Skyrim Be like pt.1
Sorry ya’ll, I know I have been really lagging it on the videos, I kinda managed my time poorly, but I’m still learning, though it is hard when you only have a day to work on them and then back to work. I realize I spark so many good ideas while I’m at work, but by the time I get home, I’m so exhausted and tired that I just rest up for the next day to work. I know I’m not the only one going through it, but I promise to keep putting more videos out on a regular schedule. Anyways, enjoy this video I made during the week, thank you guys for your patience and sticking with me 💜🔮
“Jeremy Soule- Far Horizons/Steel on Steel”
#Skyrim #Skyrimmemes #Skyrimclips #Elderscrolls #morrowind #Gamingclips #Memes #Khajit #Jzargo #Bethesda #Xbox
コメント (563)
Sooo like me 😂 scaried me 😂
The roblox fall down sound LOL ❤
Space program by giants sponsored by big club
“hello houstan?” “what is it ground control?” “…we got another one”
Here’s a heartwarming advice. Try to do some running outside of just making clips, it will benefit you greatly + you’ll live longer.
Spot on 😂😂😂
Lmao when I seen my friend first playing Skyrim and he tried to 1v1 a giant i said welcome to Skyrim lol
🤣,never gets old
Bruh that shit is scary tho when your playing Skyrim forreal and a giant is chasing you and u turn around🤣🤣🤣
This guy called My Eek or something told me giants use these big hanging sacks to ferment their crops and if I took a poop it they’d give me a present. For help’n out. I’m still looking to kill that mf.
I’ve spent so much time on Skyrim I appreciate these videos thank you
Ok ok i seen a few now i got to sub.
Yio just para is ass
Jajaja men esto es muy real 😂😂❤
this guy is zhe absolute gold of youtube man
Gotta upgrade your chanclas dawg
Everyone’s first contact was the same :’)
Bro at first i thought, he big he gonna be slow AF and I’m said to myself “should using the tactical hit and run with the bow and let see what he got” THEN the moment he start to RUNNING i already know this not gonna be an happy-ending, he flew next to me within a sec and send me fly to sky 💀
Yeah 👍 all facts except i was pissed cause I hadn’t saved in awhile 😂
😂😂😂😂 literally my first go on a giant i though I could mess with him low level and this basically happen
I’d just find a glitchy hill and shoot poison arrows at it hoping to god it didn’t crawl up the hill and get me 😂😂
Skyrim space program 🚀
I had to subscribe bro, I love your content. I like the playing at 3am one lol funny af
This dude Cracks me up 😂
Welcome to Skyrim Space Program
Me in valheim my first ever actual playthrough 😢
Skyrim is so on me, and I can’t get it off! Lol!
Lol spot on bro
Dang, that Adiletten 💯🔥😎
Ur bringing back the love of games for me. Playing the og ac 1 for the first time actually excited
Damn.. fuck it, let’s go around again
Legit thought it was a bug for so long lmao
Tell me why my friend who lives Skyrim looks just like this guy
Soundtracks in this game was something else
Dude i just watched few of your clips and they are great, keep it up
Lmao yup my first adventure to winterhold
They call it skyrim space ex 😂
bahahaha your shorts are great man😂
you also make me realize putting up with the “ugly” stage of growing my hair out again will be worth it lol
Your Vibe paired with Skyrim´s Night Ambience – give me mad chills
Lmfao 😂
For the most part of my 1st time experience, I haven’t messed with them yet.
When is ES6 coming? I need it
i fw bro heavy 😂 you make some funny vids my man keep it up
Please never stop doing these
There the only shorts on YouTube that I actually love and make me lol 😂
Out of all the games i wish i could experience for the first time again skyrim easily takes the top spot
Brilliant! Lol
This is exactly what happened to me
I an addicted to these 😂
It would be more accurate if you swung at the giant a couple times first, only to realize as you’re flying through the air the horrible decision you have made.
