Who is the “Trailer Knight”? #eso #lore #skyrim #elderscrolls #fight #interestingfacts #scene#tes
コメント (274)
コメント (274)
“The main character can find out his name to help take them down”
My skyrim character: Hold my 50 cheese wheels.
so basically: the ideology is “the best way to get rid of war is to get rid of all the people wanting that war”
Maybe he’s dragonborn
It’s Ser Chad
I mean to be fair highrock is a fairly shitty place to live with all the nobles ruling the place and using the peasants to fight their conflicts for them so you can kinda understand why theyd want em to just wipe eachother out
Ascendants sound a lot like thalmor
It’s the DRAGONBORN!!!!!!
So they are highly skilled anarchists
So they hes just a mandorlorian?
Who do you think you are?!
War… i am war.
Wait ik i do play this but i could have sworn this was for honor but looks like i was hella wrong
i did one google search, she like a female warrior or something like that
you’re apparently supposed to be able to meet her in game from everything i read, i’m also gonna go ahead and say that i’m merely presenting the info that i have learned myself and would prefer to not be attacked in any way like i have on other videos after presenting knowledge that i also found on my own
So a leftists wet dream
they have an online elder scrolls game now?
If the the game looked half as good as the trailers
I think I have one of the top comments on the official video but I’m not sure
“Who is this knight?”…”idfk 🤷”
Cool lore info though
Kinda wish the guard won
yoo , i love warmonger character’s like this and apollyon , the’re always the coolest ones.
He is him
Guy ass whoop 3 strong dudes like nothing and parry the elf magic attack with his sword hilt💀
Shows up
Solos the strongest hero party
Motive? Wants more war
To be honest kinda want an armor mod about this guy
He’s the Mountain!
it is such a shame that the game is so boring to play because the lore and story are so cool! same goes for the trailers and it is an elder scrolls game but it’s just not fn to play at all
shit id love to support him fr. “crownless utopia” sounds dope
Basically it’s that woman night from the For Honor campaign
So dude is a dope fantasy mandalorian?
When you and your siblings finally take on your dad cuz numbers clearly win.
The mask stays on.
Oh so they are super based then
so they’re the illuminati
He’s really the ebony warrior 🧠
For Honor ass plot
I believe he is known as “That Guy”
And Serana left him for Isran?! F’in n**ga can’t even fight Harkon himself even if he was a leader of a group of dedicated vampire hunters
He is “HIM”
honestly fuck anything bethesda’s made in the past 13 years I wanna see what a crownless utopia would look like😊
He is the ebony knight from Skyrim
I was one that asked if this guy was even in the game as an npc because i had major doubts and had just made him a cool cinematic guy. Its good to know now though that he exists in game. Thats pretty cool.
That’s one of Pelinal’s nephews. Not quite as powerful as Whitestrake, but on his way up.
Ig idk 🤷🏻♂️
Simply knowing the knights identity doesnt seem like itd help, dude seems like he could humble dagon alone, no doubt his actual defeat is gonna be locked behind a raid dungeon
whoever this guy is, the animators did a good job animating the fight, its been a while since I have seen swordfighting that was as realistic in anything, let alone a trailer for eso of all things
Ofc I know him, he is literally me
There’s more than one of this guy?
TLDR: some bad guy with no name
I saw hike from “me defending the dishes from pansexuals when washing them”
Giga knight
I thought it was one of those Raid Shadow Legends ads, never knew it was ESO 😂
Main character. He’s the main character and the pc is a support role. Nothing more
It’s Todd Howard, and the people attacking him are fans asking “When’s ES6?”
“Guys, stop the peace talks, the war is our endgame content you idiots!”
So, they’re like the Blackstone Legion from For Honor, but grayscaled
He’s Whiterun’s guard cousin that goes to hunt dragons!!
they still milking this garbage game 😂
The mmo aspect of this game reaallly killed anything the game had to offer.
He ain’t beating the Nerevarine
How do you become leader of a group where members don’t know your identity???
