The True Power of The Dragonborn… #skyrim #tes #gaming #elderscrolls #lore #dragonborn #Bethesda
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Link to Part 2:
It’s because the Thu’um is the commandments of the world around you. You are literally shouting the environment into submission.
I don’t think he’ll be the last dragonborn
Honestly I think TES: VI should be a direct sequel to Skyrim, taking place years after the events when he is risen from the dead by some sort of god after (up for interpretation) he died
But how much cheese could he eat
But can they beat goku
Playing Skyrim on the easiest difficulty with some mods like removal of shout cooldowns is closer to the true power of the dragonborn
I think the dragonborn being more limited also works well with the lore. They’re first Dragonborn to appear in centuries so they doesn’t really know much about their own power.
My Dragonborn is the strongest
The Last Dragonborn Defeated Alduin who at the time was powerful enough to eat the Kalpa. Granted he wasn’t going to do that but that’s still powerful enough to consume infinity.
Skyrims Dragonborn is an example of a power phantasy type character. For that to work they needed to nerf his powers.
The thing though is, all of these legends and myths are written in a more poetic-style. Because Wutharth is another “version” of Tiber Septim/Talos, of course he’s going to be romanticized to wield amazing power with his Thu’um etc etc.
I am not bashing it, I really love how they describe the Merethic Era and such. One of the main reasons I really really REALLY love The Elder Scrolls. I would love a game revolved around that Era, I wanna see Cyrodiil as a Jungle, I wanna see Minotaurs etc etc. I also wanna see the Falmer before becoming “The Betrayed”
Part of the reason you don’t get that feeling in-game is because in the lore, before you can actually reach your full potential (killing Alduin essentially would’ve been the start of your legend otherwise), the Greybeards call the plauer character to their mountain and proceed to shout you to death before you can become stronger than they are.
It’s my belief that Alduin was just the beginning of the Dragonborn’s journey to greatness
The dragon born can canonically use glitches as stated in every single playthrough ever. They are more powerful than you are portraying them to be
Master Chief in the books:
And no matter what anyone does, there will always be those people that say “Dragons and the Dragonborn aren’t that powerful”…
Your voice scared me
You dont play as the Dunkin wtf
Imagin forgetting about mods and cheats also console commands 💀💀💀
yet I still hear the argument that the stormcloaks are too weak to beat the thalmor…
whatever the dragonborn wants is canon.
Ay, this video was good, it’s just, the player isn’t “the last Dragonborn” as there is only one Dragonborn (living, not counting miraak) who is alive at one time, the player is the latest Dragonborn but not the last remaining one
Dragonborn is op, he has quicksave.
Game would be completely broken if we had the DB of lore. Though we do have Bethesda bugs, Glitches and exploits so it’s kinda close. Lol
The big thing is they had to balance the Dovahkiin for gameplay because aside from Miraak (who you soon eclipse) you’re the baddest motherfucker around
I like how the fact that the last dragon born being the protagonist who kills everyone and everything in his way passing by every location possible making history does not bring justice of how actually powerful the mf is
The last Dragonborn isn’t just any Dragonborn, let’s be honest. They devour the souls of their brothers and when it’s time to move on, they return to akatosh himself.
i love these videos new skyrim player, as much as we all love to rag on Bethesda they have created THE best lore and some of the greatest video games of all time
Of course the Dragonborn is powerful, no mere mortal could eat hundreds of cheese wheels in a fraction of a second
I feel like it depends on what you do with your character in the game. For my Dragonborn I usually do every daedric quest (because if I promise my soul to all of them they can’t all take it) On top of that within the campaign (including dlc) the Dragonborn fulfills at least 3 prophecies. He “destroys” the world eater, ends a war single-handedly, ends the reign of the dragon cult and the first Dragonborn, and either blackens the sky or ends the vampire menace depending on your decisions. On top of that becoming the thane of just about every major city and the leader of every joinable guild. Like you are talking an absolutely insane amount of physical, arcane, and political power all within the span of a few months in game
“Dragonborn is not depicted as all too powerful in the games” I take an issue with that statement. Dovahkiin defeated Alduin, a deity that is capable of consuming the world. If that is too abstract to consider, then let’s take Miraak as a more grounded opponent.
Miraak was also defeated and he could fight and kill multiple dragons at once at the height of their power. Miraak’s penultimate battle is particularly notable, because its aftereffects split the land and created Solstheim. The last Dragonborn defeated such an entity, after he accumulated millennia’s worth of forbidden knowledge and power in Apocrypha.
I mean the amount of power Skyrim main character has with all the cheats, exploits and mods is pretty worthy of any other Dragonborn
The dragon born from Skyrim literally went to Sovngarde and summoned the other 3 warriors to aid them AFTER beating them and then sent Alduin back to being “imprisoned”.
Pretty par the course.
I’ve done similar things…. via mods
Hey happy to help man.