Skyrim Is Broken
#shorts #twitch #streamer
Skyrim is my favorite game by far
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Taqs:twitch,Twitch,Twitch.tv,twitch streamer,gamer girl,just chatting,just chatting streamer,funny,comedy,comedian,shorts,youtube shorts,Edit,captions,twitch clip,dancing,dance,memes,jokes,skyrim,Skyrim,NPC,Memes
コメント (356)
“I’ve been expecting you.”
Yeah, no need to tell me that. I knew you were expecting me. I could tell from the shirt – I SHAVED MY BALLS FOR THIS. Very professional and much appreciated.
Wtf is the shirt 😂😂😂
That’s why it will never be ‘fixed’. It’s perfect.
Omg that was so hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂 hahaha omgggg
Squid is the hero we didn’t deserve. She shaved her balls for this, and we didn’t even acknowledge her commitment to not having sweaty stinking beans. Thanks Squid, you’re saving lives with your sacrifice. 👍🏾
Its almost been 2years and She keeps getting in my feed and at the same time of 2years seeing her I still don’t known who she is
Skyrim is perfect in every way
do you get to the cloud distric very often? oh what am i saying, of course you don’t.
Bro how did you do the walk so perfectly and elegantly. Gravity does not comply with you xD
Bruh that’s 10+ year old news
Yep! Indeed! Very accurate! 😆
Cute, but yes
Anyone else just watch cause she’s hot?
I used to be an adventurer like you,
Then I took an arrow in the knee
Oblivion tho
If a Skyrim NPC fights someone and the one they where fighting dies they say “must’ve scared em off”
That has never happened to me on my nearly 10 years of playing happened in oblivion though multiple times that game was a mess lol
They are like “quick hold this if you get rid of this u will pay the conscience” while the person he stole from is 2 millimeters away like “hey u there have u seen a bandent that stole my imperial bow of frost”
Bethesda bugs are great, I hate how they don’t fix their games before milking more money out of people though
I’ve never seen something so true before in my life 🤣
Skyrim is so much fun and have been playing it for years
Skyrim is basically full of squids i guess
WTF is written in her shirt?! 😂😂😂
SHE is broken in a way that it’s just … insanely funny.
I once got my head chopped off but didn’t fully die so I was just suspended there looking at my headless body as my head is rolling away to new horizons…
I can’t get over how her arms are moving like they don’t have bones… considering she goes by “Squid”.
“Your money, or your life.”
*refuses to surrender*
“Have it your way, then. *shoots into the stratosphere* “
This is the perfect example!
Ive literally never seen this happen and it upsets me
It’s my fav game
Nice shirt, an absolute killer for a first date. Love it
Also yeah, that’s kinda how it has always been with Skyrim, no amount of patch could ever fix that, but do we really want that to be fixed ? Nah (except when the NPC is your follower with all your “hard” earned gear)
I agree completely
Woooooow, fck yeah.
“I was an adventurer like you once, till I took an arrow to the knee”
you’re playing a 10 year old game dawg
Every time I start a new save and do a playthrough I always fear it will glitch and I’ll have to abandoned my save
*fucking stabs you in the throat*
“Must’ve run off..”
Thanks for listening to me phone started my 1 billionth playthrough today but this time with mods and I am having the time of my life
Gerdur: The gods know what you’ve done **swims away in mid air**
Hang on, I didn’t catch that, can you turn around and do that again?
I love that shirt
grip reaper
This woman looks like 1976
I love your teeth
Something that I love about Skyrim is the fact that yes the game is broken, but it’s the good kind of broken like this is stupid but a good kind of stupid
I’ve been looking for you ,got something to deliver…then proceeds to hand me the dark brotherhood quest letter afyer I’ve finished the game and multiple full dlc
It is and it is buggy as well needs a bug fix but it’s a fun game but needs a bug fixs.
Who remembers jumping out of whiterun and going to that glitched out chest under the blacksmith?😂
every excuse to show ahh,these hos
Literally never happens
Oblivion is even MORE broken than Skyrim, believe me
wth flynn’s long lost syster?🤕
A bit, but oblivion is the goat
Skyrim was a masterpiece regardless of its imperfections
I mean….it’s amazing and buggy….yet still amazing
That’s oblivion not skyrim 🤦♂️🤦♂️.
