If NPCs could pick up quest items #skyrim #gaming
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コメント (505)
*Sam doesn’t grab the ring* whoa
*Rueben tosses meridians tra– beacon* WHOAAAA
i actually like a lot that quest, use the meridia sword forever
Ruben has the chillest energy 💀
I still have that quest in my inventory. I am deciding which obnoxious person I want to take with me.
“Time to check my tiny jewelry box” 😂😂😂
Ur funny asf my guy
You can make Lydia pick up the beacon by telling her to search the chest.
A know hand touches the beacon hear me and obey
SHUT UP, dont care about your trash quest with semi-worth it loot, in tryna rizz up mjoll the lioness and kill ulfric lamecloak
I don’t understand why this one annoys people. You can just leave it in limbo like most quests.
You’re a gift from the gods, bro. The FO and ES content is top tier ❤
Oh God, …lol…i can’t believe i didn’t see that one coming AGAIN!!!!
Am I the only one who liked the sword it gives you after the quest?
Gonna name my next playthru Reuben the farmer
Fuck me, i’ve been meridia’d even here
Whenever my name is mentioned on this app its always a peasant or farner.,.
He had a hello kitty sticker on the jewelry box!
This farmer is the stronger person in skyrim he was able to drop the becon
Accurate 😂😂😂
but how cool would it be if NPC that picked up quest items did something with them?
I imagine the beacon always shows up next to him no matter how many times he throws it away, like a cursed doll in a horror movie.
why do people hate this quest? its one of my favorites. Its fun and different quest and dungeon. Merdia is one of the only daedra that isn’t a complete asshole, the quest gives you so much gold and a badass weapon that has a high chance of getting two.
A new hand touches my bal-
Ah sweet memories.
I remember having my volume on full blast so I could hear enemies, blissfully unaware of this quest.
It’s nearly midnight, I’m trying to calm down from a horror game I played with friends.
I collect all items from a chest, then woke up half my household with how hard I jumped and slammed my knee against my desk.
A new ground touches the beacon
Fun fact I just finished the godess sword quest or whatever its called
I was excited to get this the 1st and 2nd time but the 4000th time iv gotten this i just kept dumping it into the ocean hoping that the terror never approaches anyone elsa
As I entered town after talking to the Greybeards, I saw a familiar face running past the tavern. Wondering how far the courier would chase me, I began sprinting the other way but remembered I actually wanted to go the other way. So I made a wide u-turn and got back on the road having apparently lost the courier. As I approached the tavern again, I was stopped by another. I completely forgot about the cultists wanting to rip my heart out. I killed them both with the help of Lydia and the guards and continued on my way…only to be stopped by that courier I thought I left behind.
op farmer can drop quest items? That is true power
Wait so npcs can remove quest items from their inventory?
You forgot NPC’s ability to instantly travel across the map for a wedding at 1 am
Dumbest quest in the game id rather do the stones of barenziah quest
Why isn’t this 890000000000000000x louder at 1 volume than it is? I can’t even hear the beacon complain at that level…
Heh, these are great dude
That has to be the only item in the game I fear picking up by accident.
Did you guys know at the end of the quest there’s a second sword laying on the ground?
Beacon: “What are you doing!? You can’t drop me!”
Farmer: “Apparently I can. If you got a problem with it, take it up with Todd Howard.”
Why don’t people like that quest?
Not loud enough. If my ears ain’t bleeding after that, it’s not immersive enough
How? How was he able to drop it so easily?
Gotta love game logic. “That’s across the country” is like a 10 minute walk.
i’m not doing that,,, hahaha
Travelling? Fuck that no thanks😂😂
Imagine skyrim or fallout with RDR2 smart npcs
Oh boy 😂😅
Meridia: *accidentally assigns a gender*
I like how every npc is always like “im not doing that that’s across the country” meanwhile the main character is zooming around each city 😭
Lol reminds me of when I didn’t know about the fast travel
Wait so only NPCs can disregard quest items? THIS IS THE MOST POWERFUL MOVE EVER!
In my first playthrough when i found the thing in a chest i just straight up left it there cause i saw this vid before hand cause i love Fallout
The fucking 25lbs dragonstone
“Hear me and obey- Wait, that’s that *other* radio station.”
Don’t worry. Loot Rat will use it
“I’m not doing that, that’s across the country” Iv said this to myself so many times while playing 😂
not loud enough
he always does this…
I don’t know why but
“ my name is Reuben, I’m a Farmer”
Is funny as hell to me
Huh, what’s this weird angular gem in a felt-lined gold box? Better hold on to it.
Huh, what’s this weird angular gem in a felt-lined gold box? Surely it’s different from the other one – I should hold on to them, separately.
😂 Im not doing that its acoss the country
I keep forgetting about the quest as I either have always done it whenever I got the quest or just never gotten it
I will literally purposefully leave the beacon in any storage chest i find it in.
I think you guys are just a bunch of whiny little baby men, get over it. It’s just more enemies for me to crush. Need those bandits dead? Done they are nothing they are already smashed, Drauger dead? Done cut em to pieces. Reward? Unnecessary, my reward is the glory of crushing my enemies and hearing the lamentations of their women.
