If Skyrim Was Real Life…
Here is my recreation of Skyrim Elders Scrolls in real life.
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コメント (2210)
Why is this so accurate
흠 그러면 “두유노 9mm?”라고 말하면서 돌려 달라고 합시다.^^ 모두가 사이 좋게 지내야죠 남의 걸 뺐지말고요
The fact she played along with it proves she’s also a gamer lol
Like si Hablas español
Nuka-cola that cool
I love skyrim
Fucking Genius make a fucking fun video in only few seconds.how many time you need to edit that?
bruh the last scene is the same in ac odyssey😂
Here’s what I noticed:
Master key and knife in Skyrim Same as in Fallout 3
Girls packing the whole bakery
stealth 100
😢my sneak level is in the negative
Must be the wind
“Bath water” “suspicious stew” lol
Why tf she walking like c-3po😂
Ааах это прекрасно хахах
the jarl of whiterun wins again
Perks as to why not get in to a relationship.
What did bro do with MW2 INTERVENTION
The battle music got me 😂
She got cakes props bro
Lockpicking level 69. Nice
Oh, somebody’s a fallout player.
This was super dope!
Mobile horror games be like
New Mission: Break up with her
This is normal?
1 second later girl friend: “Need something?”
Let me guess someone stole your sweet roll…..
Best tip ever when waiting for the fast travel
Hey guys press read more. Read more…
I know which game says it mustbe my imagination hahahah
how did 6.6k people dislike this?!
If your girlfriend gets mad at you for playing video games, then you need a new girlfriend. JS
“Girlfriends hate when you play video games”
Me:”oh… This Is why i don’t Have a girlfriend”
Yeah the number 69 is so funny 😑
Woman ai.
I always get the ” Your not supposed to be here. Get out now before I call the guards”
Sprinting to the exit. That’s it, Guards!!!! Gets caught.
well my girl plays games with me so i dunno what you’re talking bout
“Do I seriously have the will to live-”
“Huh, must’ve been my imagination.”
I would give you a half decent comment, but i took an arrow in the knee
In the menu where he holds the controller, why is there also bath water in their?
Nobody seen the 69 easter eggs XD
Nice lock-pick level 👍😏
The level :69
“Girlfriends hate it when you play video games.”
Nah, fam! I wanna join you when you play!
Your problem is you don’t have a girlfriend who likes playing it with you.
Lvl 69🗿
No one gonna question the bathwater
My sister used to play Skyrim a lot
This is a game, right?
And tomorrow shes dead… you all know it 🤣
Really m, it’s was your imagination? 😂😂
If he has the hidden blade, who betrayed this man😮
OMG an NPC Girlfriend?!!!1!111!1!11!😂😂😂
His girlfriend was an true NPC lol
Did anyone see the mw intervention
Gyat Dayum she thick
lockpicking say lvl 69, nice 👍
Bro makes some good videos
Play games alongside the girlfriend. Then she won’t like it when you play without her.
Can’t wait for mxr to do a review of this mod, with his many “slooty” mods.
Damn she got a sweet roll on her
“Girlfriends hate when you stay up playing games”
Me: what If the girl is the one who stays up playing games..?
he forgot to close the door SMH
Cracks lock of his own room 💀
Hmm, she thicc tho
Is it just me whos addicted to this?
Level 69…, confirmed!!!!👏🏾😂😭💀😩🥹
Level 69. Nice
Respectfully, GYAAATTT
Вот это жопа
Like the tip and the lockpick level
Totally didn’t expect that she was in on the action😂😂😂
Me: *hides in the closet like in doors*
Him: just crouch
Not her fault shes been programmed to be blind
She should be staring at you when you were hiding cos glitches in skyrim
A g”.. gi”.. Guard.
Anyone else notice his level was 69?!
put a bucket in her head, mission accomplished
Sneak 100
One day I was playing Skyrim and I was in a bandit cave trying to kill their superior and one of them heard me and come very close to me, he looked at me dead in the eye and said « it must have been my imagination »
lol the end
Level 69 💀
Sneak 100
“How invisible do you want the character to be?”
Nic: “Yes”
I’ve heard something
must have been through wind..
I guess if i have gf with that ass i will not need PS.
The entire farming industry
buddies sneak is 1000
If u turned on the ps4 she would have heard those VERY LOUD fans-
how come no one noticed the cursed playstation controller in the loading screen
No one will talk about level 69?
