Have you ever noticed Khajiits doing this in Skyrim?
Skyrim Facts 19 – Khajiits Lore
👉 MORE Skyrim Facts: https://youtube.com/shorts/VSzvVaomxCE
You can find lots of Skyrim cheats, glitches and bugs in The Elder Scrolls game and have allot of funny moments with them. The creators of The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim Special Edition, Bethesda put allot of hidden details and secrets into the game this Skyrim gameplay shorts series seeks to uncover the Skyrim lore, mysteries, secrets behind many of Skyrim’s locations that have yet to be found. Today we will be taking a look at some useful Skyrim tips and tricks you can use in your own gameplay in The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim.
#shorts #skyrim
コメント (622)
Argonians be like:
“My ancestors entered Oblivion and fucked every daedric ass they could find to the point of making a god reconsider invading us, we made an entire Dunmeri Great House fall and I just ate tree crack. *Now come at me bro, I dare you.* “
….it was the same in morriwind and oblivion. Are people this blind or they cant focus?
Khajiits be like
Whole bunch of nothing
Take a look
YouTube isn’t a fan of people who speak the truth no matter what, this is one of their classic moves to intimidate creators who aren’t sheep.
I’ve never played kajat cause I can’t take myself seriously walking around with a tail idk there’s something funny about it
Argonians when the dremora invaded their swamp: 🗿
Argonians do it to. Also if you hold the camera right you can watch your character shout and their mouth actually moves. This is also the only other time your character will blink outside of character creation.
I know
can you fucking remove that annoying ass face in the corner
Argonians are true lizards, no emotion, they don’t care
argonians: *Stare*
Please get rid of that god awful looping animation of your face in the lower right. I know what f**king channel I’m on.
Fucking hate kahjiit remove it totally from elder scrolls totally so fucking cringe
is it this guys goal to not say any word correctly
Others look mad, just like NPCs when they don’t like you. I never paid attention to argonians expresisons but that’s funny, just staring lmao
Imagine playing as some sugar licker lol
Dunmer master race
All characters have an angry face when in combat
The argonians know they’re brutal swamp warriors and are impressed someone has the audacity
i noticed but i play khajit a lot
Please don’t make your face any more distracting than it has to be
Argonian eyelids go vertical instead of horizontal
Yes yes but the vampirism🧐
Khajit be like
“ this one is wondering if you have any moon sugar and this one would like to know if he could pick pocket it from you if it is not a bother”
Like if you ask them where they’re from it sounds like they’re bullcrapping you
“Hey, where are you from”
Argonians just want to suck your life out your body
How can I make my khajiit look like that one like that tiger look or is it a mod
All difrant raceses make an angry face
Argonians do smile as if they like fighting though
I thought they were just smiling. They look so cute
No one gonna mention he called them kajjitti 🤣💀
Even in real life lizards literally just stare right thru ur soul
How dare you insult derkeethus yoh monster you can’t even pronounce khajiit you imperial
Thats cuz argonians aren’t….pussies
—-Lizard Gang
Oh yeah that’s right I hadn’t noticed this again since 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020, and 2022.
Little known fact that all races do that
Remember the first time i saw this… it was avout 6 years ago… i played about 300 hours still in elementry sckoo. Took off my helmet and thought i crushed my head from wearing the helmet too long
Sees argonian running like a lizard 🦎
If you know you know
I like how this was on of the first things I noticed XD
Nice crop shitlo
That Argonian really was giving off Rango vibes.
The argonian at the end looks like rango
It is known
The argonians are just knowing that they will win no cap
Argonians be like we invaded Oblivion
Wait. You’re the one who did the new Vegas tutorials! Long time no see, how have things been?
Two of my favorite races are Nords and khajiit
Man just said Khajiiti
Actually all the race have différent face when in battle
Crazy timing.. just been talking about this in a Skyrim stream chat! 😶 and then this pops up in my recommendations, a year after its release
That’s one reason I play as a kahjiit. Sometimes enemies don’t show up on your bar, so it helps that there’s those ears.
How funny would it be if argonian tails just fell off and then grow back in an hour
Finally one I actually knew about beforehand 😂😂
They’re also naughty little kitty’s (not sexual) but we still love them because who doesn’t love j’zargo
They do this in oblivion also. If an npc doesn’t like you their ears will be lower and if you bribe them with gold or something their ears get higher.
I encountered Khajiiti bandits surprisingly often in both Skyrim and Oblivion. I appreciated the fact you can always tell what mood Khajiiti are in.
Also, there is a reason for that signature Khajiit grin. There’s a book called “Ahzirr Trajijazeri” about the anti-Imperial Khajiit resistance that explains some of their behaviors and such.
