Don’t mess with a SKYRIM Chicken… #shorts #skyrim
Everyone knows you don’t mess with a skyrim chicken…
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コメント (783)
My first time playing skyrim and I learned that lesson the HARD way
Skyrim chicken vs zelda chicken 💀
Is that a minecraft chicken voice?
Botw chickens are much deadlier
That is so true 🤣
Gah the guards are stupid one time some guards were being attacked by bandits and I went to help the guards and they started attacking me instead
I learned not to attack chicken after ocarina of time
This chicken: dont burn me or my guard will kill you
The ledgend of zelda chicken: who need a guard?
Yeah its real im ded in guard
The fact that i did that in riverwood and escaped and later guard came and arrested me
Bro, chickens have more respect than a king
The worse thing is that chickens and other animals count as witnesses sometimes if you ausalit of kill someon even if no one else is around
Oh chicken nugget
If you hurt a chicken in Zelda, you might as well say goodbye to your family
As a Skyrim chicken, I can confirm we sound like Minecraft chickens
Tell me that jumpscare was not scarier than Marionette… 🥲
I figured that out the hard way, like the whole village was after me
I did this my first time in riverwood and was so confused
I Miss you skyrim, after i finish this game….
They would attack even for killing a mosquito lol
Этот гениальнейший человек буквально заставил меня поиграть в Skyrim
GC ты можешь халявна лутать скины для кс го выполнение заданий просто веди ZaHFk2zV этод кол и получи 20 монет удачи
5 bounty added to Riverwood. 10 to Whiterun. 😂😂
Related from child hood hahaha
Oh but I can kill a guard an yield and go to jail for a day, but when I kill a chicken on accident because I kicked something I dropped im immediately getting my ass clapped
Have you play Roblox?
Casually kills chimken then turns to look at the guard and then guard says u have committed crimes against Skyrim
Guard: YOU HAVE COMMITTED CRIMES AGAINST SKYRIM. Me: You didn’t even do that when I tried to lockpick a lock, Burning the chicken made you mad though…
The guard: 😐😑😐🫥🫥🫥
I like h
Chicken hitboxes is holy
This actually happened to me the first time I played
Why He kill a chicken
I watch that video and suddenly my mouth taste like chicken
Smart people, now come along… 🏃🏿♂️
bro just pulled out a fist
because he killed a chicken he is a criminal 😂😂😂
stop criminal you cimmited crimes again skyrim ands it people what say you
That Skyrim chicken had the sound of Minecraft chicken😂😂
Never mess with a chicken… there are daedric gods of Skyrim now…
When I first started playing skyrim I went to riverwood to meet that blacksmith after escaping helgen.. I saw a chicken there and I was like “free food” I killed it and the entire village wanted to slaughter me
Cuccos have taught me to fear all fowl.
That is so true
What about sekiro chickens?
A 100% facts
In Skyrim it’s not i st chickens you can’t mess with but cows as well
It looks like killing a chicken is serious crime in skyrim🤣🤣🤣🤣
Dude when I discovered that chickens can in fact report bounties I was both irritated and intrigued
I’ve put over 500 hours into this game which probably doesn’t sound like a lot for a 11 yr old game but for me it’s a metric fk ton. Usually ‘playing a game a lot’ for me translates into around 150 hours lmao
That’s so true, don’t fry the chicken
Poor kfc
Don’t fuck with Zelda chickens either,
You don’t want to know what they do
I did this once. Everyone in the starting town hates me now.
In skyrim chicken need guard
In ocarina of time guard need chicken
10 years later and people are still doing chicken vids
In Zelda you hit a chicken you have started a war the first thing you do is run to a building that you can enter it will get rid of the chickens I’m talking from experience they don’t mess around 💀
Can’t horses catch you lockpicking?
Why the chicken sounds like Minecraft chicken 😎
The Chickens also used to be able to Call the Guard on you if they caught you committing a crime.
Pov: Chicken from Botw
That chicken was gonna snitch
The first time I ever played Skyrim I had literally just got off of playing Minecraft and I killed the chicken in Riverwood and *everyone* got mad at me x’D
Yea me too
That’s a valuable animal!!!
“Skyrim chicken”
Minecraft chicken noises: am i a joke to you
The villagers in Skyrim just need motivation. I would like to see Alduin deal with the villagers when he accidently burn a chicken
The biggest crime in Skyrim
А fallout??
Bro used The Minecraft chicken sound💀💀💀
All I wanted was a chicken breast and now I have to kill another guard
Technically this is a crime.
Here they are:
-Animal Cruelty
-Destruction of property (Since a chicken can be considered business related)
The owner of said chicken can press charges and receive compensation.
Of course, the Jurisdiction in Skyrim takes the murder of chickens far more seriously than in real life. I guess in Skyrim this crime is punishable by instant jail time and/or charges. Resisting arrest results in likely death penalty.
“Note to self” Do not mess with Skyrim chickens 🤣🤣
We need a don’t mess with a Breath of the Wild Cuckoo
This was the first I didn’t when I played skyrim for the first time
That is exactly what happened to me when I killed a chicken
I SWEAR!how does 69 always sneak into these videos!?!?!
1000 bounty added to the Reach
I like how he used minecraft chicken death sound effects in a skyrim video lol.
“You have committed crimes against skyrim” ☠️
Link: “First time?”
Don’t mess with The Legend of Zelda chicken.
Can you do that one pls? 🥺
It why I don’t hunt
At one point I killed a chicken and got a 1000 gold bounty
Don’t mess with a ZELDA chickens
Ты забыл главное ” furuda ” сказать чтобы сделать магию •∆•
Like if I tricked you
… Read more
One time in Skyrim I accidentally punched a chicken and the whole village tried to kill me I went back to the village and they were still hunting me down
Just wait until you play The legend of Zelda
Lockpicking level 69 wow !