Omg I love this 🤣🤣🤣👌
He made this video just to flex his gf
She wearing that Nord pelt 😏
God damn it I was taking a break today but now you made me wanna play smh
Nice 😊👍
His gf is my mom
Heres the thing. Girls doesnt have humor, she was paid to be a part of this clip.
Just put a bucket over her head and you should be fine
Is that PC case the Nzxt flow pro ?
Who made that sin of a controller
Me: always been playing on my new XBOX! For now.. because rush NPC hates games
Xbox: *BEEP*
Me: uh oh *hides behind corner*
Rush NPC: *IS SOMEONE PLAYING ON THAT XBOX?* oh I’m just seeing things *leaves the room*
Level 69, the perfect level 😂
Brilliant 🤣🤣🤣
I’ve actually had TWO girlfriends that not only enjoyed gaming, but loved to snuggle up and just watch me play, AND they were both WAY outta my league looks wise…
What are the chances i find a third one? 🤔
That’s pretty funny man Skyrim is my favorite game
Must of been the wind
She better be careful, other people have been known to take the game too seriously and paid dearly… just saying
69 lock pick skill
Just casually carrying around a sniper in his inventory 🤣
Bro had to have level 69 lock picking
Why do dudes who live gaming date chicks who don’t and then complain about it?
My auto correct changed live to live
Fckn Twice.
sees you playing game:
Nice moves
🤣🤣🤣 epic dude
You know it’s getting serious, when the game hits you with the music
Xbox PS4 combined:
Se mamoooooo 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
“Are you seriously playing-”
“Huh, must be my imagination.”
|Walks out|
1 Second Later
|Walks back in room|
“Need something?”
what if video game, but in real life???
Skyrim – good game. I love it.
Yeah hold on I don’t care about the rest of the video how did he pick that lock so easily like I have to break at least one lockpick on every lock in Skyrim how did you do that
Bro the bath water 😂
Unrealistic, the loading zones don’t take at least 1 1/2 minutes
We (at least I) dont hate it when SO plays Games, cause I am a Gamer too. ^-^
Bro….💀💀 level 69💀💀
so relatable bro this is me at 3am when my mum is sleeping bro 😆
Will you mind if i steal it
Stealth increased…
Could just use the invisible shout
His inventory tho
Why didn’t she turn around the other way!
Sneak up to 100
If only it was that simple 😔
Nice Level!
Sneak has increased to 89
Can you please make more lagging video ges be like pls I love them.
Bath water? 🤨🤨🤨
No one here saw the “bath water” thing? 🗿🗿
Please say yall are married! This is perfect!
Why was there bath water on the ps4 selection?
It’s a horror for us guys who have gfs who hate video games
Я бы захуярил
I love how the girlfriend is shown as an enemy on the compass
This is so accurate in many ways…
That was exactly like skyrim
Love this!
Hint: remember to take your pills
Thanks for the tutorial I have been trying to pass this level for over 5 years 💀
Must have been the Sony airlines
This is a true gamer girl.
Who here actually puts points into lock-picking it’s is one of the most useless skills in the game lol
Sneak upgraded, level 173
I love how I’m Bethesda games you can shoot somebody 11 times in the back run far away and they won’t question it
The Waffle House has found its new host
Damn she got cake
Thats why i get married with Lydia and not with girlfriend
I like how she faces you while turning back around even
With a GF like that I would have put the controller down and use my Charisma to Start a Companion quest to acquire a “mount” 😉👍
S t a b b y s t a b b y
I’m inlove with this, this is so well made and I can’t even imagine how much time this took
Did anyone notice when he was lockpicking he had 69 lockpicjs lol.
When your sneak level is to high lol
Level 69
The fact it autosaved before his girlfriend walked in like how in video games it autosaves when there’s something about to happen
Bro I’m gonna be honest, you can absolutely hide in a room like that and if you stay completely still and make zero noise, people will not see you even if they’re looking for you.
It is wild what your brain will block out if it feels like it.
Wow the way you did that was amazing
I love it’s level 69
That was hello neighbor door sound
Has a crazy looking pc but turns on the ps4 instead, I’m dead.
She even had a red dot. Brilliant. lol
Execute air thrusting. It will repel them. Otherwise suffer the wrath of the 3 stroke special. 💪😈😆
Guard: “Watch the skies traveler there are dragons about”
Hah! My girlfriend doesn’t mind me playing skyrim right next to her. She actually kinda enjoys it. She even helps me by googling skill stuff while i’m playing
Im crying xDDD
Skyrim’s player base is 43% women and 57% men…. maybe get a gamer girlfriend who also games instead of just despising your partner sooner or later
She kinda nvm
You should go play with her.
