Level 100 DESTRUCTION Instantly in Skyrim!
Skyrim Tips and Tricks: Bethesda added a way to get from level 1 – 100 destruction skill really fast in Skyrim with their new spell in Skyrim Anniversary Edition, note that you can also do this if you buy the spell tomb pack from the creation club on the original Skyrim for 100 credits. This is however not a new trick, you can do this with any spell you can both channel and effect NPC’s with at once.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition has many secrets and hidden details to discover from lore, weapons, armor, cheats, bugs, glitches and interesting Skyrim facts and easter egg references to find in The Elder Scrolls game and have allot of funny moments with them. The creators of The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim Special Edition, Bethesda put allot of hidden details and secrets into the game this Skyrim gameplay shorts series seeks to uncover the Skyrim lore, mysteries, and hidden secrets behind many of Skyrim’s locations that have yet to be found or things you may have missed in the open world of Skyrim. Today we will be looking at some useful Skyrim tips and tricks you can use in your own gameplay in The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim.
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コメント (744)
Bethesda added a way to get from level 1 – 100 destruction skill really fast in Skyrim with their new spell in Skyrim Anniversary Edition, note that you can also do this if you buy the spell tomb pack from the creation club on the original Skyrim for 100 credits. This is however not a new trick, you can do this with any spell you can both channel and effect NPC’s with at once.
The fastest way is actually console commands but why cheat that means you lame
Cries in special edition
How are so many people not catching the words “Anniversary Edition” within the first 3 seconds of the video!
how useless xD if you cheat like that, just use cheats
You don’t, you’re just gonna end up being a stealth archer anyway
Does it still work on special edition. 😊
How are you selecting the fast travel marker if you’re constantly holding down dual cast?
I went to the same location but didn’t find the chest can someone explain why ?
glitches like this are what ruin games.
I am using the anniversary edition but the tome chest doesnt appears so what should I do?
This would of helped in 2013 when I was burning the shit out of my horse in front of the white run stables
Has the chest been removed? I can’t see it
Does it work in Legendary addition?
Yee ! ❤
It’s a good thing i have anniversary
nope doesn’t work its fake
If you want to max sneak just go behind a graybeard thats praying enter sneak and best the shit out of him on legendary difficulty
Single handedly stopped horse abise in skyrim 😂
How do people find exploits this???
Dawg you copied this
if youre going to exploit it why not just cheat?
This is the problem with Skyrim. You don’t even have to play to make an “over powered” character.
It seems like most people play this game to become powerful and not adventure.
Skyrim sucks.
me who uses console commands 😃
I’m pretty sure it’s patched or something because the chest isn’t there
Gunna take a wild guess and say this doesn’t work on switch.
YES!!! Ima go do that now
Or just use console commands?
Need to try this
This works in special edition?
Chest ain’t there anymore pal
Does this technique work in legendary edition?
No chest for me there
Does this work on console?
Isn’t destruction supposed to level based on the damage you deal?
Did not work for me
The classic “Hob’s Fall Caves” pronounced “Hob Falls Caves.” Literacy is important.
The ancient chest never appeared for me..
Is it only destruction spells?
About to try this in original 360 skyrim 👀
Good e Tom
The chest isn’t there anymore
It’s also just a really good spell, being able to casually clear dungeons as long as you have the magika.
Um can’t fast travel in cave
It just works
Is this only on pc or does it work on console
Lie the chest is not in there
What spell can I use in Skyrim SE? I dont have the AE version as dont fancy starting a brand nw game.
Well well well let’s see if this is true. Lucky for me that’s the exact game I’m playing right now I’m so lucky for me I just started a new play through yesterday.
how about not cheating? god thats boring
There are other spells that you can do this with!
I think, detect life used to be able to do this as well!
Detect life, some of the ward spells, I think they’re more, but I can’t remember off the dome
Does this work in special edition too? And if not what else can i do instead?
i must’ve done something similar by accident because i just noticed yesterday my destruction skill was leveled to like 80+ randomly
It’s the same fkin thing as using cheat codes huh… And it works with every talent as well
also works with telekinesis carry something with fast travel
unless you playing to get the achievements why not just use console commands
One does this work with legendary edition like on older consoles and two does only apply to this spell or can it be used for all of them
Wow nice
It stopped working after like the 6th time I did it 🙁 anyone know why?
Chest doesn’t exist when I get there 🤷♂️
If I wanted to cheat my way to Destruction 100 I’d just open the console.
Bruh, did all this shit until the chest and realized I have special edition
Yea, I have the AE of Skyrim on my ps5 and that chest isn’t there, so I call BS on that
The chest isn’t there for me just a normal one
It’s fake I checked the cave there is no chest just that locked one he must’ve used a mod
There’s ways to cheese the game and then there’s this…
That’s so stupid. Why don’t you just write “I have Destructiuon on lvl 100” on a piece of paper and glue it to your forehead?
Ah Bethesda, this wonderful glitch fest game is a product of the past. This is a special time that won’t exist in the future. Years from now just thinking about this kind of thing will be a nostalgic memory.
So it’s basically the same thing you can do with Alteration/Telekinesis.
Technically its not cheating so you can boast about your lvl100 destruction all you want and get that sweet sweet karma
The chiest it’s not even there
wimp playing anniversary without survival active
Instructions unclear, only playing Survival.
The chest isn’t there
Does this also work for any of the other schools of magic? *Or is it unique to this one spell?
it did not work for me.
I am about to see if it works
The chest isn’t there for me, does anyone know y?
So what happens even you go to solestihim
At that point just cheat bro.
Can this work with the other mage build trees?
Okay, this is dumb… Ancient Tome Chest is not available.
