spot reserved for you in heaven, everlasting joy and peace! God did this because He loves you so much. I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ opens your heart to this message and I pray He blesses you! 😁
I have that same cup
This was so realistic with the movements that I actually thought it was a game until the girl said “you commit a crime against skyrim and their people” that’s scary-
This is to accurate
So accurate
The ending scared me a little
Stupid should have called the boys
Wow that’s also a dream. Mine only likes star wars, no skyrim sadly
Ultimate death death of a spoon
“Must have run off”
why she lookin at me like that
The drinking with a helmet had me dying
How the guard just casually stares at the camera at the end
“Must’ve wandered off”
That 3rd person death view was spot on
Bruh the guard should be in prison for killing someone
Need something?
Imagine how the conversations for these video ideas:
Boyfriend: *walks in* hey babe i got a new skyrim video idea
Girlfriend: *sigh* ok what is now?
Boyfriend: just follow the script please *passes paper containing script*
Girlfriend: and what will i get in return?
Boyfriend: hmm, a box of chocolate?
Girlfriend: 2 boxes and we got a deal
Boyfriend: deal
edit: oops
Bro I love the way he fall dead lmao
Woman not funny
She just stared into my soul. A true guard
“Wait, I know you”
That death rag doll was the best I ever seen lol
Npcs usually aren’t like this but…I had a guy chop off my head then they said “You need something?”
It really do be like that
I like how their acting like NCPs is epic
I love the cod refrence
Fukin thickkk
If a girlfriend plays along with your shit
She’s legit inlove
They even installed CBBE/BHUNP in real life. Mad
Nothing like Bethesda games.
finally, someone good continuing the skyrim idea, not some murderer.
I died at the rag doll!!!! 😂😂😂
Was expecting her to do “Ya need something? “ while looking at the camera
They forgot the part where after they kill you they say hmm, must have run off. And pretend like they didn’t just murder u
At the end she should have said “yes?”
Read more
finally. a skyrim irl skit maker that doesnt rig ipads to track them and shortly after shooting there wife with a remington 1680
She literally trying not to laugh so hard
Also that woman is on god mode
this is just normal skyrim gameplay
Rest and peace
I love how I can tell the guard actor at the end is holding in laughter
I was expecting cringe but for real this is a good meme
Rolling up a middle finger killed me 😂😂
This is hilarious 🤣 I loved it when he cranked up the middle finger
How can you do this with a straight face
The wind up middlefinger is the cherry on top
The npc pushing the tables were so accurate
This isn’t a girlfriend this is a WIFE
Real life Lydia 😱
I’m surprised that she didn’t said „need something” at the end
Bad ending : lol you ded by your girl
Need something?
Pschyo looks
U forgot to add the “need something”
Man should’ve focused more on his Health points Rather than putting all his levels into Magicka 😔
I hope this skyrim couple doesn’t end up like the other one😬
You make we wanna play this game for the 13th time again 😂
Not one laugh from her lol yup killer lol
Must have been the wind
The last time i saw a video like this the guy turned out to be a murderer who killed the person he was making the videos with
Wooo that came out sooo goood!!
I was once killed by an entire village because I accidentally hit it chicken 😭
She’s holding back laughter for sure 😂
Kitchen wife wins! Fatality!
After they kill you, “wait, I know you”
Lucky guy
“I like dogs, doesn’t everyone?”
– some NPC
Love how he winded up the “fuck you”. Imagine if that happened
This gives a whole new meaning to relationship goals
Death wasn’t glitchy enough
Thats kinda sad he got 1shotted by a skyrim guard xD
Thing she use : Sharpness 999
After stole : Sharpness 9
Careful with success, last big “real life skyrim” murdered his wife like a pig
Can we’ll agree how the cup on the table falls and stands up
Why she look like Michele Jackson with that he-he face
I love how you pickpocket a person and when the guards go to arrest you they run over chickens tables children everything they cause like 10k septims worth of damage to arrest someone who stole a ladle.
PS fun story: I was fighting and ancient dragon in white run and I hit Nazeem (which was glorious kill kam and all) and a guard goes to arrest me and litteraly shoves the dragon under white run just to arrest me for a whole 1 gold.
Kinda cringy ngl
need something?
His death was not glitch enough
The kill cam was *chef’s kiss
The last time someone got popular making these style of shorts, the dude ended up murdering his wife. Probably thought he was a sneak archer and could get away with it
Ahh the fourth wall break
That smile at the end had me dyin
Elder scrolls when you loot a dead body
You swooped in quick to fill the niche after that dude killed his wife or whatever
not enough spazm on death. not realistic.
The turning to look at the end was golden!
You forgot the, “must have been the wind…”
I love how she needs to hold her laugh while looking at the camera
the best thing to do is to just crouch
Oh no… cringe
Oh god it’s nice to have someone that crazy as you are, wish you luck
So realistic 💀
I like how she walks in and destroys the table that literally what happens with you’re drunk at Skyrim
Girls make lame ass gamers
There weak wdym
Lol yall either love skyrim or u hate lol either way this is funny 🤣
When she was looking at the camera i thought she gonna say “need something?”
every mobile ad be like:
She looks fead up with doingthat
Looks like dark soul to me
That Starlord flip-off sent me rolling XD
That’s a good girlfriend!
Me who was 11 playing skyrim and not realising i was on adept difficulty when i did the great whiterun massacre
*holds a pot lid casually and looks at the camera* 😐
Hmm must have been the wind
This is like the start of a good porno with terrible plot.
i love this boy ragdolling down so perfectly and smooth
Op Lesbian guard xD
I have a netherite sword with smite 5!!!
Last time a couple did skyrim in real life videos it didn’t work out very well
Skskrim, love it
I that is 100%% accurate I’ve been playing Skyrim and I am not going to lie that’s pretty accurate actual that’s really accurate
Oh shit here we go again
-1 hp
Critical hit: -91049583 hp
You’re fucking dead
Try again?
This is hilarious 😆🤣
Need something?
That’s some pretty questionable career choice. I myself know a couple of people that-
Skyrim really be breaking that 4th wall.
My man playing the 1hp no hit challenge
Damn they missed they “wait, I know you.”
She’s just trying to hold in her laughter
“Wait, I know him”
You guys forgot the “Wait… I know you.” once you’re dead
Dude has 2 girlfriends?😳
Hm… must‘ve been the wind…
Ragdolled his ass 😂😂😂
Wrong weapon man you’re Supposed to use a bow and shoot at knees
I loved that she one hit you🤣
It’s true
She actually looks like Lydia. You should call her your House Carl.
This gives me hope
Isn’t this the guy who murdered his wife and sancho?