I’m playing Skyrim right now
no its not
Ur a npc
Facts LOL
Why is no one talking about the shirt💀💀
best is riften people just after they killed a thief they suddenly looses sight of him saying must have gotten away
No bugs this is feature
I wish that chair was me
Not for me
I’ve been playing since Morrowind and will always love the weird jank of the Elder Scrolls games.
Also if you ever played Morrowind then you know the true pain is Cliff Racers.
Oh my gosh squid has a lil pound cake. Didn’t expect that 😂
Skyrim doesn’t have bugs, it has features
Skyrim is broken in a way where it crashes loading into whiterun. In a way that demands constant quick saves. In a way that to finish the game you may have to totally start all over two or three times to make it through without game breaking “features”. It just works.
Michael Jackson?
They just new how to make games in a way we’d enjoy back then
I was walking on a road near whiterun and then all a sudden a giant just fell out of no where and died
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That shirt 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Squid seems like the kind of person who has done this many times unironically.
Yeh we all noticed that since 2013 or so. Not need to chase clout on that in 2023
This really must have been a important show for her to have shaved her balls.
This is maybe her funniest short yet. If for no other reason than her shirt.
✨The physique✨
“Hey I can’t finish this quest.” “You fool, you needed to look up the bug list for that specific quest out of hundreds and if you are on console it is even worse. Hey wait where are you goi-“
Shut woman
Didn’t think people like this would be playing Skyrim
One time I enchanted a weapon with vampire and it did five thousand damage
The funniest part is cyberpunk is criminally underrated bc it’s a broken game yet all the broken moments are hilarious like Skyrim and I loved it 😂😅
Okay your right but it’s funny
Wait until she find out about Oblivion
I wish I could love myself the way I love Skyrim, this beautiful mess of a game
It’s a older game. It’s still a masterpiece tho
Oblivion: Hold my beer
You look cute have a good day🙂
i also love that they make limits to stuff you can do, then someone finds a way to break that limit and then become 4 times strongers
I like yo jeans, G.
Cause you were 5 when the game came out
Grip reaper
Halt you have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people
I mean I knew she was beautiful and damn near perfect but her also being a gamer and liking skyrim is just icing on the cake
I’m my current play thru , Rolof got glitched at “the battle of whiterun” (yes I’m a milk drinking Stormcloak) lol
And I couldn’t complete the quest so whiterun was unavailable for fast travel for a day, until finally Rolof decided to walk from white run to folkreath hold. I couldn’t even use “wait” lmao
I love this game 💀
No one gonna say it?….
Ok I will.
Damn she got ass.
When you try too hard to be funny:
top 10 funny women :
thanks for watching
I love the many bugs in skyrim that is until the game fucks up and I lose my save then I hate the bugs
Tom Howard’s beautifully designed game: Skyrim has no exploits whatsoever- (that one YouTuber who likes golden tea who’s name I forgot of)
Nice Permed hair!
God I’m in love with her😂😂
My ancestors are smiling upon me imperials, can u say the same .
I have covid and I picked up Skyrim for the first time since I beat it in 2012. I’ll be playing all weekend as I try not to die in real life
“milk drinker”
*legion spawns in*
Fallout NV player: thats all u deal with?
*random npc spawns in*
everything dies to something
Subtext title:
its all apart of the bethesda charm
The kid from stranger things wants his style back
Npc: I’ve been expecting you
starfield better be like this
it is the best game ever made
I use each and every glitch that benefits my character
Or when the horses just go into the nether realms and then shoot across the sky 😂
Hey, watch it
Yo why am I hear a girl voice but watching a skyrim clip
I’d break to back🫵🏽
Just the way she slowly fell, sliding against the wall🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Did u jus start playing it? Skyrim is a beautiful tragedy and ive been playing for over ten years haha
The NPCs ain’t got that much cake tho
Hear me out
Skyrim has the best most hilarious bugs ever… Especially that rag doll Physics… Sometimes they’ll just become possessed… And you’ll be holding up a cross and throwing water at them yelling, The power of Christ compels you!!