Love how serenity finds you just as you’re hurling through the air
I’m so glad I found your channel🔥
Lol bro you look and remind me of my brother he a lil gamer too 😂
bro this the funniest videos i ever see wtf
This is too accurate
That’s a pretty majestic mane, brother…
I did never ended Skyrim. I didnt know there was giants 😂😂😂😂 I think its time to end unfinished job from 2011
I like he even copied the damn ragdoll movement
HAHAHAH well donee my man!
Lol this is exactly what happened
lol thats me if playing Skyrim V Elder scroll..run, shoot, and comback again
Bethesda can take their time. ES6 will have to live up the Skyrim which was perfection
Crazy how they can launch you into the sky
Too funny😂
Idk how I found this guy but I’m glad I did.
I always go for their treasure so they usually fck me up either way.
I remember my first voyage into the skies of Tamriel.
Top quality!
The giants and the seals are the most terrifying 😢
So good lmfao!!!!
This is too funny 😂😂
It’s pretty accurate 😂
Me: 😬
Giant: “Welcome to the Skyrim Space Program. Fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride!”
i love your content <3
Yo everyone one of these are funny AF
Cuando salga el starfield ,vas a volar en el espacio 😅😅
hahaha youy are good greating from poland
Ahahahah, dude thanks, 👍 keep it up with Skyrim videos
Omg hahahaha
Idk why I laughed way more when you were hopping over the ledge
You people need to learn what POV stands for before ever using a computer again
The chanclas 🤣
😂😂😂😂😂😂 na my mans on point 🎯
Yeah I just avoided them at all costs. Once I was brave enough to fight them, I was able to kill them before they could even reach me. 😅
Thats my last XD
Yo if anyone hasn’t, I have to just shout out Skyrim VR for being absolutely amazing vibes. Just walking around Skyrim in that perspective made me tear up the first time. You don’t even have to play through the game just walking around seeing the sights, hell smoke a joint and just sit and watch the auroras.
Bro lmao when I first died from them and got sent to orbit, I thought it was a bug😂😂😂 then I tested it like 10 more times
I gotta play this game next it’s on the list of games I haven’t played but will one day
I thought i could talk to them. I was incorrect
I would always cheese the Giant outside of Whiterun by jumping onto the log hanging on the cliff. The giant would sometimes run off but my bow still got him. The glitch to get under whiterun for the blacksmith box as well man this game brings back good memories
Creative! Well done man
Bruh this make me wanna play Skyrim again
I want this in real life
This is so accurate
I wish they would take Skyrim and just make it the same exact game with multiplayer
waiting for him to fly through the sky
That’s every encounter for me to be honest.
Nah unfortunately for the giant, my first encounter i slaughtered that man 😂
My man got launched😂 But them slides still stayed on heyyyy
What is this song called in the background?
I could not catch my breath 😂
Your skyrim shorts are the best 🎉
Seeing companions slaying a giant early in the game create an illusion that we can take a giant early in the game
In VR the sense of scale is insane. Giants are really giants.
I love you bro thank you for these. 10 years time I want this to go viral again til I die
I would always try to bare knuckle box the giant right outside of whiterun
The first time I seen one I pulled out my steel war hammer and I got sent into the air I was like wtf ?????
Good lord why this made my day XD
I remember my first like it was yesterday
I would let my 6-7 year old nephew play Skyrim. He got to the giant got smashed and cried but He figured the rock glitch 😂
skooma saves the day again
My dumbaz fought them to the death many times
I miss skyrim😢
😂😂😂😂 awesome
que sonho daria. para está vivendo a ste jogo
Lol this is nostalgic AF
Is this apart of the “your playing Skyrim at 3 am” hahaha
When I first encountered a giant, I got yeeted into the universe.😂
😂😂😂😂 that’s so funny. Skyrim is so legendary too
Most running you’ve done in awhile huh
I haven’t played with the music in a while. Forgot how relaxing it is.
Nice edit ❤
What is the name of the 1st music pls ?
Spot on🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Love your videos im a huge nerd on skyrim so god i can relate 😮💨😮💨😮💨
Faxxxx 🤣🤣🤣
When I got lifted to heaven for the first time I thought it was a one time funny glitch. Thank God it wasn’t
Everyone remembers their first time touching the stars😂😂
Lmao I love your shit
You’re gonna make me buy Skyrim
I saw my first one and ran directly into hit and was shocked at how it insta killed me
Like i thought they were like travelers or something.