The accuracy
Sheeesh i have Skyrim vr
I can see how hard it was for her to keep a straight face at the end and walking through the table
Ew what’s wrong with her foot. She needs to wash it
What say u in ur defense
Good death animation
I feeling like dying 😀
Huh, must’ve been the wind
the thing is she was in with it
Ragdoll death was on point
You forgot the phrase after they kill you – I guess he run away
It must have been really hard to keep a straight face when u made this
Das true
I burst out laughing when she took out the big spoon as a weapon 😂
This was shockingly accurate
Wtf is this
The way he fall dead is super accurate
Copy jinn huh?
i love skyrim but this is cringe af
Bad acting
1 she didn’t say it most be The wind
2 she didn’t say need somefing
3 she smiled at the end (I liked ur smile BTW)
“Need something?” intensifies
I love this game!
Skyrim ❤
Cyberpunk 2077:
She’s the boss fight
Ah yes the spoon…
The most powerfull weapon ever existed
Last part ruined it, otherwise..excellent copy of a skit
She needs to be protected by all costs
Great acting
Why do I feel like she was trying her best to hold that straight face without crackin a smile at the end? Lol
Need something?
you have two wives???
She was almost hitting the mug to the rhythm of the song. I wonder if that was purposeful.
The way how she was not trying to freaking smile she was struggling so hard
Le ha faltado un: “need something?” al final XDDD
Gracias por tan maravillosos contenido btw :3
She’s frickin hilarious 😂
We finally get to see the man himself
I love this
when she looked at me in the end though…….
Derivitive and unoriginal
If u guys didnt know he killed her and her lover when he found them cheating and is in prison now xd
Watch out guys. The last couple who skit skyrim didn’t end well
Her @
Need something?
Это лучше чем большенство пародий
Low quality games be like:
Hope she will not kill his boyfriend this time
Didn’t he kill his wife?
Been done before to much greater effect but still funny every time.
Hm must’ve ran off or something
Oblivion guards are way better and always will
Must have run off…
The bad lip sync it’s the cherry on top of the cake
I don’t play Skyrim but if it’s multiplayer do you guys play the other
No one is tripping off the fact that he technically has two bad ass girlfriends?
He needs stealth ,💯
hmm the corpse didn’t fly away
That look was terrifying….
This guy killed her, weird to see these videos still up….
Haha he added some warzone
My girlfriend has an obsession with skyrim. She was furious when Anniversary edition ruined the mods (for now). Me on the other hand… Too busy modding Fallout 4. =p WHERE IS MY ANNIVERSARY EDITION!?
I want a gamer girlfriend too
Then pay with you’re money
Wish there was a “Sniff Feet” option, damn these girls got some sweet flippers
The way she tried so hard not to laugh at the end-.
Accurate 🤣
Spot on!
That 🍑 tho 😏
It whould be perfect if she said: need something? At the end.
I’m glad we have one that hasn’t killed his wife yet.
Like I get it Imperial guards can be scary but guns aren’t lore accurate.
That guards thicc tho
He shot her dead irl
Need something?
Pretty much!
This is so on point 😂😂😂😂😂
Proceeds to kill girlfriend on autosave
Damn I didn’t know that Skyrim got a dlc
What mod is this?
Didn’t the other skyrim irl guy kill his partner
I was waiting for her to look down at his body and say “oh! What happened here?!”
The stare at the end was my favorite part. Oh Skyrim, I love thee
Pretty cool
Couple goals for sure.
Lol what did she say about doing this
Seriously dude this is some good acting 🤣🤣🤣 really loved it
Oh i thougt she will say “Need something?”
(Girlfriend at the end of the video)
“Need Something?”
And people talk about how immersive this game was
That death fall was on point!
so true
The most funny is when a guard come to kill u but u already have full daedra’s armor and killed the final boss lol
Simp,im removing this from my feed
Would’ve been awesome if she said “I used to be an adventurer like you but then …..”😂.
Nah man you playing dark souls if you die in one hit
She had to take a seat because she was no longer an adventurer anymore… after that old battle wound of taking an arrow in the knee! 😂
This is lore accurate
It would’ve been even funnier if after he died she went “I’m going to find who did this”
Não sei quem é esse cara, mas ele é muito sortudo.
I like how she has a straight face
Go for the pistol whip
It works everytime
Then pay with your blood is an oblivion line.
*kills player
*”Must’ve been the wind.”*
The waking through the table got me ☠️🤚🏻
Use the power of the PlayStation
Let’s hope this guy doesn’t become a murderer
Beautiful ! 😂
I don’t know what he promised her to get this shot done 😂 a house ?
Dis is shit
I was waiting for her to say need somethin
Dude your ragdoll was PERFECT! and made me lol. Hahaha.
Ik is we all said wish we had someone like her
XD hah I’ can do IT better I’m elder scrols Master criminal
I thought after killing him she would sheath her spatula and walk away like nothing happened , the stare was even better .
That look at the end was so dead accurate lmfaoooooooooo
She didn’t pull out a mug. 😭
While she looked at the camera you could watch how much she hold her laugh
Be honest, you are watching again becouse when he falls is amazing
After she sat down, looking at the body of dragonborn,
**body’s still warm, there’s a killer about**
아내는 최강이다
*Jinnkid and his dead wife’s afterlife*
Edit: *MFER is gonna be stuck in a time loop like that vr silent hill teaser.*
I wish I had a girl like dat
What’s her @though
So he not only has a girlfriend.
*He has two girlfriends willing to do weeaboo shit with him!*
Need something?
Had the power of fire, but goes down in one hit. Disappointment
Imagine their kid later is heimskr
Please don’t be THAT skyrim irl guy who murdered his wife/gf.
Nice stealing some content
I NEED “Need Something?”.
She looks like she’s trying so hard not to laugh at the end lol
I know how hard she was struggling to control her laugh
Omg I can’t 😭
It’s too prefect
The fucking smirk at the end, why is it funny
She can’t keep a straight face
Subscribed for skyrim!!!! Got to say, that guard was 100% accurate
So reall
Me who was strong enough to kill all guardians: BRO HOW CAN YOU LOSE TO THAT LOSER!
You cant forget the “must have been the wind”
Le tenias que ayudar a sacarse eso
This was dumb what did a call of duty emote have to do with skyrim
Uuh, my apologizes. Doesn’t “Then pay with your blood” was in Oblivion?
Well except for the death, id say its more like oblivion
These skyrim vids give creeps
I Love skyrim, xD im druk XD
These are too forced, I miss Jinnkid
와 재미있네요. 👍
I was waiting for her to say “need something?” at the end
Need Something
The way she powered right through that table was incredibly accurate
That fall though!