U know skyrim
I’ve been expecting you.
3 seconds later
Never should have came here
Youre 11 years late tho
Skyrim is great
thats childs play, try morrowind
She really did the walk😂😂😂
“Must have been the wind” -said an npc shot with an arrow
“Never should’ve come here”
*crouches down*
“Must’ve been the wind”
shes so fin
Is it a bug or is it a feature – God Howard
My daughter and I just started playing Skyrim a couple of weeks ago. She’s 13. It’s good dad daughter time. Cheers 😊
Who’s gonna tell her about the Oblivion?
Fall out is kind of the same way
Squidinkidink is fine as hell
Hmm yes literally jus bulldoze all the path
Very accurate.
nice spaghetti arms
You’re so funny dude, not a tired joke at all
Skyrim is wonderful, but Oblivion… Oblivion is sacred
Ain’t that the truth. But we all still love the damn broken games. 🤣🤣🤣
It is a big beautiful mess that I still love playin
Many of the bugs in Skyrim are literally caused by Morrowind because the Creation Engine is just and updated version of the Gamebryo Engine that was used to create Morrowind. Any Bethesda game made have bugs that date back to Morrowind.
I shaved my balls for this
That reminds me of that quest when you have to escape from prison in Markarth, if you kill Madanach and escape, Thonar stops you and thanks you at the end of the ruins, the thing is, when i did that quest i accidentally woke up one of that dwemer ruin machines and had to run, but when i got out to the city, the machines followed me and i got stuck dying while Thonar talked, so I had to rush the dialogue and run while that thing annihilated the citizens, definitely one of my most bizarre skyrim experiences xd
Well, welcome to 2011
You can really buy that shirt?! I’ve been wanting one ever since Birds of Prey!
what is that shirt lmao
Yup good game though
LOL, That is so accurate.
My first ever playthrough of skyrim i had no bugs, my second playthrough i had to restart the game 6 times because at the beginning the horses kept bugging out and the game couldn’t properly start
i still have no idea if this is a trans or not
It’s not broken, it’s a feature!
Love the shirt 🤣🤣
Hey its that one person
A chanel experience
You down load mods to fix that
I love her 🥰
Not unless you have mods
The npcs still do that but just their tittys are flailing around the place
she’s not funny guys, just hot.
But is it truly better than oblivions then ;p ?
Skyrim is pathetic compared to oblivion, there’s a glitch where one npc just commits suicide
I shaved my balls for this LOLOLOL
What was hilarious was when Skyrim was released.. People found bugs within first 5 minutes of the game..
People: Are you gonna fix them…
Bethesda: No…
People: The giant sends you into a low earth orbit..
Bethesda: HA! Yeah, isn’t it hilarious?
You can definitely say at least the majority of Bethesda bugs are fun to find or witness. They can be annoying, and the games tend to have over all poor optimization, but the bugged interactions and janky behavior of NPCs is always a 10/10 for me.
I’m glad you shaved your balls for this. It would have been a travesty if you hadn’t
What a original take 👏
i like it when they drown themselves.
Skyrim isn’t broken, Skyrim is perfectly balanced and filled with amazing features
your dedication to the joke is inspiring.
I was expecting to shave your kitty, but damn. Now I have to check those balls 😉
Remember they are a feature not a bug.
I love this girl 😂😂
“I’ve been looking for you! Got something I’m supposed NEVER SHOULD OF COME HERE!”
Bethesda doesn’t have bugs or glitches you philistines! They have unexpected features and mechanics.
the only people that watch you are NPC
skyrim is in fact so broken. Im stuck in the intro scene on the carriage just glitching around.
If that happens to you on the original skyrim lock your fps at 60
Very good very nice
Broken like that toe of camel
wtf XD i love this
So pretty ..
Just like my girl !
My phone was switching from cellular to wifi and paused. Thought it was part of the experience
Play skyrim together it’s even worse haba
*used a arrow on a bandit* “must have been the wind!”
Skyrim is Chaotic Poetry.
Never seen this skit before.