The Bad News- You are naturally a born sinner and have broken at least one of the law (10 commandments) at least once in your life (Example: a lie) (James 2-10 says if you break one of these laws, its the same as breaking them all), so because of this you’re on your way to hell already, everyone is (Romans 3-23)
The Gospel (Good News): JESUS, Who is GOD in the flesh, came into the world and died for us, to free us from the curse of the law (10 commandments) and ressurected on the third day so that whosoever BELIEVES in HIM will not perish but have everlasting life! GOD said this! GOD cannot lie (Titus 1-2, Hebrews 6-18) we can lie because we are sinners. JESUS saved us already (Colossians 2-14) Just BELIEVE and TRUST in HIM! HIM ALONE, anyone who gives you another Gospel, whether an angel or one of us, let him be accursed, like it says in (Galatians 1 6-9) JESUS ALONE! Not religion, Trust in HIM and you will receive the GIFT of THE HOLY SPIRIT. GOD HIMSELF! Repent ye and BELIEVE the GOSPEL (Mark 1-15). AMEN!AMEN!AMEN
The pictures in the corner make me hate you more than anything
There are 1000 hidden details I still learn about every so often
Human: 😠
Kahjit: 😸
Argonian: 👁👄👁
Im just saying. If in game its pronounced “ka-jeet” by there own race, its probably accurate.
Knew this
Argonians also bear their teeth
Omg you butchered that so hard
Aragonian just goes full Reptile in combat.
Khajiit: 😾
Argonian: 🗿
Its not hidden if i knew that ready
But what do they look like reading The Lusty Argonian Maid ?? 😳
too cute
The what race lol? Kajiti?
They do this in Oblivion too
You face in background is cringe. Get a nee job
Don’t lizards do that same thing in real life? They might open their mouths I think but im sure they open their eyes wide. So same thing just lesser known maybe?
Once I met the talking dog, so I said “you can talk?” To which he responded “there are two legged cats and that’s what you’re surprised about?” I was a khajiit, never have I ever felt so targeted
I had to delete my Khajiit character when he would only pick up yarn and nothing else.
Ka-gee-tee? I thought it was pronounced Ka-ha-tee.
My first character in Skyrim was a Khajiit. His face would sometimes get stuck like this so I saw it often. 😆
not exactly a “hidden” detail is it
I mean, every race had a combat face animation…???
It’s not something new to Skyrim. They already did this in Oblivion when the Khaajit is angry or in combat
dude called it ka-jeet- ee
Well Derkeethus hisses a lot while we fight people and things…
We adding another syllable to “khajiit” now?…
That’s the reason why I avoid wearing helmets unless I desperately need them, I tend to play in 3rd person and one time I jokingly was running around with a crown for no reason and I saw this happen. Got attacked by a bear, I think. It’s a great way to be aware of enemies in my opinion.
They also hiss at enemies sometimes if you have them as a companion
Argonians be like:
“I’m sorry, couldn’t hear you underwater”
They also do that in Oblivion
Khajiti hmm?
“Kahjeety” nah that ain’t it
Ka gt?
Argonians actually bare their teeth and grimace too. I don’t know if that detail was added later on though.
They did that in Oblivion too
They’ve done this since Oblivon, dude…
Nobody going to address the extra vowel he put on the end of khajiit?
Argonians act like lizards… and thats kinda the point
well, they actually make hising noises when battling so…
holy shit i cant believe there is no one on the comments that has noticed this!
My High Elf gets the gnarliest sneer when I’m combat. He always has his head bare, so I noticed this feature early on.
Or just fight Kahjit. Every bandit is a leather armor Kat
My first character was a khajiit and I noticed this day one, cool little detail
I noticed in my first playthrough, I would use it to know if I was in combat or not
When I noticed it while first playing the game, I realized I could never take Khajiiti seriously anymore.
Best race
I’m here for the Argonians
Argonians also bare their teeth, I’ll have you know
I love how he mispronounces every Skyrim word bar skyrim
Used to play without game sound and my own music. Played khajit to know when I was in combat.
Argonians will bare their teeth too. It’s actually looks more like a sadistic grin.
You know that lizard that stands on to feet and legs it? Argonians. I know as I always play argonian
Always noticed
Everyone: kahjit
This guy: the kahjeety
Argonians also bare their teeth i was playing recently
the youtuber reaction faces are soo fuckin cringe
Yes it’s my favorite thing about them 😂
I think a khajiits animation looked better in skyrim
Literally noticed it last night! Wasn’t sure why tho, thanks eso
I feel like you just post really obvious things most people noticed and claim it as this unknown thing
Argonion: Bro, I’m so high on skooma I can’t feel my damn face rn why you asking me if I can move it
My ogre still looks prettier
As a dedicated Khajiit player, I knew this.
I know it was going to be about this BUT THE TRUTH IS that this combat face is shared with all the other races, it’s just more evident in our dear cat-friends. Every race once engaged fight will change the expression
Every race has a angry face I thought, the argonians show their teeth
Wtf did you call them?