She is the thickest thing I’ve seen all day
There is a special place in heaven for yall
Really hope the skyrim person isnt like that other skyrim n real life murdery guy
The way he does the spinny thing✊🖕 👉🖕
2 girlfriend? 😍
Скайрим всегда актуален
That makes no sense 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Apparently all the women I’m Skyrim wear belly tanks and sweat pants
How did they not shit their pants
And me with my dagger 150+ damage and my 1000+ armor point
This is true but cursed
Man. I wish my wife would get down with my stupid shit like this.
😂😂 I’d love it if you actually flip the bird in any elder scrolls game.
Cloud districts
I want to see cloud districts 🤣
Крутая жопа
Is that the Ex girlfriend that he killed not long ago?
Okis this is cool
Ok does your gf have a sister ? Haha too great.
*Guard after killing the player* “Must have been the wind…”
Citizen ??
so true
Как круто породируют))) молодцы)
This is so cool awesome man keep it up it’s exactly like the game especially when he died
Aww shame she didn’t say WOAH WHAT HAPPENED after she killed you
What a noob XD 1 hit ko
Love your stuff. Please don’t kill your girl like jinnkid did 🙁
Só eu acho estranho a mulher com tampa de panela e colher na mão? Kkkkkkkkk
She forgot to look over at the body after she sat and ask “need somethin?”
I hope that’s the same girl please it just edit
These videos are awesome. Also, THICC
Quite accurate, Skyrim MP’s keep knocking stuff over! After living in Skyrim for a few months, it gets monotonous & about half the game is just loading screens!
Quick! Use you’re shout………oh, its real life! Sorry!
It’s cute though 🤣
Me playing Skyrim with the cheat room, summoning a dragon to ride, and using the god ring to be invincible and kills anything in my path, even the guards
Then there’s the other hand “yo this guy is literally slaughtering the city I mean it’s the dragon born and he’s killed at least 40 of us. I bet I can take him”
I didn’t know there was a movie 😆
She hit af damn
The drawing of the middle finger is priceless.
Quiero una novia así
Just please don’t let this couple end up like Jinnkiddd… 😢😫🙏🏻
BRO! That death was just perfect! Watched more than 5x that one!
1000 million damage
She’s a keeper hahahah
That cut was clean
Damn, this dude gonna kill his wife too?
You didn’t glitch enough
This is epic!!! 😂
Bethesda Physics are funny but this is somewhat unoriginal
Ya quisiera jugar asi yo juqjus
I Hope they don‘t end like jinnkid
Wtf you can get a hot gf that likes Skyrim in real life??? What DLC is that
If you never played this game you own it to yourself to try😂😂 u really don’t know what you missed
Seems like shes sworn to carry your burdensss…
Where are the girls at that play around like this? Just a bunch of street rats around here….😕
Need somethin’?
At the end, i know she’s on the verge of bursting out lmao
She understands her role in the clip and it’s back there
Not funny
Cool. Add a fatality and it will make it 110%
Marry that girl! You will never find a better one.
Этот парень кстати убил свою жену
that was fucking good well done
You didn’t split your spine backwards when you fell. Not a good shot. 😂
Ahahah that was very funny
Is it me or the girl playing the guard looks like Lydia
Great. Now I want to play another 5000 hours of Skyrim.
I do not believe I have ever been killed in one hit by a guard
Internet is for children nowadays
I’m sure they had sex after this
I wanna play with you guys.
This is so spot on for a sec I thought it was the real game
Breaking news he just shot and killed her google it
I remember my first play through I killed a chicken at the village and then everyone tried to kill me.
The comments are bette than the video
Why didn’t she suits like a guard? That’s gonna be perfect! 👍👍
“Need something?”
For a second there… I thought she had one HAIRY foot like a hobbit 😂😂
She thicc boi
One hit? Y? Skyrim must be unplayable
Why the guard so thick
The amount of simps in the comments is disgusting.
Perfect lol
They either have good weapons or you don’t have good armor
Congrats for such as good girlfriend dude 👌👍😂
aahhaa 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 omg so nice!!
That there is a keeper. Treat her right bro.
сцена со смертью и падением прям идентична скайримской, офигенное попадание
Slay me woman!!!
If she allows you to play Skyrim she’s a keeper
Not glitchy enove
Glad they thought ahead and used paper plates and plastic cups.
Jajajajajaja me encanta
i was waiting for “need something”?
U miss the” need something’ ‘
He didn’t glitch the ragdoll enough for it to truly be Skyrim.
This is the most realistic real life skyrim skit I’ve seen so far!
Ха в жизни даже смешнее выглядет ахахах
Is nobody going to talk about her plowing through the dining table? Lmao
Damn. Mama wasn’t playin’ this go-round.
i need to see more content like this, algorithm
Ok, it’s time to install the Sex lab
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. There is no other intermediary. May Jesus Bless you, trust Him, give your life – and He will take care of it :pray Convert yourself and believe in the Gospel:*
She cooked up some
justice and served him swiftly
It’s true tho man I swear I’m in like huge debt I’m markarth
Scary look at the end
The total accuracy, these two are going places
Why is this so realistic
Talos bless you, -for you have no Aldmeri accomplices- your GFs, and your ragdoll physics 🙏
“Its must be the wind”
That was actually pretty accurate
“Now you die” is what I heard her say .. anyone else?
You forgot the “guess they ran off” line 🤣
哈哈哈 笑抽
Ok that ragdoll effect was so accurate.
That fall animation holy shit
Love how she just walks thru everything like it’s not even there lol 💯
Sorry this was dumb we all seen this many times on others kinda boring
The then pay with your blood part is from oblivean not skyrim get your games rite
Deym it didn’t respawn.
This was fucking gold
What is that on her right foot?
I want this kind of happiness
So accurate 🤣 lol
I just want to know how did you convinced your girl to put a cooking pot on her head.
Then I took an arrow to da knee
That death was so accurate lol
They better patch the spoon in the next update
Haha nice one
Those cold eyes at the end lol
I love how she walked through objects 🤣 very bot like
Guardian of the Kitchen(legendary)
I love just how accurate and true to the original this was, given the obviously modest production budget. The NPC stances, acting and camera work are simply excellent. The top indicator is a lovely touch. Btw. how do you call a reverse of “motion capture”? XD
I’m going to find whoever did this
I wonder how many bloopers they had until they made it
She hawt..ncool
This is sweet
This is what happens when you are stuck at home for too long due to Covid.
Tbh, I’d do the same.
This is so damn good even the death animation ahazahah
*T h i c c*
Great quality
Need something??
*Need something* is missed at the end.
Dude death animation on point
Can you guys make a porn in this format
Who else started roll’n when she casually walked through the table and chair knocking everything over 😂
So accurate 💯
Girlfriend: “Wait…I know you…”
Woman momment
Guards in Skyrim is always 10 levels higher than you. They level up with you the MC.