Just become thane of all holds, guards won’t bother you no more
I once hit a chicken on accident and got banned from whiterun forever
When you burn the chicken
“Turn into KFC”
guard: you committed crime to Skyrim
“ the skyrim guard: *dont you dare hurt my child.* “
Oh the reason for this is because when you kill a chicken it has the same effect as if you’ve killed a human. I don’t know if that makes it funnier but yknow.
Why is this so damn truuuuue
In whiterun at the beginning of the game I killed a chicken I was swarmed by guards
+50 Bounty to Whiterun
because I don’t use the fire to burn the door so I can enter
Chicken:CS:GO sound:Minecraft killer: Skyrim
You shoulda made it where bit zoomed to show the chicken and it was just some chicken nuggets, it’s was still good tho XD
This gives me botw vibes
Everybody’s gangsta till all of Riverwood is on your tail halfway across Skyrim for accidentally hitting a chicken
It’s like in assassins creed odyssey
Mincraft sounds… mmmmmmm…)
What about the chickens from the legend of Zelda
Altern title: Don’t punch the Chickens in Legend of Zelda
make botw
I killed a chicken in riften for food and a whole village just swarmed me and killed me
Also NPC’s: *blaming the wind after making clear eye contact with the thief*
This reminds me of when I got this game for Christmas the year it came out and while fighting a dragon I accidentally killed a chicken 🤣 and all the guards in Riverwood we’re trying to kill my first novice of multiple trades character and I had forgotten to previous save for a long time lol and I didn’t get away tho I tried to run I feel like ridiculous because when you get barlgruf to send troops you can run out the gate and there like three gaurds running there but when I was getting out down there was like 20 of them
The guard didn’t even pull out their sword 😂
Am I tripping or did he just try to lockpick a chicken?
Skyrim 😍
i did that mistake on my god darn playthrough never again and if i do i save before entering
Bro got no sowrd
Dovakiin: kills chicken Skyrim guard : yOu hAvE cOmmItEd CrImEs against Skyrim
LmfaO so true
my brother killed a chicken in riverwoods from hes first play through he was shock of everyone started trying kill them
My babysitter House looks just like that one
On top of that, I’ve downloaded a mod that makes chickens explode when killed.
This is the first thing I ever did when I started the game
My first time playing skyrim, I attacked a chicken after escaping helgen
I had to restart my game because it autosaved after I killed the chicken and I had no other saves
Don’t mess with chickens
Minecraft chicken noise?😂
The only Reason for this happening is…
They are vegan
Why so google perfeckt video ❤️❤️❤️
Yep first thing I did accidentally even and the whole town was after me
u should to move the dagger slowly to open the lock,I was really good at this ☕️
I did that mistake first time i played the game lmao.
Dont mess with a Zelda chicken either
Bro, I was cooking wtf
So true tho
The Minecraft chicken noises 💀
Remember when the chicken could report you for crimes lol loved that glitch
Bruh this is how I wasn’t able to progress in the game
*steps on a bug*
“670 Bounty added to whiterun “
I did that one time in I forgot the places name but it’s after you get outta Helen and to the next place.
More like don’t mess with Arnold’s chicken
First time playing i killed a chicken and the entire vilkage was coming after me
Why the fuck did i think he was lockpicking the chicken??
I think we have all made this mistake in Skyrim….😅
I want to know the theory of behind why the chickens are so important the whole village will attack you if you kill a chicken
When my brother started playing,he accidentally killed a chicken and we laughed so hard at him and then he didn’t return to riverwood for like a week
Wooo 100st liker
Yo what do you use for editing
Skyrim players: *commit genocide and war crimes*
Skyrim players : *crounch*
Guard : must have been the wind
Skyrim players : *kills a chicken*
Guard : so you have chosen death
Skyrim players : *crounch*
Guard : *procceed to still beat the shit out of the players*
Bruh the MC chicken sound
So true though
You have committed crimes against
Meanwhile me in skyrim killing every single guard from every city
forget the guard what about zelda? those Cuckoo are about that shit, call up all the homies to get on your ass
I am so good at lock picking on that game! 😅
Don’t attack a cucco in Zelda or you will pay
It’s worse at the start when most players first walk into Riverwood, there are no guards so the locals simply tear you limb from limb.
so chickens have the exact same value when you kill them of a humman
even the the skyrim chickens can’t match zelda’s cuckoos
“Skyrim chicken”
*Minecraft chicken noises*
Minecraft chicken sounds 😂😂😂
Why do skyrim guards sound like arnold?
When play skyrim i
That has happened to me
Wait… I know you
Alduin: *Something in Dragon tongue*
Consider yourself lucky only 1 guard came, usually you aggro the entire town even the old people.
That guard has a nice sword there
Should’ve quick saved man
Thats why i mod in a dessert eagle
That’s how vegans people act
I love how I can just tell the build you’re running from the little details
A heavy armor mage who sneaks around a lot and has a high lockpicking stat
Heavy armor becaude of the helmet looking a bit like a mixture of the iconic Iron Helmet and a Steel Horned Helmet
Mage because you decided to put the flames spell on your right hand, implying that destruction magic is your go to for damage, as opposed to most non mage builds who have magic on the left hand
Sneak because of the fact you only decided to crouch when you were lockpicking, implying you have the skill that makes you invisible via crouching
And lockpicking because you’re not opposed to just taking shit from locked places for curiosity’s sake
The gaurd is the chickens Jojo stand
damn riverwood
What I mean by weak is the one where it makes people shake but doesn’t physically move them
Killing a chicken was the first thing i did when i exited the tutorial cave leading to the first town.