I mean has he never fought a khajit in Skyrim before? Granted they aren’t the most common hostile NPC’s, but there’s a few of them around, and they’ll bare their teeth when fighting
Considering he says “I bet you never noticed” it feels like HE just never noticed, because this has been known about for a long time. Khajit will also do the same thing upon fighting them or making them angry while talking to them in Oblivion
Kahjitti? Why you saying it wrong?
How have you never noticed this? Never fought a kajit before?
Why are you putting your photos there
Very cool detail ❤️
Honestly if you never noticed this you’re just oblivious to what happening
Never played as a cat, i Always choose nords or orc, i’m gonna try a thief build
I love it when you kill an argonian and they’re tail proceeds to move around like nothing happened.
It’s just khajiit there’s no I after it
That gif at the bottom is cancer. Who told you it was a good idea to put it there??
it would be so fun if argonians head-bobbed. Also it would’ve been so cool if the khajit’s tails moved, and went back and forth really fast while doing that face. angry kitty 🙂
Argonians are just surprised that you’d fight them with clear mind and of your own accord.
It’s easier to see when you fight one yourself
It’s a shame the cat-people don’t hiss in combat and use their claws.
For me I almost never do a khaijit but I travel with khajo and if you watch him he does that but hisses as well
Imagining you sitting there and making these faces to use and taking pictures of yourself cracks me up
I noticed my female Orc makes a badass war face when I’m executing my enemies.
Dude you have been playing this game for years and you don’t know how to pronounce Khajiit?
Hey look its hecker
These videos are interesting but the face in the lower right corner doing those stupid ass expressions is dumb af.
I prefer to call them furries
Idc where you’re from. It’s not pronounced khajiti
**Me playing this pretty much since it came out**
Wow,you don’t say!!
Its not KhajiitI its Khajiit …..dude
And sure 10652 Houres of Khajiit playtime: Oh shit never saw that!!!- not! Its one of The first time you see as Khajiit player..
Yeah they did that in oblivion too……
Wouldn’t it be funny if they did the bearded dragon thing where they open their mouth to scare attackers
No way, that’s actually really cool, more reason to love Khajiits
Argonions be like: Lil Durk
I LOVE argonians… I used to play with them 100% of the time, but I tried out a high elf for anniversary. I like her, but I much prefer the argonian. It seems, to me anyways, that argonians have an easier time scaling mountains and its convenient that they naturally breath under water. After I saw fishing and the home aquarium options, I was stoked and was bummed i needed water breathing potion to catch the angler and angler larvae…
Meanwhile argonians be like o_o
Big floppa race
They did it in oblivion too
I use this to determine if I’m still in combat all the time lol.
“the khajiti race”….
Argonians always look like they just had too much skooma.
Actually the Argonian smile I speak on behalf of them
Ur face is unnecessary there take it off
Only if argonians could detach their tails to distract most enemies
That’s why I always build my argonians to look like they have a constant snarl hahaha
Where can I see the part of the argonians? The short ends :c
Argonians be like: “This family makes me want to murder people.”
,,Detail you never noticed” ….sorry but if a Khajiit Player never noticed that he isnt a real Khajiit Player or he just doesnt like the Character he created so he need to wear a helmet
I know that lol
How dare you assuming that we never noticed? That was like the third thing I ever noticed in Skyrim.
Actually did notice that sir. Cool feature
An argonian giving you a stare down is the least thing you want .
They do that in oblivion too
Epicnate kinda beat you to this
This man obviously hasn’t read Ahzirr Traajijazeri
i guess people just dont pay attention, this is easy to notice.
Khajiitey? Where is this extra syllable coming from
I noticed with wood elves or maybe even other elves that they make an angry face
Just noticed today that my argonian was baring his teeth, didn’t know why
I wish they had khajits kitten kids in this game too, I’d adopt them in a heartbeat!!!
Did you know that the khajiit caravans when traveling always Sprint
They way he first pronounced Khajiits disturbs me
The problem i had is that even after the fight my char was stuck with thst face :’D
Hey man, us argonians have seen some shit.
argonians look like theyve gone clubbing in london…
my Inigo glitched and was stuck with that face for a real life hour
So fun fact I always play as this race in Skyrim and I always notice this because I fucking never wear helmets
They spent time and money to make such details and I still need to use a mod to destroy the Thief Guild (and the Blackbriars: FUCK the Blackbriars!)
“Argonians be like:” a blank stare that lets the enemy know the they are insignificant if his eyes. The eyes of someone who’s killed before, and will again.
I’ve been knowing these for a year now lol
No one knows because barely anyone plays that race lol
What is that shit in bottom right
Yeah thanks mate now I have to play Skyrim
Kha shee tee?! Kha-jeet*
I actually did notice this, mainly because I use Khajiti the most, it’s my favorite race.
