How the Orcs became recognized as “People” #lore #theelderscrolls #orcs #skyrim #oblivion #tes




  • コメント (117)

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    • Donlookatme
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Too be Fair? In Daggerfall, I was always assaulted by Pig men all the time. If there was a peaceful orc or a quest with orcs that are peaceful I missed it. But never missed a good Orc axe to the abdomen.

    • gray devil coffee channel
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Orcs never get respect

    • Drew war
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I wanna see? What a future version of this universe would look like. I mean tens of thousands of years in the future Just to see the technology.

    • OMJames
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Found it! Awesome. Exactly what I was referring to 🙂

    • LordAnestis
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Let’s be honest here, 20 years ago nobody believed that Orcs could be normal folks.

    • Zajin13
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I always thought of it as the orcs being the strong independent tribefolk (who don’t need no gosh darn imperial government!) and were just hired as mercenaries in the legion from time to time. Later on they just thought „if i am already stuck at this outpost for 10 years i might as well get some land and marry“

    • Nameless Compadre
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Orcs are honestly one of the most interesting races to me, especially the backstory of how they came to be. When Trinimac was transformed into Malacath, the sect of Aldmer that chose to continue following him despite his change had their own physiologies changed in kind, becoming the Orcs. This is also when the genealogical split happened between the Aldmer, the Chimer, and the Orsimer, because the Trinimac worshipping Aldmer that abandoned his worship chose instead to follow the one who consumed and changed him, Boethiah, turning them into the Chimer.

    • Stormborn Apostle
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Orcs are master race.

    • Ouchiegiverjr
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I mean…are they?

    • Hanafi Ravsanjani
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Please somebody tell me. Is the entire world of the elder scrolls is based on the folklore that we know. Or everything in the game are written again from 0 only just for the game? Like the name of “tamriel”, “parthanax” etc…. If the game lore is this rich no wonder why everybody love the elder scrolls.

    • I Solo You Relax
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Would have been nice if in oblivion you had backhanded things said to you as an orc.

    • ___.
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    ESO isn’t canon, daggerfall has the best lore 👍

    • Darek Baird
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    you consider them people?

    • PadaLAN
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    What I find more disturbing is that the video implies the orcs became “people” only after the empire recognised them as such.

    • Jack Canonach
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    The orcs gained rights at the end of Daggerfall during the dragon break, and was one of I think 5 endings to become canon all at the same time.

    • TheGuardianDex
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I thought orcs were a cursed race… Like there were something else until they did something and were cursed by a god/ daedric prince… Confused at the confliction of lore..

    Or am i thinking of a different race?

    • Hayden Clark
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Kinda hope to see the same for some Minotaurs, Goblins, or Ogres, even if not playable.

    • DarthonTV
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    There’s so much lore to elder scrolls I don’t know I’m gonna have to take a full day just to deep dive into all of it

    • Frog tank
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    the entire “they weren’t seen as a people” is entirely because they were monsters before Morrowind. its the writers way of explaining things.

    • Calcifur of Djerba
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I hope 6 shows them more love. I almost wonder if the Orcs like Malacath were originally more wild but Boethias curse is starting to fade.

    • Revan Amell
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Altmer pecking order.


    Bosmer & Khajiit




    • handgun559
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Orcs are also elfs. The orcmir I think is the real name, though even orcs dont acknowledge this history anymore.

    • Rowdee Munkee
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    WHAT? Racism, in Elder Scrolls?

    • OpposingForces
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Well you get to decide the date of the orcs in daggerfall elder scrolls 2. But Bethesda can’t be bothered to decide which ending was cannon so they made the concept of the warp in the west so bothe endings were true. Same with why cyrodill changed from a jungle to what we got in oblivion.

    • Pandicus
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Hope we eventually get an orc focused game
    Would be really cool to have a fallout esc “leave the stronghold (vault) and go adventure”, maybe go try to find your dad or somthing

    • izuunagi
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    orc’s were so opressed 😢😢😢

    • Oxylepy
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I mean… that’s pretty accurate to how certain people act in real life. Hell over half the population can tell you there are people who don’t even treat them like real people.

