Skyrim’s giants are more than you think…
Giants in Skyrim roam the Whiterun plains with their mammoths following close behind. They may appear as mere beasts, but they are more intelligent than you may think! Some Giant sites, like Secunda’s Kiss, are spiritual grounds decorated in mammoth bones!
Taqs:skyrim,skyrim lore explained,skyrim lore,skyrim giants,giants,elder scrolls
コメント (97)
Thats cool and all, but I REALLY need their toes
“granted personal space” i was PASSSING him on the road🙄
Why are there no female giants?
I found a glitch that I’ve never heard of in the game…
I was level 15 and found Boethiah’s shrine, and I wanted to see what would happen if I told my follower to get on it, at first it didn’t work but it eventually did. What happened was my follower didn’t move towards it but that sphere went around the pillar and I got my follower to move by teleporting somewhere else. The entire time afterwards my follower would be one shot by me and enemies, mind you I don’t play with mods.
I bro they missed such an opportunity to have a city of friendly-ish giants in black reach, it’s abandoned, there is a ton of space, and getting in is no easy thing for physically weaker species, making it almost perfect for them to dwell in, maybe not many but a “small” relatively peaceful village would have been so amazing to see
I could have sworn you guys did a video that mentioned the possible Dwener/Giant connection. Something about testing the poison on them that was then given to the snow elves, turning the giants into beasts of burden/frames to base Centurions off of. Or that was one of my hallucinations.
Is there any explanation as to why we never see any female Giants?
Are they sleeping with the mammoths to make baby giants?
I think my biggest crime in this game is mercilessly killing giants. Why does their loot have to be so good
They have clothes. Why would anyone assume they aren’t intelligent?
Thanks for making me feel bad for all the giants I massacred
I have to build and buy Many abodes to house all of the TOES I have collected. Death to the Giants…
They’ve also harnessed space travel.
Once, i saw a dragon attacking a giant and i used dragonrend to bring it down. We both killed the dragon, and as i stood RIGHT beside the giant he just grunted and walked away. As if he said thank you😢 it was beautiful
Tell me your an N’wah without telling me your an N’wah
Early game Im always like “wow they are just vibing… live and let live.”
Then I get into the late game and get a new weapon I wanna try out and my attitude changes quickly. Power corrupts and a sufficient deterrence is is necessity. 😂
Giantish, lol. Giants actually had their own, should I say, empire, at some point.
They actually used to be way smarter too until they made a deal with the dwemer (Simuler tothe snow elves) and loss a lot of inelegance.
My favourite thing about them, is that they’re the reason the Dwemer are called dwarves. Dwemer are elvish, meaning they’re taller than most humans, but they came into contact with the giants first, and to the giants, a very tall elf is still very small
man, I remember reading Gamestop articles about Skyrim before it released and when I read about the giants I was so excited about the prospect of how I might interact with them and like what sorta culture they’d have. I imagined like a separate non-human settlement.
I guess the pseudo space program we got was okay too.
Yeah nice try, these are just enemies as far as the game is concerned, who tf cares what culture they have if the game doesn’t.
Not making a female giant model was really stupid and lazy though. Like, come on bro.
Skyrim Space Program recruiters
SOunds like it would be really fun if I didn’t keep getting stuck in the wood pile at the beginning. SOunds fun!
don’t forget sending you to space.
Uncivilized brutes? A person playing this game for the first time can immediately tell they aren’t a violent threat until you come near them.
Forgot to mention that the Mammoths grow such a bond with the Giants, that if you kill a Giant near a Mammoth, any Mammoth begins to attack you.
I wished there was a way to befriend them or at least have one giant follower.
It would’ve been cool to find hidden “cities” full of giants. Say where you could find different people from different races chilling there to help translate for quests
Sometimes I catch them trying to run off with cows at one of my properties. That’s when they get deleted
Im a dm and my campaign setting takes place in the elder scrolls and mainly skyrim
And i always loved giants of skyrim so i introduced snow fire and cloud giants to different terrains and made them their own unique locations , culture and political systems and i love it
Why do Giants have greater souls and Mammoths grand souls? If they have language and fashion tools and clothes one would think Giants should have black souls.
I wonder if they are some type of forgotten mer given their ears. Perhaps they worship the moon as well and their symbols are representative of their relationship with their god.
They’re basically just nomads, which have historically always been treated as less then, irl
I always purge these abominations.
Wish they had a quest or something that let you side/be peaceful with them. Imagine a giant tribe with loads of Mammoth’s.
Some of them are nice and don’t attack
I still maintain the giants are related to Atmorans, Ysgramor was canonically massive, he used Wuuthrad, a two handed axe, in one hand.
Remember the guy you encounter… don’t be too fascinantes by them, you will end he same way😂😂
Was there a time in the elder scrolls lore where the gaints were more advanced and had there owns cities and stuff?
As the Dragonborn you also….. apparently….sell a goat to a giant implying your character speaks it adding to the intelligence of the giants with them able to do trade
But sometimes they attack my lakehouse manor
You don’t say
“are much more”
In lore they are. And to any player it was obvious that they were less alien then khajiit with their weird biology for example. Hence why giants toenail, elven ear and human heart are quite questionable alchemic ingredients. However Bethesda screwed them over big time. All because they are too big to enter locations, lol. It would have been cool to see those guys actually explored AND been more of a threat if annoyed. Imagine giants armed with bows, javelins or slings and protected by fur armor and bone helmets? Imagine Forsworn bribing a few to help them?