I bet my ass that once you unlock him, he just becomes trash-tier
So the helmet stays on during snu snu as well?
He is a Black Templar lost in the world of TES. He is trying to get back to his eternal crusade.
He’s so much cooler and more badass than any other main character I’ve seen for this game lol
The description of these guys sounded so fucking badass ngl….
Its a me mario!!!
And then tiber septim said “this is mine now”
His name is Bob.
Thats legit a faction i would join if i lived in the universe, the idea of being a faceless knight helping to keep a conflict going while not belonging to any faction in the conflict is really cool.
They should make a whole game with that concept
I reckon its nazeem, on a quest to get back to the cloud district
The ascendant lord is the good guy as far as I’m concerned
Its mando
That guy is the difference between the scaled level 20s and the min/max CP2200+ with a dedicated build, 2 sets bonuses and monster set bonus that synchronize with that build including food and potions.
He is a knight as divine as the 9 themselves
Let his identity remain unknown
Brenton Mandalorian
Sooo.. For honor? 😂
Sounds like for honor but with an actual story
So he’s a Medieval Mandolorian just super into politics?
So you’re saying a world without lords would be their CROWNING achievement then.
Tbh i kinda cant disagree with the ascended order
Mandalorians of Elder Scrolls LOL
I really dislike MMOs and just multiplayer games in general but I do love the elder scrolls. I’ve tried ESO back when it came out solo and I don’t know if I didn’t like it or if I just couldn’t or didn’t get into it.
I’m curious, do y’all think ESO with and/or without dlc (I’d have to buy them) is worth starting fresh and playing solo? Is the game playable without a party/having to interact with other players? I understand I’ll see them in the world and that’s actually pretty cool, but am I required to partake in actual multiplayer versus/cooperative to experience the game? I’m fine with missing out on a few side things that are locked behind multiplayer, but if they’re full on story quests and important lore I’d otherwise miss, I’d want to know, I suppose.
If you read this, thanks, I tend to ramble, and if you reply, I look forward to what y’all say! Thanks in advance! 😅
I will say though, I liked his Ascendent Magus more
Basically Big Boss in medieval form.
Literally Apollyon from For Honor
So they are anarchists, that can actually kick ass, makes sense
I know it’s stupid, but the first time I saw the commercial, it was late at night, and when I saw the knight, my tired brain’s first thought was “Holy Shit, Is that Jygglag?” before finally noticing their height
Why call him “they’ and refer to him directly as a man? Is it ambiguous or not?
This people are Dark souls players
idk but his armour has bullshit design.
So basically, he’s the leader of some smart anarchists?
Judging from his agility He must have been “The Tailless Khajiit” from Cyrodiil. 🤔 any other conspiracy theories?
Literally Apollyon from For Honor
This guy should have been the main character
That’s me
Song is Journey seperate ways.
They’re basically anarchists.
So he’s based af and a complete badass? Holy shit
he’s actually from dark souls
mfw you don’t play high isle
So he is a great warrior, who never takes his helmet off. Didn’t know TES have their own Mandalorian, but this concept fits perfectly
Seeing the trailer’s for the doc’s really makes me wish they turned this franchise into multiple movies and tv shows
He’s clearly the yellow haired Super fan from Skyrim
Called his identity on day 1 of the High Isle expansion, sadly…. and was proven correct when his identity was revealed in the DLC later that year. :/
You forget that the ascended for also wanted to destroy all factions to place themselves as the ruling body of the world, as well as destroy all other institutions of magic to place the druids and nature, to some extent as the undisputed supreme government. The ascendant Lord is sadly just as bad of a tactician as the ashen Lord and Molag Bal seeing as how badly the ascended hard, completely underestimated his opponent, completely overestimated, his assets and his own abilities, as well as forgot to account for the immortality of the player (yes, your character is actually canonically immortal in the story due to your players connection to Coldharbor after being sacrificed to Molag Bal by the king of worms)
Players that don’t play, the best game will not understand how and why their character is technically immortal, and somewhat similar to daedra there is a book in Coldharbor that will explain this as well as a quest within the daggerfall covenant that will confirm the legitimacy of your immortality in the story, and that, technically you are not mortal but then again, the story of the five companions will also let you know that technically you are not mortal at the very beginning so that’s two times you’re getting called literally Unkillable.