I almost spit my cereal all over the place.,🤣🤣🤣 This is Gold
It’s just as bad as the game itself, so I guess they did a good job
lol I like how you’re just straight up stealing old content and ideas.
I dont like that she looked at the camera at the end… Low key scared me.
Skyrim VR lookin lit, lit.
Would’ve been better if she cracked off a fart. While she was looking at the camera.
Ok finally, a funny…
In the end she was about to laugh xD
Skyrim and HER people
your girlfriend is awesome, you’re awesome too
I love girls and games
Perfect in every way
That’s how it be sometimes🤣
You nailed that death cutscene
Looka like ah man
The ragdoll physics were actually nuts
She should have said “never should have come here!”
Those r some seriously good looking buns u got der..!!
Uau!!! Topzera!!!!
Thats 100000% true. Good job! 😅
I had no idea paranormal activity made a video game
Lol the blur on the camera when he died 😂😂 so accurate
She is looking at you cuyes like, you are next.
Her feet are the size of her arms ha
You missed the “must have been a ghost”
“Must have run off”
Is it bad that the guards never catch me?
I love how he taunts her with the finger lmao 😂
This was awesome
What a thiccc guard
It s time to find a real job…
The other channel is better with the skyrim content. Also she forgot to say rest in peace.
She didn’t use her real power. “The booty slam”
Accurate as fuck
The red enemy dot at the top was a beautiful touch! Well played guys!
I laughed out loud literally
Really dead animation.)
Awesome… If only all gf’s were this much fun.
Those ridiculous body movements, expressions… Spot on, even f*****g up the furnishings lol
Would of been better of you kept moving while dead lol
Hahaha 100% accurate
Your so lucky you have a chick like that👍
Everyone saw the thread like ” is she holding a dildo?”
Wow a joke from the 2000s. How original.
Rofl this was great
это ахиренно чувааак
😂 😂 I’ve seen games like this.
Polygami ? Are you muslim?
You forgot the part where your corpse glitches put of control lol
Marry her already! These short clips are funny. Cheers.
It’s cap.
Guard didn’t even power swing!
… Milk drinkers, the lot of ya
She almost cracked at the end. LOL!
I’m gonna have to use another form of payment on this one chief
This guy ether got dragon balls, or is totally lacking the basic instinct of self preservation!
Been more funnier if they had a vibrator as a sword
Hahaha fun
So wholesome that it brings a tear to my eye
Damn guards are hella powerful when ur level 20 under lmao
She’s so hot
Your gf thick as hell
Cringe af
New mobile game ads be like
What is it? Dragons?
Que belleza de mujer
You can see in her face that she is almost bursting out laughing hahahha
That was great :))
I dunno if this was just me but Skyrim guards felt like fucking tanks for most of the game no matter my gear or skills
So much for a pot head girl.
She wanted to laugh so fuckin bad when she sat down
I call this quality content. 👍
And these people are gonna make babies??? Doomed
Not wrong lol.
I hate the fact that most of these game style things are from people who only so it because it became cool. They ain’t gamers.
But because gamers are nice, they let them in. Instead of calling them posers and fakers and sell outs, it was fine to gamers. The more the better we said.
And now gaming is all but ruined, just like everything else these parasites get involved with. And that’s basically everything.
Douche hats.
The ragdoll needs to be more rigid
The drop is perfect!! 😂😂
Combat begins:
*Pulls out healing spell*
I’m so glad she has a spoon.
No entendí, pero está rica 🤤
The way she pushed through the table had me weak. 🤣😂🤣😂
She is a keeper
That death stare at the end tho
seems he got away
you can put more effort into it than that
Those guards do not mess around.
I like it when a guard kills a thief and then that same guard will kneel down next to them and say “I’ll find whoever did this”.
The way she looked at the camera🤣🤣
Which song is at the beginning?
“I love dogs! Doesn’t everybody?”
Shes restraining her laugh at the end haha
Where do I find me a girl like this
The way she pushed aside the table tho- 😂
“Need something?”
That bone structure wow
I don’t believe it—all guards sheathe their weapons and the combat music ends when you get killed.
My advice? Dont think were as easy as bandits. And dont think were as dangerous as a Dragon.
What’s this mod loadout? I need it for the realism
😂😂 damn if i was her i probably Burst out of laughter
Not only Is this so accurate, there is also a hot girl in the vid 🙂
So true🤣
Cringe girlfriend
I love how Skyrim is still so loved.
Yes yes yes
Got a keeper lmao funny skit too
Not glitchy enough for a skyrim death no ragdolling otherwise 10/10
You forgot the “must have ran off”
Guard after killing you
” i used to be an adventurer like you until i took an arrow in the knee “
“Need something?”
Weird… I dont remember this area in the game. Skyrims the game that just keeps giving. Time to reinstall I guess. 🙂
But what did he pickpocket?
The fact that she shoves the ENTIRE TABLE is killing me
I see no Differenz
Definitely need a gf that’s into skyrim
Larping video games in yoga pants is PEAK relationship goals
She looked at us like she knew we were going to do it again.
She has such cute feet
7/10 Guard didn’t say “What’s the matter somebody stole your sweet roll”
poor basterd.. at least grab the buns before getting caught..
Need something?
Damn lydia, why are you so rude?
That moment when you think you have enough health to survive the next attack
I want that girl !!!
Actually after killing him, she should’ve said, “wait, I know you”.
That third person mode made it perfect 😂
Gf fine asf damn dude
😂😂😂 actually accurate
True love
Cacho hembra
You both are amazing. Sucess for both S2
Not accurate enough the guard has to say wait i know you
Perfect skyrim fall
Holy mother of god… What a b…
The CoD warzone wink lmao
nice to see her getting payback after being yeeted
I want a relationship like this.
I wanna know where to get that spoon!, she 1 shotted him👀.
Not gonna lie though
That girls got a dumpy
I wanna give this many likes..
это шедевр)
Sexy 😍
She forgot to say “it must have been the wind.”
The unblinking eyes that stare towards your soul
Finally a tiktok that is genuinly entertaining and not another thirst trap
Would’ve been perfect if his body would’ve twitched violently one more time after the fall
Imagine that’s what she do when he peeps her sister
🤣 that was funny
7/10 not enough spinning death animation
Should have turned her head slower at the end for maximal effect
fallout new vegas:
That stare…. I won’t be able to sleep at night
Skyrim still rocks after how many years??.. 😁👍
I was waiting for her to be surprised there was a dead body there
you forgot to spin uncontrollably on your death
Ya but i have defense 100
Oh my god as a frenzy
all that was missing was the “need something” at the end to make it perfect😂😂😂
I love it
Guard sees dead PC: “I’m going to find whoever did this, and when I do…”
Wow. That was really well done
Dead on
Lmao I love this
How can you pickpocket your girlfriend, I thought girls didn’t have pockets?