Oohhh 🫶
U can tell she’s only played for a few hours
Why is this attractive 😂
Welcome, you must be new around here.
i never saw a npc doing that, but do you go to the could distrikt often?
Look up the “passing all by yourself handsome” video. That sums up Bethesda game npcs
I have the exact same chair as you lol
I somehow broke it to its point of just pure. “Fuck you, I ain’t gonna let you play no more”
I guess never played oblivion 😂
She so pretty
Was this chick even alive when skyrim released? “Hurr during, skyrim glitch”
Like damn, its been like two decades since we started making fun of Bethesdas lack of polish.
we know
I think is better than Oblivion frikng jump scaring you every time someone randomly interacts with you and force you turn the camera towards them xD
I need that shirt in a guys shirt
Seems like your brain is equally broken
No shit Sherlock how young is she?
Wow haven’t heard that one before. So fucking annoying
Skyrim is 11 years old.
Move on.
Love that t shirt
It’s hilarious when zoomers spastically ramble on about things people have known for a decade like they’re the first to discover it. Zoomers are cultural Christopher Columbuses.
You seem like the kind of person who likes Lydia as a follower 😑😂
I cant express how much i loved this 😂
Backwards flying dragons anyone? “It just works”
Nah, that’s Oblivion more than Skyrim, although Skyrim does have its glitches and pathing issues 😂😂😂
…. annnnnd then you put a basket on their head, for good measure. 😂
Your shirt reminded me of the movie The Fantabulous Emancipation of the one Harley Quinn
I like how playing the game is mostly fine, it’s the npc’s and enemies that do the fun shit.
(ok and a bucket once nearly killed me from physics)
One time in Skyrim I was randomly travelling around Riften, a mammoth falls from the sky and lands in front of me.
It was then killed by a second mammoth falling from the sky directly on top of it. Easiest way to get Mammoth Tusk.
Why is this Squid in kid ink
I dislike her personality but she’s attractive so my monkey brain keeps clicking on the thumbnails before my conscious brain objects. But then the jokes are funny so I stay.
I think I’m a hate watcher.
This girl is so pretty it makes me sad
I want that shirt
Nailed it perfectly
She’s got gta on lock.
“It just works.” Todd Howard/spiffing brit
her shirt says what i say to myself everyday
Damn 😳
reading her name with dyslexia is crazy. shes got a squid and kid kink
No shit Sherlock
Why my skyrim companion look like her
They just perpetuate
well it’s like over a decade old now🤷♂️
She really committed to that demonstration 😅
Why is Skyrim, a decade-old game, still so broken and unplayable?!? I tried to go back and finish Skyrim a few weeks ago, but unfortunately I was unable to, because the game crashes literally EVERY SINGLE TIME I play it. Seriously, the game is nonfunctional. It crashed so hard that it actually forced me to do direct shutdowns to rescue my Xbox, because it was so frozen I couldn’t even bring up the dashboard to close the damn game. How the hell can Bethesda justify this game still being so disgustingly broken and unplayable after all these years? They’ve had ample time to fix it, they obviously just don’t give a fuck. I used to love Bethesda games, but now I’m seriously considering whether I’ll even bother buying an “Elder Scrolls 6” or a “Fallout 5”.
Skyrim is love. Skyrim is life.
Broken in a wonderful way, just like y’all wonderful fucks
I want this shirt.
LMFAO yeah something like that
Honestly I’ve had an npc walk into something, the physics go ham for a micro second and they collapse at the end too. Og ps3 skyrim was wonderful times
i shaved my balls for this video fam
Are you even old enough to remember true vanilla Skyrim?
Any chance we might see a Let’s Play series of Skyrim from you one day? Please.
How did she only discovered this now omg
Wow, way to explain an old meme as if you’re telling a new joke…..
Damn I want to clap those cheeks.
Broken like you
Beautifully 🎉❤
This woman is cool AF. Love these videos
The best one is the cut scene kills on bandits.
“You never should have come here!” Says the alresdy beheaded corpse
Hot 2011 take.
No miss, you are broken.
hehe… funny, thats exactly right. though you may or may not know it, but men find longer hair a bit more attractive (its an indicator of health, as a stressed person’s body wont spend the resources to grow out the hair longer)
continue to bring on the fun
Ommfg this was so fucking funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Wow nothing could possible get more nostalgic and hilarious than this!