I love this ! So cute and funny
Well done putting yourself into these scenes lmao reminds me of Tony Soprano in Markarth
Bro coulda killed the giant if he woulda thrown the Adidas slide at his 8 head 😂😂😂
That’s how I showed my friend how to enter the sky realm 😂
Had Skyrim as a kid but never played, just started my first full play through last week & this couldn’t be more accurate🤣
Bro the flying across the planet always so goofy but the game wouldn’t be the same without these funny bugs
I want to hear a short story about your first encounter. Maybe I’ll be willing to share mine if you get a laugh.
My first thoughts were “I can take him”
Yeah! Those damn giants!
Nice content dude
U use mods on skyrim or just normal?
Takes me back 😂love it bro
The best one I’ve seen 😂😂
I lost lydia this way. She got bonked and never came back down
I only murder everything in Skyrim I can’t relate
Demnnnn, i died xD
Anyone else still play Skyrim from time to time? Best gaming experience I’ve ever had
The flying animation was perfectly especially the part you stopped spinning 😂😂
Talos guide you brothers
Found this man’s channel recently, algorithm has blessed me like Talos
Getting launched into the clouds is way too accurate
Nah , you don’t run away screaming like that until you’ve been yeeted. Everyone curious till that point, then you learn a healthy respect
That Nordic space program
You are the funniest
Bro land Secunda in one hit
You funny as hell!!!!
Everyone remembers their first time. 😂😂
Kkkkkk o primeiro gigante a gente nunca esquece
This is so relateable
Even tho we are the most deadliest mf in that game that’s the only thing that’s scares us giants and mammoths facts 😂😭
Bro is the dragonborn
Yup, that’s how it be.
Accurate AF 😂
The flying death was incredible!
What a dbag
That’s funny
Damn, my first experience with a giant was on my way to white run watching him get dusted by the companions
Good thing he’s wearing the Slides of the Adidas that give him +30 speed
I’ve never been lucky with giants on vanilla Skyrim😂 getting launched into a plane of Oblivion everytime
Haha these are too funny
First time I got hit by a Giant I landed in a river & my DB just got up like damn. Never doing that again lol
Man going to space or seeing a giant ride a dragon was always nostalgic
I love that launching you into the sky by a giant was an intentional design by Bethesda
Bruh I just walked my some mammoths my first play through and he ant like that.
Ended up just like this
Lmfaoo the whole time I was waiting for the yeet to the sky. I started losing it when he fell lmaooo
Time to visit Meridia in the sky, tiny human!
Omg literally me
Should’ve went into the stratosphere
And he’s blasting off againnnnnn
Hahaha xD 😂😂😂😅
The first time i came across one, it struck faendal first and he got launched. I was like “cool, my first companion was also the first elder scrolls character to go to space. RIP” then he came back down while i was running around in circles for a minute or two and helped kill the thing
When a native drinks his first peyote
This is genius 😅
pov: you enter tcl
😂😂 you should of shown the stamina bar depleted 😂😂😂😂😂
Love the idea of wandering Skyrim in addidas slides 😂
That was fantastic
Absolute best Skyrim vids out there.. the accuracy is unrivaled 😂😂
I love your content man
Forgot to add the armour tree leveling up from the hit as you fly
The flying in the air 😂😂
They never did fix that fly in the air glitch did they? 😂
All the feels 😂
Don’t get me started on Skyrim
3 hits with the Daedric legendary arrows and he’s done
Damn Skyrim man I makes me wanna be a kid again and play it for the first time
I had this happen so many times 😂😂
These are so good love this videos lol
Edits im this are freaking brilliant 😅
Your videos completely relatable bruh😂❤
Normally I would skip Skyrim related video at this point but man I love your videos!! 😂 Keep it going
i love how he even got the part where you get sent flying 😂
Exactly what happened me
In a nutshell
That’s not pov
Oh man this was good. Don’t stop making these videos bro
Это просто великолепно
Hope elder scrolls vi will be good
do some with the npc’s talkin weird facts 😂
This make me wanna play Skyrim so bad
This shit has me dying 😂
Never understood why they didn’t make some of them friendly
Kookum will save you
Why are giants soo dumb in skyrim?