    • Jim Stoesz
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Damn it, now I want playable ogres and goblins! Maybe a shin-stabbing riekling…

    • King Masterlord
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    there are several other races that have culture

    • Manuel Urquiza
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Ironically, i allways played tes games as orc, i always in any game prefer tank, high damage builds and direct combat, never ever got to be stealth archer, maybe Stealth assassin but when detected i just go berserk. I do like stealth riflemen in shooters though but i always end up mixing it with tanky builds, its just the thrill of being powerful

    • iamalovingguy
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Uriel Septim low key reminds of pres. Biden

    • Gargoyle sex
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    You forgot to mention that Gortwog did this by using the Numidium after The Protagonist of Daggerfall gave him the controller as one of the possible endings. Since the Warp of The West was essentially all of Daggerfall’s endings becoming true, that’s why it’s canon that Mannimarco became a God, Zurin Arctus finally passes and Gortwog establishes Orcs as a Official Race.

    • CF
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I feel like the Khajiit, Orcs and wood elves don’t get enough love in game. These happen to be my favorite races kinda sucks. If TES 6 is in highrock or hammerfell, hopefully we get to see Orsinium.

    • Casey Hamm
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    this is sort of part of the broader trend of personifying the orcs that tolkien made. i would say it’s because of recent events, but really we’ve only just realized it’s not kosher to devalue the humanity of others

    • ruh roh
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    why did bro put it in quotes bro I swear elder scrolls racisim is on a whole new level

    • Stumpy The Violator
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    That’s because orcs are portrayed as a common fantasy villain, they are to design, most variations are simplistic by nature.
    Making them a playable race and giving them some real lore, that was a bold move back in the day.
    Now it’s pretty common, thank Tolkien for that, having orcs portrayed as an easy fantasy villain.
    Orcs are interesting with how far they have come, our generation specifically 80s onwards have seen the proverbial villain grow into an extremely fleshed out race with it’s own cultures, backstories and history.

    • Benitaur
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    They made it out of the hood with that one

    • Universe
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    There is a theory that dwemers outside of morrowind were turned into orcs as a part of their curse. They were forced to flee their own cities because their automatons didn’t recognise their masters and attacked them. And of course no one believed orcs (who werent even considered a civilised kind) when they tried telling people that they once were dwemers, the most technologically advanced civilization ever

    • Bobby3OOO
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I want a Minotaur playable race dammit

    • Ben Pearson
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    But orcs aren’t people?

    • Placenta
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I don’t blame them

    • Niska Magnusson
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Orcs are my 2nd favorite resident alcoholics after the Nords

    • Educated Skeleton
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I wish i had a mate like this guy who would just sprut out random tes or fallout lore smoke a bong did you know elves built the inperial capital haha

    • The Postal dude
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I want to see goblins as a playable race soon

    • Timur Avar
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I actually knew this 😅

    • Mac Binkman
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Orcs aren’t people

    • HomelessPerson
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Honestly, that’s a pretty reasonable point of view if you only have minor contact with orcs and are also aware of goblins. They just would seem like bigger goblins that use huts more often than caves. Depending on if they spoke the same language of course.

    • Nate Piercii
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I’ve been playing an orc since morrowind, hell I even play an orc in Elder Scrolls Online and will build my orc into whatever build I’m doing for my Templar. Mag or Stam. Don’t matter

    • Norwalk
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I still don’t see them as people after stumbling around fighting them in the reach

    • TrueSpikewall
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    People seem too forget how morally fucked and racist and all that shit the old games/contained and tbh i kinda miss that cuz i like my dark fantasy

    • SirShay
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Yeah if you play first two games they werent even a playable race… Oh wait he Just said that as i wrote that

    • Ray Akuma
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    ,,hello, my name is Ugku Shugg Bukhur”
    ,,wait you ain’t no person”

    • Skenja
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm


    • Roko’s Basilisk
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Bretons are just like “how do you do fellow mer folk?”

    • Nick V
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I need to redo this scenario and free the crashed pod to make it a rover. You’ve got everything you need quick that way.

    • Glace077
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Yeah, they’re basically more civilized africans

    • Dragon of Hateful Retribution
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I’ve just realised the marxist propaganda displayed here…

    • Vladline
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Would a human woman even fall in love with an orc?

    • Mr. Wilson
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Why are 55 % of violent crimes committed by the 13% orc minority?

    • Ater Nefarium
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I honestly would love to play as an orc that had all those problems and was looked at as more of a monster.

    • Matt L.
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I don’t consider these as people…

    • HavocKeeper
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Chad king

    • RedPanda
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Ah yes, the once followers of the shit god, literally.

