Living with a Skyrim NPC… Pt 1
This is what its like living with a Skyrim NPC…
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コメント (423)
Terrible content
NO LALLYGAGGING after she said that I had died of laughter
A whole bakery
“No lollygaggin'”
correction- that’s a Skyrim guard
the 🙂 while she’s “drinking”
God I wish I had sach butt too 😩
cbbe or unp?
Why are the Skyrim nps speaking british
This guy looks like Dollar store Donut Operator
Bro you forgot. “Need something”..
Part 1 only then done
I’ve never played skyrim before but these videos make me want to
Gah dayum she got CBBE on or something
What even is lollygagging
Didn’t the last guy who did this end up killing his wife
“No lollygagging” truer words have never been spoken
The last video is so sus
She left like my father💀💀💀💀
We need bloopers 😂
Where’s part 2?
Uh… “no loli-gagging”?
Officer! Over here!
Chick wants that amulet of Mara!
Waiting to say she got cake but nobody said it so… SHE GOT cAKE
The way he looks at his chip and soda after “no loligagging” lol
no gagging on lollies
Dude finish the quest
Good thing ya got Ostim downloaded
That cake….. oh my god.
Dude how did you pull that honestly
Next do living with a fallout npc
Do the quest bro
Pokemon roommate?🧐
That reaction to the door opening shit is exactly what I said when I first witnessed it.
Now that girl is a keeper, well done. 👏
if your grandpa was a skyrim npc:
“i used to be an adventurer like you, but then i took an arrow to the knee”
damn cake
Random clapping animations
Why the guards of all people?
I have something she can use that hand motion on
Hey, coochie is coochie, even if it’s dumb.
The awkward stare while doing ANY animation. Eating bread, drinking, or just sitting.
Lollygagging is for Birthdays, I guess.
dude she is awesome!!🤣🤣 freaking hilarious 😁😆
Wait….i know you.
My brothers out fighting dragons and what do I get? Guard duty…
Never took an arrow to the knee. 10/10
Suggestion: GTA V roomate.
so many down bad people in the comments 💀💀
Esa señora tiene más cirugías en la cara que Michel Jackson en todo el cuerpo
You got yourself a real life Lydia
She needs an Oscar🤣
“no lollygagging”
yeah that’s why he’s sad.
“No lollygagging”
These two look like they are having fun
Him : yeah actually I live with a pothead
Pot dealer : visits; steals pot
Her : why you thieving little elf!
Nailed it
Perfect! 😂
She is swole
I hv the same pink mug lol
I love Skyrim it’s a very good game
She’s a good sport lol 😆
This is so bad. Oh noo.. broads dont play skyrim, they also arent funny. It makes no sense I seriously dont understand why, but chicks in sketches like this, or if theyre doing stand up comedy….. they are never funny. Sorry ladies, ya dont got it
Minecraft plis
Wow she’s pretty 😍
The music of skyrim is so relaxing
Кто в начале куда смарел? 😏
God this shit is bad
That’s his sister. You can see it in the eye bones
Damn dragons can swoop down at any time no lollygagging I have this in my game and I love it and I have no mods in my game just Skyrim 5 the elder scrolls legendary edition Xbox 360 just the basic game 🎮
Got to keep my eyes open damn dragons can swoop down at any time no lollygagging so good great video 👍 no lollygagging lol 🥇
No lollygaggin’
She always stands like a Robot am sure you could do better. Still love the videos as it’s so true door just opens then gone, if you speak to someone and open and door like that to go put they will just come with you it’s weird.
I wouldn’t mind dating a Skyrim npc. Simple and straightforward just my type.
That’s nothing, GTA NPC’s throw their coffee on the ground if you look at them wrong! 😂
What are thosssssssssssssssse!
Choose Jesus
she should say “ah, its my love come to visit” over and over
IM sWorN to Be yOUR BuRDeN
_door opens_
_NPC fading away_
_door closes_
Him: *HOW*
“I work for Belothor, at the general goods store.”
She’s interesting)
The 1st part is the funniest
Definitely he’s using CBBE curvy
I love how she’s the objective the entire time…. So romantic 😍😍😂
That dude Hella lucky, she got a fatty!!!!
NPC wife:
“No lollygagging”
“Gotta keep my eyes open…”
This is what happens when you use console to marry that sexy hold guard, but she doesn’t have proper wife dialogues.
Don’t murder her and her new boyfriend when she’s at a hotel room.
