Skyrim’s 10,000 GOLD Bet
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コメント (171)
He deserves the 10000
Or pickpocket the helmet
I payed him 10,000 gold. Then used cheat room spell to make him a companion and now he is my stealth archer ally.
Didn’t know what he was talking about.
I gave him the 10000
He gets his money, I am a fair man.
Wow, spoiler.
Even though I usually don’t take shot from random NPCs approaching me in the wilds, I’d pay him the 750 for being so bold and almost main character like
I paralyzed him and ran away
it’s a fair bet really and let’s be honest we can afford it
What the ACTUAL 😂😂😂 is that Thumbnail
He earned that gold
Thousands of hours and ive never seen this guy ever. What the
That quest was a roller-coaster ride ,absolutely loved it
Anakin skywalker
Paid him once, 10,000
But he respawned.
He said the same and got M.D.K.
I bet 10,000 not 20,000. I didn’t welch but he tried to crawfish and double deal me.
Considering im a greedy asshole who usually doesnt buy anything from shops unless i have enough crap to also take all their money or atleast pay for the item im buying, aint no way he is getting any of my money. I need it to make me feel good
How the hell do you talk someone down from 10k to 750 in a bet?
i’d pay him
He has a lesser known twin brother- Deep in her guts 😂
My character was so loaded with gold at that point when I did it I gave him the gold he deserves for pulling it off
Dude came up to me before ever doing the quest seemed fishy so he didnt last long
And this is why I save gold. In case one of the NPC’s decides to take on the role of Main Character while Im off getting shit faced.
Should I do this quest, I am carrying 20,000 gold.
I got into this encounter and couldn’t talk the price down so I stood there for a moment preparing to loose 10k but then a bear randomly attacked us both, breaking the dialogue. we killed the bear but he never came back to ask for the gold.
That NPC heated with console commands
I always kill him, I never have the gold so either way he’s gonna be pissed
I give it to him. Dude earned it and is one of the few npcs I considered a friend of the Dragonborn
In the second scene you can see titties
I ended up paying him thinking the hat would be cool. It was not. The only reason that guy lived was because he was argonian, and I have a set of rules.
Player.additem 00000f 10000
Free helmet. But he deserve rhat cash
I wouldn’t pay. I don’t think you can count that as a valid deal if you were too drunk
Is it really some random bandits helmet, or is this guy just trying to defraud us of 10,000?
A bet is a bet
He deserved those money but, i’m the dragonborn sooo i guess fus ro dah out of my way
Bro 10k gold or kill a random😂
Fuck him he didn’t have to do the dare, i don’t owe him anything 🤣
You bet, you pay, simple as.
I’m literally a millionaire so he can have those 10000 gold
I’d gladly pay him 10,000 gold
I just ran into him a few months ago for the first time ever in the 10 years that I’ve been playing this game. I paid him, and I might have made him a follower. It’s been a little while.
Paid him twice then found him again and I just implanted a fork in his chest
i always pay, the guy is a professional.
Skyrim is like combat XP DND…. And gold just makes being stronger easier, so good luck taking mine 😈
Honor demands I pay the 10,000.
I’ve killed this guy like 7 times he just keeps showing up in the same world same saves.
I have literally never met this character, always fun learning yet another thing in Skyrim.
I usually just kill him with a bound sword and steal his soul
You need to lower your vocal pitch for these videos man. Cool content but it’s quite jarring to hear your voice so high when going through shorts
“Wow you actually did that? That was dumb. Oh, you want the money? That’s dumb too.”
It’s so funny that the official dragonborn and all the other legendary ranks achieved, would actually play this with him and send him to a random bandit camp while fully drunk.
That dude came for his money twice! I gave him 750 each time but dang!
Bruh from 10000 to 750🤣🤣🤣 speech go bruuuuuuuuuu
Bro 750 is a HUGE hit..
Give him his gold
when he shows up “I’m not even mad, i’m really impressed.. here you go”
I always just pay him the gold and let him go on his way. He earned that 10,000 fair and square
Bud if I’ve got the 10k I am giving him the 10k
I make literally more expensive jewelry than anyone vendor can afford. I think I can fulfill my bets. Dragonborn is dovah of his thu’um.