Real af 😂😂😂 I always wondered Why TF there’s Giants everywhere in the Outworld and they just make you Go to Heaven in One Hit.
Bro its 3am and you have ne damn near crying reqdy to smoke and hit a 5 hour skyrim session
Is it a bug? No it’s a feature
Had me at the… Oof
Never forgot my first encounter with a giant. 😂
indian movies be like
Bro the flip flops got me lol 😂
Absolute gold
Ha oh man I remember the first time I saw and encounters one of these guys. Man I got destroyed hahah
Marv’s scream caught me off guard
Let me come with you for a walk 😁
Less than 10 years until Skyrim 2. Or Oblovion 3. Or Morrowind 4. Or Daggerfall 5. Or Arena Zero.
The accuracy of the incident 😂 💨🪰
These are just so bad and so damn good haha
His production quality is actually very impressive 😂 capturing specific in-game content for him to green screen himself into just works so well
Same tbh, except my first run in I got away from the giant I was in steel armour, ended up finding a full dwarven set upgraded it, decided I was ready to take on that giant again for some sweet sweet revenge, gaunt proceeded to boot fuck me to the stratosphere
When this actually happened to me I thought it was a glitch
Omg!! I died 😂😂
Hahahaaaa lmfao
Bro, please don’t EVER stop making these!! 😂😂😂
They won’t tweak unless you tweak first 💯
Aaaaaaaaaaaa 😢
did you use the scream from the spider on the face in home alone ?? 😂😂
First giant I saw was chill and he didn’t attack me so I though they were all chill and I ran up to the next one I found and got launched into orbit
100% accurate!
This was literally exactly what happened to me except i didnt get to run away 🤣
Go Install again this masterpiece
This is dope man keep it up
I like that game..😅😅 try fuck white aldoin dragon😂😂
This video was great👌🏽
The face and head movement from the ragdoll is exactly like the games😂
Lmao this is great
Bro attended the Skyrim space program
my first encounter was pretty funny, i already had god armour with 20,000,000% increase on everything, so i j stood there takin little to no damage then one shot the giant
In game footage is night. Films in the daytime. What is lighting continuity?
Lol is true
I’m excited for avowed to release
First time I played Skyrim, after the intro n all that, guess who my first enemy was? I thought cool, let me snipe this mf…. nope got Yeeted all the way to Bravil.😂😅
Do y’all play Vr
Your skyrim edits are the best 😂
This guy has nicer hair than women
And u forgot to save so u load in to the last place u left lmao
I love these edits man keep it up
Song name?
So relatable 😂 the first time I thought I should talk to them, but was dumbfounded when I saw one walk along with me in the streets near Whiterun, outside their camping, without a word. Then I saw the camping and thought, maybe his friends would talk 😅😅😅 the end: reloaded the save!
Ima have to buy it again for my ps5. Game was amazing. Thanks for getting me back into it 🤟🏻
*runs into the one friendly giant for the first time thinking the game is broken 💀
Me before watching: “If he doesn’t do the flying ragdoll meme”
Me after watching: *As satisfied as a virgin asexual can be* 😂😅
I didn’t have the companions’ guild to protect me this time 😔
Jjajaja y si
Oh the brothers floating in the air….
Yo these Skyrim videos are gold 😂😂😂 make a series
I bet you can windmill like a MF.
Stop posting these bro, I’ll cry 😓
Ahh I still remember that first introduction to gravity
Love these!
I got smacked by giant… Sent off flying soo many times that I’m officially hunting every giant I’ve came across… 😂❤
Damn bro, I think you have convinced me to load it up again haha
And that’s why I wear light armor
This homie is about as high as a soaring eagle 24/7
The atmosphere and the music is divine😍😍😍😍😍
I miss playing video games 😢😢😢😢😢
I remember the first time I encountered them close to the foot of the Throat of the world mountain. I just sneak attacked them from the mountain with arrows. Man so boring job it was.
