This is why you should do the fishing DLC | Skyrim Gameplay Highlights
Gameplay highlight from part 355 of my Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition Let’s Play on legendary and survival. You can find the whole playthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2e9YdI6fp8&list=PLobdprIgcqJ-7HzrDzInvB3xaRyuzHE6L&index=1
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Taqs:skyrim short,skyrim highlight,skyrim gameplay,skyrim funny moment,skyrim funny,funny moments,highlights,skyrim highlights,let’s play skyrim,let’s play skyrim se,let’s play skyrim special edition,skyrim legendary,skyrim survival,skyrim survival mode,skyrim playthrough,gameplay skyrim,elder scrolls,the elder scrolls,skyrim shorts,shorts skyrim,tes shorts,elder scrolls shorts,funny moments skyrim,highlights elder scrolls
コメント (72)
I absolutely love this guys psychotic ass laugh…
This is why none of the npcs respect the Dragonborn for beating Alduin. If this is what the crab fishermen have been going through, imagine what the other people with ordinary jobs have had to fight every day at work.
You know Lyle is a true gamer cos after seeing a giant creature his first thought was “can it crush me!?” 😂
Wow I never seen this event ever so cool
Holy fuck
What episode is this?
I don’t remember this when I played Skyrim…
What quest is this?
is this real or a mod to the dlc CAUSE HOLY FUK IM BOUT TO GO AND DO THE QUEST 😀
This vanilla?
Step on me daddy, crush me!
Is this actually in the creation club fishing add-on? I need this and I don’t know why
On the “more entities” part… that’s probably because the creation club isn’t on the PS3, so they don’t have to compensate for it’s… PS3ness
Lyle: “crush me crab senpai”
What fishing DLC?
Isn’t that supposed to be an Emperor Crab or something? I forget their name but its something like that.
This is just what Maine is like
Is this the actual fishing dlc from Creation Club?!?!
I’m sorry WHAT
Since they all died use that thunderstorm shout to destroy them all 🗿
Old Salty had an army.
I was pretty shocked when I saw this, isn’t it part of the creation club fishing thing?
I was just shocked to see a boss fight.
It was worth fishing.
Not how I remember D day
I think there’s a mage in Morthal that can make you some shampoo that’ll clear those right up.
Never forget the Great Mudcrab War
I loved the fishing arc
Wow. That’s actually really cool.
Best thing I’ve seen!
I did this mission two days ago and did not are a giant crab entity.
Not surprising.
This is the funniest Skyrim video of all time
The way ur voice cracks at alchemy store is gold.
“Theres more NPCs than during the civil war!”
So it’s TRUE then
We have fought mudcrabs more fearsome than them
That laughter was MANIACAL lmao
Amazing. I’ve been trying to have fun like you in my playthrough and it’s paying off. Now do you use any mods or just vannila AE?
literally one of ur funniest episodes ever i rewatch it all the time
Mud crab Rangoon
What mission is this?
I choose to believe Todd included this as a nod to the “I’ve fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!” line.
There is no other word for this guy’s reactions to this other than “pure glee”
You’ve heard of Sharknado and Cocaine Bear, get ready for Cantankerous Crustaceans!
Please tell me the mod for this unless this is real then good luck 🤞 I love some crab meat 😝🤗🤗
It was on that day that Krusty, the king of the Mudcrabs, declared war on Skyrim
Wait… THAT happens in the FISHING add on?!
Lyle’s maniacle laughter always makes me lose it lmfao
Dude, funniest Skyrim playthrough I’ve ever seen…🤣
Odaving hasn’t seen shit this crazy in centuries
Only in Skyrim💀
What the fuck hear at the end😂😂😂
This is awesome!!
Everything eventually evolves to 🦀.
Is this a mod?
Lyle’s gasping for air while laughing gives me life
You so crazy. Thanks for keeping me laughing!
Woah, woah, woah.. I’ve done the mission with the crab necromancer and all the zombie crabs attacking, but what the hell is this! When does a gigantic God of War crab attack? Admittedly, I’ve tried with 3 characters, and each time Gisli has died offscreen so I could never complete serving her dinner (yes, mysteriously each time). Does this take place after the serving her dinner bounty? Is this the result of Viriyana and her interest in juvenile mud crabs?
Fr though, the civil war pales in comparison
I played skyrim many times and never did the fishing missions. That could have been a mistake.
I didn’t expect to see a kaiju battle with a mudcrab today but I’m very glad I did
Well this guy is having fun.
well uh, looks like imma do some fishing
Damn…I want crab now 🤤
Saying “I’m gonna turn your ass into an alchemy store!!” to a giant crab is the most Dunmer thing I’ve ever heard
How you get this mission
I remember this boss being showcased at DICE. It wasnt a ghost tho.
I loved the crab fight.
Your line when you fired the trebuchet made me cry 😂😂
I love the commotion going on, it’s hilarious!
Good luck trying to have a barbecue by the shore in Skyrim💀