    • DIEGhostfish
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    What finally helped set aside centuries of blood feuds with the rest of man and Mer? “Giant robot that broke time.”

    • Jorge Deaño Pérez
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    To be fair, whenever I’m riding through High Rock and stumble upon an Orcish stronghold, they come out in droves to try and kill me just for walking near it. I can see why would they see and treat them as beasts

    • MUD PIE
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Well when you’re made from the feces of the god that created you if be sceptical to

    • Dragonborn Ascended
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    When you think about it, Malacath is more of a father figure to the Orcs, so he isn’t really evil.

    • Gabe Tomforde
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    You couldn’t be an imperial in the first game but the Empire definitely existed so what does that tell you. The Empire wasn’t founded by people

    • Lane Blackwood
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I’m waiting for Lord Dagoth Ur to enter the chat and tell us all how literal shit worshipers.

    • Lucalina Dreemur
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    They were people in daggerfall. They had t their own language, which your character could learn and speak with them. They just lived apart from society.

    • Marc Montalvo
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Africans be like “he just like me fr fr”. Repectfully

    • VeritasDVeritas
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    My main is always a two-hand axe wielder orc, I just love the orc race in Skyrim. I’m currently trying a thief/mage khajiit, main thief and mage secondary, to later evolve it to assassin/wizard. It’s been a fun build so far.

    • bravalloy
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Please, keep in mind that in Daggerfall we could talk to and befriend a lot of species, like impish, daedric and orcish. So they were intelligent, just not citzens of the Empire.

    • Karol argo
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Yes orc and their ex friend who also worshipped trinimac were lied to .trinimac seem to still be alive, who is the orc deadra? A lie . Check by all account it seem trinimac is the warrior constellation, the thief constalation and the mage constellation? Who is sithis then? Another deadra? All this because of ….i dont even knoow what to call it, a lorkhan move? One problem , the heart of the world is pulled out of lorkhan and yet laugh at trinimac. Take weapoh,trinimac has his bow and shield sealed. At one point trinimac was given his bow and shield. No talk of a sword dagger hammer etc. Thats weird? We see him with a greatsword all the time on statue, maloch orc even has a hammer called volendrung, we know its a soul heater sheogorath says so when we ask. Why isnt trinimac permitted a sword an axe 1h? I ll stop there , iif im righ?? Orc seem to still be a menace to the deadra because of trinimac likely just being emprisonned and likely tortured to say how to go to the realm of the god. I think the lorkhan side was betrayed to. There is something between aedra and deadra or older playing both side against each other. Neutrality? Love the story but all of it is disconected. Unless the one behing the hist tree portal is the one?

    • Karol argo
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    i looked a bit into the lore, the whole story is a festival of lies , it start on the aedra side to culminate with trinimac portion. Thaat portion is weird, why?4 deadra over multiple era play a part. Like how did sheogorath the trickster. And lier suposedly is a deadra but sount insanelly familiar since te two top aedra when creating the world lost their godhood realm connection wich seem to have a weird ….backdoor via the argonian sap and hist tree? And who is the gardian of that backdoor? Oh yes , its something very powerfull and anoying given the amount of celelestial portal

    • The veggster Good day
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Typical humans thinking other beeings are beneath them

    • Matthew Belemont
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    i dont like orcs still. i consider them little more than poo apes. the nords are snow apes. the beast races are farm tools. the dunmer are superior in every way possible.

    • Mister Chubbikins
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Tbf I still don’t consider orcs to be ppl

    • Ultraviolet
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    They’re also technically Elves. (Orsimer = Pariah Folk)

    • Super Random
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Play Daggerfall, it’s Free

    • Mehphala
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Yes, you can thank tiber septim and tiber septim alone for that, he did the same to the reachmen.

    • FlyingPaladin
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Orc lives matter

    • Nero
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Justice for Goblins!

    • Mr_Maiq_The_Liar
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Wasn’t the warp of the west like. 22 years after Daggerfall? Fast progress

    • Jo Wolf
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    It’s kind of crazy to think that despite existing for centuries (if not millennia) and being a race of elves themselves (corrupted, but mer nonethless) the Orsimer weren’t considered a sentient people, let alone citizens until shortly before the events of Morrowind and Oblivion (roughly 200-220 years prior to Skyrim). I hadn’t known this, but it definitely explains some things.