Just don’t kill her dude
Let me guess, somebody stole your sweet roll.
Is that a death throne shirt?
Ah yes Bethesda npcs at their finest
69k like😂
She has such a nice ass what’s her ig
If she’s willing to be a skyrim npc, she’s a keeper
NPC don’t have a AI…
Do living with a gta npc
She looks like she’s having a great time. Do NPCs look like they having a great time?
” wow cool robot ya got there can i see it closer? ”
her : no lollygaging
” what “
That no lollygagging🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
“..We SeLl FrUItS aNd VegEtaBLes, iT’s fuN moSt dAys..”
Do sky: children of the light
NPC drinking water, I can’t stop laughing that part
Jesus christ there are alot of lonely boys in this comment section…
🥰 l love skyrim ❤️💋
Bro, shes the quest marker, you gotta go do her
“no lollygagging”
Me minding my own damn bessnuises 😐👍
That’s a hot npc
Cake stolen successfuly
Let’s hope this pair doesn’t end up like the last cosplayers…
Omg 😂 great roommate u have
O último,foi só assustador mesmo…😶
My condolences
Big bank there
I would do her sidequest
Lo bhai
I have found a treasure chest of Skyrim content
And they say women can’t be funny!
Bro your a lucky man
Hahahahahahahaha funny
I swear, those bitch ass whiterun guards roast me when I walk past by them, like dude. i just walked, why did you have to bully me
She looks like she is about to laugh
Please don’t shoot your husband in the head in future
Never understood what’s wrong with gagging a loli
She’s absolutely a fuckin queen
Skyrim Re-re-re-re-mastered augemented reality is looking real good.
I feel like these two could be my bffs
Nice ice
I wanna eat those sweet rolls
Double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon
That man better not fuck up do you have any idea how hard it is to find a girl whonis down for shit like this i would kill for a girl who is saying videogame lines playing games and doing stuff like this👍😂
Skyrim sex mods be like
She’s gorgeous
She should had said, need something?
Love these, just don’t end up like that one guy who made these videos
A girl like this is 1 in a million
She is a gem
You got to interact with her to proceed. Otherwise she never stops.
Another npc vid, Soo funny, not really. Shits old af
Subpar acting.
Door load time was too short.
3/10 try harder next time ☹️
She has very rich buttocks
The first one was the best
Ok is there a mod u can have this girl in skyrim ….she is awesome
Normies are finally appreciating Skyrim.
Look at that sweet roll…
what body preset are u using
Diaper booty 🤢
She ever glitch?
Women are basically NPC they just do and think what the mainstream tells them..it’s just fashion to them
Anyone else waiting for a “b🍿tch I’m eating” after that pause? (In a respectful, non-sexist way)
U want to play skyrim dude 🙁
Let me guess someone stole your sweet roll
You lucky bro
I love Skyrim v and you are the best
Me: (walks into room).
NPC: Guards!!! Guards!!!!!
dude has some thicc mods installed.
What mod is this??? She’s super 🔥🔥🔥
If I see that quest marker on an NPC, it’s a sign I should torment them and their souls with my spell mods.
Wish I could find a Skyrim companion like her 😍
I have that same cup…..
She’s got good cake
If my wife,
A: had the knowledge to do this
B: randomly hit me with these like this
I would love her so much more
Amazing girl
Please don’t kill your girlfriend.
Can we agree that she is really pretty?
Man didn’t know women are able to dissapear like dad’s
You are very funny
Skyrim has dump trucks?
Haha whyyy🤣🤣
She built diffrent
My man is punching above his weight big time
Need somethin
should be a movie
Why tf does she look like lydia but real life
“Skyrim belongs to the nords!!!!!!!”
“Guard might get nervous if a woman approaches with her weapon drawn”
Now I’ve only played Skyrim a few times but I’d think this is how it would be
“No lollygagging”
Omg 😳
Why am I seeing Skyrim everywhere now! And I know half of these sayings cause my dad plays this game all the time
Beginning was like: aite, *imma head on this quest*
BRUH I see that hunt a killer mug
Good cheeks are so good
🤣 the thee drinking is so great 😂 love the expression
What kinda quest has she got 🤔
Why do sweatpants go all the way up the ass these days?
The “going through a door loading” who els has a mod to fix this? 😂
Do GTA npc
Im sorry but the way she just fades away 😭
I remember when I had my wife in Skyrim and i… “accidentally” kill her so her corpse was stuck in the house forever 😪
Life isn’t fair
Living with a dump truck
i used to be a gamer like you, until i got an arrow to the knee
She’s cute
shes mad pretty, he got him one👏🏾👏🏾
Yo are u the card thrower??