Except buggy gamebyro physics, some of the time unless you bring them back with way too many overhaul mods
Anyone else gonna talk about the shirt 💀
Broken? I think you mean intended
Yo where can I get that shirt
you are one of the most entertaining YouTubers I’ve followed I swear
and im hooked
“Skyrim is broken” didnt we learn this years ago and thats why we all still play it?
Agree even if I didn’t play it
11 years too late
hahaha yes
lmfao they do to.
i like doing things with the bodies of the lost, especially the dragons
This made my week so much better. Thank you so much <3
…Wow, yeah, that’s a great impression. Accurate. Respect.
Finally someone who makes funny shorts
A wise man once said it just works.
I mean.. yayayayayayayaya
This isn’t anything new lmao
That’s actually true and funny.. 🤣🤣🤣.. well done!
She cute too bad she famous
I just shaved my balls. I need that shirt.
You can burn a whole village then sleep go back to village and they wouldn’t notice a thing good game
Bro, we ALL know. You talk Like you just played it for the first time ever.
Has there been any bethesda game released with minimal bugs? I doubt. Nor are they going to. I guess qc is not in the budget.
You committed crimes against skyrim and her people, what say you in your defense?!
My honest reaction: 😐
I shaved my balls for this🤭🤭
Love to see there are a ton of girls in the Skyrim community
I want you so bad.
*puts bucket on npc’s head, becomes 100% ninja mode*
Not broken they just special
i mean she does got a point
Got alot of steel to shape. Can’t stop pressing that button. ⚒️⚒️⚒️⛏️⛏️⚔️🗝️
real life Bethesda gameplay footage
People are attracted to familiarity, maybe. What’s Skyrim’s player count again?…
Heard you like italian sausage 😏
Are you sure that you are not broken too? 😂😂
The most beautifully bugged game 😂
You should see Oblivion
I just works
Some may call these bugs. Me, I call them features.
Dude Skyrim is like the best game ever made there’s like no bugs or anything like that
I love this.. made me smile lmao
Thats more of an oblivion original
I love seeing zoomers getting into Skyrim memes. It’s never too late.
Love skyrim and that waist😜
I saw a cupcake
Bro is you an angle that felled from heaven? Cause you like pretty af or something idfk
Goodbye chair.
Squib is so qt I wanna Dahmer her
Skyrim is broken and beautiful but oblivion is SO scuffed and I absolutely LOVE it
Skyrim is broken like our marriage, it’s fictitious
“Do you make it to the cloud district often? What am I saying? Of course you don’t.”
Wait until you mode the game with stupid things
But but Todd said “It just works” 😁
fax beautiful
Nice shirt
Why everyone talking about the shirt and not, DAT ASS!🤨🤨🤨
Couldn’t have explained it better myself
the shirt that said I shaved my balls for this be like
Ello I shave my bawls fo yo 😁
Halt! You’ve committed crimes against Skyrim and her people!
This is why I love it so much
I started wheezing and my throat sounded like a Geiger counter
Idk if it was mod, but it probably was.
Its a mod with an elf hut thing in the mountains and something that often happens is mannequin’s will just appear in different places.
I flipping ❤️ that shirt 😂
I love the shirt
I would like to request links to shirts you wear on stream. Plz & thank you ☺️
𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕓𝕝𝕖
Morrowind goes burr. Infinite intelligence loops to create potions of infinite speed.
I found this funny af and it’s true.
She looks like the brother from the eh bee family I don’t remember his name tho.
No one mentioning the shirt💀
just like my humor, broken in a wonderful way 😌
This was one of the first streams I saw and I knew it was full of rad people
bethesda bugs are so charming
I like how she usess Skyrim to show her ass like great marketing .
who still plays skyrim lol
It’s not a bug it’s a feature 🌚
You are cute 😁 and yeah, Skyrim is a bit very broken 😅
Its not broken 🤫
These are features 😉
lol like we didn’t know this
“I’ve been expecting you”, they as they casually fall off a cliff
Da best