The chanclas let you down bro 😂😂😂
Hahahaha so true u making me wanna download it again
Ay man, what’s your blood? You look like my cousins
The scream before the hit was funny as fuck
I know that location without needing to search on google thats how much i love this game
In VR it was even more scarier 😅
Ahh the good ol Skyrim Space Program.
Lol thought my game glitched when I saw that for the first time.
all on the slippers!
Hehehehe 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣, the last part is so relatable.
I will always say it skyrim is my favorite game of all time😂😂😂 if your pissed off you can go on a killing spree, if your drunk or blown you can clear skies, roam for 2 hours thinking your over encumbered but youve been crouching the whole time 😂😂😂😂😂
Ah yes the long lost winter hold giants space program 😂😂
You a special my friend. Keep up to good work. Might have a job for you. One love brother. Keep being you 🙏
Accurate AF
Majestic long hair bro
First time that happened to me i thought it was a glitch lmao
i haven’t played Skyrim in forever and want my gf to experience it, can’t wait. gotta uninstall all the um…*cough* mods i have though first…
You’re vidéos made me reinstall skyrim
Ps : i also a treeplanter and when I work I listen skyrim soundtrack wile walking in the wood to plant that’s gold man
Bro your whole channel is dope. My wife and i love it
That game was epic 💯
Bro legit same shit first time with the giant right outside whiterun shit poped me up into the cloud district
The sandals
This brought me back, literally what happened when I encountered a giant 😂😂
Subbed!! Funny asf
Bro the first time I got launched I was so dumbfounded 😂😂😂 just brought back mems!
Just like that
The things i would do to experience skyrim for the first time
What song it is
thats how she goes damn your vids are funny
Is the online version fun?
I’m about to play this again dude
love you’re relatable ass Skyrim videos. I’m subscribing and liking each one I find validly great.
Yup. Seems accurate
The nephalim was the first boss we all dreamed of slaying
Shot for shot reenactment right there❤
u got the ragdoll sky animations down so good lmao
These are so great, if only Skyrim was a simulation 😂
I’m fucking dyingggg😭😭😭😭
the smp physics hair mod looks nice which one?
Just run into that tower and they can’t pass the door. The pull out your shield and build it up.
Dude more of these! You will be big in no time. Post this to insta and shit too!
😂 yes! Found out they are NOT friendly NPCs….sneak killed it afterwards 😏
bro “Secunda’ kiss” is literally the first place where we all probably encountered a giant for the first time
Bro how can you make videos like that? Is there an editing app?
The climbing part got me but everything else 😂
You just need to improve your athletic skills that’s all
Me in VR getting chased by giants doing a “ME IN SKYRIM” build and I had no abilities except some sneak perks
You’re content is awesome!!!
Мне показалось что это ARK survival involved
Bruh same first thing i did when i found a giant camp difference is i tried to fight it lol
riding a dragon
Giants scared tf outta me bro, especially when I found one and I couldn’t hurt it to save my life. It killed my horse too 😢
I subbed, your vids r great lmao. I rememver the first time i got launched sky high by one
Que buenos recuerdos XD
hahah sublime
Oh man I remember this but he couldn’t catch me
Love how you even do the slow run while traveling
First time I thought their fire was a burning teepee and went to investigate. Then I got to go to space.
This game firew
So accurate bro❤😂😂😂
I still wonder why they never bothered to fix you straight up flying into oblivion when they killed you. Glad they didn’t though
these skyrim vids are 💯👌🏻
Quick way to meet your ancestors lol
I bought Skyrim yesterday and this is how it went.
Your channel is a total vibe
Hey i see china…. He said whilst being 500km in the air after being hit the bonk stick😂
Damn i remember the date 11.11.11 when all begins. Finish campain when game version was 1.1 that was long time ago. Did i miss a lot? Wanted install again. Anniversary edition the best? I don’t want install mods just install game and enjoy again 🙂
Then you got the second encounter where you learn what their boundaries are and just get to chill with them on the Road
Please a lets play and more videos🙌🏼👍🏼
When I was a teenager I also played Gothic which is an open world game. I smoked 2 joints and found myself in the game too which was pretty cool.