Newer players may get confused due to the recent prologue quest or past prologue quests, but the original prologue quest kind of explains why you can come back from the dead repeatably, as well as to some extent in terms of story, adds a sense of urgency of why you need to participate in specific events in order to reclaim your soul and stop the plane meld.
Anarchists? Hell yeah, lets goo!
Hey there better be an option to join this group because I would die for this absolute unit
Played the dlc, the knight’s secret identity is…
Bro is a create a character. His skills are unmatched because the players skills are infinite.
His name is Lord Baccaro he leads a noble guild of knights while living a double life as a terroristic cult leader. You’re welcome.
His Name is Lord Bacaro Volorus and his motive is to become the druid King which he briefly succeeds at before getting slain by the vestage
also his magus knows his identity
When it’s a guard that finally had enough and dawns the armor and stops holding back.
Soo they’re a group of anti monarchists? That’s actually pretty sick, has there been another faction in The Elder Scrolls that were anti monarchists?
Sounds like a badass. I’d rather join his cause than fight him.
So. He’s a deathwatch mando?
Wait can you join them tamriel without kings and queens would be amazing 🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲
So who is he …
He’s the god damn MAIN CHARACTER d he about to clap everyone’s cheeks so hard that they will never forget him even in the afterlife
Casually 1v3s
His name is “Sigma Knight”
The imperials world benefit from this
It’s the Warden from For Honor, istg 😂
Hes the ebony warrior when he was the steel warrior
Forget uncovering the order, i want to join them I want to be like this knight
It kinda looks like how seasoned warriors would fair against the dragonborn of skyrim going a warrior build.
In-game he is possibly one of the most underwhelming characters you’ve ever met lmao
So there just Anarchists?
And the combat animations in the game look similar to those in the trailer, right? 😅
So he’s a mandalorian?
a wise man once said “every time i see this trailer i think it’s some badass new sword fighting magic wielding rpg game, and then, i promptly remember it’sssss just eso -_-”
yes the face was at the end of that
yes it’s a massive let down every single fucking time…
I know who he is. He is HIM
There just midevil mandalorians
Bro is just messing around and finding out lol
They sound based as fuck, can we join them?
That sword weighs over 40lbs😂
sounds like a based dude, he can have the city
That’s were Appolyon went ! X)
It’s John Knight
Bro wants eternal peace
The helmet stays on during sex
He’s literally the most badass breton we’ve ever seen
“He is the Ascendant Lord, leader of the Ascendant Order. Nobody in the Ascendant Order reveals their identity, even to each other”
This is such a dumb concept. How are they supposed to identify each other? How easy must it be to infiltrate the Ascendant Order? How can they identify their leader? How could they ever elect a leader?
I’m just imagining them bumbling around in full plate every day, not knowing how to acknowledge each other because they can’t identify anyone. Someone calls a meeting and they’re like “Who?” Only to be met with a snarky response
Lord bacaro
I have the actual answer, Stuck it in the “Read More” to avoid spoilers.
It’s a Breton named Count Damard Dufort. You can see him in the Courtyard of Castle Navire.
Is he the warden from for honor
A bunch of sigma dudes 🥴😂
“If you remove your helmet, then you are a Breton no more.”
He started as a badass, then just became a dumbass.
Smh ZOS, you made a cool villain who had basically total anonymity and a singular drive, then turned him into a tree hugging loser with delusions of grandeur like every other villain in these half baked fanfiction ideas they call expansions.
Free bird guitar solo was made for this man
He’s a communist
I remember someone talking about at least discovering that the knight was a Breton due to his height compared to his opponents’ heights and the in-game heights of all the races across the entire series.