This is like when I went nuts with my first playthrough on smithing and speech… nek minnut everyone is wearing glass and ebony armour and I’m getting slapped like a biiiitch lol.
*sighs loudly and reinstalls Skyrim*
There are no bugs in skyrim only daedric interventions
cries in survival mode
Does that work on the ps3 version
pls help i cant fast travel
My favorite glitch is the alchemy one when you use an alchemy ring that boosts alchemy to make a alchemy potion that boost enchantments to make a better ring and repeating the process till you have a enchantment ring that boosts enchantment by 1000000, I messed up cause I gave a thrall a sword with 10000000 damage. He killed everyone before I can get the chance so I tried to kill it but he hit me and when he did I blasted in the air like when you get hit by a giant and died. I had to make another thrall just to kill the one I gave that sword.
I cant find the unbounded storm in the cave can someone tel me why?
Fast level 100 blacksmith?
Facts, if you’re playing a mage build this is a great way to get some levels in and power up your destruction to max. But beware, this levels enemies too. and magic DOES eventually fall off.
Don’t you need a way for destruction to cost 0 magika?
Mine stopped at 80😢
This doesn’t seem to won’t anymore 😢
It just works
It’s saying I can’t fast travel from this location help someone
By me there is no chest😅
😂 gotta love those Accidental Bethesda Special Features
If those doesn’t work. You need to enchant a set of 100%+ Magicka restoration lol but in my opinion it makes magic way too OP which has always been a rabbit hole of elder scrolls games lol
What does making the skills legendary do?
Does it make them better?
Dont do the legendary leveling exploit. Not recommended unless you already built your character. You need your endurances and damage mitigation first, since once you level up the mobs level up with you. You ll encounter many dragons that will one hit you because your destruction is at 100 with 7 legendary but you re still 20 in armours, alteration and restoration
Gonna use this. Never had my destruction at 100 before
Wasn’t this way there from release?
With TESV been updated for a millionth time all the so called bugs and glitches are all intended now.
It’s not there wth
Will you ever do morrowind videos?
There it is.
The last thing I needed before I download skyrim again
You can do the same with telekinesis on any pickup item
Holy fuck that’s almost as cheesy as restoration
If i remember you can do that with the telekinesis in the illusion category too
Oh ya… level 200 here I come
I just finished playing for the day but it looks like I’m heading back in
I mean single player dude. If youre going to cheese it just smack the ol console command and be done with it
Either I am,
1, on PC
2, on console with the easy leveling mod installed
Problem solved, easy ❤️
But im playing survival mode
The soy face in bottom right ties this together perfectly
Lol no matter what Skyrim is released there’s always bugs and it’s broken in some way love it
Don’t tell keanu reeves this trickm he’s already too powerful
Thank you!
There is no chest in that corner. There’s just the wooden one. But thanks anyways.
Still need to have 200% magicka regen or the spell will fail , so you need Regen rings and outfits , so you need Enchantment skills so you need Blacksmith a 200 daggers and 50 Soulsgems and 100 ingredients everytime . Then 10 of those , Easy . Oh and you have to fight a fort of Bandits at level 3 to get the Transmute book .
Could this work with other schools?
Ognuminfinium glitch
I did this before reading the pinned comment and was sad when it didn’t work
y might just as well use console, it might look like not the same, but it is
This wrong k I’m the non anniversary edition as well using destruction sucks with the fact of the dmg and how slow it lvls
Great thing i have survival mode…
Thank u
I tried this on ps4 and it didn’t work out.
Omfg this still works! Best skyrim vid ever!
Work for any difficulty ?!
It doesnt even work
At xbox version there is no chest in that cave 😢
Wow 13 years and multiple re-release and this is still in the game.
so this combined with telekinesis is a speedrun to make a insta wizard
It’s an exploit, you may as well set the AV in the console
Wish I could do it without anniversary
I don’t even have mods on and I got a hell of a lot more tomes in that chest than just the unbound storm
Me playing with ussep
You can use this spell in one hand and in the other use telekinesis to get both at 100 in one fast travel
This would be perfect for my pure mage and spellsword builds thank you ESO you the man
nice I just recently bought the anniversary edition so this really helped and I just started a new character and I am already almost out of bleak falls Barrow so I’ll make sure I’ll do this destruction spell glitch
I would use console commands lol
Can u do this with special edition too?
You can also do something similar for alteration
you need telekinesis though, so search a way of getting the book
after you get telekinesis, use it on any object, go to your map and travel as far as you can, you will get Alteration 100 very easily this way.
You don’t need too hold it btw
Not bad! Not bad at all, if only I knew this 2 months ago.
Alchemy exploit has left the chat!
This doesn’t work for me. I cast it but I cant fast travel if I’m holding down my mouse.
Yeah, too bad destruction magic is still gimped in skyrim
You don’t need to hold the cast button well in the map, I’ve done this and I can assure you as soon as u get into the map you can let go.
The chest is gone
Does this work on special edition?
I’m assuming you have to start a new game…I bought the anniversary edition and went there on a playthrough I was already doing. No chest was there.
The chest wasn’t there when I arrived
Player.setav destruction 1000
For me it’s patched
So.. Use mods that you paid cash AND use an accidental bug to quick level. No, it is in fact not the quickest and easiest way. The quickest easiest way is to attack Ralof or Hadvar with Flames spell whilst still in Helgen BEFORE sneaking past/Killing the bear, neither will attack you back. Boom, lv100 two handed one handed and destruction, lv100 sneak as well. You can use alteration to grind late game levels via two handed Detect Life + the black book power for no spell cost for 60s, use this in Raven Rock or another small radius heavily populated area (if you side with Lord Harkon, use Detect Dead in castle volkihar) and then use a rubber band or shoe string on your controller or whatever you use for afk for keyboard and so long as the the buttons are held down the spells will continuously cast with no magicka cost even past the 60s mark AND since you can find detect life without being high level alteration you can then cast it for free at low alteration level and because its an “expert” level spell it Is leveling alteration quickly.