Do some fallout 3 and new vegas man! Getting lost in metro lol
😂😂the accuracy
Lol nah I’ve had enough I’m subbing to you kind sir. I need more of these.
Dang I remember doing this too
dude xDD this is so spot on 😀
It’s always at night😂
Yep….weve all been there 😂😂😂😂
Lydia took that one for the team
Zum Glück ist das Skyrym .Und nicht The EldenRings 🤣🤣🔥☝️
These edits 😂👌
the good ol’ days
omg that flying 😂😂😂
Fr tho I was like “what’s up bud” then got a free trip out of orbit
The sad thing is In the demo of the game they showed giants and dragons and the giants were like 3x the size they are now and dragons could pick the giants up and fly away with them I still love this game tho
The edits bruh, the edits are bad but the way you do them makes it better than if they were perfect! This is like old school youtube and its fire bruh please keep going!
Skyrim’s space program
My first encounter I killed one after that I was the giant killer for the rest of the game
Dude, get a girlfriend
Skyrim can be so chill. You just walk around in your chanclas 🩴 lol
La prima volta ricordo che ho strillato come un bambino che gioca a fornite e sclera. (Avevo 10 anni)
Just happened lol
This literally couldn’t be any more accurate 😂
Just train smithing and upgrade your armors, then they can’t hurt you anymore 😂
Ayo ur dumbbbbb bro I definitely subbed, these videos are straight fyr 🤣🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥🔥
“I can probably take em” gets hit across the map 💀
Yep… we’ve all been there 😆
“Get yeeted by a giant” achievement unlocked.
Hahahaha so true
What strain you smoking I want to be in the game to??
Dude I love your videos man Skyrim is everything to me
I’m so glad I found this Channel keep up the good work man
Time to perish.”!
Haha spot on!
so you are playing khajiit
The only reason he chases you is cus he doesn’t want you smoking his mammoth cheese kush 😂😂😂
man i love killing giants, it is so fun to be in sneak and then shoot them with my bow and arrow.
Time to reinstall boys! Going back in.
they made me think giants were easy to kill because of that one giant you take down with companions when you arrive in Whiterun, I got fucking launched
Tanks for bringing back the good old childhood memories fam 😌✊
😂😂😂😂😂😂I hate those giants
My first encounter with a giant was this and then my second encounter with multiple giants included a mammoth two white run gaurds the watch tower where you kill your first dragon and a shit Ton of arrows cause I how you gonna do me like that?
Love it..😂 brings back memories.
I love skyrim
I love these!
Love the Adidas armor hes wearing
Bruh so spot on 💀😂
The most PERFECT ending!
No way! You are just flying far…far away from one shot( punch of his giant stick)
was waiting for you to go flying through the air and you did not disappoint lol
Me first time met a giant: I am definitely gonna kill it.
Bro just your mannerisms like an innocent traveler going on his first adventure cracked me up 😂 great vid
This is way to danm accurate..
I’m playing Skyrim rn lol.
Transcending planes of existence with that club
😂 bringing back good memories!
I remember my first encounter with a giant i thought he was gonna talk with me by coming at me running……….and then i flew away. good times
dude’s got some gorgeous hair.
I thought it was gonna be a friendly encounter 😭
Get the first dragon to fight the first giant. An epic battle
Seems about right! 👍
Skyrim vr 😂
This is some top shelf skyrim content
10/10 accuracy rating
*Sigh*… Here goes a week of modding skyrim again
Thank you for the good old memories
Lydia flies out of the game 😂
Goated vids
Using detect life will show the nature of all things
😂😂😂 this shit is hilarious.