They should watch these videos and learn from them
So ghei
A true Skyrim NPC roommate would have blocked the doorway
Bro if she’s doing that to u and your alone. Give her suger and see if I works, if the tea isn’t sweet enough, u know what to do. God’s speed bro
Jesus… Didn’t know they had pound cakes in skyrim.
I just watched her walk out the door like 15 times
I’m so glad the last “Skyrim in real life” guy committed double murder and went to jail so that these two could take his place. His skits were getting kinda old anyway.
(/s but seriously I like these two better)
Pickpocket her pants
Thought this was donut operator
She is cool man
Yenge iyiymis
I though these Skyrim things were just an exaggeration… until 2 NOCs stood in the middle of my cutscene and had a conversation about dragons
Oh gosh, she looks like Yoko ono..
Subscribed 💯
You should’ve done one when she asks you to go with her for something. It would more likely the most relatable thing.
NPC in the streets, a freak in the sheets.
Get her pregnant asap
didnt know they gave quest npcs extra cake
Nice wife
I love this one more than any other
God I hope he doesn’t kill her.
Copying memes that have already been copied by other people.. just as bad as Bethesda
Thought it was donut operator for a moment
Him: “She’s into roleplay.”
Her: …
Dude that’s the kind of npc your suppose to steal her clothes and make her live I. Her undies….I’m pretty sure you just pick pocket her shirt and pants to achieve this
i’ll point the obvious, I respect him for landing her
Does she own anything else than sweatpants? Wears them in every vid. Buy her some nice yet comfortable pants!
Ok, real question. Why do I see most females wear their pants so high up above their belly button?
I died when I saw her with the glass drinking
No pos guau…
The dump truck
The npc acting is cool and all, but is noone gonna mention that she bad af?
I like them cheeks on that dragon born lol
Dude she is beautiful, don’t fuck it up!!
Her nickname is Nolegs xD
He has modded Skyrim, vanilla models aren’t built like that
She even has that Skyrim NPC ass 🤘
Damn dragons 😂💀
What kinda quest he gotta do with her 😏
Hope nobody steal his sweet rolls.. Otherwise that NPC woman will mock him..
Pretty cute npc
Nice cake
I see you’ve got a dump truck mod
That dang pot has gotten more head than i ever will get 🤣
This is bringing back great memories of Hey Ash Whatcha Playin. I love it.
I rewatched the first clip like 20 times now.
Her movements. The door sounds. HIS CONFUSED FACE! Oh my god it is perfect.
Poor acting girl
The npc poses are on point
I like the skyrim reenactment content.
As long as you dont kill your wife.(like JinnKid)
Tell me you have father issues without telling me you have fath–……..
Sees video
She’s a trooper and a keeper. There’s not a lot of dork girlfriends out there. And I mean that in a very complimentary way.
Nice work.👍
Those are the most useless chips
It just works
How the fuck you got cake in sweatpants lol goddamn
I swear she is a bot
Part 2 but with MXR mods
Good af
am i the only one who wants to squeeze it…
Nice Assets.
His face when she said no lollygaging
She could be Lydia
That girl tho😍
How many of you paused on her @$$ as soon as the video started lmao
Npc: *opens door* BE GONE
I have that cup
The door was done PERFECTLY!!! I love this video
She has gaurd dialogue
Yeah another thing is they just stare at u when ever u walk by or in a quest it’s creepy
I literally just started this damn game
Very ture
Anyone know where her sweatpants are from?
“Her stare could kill someone in a instant”
– someone idk
She is the quest. I must do her. 🥺😭
Well time install some LL mods
Me: *plays*
GF: Watch out for them damn dragons, you hear me?
And now you can use some lovely mods dut they don’t work anymore after 10 years XD
Leave the man and his diet coke alone
So funny 😂😂
Wow im laughing so hard at this very original idea 😐
That character dummy thick
The last scene kinda scared me
Hey I got the same cup she was drinking on the couch
She’s so sexy 😍
She has cake in her inventory
I love how she’s your quest
Do one where she pick pockets your clothes off you
I wonder if this guy will murder his girlfriend like the last Skyrim in real life channel
Oh my gawd 😂
That last one was 🤣🤣🤣
My laugh will are in 3-5 business days
If only Skyrim NPCs looked like her. I’d still be playing if they did.