Learned the hard lesson when i walked into town and everyone came to kill me. it took me me five minute to figure out why everyone was mad. hahahaha
It really be like that tho lmfao😂😂😂 also weirdly enough like owner animals can be crime witnesses like for example u kill a guy next to a owned horse and the game counts the horse as a witness lmao
I once did this in whiterun, and I got mobbed by the whole village
bless you, skyrim player 😂✌️
The guard tho- 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Zelda taught me never to mess with chickens
TLOZ fans know this all to well
Gosh I would do that to a chicken in blades and sorcery nomad, I think the chicken model is the same as well
Chickens in Assassin’s Creed fight back
No amount of buckets on heads will save you from this crime
At least the chicken doesn’t call up his gang and do a drive by on yo ahh like in Zelda.
How dare u harm that chicken
Btw im the skyrim guard i love chicken dude not chicken food but a alive chicken
I remember my friend died to a level 5 chicken
Aucarina of time on n64. when u blow the wrong song and the whole game of monsters come after u
I didn’t see the other door at first and I thought he was trying to lock pick that chicken lol
Pensé que iba ser el prota víctima de la propia gallina, como las gallinas de TLOZ
That is so true. When you kill a chicken in any village, town, or city in skyrim, you will have a bounty on your head for like 1,000 gold pieces and all guards are hostile on sight if you resist arrest.
That’s so realistic. In real life we will become a punch bag after killing neighbor’s chicken
Zelda BOTW chickens: Allow us to introduce ourselves
The first time I played Skyrim, I killed a chicken in Riverwood thinking it was like Minecraft. Yea, wasn’t too popular after that.
As a Legend of Zelda player I absolutely agree. Never. Mess. With the chickens
I like how the chicken makes Minecraft chicken sounds
Bro was like “what is happening here?”
Bro just for a chicken
Kills the Emperor of Tamriel, no one cares. Kill a chicken the whole fricking world wants you dead. 😂😂😂
I had a similar time playing this game,
I killed a chicken for food and got softlocked because it was right at the start of the game and the entire village attacked me
Should of shown are KFC bucket
the minecraft chicken sounds
I don’t know why they make so much of a deal about chickens
you have committed a crime against Skyrim and her people.
what say you in your defence?
you’ll never take me alive!
so true, i can’t even take a fucking flower without getting attacked by guards
I mean it is somebodies property
Ты не шаришь за игру
If you attack a chicken in skyrim the Empire and Aldmeri Dominion unite to totally disintergrate you
You have 50 gold bounty or jail
In legend of Zelda the chickens duplicate
Bro this is Minecraft chicken sounds 💀💀
So true. I accidentally killed a chicken with a ancient nord war hammer and the entire village went hostile on me.
Remember i dropped skyrim right after i started it because i hit a chicken, died and lost like 30 minutes of progress
dont mess with ZELDA’S chicken
LITERALLY HAPPENED IN MY FIRST PLAYTHROUGH. Burnt a chicken to death so I was forced to wipe out the whole village from the map 🤷♂️
Check out episode 1 of Adventures of the Dragonborn out NOW ‼️
Fun fact! Animals in Skyrim can report crimes
This is granny 3 minecraft skyrim real life
Oh you have chosen a magnitude of death you will never understand…. you will never leave Skyrim alive.
I have had a chicken give me a 5 gold bounty for seeing me lockpick after which I killed and had another 5 gold bounty for another chicken seeing the murder of the other chicken…
At that point I just kept the bounty
Now do zelda chickens
Now your getting an arrow in the knee
Figure them out lock picking just grab a dinner plate put it next to the door and just walk against the door and then you’ll go through it
This meme originated from the chicken in riverwood, due to the citizens there being part of the “whiterun law enforcement” team they attack when u have a bounty, and since they can’t arrest you there’s no way to get them to stop until u no longer have a bounty
Zelda old games: First time?
My dumb ass at 3am thought that chicken was real
I discovered this yesterday by trying to evolve the illusion skill by shooting the chicken with the fear spell instead of the calming spell
As soon I saw the chicken, i said kick it into the sun
😬🤨😐😑😶😵🤕🤯🥸🥶😱🥺😭😥 not the chicken chickens are innocent in skyrim I have no use unless I kill em for an egg 😀
If they don’t see it, they don’t care. Also, if you got that sweet Thieves Guild hookup, you can just bail yourself out every time.
Only legends know those are Minecraft chicken sounds
Same goes for the legend of Zelda.
The worst crime
Kill once a Skyrim chicken, you may survive.
Hit once a Zelda chicken, you will die twice.
-master oogway
Don’t mess with a BOTW cucco🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔
Ah the first animal I killed in Skyrim, the chickun
That is so true I killed a chicken ran away and the world just stopped I ran threw a wall and the world had no more textures
Guard : you have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people what say you in your defense
Player : pays off the bounty
Guard : smart man now come along with us we’ll take any stolen goods and you’ll be free to go after you play the fine of course
Also him: Starts to sneak
Guard: Must have been my imagination
The chickens will tell on you in Skyrim
Me literally steps on a rock:
Guard: You have committed crimes against skyrim and her people!
Hitting a chicken 3 time in the legend of zelda mean death
I love how when he lockpicked the door he didn’t even look at it… Did he lockpick the chicken?
I Died laughing when the guard just stared then glanced at the chicken for a minute and finally said something 😂😂
Stop right there criminal scum!!
Skyrim Chickens are sacred creaures of Tamriel that should never be messed with
So true I try to kill a chicken and they run up to me and try to KILL ME
Can’t tell you how much times I’ve heard that also the 1st person to reply is fatherless and a gay furry and fucks they’re plushies.