I literally started a new playthrpugh of skyrim like 3 days ago and her beacon was at the boss chest in BLEAK FALLS BARROW OF ALL PLACES
the dream of everyone who likes the game Skyrim, the ball annoys me too with every new game. she always opens her mouth saying “take me to some mountain”… xD
The only critisism I have is that it should have been stuck to his hand when he tried to throw it away.
most relatable reaction ever
Just got one week ago and havent progressed yet…look like this quest a pain in the neck…
I know this is just an optini9n but blue exorcist should definitely be an option
90% of the time it is with the dragon stone I have to pick up in the first dungeon
“You can’t drop quest items”
Yeah – I always leave that stupid beacon behind.
I fucking love the response: My name is rueben. It sounds so dull like this guy is the least interesting person to pick up the beacon
Lolololol hilarious skit.
My thoughts exactly
Tossing away the beacon is power equivalent to breaking a filled chest in terarria
I was playing last night with a fairly new-ish character and decided to just get the bleak falls barrow quest out of the way, found Merida’s Beacon in the big chest at the end.
What if I had been a lv3? Lol
Why do people hate the beacon the sword is Great
Because only an NPC could get rid of it that easily
I picked that stupid beacon up at 3 am and fell out of my chair cause I jumped so hard .
The one fucking quest everyone’s pissed with even me
Tbh I’ve always liked this quest.
Why do people hate to get Meridia’s beacon? Is it just because listening to her say the same line is too annoying? I mean you get dawn breaker from it. I dunno why you would try to avoid that.
Wait hold the phone
Not only did he drop Meridia’s right nut, but he actually held it in his hand
Even the Dragonborn in creative mode X50 couldn’t accomplish that feat
I wish I could just toss that stupid thing out like that lmao
This would be a good plot ngl
When I heard that line, it was like PTSD quickly kicked in.
Can’t drop quest items
Forgot the ear rap3 jumpscare
Bro I swear I threw it away like 5 times before actually completing the quest and being disappointed by dawnbreaker
One day one farmer also pick up the beacon and the beacon tell him about the mountain at first he didn’t care and just thrown the beacon away later that day after finishing his work he sit down thinking he has spend most his life working just to live and wonder what he do when he get old but then the word of the beacon appear in his mind he laughed at the idea but then slowly consider it he look back at his farm and decide maybe a little adventure wouldn’t hurt after there all nothing else to his life after all so he go to where he throw the beacon pick it up and pack his thing and begin the adventure to the mountain unbeknown to him this was be the start of a journey that will be recorded in history but that story is for another day .the end
Honestly, I don’t mind that quest. It’s just another Nordic ruin like many others, and you get a nice blade to put in a display case afterwards!
im not gunna lie when i picked up the beacon it scared the crap out of me. all i hear is *A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON* i thought it was just a ball worth alot of money.
Fun fact: technically anyone the Dragonborn *could* be is the Dragonborn due to a little fuckery called Dragon-Breaks, or essentially the few moments Akatosh says “Ok… I’ll allow it,”
Bro they can ducking keep the beacon
I have to admit, usually in games I just kill everyone then leave forgetting the quest item
Mate I wish I could yeet that beacon off the top of the throat of the world
Nirnroot or the beacon? Which is more annoying and why is it the beacon 😅
Literally avoid the beacon like the plauge
As many times as I have played Skyrim I have never came across the beacon
My dog left the room when the beacon said a new hand touches the beacon. even he knows that it’s annoying
Or how about when you drop a stack of something to carry it as it’s too heavy then an NPC “picks it up for you” and just gives one back so you start planning a mission impossible over extravagant assassination of the Whiterun woodcutting guy.
The only quest item you can pick up before starting the quest that doesn’t completely break the quest
Yes he took off because he saw that thing
This is canonically what happens to the beacon whenever you leave it in chests and I refuse to believe otherwise.
“Sorry ma’am but he just left”
“God fuckin dammit *sigh* okay fine could you possibly mail me to riverwood and let them know I need someone to put me in this chest in this dungeon? That’s where the Dragonborn is supposed to be going next according to the quest line he’s currently doin”
“Yeah I suppose I could do that for you
Wait I’m sorry what the fuck is a quest line?”
Bruh how come he can drop it but I can’t 😭
Oh hey a cool rock!
It literally showed up for me in like the first Riverwood quest
I wish man that thing is so annoying
A new hand touches the bacon.
Except the dragonborn is by default a nord male with blonde hair and blue eyes
“Oh no, what’s this?” Fuckin killed me.
When “A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON” ruins your favorite dialogue.
But… You can’t drop quest items
😂😅 I actually have my dragonborn in a fanfiction I’m writing give the thieves guild the beacon, eventually. Haven’t gotten to that part yet. She gets fed up with them trying to get her to do everything.
I like that quest. Why do people hate it?