So what? I’m rich anyway 💰💹
I made this man rich, always make bets with a drunk dragonborn.
I make sure I’ve got well beyond 10000 before doing the quest, I help my scale-brothers
It aint an issue, after all I’ve got millions
Id give him 10000 mainly because i have way too much
He did it. He earned it. Every single fuckin septim, he earned it.
I rember my first thought when he pulled up was wholey shit he really did it
He bugged on me. Paid, haggled, or k’ed, he kept respawning for more. 😂
But do I get the helmet and is it good?
What I heard was “after completing the quest you get leather armor, some gold and an iron sword”
Always give the 10k, being drunk does not absolve your actions and he held up his end. Lol.
…..yyyyyyeah…yeah I remember thay part. I just gave him the 10000. It was more like “yeah considering that night….I believe it.”
Ordinarily it would take me hours to earn that first 10K, I’ll pay 750 rather than murder him. I don’t feel bad about it, because if he had failed, there’s no way in hell he’d ever have 10K gold to pay me back. Odds are dude probably made a deal with the bandit leader.
I gave him 750, then inmediatly stole them back. Sorry, can’t help it(I’m a Khajit).
I mean being worth 500,000 by level 65 I have no problem giving him the money lol
Bruh I’ve never had this guy come to me, I’ve been playing for like 7-8 years
[Lie] “How about you give me the 10,000 gold and I’ll pay you twice as much later?”
Is more impressive than my biggest alcohol fueled fuck up,I woke up and found out that I got blocked from following NATO’s Twitter account
Honestly with a name like that and having the helmet he deserves the money.
I would definitely mod him into being a follower after that. Nobody be they Mjöll, Serana, Cicero, Aela, Frea, not a one could go into a bandit camp without the Dragonborn nearby and leave with the leader’s helmet.
Sober dragonborn is not responsible for drunk dragonborn, but the sword is
Yupe, and about a wedding ring from my wife and propose to a Hagraven, made a mess in the temple of Mara. I officially stopped drinking after that.
Never met that Argonian.
Been playing since 2011, never had this happen to me. Time for another playthrough…
I always killed him and took the helmet 💀
You know what, he snuck into a bandit camp and stole the leaders helmet… he deserves every septim
Hey, dude stole a bandit leader’s helm. Pay him and send him the Thieves Guild’s way man.
Homeboy snuck into a bandit camp, drunk off his ass and knicked the chiefs helmet all cause you and Sanguine said “No balls”. Dude deserves the gold
It’s a shame I don’t remember daring him but a deals a deal
How about a sweet roll bitch
I have never meet this guy, welp time to play Skyrim again!
Id give him 5 grand
I paid the man
Lol at this point just give him the gold.
I never ever encountered him!!!! Maybe because i was 81, and the bandits scaled to me so he wasn’t successful. Sad 🙁
>break into a bandit camp in still
>in still
I mean he took down a bandit camp and he did the dare, give him his fucking money.
I have to do this quest with 10000 in my inv. 😅
I paid the 10k
Would have been hilarious if he had a stormcloak or imperial helmet (make it random) because he was to drunk to check what camp it was
I would give him 750 for the effort. Even though I was literally drunk off some supernatural liquor and shouldn’t be held responsible for bets I made 😂
I only have about 2,041 gold pieces just from playing the game normally
Did you know in Skyrim…
The red bar indicates your health, while the green and blue bars represent your stamina and magic.
I mean exp is exp am I right guys?
The only person in Tamriel besides me who makes themself useful can have anything they want
I keep finding the corpse of Deep-in-his-cups near wildlife on different playthroughs and I thought it was just a weird random encounter 😅 poor guy
I was rich at that point, i payed the man.
I haven’t had this happen yet
Always command console this dude the money. My dude needs to score some skooma and hit that moon sugar.
Me who completed the side quests before the main story: Violence?
bro he deserves it he done it a bets a bet
I dunno about you, but I’d sure be deep in his cups if he’s that cute 🥵
just simple do this
player.additem 000000f 10000
I got the price down but he deserved the full 10k😂
Is the helmet enchanted?
