The Skyrim Skeleton Who Lived In Oblivion
Blackreach in Skyrim is home to the skeleton of an Alchemist, Sinderion, who was obsessed with Crimson Nirnroot. One tiny detail you may have missed is that in The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, this elf was very much alive, and you’d bring him Nirnroot for his research which he’d turn into unique potions.
Taqs:skyrim,skyrim facts,skyrim tiny details you may have missed,skyrim lore,skyrim blackreach,skyrim nirnroot,skyrim sinderion,nirnroot quest,skyrim easter egg,skyrim recurring characters,skyrim skeletons
コメント (115)
He was an elf so he literally could have died around the start of the game and got picked clean by the time you get there
Oh we never would have noticed this!
I remember that quest from Oblivion. Lmao
Wow the shit i forget and ive been playing Since Morrowind
This quest is permanently ruined and cannot be finished on my file
I wish Bethesda would Remaster all there old Games
Honestly I don’t even look for em at this point I just get a good amount of em them do the duplicate exploit and do the quest that way
I messed up this mission in skyrim by accidentally eating the red ninroots
Hate that quest.
I played Oblivion first and remember my days of Nirnroot hunting fondly and I shed a tear when I found him
I ate all the crimson nirnroots
I cried a little bit when I saw multiple characters even in sovereignguard
I remember. Thanks for the tidbit of info.
Can’t wait to see him alive again in the fan made Skyblivion remake in 2025.
Could have made the joke of “when had more meat on his bones”
I’m guessing Sinderion was murdered by Falmer using unused Dwemer weapons? .. unless the dwemer were still alive in the 3rd era…
No shit!? Wow..
ive always over look names in games but after watch your video about reoccurring characters i did pay more attention
I love the fact that even after finishing the game, we are still finding out about hidden stuff, it proves that adventure never ends
Blackreach was such a cool location that was undermined by such a terrible side quest
maaaan i remember finding him and it made my little heart so so happy to see lol.
Yes yes yes who does not remember Sinderion??? I actually miss the whole Oblivion gameplay
Oh yeah, that is part of the immortality potion. It is also used as a regular like buffing. Better than training and take it as if you know how digestion works. Liquid takes about 15 minutes to fully digest.
And then I married his student, Avursa
I loved that quest for Sinderion
Yes i do anyone whose tried the quest has probably went insane trying to find them all
Oh it’s that dude!!!
I remember finding his body and realizing and then crying
Yeah I remember the first time. Then the second. Then the third.
The only good high elf is a dead high elf.
I love how people are still making content about Skyrim when this game has been out for over a decade.
I miss the podcast. Time to listen to every episode for the 3rd time
Only decent thing to do is to resurrect him and take him on a nice trip to giant nirnroot island.
No way he died inskyrim?! I never knew! I olayed oblivion way before skyrim was a thing and i playes both games today (not much but still do) what an emotional thing they did. 😭
I used to be an alchemist like you, then I took two arrows in the back.
I remember feeling really sad finding his skeleton. I re-ran Oblivion the week before Skyrim dropped and his was one of the last quests I finished. I did the whole of the Crimson Nirnroot quest to honour his memory.
I forgot this character loved getting shot by arrows
I would like him. But since i main the Nord race and to stay lore accurate he’s a high elf so i am inclined to hate him.
But who killed him? There’s no dwarves by this time period and the falmer use their own arrows, which aren’t found on his body
The last time I did this quest it was like 5 in the morning and I had just been dumped, and when I couldn’t find the last like 3 I just cried.
Man, he laid dead down there for at least 100 years, prolly longer. Idk how long elves live in elder scrolls, i imagine longer than man. Little did he know he would be stolen from by both the prisoner and the dovahkin 200 years apart. Lol
Farthest i got was Blackreach on ps3. My game became so glitchy it was unplayable
Poor guy.
Ah yes sinderion… I lost count of the number of hours and nirnroots I have to give for him to make a certain potion….
When I saw Sid’s skelly and read his nirnroot journal, I thought: “Well at least he died doing what he loved doing.”
You know u play too much elder scrolls when u can remember ppl from previous games, kinda wish they brought marrowind mechanics into Skyrim
… that’s kinda a stretch but ok
There will be a White Concord
My saddest reintroduce was faux cairs in fort frostmouth in skyrim still remeber fighting werewolves together in bloodmoon from morrowind.
Wow an Easter egg I’ve never heard of.
First time stumbling into Black Reach was a magical epxerience. Unmatched ever since.
10:37 Some levels have rooms like this that, if found on your first attempt at that level, seem empty. If you replay the level and check these rooms again, they’ll allow you to access Lap 2 of Pizza Time
Does anyone know a good dark brother hood, shrouded armor overhaul for PS4?
I never fuckin’ connected that! I met that guy and everything too!
Fuck! I even danced with his Skeleton and still didn’t put two and two together to make four.
I remember accidentally eating all the crimson nirn root and failing the quest.
Can I make YouTube videos with such obvious content
My only problem was I didn’t get to kill him. I hated that SOB in oblivion, still do
Altmer makes worlds worst potion
Asked to leave mundus
Dude I totally forgot that until you mentioned it. Wow what a head trip
Today I learned wtf nirnoots were for
We ALL! Remember delving into black reach
Dang I forgot about him. I guess it was so long before Skyrim that I had last played Oblivion. Thanks for reminding me of this wonderful character, but I am kind of sad now.
Why Fudgemuppet? Why? I still have PTSD from that quest in Skyrim!
Now I think on it they should of had a few of his potions around his tomb.
This quest and Jiub’s quest were two of my top favorites.