69 nice
“you have committed crimes against KFC”
Me using the wheelbarrows in the game’s broken engine to my advantage what
*murders one chicken* the entirety of riftten
A true Skyrim officer lets the criminal murder the victims in order to preserve the purity of justice.
Me: kills chicken for food because it’s actually reasonable
The guard that was standing behind me:* You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people*
Pov:im seeing my cookie being eat
I agree with this but I look very carefully before I kill anything in Skyrim such as chickens lol
Heh, botw chickens don’t even need guards
Сто раз пересмотрела)
Bro that’s Minecraft chicken sound rite
Realize how he uses Minecraft chicken sounds
I remember that in my first playthrough I killed a chicken hoping for meat but instead I got death
Kills chicken
Gaurds: you have comitted crimes against skyrim how do you plead
Player: proceeds to take on the entire gaurd
“you never should have come here”
You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people, what say you in your defense?
This actually happened to me
Almost as dumb as the horse being a witness. Like the horse can talk?
Legend of Zelda chickens don’t rely on guards
how about a cuckoo, i need to see that
Bruh that happened to me my first time playing Skyrim
Omg that was the first thing i did when i got to the first village 🤣🤣
D O *N O T . . . .* you’ll Die, Litterally.
Killing chickens is the worst crime in Skyrim, all the NPCs will attack you, and they will never forget what you did🤣
Well the first time
I ever played Skyrim on pc I found out the hard way
Can you do resident evil?
You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people, what say you in your defense
I remember just starting and killing a chicken next thing I know I’m being jumped by the whole of Riverwood
my first time I hit a chicken and the whole village came after me 😂
I love how he used the mincraft chicken noise
It’s clearly the law passed by the animal welfare community of Skyrim
A chicken costs 25 gold to purchase.
The 200 gold bounty is called for.
*kills a citizen, hits jarl, etc*
“I will fine you 100 gold”
*Kills a chicken*
“So you choose jail for the rest of your life?”
And that is why I always quick save
So true
Is nobody gonna talk abt how the sound effect is the Minecraft chicken
Ah yes the chickens got tired of fus ro dah
Try free fire . Go on 🔥.
😂yes🤣 The chickens🤣🤣😂😂
Nothing like accidentally killing a chicken while defending a town from a dragon, only to have a horde of guards trying to arrest you, now days I just let it happen.
Don’t touch chicks the chicks can kill you
And it was then the oh shit moment came, when the dragonborn shits himself when the guard looked at the chicken on fire LMFAO🤣🤣🤣🤣 before arresting his ass too funny though.
BotW for me be like:
Man: *fails to lockpick and burns chicken”
Just love the Arnold voice you have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people, What do you say in you’re defense?
Chikn makin Minecraft sounds
This happened so many times to me
Very cute Soldier
It is worse in the legeng of Zelda
Why does an ownerless shoe bother me so much
So you have chosen death!
Press f9
Player: *burns chicken*
The same thing happened to me the first time I played 😭
Why dont you post something else instead of Skyrim.
Remember when that chicken would’ve reported the crime
Just don’t hurt the cucco if you want to live
I attacked a chicken the first time I played Skyrim… Learned my lesson.
I killed a chicken in Riverwood once and I promise and entire army just spawned out of nowhere and completely murdered me.
“You have commit crimes against skyrim and her people”
Skyrim chicken!? It should be a legend of Zelda chicken that little shit calls every other chicken in the universe!
“You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?”
Never not be funny lol
Or even “By the order of the jarl, stop right there”
Dont mess with cuccos in hyrule…youll perish
So true😂😂😂😂
Those minecraft sounds
This actually happened to me once.
Yeaaa, I wouldn’t go for the chickens 🤣🤣
What the chiken done wrong
No it’s CS:GO players that do this
This includes me.
Why’d he try and lockpick the chicken
I remember loosing 2k gold cause i gave Frenzy to a chicken at Windhelm. I got to Windhelm by foot and I was farming spells against bears in the way so the last quicksave was really farback so I had to tank the lost of 2k and the worst part was that I wasnt able to steal em back with paralysis cause the guard instantly entered the tavern and list the gold in its inventory
Is that a Minecraft chicken???
**kills a chicken**
Everyone in a 500 km radius: *P E A C E W A S N E V E R A N O P T I O N
Wait….i finding this lock picking game for 5 year because my brother play it
I like that he has shield, helmet but he cant afford a shord
Every time I kill a chicken the guards kill me 😑
You should do the chickens from legend of Zelda. Or Cuccos whatever you call them.
Me : * Attacking a chicken In Zelda *
The chicken and his little cousins : so you chosen the dead
Me: oh f****
Skyrim chicken
Me: kills the Emperor of the Legion
The entirety of Skyrim: meh
Me: Kills a chicken
Skyrim Guard=ThatVeganTeacher
But legend of Zelda chickens
The Minecraft sounds lol
Ive never seen this channel before. i did watch the skyrim guy, so im happy someone else is taking the reigns from that disgrace of a human. I love this type of content! 😍
I think its funny how its very similar to the minecraft audio of a chicken 🤔
Don’t mess with the Zelda chickens either
dont mess with cucco
I killed a chicken, in front of a gurad, with a bow and arrow
Hope you love cart rides to Helgen
Zelda: Hold my beer
Chickens are sacred to the [blank] people
Not as dangerous as attacking cuccos in Zelda OOT 🤣
10 years of playing this game and I still haven’t touched the chicken.
*kill a chicken
anyone else see how the lock picking said 69- lol
Skyrim chicken those sounds like minecraft chik?