I forgot about this lol, I think I payed him 10k and pickpocketed the helmet
Dude deserves the 10,000
I always give him the 10000 even if I’m playing an evil character
Damn hell i played skyrim and ive havent run in to a bandit camp and stole the bandit leader helmet
That’s one hell of an achievement he can have the 10k
Nah, %100 of the time i kill him
I always just kill him for wasting my time lmao. Never follow up on a drunk man’s proposal mate, specially if he’s sober at the time
i can pass the check but i never do,he earned his pay
Sadly this whole can happen twice in the same save
Or you give him the money then kill him to take it back
Hmmm I don’t think I’ve seen this random encounter
Ive murdered entire skyrim towns over 1 gold piece theres no way hes getting 10k off me 😂
Pay the man
If you take the quest late enough you might as well give him the 10,000, not like you need that money you cheapskate
Bitch, I could do that straight out of Helgen for 100 gold.
I legitimately gave him 10,000 homie deserved it
I had 200 gold at the time and I was like bruh I was drunk…
By that point in-game, I’m usually Deep-in-my-Pockets, aka filthy stinking rich. Like, regularly making and selling god tier weapons. I’d just pay him the 10000.
I’m a man of my word, even when I’m drunk
There’s a different encounter you can have with this guy. Instead of a bandit leader’s helm you bet him to steal a gint’s hat. My brother wasn’t paying attention and paid him, saw it was 10k gold he paid, but before he could kill him dem lizard legs carried him into the shadows.
*stares in believing bets are a form of contracts and contracts must be upheld*
Kinda wish you could Hire on deep in his cups as a conpanion
Pay him
Hey man I never dared you but because you have balls so big you need a wheelbarrow, take this 10,000 gold
That argonian is the true Lizard-born
You deserve it buddy. *pickpockets the gold and helmet*
Bro deserve it I mean have you seen my modded skyrim I mean my god bro I even fear the Nordic tombs now
When I encountered him outside of Riften I talked him down to $750. The bandits helmet turned out to be nothing more than just a regular hat.. I was relieved to have avoided that $10,000 but still upset I paid $750 for a raggedy hat hahaha.
I played the quest and killed the lizard 🦎,then gave a thousand coins to the temple in markarth… conscience CLEAN.
Deep-In-His-Cup? More like Deep-In-His-BAG
As someone who has the invested mod and also usually has a lot of gold do to scaled merchant wallets I just gave it to him I’m like “dude if I was so drunk I bet you 10,000 to do that here take it I’m not even made go buy a house man. Seriously good on you”
But behold, I’m racist towards lizards
its 10 years since i first played and completed skyrim. and after coming back to the game like 6 times more after that, i still learn new things
There is a very rare chance that you can see him going into a random bandit camp and he’s trying to complete the best but he gets killed instantly it happened to me once wondering if anyone else has come across this?
Well… I mean I guess if I made the bet I made the bet time to pay up. If it was anything other than money I would say no but It’s just gold and I got a lot more than 10000.
No I guess I can keep my gold get a new helmet and some other stuff after I kill him and loot his bidy
I didnt even realize. I feel bad for killing him now
And since he only appears after, it seems to be true and not a scam
While impressive for a single npc to do, if the leader of camp was wearing a hide helmet they must’ve been some pushover bandits. 750 adds up
Do Skyrim npc’s have no brains bc they literally will be in leather armor with an iron axe against someone with dragon armor and has slayed many dragons
He Is a Man of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Fucking Will
Yeah I killed that mfer
I payed him, then turned into a werewolf and ate him. I got my gold back afterwords.
Me casually giving home boy 10k:
Not only did I pay the 750, I made sure he got to Riften safely. No one dies in my play-through!
I’d pay him. A deal is a deal
Do you get the helmet
Two things one what possibly could have led up too a 10,000 gold bet with a random guy to break into a random camp and steal a leaders helmet and two he definitely deserves that gold given how every other npc in this game can’t be stealthy to save there lives
Dude deserves it honestly. He must’ve worked extra hard to keep his massive steel balls from making any noise while sneaking.
Be a bro and pay him what you promised
Player.additem 0000000f 10000
Spawns in gold coins, here you go sir.
There’s a bug where Deep In His Cups can come back for 10,000 more gold after you gave it to him, happened to me once
I just un alived him