For alteration no dlc no mods, use transmute mineral ore alteration spell
For Healing, find Equilibrium and use it to damage your health and heal yourself.
for those who dont have it know that this is Creation Club content and anniversary edition gives you all of it, so first download the CC content and know when you do this dont cast near npc’s it targets everything in range
2023 and I’m learning new skyrim glitches…..this feels so weird
The ancient tomb chest aint there for mee?
Its not there for me
Damn…..I did not know this….okay I have to re download the game..does this work on Ps4?
Think Equilibrium could do the same with Alteration?
Been watching your videos for years I saw this, did it, and accidentally over leveled to the point my available gear was useless lol
Going to try this.
Edit: it works!
For those of you not in the know: you need to either have the anniversary edition upgrade or you need to buy the right creation club content mod that has the spell additions.
This works on every concentration spell that gives you xp while not attacking anything
In vanilla telekinesis let’s you use this to level alteration
This spell isn’t here for the chest isn’t even they’re what’s goin on ?
It doesn’t work for me
Omg, I’ve missed this, TY as usual! Gonna play ESA again!
Yes it does actually work. I tried it earlier to verify and my Destruction was at 16 and spiked to 91 from a single try
The chest is not there
At this point, just use a cheat code and be done with it. Why even bother? 😆
*cough * played.setav skill destruction 999999
When I did something wrong but that chest is not there.
Or just play the game…
wait does this work with any spells?
Meanwhile me playing on hardcore without fast travel thinking I could use some free ups on destruction
Just tested it and it still works.
ESO does again!
Went from level 62 to 96 😀
Didn’t work for me
Thanks Todd Howard this is how the game is meant to be played! at least you’re not my worker monkey… Mark Zuckerborg…
Bro does this only work for this spell and this particular skill?
Why is the map so big? Isn’t this normal Skyrim
My creation club doesn’t work. So I had to break my character ( how to do that is on my channel) and play on legendary
I got the spelling it’s not working for me there anything I can do to fix it or no
I guess this works with any magic, restoration, illusion?
Imagine having to cheat on normal settings in Skyrim. Noticed none of them play survival which isn’t difficult or without hacks kind of makes you think. A lot more steamers shared Elden Ring after the update nerfed it.
If you want to level your armor up, I
(I only tried this with heavy armor), beat up them courier repeatedly in a secluded area, with no weapon equipped it will count as a boos for armor.
Does that work with any class
can this be used in all platforms like pc xbox playstation or is it tied to a particular console
In my Game there is no chest !?!? Are there any difference to the Anniversary Edition?
It just works, I guess.
it just works.- Nike probably.
Doesn’t work for pc
That OP Mage build wasted a lot of time grinding the enchantment skill just to get this for free
It’s not there so you’re full of 💩
“This is how skyrim was meant to be played”
Uhh there is no chest there uhhh ……
Whenever i do it i only get a small amount of xp
Ah so just like the telekinesis infinite level up glitch exploit xD
Why isn’t it there I bought the dlc
This isn’t new, or added with the anniversary addition at all.
Instructions unclear:
Sneak is 100 now
Can you do this with restoration
It’s not there
Doesn’t work on xbox one!
Does it work on the ps4 version (base game)?
Well that escalated quickly
There is no chest there for me
Mine only went up to 83 🤔 tried multiple times
Would this work for any other spells/ skill trees?
Wow, it’s working. Awesome! I play game without mods at all. This is great way to level up. Haha
Destruction was so slow to level I’m glad there’s this option now
K you had me up until you pointed out a LEVELED LOOT chest as a place to find a specific item… it’s not always there.
Remember you can level conjuration up hella fast casting on a dead horse
100% works as of Feb 7.. currently destruction legendary #24 lol. I think the trick is you need to have Shadowmare and right when you cast on horsey, click map and fast travel. Good luck fellas!
Nah, open console and “player.advskill 10000000” is actually the fastest one
This one only found a regulat cave
Knowledge is power, better hope mora doesn’t see this lol 😂
This is why youre epic, nate
I don’t like going to high In skyrim cause it makes a lot of builds useless like illusion at higher levels
Bruh.. haha. Nice 👍
I tried it. Sadly no such chest has been found
Can this be done with other magic trees?
I am shook. This actually works. Does it work with any other spells in other classes?
Only works in anniversary edition???!?!
It just works
Does it have to be that spell?
Downloaded the anniversary edition but chest isn’t there, anyone knows why?
does it work with other spells?
you think this work with healing as well?
Yo, this is easier than using the alteration shenanigans.
Does this work for other spell types like conjuring?
Why play the game if you’re just gonna do this….
Could you use this trick with any other School of Magic?
The tomb chest isn’t there for me and I have the anniversary editions
So technically wouldn’t this work with any channeled spell?
You crazy sum of a b am in!
You nerd I love you’re channel always have useful tips
I’ve played Skyrim so much that I physically recoil everytime I see anything Skyrim related
So after I figured out that you can make potion that break the game I made a god with 20mil health 21mill armor and 30 mil damage any enemy I kill flies across the map
That is called fraud
Player.advskill is pretty fast too
I think they patched it
Is this an online and or mod thing? Because guess what…no chest.😐
It also appears U did A Lot of traveling to discover locations. Or did U just use some PC discover all locations console command?
Thank god For Experience Mod: Restricts Main lvl progression: to exploration & quests completion only. FIXED.