So true 🤣 it happened when you first played Skyrim
Well you done pisted off the wrong town
The chickens have full citizenship in skyrim 😂😂😂
500th comment
Nah, the real chickens you don’t want to mess with are Legend of Zelda chickens because each one of them is a God of pure CHAOS
This is true
*_The Legend of Zelda_*_ joins the chat…_
You monster
Не , магия фуфло , кинжалы и хорошая броня-топ!(кроме магии хила)
Me: sees this
Looking back in the legend of Zelda cuccos
Me:looks back at this one
Doesn’t know which chickens are worse,
How bout a zelda chicken or a fnaf wet floor bot
The villagers are worse little kids come charging at you😂
Bro just crouch
The feeling of absolute DREAD whenever that music starts playing.
That’s nothing compared to Cuckoos in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild!
i learned this the hard way 🙂
All he wanted was some chicken
I actudently hit a chicken in the begging of skyrim it did not end well
Yo las golpeaba y la recompensa era 100000
Yea that was Skyrim back then I mess those days
Zelda botw chicken attack is my favorite
neither in the legend of zelda
Fun fact : in Skyrim animals can snitch on you if they see commit a crime
minecraft chicken : now it is my lunch
I haven’t played Skyrim in a while so if you burn a chicken does it have cooked meat in its inventory?
This is so accurate. I killed an animal at Falkreath but got a bounty at Whiterun because apparently it’s illegal to defend yourself in Skyrim?
I remember when I first started playing Skyrim I killed a chicken and everyone in the town started attacking me
I did this and i had to die
An AC Odyssey chicken is the same level as you. I once decided to kill one, I got smoked
Try Zelda chicken’s.
And in the legend of Zelda don’t mess with the chickens ever they’ll swarm you
1000 bounty added to white run
Did you know your horse is a snitch? It can detect crimes you commit and report them like an npc
I’ve been killing vampires and accidentally hit a chicken within the city limits and then the town decided that they didn’t care about the vampires anymore, they wanted me 😅
“Sto right there criminal scum, you have committed crimes against skyrim and her people, what say you” **attack** “Then pay with your blood”
Ah yes, my favorite line in existence
Every fucking time
Hahaha 2ait till you see the flying chickens in Zelda they have their own cutlt
I made that mistake in vr got all the solders on me for an accidental swing
Next don’t mess with a zelda chicken
Skyrim: character gets punished by attacking a chicken
Zelda: first time?
Now this is Skycraft (if you know what I mean)
Is no one gonna talk about it said 69 l
The little look!!😂😂😂
This was my first mistake in skyrim I was screaming at my frien what am I supposed to do
All I did was kill a chicken and now the whole towns after meeeeee
She said reload a save
I had to do the entire totorial again and walk to the town with an overloaded inventory
Sometimes chimkens are gods
I love that he looks back and forth first 🤣
I swear chickens will become the holy mascot of the gaming community one day, ate this rate.
Okay but Zelda is worse 💀
I remember I once ran over a horse in Skyrim by accident.
I heard someone yell, “That’s a sacred animal!”
This was my first mistake playing skyrim
Bro fr yesterday a chicken pissed me off and i tried to kill it only to see a guard behind me like seriously it’s a chicken
69 level in lock picking!???
Dayum nice edits with that flame
yOu hAvE CoMmITeD cRiMeS aGaINsT sKyRiM!
2 minutes later
Need something?
I remember doing this my first play through of skyrim. I was so confused.
I’ve become so good at lock picking in fallout because of this lol
Also:dont mess with a cs chicken instead: press e on it and make it your pet 🙂
in skyrim chickens are protected more than Dunmers
The hidden 10th Divine…The Chicken…
+1000 prime
I didn’t knew about the chicken thing when I first played, and boy did the whole village did not like, it took me a while to understand why they were attacking me lol
I omce save i believe it was riverwood from a dragon but apparently i killed a chicken by accident during the fight so the whole village attacked me
Cuccos: *hold my egg*
The fucking chickens man
Ik how it feels I killed a chicken on my 1st playthrough and got a 40 gold bounty
I killing chicken from soul game
This happend to me🤣
Zelda games be like:
Link: slaps a chicken
Chickens: im about to wip some bodies %s
So true
That what happened to me
Ah. No quick save. His first mistake.
“Skyrim Chickens”
Continues to play Minecraft chicken noises
Actually, if there were guards, you could just pay the fine and walk free. There were no guards in Riverwood at the beginning of the game so the villagers won’t forgive you.
The way the guard looks at the dead chicken 💀💀💀
Mais que vídeo bosta
Learned from the hard way.
Nice vfx dude
The Skyrim guard is actually a representative of PETA
After death:Hey I know you
Zelda chicken:hold my beer
Um no that’s not correct the guards don’t attack…….the whole village attacks you
Is skyrim a good game?
Bringing back everyone’s ptsd and craving for kfc.
I found this out the hard way.
He has commited crimes against humanity
Me: especially the Zelda chickens… They scare me.
Damn that song… 🥲😭😭😭😭
That chicken just went, “sizzle sizzle”😂
It was in that moment that he new he fucked up
The true masters of Skyrim
Chicken: Related to any npc and high ranked members of all factions.
Skyrim with Minecraft chicken noises
Me: *kills chicken*
Gaurd: you have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people
Me: *drinks 100 sneak potion*
Gaurd: huh must have been the wind
It’s like Minecraft when you kill a villager infront of a iron golem
the fact he pulled out hes imaginary sword makes this vid way better
AC Odyssey chickens actually attack you in groups and have decent damage
You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her chickens LOL, surrender or DIE🤦🏽♂️🤣
where is the whole town chasing you
Oh its on now🤣🤣
Thats my mom after I breath
Why yo outlet upside-down
That was the first mistake I ever made in Skyrim
I was just minding my own business after I left Helgen
I saw the chicken and I thought , hell why not!