Lol I use to make skyrim videos
*T H I C C*
Isnt this the guy that iced his girlfriend and the guy she was cheating with?
Good lord, those sweatpants certainly accentuate her damn fine 😍
Her NPC smile-stare is actually too perfect
Man what is up with your girl ? CONFUSED.
I see you installed cbbe bodyslides,id be nice if you made the butt bigger tho
“No lollygagging”
Don’t kill your wife g lmaofofof
That’s the cup I have
God this is the f****** creative.
I know how these “skyrim in real life” series can end…
She is beautiful xD this is funny ^^ your videos are so cool guys ^^ it’s pretty to see them
lol her winking at the end
Who the fuck wears a bandana of themselves? 🤡
Merry her dude shes the one for you.
Your Girlfrriend looks like she can beat you up in wrestling.
Ur gf is very cute, bro
NPC got a hell of a dumpy
That @$$
As you do…..
Damn, that dumper thou ☝️
No Skyrim npc is that thiccc
Whoever created this woman to be funny, beautiful, AND love Skyrim, I need you to make another ASAP.
Let me guess, someone tried to steal your sweetroll?
This chick is fucking hot….is that her brother?
Now do the hearthfire dlc and get her pregnant.
Let me guess..
Epic girlfriend hahha
Yeah. Id still clap an NPC
That ass..!!!
Now do one with the nude npc mod
Lol he’s got like that highly modded skyrim companion lol
Living the dream
No characters in my skyrim game had an ass like that…
I’m jealous I want a NPC…
Relationship goals.
Sexy ass npc 🤣
pull the pants even higher🤣🤦🏼♂️🤢
One amulet of mara away bro
When she has the quest marker and makes that face. That poor man.
She can make a fine guard.
Thats a very beautiful NPC. Which skin is that?
Mann she’s hot, whish these guys would just make pornos instead
God damn nice pot
How big is that door? Or is she…
Nah it’s more like
You: walks in your house and walks past wife
NPC wife: “hey love” (2 seconds later) “hey watch where you’re walking!”
You:” 🤨??, tf did you just say??”
That 🍑 though
Ayo I have the same copper mugs, they’re from a murder game!
Needs more *Need something?*
У тебя какая то поломанная жена?
I swear the programers made shit awkward on purpose. Just chilling, making armor, dead dragon drops from the sky, random mission is started, random mission if failed because some dropped a dead dragon on the npc you never met, being launched high into Jesus land by a giant, or a troll that pinballed wizard you add off a rock and physics engine decided you are now a 747.
I love her default arms and hands
Put a phat rock on that finger👍
Marriage material
61 person to comment
Gotta give her credit for the effort she’s putting in. 👌🏼
Really it’s that thicc booty.
It would not go well if I said ” Hey Honey, would you put this pot on your head for me?!”
It’s awesome to have a partner that’s willing to work with him.
She is one of them new robot women
She fine doe. Lol.
🤣🤣🤣the door one got me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
So cute
I just love so much that both of you are so invested in the best game ever made
When I literally walk into anywhere this happens 😂😂 a marker to find me
She’s a keeper
How does she keep from laughing. How many takes do these scenes take. 🤣
Relationship goals.
She’s gorgeous,sexy and has a good sense of humour if she decided to go with this. You better put a ring on that finger real quick.
Pothead? Moon sugar hits people hard
Crack? Mushrooms?
I’M FKN DYING 💀🤣🤣 Please make more? 😭🤣🙏🏼
Well, it’s good to see that he has his *active* quest priorities in order.
If every girl can be like her
she hot and he ignores flat out
Ooooh someone installed cbbe
How does that even wor- how does that happen? Literally my logic
He’s a lucky man.
She’s such a great sport 😂
That’s too good!
Every boys dream gf.
When you find a girl who actually gets the joke and wants to participate.
Last scene got my blood flowing. I know what that NPC wants lol
Does she have an OF? would gladly waste my minimum wage on that
Why everybody has a hot gf?
Just do her sidequest man!!
Wait they are humans???
The No lollygagging had me
Your girlfriend is hot
Dude, she has a quest marker… gotta do them sidequests.
This is so relatable
Clicked for the thumbnail, stayed for the memes.
God damn skooma addicts😭 jk this is gold brotha, keep up going the good content👌🏼👌🏼😂😂
I love these lol
When an NPC treats you better than actual people
I would rather a real world version that you’re sucked into with guards and town people who would react normally to a dragon