How about y’all just play the game level of naturally
You are a god fibe sir. How have I never seen this, I’ve been struggling for hours to get my destruction up
Why don’t you just cheat better an use console commands. Or watch someone else play it since you don’t
It is so funny how cringe you have gotten for the last 3 years
Amazing tip man thanks I been thinking about buying this version of the game cause I haven’t had it in years
You have to 👎👎
Does this only work in anniversary edition
It’s not there for me
Its called console commands peasant
Can you get the spell without anniversary and creation club dlc?
I can’t fast travel
Yeah as long as you have your enchantment Maxed…. And 4 pieces of gear with Destruction spells cost 25 less to cast…. And if anyone was wondering it works for all Schools of magic….
They’ve patched it 😢
I’ve tried a couple of these similar tricks before. They usually don’t work. But I’ll give it a try… I’m still waiting for the catch…
ESO the bessssssssssttttttttttttttttt
Destruction Magic will never be as OP as Conjuration. Unbound bow, Bow level 50-100 and there’s really not that much that you can’t beat easily
Better than the book glitch 🤣
Does this work on special edition aswell or no?
You don’t have to hold down the buttons after you open the map
I did it twice!!
That chest is no longer there
Perfectly balanced game with no exploits at all
İ have SE what should i do ?
I just used shadowmere as a lightning bolt training dummy.
Imagine people playing Skyrim for the first time but it’s on the anniversary edition 😭
I made 4 items with fortify Destruction and fortify alteration 25% and did this and telekenisis and its a good way to lvl up fast
The chest stopped isn’t there
It just works!!😅😅
just do the console commands lol
My guy that’s really something i never new before. Thank you for that
I just got my first elder scrolls game any tips on how to level up smithing
imagine being a console player
Or you can just jump in a fire pit using restoration to get the destruction and restoration skill up
I did this but with the telekinesis spell lmao
Telekinesis cheese leveling – Destruction edition
This is the single best exploit I’ve ever seen and/or used.
Yo uh I’m on the switch and I went to the area the chest isn’t here and yes I have AE edition
You might aswell just open the console if you are going to do something like this, just makes the game kind of meh when you grind skills fast, this is just my opinion though on a person that constantly restarts because of mods.
You need equipment that reduces destruction cost by 100 percent or this will not work this also works with the alteration spell telekinesis
The telekinesis version of destruction magic. Nice…. I’m still on 360 though.
So can you do the same with other type of skills such as restoration?
Can you do this on pc
I truly enjoy this video cause it shows he doesn’t play on Survival Mode. Words of advice “Get Good”
And what if the exploit doesn’t work? I’m doing exactly as intended and it stopped working
How many things can you do this with? Is it any spell?
I tried to find it but its not here
That’s called a glitch
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
all this just to get lvl100 destro… better just cheat it in lol
Downloading the cheat room mod is slightly faster.
Am I missing something? The chest is even there for me. 🤔
can’t wait to see hobs in fable 4
Forgot to add you need a certain race for the racial ability to make magic cost 0 for a certain amount of time
At this point, just use console commands.
I remember this, I figured this out on my own a year or two ago. For whatever reason I had some of those community whatever currency bits, and I picked this mod. Fell in love with the spell because it’s actually insanely op. I went around just holding it constantly, figured out it gave you xp just for using it, and guessed that it would be just like the telekinesis spell. I was right, and immediately abused the power to get to level 70 or something to challenge the ebony warrior before forgetting all about the playthrough lol.
Is this creation club?
I’m gonna have to try this when i get home
So cheat, great.
Commenting to come back later
Work on x box game?
I took the longer route.
I mean… walking a dozen miles through Skyrim whilst channeling thunder would certainly get you used to destruction magic.
Doesn’t this work with any channeled spell from any school?
You can combine this with the telekinesis glitch to 100 both destruction and alteration at the same time
It just works
Wow thanks ESO😂😂😂
not familiar with this spell
word of warning, your level will be higher which makes enemies scale to your level but the only skill you have that will be useful is destruction. if that makes sense
This appears faster than stabbing Ralof in the back for 20 hours straight and getting Sneak(Legendary 50x+)
I learned this with Telekinesis and then thought to try with other channel spells
Time to play again
It just works
Dude, I found that out a while back. In fact, I have the very first video of that method of Destruction leveling.
Yikes, just play Elden Ring
The actual fastest way is mods in that edition
I just want a relationship as dedicated as this man is to Skyrim.
This is broken
How to level up any spell from 1-100:
Use console commands lul
Just so y’all know: this spell is great for levelling destruction, but it’s also an absolutely broken spell in general. It does insane damage and auto targets any enemies in the surrounding area, shredding through them. Partner it with some good enchantments and a nice set of armour and you can do the entire game without even looking at a single enemy for longer than a few seconds
I just made ten lvl in like 3 mins
So thank you XD
Or just push ‘ and then enter additem/ FExxx817
It just works
Patched 😢
finally an optimal way to level spells fucking finally
Oh Skyrim, being Skyrim, doing Skyrim things.
Player.setav destruction 100 … it’s even faster.
This works with telekinesis as well
This trick has been known for channeled spells like Healing, Detect Life, Clairvoyance, etc. ever since the original game came out.
Still, nice to see more people talking about it.
The waffle house has found it’s new host
it just works
The waffle house has found its new host.
It just works Todd Howard
If your gonna cheat just use commands
The real challenge is to get all the perks you need with the least amount of leveling. That way you become the most powerful in comparison to all the hostile NPC’s that scale in level as you progress throughout the game.
It’s Skyrim, just zap a horse and heal it at the same time, it’s not a big deal
Don’t work.
There are also fortify restoration potions that enhance enchantments which allows you to do an infinite loop of increasing the enchantment and alchemy until you make potions that have 100000% effectiveness. If you sell these to merchants they almost instantly max out speech, along with the instant levels in alchemy. This should technically be the fastest way to level, but it does require a bit of preparation to get the ingredients and other items.