*40 bounty added to Whiterun*
Let’s just say I never hurt animals AROUND PEOPLE ever again.
I mean, do you count humans as animals…? Whatever it’s fine
That is not accurate at all! Everyone who has played Skyrim knows that killing a chicken turns you into a public enemy that the whole town wants to kill, not just a single guard!
-It’s an ironic joke, but also the fact that a whole town wants to murder you if you kill a chicken is actually a thing-
I still dont understand why killing a chicken gives u a 40 gold bounty
Good scene is not,it is the best of scene in the game in real life version,hahaha,I like it.
Chicker rideeerrrrrr
clearly remember This was the first mistake I made in skyrim
Why use minecraft chiken sound?
It’s not what it looks like I’m making kfc
So true
Him i want some fried chicken guard no no no
At least it is not legend of zelda
I hate this you kill a chicken and get attacked but lockpicking nothing happens is really annoying.
This happened to me once I killed a chicken and I got 1000 bounty
Mans just wanted some fried chicken
Lol his pick locking skills were 69
It goes for Zelda as well
Edit:I know from experience
Also pretty real in zelda
This happened to me on my first run when I entered whiterun
Killing minecraft not good ok in skyrim not hod what gok
This was how I died the 1st time I ever played skyrim
One day I hit a chicken ONCE and all the town started to hunt me
Men he ded
skyrim gaurds are stiff gigachads
Your about 9 years too late with these dumb videos
I always do they to the chickens and i get bounty on 100 gold i am mad at the gaurds
Don’t mess with a zelda chicken. They don’t need a guard. All they need is their brothers.
I remember when I was new to the game, I saw a chicken, killed it and this old granny went MENTAL
you have committed a crime….. pay with your blood
I thought he tried to lockpick the chicken
😂😂 So true!
Mess with the chicken: get attacked by the whole fricking village
Also don’t pick up and throw chickens in Zelda games 😂
I once killed a chicken in Skyrim and the entire town was trying to kill me
For me if I set the chicken on fire or killed it,it would literally crash my game
Yeah my first time playing Skyrim I came out of the castle and headed to the nearest town killed a chicken and people kept killing me so I quit
Hit his knee
Everyone ignoring the fact that it has the sound of a Minecraft chicken
Yeh but- why are your outlets upsideown?
The fact that the chicken sound is from minecraft.
Yeah my 1st fuck up in the game. Kill that damn chicken in riverwood and be fckin stoned by the whole village
Is that true😱 I can’t do birds in Skyrim
Thats what you get for killing the chicon
zelda breath of the wild be like: *Chicken Overload*
i played skyrim when i was younger i killed a chicken in river wood i spent a hour trying to run away from guards and i kept getting killed
now i’m older i’ve finished the game but me playing as a kid was too funny
When you kill chicken in legend of Zelda or Skyrim be like : you committed a crime. Last word?
ThatVeganTeacher would be SO proud 😂😂😭
I love how he used the chicken sounds from Minecraft lol
Finally found another Skyrim player
sounds from Minecraft
I used to always kick them in the old one 😂
I love how he looks like a real npc
This chicken sounds familiar… (minecraft player)
me: kills one chicken
every single person in skyrim: YOU MURDERED THAT CHICKEN, SO WE MURDER YOU
Dude I did this once (skyrim was the first game I played) and I’m not even joking what I say the entire village came out of their houses with weapons when I killed a chicken
Lol lockpicking level 69
Always got the mod that makes it so animals cant report crimes.
Link: **Vietnam flashbacks**
Yea if your new to legend of Zelda breath of the wild don’t mess the the chickens either :-:
Minecraft chicken. XD
I played Skyrim in Vr for the first time and walked into river wood with my axe drawn and accidentally SLAUGHTERED a chicken. Then the entire town came after and tried to kill me so I had to reload from Helgen keep lol.
So I actually had to restart Skyrim the first time I played because I killed a chicken. I’d never played anything like Skyrim so when I got to the my first town I figured I should kill the chicken for its meat since I kept having to eat all my food. Well, I got away from the guards after slaughtering some of them, and also Hadvar. When I realized who I killed I tried to reload to a save before I killed him but all my autosaves had been after that
I was in the first little town, and the blacksmith’s wife caught me stealing, so I killed her. The whole town, and especially her husband started attacking me, but I surrendered, and the husband said “I’ll let you go… THIS time.” Few moments later, I miss-clicked, and without missing a beat, the blacksmith charged me and headbutted in my helmeted skull.
Great times
My thought about isn’t based on your shorts’ subject. But you look exactly like a Skyrim fan
Bruh his lockpicking is at level 69…
Vikings had not horns
Funny thing was that it was my first thing I did when I started the game for the first time, the whole village just went after me 🤣🤣🤣
Chimken is fren
And Talos forbid you kill a wild mountain goat! Fucking Karma Bears!!!! BASTARDS!!!!!!!!
Zelda chickens are worse
Lol minecraft chicken sfx
You know I always wonder what people think would happen if you kill their chicken? Like it’s their livestock, their property, i wouldn’t be surprised if they get angry at you
Imagine killing in the dark brotherhood , stealing in the thievs guild , literally causing a catastrophe in the collage , beeing a bard , and you get arrested for killing a chicken? Mans was hungry you know. Should have arrested me for beeing a bard that cant sing.
To be honest if someone kills my chicken he would be dead
“Don’t mess with Skyrim chickens”
*BOTW intensifies*
Chicken lives matter #CLM
Arnold Schwarzenegger
The Real chiken you dont have to mess is from zelda
For a moment there I thought that chicken was real
Don’t mess with a Zelda chicken
Once I was playing Skyrim and there was a chicken just chilling in the middle of this town. All the NPCs were chill with me until I killed the chicken on accident.