The flashbacks from that fuckin beacon!!! I would actively avoid that fudging thing 😂😂
bro did you buy this from etsy by any chance? a uk seller
Wtf I just got the f****** beacon after I watch this short why you jinxed me
You can’t drop a quest item..these npc’s dgaf
They have them that’s why they give them to you
Thought it was 3d printed for a minute. Sadly the directions of the lines aren’t the same. Probably a piece of wood
Honestly, I don’t see that mission to terrible experience the gold and the weapon, are well worth it.
I was doing this quest right as I saw this video
Kept dodging that damn thing till one day it was forced upon me by a courier. Only true way to escape is to just beat the game before its too late.
*Equips* “My Pa’s Axe”
As someone who feels like an NPC on a daily basis I feel this…. lol
Alternate ending: You get the beacon as a reward for his side quest
Meridia’s beacon… but why does the voice resemble Clavicus Vile more, IMO? 😂
Rueben will save us all
nah the beacon is attached on an invisible magic chain dude, you can’t drop it, it’ll follow you everywhere
You missed the part where she says it in slow motion at 135 decibels
fun fact: if you complete all the side quests with items you can’t get rid of, you will be over encumbered.
You sound more like clavicus vile😂
dot tuch
Reuben ftw
The Beacon😂😂
There’s a sick ass legion helmet in the dungeon tho
Honestly at this point I hope something like the beacon, is going to be in elder scrolls six just so it can be a meme
I find it interesting that nobody brings up the fact that this quest is a good way to get a pretty decent amount of septims. All those burnt corpses have like anywhere from 50-200 gold each.
my first playthrough I got this and was hyped…second and third…not so much. as a take all loot kinda guy I always fall into this quest and this frigging beacon has taught me restraint…now I’m a check first before take all loot kinda guy
I don’t understand not picking up the beacon. I just accept that I’ll have a large percentage of quest items in my inventory, and I’ll have to give my potions and scolls to my follower or something. Plus I always have a billion quests to choose from anyways, one more won’t hurt
that last line was one of the most genuine reactions to a quest I’ve ever seen
Am I the only one who liked the Meridia quest? Lots of gold and an OP weapon at the end
I never get why ppl don’t like the beacon? Sure the quest is a bit annoying and tedious but the sword at the end is awesome. Especially if you glitched it just right to get two of them.
Hey man, nice D-20….where are the numbers?
A new hand touches the beacon!
I think this thing is talking to me! I gotta lay off the Skooma
Me when I see the beacon, A NEW HAND AVOIDS THE BEACON!
I literally saw the beacon in the final chest of bleak falls barrow and said nah I don’t wanna
Those daedric artifacts would have been better with some sort of growth function like the more you follow that specific deities ideals the stronger the blade would get I’ve only seen this in one and it honestly is my favorite
He is the correct way to do non descript. They is only for two or more.
Lmao purposely nondescript person. Got to make sure the woke blue hairs are appeased. 😂
You gotta tie a rope to them so you don’t waste enchanted armor per mutineer
Yeah who else just grabs everything other than the beacon?
Wretched bandits
Wow I wish I could drop the beacon. That thing stays in my inventory forever
Why purposely non-descript?
I have to say I still don’t understand everybody’s hate for that Quest I mean I picked up the bacon I did the quest it was easy peasy
I’m surprised I didn’t go deaf when he pulled out the beacon
A new hand touches the bacon. 😂
It’s a 30 minute quest at most. Unless you do it at level one as the very first chest you open at that camp in the woods from the helgen cave has the bastard item in it.
i swear every time i ignore that damned thing it will appear in another chest
Did the Dragonborn swap out a Stone of Barenziah for the Beacon in that box?
Lmfao Mt kilkreath?? That’s across the damn country 😂
The video was funny BUT WHEN HE THREW THE BEACON
Someone please explain the “A new hand touches the beacon” thing to me please
if i remember correctly if you give this thing to Inigo and dismiss him he will finish this quest for you. at least next time you meet he will be carrying the sword
I love how everyone cries about this game like disparaged wives but plays it non-stop anyway.
Admit you like a good game. Lol.
I feel like it would make the game more entertaining if npcs could do any quest triggered by an item pickup. If you don’t beat them to it you’ve either gotta kill em, do a mission for them or buy/steal it from them.
am I the only one that likes getting this quest? there is so much gold to loot and dawnbreakr does something to me
3D printers have gone too far…
Ah ah ah Nondescript
I only did that quest for the sword. Fun sword when delving into dungeons with dragur. I just ignored anything she sad then end the quest with find someone else to be your champions but I’m keeping the sword.
Missed opportunity to superglue it to your hand so you can’t drop quest items.
Nobody likes meridia
That quote “A NEW HAND-“ and so on brings nostalgia and annoyance when I get the beacon for the 100th time
Was… was i the only one who just DID the quest? Also man that sword went out of style fast for me.
Found this in my last build in the first dungeon… Left it
meridia’s unusually softspoken. must be coming down with something…
bean a while since i played, started on the ps4 but why all the hate for the beacon?
She’s the reason I started looking at what I picked up
What if quest items were designed so you give them to your companion but depending on the item. They might betray, say something in particular, vanish , use quest items, or slowly steal items from you that you can later reclaim after you figure it out.