Will this work with special edition n the anniversary edition add on
eh just like telekinesis
The Waffle House has found its new host.
Psb that’s all I’m going to say
Tgm that’s all I’m going to say
Noted and goated
Gain a high-level channeling spell that you can cast and then fast travel while channeling.
Od this work in special edition?
question: do we need this spell specifically or can any spell work?
I’m most certainly going to create a Obserd ORK class with this, why? Cause i can :^)
Transmute does the same
Finally a method that isn’t getting the 100% cost reduction… and I guess the Skyrim addiction is back on.
ancient tome chest not there for me
Cave is kinda hard to see. At least I was like “is that it?” Cuz its hidden in a little crevice. Btw its gonne give you the most xp if you go from riften to morthal.
P.s: I have a mod that adds a follower called Inigo who attacked me when I tried it for the first time.
unbound freezing is op af
There’s no chest here
How to save this video
No way…..
Quite gangster
There was no chest for me in the cave 😢
It just works
Wait, the old ‘fast travel with Telekinesis’ method has an update, and it doesn’t even require 100% reduced casting cost? I’m definitely going to try that once. If nothing else I’ll brag to J’zargo that I HAVE mastered Expert level Destruction spells.
Just like telekinesis
I think my method was player.advskill destruction 1000000 (hope that’s the command lol)
What about sneak?
I have the anniversary edition but the chest won’t show up please help
Yea, but it doesn’t make Skyrim’s (unmoded) magic options any better…
Does this work with special edition i still havent got around to upgrading to anniversary edition
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature
player.setav destruction 100
What about smithing
me who fireballed shadowmane for three hours😐
Was playing elden ring…….now i think i need to Power Level in skyrim
or just use the console command because who tf cares
Holy crap this is awesome. Imma start doing this
Ughhh but that’s such a way to cheese! I mean, cool, but cheeeeesed. Like people who play baldurs with quick saves! Just live with what the dice say! Best way to play, makes you think a heck of a lot more and actually work that brain of yours for a good strategy
I knew you could do this with alternation with the Telekinesis spell, but I had no idea it worked with destruction, too.
Oho yes as Todd intend.
Isn’t that cheating though?
Another YouTuber posted this a little bit ago, nice to see it literally regurgitated without credits. 😅
I’m aware it’s not a new exploit, but a video pertaining to this specific spell just came out recently. 😂
Checked and its not there like no chest
It just works
I went there and the chest wasn’t there???!!!
Wrong! The fastest way to level up is using console commands. EZ
Will this work in Skyrim special edition
Nevermind just found out it doesn’t 😢
This actually worked and I’m dumbfounded 🤣🤣🤣
you can also open console and type
player.advskill destruction 100000000
which is mostly the same thing just different amounts of small effort
…🤯🤯🤯🤩🤩🤩 don’t mind me just hopping on skyrim right now
No more blasting shadowmere is the butt with fire
Or tape in the console command (pc only) player.advskill destruction 9999999 or how Much xp u want and you can do that for each skills
Careful some skills have différent appelation for exemple :
Archery —> marksman
If only The Spiffing Brit knew about this
You need mods to do this
I just went to lvl 100 un 2 hours, thanks 😂
Woaw fun… someday i might even have to play a game, but can just say to myself. – i completed this game in 1 sec’, doing nothing.
There’s no chest…
Ah yes, but you see, survival mode doesn’t allow for fast travels. My cheap desires fail me yet again.
A perfectly balanced game with no exploits whatsoever.
If this works with destruction spells I wonder if it works with other class spells.
I fast travel from the vampire castle to dawnguard and back then rinse and repeat. Easy 100 everytime
Did they patch it or am I just slow
My cave don’t have this chest lol
**laughs maniacally** the last skill I didn’t know how to level instantly. I now have all the pieces to thoroughly break this game. I mean I’ve already broken it 7 ways from Sunday but now I can bust it, re-bust it, and bust it again **continues maniacal laughter**
Does it have to be that spell? I didn’t get that spell and I’ve been through there 2x
When u “prestige” a class, does it give u a boosted default stat?
Normal lvl1 mgc atk: 100
Prestige lvl1 mgc atk: 110
asking for a friend, been too damn long N I think I might return.
So even the oldest cc items are broken. Lol
If you can drop some way to increase smithing, one handed and enchantments
Is it patch?
I don’t get the part where you hold the spell while opening the map. did you need to hold the mouse button all the way while operating the map?
ESO best Skyrim info js LMAO 😂😂😂😂 this actually works seen it few years ago
In theory would this work with any spell?
Uh nice. Another exploit to use muahaha
Saw one for Alteration a while back, but it requires an ability from a Black Book and Telekinesis. Step one, Go to Kolbjorn Barrow and fund the Expedition to clear out the Barrow. Step 2 find the Book Filament and Filigree and make it to the end of the book and acquire the “Secret of Arcana” (spells coast no magica for 30 seconds). Step 3 if you Have Telekinesis use the spell go to somewhere like Whiterun and activate Secret of Arcana then use Telekinesis to pick up a basket or something and while holding it fast travel to Solitude, when you Arrive your Alteration should be at 100.
Holy shit this even better than the gloves
Holy shit bro. How you guys figure these things out. Like that’s a pretty dam good way to lvl up destruction
….but don’t you have to let go of the button to click on the fast travel point?
you can also use the cheatroom to level every skill to 100 in minutes.