Well, my gf ONLY plays Lego games and a Nintendo Island game. I Try to make her play new games, but nah. So this would never work with her, because she wouldnt understand what i was doing. EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE PLAYED SKYRIM IN THEIR LIFE🤣
The look at the camera killed it. It was funny until then.
I wanna be in that house with all the thiccness.
She is quite handsome
Скайрим форево
Get a job
This is beautiful.
That death animation on point yo 😄😄😄
Unrealistic. No one dies to guards
She forgot to say “Must’ve run off”
that death fall was 1:1…. lol that stair 😂
*quick saves* *starts installing mods*
Best girlfriend ever 💜
The slotted spoon is funny
Awesome 😂
Lol this is cute
Forgot to say ” must’ve scared’em off”
This is perfect 😂
So accurate hahaha
Should have said “must have been the wind” after killing the player
I lol’d
Didn’t glitch enough
His girlfriend is so good. She’ll gladly walk through a table,chair, and broom
Next gen physics right there
You forgot the “Wait i know you” From the end
Skyrim guards are thicc
The ass version of the quality ones. Easy production
You have such an awesome girl, dude. This is amazing
He was about to steal her clothes, man wait next time before you kill him 🙁
I heard they’re reforming the dawngaurd, vampire hunters or something
🤣🤣🤣 Ahahaha
The type of girl who bangs your brother.
him dying was actually quite impressive acting
“It must have been the wind”
The spinning death was pretty accurate
Its downright depressing that guards level up with you and even with your advance gear they can one shot you
Dude, marry this girl, you found your part…urnax forever!
man your ragdoll killed me 😂😂
This is what my friends were doing…..
When skyrim got released
Came for Skyrim stayed for the thickness 😍
When you get one shot
Damn, where are these video guys finding these phatties
Wow this was actually really good. Props to the editor. As one myself I know how much work went into this little skit.
Need something?
She should have sat on his face like that
The stare tho, why did it make me laugh? 🤣
The guard was bitten by a Skeever in the right foot
Them guards are packing some serious thiccness
She just moves the tables and chairs and shit like an actually npc. Lol!!!
These are so cringe
Having a girlfriend which is she’s still playing skyrim in 2021 is one of the most precious thing on earth…
Awesome job stitching multiple scenes.
Damn how do you find a chick this hot that will play along like this. She is awesome I want one like her haha
Best anti-drug advert I ever did see!
lol… potheads… lol
Love it
Nahh, who doesn’t immediately press Fus Ro Dah at the beginning of the fight? That’s how you get some cheap shots in first XD
Wait is that Lydia? 😂
This is some grade a classic comedy 🤣
Look skimpy mods just like the game
Trying to steal that cake
That rag doll death animation was on point asf! Lmfao
Like a sack of bricks.😭😭
100% accuracy on the ragdoll physics upon death 👌
She’s a keeper
Sometimes I wish you could like something more than once.
This chick be sounding like Padme
Enjoyed the short video. Music is on point.
I never knew such a girlfriend was possible, who would play Skyrim Skyrim with you
Yo these mofos just had me dying haha
This is awesome
Dudes desperate to show hes got a gf lmao
Who gets killed by a fucking gaurd
This one is good haha
Should have just thrown some bread, sliced meat, lettuce and condiments down. Her natural instincts would have kicked in and she would have started making a sandwich.
Hahahaha thats so on point 😂
Was expecting her to say “Must’ve been the wind”
plastic surgery looking face
Guards are Thicc 🤩
The look on her face was priceless. Lol. She is perfect at imitating the Skyrim guard
My mans flipped the bird I’m dead
Oh man if she said “Need something?” at the end that would be so funny haha
😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 I’m still laughing till this day, great stuff and so true
Was waiting for her to say “must have run off” at the end.
Hundreds of hours i put in that gem of a game! 💪😍
She forgot to say “must have scared em off”
State Terminator 7 now that’s more school I wish I had a way to make Terminator 7 that’d be cool
U forgot the weird spin thing
Would have added that chuckle if she said ‘must’ve scared them off’ after the kill
2 girlfirends ?
Relationship goals:
skyrim roleplay
Lmfao sits back down and look at the player dead in there face
You forgot to have the guard say “wait, I know you.” To your dead body.
She’s great at this. Lucky man.
she literally came out of skyrim with smooth looking npc face, which is a highly positive compliment, because not many women are blessed with ultimate hotness
Lol I love how she just pushes the table out of the way by walking into it so accurate
The death was amazing! ;D
these females looks breedable
The walk through the table lmao!
I hope this is my boyfriend and I later on
Those guys who did the Og oblivion ones are actually funny.
How are normies just now catching on to the 15 year old Skyrim memes… its so cringe lmao… its almost as cringe as bethesda releasing the same game 20 times lol
Guard: “Where’d He go!?”
Dude winner winner chicken dinner this guy won wife of the year lol
Why does the girl playing the guard actually look like a modded female characters tho
You and your ol lady look happy doing this. And it’s not no dancing bs? Keep it coming💯
I’ve been to this house, it was in St Louis.
Haha Women
This is perfect! 🤣
Just hit tab, brother.
Did someone steal your sweetroll?
Dat one hairy hobbit foot.
She’s a keeper man, she’s like the Dragonborn in your life.
Hahahahahaha these are great.
“Never should have come here!-must have been my imagination.”
Definitely need to see a video on the guard aggro bipolar from Skyrim 🤣
When that happens to me the guard usually kills me then looks at my corpse and says “What happened here? There’s a murderer on the lose.” As if he didn’t just kill me lol.
I love this. Thank you
“Pay with your blood.”
*Kills player*
“Hmm… what was that?”
Lol ok 👌
Wait. I dont remember those guards. Where mod?
So awesome
I like the animation
Ahahaha 😂😂😂👍
Looooooool! This shit so accurate that I can’t stop laughing!😂😂😂
So accurate it scary
I sweeeear I thought she was going to say “Need something?” to the camera at the end. I was mildly disappointed when she didn’t 😅
What a lovely guard.
Girlfriend is too op please nerf
That death fall was immaculate my friend the blood of the dovah runs highly in your veins like jinkid
Skyrim guards are too strong
These are so freaking funny LOL! She moves spot on!!