If i could trow that shit, that fucking beacon I would be getting a brand new tan very close to the sun
Swear to god I found this thing lying on the floor randomly traveling back to whiterun from getting the bound bow
Me: “YEET!” *tosses off high hrothgar.*
Evreytime I don’t want this quest it appears, but Evreytime I actually do want this quest I can never get it to spawn
So true lol 😂
What are you crazy? I’m not scripted to go that far.
A new hand touches ma bacon, hear me and obey ye shall not pass on mount kilkreath oh for the love of (whispers not realizing she’s still sending the beacon message) you you and you go to nirn and guide him with force to mt kilkreath.
If you keep ignoring picking up the beacon in game it literally stalks you after a certain point iv had it show up in 2 chests in the same dungeon before and i was like “HELL NAW I DONT WANT YOU”
“Cannot drop quest items”
“Mount kilcreathe! I’m not doing that That’s across the country.”
I don’t know what everyone is complaining about, her quest is pretty cool with shades and stuff, and you get the Dawnbreaker out of it. One of my fav swords!
As soon as everyone read the title I think we all thought of the beacon
That was one of my fav quests in Skyrim. Dawn breaker was my favorite sword!!
Its been so long that I don’t recall the name of the sword, but its one of my favourite weapons in the game! Love its design, its so cool
Is it the pretentious earrape?
Because the quest isn’t at all terrible
Actually among the easiest ones, and isn’t morally questionable, and has the biggest amount of coin in comparison to other dungeons
Actually, I get rather surprised by where I find it than just finding it
But that tells me that Mirida is ready for me to used her sword of undead explosion
How can I learn this spell this dude processes?
I wonder if it’s just me or this is something that happens to everyone but the beacon is always somewhere really far away from shrine. I never found this shitting thing near Morthal or Markath. It always around Whiterun or Riften. Maybe Falkreath.
That would be freaking great, just to avoid that dialogue, but other than that all quest items do is sit there, they don’t actually weigh anything if they are marked as such, so it’s just annoying for them to clutter the inventory
Man every time I see that quest my soul dies like bruh I want loot not a quest
I hate the fact you feel forced to pick up quest items when you find them, but can never put them down.
This guy is too funny 😂😂😂
Lmao “mount kilkreath? Im not doing that, that’s across the country” had me rolling
Ah ah AH! You can’t refuse.
My dislexic butt reading the subtitles as “bacon” one time and now it’s just Meridia’s Bacon
“Im not doing that that’s across the country” is me whenever I play red dead
This one time I threw the beacon away thanks to a mod but meridian got mad and started talking back, ain’t never touching the beacon ever again.
The NPC can drop it? They’re more powerful than the purposely nondescript Dragonnorn.
Love the idea of a few quest items just laying about in cities because an NPC got hold of it and decided ‘nope’.
From what I’ve heard, some modded followers are able to ‘do’ quests on their own.
For example, I think I saw a clip where someone directed Inigo to pick up Merida’s Beacon, and then after being dismissed, he just went off and returned with Dawnbreaker.
Jokes on you, cant drop quest items.
Reuben seems cool
Lol why do we all have the same reaction to the beacon
Can someone explain why everyone hates this quest
Imagine a world where you got all your spam mail in the form of Meridians beacons, every mailbox would be flooded, they would be worthless, and nothing could be made from them because the moment you went near it there would be five omnipotent beings each trying to sell you anti aging pills.
“A NEW HAND….. ” immediat PDST
Instant memories flooding back of dodging this thing lmao, however did you know if you avoid it for long enough a npc actually brings it to you and begs you to take it from them and rid them of the voices in their head?
I once got that item in the first quest, it sucked
I really love the ‘purposely nondescript’ person!
So he lives around the rift somewhere?
Even the supposedly “good” daedra are horrible. Do you realize she locks the doors behind you to FORCE you to fight Malkaran once you enter the boss room? Like, you aren’t leaving until you either kill him or you become one of his thralls.
I saw it in the thumbnail I knew what was coming before watching “A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON”
I wish we could do this. There are some choice NPC I’d drop this into their inventory.
In all 6 of my play throughs I haven’t ever interacted with this beacon once holy shit i always hear something new about this game welp time for the 7th
He can’t throw it over her shoulder.
“ah ah aha nondescript” lol
The only problem is that it wasn’t literally the loudest voice/noise ever heard in all of the Void.
If you don’t pick it up and run away it will follow you to another random chest lol
I always say “a new hand touches the beacon” whenever I see a skyrim stream
Dawn breaker is mid anyways
Reason daedra are assholes. Gods leave loopholes for them but they’re maddening 😂
I don’t understand why so many people hated this thing. It’s a one-time quest in a relativity unique dungeon, and the sword you get is really good. Genuinely confused here
First time I heard her I accidentally walked into a trap and jump scared myself so hard I paused and opened the map within a second
and since he threw it down, yhe magical beacon managed to find its way into the pile of the dragon borns sweet rolls
This NPC’s power is incredible if he is able to toss the beacon.