Then you hit a bandit with it and splatter them so bad the gods have to find all the parts
But… You cant cast that one at level 1. Can you? It is expert level
So it’s like Telekinesis but for Destruction, okay.
wtf didn’t know about that:))
So just cheat
Maybe you could do the same for the other spell classes, but I would cast Mass Calm in Whiterun and then rest to level illusion and with making it legendary I’d get all the levels I wanted that way.
I would also train restoration by face hugging the storm at high hrothgar, and would use that to get the perk that makes your restoration spells better against undead, and then become a vampire to get a 25% buff to all my self healing and my enchantments.
What about on survival mode?
This only works if you have the paid upgrade.
You can do the same thing with alteration and telekinesis. I’m not sure if that one requires the unlimited magika for 30sec black book
Perfectly balanced
Looooool need to try this
You see, it’s shorts like these that make me wish i could save these to a playlist for later viewing
Does this work on Xbox?
I didn’t even look for this but I NEEDED THIS THANK YOU ESO-SENPAI!!!!
But if you legendary it enough times you can get really high lvl
It just works
Does this work with other charged spells?
I actually discovered this as soon as the “dlc” came out (magicians workshop or whatever it’s called) as I was casting the spell, but not hitting any enemies, but my level kept going up, so I figured it was like the Telekinesis spell and an ez level exploit
I don’t cheat so why don’t you grow a pair, this isn’t barbies playhouse, skyrim is reL life serious business
I learn new shit about my favorite game everyday
Only plebs play unmodified skyrim.
You can actually stop holding the spell if the map is open, it will hold it automatically. It will still drain your mana at all times at the same speed as usual.
*British voice* perfectly balanced
Survival mode cope
We must tell spiffing Britt of this
This whole time I’ve been going to the companions and barbecuing the dude who tests you.
Can the game still be patched? I hope so exploits suck
Can this also work for the other magic types
congrats. Someone has seen this and reported it to the Dev’s and Mods who will now patch this out, making this no longer Viable.
Player.forceav destruction 100
That’s faster
Earn Lydia’s respect and marry her, she opens a shop, you can sell her your wears and get them back out of her inventory like you can with all followers, take her with you and prestige your level in speech on the alter in Dragonborn DLC and sell her expensive stuff and get it back out of her inventory, relevel and repeat for infinite skill points.
I mean if you aren’t gonna play the game legit why not just use mods
Yeah also you don’t need to hold the buttons. This is the same thing with telekinesis
Do this with telekinesis
Sounds like it works with any school with a channeled spell.
A feature.
“Opens console command prompt” *proceeds to enter player.advskill destruction 999999999
It’s not there for me
Thanks homie
There is no ancient tome chest for me
It just works
But why? I could do the same thing with a console command, at the end of the day it’d just plain cheating. You’re obviously welcome to do what you want, it’s singleplayer, but this is pointless
But does this work in special edition?
I’m pretty sure you have to have equipment that negates 100% MP usage for that skill tree. I do this for the alteration by using the telekinesis ability all the time.
a wonderful game with no exploits
Just use console at that point.
It’d be faster if you just opened up the command console and gave yourself the destruction points. Same thing amirite?
Does this work with other spells?
It just works.
-God King Tom Howard
can you do this with other spell classes like restoration?
How do you click things on the map of you’re holding down both mouse buttons?
“That’s right, we’re gonna cheat”
Ah My old kindergarten friend
Could do this with restoration magic aswell I suppose
I just console command but w.e
So its similar to the telekinesis guide to level alteration
Is this possible on standard skyrim?
You dont have to hold the spell once map is open. Also stay in map for at least 1p secs to hit 100 on first go
But would it work with any other schools?
Does it work for illusion spells as well!?
NOO WAAAY I don’t believe it brb I’m gonna go try it
Does this work for restoration too?
I wonder if this works on older versions of Skyrim too
And dus it work for the special edition
I think this might be the fastest way to level up, period.
Ah shit… Here we go again
It’s 2023… Just use console commands
I feel like cheating
My favorite trick gets both restoration and destruction up. Go to either a storm clock imperial camp (Whichever your not part of.) Clear the camp, leave the wounded tent alone. Go into the wounded tent and cast flames and healing hands on the poor soul. You can get conj up by using soul bind.
Does this work with sparks spell?
Can I do this with just base game + DLCs? Obviously with another spell
Nah. We don’t go to that part of the map. If you know you know.
Does this work with the unofficial patch?
How can I save this video. I have to go to work and I would love to do this
Is this method doable on the console versions?
You should probably mention that the chest is a creators club thing
So I can’t use my mouse, time to use controller then
СС garbage
Only works with anniversary edition
That’s so dirty
Noooooooo it’s the only one I struggled on and your telling me this was possible
sad i only own SE
It just works
15-100 not 1-100 lol it’s always been 15-25 starting depending on your character choice not saying this to be mean or anything I’m just saying it cuz it’s not accurate is all.
This guy hasn’t changed his content at all
So I tried it in special addition. The chests not there unfortunately. Definitely only anniversary edition
I wonder if this were to work as well with restoration
ESO i frickin love you man.Yr a god.
Note Skyrim anniversary edition is not standard edition or remastered
Players:…good enougt for me.
HOLD UP, last time I checked, it only leveled up based off the damage you delt….which makes it damn hard to find enough epic enemies.
same thing can be done with other spells, accidentally discovered this with the telekinesis spell too
i went here only to realize i dont have anniversary edition
Same thing for Alteration with the Telekinesis
But then your willpower will take a huge hit because you never leveled up to acquire more willpower that increases the potency of all destruction spells. So you might be master in destruction,but you have the power of a noob.
Same thing can be done with telekinesis
I first saw spiffing brit accidentally do it in one of his 100 days (referring to the “intentional game design”).
This is a lie. There’s no chest.
It just works
Does this work for all magic?