If you go into that building you can’t get out. There’s a nuke in the door
Yes, I remember thinking thank akatosh he’s dead so he wouldn’t give me a quest to collect nirnroot and give me a crappy reward
So this is the a-hole responsible for the most annoying quests in the past two ElderScrolls games. (Online doesn’t count).
Finding him in Skyrim made me sad that he died in a place like Blackreach. I always found the Crimson Nirnroot to carry on his legacy kinda like a thank you for him helping my Oblivion character.
It is really cool that not only is the story of the elder scrolls in every game its own narrative, but the whole thing from TES 1 is an ongoing story with big events and small events and things like this man being in TES4 as a quest giver and being a dead skeleton in TES5 shows that they lorewise Lived in the same world, all be it another time
It actually made me sad to see Sinderion dead. I liked him in Oblivion and I usually brought him 100 Nirn Roots. If it made sense in the role of course.
My Argonian former-slave hates all elves, Nords, and Bretons, and most imperials. He dislikes Orcs and Khajit but as they’re a race looked down on by Nobility he wants them in his confederacy. At least until he can transplant Hist Trees all across Cyrodil. The cats and pigs can have the places Hist can’t thrive in…
I remember the Oblivion alchemist, good times
I damn! I actually did both quests! never knew the connection.
Yes, I remember the quest… I almost forgot about it. 😒
Jiub: pff, amateur…
I still prefer Oblivion over Skyrim. Skyrim got boring within the first few hours…and by association, Fallout 4 had the same issue. It’s not the same UI and Gameplay either, I have no problems with things like Total War Warhammer 3 and Total War Three Kingdoms which are the same game in different setting. They just took all the Life out of the Game with that Bland UI and unappealing Gameplay. Oblivion has similar mechanics and such but still feels Fun. Skyrim just felt…like the Sterility of a Surgical Theater.
Just had this recommended and immediately knew it was gonna be Sinderion.. I play these games too much (truth be told though I did just recently accompany my gf through Oblivion after she finished Skyrim, so the memory is kinda fresh)
One thing that did manage to surprise me is that when I started playing Morrowind again a couple weeks ago, I met a mage in the cave where you can find the Eidolons Ward shield artifact, and while that mage will usually be hostile (and thus die to the Nerevarine), you will meet her again on an escort quest in Oblivion! That’s the only hostile, mortal character I can remember apparently surviving a run-in with one of our main characters.
I played oblivion before skyrim and remembered exactly who the dude was. Really cool detail they added.
I do, still need 7 more so he can get batch of 40 ant completely. Running around in a ruin for another quest. Being a bit lost I needed some distraction.
Nå så fik jeg løst til og spille skyrim er ellers i gang med red dead tak for det 😂😂🙌
I walked in and thought to myself
” Man budy it’s been a minute you don’t look to good”
Huh, i never encountered him in oblivion so i never got that reference while playing skyrim, thanks for that cool tidbit i wouldn’t have known about
Does anyone even know what u get for completing the quest cuz if so pls tell me 😭😭
Nothing compares to ma’iq the liar
I played the Three latter ES games in reverse order, as I was too young to have played III, IV & V, having played Skyrim 5 years after it came out, and when I found Sinderion alive I was so excited!
I remember noticing how familiar the name was and thought it was a nod to him, it wasn’t until I replayed Oblivion that it clicked.
Rest in peace you had the most annoying quest.
Now I’m sad and I want to play Oblivion 😂
I can’t really keep track of everyone so good to know.. I actually will probably assume that there are dozens if not hundreds of Easter Eggs in each iteration like this especially post Morrowind.
He became skeleton
Holy shit, I never finished the nirnroot quest. Thats what you can get!?
This part of a common sense series? Lol
I see a Skyrim skeleton and think of bad to the bone the internet has poisoned me😂
First time I heard his name in game, I took a break from skyrim to play oblivion again. Felt good to play my Cheshire class Kahjiit again
NO WAY. I always sell my potions to this guy
Am I the only one debating on rebuying oblivion?
if I could turn blackreach into a trading hub across Skyrim I would
I remember doing the Nirnroot quest to completion in Oblivion, so when I saw who’s bones it was, I thought it was really cool they continued his story (in a way). The nod to Jiub in the Soul Cairn was another cool one.
Oh, this discovery hurt me.
Bro I didn’t even realize this connection 🤯
I really like the references of Oblivion in Skyrim – no matter how very few there actually are
I’m more excited for the witcher 1 remake.
I’ve tried the original and it’s shit so a remake is very welcome.
I played ‘Skyrim’ before ‘Oblivion’, so when I met him in the flesh (no pun intended), I got a little emotional.
Stuff like this reminds me that you can also find Jiub in the Soul Cairn. I love characters that span across the series like this.
The only thing better would of been if he still had an Elixir of Exploration on him when we found him in Blackreach. I love exploring so the Crimson Nirnroot quest is something I actually enjoyed while checking out all of Blackreach.
Cool. I never recognized the name. I should revisit Oblivion.
Don’t give up, skeleton!
Why they kill my boy though?
Man there is so many things and lore that we missed when we played Skyrim, so many easter eggs, so many hints that we just missed when we played this game. The whole Juib easter egg that was presented by Camelworks absolutely blow my mind. Who knows maybe there is still some stuff that we missed in Skyrim or that we will never found out. And i can’t wait too see what a future Elder scrolls game will reveal to us.
Wow this amazing 😀
I hate this quest
I had such a phenomenal exprience playing skyrim and adventuring in black reach, i will never forget this game and when i become succesfull i will start a youtube channel and play this masterpiece game again
Why is every channel suddenly clipping all of their content into shorter bits,and trying to cram them down our throats? Everyone doing this,I sincerely hope you fuck right the fuck off.Fucking assholes…Thank you.
I use to be an alchemist like you, but then I took multiple arrows to the torso