This is not cringe is cute
Forgot to say “never should have come here” after killing him 😂😂
What the heck is this!!!!! 🤔🤔
Man the look on her face in the end she wants to laugh so hard
More ass less clothes
Couldn’t move the f’n table 🤣
True the fuck no guard are easy to get killed
She forgot the “Must’ve been the wind” after he died lol
holy shit that rag doll was insanely good
EXTREMELY accurate
She’s too cute!!
Maybe if you’re level 1
I didnt realize bethesda was still making dlc’s for skyrim. I may have to pop this game in again.
That’s why you equip the flames in the left hand
Bro them guards that thic I’d let them smash me like that…
Instead of fireballs the flying shoe is the most dangerous magic lol…
Lol she just walked right through the table and everything
Lmao, they do just sit down and look straight at the camera, like what do something.
Lol!!! 🤣😂🤣
So much truth in that.
That’s a mix of Skyrim and oblivion Guard
Mad cringey
Impressive death animation.
Coolest couple on YouTube
I really wanted her to say “must’ve been the wind” after
Too perfect lmao
At the end after he died. She should’ve said “Hmm I must be hearing things” 🤣 this is gold though. What a great sport she is.
I love how she pushes the props so naturally.
Still better death’s acting than Marion Cotillard in Batman Rise.
Hilarious she just walked right through the table and everything.
Please never stop
That death fall was fucking glorious! You should be really fucking proud of yourself
The true treasure: a significant other who goes along with making dumb video games videos like this
Such a sexy guards in that version of skyrim! <3
Hilarious 😆 best gf ever
Imagine being so braindead
The way you ragdolled when you died. Spot on lol
Identico kkkkkkkk
I’m weak 😂😂😂
Is this what porn actors do before the shot?
Love This!
Use tgm then fight them
That turn to look at the camera. Fucking killed me. I can tell she’s holding Back her laughter.
This entire video was perfect, I want more
This was cring
The death cam 😂
i was waiting for “that must be a wind” or smth like “who killed him? Need to find him”
Old humor, boring.
More like Oblivion with those drinking animations.
Died in one hit lol git gud
You guys should also do the oblivion version, that’s be funny too lmao 🤣
Hmm must’ve been the wind
If a girl agrees to make skits like this, she is the one.
Must’ve Been The Wind
I was expecting a must have been the wind comment honestly 😂
You shoulda had her look down at your corpse and say “ what a waste… “
Well apparently you can’t put a bucket over the shopkeeper’s head at least in the xbox game pass version anymore because I tried it and the bucket just flew off their head. Considering I had never tried to do so before in previous playthroughs I was highly disappointed.
How did she do this without laughing hard at the end when she looked at the camera, also, she actually scared me with her eyes
Bumping into random stuff is spot on with Skyrim
The editing and “animation” in this is great 😄
I concur
But did she take an arrow in the knee?
Skyrim was released 10 years ago who plats it now? It only had like a 11k things to do. If you havent figured out whats what by now then dont waste your time buying it. Its time tod you make a new game!!!
The way she just walked through the table 😂
I love when i kill someone and they fall to their knees and lean back 😂
Lol domestic abuse for a reason
I wish skyrim guards where dummy thicc
Top tier. Subscribed.
Fuck that was pretty good xD
Imagine globbin on makeup for a skit
He found himself a girlfriend that looks like Lydia 😂
couple goals
That gal’s level be like 99999
Wow you have 2 girlfriends?
Man I wish I had a hot girlfriend to make cringey skyrim skits with
Men of culture
I love that he used The Crank. I learned that one from my uncle when I was 5 or 6.
Lol the creepy stare at the end really ties it together nicely.
She actually won for once
That fall was epic
The fact that this is so accurate is the best part.
These are some baddies.
She forgot to say “must have been the wind” after she just murdered him.
I missed the “need something” from the end.
What the absolute fuck did I watch 😂😂😂
I can’t believe they would mix the Oblivion guard dialogue into this Skyrim video.
I hope someone was fired for this blunder.
Her expressionless face was on point
I saw she was trying so hard not to laugh at the end
That’s the cutest guard i have ever seen…
She just walks into the table and bodies him with a fricken plastic spoon I love it
That’s a girl I would marry.
The table and chair part is pure true they just walk ryt through them and don’t walk round them lol plus what a result a girl that likes games lol
The hair physics look amazing. What mod is it?
The way she sits on that chair is extremely true to the game 😂
I know she didn’t say anything but I thought I heard “Need something?” in my mind at the end
Yeah but the guards usually lose
where did you find this unicorn
That’s the ideal women ! 🙂
Nah, instead they crouch over your body and hover their hand as if they’re caring for your death and say “I will find whoever did this”
Teleports from chair to behind you uses flick of emote of modernwarfare
The rag doll was excellent lol
Кто переводит
That ragdoll was really good
Stan Smith jaw line … hood morning USaaaaaH
“His body’s still warm, there’s a killer about”
She looks at the camera
She knows.
Dat booty tho… lol but seriously i laughed hard whenbhe flipped the guard off. We need that mod XD
the death sound implies he was playing as an elf…
could he be playing as a dunmer?
Dat @$$ dough
Dude marry this woman
At least she was in the kitchen
Your gf is thicc
Actually lol good on you people’s.
After killing ow she should of said “there is murderer on the loose”.
That white woman has a wide trunk
Lmao he got beat with a spoon
Yo that rag doll was actually legit
This is gold
Wait…no ones going point out he has two girlfriends
Your forgetting the “must have run off” after murdering you
А где в конце коронная фраза – “Кажется показалось” ? :)))
Awesome ragdoll animation xD
You missed the opportunity to say “Must have been the wind.”
Bruhhhh the scale with the player lol 😂 I’ve gotten my ass handed to by guards because I was experimenting
I like you two. Make more of these.
Femmes cuisine bataille pour 1.99francs
You didn’t ragdoll enough.
Nobody beats jinnkid!!!!
I would be 120% perfect if she said at the end: “he must have run off”
Wow what did she enchant that ladel with?!
how she pushed the table and things made me laugh soo much she is cute 😂❤
Never should have come here
They both thicc
This is so true.
lol she’s about to laugh at the end
Oh, must’ve run off
You and your girl play way to much fucking Skyrim bro lol Jesus Christ 😂
How did she not break character at the end just staring at the camera 😂
Ohhhh it’s his sister
Was low key expecting her to say “what was that” when she looked at the camera 😭😭😭
Guards are so op early game of course if you’re like me and have nearly max two handed it’s the other way around 😎
Как можно не любить скайрим
damn. they both got ass
Relationship goals
Love the walk thru the table.😂
The new Skyrim release looking fire
Yea they are like that, until u realise how buggy Skyrim is, then preform restoration loop, get a sword that one shots and a chest piece that give u 100000000000000000000000hp
Oh my gosh I was gut laughing so hard!! This is so true of the game! I can’t stop laughing. Pure gold. Thank you for making my day!!