I wish you could do this for all skills. This game is so boring since all skills feel the same when your low level. I liked oblivion more
Does this work in special edition?
another looser playing on easy.
Not on the Nintendo switch
Ahh Skyrim! It just works!
How to ruin your gaming experience in 60 seconds
Any way to do this for warrior skills or speech?
Skyrim is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.
It just works.
For the record, this is not a new way to level up, it’s a new way to level up destruction, there was a spell on another tree that could do the same.
Not to diminish your find, tis’ a good find.
would this work with other scrolls and branches of magic ?
:you gonna hold that spell the whole trip?
Will definitely do
be careful when doing it around followers as it might make them try and kill you.
TLDR get unbound storm do the same glitch as telekinesis
Wait… Unbound storms isn’t vanilla spell though? Unless I have slept on this for years
The og method was with telekinesis no?
I was thinking it was a afk thing but this is basically console commanding your xp up
Bruh never mind all of that just download the mod The leveler’s Tower 4.0 that bugger going to give you all what you need.
Ohh it’s kinda like the telekinesis glitch
Wtf, dope lol
Or you can do it at the start of the game once you get to the bear, just lay into whoever u chose to go with, they will never go hostile and will never die, you can level any combat skill or stealth skill besides lockpocking by doing that.
It just works
This with telekinesis
Wrong wrong so wrong. Just start burning either companion you chose during the tutorial until you reach 100
can it work without the anniversary addition
Too bad I’m on survival mode and can’t fast travel😭
I wish I knew this!
Oh God I’m saving this I need some perks baby
Only works on PC
Interesting exploit but… at this point why not console command or mod? Its just a more time consuming process to reach the same end of leveling while doing next to nothing.
It just still works
But can you do this if you’re using Survival Mode? Fast travel is supposed to be turned off…
Does it work for other forms of magic as well?
Does it work on nintendo switch because the telekinesis fast travel doesn’t
Awman. I think I have the buy the dlc on the switch for this. I think
So telekinesis 2: electric Boogaloo
Does it work for older versions too
How do I get Destruction level 1
If you’re gonna cheese it… Why not just mod it?
This didnt work the ancient tome chest wasnt there
It’s a feature.
You can also do this in special edition if you have arcane accessories creation
What’s the point of legendary in skyrim. Last I checked nothing really good happens you just restart your Perk tree. Seems kinda lame to me unless I’m missing something
Just beaten the EBONY WARRIOR, remember, Always use vegetable soup, and conpanions, the mf insta killed me 26 times, so dont bother with weapons, just bring spellbreaker, J ‘zargo, dremora lord, and dragon aspect, good luck, oh, and quicksave often!
What’s the point of make a skill tree legendary?
Got me to 96 with about 4 levels up too nice trick bro 💜
Dude… what the fuck are you doing?!?!?
DON’T POST THIS ON YOUTUBE!!! If Bethsoft sees it, they’re going to _patch_ it! And if they patch this shit again, the PC modding community is going to be *_FUCKED_* for another 6 months!!!!
Oh boy Back to Skyrim!
Nothing on you man but I hate it when people will have every mod ever made and not say anything. Leading me to believe I can use base dlc stuff
Thank you for this
Gonna make j’zargo well jealous
Works with telekinesis as well. For alteration
Well I know what I’m trying
Fast travel on survival is more difficult
Does this still work on SE? And what does making it “Legendary” do? Does it just allow you to level it more?
Not on PS3, only there i have this game
Skyrim has been out long enough lol unless you’re playing on 360 you should have cheats by now😂
Too bad that magic is absolutely garbage past level 6.
Is it work with USSEP ?
Is this possible with USSEP
any spell that is channeled can do this, even in oldrim
How would the controls work on PC?
I have tried this fast travel glitch 100’s of times. It does not work.
That went from 1 to 100 real fucking quick.
OHHHHHH, I USED TO WATCH YOU ALL THE TIME BACK IN THE DAY!!! Bruh this brought back so many memories, hope life is treating you well these days.
Just tried it on PS5, doesn’t work.
Does it work with any other spells? Like healing or illusion
Ha! This is amazing
Just tried it on anniversary. It works.
I feel dumb lol there was no ancient tomb chest on my playthrough
Have anniversary edition on ps4 and that chest doesnt appear there. I have reloaded reinstalled and made new chars. But it doesnt appear the chest on that spot!!!!!
What a neat feature!
Won’t the level scalong fuck you up after?
can someone explain why it wont work for me?
Me getting my level up from 1 to 330 in one day because of this glitch lol, it works REALLY well. I’m on Special edition as well not anniversary
Do you know how hard I worked for this on the original game
Like the alteration
I’ve learned so much about Skyrim after beating it and seeing all the videos of little exploits you can do to cheese the game.
Similar to using telekinesis with full alteration cost reduction and is easy to do on any edition of Skyrim nice way to power level to gain perk points plus you only need to travel from say Whiterun to either Dawnstar or Riften and you go from level 15 to 100 one way reset it to 15 and make the return trip lol
Note: doesn’t work on PS4
That ist the exact Same Thing you can do with Telekinese
Bye the nine
This is insanely helpful as destruction is annoying to level up
Ah… It just works ☕
Guess I’m starting a new save and be busy for the next 2 weeks 😤😂
Does it only work in Skyrim anniversary edition?
Bruh…thats even more cheese than im carrying in my inventory
Dude anniversary edition just came to switch so this is hella useful thanks for continuing to pump out all the new features Bethesda gave us👌🏻
Anyone go to this cave and the book not be there?
What does legendary do
Ima see if this works on PS4 🤣
For the people who dont have the chest appearing, mine didnt either.