All of the character models make faces lol
Argonians turn into jar jar binx
Not wanna flex (coughimjokingcough) but since im a Khajiit main i did notice that little detail 😌 and i still freaking love it
…the what race
You’ve mentioned this on your channel many times
Its astonishing. The level of detail.
Argonians kekw
I love my Cat and lizard people
Bruh this dude really just pronounced it kajeetee
Argonians bear their teeth too
Argonians do bear there teeth I noticed it thanks to the ebony mail
Facts for blind people #69
I notesed this befoere
It’s better that you pronounce their race wrong the first time
I’m the 666th comment
The Khajiti?
Wtf are you doing in the corner?
If you don’t know khajiit then you should know that most helmets make them uncomfortable because of their ears and snout so they don’t wear helmets except ones that have an open face plate for easier breathing or ones made for their own kind.
How the fuck did you just pronounce Khajiit?
Argonians: Oh cool, we’re fighting?
Meanwhile Argonians be like–
In fact this is why I prefer khajiit. I wonder around the world and when something attacks me from behind I know it.
Inigo would hiss when there’s a wolf
Never would’ve noticed this as all my khajit characters wear cloaks, running around trying to steal shit.
Fair, fair. Let’s see who can live on the bottom of the ocean.
All races do that minus the ears
Im so proud of being a argonians
Lmao when I first saw this I thought it was so fucking cute and wholesome
That cat that you showed us when it was mad or hissing that looks like my cat his name is Larry and he gets mad like that sometimes
Bro I never where a helmet in Skyrim so I noticed this right away
Looks like it’s shitting aggressively
your khajiit looks like he tryna smile its adorable as hell
What da argonian doin
Argonians stare into the very depths of your soul
This khajiit likes this fact
For God so loved the world, he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him, shall not perish but have eternal life °¿°
I never knew this, the developers attention to detail is pretty good.
The face is disturbing
Meanwhile argonians be like: *Mark Zuckerberg face*
Us argonians wag our tails..
you didn’t have to do darkeethus like that
Lol, naw i totally noticed that one in the beginning of playing skyrim 😁😁
Do Argoinians have eyelids? Do they blink? This is gonna haunt my dreams tonight
Yeah like we’re going to takeoff our helmet and just take the time to look at our characters face while we’re being attacked by an enemy that’s definitely a wonderful idea 😂😂😂😂😂 joking good tip I always wonders if they had other face expressions
Wtf is a “Khajiti”
Ah yes the kahjiti race
Kajeetee? Have ever played it? Not how it’s pronounced
To bad i main nords and elves 😎
Are those stupid faces youre making really necessary?
Yeah, that’s a rad detail! They also have different ear positions based on expressions too! Like surprised or shy for example! Good stuff! 👍🏻
You… you guys didn’t notice this? I guess it’s cause I’m a cat owner.
Why did they do the argonians like that?😂 terrifying….
Jokes on him thats one of the 1st things I noticed. Ha
That’s cool an all but why would I willingly play that race when there’s better options 😂
Why all of a sudden are people making tons of “you didn’t know this about Skyrim” videos? I’ve yet to see any that i actually didn’t know..
I wanna watch I do
Just that face is so awful and distracting
Stop it dude
You’re better than this
The Oblivion Crisis took the Argonians emotions so I can’t blame them for having a blank stare🤣
‘The kaajeetee race in Skyrim”😂
GOD loves y’all and have a Blessed day ✝️⛪🙏🙏🏻🙏🏼🙏🏾🙏🏽🙏🏿👼🏿👼🏾👼🏽👼🏼👼🏻👼😇🥰
I have literally never heard anyone pronounce it like that it hurts
in real life the they would lowkey be scary asf !
Nooooo khajiti lmaooooo
“The khajiti race” lol.
I already knew this because I never make my characters wear helmets lol
I don’t know how everyone is going crazy over the fact that he said kahjit wrong but we’re just going to gloss over the 5693 other things he’s said wrong?
That’s how I could tell if I was in combat in oblivion, I just took off my helmet in the inventory screen
I think if you have 200 hours with a kajhiit in game you notice this .
Me, an argonian main
Argonians be like 👁️👄👁️
Argonians eyes go to slots and they bare the teeth too
Dude is just looking up facts about games he’s never played, listen to how he pronounced the khajiit race. Lol
I mean that’s not far off from an actual lizard when they are about to attack they stand tall widen there eyes and kinda just sit with there mouths open
Elder scrolls 6 better have a dark souls roll for evasion for argonians
BRO I knew this cuz the only race I pick is khajiit
Noticed this many times doing the kajit trader glitch 😂😂
Did y’all know that the Argonians kicked ass during the oblivion crisis!
They kicked so much ass that daedra had to close the oblivion gates they opened in black marsh.
Bruh….( Kah-jeet )
To be fair. The argonains have much sharper teeth x3
Khajiiti? He said khajiiti
Haha! I actually did know this!!