Sad thing is, you can’t drop quest items. If you want, the best you can do is have your follower open and hold the chest, and hope that they die. This beacon will still show up in their designated urn, so don’t be too crazy while goings through the halls of the dead
My name is Reuben
*opens chest*
*Takes all*
Meridia: “A NEW HAND TOU….”
Dragonborn: “Noooo!”
Skyrim, the game where you do everything but the story quest
Now if only the Dragonborn could toss it and say:
“I’m not doing that…”
I found the statue for that quest a few days ago and it was hilarious watching this
I don’t understand why ppl hate this quest. I did it on my first proper playthrough and I thought the sword was pretty useful for a long while
In cannon Dragonbore is male
And so the farmer held the item for a hundred years and kept it through multiple family generations and Skyrim 6 still hasn’t come out yet…
If only you can do that in the game I hate that quest
Can someone pick up that beacon now.
Mount kilkreath? That’s across the country 😂
This is the funniest Elder Scrolls short I have ever seen
Never grab that fuckin thing such a pointless quest
How did he throw it you can’t drop quest items
Lazy beacon.
Ruben the farmer is the best character…that man used the ancient power of “No” after touching the beacon
Aint no one got time for that 😂
Beacon didn’t blow out my headphones, not lore accurate
One of the most worthless, and tedious quests in any game I’ve ever played.
Does the beacon ever respawns? Bc I found it once in a chest in the middle of nowhere and I can’t remember where it was lol
I love how Rueben just can’t be phased. Magical object starts talking to me? Ah. Just another farmer’s afternoon
I always make my follower pick up the beacon.
if only!!!
The guy is the NPC from every rpg ever
the fact I have the same name feels uncomfortable. Even looking at the comments knowing I would still see people spell it incorrectly, though the guy showed how it was spelled. Well might as well add these few incorrect spelling unto my counter
I didn’t mind Meridia’s beacon until like a month ago, when I forgot to fix my sound settings for voices. My ears had a pleasant time bleeding from how loud it was set.
“A new hand touches the beacon”
Idr when… it was either a fallout or elder scrolls game but an npc got a quest item and I couldn’t get it back.
Their kids will miss them. 😢
To be honest I really hated the mission😒
The Meridian beacon sounds a bit like the Joker
You know i had made my dragonborn able to one shot anything so by the time i got this quest i was like ah thats neat. I dont really understand what everyone was so upset about. 😅
I have PTSD from that damn ball, my list of top five went a little like…
2, “I gently open the door.”
3, “another settlement need your help.”
4, “patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.”
and 5, “hey, you. your finally awake!”
which one sounds different from the rest? and where is it from?
What in daggerfell is the morrowind you say?
I’d like to imagine that this just happens repeatedly until it finally winds up in whatever container you end up finding it in.
My friend set this as the ring tone for his mom
Where did you get that 3d printing model! I wanna put a speaker and accelerometer in it so when people pick it up it starts the speech.
If i could drop quest items i’d chuck that shit into Itilda Lake
I dont get why people hate this quest…i love it, Is beautiful
i hate that quest item
Why use dawnbreaker when my low-level fire enchanted iron sword sets everything on fire, instead of only undead? Checkmate, Dawnbreaker enthusiasts.
Edit: ran out of soul stones😢
I love the mission because all the money you can get but meridias voice and attitude annoys the hell out of me
I like how hard they work to respect the they/them pronouns, it makes me feel better about not specifically being he
I have memorized that fucking dialogue, and I avoid picking it up because of that
I played Skyrim for the first time recently and I decided I wanted all of the Daedric artifacts because I thought they were cool. I actually sought out the beacon and holy crap is it annoying both when you’re trying to do it and not trying to do it. Plus I had to use cheats to not die of fall damage.
That damn beacon. If I see it I cross the street.
Npc making sense
Rueben is very fun.
Thank you for making my 18 hour shift worth while. Keep up the great work.
I swear if there’s a mod where u can do that I’ll download it on my Xbox immediately. Then have it say quest complete after i leave with someone else
Meridia’s quest actually makes me quickload
It would have been gold if the beacon stuck to his hand bc jts a quest item
He should have done the new hand touches the beacon bit earraped
Skyrim is a province of Tamriel not a country
Most people as soon as they get the chance they start going around seeing what magic they could do but only Lupa spends 20 mins eating in the common room lol
Hahahahah😂😂😂😂 I am dying…😂😂
Did you get that 3d-printed just for this video?
Nah you made me actually think about this shit, what would happen if I had Ria pick up that damn beacon. These are too many questions man I need some answers.
– Who the hell are you?
– I’m a GPT-6 engined NPC. Call me Reuben.
– Ah. That make sense. Modding is going too far.
You 3d print that becon?
Dang the nostalgia.
I was playing Skyrim at 2am in 2015 and the environment has been deathly quiet for more than 10-20 mins of peaceful exploration and the couple npc bandits roaming around.and all of the suddenly “A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON” almost damn near made me piss myself.
A new ham touches the bacon
bro the quest line Is wild. you literally start levitating and ascending to a higher plain. also you can get a blessing that makes you sexist, I love skyrim.