Definitely makes his feats 10x cooler when you watch this with the idea that it’s a Breton outclassing a barbarian, a rogue and a spell blade with nothing but a great sword and technique😂
Clear average dark souls enjoyer vs the elder virgins
Dude is the PvP player while the other three are PvE and RP
He is him.
Dark souls player vs 4 elden ring players
Mandolorian elder Scrolls edition
I just assumed it was Perennial Whitesnake or whoever
when you’re a side character thinking you’re the main character, then you run into the actual main character
So elder scrolls ripped off apollyon from For Honor?
Reminds me of Apollyon from For Honor
It’s like that Mandalorian clan they don’t remove their helmets
Apollyon fr
From the trailer, we also know that he maxed out unarmed combat, got them A1 hands, and his sword is just for another skill he levels because his build is complete, and he’s bored. 👊
So their entire shtick is Anarchist knights? That’s based.
Sadly his story is pretty bad and he’s nowhere near as cool as in the trailer. High Isle wound up being the weakest year for ESO.
Can we follow him?
Average city guard in the Witcher 3
That’s clearly John Elderscrolls, the protagonist of the entire TES franchise.
he remind me the guy with the rathian two handed saber in Monster Hunter world
Khorne fighting the other Chaos Gods in one final sparring match at the end of the Great Game (the others forgot to level strength)
That guy needs a show or his own game on how he became who he is
So he’s Mandalorian?
He’s the most interesting thing in eso since they retconned morrowind lore tbh
The irony of an anarchist knight 😂😂😂
Damn, I wonder if he’s at all related to Tiber Septim/Talos of Atmora…
It is almost true. Ascendant Order officialy fights for “crownless Utopia” with no monarchs or nobles. Thats why I call them Knights-Bolsheviks.
But their leader “The Ascendant Lord”, wants to rule Tamriel himself, creating an new seat of power in Tamriel on High Isle. To be fair: his believes weren’t bad and at first he did it out of good. But during his strugle to reach his “good goal” he lost his way and became an villain of the story.
So… he’s the good guy?
Crownless utopia…? BASED!!!! HE ONLY GETS MORE BASED!!!
It’s the Grey haired guy from high isle he thinks he’s king
This is what being a fighter in dnd should feel like. As a fighter 🤣
So Apolloyon from For Honor huh
He’s the steel warrior. Ebony warriors lesser known cousin
Thats basically for honor’s plot
Would have been uncomfortable if he’s having an itch
He’s the good guy.
He is Himothy, 1st of his name and last of the Gigachad line
He is the leader of the order of the steadfast fyi
I’d say it’s Pelinal Whitestrake, but that elf’s not dead
Not the for honor theme
I’ll tell you who he is; he’s my next skyrim character.
Trailer knight sounds like a mineral you’d mine in a sci-fi game.
“Dude, I was flying through the Eso system the other day and I found a planet with a massive vein of traelanite, it was awesome”
Whoever he is, he is one hell of a swordsman, taking on three opponents, one of them a big beefy barbarian and one using magic. But that is also some of the most realistically accurate long/greatsword fighting I have seen in videogames. 😁
He’s the embodiment of chaotic neutral
Yeah, if I’m not playing or able to become one of these knights ima be sad.
Warden from for honor
So basically comstar?
Bro took down a lore friendly nord holy crap
Few times leader are like that
So the real question is why do they not allow us to fight alongside him?
He’s clearly the main knight from for honor warden
So no Dragonborn from Skyrim ?
so… what they want is to be like a negative version of apollyon with the aim of turning tamriel into a anarquistic comunit land ?
Feels like an Apollyon rip oft
The Blackstone legion from for honor? Sick
Oh so it’s Bill Gates, George Soros and the Military industrial complex.
So… Apollyon?
nullos dominos duntaxat homines
That knight should’ve been the MC
1 million is incomprehensibly small compared to the population of the earth
He’s just a very well trained Breton lol
Getting beaten by a Breton is insulting.