ESO please give us Skyrim more Skyrim😫😄
it would be cool if argonians and khajiits hissed when they did a shout or when facing an enemy
is there a mod that adds hissing to khajiit
Ok but it really bothers me that you say khajiit wrong. There’s nothing after the t so why add an e sound after it?
Already knew that
He just called them khajite
How dare you mock my water breathing-disease prone bois
Derkeethus he’s my companion on my Skyrim save he’s awesome
How come British people suck at pronouncing things when they invented the language?
Big floppa
“Ka-jee-ti” LOL
Whats with the weird lookin dude in the corner. Go away
Argonians be like:
You dare to oppose me?!
Get it? Cuz both mortals and immortals are beneith them.
To get a strong mele damage its just become kajit then get gloves of the pugilist and boom op mele damage
why he pronounce it Kazhitie
Argonians bear their teeth as well. They can look quite scary when they do this.
Bruh not to be rude but I how do people not notice this, its a very (wonderful) obviously detail :T
I really hope ES6 has tonnes of little details on these types of things.
I always thought this was so cool it was one of the first things I noticed in skyrim and my female khajiit would go from lookin like a cinnamon roll to a monster
Sorry. Who?
The Khajiity?
What race is that?
Lil fact like this in Skyrim, if you’re a werewolf and you randomly take off your helmet I think it might be an argonian thing but your character grins.
My fav race
It’s not just a Khajiti trait. Literally every character of every race since oblivion has facial expressions. Unique angry fighting faces for combat.
In oblivion some NPCs would develop a sense of dread and fear as you were about to kill them and try to run and you could see their expressions change.
Never trust anyone who says “be like”. Idiocy
Man my right ear sure did enjoy that more than my left. Damn bro, cringing again.
Kahjeetee sounds like something a white guy with dreadlocks would try to sell me
Did u just call it khajiti
I’ve noticed that, cuz my khajiits face ends up being in the position for about a half hour after i leave combat
I noticed.
Argonians are in-lore supposed to be hard to read in facial expressions to men and mer iirc.
Subtle things like frill raising and alien changes like colour shifting are how they convey emotion, exposing teeth is more a threat gesture or attempting to mimic other races to put them at ease.
So yeah makes sense honestly.
Argonians do the same except without ears
Argonians would kinda just… open their mouth. That’s the typical sign of stress in lizards, or at least in my chameleon
Already new this. Thank you.
As someone who plays as them I noticed this. By now I just don’t notice it anymore. I Watched this ready to see something and then went. Wait I knew that…… Khajiit knows something els too.
This coin purse was yours thanks 😋
Argonian master race and yes i am very racist
Lol that argonian look like he can see the future.
Argonians: 👁️👁️
Can you stop with the faces
😳 “I am watching respectfully” 😳
it’s not really a hidden detail but ok
Is the still images of your face really necessary
Who the fuck HASN’T noticed this? They did in Oblivion too. Damn click baiters
I noticed it and that’s why I always liked them better than other racist when it comes to stealth because then I’ll know if I was caught or not from their expressions
Do people really not know this???????????????
Khajit do that when they have had their daily moon sugar😺
… Hidden fact? Who the fuck didnt notice this? This guy is reaching. Is there no way to click a “not interested” button for shorts?
Bro every khajiit player knows this lol
Wtf is with the images at the bottom
I would’ve loved for argonians’ pupils to shrink to little slits like a gecko’s eyes while they narrow their eyes as well, while maybe even hissing and baring their teeth like enraged crocodiles.
Cracked me up.. “Argonians be like” 👁👄👁
I have noticed for a while
The khajiitii
Yeah my dark elf vampire narrows his eyes and bares his fangs too
Whats with the stupid fucking faces at the bottom? Does Skyrim need clickbait expressions????
I thought my game was broke 🤣🤣🤣 glad to finally know all these years later its part of the game
Can I mail you a bucket of my poop?
Khajiit-E race
Df is going on in the corner
Maybe I played too much Skyrim, but I did know every fact he told from there.
I noticed this with my female khajiit and I was like, “wtf what” and then a dragon landed on my head and killed me.
That was a thing for a while even before Skyrim. The moment their engines could handle it they did that.
Oh I noticed that right off the bat
Nobody gonna point out him pronounces Khajiit as Khajiti? The fuck.
Noticed this for the first time watching Shirley Curry’s “Alchemist” video about a week ago.
Ah Skyrim. A bad game with a shit ton of Polish
Why was that Argonian cutaway so funnny to me for some reason, i need to fix my humor
He don’t dis the one brain cell that bounces around like a windows screen saver race. If I’m being honest I literally only play argoniuns because I’m the dragon born. That’s a baby dragon
I actually noticed this a castle volkahar when fight dawn guard scouts
Argonians change their face in combat too
I can confirm, this is in fact true.