This is actually one of the reasons they had to scale back radiant AI so much and oblivion got delayed almost a year because npcs were soeedrunning killing themselves and stealing quest items lol
Why nondiscript why
Honestly, this ONE item is the reason I don’t automatically press the loot all button on chests, if I see it, I leave it and forget it exists. That voice is so annoying lmao.
Fake, he could not have tossed it. It’s glued to his soul until he completes the quest.
Love how canonically descriptions of the protagonists is basically “grey maybe”
*cannot drop quest items*
I printed a Meridias beacon on my 3d printer… took a whole lot of filament
lmao anytime I see that in a chest I never pick it up.
I don’t even know why I hate Meridas beacon I just hate it, I swear it randomly talks to me if I ignore it’s quest while it’s in my inventory too
A new hand touches- “my brain is like nooooooooooooo”
This is the best canonical reason for why no one else has done this quest
Ion know why everyone hates that quest so much lol dawn breaker was the illest sword in the game
Last week I accidentally grabbed that damned thing after avoiding it all game.. I reloaded my last save only to find out it was *right before* I did a 4-6 hour grind for material and levels. I happily took that loss of progress and I now keep reminding myself not to be all full loot happy and grab everything
Yeah I hate that side quest whenever I see the beacon in a chest or something I never pick it up it’s a shit quest
Hate her but I have to complete all the quests.. Guess I’ll suffer
Comfirm npc are stronger than him…..i mean “THE” Dragonborn
Meridia sounds a lot like Clavicus Vile today
Oh straight away
dawnbreaker sucks!
Bro has beef with mother nature
His reaction is pretty much mine every time, most of the time I just leave it in there
If only it were that easy
I want this to be a mod qhwre we gotta go back and save the dumbass NPC
Buys home…. makes new chest …. just done hammering it together …
Am I the only one who likes dawnbreaker 🤦🏾♂️😭😭😭😭
For all the players who hate the beacon bitch. Feel free to use her official title from the elder scrolls lore The Shining Bitch
Unironically that would be a really cool game mechanic for the next elder scrolls, if you sell, drop, or gift a unique item to an npc especially if it had a quest attached to it you could wander across them doing said quest or using said item
Why did I *instinctively* say “oh shit” when he touched the beacon? 😂😂
“I’m not doing that that across the country”😂😂
I’m so glad that I have never found that beacon
Non-descript 😂
that beacon is what made me stop doing take all when I open chests
Ruben The Farmer What the heck are you doing in my car?
Why do people dislike this so much? Dawnbreaker’s an awesome sword.
There is a solid reason why the beacon was put away in a box. For god like beings, they are kind of worthless when it comes to the physical realm. Id find a crevice to put the thing in. No box, just toss it into the abyss. If a gods wills it, then next time it will end up in a chest and it is their will. Otherwise, they are not a god.
Lmao still never encountered the beacon in all my playthroughs in 12 years but its reputation proceeds it
not loud enough. should’ve blown out like 3 sets of speakers at least
Good choice on ditching this beacon. Truly genius
😂 I love these 😂
This is basically every “You Are Not the Dragonborn” mod playthrough ever 💀💀
Every time I see that god damn shaved potato I can just hear A NYEWWW HAND TOUCHES THAA BEEECAN
Exactly that is why everybody hates that motherfuking quest nobody wants to trick halfway across the continent to go stick a f****** gym in a pedestal and get told to kill a motherfuking necromancer and his horde of f****** on f****** dead just for stupid sword, 😒 I mean don’t get me wrong swords not bad or anything like that it’s just you know couldn’t get the sword into tons worth of gold coins with it, 😒 NO!, 😒 Alright well f***you then
So this exchange took place in the Rift.
Shows back up in inventory.
Yo that’s BS ain’t no way you can Drop an essential quest item like that. 😂
Yhis is god dakn hilarious
Make something like that “100 pickpocket” video but with 100 sneak
You’re alway funny but somehow this one killed me
Now I want to do a Skyrim play through where I reverse pickpocket while thinking of this and giggling.
I’ve always wondered, why do people not like this quest?
Do people seriously not just do the quest? It’s not that bad, and I always liked to duel wield her sword with the nightingale blade.
I always love doing the meridas beacon quest
Fun fact, Inigo the Khajit, would actually finish this quest if you gave him the beacon.
His house is then burned out of existence by the suns beams
U forgot they can’t throw it away it’s stuck in their inventory 4 EVER!
I never pick up this damn thing but how did bro drop a quest item?
*relaxing after defeating the final dungeon boss* *claims reward* “A NEW HAND-“ “NOOOOOOO”
😂😂😂 I wish I could just throw that too the amount of times I found that in the first chest u open is staggering cause fuck that bitch.
Lmao that’s across the country 😂😂😂
Bruh the part where he said its across the mountain im not doing that then tosses meridias beacon fucking killed me 😂😂😂😂
Quality content brother
“I ain’t doing that, that’s across the country.” 😂
I guess I’m the only one who don’t hate that whole shtick it’s like couriers finding you anywhere or dragons diving into the very earth and getting stuck especially the ones in dawnguard questline
I literally always got distracted hunting mammoths at low level and have never come across this object 😅
why was that like a bad jack sparrow impression
*opens chest, sees beacon* wellllllllll shit.