Can we have a theory video on what mammoth cheese tastes like please
Don’t be too hard on the giants. Much like the Ents in LOTR, the giants are just angry and edgy because all the women seem to be missing.
I wish you could have a giant as a follower
I would 100% get after some giussy if I could. Talk about tall women, am I right?
And yet, aren’t they only a greater soul gem?
Mammoth cheese
I have a mod that adds logical additions to the Imperial and Stormcloak armies.
Stormcloaks got Giants added as a rare spawn. Having to fight a Giant in full Stormcloak armor is a lot more fun than the squishies.
They also give bandits an express ticket on their giant space program and occasionally the Dragonborn. I got launched over high hrothgar once by a giant. Went from the giant cap near white run, over the mountain and landed in riften hold on brynoffs stand in the markets.
I wish that they were used as like mercenaries in the civil war
Of course this pops up as I’m on a giant slaying campaign
Ligma Balls Scott
“Many would assume giants are mere beasts”
I realized this shortly after I massacred the Giants of Secunda. Everyone that man and woman we all feel terrible afterwards. Then we go about living our lives
I wonder if a nord was ever raised by a giant
You tellin me that we’re 37 Skyrim releases in and I still can’t speak to a giant?
I wonder if giants are hermaphrodites or a one-sex race… 😅
I kill giants on sight.
What, no deep dive this time…
I respect them. They’re quite kind, to help me fighting a dragon.
They are beast for the few seconds before I unalive them. 🤣
i find it intriguing that mamoths have a more powerfull soul then giants
I always remember this one giant who owned the land around his camp legally and there was a sign put up warning people that he earned the land or smth like that. Just the idea of him walking into town and sitting in a regular sized chair to do paperwork will never not be funny to me.
They barely attack you even if you enter thier camps. I feel bad killing them
I’ve always loved the Giants in game. I find them so interesting and I wish they would receive a bit more… something, I guess. Just feels like there’s so much more to be fleshed out below the surface for this unique race of people with their unique customs and physiology.
Dunno if bethesda did their research on tusks but they are basically teeth carving into them would probably be very painful for the mammoths
Giants are one of my absolute favorite parts of Skyrim lore.
no if only there were giants that the player could talk to and where are all the lady giants
This was a giant help
I always knew they were smart I mean they basically farm mammoths and warn you that they will mess your day up if you get too close. There was even a farmer that would bring cows to the giants as a peace offering
According to a book, *Giants: A Discourse*, Nords and Giants seem to share ancestry all the way back to the Atmorans. Quote from the book:
“But nonetheless, we are connected to these giants, for we both share a common ancestor. The Atmorans were huge and smart. Nords descended from these ancient folk became the small (relatively speaking), intelligent people that we are today. Giants, on the other hand, became the huge, stupid creatures that we watch from a distance. Once we honored our cousins with offerings of cows, but this practice has fallen out of favor. Perhaps that is to the detriment of Nord villages everywhere.
Today, most Nords refuse to acknowledge the obvious connection between us and the giants. We treat the giants as a nuisance, steal their grazing lands, and even hunt their mammoths for sport. This will be our undoing. To disrespect the giants is to disrespect ourselves. If we can’t learn to live with our huge cousins, I fear that conflict could become all-out war. And that would be a shame.”
Where are the female Giants?
I really, REALLY wish there was a DLC (or a mod most likely) where you could overtime peacefully interact with a giant. Like it’d be really nice if you could literally lay down your weapons and just like offer something to the giant or try to make it clear you have non hostile intentions.
Beth really needed to have more lore/quests/interactions with giants in game to flesh them out more. Felt like a waste
I like to imagine that someone has befriended some Giants to not only be protectors of a town but also armored them to be a towering Juggernaut
Love the giants from skyrim. Wonder if there’s any mods that would allow for a charisma perk that allows you to engage in dialogue with the giants. that would be so cool
I mean Giants are quite intelligent they did create the elder scrolls space program
something I was lucky to notice is that the giants dont simply attack you, they warn you to back off before attacking.
Huh. I knew some giants could talk but I never even thought about how giants make all their own weapons and clothes themselves. They’re like little farmers, huh?
Fingers crossed to see a female giant in elder scrolls 6?
Never seen an adolescent one either
Hopefully there can be a quest or two involving intelligent giants in TES VI
Of course Giants are intelligent. They figured out a way to send you to space while swinging the club downwards to the ground.
I think giants are giant.
The giants are the first race in all of Tamriel to have a space program🚀
Half giant built please. Would be cooool.
I wish there were more interactions with them. Like they are literally a people but the game treats them the same as bandits sometimes.
Mammoth cheese is worth the risk of getting launched into space .
I like how there’s just a random one in Blackreach, also that other one just walking his cow. 😂
Love your content!
I wish giants were a playable race in the games, though I understand why they’re not.
Giants invented macaroni