Ur gf built like lydia
Would bang
I just started playing this game yesterday and this is exactly how it is, especially when I didn’t even have armor or any good spells
this is comedy gold, legit laughed out loud
Must have scared them off….
Quarantine be like. But seriously that look walking through the tables. Really funny
Skyrim was a mistake
What mode is that?
Inaccurate. The guard didn’t say “need something?” After you died.
I like how you add the effect for a fireball but you don’t have a shield and sword.
Lmao at the way she walked through the chairs!
Her face at the end sent me straight to Aetherius 🤣💀🌌
Dude that death fall was so spot on its scary
using the Alexander Technique to get into that chair
skyrim aghhhh
that tattoo on her foot makes it look like she has a hobbit foot
Something about how she stares at the Cam that just unnerving
How did he get Aeola to be a guard
He was here a second a ago
Ngl would’ve been funnier if the guard looked at the body and acted all surprised.
Girlfriend guard 🤣
I just shit myself laughing when she bugged through the table. Omg lol
does your girlfriend have only fan account? i will subscribe her.
This is great!
You never should have come here
True, but it’s still more realistic then cyberpunk 🤣
Una novia así sería estar en el cielo 😍
Pssh. Noob dying to guards.
I do like the blood splatter on the screen
His first mistake was not trying to pickpocket her clothes.
It is so good
You two define cringe
I need a reason why the girlfriend need a guard instead of her boyfriend
That look at the end
Dang, Lydia is so real!!
The effects are fire man
People who dont know what to do with there time be like:
Two girlfriends
You could tell at the end she was trying not to laugh
I was hoping she would say “need something?” At the end
No sign of them.
Subbed for the death fall lol
That guard thick af boi
I wish I had a girlfriend like this. Dude is the luckiest man alive right now.
This is the kinda girlfriend you want. No cheater her just a legit woman.
“Must’ve been the wind”
The stare at the camera at the end, lol
Spot on lol.
The acting is incredibly accurate. The end look to the camera was perfectly done.
That’s spot on 😂😂😂
Lol cool video
My gfs friends when i try to check her phone
You forgot the “need something”
Bruh, he killed that deaths drop 😂
skyrim guards are easy, it’s oblivion’s guards you gotta watch out for
Sksyrim? 🤔
A Glass Spoon! The guardian this game are OP.
Nice rag doll physics lol
Again…. DAT…… ASS!!!!!
All the girls around him are hot
Watching men find woman like this always gives me hope 🙏🏼
At the end she shoulda said, “Need something?”
I love it.
That’s it. I love it.
That slow pan to the camera while trying to not break character was the best 🤣
Ah, must have run off
She was trying not 2 laugh so bad brooo😂
Skyrim did not age well
She looks like Lydia.
She got some long feet lol
Crazy thing is that last part when she sat down Something that mpc would do
Michael Jackson cheekbones
“You committed crimes-”
* casually walks through room moving table with a straight face *
Considering all the LL mods I have, that’s not how it works.
Doble oro puro
“Must’ve scared em off”
That look at the end is on point!
Hey, honey…I got an idea on how to set the mood. Put this pot on your head for a start.
Guess I’m the only one hoping he’d pickpocket all of her clothes lol, im becoming the thing I hate. A dirty old man
It’s so accurate
That ragdoll though.
There should be a live action Skyrim moive like this
Oh, Skyrim.. the game that will generate memes for generations to come!
Need somethin?
Housecarl Lydia
Death: on point.
What’s with this “girlfriend” deal? Cringe is real xD
I enjoyed that one 😂
Ruined meme
Where are all these chicks coming from
I don’t think I have died to a guard once I have been playing since it came out
Wait i know you!
These are the best. I love how she just pushes the table out of her way
I do love how the guards just bust through
+1 vote for his girlfriend to play Lydia if a Skyrim movie will be released 😁👏🏻
Should’ve used a shout.
That was Fuckin beautiful
That’s pretty accurate
Need something?
Need something?
Wrong you need to attack them 500000 times and after that they don t die
This looks like a fun couple!. Relationship goals right there
These are old jokes already done, least credit the videos you got them from
It’s always nice when girlfriends play along. But if these are Americans, then they’re the only ones I’ve seen lately who don’t wear shoes indoors
When she looked at the camera at the end I lost it
That’s 30 seconds I’ll never get back..
The death cam is so spot on 🤣🤣🤣
They are gamer girls, act with you in your videos, very good acting and they are hot. You got it all
Me waiting for you to level up until you can pickpocket armors ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I was expecting a ‘wait, i know you”
Lmao 😂😂😂
This chick is 360 degrees of awesome
Actual cringe
I like how he has Two girlfriends
She forgot to say, “Oh what happened”? 😂
Hahahaha omg spot on
Must have run off…
Girl is cuuuteee
Missing the “need something?” at the end
She looks like Lydia, but in different armor
I don’t remember the guards being dummy *THICC*
This is excellent
It gets on my nerves how they hold out their hands like that. Skyrim doesnt have that. Your hand actually go off screen.
dawg she look good you winning man
One day we gonna have it one day 😢
Marry her
Then she get an arrow in the knee
Everything is perfect, up to the phasing blur after death. Truly awesome work.
Huh, must’ve run off.
These are so over exaggerated
I love how she push furniture
Damn the constant blur in killcam seems exactly right.
Didn’t helicopter on 1 foot during death animations.
Damn I was sure she’d say “you need something ” at the end
The way he died is what killed me lol well done
Why is her back all fucked up
Ah that’s pretty funny 😆
man you can just go posting feet on main for free like this
they way he drops dead🤌🏻
Must’ve been the wind…
Was waiting for her to ask his corpse if someone stole his sweet roll
Perfect 😆👌🏻
She’s the one
🤣🤣🤣that dying ragdoll gave me nostalgia. Damn I should go back to Skyrim
Wish to have a gf like her, but world ran out of women like her. Guess I’ll die single
Noice one
The NPC just chilling with a pot on her head was on point.
“Must’ve run off”
Lol this is straight perfect i could watch this over and over
ultimate relationship goal:
In the end she should’ve looked down at the body and gone “I’ll find who did this”
You missed the perfect opportunity for the guard to turn to the body and go wait I know you
Must of run off
No lollygaging!
Love how she is clearly trying not to crack a smile
I love elder Scrolls but these videos are so cringey
After she killed him she should’ve said no sign of him
Then as you’re dying, here come nazeem. “Have you ever been to cloud district? Uh..what am I saying? Of course you haven’t.”
dude learn enchanting before becoming a mage
0 cost for composing a spell is way better than levelling magika
The zoomout and ragdoll were really good haha
Lol they do be like that until… You get daedric armor
The way this man died is so spot on😭😭😭😭
Hell of women u have there. Great job.