Most poweful Redguard in all of Skyrim
That stupid beacon is the sole reason why I had to stop just hitting take all whenever I went into dungeons or bandit camps or anything else cuz randomly out of the blue. All of a sudden I’d hear that annoying woman’s voice in my headphones and just be like oh s*** here we go again and nine times out of 10. I’d use the command prompt to remove it from my inventory and delete the quest 😂.
I usually just tell my followers to pick up the beacon.
It’s all fine and good until you accidentally grab it from their inventory. Just chilling in my house, or shopping at a store, sorting or selling, then BAM!!! A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON!!!!
I mean, it’s a sun sword that blows stuff up…but eh, a sword is a sword. Inigo let’s kill us another necromancer.
Jon lovitz the beacon
I’m sorry but you can’t discard a quest item
I was fully expecting the gem quest when I saw the box
Your videos are always 💯 man 😂 I don’t know how you’re not laughing the whole time
Cmon. Of course he.
I make followers pick up quest items so I can locate them with the quest marker, at one point I had 4 followers, Aela, Serana, Daedric dude, and Morrowind bandit chief in Nordic armor, fun crowd, the last 2 were corpses I used the intimate thrall spell and the skill to have 2 undead work for me, they make great treasure chests for all them dragon bones and things, just don’t turn then to ash or cut their heads off by accident, save often folks
we both gotta stop buyin walmart towels fam
Why do people avoid it? I seek for this thing
As soon as he went to open his jewelry box I just knew it was gonna be the beacon
The sword isn’t even that good, the other reward is gold which is pretty moot, and the boss has an annoying frost spell that will wreck non nords at early levels.
why did i know exactly what he was gonna pull out of the box
A new hand touches my ball and he’s blood type B+…
hmm interesting indeed let’s reproduce!
Wherever there’s an event a town away from me I’ll quote this
“I’m not doing that, that’s across the country!”
Why is the beacon shaped like a golf ball if I’m not supposed to wack it into a hole very far away?
The only reason that beacon is annoying is because you’ve replayed the same game too many times. When the hell is TES VI coming out?
Costume is great. T-shirt and a towel and you actually look like Nazeem . Freaking awesome.
That’s Imperial territory!
Thing is I was actually going through a few mods I liked then I got all the ones I liked then I went through my world checking out all the stuff that it actually popped up then I found it thought it was a mod so I picked it up and I went ahead and just did the entire thing
You forgot the part where you can’t drop the quest item.
That chest in the corner over there:
“A NEW HAND.. touches the..”
Everyone: “FUUUUuuuuuuu”
“I’m not doing that. That’s across the country!” Lmao literally me on half the quests
Picked it up this morning😂
Perfectly nondescript
So I know it talking is annoying but what happens if you don’t do the quest right away?
Deadss lmaoooo
“Mount killkreath, I’m not doing that! Thats across the country!”
Not gonna lie, I’ve felt that before!
I don’t really understand why everyone hates this quest can someone explain?
Fallout had a huge problem with NPC picking up unique weapons when they aggro.
The amount of times I lost that thing by avoiding it. Finally wanted that sword and never found it again
A non-essential touches the Beacon
“I’m not doing that that’s across the country.” Just the best
honestly how many people in Skyrim are going to go on a mad quest just because a daedroth told them to. there’s not even a threat just “do this for me”. fake daedra + L + I’m a son of Shor + ratio
I seem to be the only person who likes the reward to this quest, I don’t mind doing it because dawn breaker looks cool af.
Nobody: …
Meridia: A N E W H E N
B A C O N –
Got me like 3 times , amazing
Seriously, how do you come up with this shit? Pure comedy gold.
Funny thing I always do is get Uthgerd the Unbroken as a companion and when I find the beacon I get her to pick it up and send her back to whiterun. Problem solved.
me: Reloads autosave for area
I just started playing Skyrim 2 weeks ago and some how I found that rock within a week scared me at first ngl
This would be a funny quest.
“After an age lost to time, the Beacon of Destiny found its way into the hands of a would-be hero, who promptly said ‘nah’ and pawned it off on the first merchant he crossed paths with.”
I wasn’t expecting the throw 😂
But that is literally my favorite quest in the game, and it contains my favorite line in the game as well ):
Me rebuilding blackthorn finding the beacon in a chest: aw fuck no bitch. Kill the dragur yourself I’m on vacation across the country.
I Speedrun the quest and duplicate Dawnbreaker with unrelenting force so I can dual wield and go nuts on those draugr infested dungeons
Lol I don’t get the animosity towards the beacon the quest is pretty easy and you get a ton of gold and shit off the bodies and while the base game sword is garbage there are mods that make legendary weapons well legendary
I love dawnbreaker I just wish it did more damage love how it lights up and explodes vampires
I still think nothing beats the annoyance levels of the Unusual Gem quest. Combine that with the completely lackluster reward you get at the end for all your trouble trying to find the fuckin’ things!
