Civilians don’t know the Gray Fox anymore | Skyrim Gameplay Highlights
Gameplay highlight from part 309 of my Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition Let’s Play on legendary and survival. You can find the whole playthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2e9YdI6fp8&list=PLobdprIgcqJ-7HzrDzInvB3xaRyuzHE6L&index=1
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Taqs:skyrim short,skyrim highlight,skyrim gameplay,skyrim funny moment,skyrim funny,funny moments,highlights,skyrim highlights,let’s play skyrim,let’s play skyrim se,let’s play skyrim special edition,skyrim legendary,skyrim survival,skyrim survival mode,skyrim playthrough,gameplay skyrim,elder scrolls,the elder scrolls,skyrim shorts,shorts skyrim,tes shorts,elder scrolls shorts,funny moments skyrim,highlights elder scrolls
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This short is from part 309 of my legendary/survival Skyrim playthrough. You can find the full video here:
Or, watch the entire Let’s Play from the beginning right here:
Want more shorts like this one? Find the playlist here:
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This is the “hat man” of legend
Idda killed that man just to steal his hat…would never wear it…just gotta steal everything lmao
this item is amazing sounding. I never used any shout other than Aura Whisper because it was so useful and had such a short cooldown. but with this item i’d be able to use a lot more shouts
Where do you find this? I want to find it.
Is this the creation club mod? Cause it really does not hold up to the oblivion version
I remember this from oblivion
Its cool to have the Cowl back and it’s nice for dungeon crawling but the facts that guards don’t un-hostile when you take it off really ruins it for me
“Stop right there, criminal scum! Nobody breaks the law on my watch! I’m confiscating your stolen goods. Now pay your fine or it’s off to jail.”
The Dragonborn?
Is that the gray fox mask from oblivion?
Love these kinda artifacts.
In my head, I see that and I think to reverse pickpocket an immortal NPC or someone I want to die. I’ve had that in my old consol save and I never thought to do that.
This was the most op asf item to have in oblivion, go in a shop steal everything break site from the guards take off the mask and they had no clue you were the one who either just killed their homies or stole a bunch of stuff was just a great items even if it wasn’t op it was pretty fuckin good
Yes… that’s exactly what the cowl of the grey Fox does… standing in front of someone and putting it on LITERALLY erases your identity from their memory and all records in the world….
Where do you get this?
In game i think it was oblivion its been awhile so i might have that mixed up but you meet grey fox qnd he says multiple times you have seen him without the cowel but the cowel in lore makes you forget
It broke my followers and turned them all hostile against me.
Wait what happened?
That’s literally how it works. It’s a deadric artifact and it erases your identity.
I’ve never seen this thing lol
This is Skyrim, not any region central to the Empire
The worst part is it doesn’t do it’s main thing of erasing your bounty anymore. People don’t forget who you are so it’s main purpose is broken
Can you put it on MPC,S?
So basically it’s literally Superman with his glasses
Honestly i don’t like the “turns guards hostile” because then how r u supposed to sneak past them if they meta that ur there?
isint that the mask from the famous thief in oblivion?
4th Era really forgot so much.
It is the Darkest Era [obv] but I also think Skyrim since they are rebelling against the Empire they will only stick to teaching or remembering Nord culture and disregarding everything else for the most part.
I could read this wrong.
I love Elder Scrolls lore tho.
that hat has been a blessing and a curse in my game lmfao if i had a penny for every time i’ve like gone through like a falmer den with the cowl on and then fast travelled into a city forgetting that i was wearing it, i’d be rich
Bugged af
I mean the Grey Fox was 200 years ago AND from a different country…
I wanna mod out the guard thing because why would a 4e Skyrim hold guard know of the scourge of Cyrodiilic nobles of yesteryear? And yes it’s implied that successor Grey Foxes have been active, but their lack of infamy in-plot (yes I know, CC) implies they aren’t well-known _at all._
“Hello dragonborn” * dragonborn removes helmet and adds cowl* “where did the dragonborn go?”
this instantly gave me oblivion guard/shopkeeper flashbacks-
What mod is this?
Just don’t wear it while trying to start the dawnguard quest. All the npcs got aggroed when I entered the cave to the fort.
why does it read like a yugioh card💀💀
You can’t let them see you take it off or you get a bounty added, but if you run away and no one sees you take it off then you get no bounty added
Where do u find the cowl
Interestingly, the cowel’s affects are near duplication from Oblivion, as in Oblivion guards turning hostile to you makes sense as they recognize the cowel but not the wearer and his wanted poster is all over the place.
Why would a thieves guild member be mad if you wear the cowl? Isn’t that cowl from a super famous thieves guild member?
It makes you the Batman of Skyrim
Not even headcanon. That is how it works
Don’t give it to a follower, it will also turn gaurds hostile
The grey cowl was in oblivion
The lore behind the cowl is in Oblivion, the whole “turns guards hostile” bit isn’t the original enchantment as it actually used to split the crime stat. So any crime you committed while wearing the cowl would be attributed to the Gray Fox rather than you, and since the Gray Fox already had this Robin Hood-esque notoriety the guards would attack you
This is so many years after the appearance in oblivion. Dudes had to post hundreds of posters to get his ass and even then the Hero Of Kvatch finds him first
Machines are powered by soul magic/gems… you’d think they could be detected.