This was freaking awesome😂😂😂
Your gf is thick bro
I would give anything to have a girlfriend like that.
Huh.. Must have been the winds. Okay then..
Lmfao the death and blurry vision was perf!!!! I jus wiped a few mins ago goin on a spree with mods🤣🤦🏽♂️
The ragdoll is perfect.
I haven’t played Skyrim much but this looks SO accurate! Amazing acting and editing skills 🙌
OMG, the table pushing…
That was perfectly done 🤣
Hahaha epic! She even pushed the table past like a real NPC!!
Hahaha when she looks directly at the camera 😂😂😂
She trying so hard not to laugh in the end, lol
Its cringe but its good
That was actually really good the way how he died was perfect
I honestly expected her, at the end, to ask the corpse “Need something?”
He was clearly a low leveled character playing on Legendary difficulty.
They really be doing the most disrespectful stuff after killing you
This ain’t accurate because Skyrim guards aren’t this cringe
Can I get your bodyslide preset for the guard?
You’re about 10 years too late on the skyrim train, friend. It’s just cringe now
Meanwhile me playing on novice: murders entire city.
She must be fun in bed
Wow, that death fall was incredibly accurate.
Haha that’s awesome, I like the whole walking through the table thing
I was half expecting her to say “Oh! What happened?”
The way he collapses is so on point
When did Skyrim become photorealistic?
Never should have come here
Must have been the wind
That’s very accurate
Now if only she kicked him
Must have ran off
Dude has two girlfriends, thats dope
You can tell that she was trying so hard to not Crack up at the end.
The women are using dishes? Just as I’d expect >:)
This marriage will last more than the greybeards
This is no LaFave but I like the effort.
Didn’t know guards be so thiccc lately
You forgot the “oh well, must of run off”
Can’t believe you missed the ‘good, glad that’s settled line’
Wait a minute that’s my job
You sir, deserve my sub! Not even because I wanted to, but because you sir, have nailed it. 🤜🏼🤛🏼
You guys have fun.
I mean they aren’t that strong
This shit is too accurate.
Oh my goodness…. I can’t believe it looks exactly the same!!!😂😂😂
Could have said at the end :
« Need something ? »
I think this is the definition of love
It must have been the wind
Imagine having a girlfriend *crying*
I swear i see videos where either the guard is really weak or really powerful but i remember them being like a miniboss they were too tanky 😭
Shes holding her laugh
Why she look like Micheal tho
Last part inaccurate, they walk on your corpse and say ” need something? “
She is your sex friend? God hates you, you are condemned.
Hey wait, I know you.
Why’s his hands out like that
Thats a rather impressive looking guard.
Just go through a door and block it
There should be a mod for this 😄
Need something?
when you play skyrim so much that your girlfriend became Lydia herself
A little smirk on her face 😂
Why she always in pajamas lol
Must have been the wind
You’ve been hit by a smooth criminal
That is true the guards just act like nothing happened after killing you😂😂😂 but Skyrim is a good game
🤣🤣 this is great!
The way he ragdolls too! Lmfao
Cant u put buckets on ppl heads in skyrim and steal from around them lol
At the end when she looked at the camera I saw Michael Jackson
No, after that you’ll kill all of them for an hour and then they say “why cause any more bloodshed?”
Must’ve run off
Should have done the awkward leg spin death animation
Loving the camera work especially the death cam the fov was perfect
I liked because of the rag doll
Lmao npcs be ruining morning coffee and furniture such dedication that even a stubbed toe might not hold them back now that’s OP
Get a girlfriend like this, that just plays along to your dumb shenanigans either because it’s funny, dumb, or both.
She should have said “guess I scared them off” even though she can see your dead corpse
The GF Guard kinda looks like Lidia from most facial improvements mods ngl
Where do I get the sexy ladies in pajamas mod?
Even spoon can kill people?
These are beyond cringe
You forgot to make her say “what happened here?”
How is this so realistic i love itn
She fine
You missed the “must have run off”
First time I see a woman using their most accurate weapons
Who would win a master sorcerer one sweetroll. Boi
bro you have a very cool gf
Oh my lord dis is made sooo gud
The fact that she stares at the camera
Sky……. Rim?
Pretty cool but it clearly misses the twist-animation on death.
You forgot where they say “wAIt i KnOw YoU”
I loved this!
Not just flipping the guard off, but a master level crank flip skill at that.
Truly legendary.
Damn she’s got a cake shop
*Dummy Thicc* , not your girlfriend. You.
Edit: I’m not gay, it’s a joke.
And also, there’s nothing wrong with being gay.
…We Skyrim fans are everywhere…and I love it….
Inaccurate, dead body didn’t spasm out.
We all want a mod to flip off guards
“guess it’s all clear now”
This is awesome
This one time when I was playing Skyrim I was robbing some people and then this immortal women kept killing me over and over again I could not escape.
I’m so mad he didn’t slow down the footage as he “died”
Iegit make a save and start killing guards to see how long I would last and ended up having a pile of just bodies and more guards coming from the distance
Mobile game ads be like:
Trying to act like you play Skyrim
Guard after kill: Huh must’ve been my imagination
Why does your girlfriend look like Lydia? She could cosplay as her no joke
You forget the “Hey… I know you.” AFTER they kill you
Yeah he used his thane pass on having 2 girlfriends.
Does that work the longest you put a bucket overhead you could just take everything !?
These are really, really entertaining x)
My man had a fireball in his hand and got killed by woman with spoon
They seem to be having fun
She walked threw the table and all. Also she’s fine asf lol. Good job guy
No, the guard forgets he killed you, and wonders who killed the person in front of him, even checking his pulse.
I’m confused by how completely normal she seems and yet simultaneously how mathematically perfect those face proportions are. Not hitting on his girl, or insulting her, or simping, just a science nerd who likes to think deeply about little things.
C’est quoi ta merde?
The way whe stared at the camera lol
I like how in oblivion they would kill you then walk up to your dead body and go “the body’s still warm, there’s a killer about.”
This man be using 8k graphics mod and I’m still stuck on 1080p.
The spinning death animation should been performed
Very accurate😂😂😂
I can watch these all day
That look at the end it scares me
Unrealistic. Body didn’t fly
Flipping guards off. Thats the mod I want.
Relatable lol
Must have run off……
The weapon 🤣
This guy is underated
Oga boga im your daily merchant
XD nice
Is this in game or irl i cant tell the difference?
No cap I was waiting for the need something
for real tho
This is sooooo true also I am first 🥇🥇🥇🥇