Am i the only one who would fight giant at low level with bow and summons just to level “quick”
I love these
On god id scream like marv in this moment 😂😂
This channel…is too good for me 😭
(REAL)I tried to examine bro’s balls but he threw me out of the map for no reason
It hits different in vr
Fuck yeah
The climbing 😂 love it
exactly where i first die by a giant
😭😭😭 bro the first time you meet them and you assume you’re not a one hit, and then end up a mile in the sky wondering if that’s supposed to happen 😭
Bruh ! This takes me back to the first time I played fr exactly how it was
Hands down my new favorite short creator I’m laughing my ass off this morning 😂
You are hilarious…and i love you, lol
My dude is way to high
This is exactly how it went down, my first death on the game and i was amazed. Ill never forget it
we all have the same exp
When the discord mod actually has a sense of humor
Skyrim music really goes hard
JAJAJAJA sigue asi, buen contenido (:
I think every skyrim first time player they see giant in the distance and start booking it to kill it get yeeted off
ajajajajaaaja epic end
I really thought that i can beat him with one attack
That was great 👍
easy to kill being a werewolf
U forgot the part where you think he’s friendly at first
I tried over and over again to get into Skyrim. I never could. I’m more of a Witcher guy but I can definitely understand the appeal of it.
Running in the chanclas too damn
i can honestly say.
It originally would have been a bug during development.
“Yeah when a giant attacks a player the collision on the club makes them get launched 400ft in the air on death”
Design manager:
thats funny as hell. Can you make that a permanent feature?
“Sure why not, the players are gonna love it”
Nailed it. 😂
I thought they’re homies
Yeah but they can’t touch water… CHEESE🧀
Even the staying still before the loading screen pops in
10 years late but true
This shit soo true
Bro I booked it straight to whiterun 😂
I never play this game but maybe it will change soon
Never understood the physics of getting smacked by a giant. It’s basically just a meme 😂
I love these videos
I vibe with this man
I don’t even play Skyrim but these are hilarious bro, keep ‘em coming 👍🏽
Ahhahaahahahaha love u man
I love the zooming in scream 😂😂😂
i use them for leveling u need a tower where guards are on the road where u fight the first dragon
Bro had a mental and Physical breakdown, then achieved Chim
Everyone’s experience on there first playthrough
Bro your skyrim videos are spot on keep up the good work!
Trying my first playthrough on vr now, after like trying to play it for years I can now see why people say it’s amazing, I can’t wait for like the lights to show up that’s gonna be so lit 🔥
Bruh 😂
the sandals made this 10/10
So this is how the spider I killed the other day must had felt like 🤔😅
I think it’s still flying up from the hit.
Let me introduce you airgiant, were giant make you fly trough the space
How could I forget the first time when a giant sent me to Mars
Bro this guys is funny af😂
Keep these videos going!!!! We all relate 😂
Yoooo, i cant wait til the algorithm catches on fo your content.Youll be going viral soon.
My first time I saw a giant was at a camp and I didn’t even see the giant at first I saw the mammoth and I hit it and then the giant came after me didn’t kill me tho cause I ran away
Love the content 🤣 shits spot on
These are great man 😂
Aint that the universal truth lmao
These videos give peace to my soul
Young Danny Trejo discovers Skyrim? Nice!
Doubling up on the Home Alone screams 👍
far too accurate, you definitely have my subscription 😂
😭😭😭😭😭😭 this happened to me a few days ago with my mage
I love your freaking skyrim videos man
Bahahah!! 😂 These are the best man! ❤
Lol that flying in the air, then the loading screen appears
Bro that definitely my character flying to the high havens , you just did it better ..
Happened to me on my first visit to whiterun
can relate, the desing of the giant deserves a closer loock to apreciate it.
So super funny i like your videos😂
first time I saw one of these I had no idea what it was because it was so far out so I just decided to ding it with my arrow… I honestly thought this was a weird looking cave man… it didnt end well for me.
Good video darling ❤
Too funny
I’m still playing thru all the crashes man I don’t care I love it
I like the home alone sound effects
Bro elder scrolls was the best 🥲
😭 No literally me but at the “toll road”.
Did you know giants are techni believe passive creatures you can get relatively close to them or even walk right between their legs if you do not attack them first