*They kicked me out and I got killed by bandits.*
Reminds me of Jonathan from blade and sorcery
You can only like if you can see it too
I couldn’t think of anything funnier
So you can afford realistic fire but not a sword for the gard? Talk about skyrim off of wish.(this is a joke calm down)
He really said ‘eating animals is wrong-
‘10000’ added on to bounty’ 😩
69 on the lock. Nice
I am playing Skyrim
Him: *trying to lock pick* *sees chicken* *fires fire*
Skyrim guard: u have commited crime againts
The way the guard looks!
I recognize the chicken sounds THE BLOCKS CALL
Fuck skyrim chickens if you hit a LoZ chicken like twice every chicken in existence starts to attack you
Also don’t mess with The Legend Of Zelda chicken.
Except if it’s from Twilight Princess
But it’s CS:GO rooster…
I’m just making lunch
Lock pick at lvl 69 Noice lol
like fable
Minecraft chicken sounds
No one talking about how the chicken sound effects are form Minecraft: 😳
No joke I was just playing Skyrim that happened
He killed a chicken, GET HIM !
the one that stands before thee is a chicke-
The gard is funy
Arson lol
Zelda chickens, god damn. They become golden and there are like easily over 900 chickens until the game crashes because it cant handle a map completely full with chickens
Chicken sound is from Minecraft
Sooooooo true
That was a clean ass snap
That chicken is a extremely common chicken in new England they name of the bird is Isa brown
Why I have chickens 😢😢😢
We all had to learn once
Plot Twist: He Actually wants to eat the chicken
Uses air as his weapon
I think you mean don’t mess with chicken
In zelda
I had to kill a whole village over accidentally burning a chicken
Like how he can summon fire out of his hands but he has to lock pick to lock to get in
I like how he is making a Skyrim video but the sound is of a Minecraft chicken
Two seconds later they start bumping in to the couch he’s like stop you violated the law
Meanwhile, in TLOZ:
6 years ago when I was 8 i killed the chicken and the entire town came after me and I was so confused and that was my first experience on skyrim
Chicken sounds like Steve’s pet chicken minecraft
Me in gta: npc hits me:me tells cop: cops eh it’s nothing me hits npc:cops GET THAT SON OF A TURD me….. WTF
The fact that my phones battery is 69 is unveilibable
(When he lock pick the door my phone’s battery was 69)
Minecraft chicken sound spotted
on my first play trough i had just found a new bow saw a chicken shot it like 10 farmers surounded me and killed me
So true 😭😂
Noo my baby chick
The Minecraft chicken noises tho ☠
Isn’t is this the chicken sound on minecraft?
Chicken is the most sacred animal in Skyrim, once someone found out you killed one, the whole Skyrim people will be looking for you
the game developer –
Just crouch he won’t be able to see you
Don’t mess with skyrim chickens… WAIT ONE SECOND THATS MINECRAFT SOUNDS
That Chicken Sound Is Like A Minecraft Chicken
So true
NoOoOoOOOoO,not my brother 🙁
Time to eat chicken
Guard : “you has commit crime”
that looks like one of my chickens
why can’t you just crouch
Or better yet you kill a chicken and then an entire village wants you Dead
Invisible sword is such a skyrim thing lmao
Don’t mess with breath of the wild chicken
Don’t talk of this to link.
The other day I was playing Skyrim after I finish the tutorial and murdered a chicken kill two people and I have no regrets
I just like how he used the Minecraft chicken sound affect
+1000 bounty
First time i played i killed a chicken and i was like “oh, cant kill other people’s animals”
I expect “Stop there you criminal scum!” word
Is that the vigan teacher
Did this in riverwood. Going there even months later it is hell.
Chickens in Zelda games : *pathetic*
Animals are kings
Player: me
Chicken: my lil cousin
Fireball: slight slap
Guard: my mom
The holy chicken
I usually go hey LOL buddy and I make them my pet lol
You got noticed
Funnily enough in my first playthrough I got arrested as soon as I got to Riverwood because I dropped my great sword on a chicken and when I played my debt I casually approached the jarl since I was in front of the hall not even knowing I was supposed to meet him
Тебе пиздец!
gotta love the minecraft chicken noises
I learned not to attack chickens while playing OOT so that isn’t a problem for me
The entire town turns against you and you are lynched on the spot
Your fireball effect was pretty clean. How’d you do it?
Yeah, everything is like mine. There aren’t even any sword textures XD
I love how they used the minecraft chicken sound
Idk why but i expected a Zelda ref somehow…
Well that’s definitely Minecraft chicken sounds. Maybe I should play Minecraft less
Like how they used MC chicken noises
Officer, we were playing Hot Potato and the chicken lost 😅
he must have installed a sword mod for that guard then he uninstalled cause’ i don’t see it
Perfect lmaoooo
It’s the Minecraft chicken tho🤨
He did not give kfc to the guard wich is a crime
The legend of Zelda version is much more brutal
And the legend of Zelda series
Minecraft chicken sounds
(Kills guard)
Other guard: you have committed sins against skyrim…
(Kills him)
Another guard: you have committed sins against skyrim…
(Kills him)
Yet another guard: you have committed sins against skyrim…
(Kills him)
Yet another guard: you have committed sins against skyrim…
(Kills him)
Yet another guard: you have committed sins against skyrim…
(Kills him)
Yet another guard: you have committed sins against skyrim…
(Kills him)
that sounded like a minecraft chicken
The chickens in legend of zelda: pathetic…
Skyrim: I have the worst punishment for hitting a chiken!
???: Amateur!
Skyrim: What was that punk?!
Link: Amateur!