Uuuuuuuh no I’ve definitely noticed that lol.
Khajiit: <( - Д - )>
Argonian: (• _ •)
It was in oblivion too
Always loved this detail
The audio should be redone to say “this little detail that *everyone* noticed”
All the races look pissed when someone’s coming to fight them, except the argonians, because Argonians don’t display emotions like the other races do
That’s the one thing I always noticed about Derkeethus. I gave him Forlorn armor and I could see his eyes through the helmet and it looked so stupid
Khajiit: Flattens ears, squints eyes, bares teeth
Argonian: Subscribes
If you become a vampire lord as a Khajiit you get long ass fangs
I thought it was realistic citizens tbh didn’t know it was vanilla.
Ayylmao 420th comment
Wtf is a kajeetee?
I thought every race did that because for over seven years I’ve played one character
All characters/races have a grimace in combat
Khajit floppa mode
I mean the game is 10 years old.
Argonians get lusty
Ah, Bethesda. Where the cat ears fold back and the mammoths are all professional trampolinists.
Your face has a hidden detail. Anger even tho you speak calmly.
Something about the animation of his face in the bottom corner just annoys me
two words for your next video: Khajit werewolf. lol
I’m less upset that I already knew this, and more upset by the way he pronounces Khajiit.
“THE khajitie 😂😂 that’s what it sounds like he said
Lol I already know that bc I like to play in 3rd person mode (sometimes) but still a cool fact!
Bold of you to assume no one knew that
Argonians be like 😳
Don’t worry about argonians they litteraly don’t emote in lore
Yep, this is how I know I’m still in combat when my Khajiit is still mad even though the enemy is MILLLEESS away.. 😂😂
I noticed that too xD, its pretty cool
Something I noticed is that Khajiit are the only ones to insult people with Throw Voice as far as I know, shouting things like “Melon Nose” and “Cheese Brain”
I knew that the first time I played skyrim.
Argonian be like: do you remember Oblivion in our swamp ?
They did the same thing in Oblivion, but not just for fighting, they did it if their disposition towards you was low.
Aw that’s adorable
Literally noticed this the first time I ever played lol
I was distracted by ESO on the bottom
The Khajiity race
People stop complaining about him saying khajiti and thinking he’s saying khajit. They are two different words.
Khajit-ee race? Y-you DO mean khajiit…. RIGHT?!
You have solved an age old question for me….cause my characters face would get stuck like that and I was stuck wondering why his face was frozen mid sneeze while talked to his companions and trying to be agood dad….turns out he was just preparing for battle and didn’t know how to stop…
If Argonians did what the Khajit did with their big ass teeth the An-Xileel would have crushed Telvanni no doubt
Did you just call them the khajiti? I feel insulted by your idiocy.
What the fuck is a Khajiti
Ears in the neck when in danger? Yes, I saw that with one of my characters. I love that little detail.
Yeah because I’m not a furry and play Kajhiit
Wait, is Khajiiti the plural of Khajiit and I’ve been dumb this whole time, or did this guy just pronounce Khajiit wrong
As an undeveloped argonian
blame the sap
I never wear a helmet because my Khajiit is too beautiful
You keep posting stuff you have already shared in videos can you please show some more rare or less shared stuff?
And for god’s sake, cut the clickbait stuff. You make good content, you don’t need clickbait, don’t damage your self respect or reputation by stopping down to clickbait especially when you make good enough content that your fans will click on your videos when they see them.
Fun fact, oblivion opened at the swamps, and the argonians not only defeated the invading daedrics, they also invaded oblivion.
No other race has been successful against the daedrics, maybe defended their homeland but not enough to actually force the gates to be closed by daedrics themselves.
So that’s where all of the budget went!!
ahh yes, the *tahitian* race in Skyrim
Argonians be lik-
Lizard gang!
The way he said it 😂
Argonian be like: 👁👄👁
I swear to god iv finally cracked you my good man have made me download skyrim
Nice soy compilation at the bottom
Khajiiti? Yeah? That how you feel?
Did he just call it the khajiiti race.
Now imagining argonians dropping their tails when they find a bad enough threat to let their tail be a distraction while they run away
Cat doing Cat Stuff
Kajit also like to poop in your shoes if you piss them off.
Argonians be like : the fuck you just say O_O
Noticed this a few months ago. Good detail for the game
Cool, never realized that
I love this channel it’s just the bottom part that I don’t like
I already knew this, to be honest.
Meanwhile argonians have vietnam flashbacks
It looks like it’s happy
I know he didn’t just call them “The Khajiti” 😭😭
Argonians be like 👁️👄👁️
Argonians be like: *B😐R😐U😐H*
The Rivalry between Khajiit and Argonians blazes on. Darkvision (Khajiit) vs Water Breathing (Argonian), claws (Khajiit) vs immunity to poison and disease (Argonian). And sneak (Khajiit) vs lock picking (Argonian), the battle rages on. Personally I would be friends with an Argonian, Khajiit have a nasty habit of taking things that don’t belong to them and stabbing you in the back.