Appolyon? Is that you? Im still a wolf i promise!
The chad knight
So he’s a medieval mega mandalorian, huh?
Lore wise it’d be goat if the Ebony Warrior was part of the Ascended, as an apprentice/newcomer
Na He’s a Dark Souls player that got Isakaied into ESO
How stupid.
So whoever it is, is an anarchist? Or just opposes monarchy in general?
so he’s an actual ancap. or minarchist? he’s something that represents the potential of chaos
I hope we see more of him in the story or even become an alley to the three, but only sort of a scene were the knight just go “we can kill the boss together… after that it get complicated”
He is Lord Bacaro Volorus, thank me later, the DLC’s story is not worthy.
Mandalorians much?
This fella single-handedly making Bretons cool
Literally a warmonger mandalorian
It’s a Super Sweaty Chivalry 2 Shitter.
I didn’t like his voice, though. He would’ve been much cooler.
This cinematic didn’t gel as well for me, we’ve already seen that the Elf can level an entire city’s walls but here she doesn’t do shit and no matter how strong that Breton knight is he’s not physically overpowering a Nord warrior
I’m not big for elder scrolls online I bought it thinking I can explore tamreal and I can haught it would be like Skyrim but online but no it’s a whole different game
(Ebony Warrior)
the cousin of the ebony warrior
So basically, he’s the ESO version of Appolyon from For Honor 🤷🏽♂️
It’s a normal guard that scale with your stats so the game can kick your ass when you steal potatoes from a stall.
That’s him.
Massive High Isle Spoiler:
It is the Ascendent Lord aka Lord Bacarro.
So hes trying for democracy by getting rid of the monarchy. I can respect that and this knight is a badass
So these guys never remove their helmets?
This is the way.
Champion of Champions
“Someday, love will find you! Break those, chains that bind you!”
When i read the name on this video, my mind went and added “park” so for some stupid reason now he is the “Trailer Park Knight.”
So, you saw my comment asking lol
Timber septim? Talos?
He’s simply the average dark souls player bashing on Skyrim babies
So an agent of chaos working in the shadows? Letting their presence known while maintaining anonymity? A faceless leader with spectacular combat prowess taking out strong characters by himself? What else? Are we eventually gonna see him strike a pose and say _I am atomic_ ???
it’s Iron Tarkus, obviously
so they work for a Deadric Prince ?
“This is the way”
Nah the dragonborn just got bored of being a stealth archer, maxed all skills and went back in time to cause mischief.
Atleast thats what my dragonborn would do.
True agents of controlable chaos. Jigallag should take an eye for them
“Crownless utopia” so these guys are anarchists?
Hate it or hate it, he is a Breton.
Here’s a better question. Can we get his armor?
That’s actually very smart
So basically like Apollyon in For Honor
Most anti-climactic DLC ever!
Lame twist, and the “Knight” didn’t even fight with a sword and armor.
A feeble old coot
So even in seggs the helmet stays on
Honestly the plot he is a part of, “Crownless utopia”, yeah I’m down (Specifically in the eso uni)
I know what music has been played in the fight, *I will never forget the tron arcade*
Yea i’ve seen him, thanks to you 😉
Just a maguffin villain 😂
Lord bacarro
yo thats actualy some great lore!
The Bretondalorian
Love all the lore.
And is TLDB the mantle of shor
So Apollyon from For Honor’s little brother
Nah fam HOW DO I JOIN HIM fuck trying to kill him and betray him let me join that Mf
If only the game played like the trailers .
Tiber septim, also that armor is some of the baddest in the game and I can’t get away from it lol.
They didn’t even use a lot of magic, we’ve seen that elf’s magic rip apart entire walls.
I need to know the story
Bro is literally me
he is him
Mf is the main character just letting you pretend
He’s name is Joe.
Ah so its like the thalmor in Skyrim forcing the vivil war