To get it to appear, you have to go to the main game screen > creation club > weapons > arcane accessories. You must have Arcane accessories installed. Re-load the game and the chest should be in Hobb fall where indicated. Hope this helps 💪
Can you do this with flames or just that spell?
It just works
Sweeeetttt!!!! Thanksss!!!
Chest isn’t there for me?
Will this kill anybody like if I fast travel across multiple cities will I have tons of bounties on me?
Thank you! Destruction leveling has always been so tedious to me.
Getting right to the point. Nice!
the chest isnt there for me 🙁
Meanwhile Skyrim unofficial patch kills most things that make it quick to level up
For people concerned whether he’s using mods or not, it’s not a mod. It’s a piece of official creation club content purchasable with credits from the creation club store in main menu. Alternatively if you own the new anniversary edition this creation club content is included for in that version of the game at no extra cost. It is not considered a mod but rather a small piece of DLC and does not disable achievements.
does this need enchants to reduce destruction magicka cost
I’ve done this before and you don’t have to keep holding after you open the map
Time for a new play through lmao
Oh so its like a really easy version of using the telekenisis alteration glitch
No way that’s awesome
The farther u go the more u lvl up I used to do this as a kid
Yeah but I still own the original from 2011 that I “stole” from my rich friends that I borrowed they had 2 copies because they were triplets and 1 only wanted to play black ops zombies so I got away with it and had a good time playing it
This isnt really new lol…
This is one hell of an exploit… Spiffing Brit beware…. ESO is coming for you lols XD
I mastered enchanting now I dont even need magika to cast destruction combined with this spell I’ll be a walking Storm
As a warrior/mage class this is useful
It doesn’t work for me I’m on ps5
“player.advskill destruction 1000000” will do just fine too. Without exclamation marks.
I couldn’t find the chest
Skyrim isnt dead come on back people, come on back
Is there something like this for the other schools of magic?
It just works. Thanks, Godd Howard.
Mashed potato
Mashed potato
Watched it twitch cuz I was playing and got lost xD twice
u made my day 😁
That chest is not in my anniversary game
do you need to be a certain lvl or something coz chest isnt there for me.. I got the anniversary edition to but i play on switch.. Any help here would be nice
Interesting but I wonder if works with ALL magika types
Dude just unlocked a new hack. I remember when we had just found out you can attack Shadowmere on legendary to do it that way. 😂
I do the same thing with the telekinesis spell. I’ll levitate a head of lettuce, fast travel from Riften to Markharth, make telekinesis legendary, rinse and repeat.
I usually enchant 4 worn items with 25% decrease alteration though. I never thought fast travel wouldn’t register magic consumption.
I was going to comment something along the lines off… it’s skyrim just get a mod or something… but yeah this is actually even faster lol
Very cool and this is my first time hearing of this.
There is no ancient tomb chest for me
What if the chest isn’t available for us?
This is the most beautiful video I’ve ever seen, I’ve been subscribed for a while and have tried most of your super helpful tips but this my friend is god tier, finally I can get that son of a bee J’zargo
I’ve been watching since new vegas…. props to you sir, its amazing the devotion you have to these franchises
There was no chest there
Cheatin’ bastards!! 🤣🤣🤣
The chest isn’t there for me
When are you going to make another skyrim video?
Goddamn this is such a cheese trick…
im definitely trying it 😈
When you travel all the way there and find the small print after 🤦♂️ what a waste of time, great tip for pc players but i hate you a little bit for not mentioning this in the video 🤣
Wow!!! I’m definitely using this! Thank you!
Youre about to make me download skyrim again….
Whoever is out here playing skyrim without the unofficial patch?
Me watching this while already maxing it manually
Thank God now I don’t have to participate in animal abuse for it
I couldn’t find it
I couldn’t get it to work so I just used my old way
Is that a “secret” or an “Easter egg” or simply cheating? It’s definitely not in the spirit of the game.
Bro I got from level 89 to 136
Tried many times but didn’t work (PS4) also 97 at start
how to do this on pc
Or use secret of arcane
bugthesda nee feature
need anniversary edition
Well I’m playing survival so I can’t fast travel
i hop they don’t patch it 😏
It’s been 11 years bro….
You could at least give the other guy credit
Got pickpocket to 100 in a single day from yesterday, all be it I had the game difficulty at novice
It’s just the destruction equivalent of the telekinesis exploit 🙄
Or just use console cheat codes
I really need to find my love of games back, this might inspire my first full mage build.
Oh no! Damnit man… And just when I thought I already played Skyrim for the last time…
I wonder if you can do this with the unbound bow and level up your conjuration along side your archery?
Can you do this with illusion aswell
Playing survival mode, no fast travel. But that a neat trick…. “LEARN IT”…
Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.
Damn…. Thanks
Careful, you’ll be a glass cannon
Does it work on the other magic skill trees
Would this work for any channeling spell?
I’m downloading Skyrim again
Just as Todd Howard intended.
How can you fast travel without stoping holding the mouse buttons
Does it work with other spells ?
Does this work for all magic skills?
I found a trick, that’s useless, but still looks cool.
I used the dragon aspect shout and then transformed to vampire and to my surprise the look didn’t go away, I’ve been stuck with a dragon aspect look for hours now. XD
Unlimited power
Definitely plan on using this for an upcoming playthrough! I’ll use mostly illusion magic but this will be helpful when illusion magic doesn’t work!
It’s not a glitch it’s a feature!
“It just works.” -Hodd Toward
more reasons i DONT like this version of the game. seriously the creation club crap did NOT need to be forced onto my system.
What if you have telekinesis in one hand and this in the other?
Found it on the first day I got anniversary. Used it to get my destruction from 30 to 80 within a week.
Appreciate you not burying the lead.
Very good post.
Thats genius lol
Can you do this with other spells or just this one?