Yes, but did you ever notice how they punch with their claws
Meanwhile A R G O N I A N S be like-
I always used the khajiit and I never knew this
The argonians do bare their teeth
Me – plays skyrim-
Every profile i ever have on skyrim-
im tilted by the way you pronounce kahjiit at the beginninh
Super unnecessary face cam like most YouTube videos nowadays
I noticed by punching and resetting a khagit merchant. Find it cute and did it again after I got the item i wanted
I love these vids but why TF did he add himself having an aniurisam in the corner like whyyy
When your playing who cares to notice honestly. Thats one thing you could care less about lol
I can’t handle this clickbait.
I knew that..?m
Hey ya lizards are cool 😎 I mean I hope si
I actually did notice this, but probably only because they are by far my most used race
My favorite build ever was khajiit heavy armor with the fist damage thing when the game was still new. I stayed up all night building it while all my friends were asleep. When they woke up we got baked and I ran into a frost dragon and pulled out my fists, everyone was like “bro your weapons!!!! And I just punched this dragon to death. I’ll never forget the cheers.
Oh, I learned of this a looooong time ago.
Another fact is that kahjiit are actually a species not a race. It depends on what moon they are born on. For example if they are born on a certain moon they could be a sabercat. Another moon they could be a house cat. And so on.
btw this was edited because I spelt something wrong.
I’ve noticed them doing it when enemies are near as well
Did he say khajiiti?
God man the way you pronounce khajit makes me necer wanna play skyrim again
argonians are always just like: 👁👄👁
Thats a wolf
Argonian:I’m gonna tear your arm off and loot your corpse 😐
Bro everyone knows this
Also they’re swearing at people when using the enemy alluring shout 🐱
Kaa Jee “teeeee” race wtf
I knew that khajits did that with their ears I played as a khajit
Internet: furries need to die and should be removed from existing
Also the internet: khajiit facts
Skyrim facts #19.5
Much like Khajits act like cats in during a fight, humans also act like humans during a fight, screaming and dying every second.
Khajit: *this is the face I make when I see the guards coming for my skooma*
I call bs that Argonian is high off there ass
literally the first thing i noticed playing as a khajiit in skyrim. i love the khajjit sm
one syllable, not two
This can glitch and your khajiit can end up looking like some deformed rabbit monster, as the face gets stuck and then exaggerates the next time you enter combat
Were you about to disrespect my Argonian character?
They spent all that time making Argonian faces detailed and basically gave up afterwards on every other detail. They gave them human shout sounds and make them go 👁👄👁 when mad
Wait. He pronounced it wrong the first time, but pronounced it right the second
Did he seriously just do that to get people like me to comment?
Clever fuck.
Ah yes i love my crackgonian.
Where is the i after the t? Saying it wrong.
The Argonian be like I done fucked up
Didn’t you told about it earlier in your videos?
Repeating yourself 🙄
Ka jheet not cajeetee
Hey just like my cat when I stroke him! Oh wait .
This isn’t hidden, literally every Khajit in the game does this. How LITTLE Skyrim have you played that you never fought one without a helmet?
He really be adding the most basic of stuff now. Did he just forget you’d be able to see Khajiit enemies doing this?
I’ve actually noticed that the first time playing it
The hist some good shit bro
They did in Oblivion too
I have infact noticed this a very long time ago but cool
Like you’ve never seen a khajiit bandit charging at you.
I mean this in the nicest way possible but how would you not notice that litterally first playthrough
Finly someone who correctly calls them Khajiiti
Why did you call them Kaniiti
All races change face during combat
I’m a kahiti
It’s obvious that kiajeets got way more qttention
Youre a little late to the party champ
Khajiit É
I say kah-jeet
not kah-jee-te
have I been saying it wrong this whole time?
someone pls reply and comment how you say it because I’m now confused
I actually knew that one.
Something about how you pronounced Khajiit… makes me uncomfortable…
Popping in to point out that in Oblivion, if you lowered your disposition with a Khajiit character enough their ears would flatten as well.
Did you know if shout at any city
(I shouted at practice doll whit fire breath in whiterun 2 times)
Some random guard came to me to shut the fuck up
Can you make facts on argonians it’s my favorite race
No one is talking about how he said Khajeetee?
All races get angry faces when they fight
Bro i knew this
Hey Argonians are actually really good warrior build characters
argonian be like: *OBSERVE*
Imo argonian it’s the best race
I suppose I’m the rare few that noticed. All models have a facial expression of some form.
Meanwhile argonians blike..
Every Khajiit player who has payed attention to the kill cam would have seen that at least once. What a stupid clickbait video.