    • El argentino más blanco
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm


    • Josef Ptacek
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    It would be cool if it would be actually Orks who will save Empire from dominion

    • David Reeding
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    They are nothing more than wild beast folk. You gen z kids dont understand what its like to have quests that have a deadline, or what its like to map out an entire spaghetti maze dungeon to finish a quest, just to get teleported away to another dungeon before you could turn it in by an orc shawman.

    • Kiroker
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    This is due to a complicated situation that involves the fact that when the Aldmer came to Tamriel they’d already named a specie orcs (most likely some sort of ancient race of goblins). This was before some of the elf’s that went after what would become the dark elf’s, embraced the curse that made malacath. The original orcs probably went extinct or most people didn’t know what they look like so they just assumed that orsimers where orcs. Thought the real reason is multiple writers and change of lore as the series goes on, but that’s a boring answer.

    • Arcane Latte
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Their god is literally a pile of holy shit like LITERALLY

    • William Oldaker
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Elder Scrolls is real good at systemic analysis.

    • Whitewolf8786
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I still don’t consider them people

    • John Smith
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Here’s interesting backstory about Orisimer gaining respect and citizenship in the fantasy world of Elder Scrolls.

    Neo-Marxists enter the comment section: Muh racisms.

    • Casual Amer
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    No, you’re right they are not people. They are demigods

    • CryWølf
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Hoping the Reachmen one day get the Orc treatment, seeing as in lore both they and the Bretons see themselves as having diverged enough to be considered separate races

    • Tyler Begolka
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Probably because if they didn’t become “people” they would bash your face in with anything around them… including dead Nords, Bretons, Imperials, Elves, ETC.

    • That guy with quarters
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Orc lives matter ✊🏽

    • Devo Mccoy
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Or black people….

    • DumpsterChild
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Will be honest I am happy they have works and Elder Scroll I cannot imagine not playing as an Orc and yes I absolutely do not mind because they are consider one of the best crazy characters you can be do you can be almost anything with a horse and absolutely fun to learn they are more than just a piece they are absolutely very awesome brakes do you need to be the bad guy or the good guy or just plain crazy

    • zeaka tep
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I knew about the whole scorned by tamreil thing that they were considered a beast folk by the elves back when they first where created but I didn’t know that you couldn’t play them as a playable race till daggerfall nice little tid bid

    • chasen Lewis
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I mean orsimer were created by a daedra, who would tell mortals constantly that ogres are the orcs cousins. Also you didn’t mention which uriel.

    • EldritchOgre
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Bethesda just copied Warcraft and made up filler lore

    • Matthew Fernandez
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Neat how Elder Scrolls took the once Tolkien-efied orcs as beasts of evil and malice and made them just another race, like any other. WoW did the same thing; they’re now just another magical species like elves and dwarves. Not necessarily evil, just big and strong

    • Luke Sites
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Not a fan of orcs but they’re still better than those damnable N’wahs

    • corey brotherton
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    I read the books in game

    • Colin Murphy
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    What mods. Are you using? Pls

    • Samuru
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Dungmer lore goes deep.

    • Larry Smith
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    So orcs and us redguards have something in common then lol

    • Darius Tiapula
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    That’s why I am always loyal to the Empire.

    • Nathaniel Brown
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Well, time to make an orc Dragonborne!!

    • FiendishBean
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Thwts because technically Orks are just more advanced Ogres like how giants are conscience but there not people because they have less advanced brains

    • Elisiah Poe
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    comes to show you that even in games there’s racism Asians as elves Nords imperial as white orc as African people there’s alot of keywords and even hints in this game. ..its sad but it is a fantasy game

    • Caged Viking
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    So fun fact: theoretically the Warp in the West physically changed history to make Orcs people and gave them a Kingdom, alongside making Talos and making Mannimarco a God

    • demi urge :DDDD
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Love how in Tes they’re essentially warrior varient of elves

    • Ethan Fearghail
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Non-Daggerfall fans 😔

    • The Lemon
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    Just like Indians

    • N3R3SH
    • 2023年 6月 10日 8:37pm

    That is actually a rare piece of TES lore I don’t remember ever hearing from Fudgemuppet or Camel or EpicNate. I only knew they weren’t originally a playable race and they weren’t respected much historically, but I didn’t know they actually couldn’t have citizenship.