Oh, yay! A couple more gems in some chests and shit, whoopty fuckin’ do! Not to mention the sick ass golden crown that you spent forever restoring (you know, the whole entire reason you’re collecting the gems) just to not be able to wear the fuckin’ thing.
Shit just makes me want to chuck a stale sweetroll at Todd’s forehead!
Will you be my champion?
I love it.
A NEW HAND TOUCHES……waaaait a minute…..
I really wish the Beacon wasn’t considered a quest item because I would just dumped that shit in the ocean and run as far as I can
I know last time I found the beacon I made my fallower pick it up
*Ends up finishing the players game*
BREEZE goes to his Breezehome.
“Who’s kid is this!?”
Trust me, ya don’t want that. Morrowind destroyed me
Glad I’m not the only one who hates that damn beacon. 🤣🤣🤣
In Skyrim, the phrase “A new hand touches the beacon” has the same energy as a hissing sound in Minecraft, “station brakes failure” in Roller Coaster Tycoon, and, of course, “I’ve got word of another settlement” in Fallout.
Who in oblivion are you lol
My eyes when I see the beacon O_O
Meridia’s eyes when she see me touching everything in the chest while avoiding her beacon O_O
When you lobbed the beacon over the shoulder I lost it 😂😂😂
“too long of a trip” sounds like me after a fat one lol
LMFAO ffs this had me rolling 🤣😂🤣
I fear deeply how non descript I am.
Nope! Lol thats across the country 😆
The quest is meh but all the gold on the dead bodies is worth it in my opinion
I’m not doing that it’s across the country
Read the title, knew exactly which quest item was about to appear, adjusted the volume accordingly as a precaution. Tinnitus is no joke.
I swear I’m the only person I know who actually celebrates when I get Meridia’s bacon.
Ruben the farmer has the power to make meridia LOWER THE DAMN VOLUME. The dragonborn’s purposely nondescript ass got nothing on the Chad farmer
ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! Damn bro, you fucking slay me! I’m dead! 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀
That’s across the country ain’t doing that s*** rolling😂😂😂
I just found that thing last night. Left it in the chest in an old fort
I wish we could fuckin do that
Ahh yesss the underpowered dawnbreaker 🤭
Nothing better than seeing that beacon in a random chest in a nonessential cave that you never have to go back to. I loot everything but the beacon and leave it there to be lost to time.
Maybe the next dragonborn will find it.
“A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON!” *lowers volume all the way down*
I’ve left Meridia on read more than my ex
Just last night I left that shit in the chest I found it in. It popped up in another a little while later. Left it again. I want to see just how persistent this chick will get with that damn beacon. I wonder if it will just start popping up in every container I open. The quest sucks and the utter ear rape is just overkill. The sword is nice, but almost not worth it.😂
Ran away quickly for good reason.
I recently started a modded Skyrim play through using Live Another Life to Start in Cyrodiil from Beyond Skyrim: Bruma. I did a speed run of an Ayleid ruin and pressed grab all on the boss chest. Meridia scared tf out of me by blasting her demands in my ear. The beacon wasn’t even in Skyrim. The best part was I was in Anga, where a bunch of Namira cultists hang out, so I like to imagine Namira ordered her cultists to steal the beacon for some reason.
I dont know why people hate the dawnbreaker quest so much but at this point im to afraid to ask
We clearly didn’t get the same beacon because my ears aren’t bleeding after hearing you say it.
“A new hand touches the bacon” is my favorite butchering of that and I use it anytime I buy bacon.
He mastered the most powerful spell ever conceived……. the long forgotten spell of NOPE!
It’s a shame that the dragon born can’t fight the daedra gods
And the item it gives is meh if your max level smithing and enchanting… cause who needs a sword for fire when you could have a fork of incinerate thy enemies to dust…
It didn’t weld itself to his hand
god I hate that fucking beacon everytime I find it, I just leave it now open the chest and immediately no fuck that
Should have given it to Nazeem😅😅😅
I realized that if you don’t pick up the beacon it will have a chance to spawn again in another chest.
The inaccuracy. Why wasn’t Meridia’s voice blasting at 120 decibels?
😂😂😂 if only you can do this in the game😂😂😂😂
Lmao you have the actual beaco
It would actually be pretty awesome if npcs could actually level up by doing quest. They randomly can come across a quest item, and effects how the quest is completed. A farmer goes from being skilled at planting potatoes to becoming a decent fighter or spell caster. I could add more life to a RPG world.
I wish
Lmfaoooo how bout no- Reuben
The very phrase, “A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON” immediately brings out some PTSD-level flashbacks of avoiding and dodging that damn thing whenever I saw it in a chest.
God i hate that beacon
non descript lmao
The mod we all want and need 😂
Id chop my hand off if I heard her stupid voice again in that game lmao
Bro has the ability to drop quest items nothing more valuable than that.
“A new hand touches the… who are you?!”
“I’m the local skooma addict… who are you?…
Bro that beacon is so annoying I should just give it to Nazeem and hope he follows the orders