Meanwhile the Argionians be had to much skooma
You canceled yourself for pronouncing Khajiit like that
I only noticed this the other day actually and it made me happy to see
What happened to my beautiful Skyrim? This used to be Nord land now it’s full of Cats and Lizards!😡😡 And now there’s talk of dragons!!
All races have an aggressive facial animation in combat. Argonians also bare their teeth, but it’s less visible.
Man really called out every single argonian in all of tamriel.
I love how this guy is THE authority on skyrim stuff and still pronounces half the stuff wrong lol
Argonians are so funny honestly. There’s just something about the blank stare they give in combat.
*”Khajjiti”* bruh
Argonians do the same thing (minus the ears, of course).
Khajiit are expressive in the Oblivion. And I’ve also noticed said facial response in combat as a Khajiit character user myself and against npcs
Be funny if they move like them one chameleon that dance every step it takes lol
Argonians: ….
O H. F U
In Oblivion khajiits move their ears according to their face. If they’re angry they flatten them, if they’re happy they push em forward or something like this
Agonian be like 🦎
Dude who hasnt noticed that its basic observstion
HOLD UP I saw this long before he realesed this…i thought Kiro was just weird…
Argonians will actually bare their teeth as well
You not going to mention how the Khajiit’s tail stiffens as well??
Stop fucking up the names
You dare make fun of my brothers
i keep on seeing these the day after i find them out for myself
I see you’re just going through old videos about elder scrolls things and stealing content for shorts. Nice 🖕
Yes I did notice
why’s there a soyboy in the corner being distracting
I picked argonian for that reason
Normal people:I’m going high elf because they run faster and have spells
I love how my cats puts his ears backwards I find it funny
Big floppa
Hey don’t you be talking mad stuff about my lusty Argonian.
Bruh Argonians do be like. He must have PTSD of the Oblivion Crisis
Argonian supremacy
Argonian is best
Big floppa
I just want to pet the kahjiit tho.😙😙😙
As an Argonian, I am very offended, don’t be surprised when we take over tamriel with our hist
Wtf is a kadjyeeeti
I used to always pick argonian, they’re the best race to play as
But I have noticed…
Khajity? Wtf man, they literally say how it actually sounds in game.
Skyrim floppa
Argonians: 👁👄👁
Well, I think when lizards are threatened, they open their mouth and just stare
I must be argonian then
Argonian death stare.
It’s pronounced ca-ji-t
Skooma High
Im sorry, the kijiji race?
why its ( KA sheet) not ( KA sheety
little known fact that khajiit are all about how they look, the moment they enter combat they smile so that they’re potential corpse would still look good
You pronounced kahjiit wrong.
This is cringe
The big floppa skyrim race.
Not only kajhit rase have this option btw
I don’t like you
No 2nd I after the final t in kajiit so it is kah-geet as the pronunciation as opposed to the kah-geet-ee pronunciation
Still more detail than cyberpunk 2077
And argonians be like 😧
Furry ability
Everyone is annoyed about the way he pronounced kahjiit, while i’m here thinking about how much that agonian looked like it had been drinking buckets of skooma daily
Edit: omfg, i know that he meant the whole race when saying kahiiti. That’s the whole joke-
By sithis-
Khajiti? You just say it however you feel like eh?
Pretty sure the “i” is silent
The… kijiji race…
Yeah checks out
Its a super neat detail! Love that Bethesda researched proper cat behaviors but not how to make a good story!!
I got so confused on my unarmed build whenever my kahjiit started doing this face
Pls stop
“kajeetee” 😂😂😂 all jokes bro love your videos
Khajiit = Master race
i noti ed this because of j’zargo
all races to this but the khajiit look the coolest cause of the floppy ears
Tried playing a Kajit.
Stopped playing when I tried collecting potion ingredients and kept jumping and swatting at butterflies.
I was actually embarrassed for Sly Vestor, the Dragonborn… especially when the Companions saw me.
Did you call them Khajiti????
Its khajit. Not khajiti
Don’t talk shit about my lizard bois
I did know this, my character being a kahjit and wearing light Armor (shrouded/ancient falmer especially) i Can see it often.
Khajiti? Extra I in your voice man
Wouldn’t it be funny if argonians just started doing that little push-up thing that small lizards do
Bruh I know you’re an Englishman but you can’t go around adding vowels to the ends of whatever you want to. It’s Khajiit
Meanwhile argonians be like (high af)
Argonians be like 😐
i knew
Its called a battle face every race has that, not like you’re gonna smile in a fight
There is no i after Khajiit.
Wow. This is by far the best “Fun facts you didn’t know” channel I’ve seen in a while. These are actually really well researched and interesting facts that I didn’t know! Keep up the good work!
Bruh did you just say kuhjiti
I only know this because of inigo
I love these shorts. Keep up the good work. 😊👍
I have and it gets annoying when I’m trying to roleplay 🙁
No no I haven’t lol