TLoZ chickens: “we’re gonna rain hell on you”
The guard reminded me of bread boys
Same with chickens in zelda breath of the wild they cant die and they fight back in swarms
Why no one is talking about the Minecraft sound effects to the chicken?
100% true but I tried it in a village and every villager was screaming “DONT TOUCH MY CHICKENS YOU THEIF” and um well let’s just say one chicken is everybody’s chicken
That is so true I laughed at this
When I persuade I got there in the first thing I did was attack the chicken and everybody started cutting me down for no reason I saw act that we hit a child and then I tried again then I realize it was a chicken
I wonder wich Chicken is more deadly/dangerous the Chickens in Skyrim or the Chickens in The legend of zelda breath of the wild
The power tiers go as listed below
Town chicken
Town guard
Is that minecraft chicken sounds?
I thought i was playing Skyrim for a second
Try a The legend of zelda chicken
I like how that guard just ignored the fact he was trying to lockpick that door but only attacked him after he killed a chicken.
Chicken sounds from minecraft
Lol that time i was at city
After talking to lizardmens i went to the city and it was night and i accidentaly pressed a certain button that makes me werewolf
69 nice
You forgot how chickens can “witness” you for any crime you do.
Yeah tru i kill 2 chickens all people angry me😂😂
That is a really good guard cosplay not gonna lie
I did this on my first play through when I got to whiterun I instantly regretted it
I did that in 2016 killed a chicken, the guard was no match for me, an then I killed all the guards but the king killed me. Lol
Zelda ones are still scarier
Stop ! You violated the law
Nah Zelda is better :^)
When i hit the chicken in Riverwood…
I have the same guard helmet
So nothing happened when lock picking but turn one chicken into flame roasted chicken and your in trouble
Never mess with chickens in zelda
“That’s a valuable animal!”
On my first ever playthrough I killed a chicken after I got to Riverwood…. I have never touched a chicken since that dreaded day
Not just the guard will be after you..
Everyone else will try to kill you too
Directed by Rober Weide
Not even exaggerating. Every. Single. NPC. In. Riverwood. Attacked . Me.
The old lady? Dagger.
It looks like cs go chicken
You mean Zelda Chicken
Fable 3 chickens need no guard to protect them.
Actually they don’t care about chikens, they only care about cows and dogs, etc
I learned this the hard way when I just started out, I killed a chicken and then a white run guard came to arrest me luckily I was allies with the jarl of whiterun so I could just bribe the guard away but still it was scary seeing as if I chose to fight he would have heat me quick
I learned that the hard way in my first play through.
Is it just me, or is that chicken from Minecraft?
Chickens used to be very expensive
Not him using a Minecraft chicken sound 😂
You have commited crime against skyrim and her chicken.
Don’t mess with a Zelda chicken
That skyrim chicken sounding a lot like a minecraft chicken🤔
Needs to blow tbh , YouTube what are you doiiiing
Fun fact: every one did’t see the number 69 in this video
Yep. Anyone new in Skyrim. Just don’t miss with the chicken
Chicken gag is still funny in many games
I’m dead 💀 🤣 😂
You have committed crimes against S K Y R I M
Chickens are the most powerful creatures in Skyrim and just under Daedric Lords in their power.
You are at level 69
Skyrim’s animals are Holy
Everytime I walk past a chicken I want to destroy it, but then I think that EVERYONE AROUND ME will come destroy me lol.
You missed the entire skyrim population coming for revenge. Chickens are sacred in Tamriel.
Hey, Thats a valluable animal
Seems legit
Even when I stealth shoot a chicken out of sight very far away they somehow know it was me.
I’m honestly surprised that hitting the chicken with a fire ball instantly killed him instead of doing 40% of his health
TheVeganTeacher would be both happy and sad
The player cooked chicken
The guard protecc chicken
Wtf there is still people who makes jokes about skyrim chickens
Did that within my first hour. Fucking restarted 20 minutes later when all that would happen is death.
9/10 Accurate to Skyrim but you messed the part where the guard pulls out the bow fires off three shots then runs up to you after running across the whole city
The guards see everything
Wouldn’t the chicken have reported him for the lockpicking anyway? Or was it too busy playing Minecraft?
You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defence?
Bruh the first time I played Skyrim i decided to punch the chicken, worst mistake of my life.
By order of the Jarl, stop right there!
You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?
Title : Skyrim chicken
Sound : Minecraft chicken
Apperence : CSGO chicken…
Well done m8
I attacked a goat. Im in jail. Bail me out.
This was my first ever mistake in the first village
Thats Minecraft chicken sound
69 in lockpicking… nice
Everyone needs the exploding chickens mod
They don’t arrest If you kill chicken the just kill you
So true
10 years guys. Im waiting for anniversary
The sword texture is missing
the fact that its playing the Minecraft chicken sounds lmao
Real players know this is a call back to Ocarina of Time & Majora’s Mask!!!
You have committed a crime in Whiterun, what say you in your defense?
It was secretly from Minecraft
I love Skyrim and Fallout, I wish your channel could have more videos about these 2 games, but sometimes make videos about other games.
This just proves Bethesda is terrified of peta.
Was that the fucking minecraft chicken noise
me:kills a fcking small chicken all the guards in the intire city/village I CAN SMELL YOU THROUGH THE WALLS
The guard after kills you: You commited crimes against Skyrim and her people, what do you say in your defense?
“Im funny and quirky and always put 69 in my videos”
-this guy
That firebolt effect though, wow!! Impressive!
This is pretty fresh and hilarious lol!
I could have been worse. It could’ve been a Legend of Zelda chicken
BUSTED!!!!!!!! 😂🤣😂😍😂🤣
I don’t know Skyrim very well but I know you don’t mess with the chickens in Zelda.
😁👍 this put a smile on my face
Yo this is well produced why are there no views on this?