“Wait, why are the guards trying to kill the weird hat guy? He didn’t do anything wrong”
I still don’t understand if this is a mod or base game lol
Oblivion did it better!
Yup the cowl affects memories, both other peoples’ and the person wearing it if I’m membering correctly
Perry the platypus?
It’s supposed to be this big fucking thing an a special artifact and bam you just find it in skyrim like come on
I didn’t have any luck other then gaurds but now it doesn’t turn gourds hostile since I’m the guild leader
assassination by guards? (if you can pickpocket it unto someone)
Creation club content is cancer
That thing give me chaos in instant
In oblivion it’s explained that the cowl basically erases your existence from everyone’s memories when it’s put on it originally had a curse so it couldn’t be removed but oblivion protagonist breaks it
What is the point of the helmet in the end?
Please do an oblivion playthrough!
Unironically the hat just made him like you, well met friend is the most common positive to neutral dialogue option,
The Grey Fox was a prominent thief of legend in Tamriel, so I guess it is kinda surprising that he wouldn’t be known in Skyrim but also not surprising due to the fact that it’s 200 years later.
I wore that shit everywhere for some reason in oblivion. Idk why. But it was fun just murdering guards whenever and then immediately taking it off like nothing happened lmao.
The graw Colw has so op in oblivion
Imagine how that leather cowl smells after hundreds of years of daedric influence and prolonged use by random people. The leather goes over your nose while wearing it.
The grey fox is back.
The disappointing thing about it being from creation club is we’ll never hear people respond to you wearing it.
You need to go get some
Do all crimes committed while wearing the cowl go against the gray fox and not the dragon born?
The Cowl no longer has the curse of Nocturnal on it, since Oblivion’s Thieves Guild questline. But, if everyone in Skyrim doesnt recognize the Cowl except for guards, how the hell do the guards know? If the guards know, how come the villagers and townsfolk dont?
Didn’t the curse of the cowl get lifted in Oblivion?
I thought this was an oblivion thing cause I’m playing it the first time and completed the thieves guild quest line and now that I see it’s in skyrim I’m like wtf I still haven’t discovered shit.
How do I get this
When i first played i put it on my first follower & guards kept attacking him. Then hit my follower & he died. After i played a new playthrough i was ohh i’m a idiot.
“Oh its just a drangonbo- PARRY THE DRAGONBORN!?”
The Grey Cowl wipes the wearer from history, utterly. The people don’t know what the Grey Cowl means but the guards know it as the symbol of the greatest thief in existence.
Love your content man
Doesn’t the curse of the Grey Cowl get removed at the end of the Oblivion era tho?
“Oh the weird hat guy is back”
*Everyone in Cyrodil starts sweating profusely*
Oblivion did it better
I thought the whole point of the cowl was that the wearer’s identity was forgotten and all they knew them as is the Gray Fox… so why do they forget who the Gray Fox is but not who you are yourself? Theory!
The cowl in Skyrim isn’t the true Cowl, it is a convincing knockoff created by a powerful mage however due to the Cowl’s true power being that of a Daedric prince, the mage couldn’t fully replicate the cowl thus they have no clue who the Gray Fox is but they know exactly who you are.
“But why do the guards turn hostile then?” I hear you ask, because stories of the cowl itself have been passed down throughout the years by guards. Nobles all around, rulers or otherwise spent years trying to bury this legend however they told their guards about it to protect their riches and thus stay in power
Is this a mod or no
You sound like the narduar of skyrim
For some god forsaken reason you still get a bounty when you use it
I just got this yesterday man,you are my All Time Favorite YouTuber
What I don’t like about Creation Club content is that some of them are very lazily written. Like, for me the fishing club’s gameplay is great and all, but it kinda lacks personality on the NPCs, they just give you a note instead. Maybe they couldn’t hire a VA or something, but a lot of unofficial free mods have better stuff than CC, which we pay for, mind you.
“You’re wanted dead or alive Gray Fox” – Oblivion Guards
They recognize who you are but the memory of tour identity slowly slips away. Thats what the book says
That weird dunmer git with the potato sack on his head is back again.
“Who’s this new guy who’s into BDSM”
The thing is this hat is known for making memories disapear. The wearer will be forgotten. There is a guy in the Guild that searches his father and even hires people. The thing the detective said: “Its like he eraised himself from history. Nothing”
Where do I find it?
they’re just jealous 😅🔥
Gray Cowl is low key super fun to use, putting aside that Guards(And Orcs in strongholds weirdly enough) attack on site it’s basically better than Detect Life
Guards love violence and won’t stop fighting just because someone is innocent.
Hey, is that Captain America!
They grey cowl looks so good on every race except kahjiit, it looks SO FUCKIN nasty on kahjiit 🤢
The number 1 ugliest artefact known to man. Like it looks cool and all on the statue you find at Mercer’s house, but how in gods name that thing is supposed to not make you the centre of attention, I don’t know.
Guard be angry because you have more style points.