W couple WTF 💀🌹❤️🌹
“Huh, must have been the wind.”
Just use dragon shout “animal friend”
Damn 😂❤
She looks like a Dark Elf
Not the beep
Urgh i don’t get the (my girlfriend hates it when I play video games )
If i had a boyfriend who loves games, I think he would be upset not the other way arround
God their bf have bf have ps 5 and shit and they complain
Urghh I’m so jealousssss😒😒
That controller loading screen was perfection
I think every spouse would like this kind of stealth
Mad man turned his Playstation on by the console… mad man
It would been amazing if the video is just being stuck in the infinite loading screen after entering the door
Wish my husband played videogames. But noooo
Anyone else notice the nuka-cola in his inventory.
That cake tho
Bro got kicked out of his own room and the door got locked☠️
People not know you can turn the beep off?
Lol, awesome
Girl pov be like
Huh must be my imagination a guess im blind
Got that junk in the trunk
god she has so much cake she puts all pastry chefs to tears
They do take a step back like a normal person. I love these, but the turn does need further researching
Когда покачал скрытность в Skyrim
“I am ur imagination”
“oh okay.”
Step 1. Get Rid of girlfriend
Great Mara !! Was soo close!! She almost find you ! This gameplay is good !!………by the way , you need better graphic card
Imagine if she just walked into the wall, messing the pathing and keeping him stuck sneaking
King Crimson
😂why did you have bath water😂
If Sneak 100 was real
This game is so realistic. Women can’t see you if you don’t move.
*Me noticing his level*
the beep on my gen 1 ps4 doesnt work so when i turn it on its quite lol. the touch sensor to eject taped too because it wont stop ejecting if its not.
Why no one is talking about him having bath water in his inventory…
Get her hooked on games, and the problem is solved but then she might dump you for a fictional character.
real life npc ive seen so far
him: *opens door*
She would’ve seen him if it wasn’t Skyrim XD
Stupid go love yourself with weak scenario dumb ass
I like how it said level 69
I’ve never seen this “Girlfriend” mob before. Is it rare?
That’s some serious 🎂🍰🥮
Every time I see one of these videos about Skyrim I don’t think these guys actually play Skyrim cuz I don’t know her hands don’t pop up like that unless something there’s some kind of mod that does that quite strange I’ve been playing some say okay I’m out never had that hands constantly more like Oblivion even then not really
Girlfriends hate when you play video games. Try best to hide…
If it was real we would also all die out because of dragons 🙃 funi fax
Did anyone notice the 69 when he was lock picking?
that cbbe mod is great
“huh, Must have been the wind”
I’m confused with the hands on the screen
Top G hidden in the corner 🤣
realistic female body mod installed
When the combat music went off I died 😂😂😂😂😂
Lockpicking level: 69
Where’d you get your PC shell?
This is literally door 50 in Doors.
gf : “A girl might get nerveous, a man approuch with his controller drawn”
what is the name of this game
I love them Wenn my boy skyrim played
И плойка и мощный пк
This isn’t accurate, the PlayStation shouldn’t have had a turning on animation it should’ve just blinked on when you interacted with it.
Skyrim Shorts. Love it…….
Hopefully this guy doesn’t go as far as to kill his girlfriend.
Walks out the room while looking right at you
The door should have been closed and she should have slowly faded in with the sound of the door opening even though it didn’t. AI aren’t immune to the loading screen in Skyrim. 🤣
Skyrim guard: looks directly at player
Also Skyrim guard: Nobody there
the eye needs to close first, bc fight music=infight and unable so sneak and not be seen.
but nicely done anyways!
bro i wish i could do that to my younger brother
Video been better if she was looking at you while walking awhile 😂
Stealth: 100
Que culo!
Not all gfs my gf is a gamer herself an is down to watch me play whenever
It’s funny that no one acknowledges the poor balancing and terrible combat in Skyrim
Lockpicking 69 XD
I love that custom ps4 controller
bro missed a “sneak increased to 100” moment
The gaming tips 🤣
The way you do the movements, and the lighting really makes it look like game models used in this.
Bro has a Nuka cola in his inventory
Dude has got that Sneak 100 action going on right there
Omg if only that was true! Lol he got lucky though she looks to be a fan of Elder Scrolls herself X^3
Sneak 100
Am I the only one who doesn’t know how bath water, nuka-cola and suspicious stew was there?
You have a girlfriend???
Need something?
I would love to have a girlfriend who just goes along with my shenanigans
All good till the silent kill
Sneak increased to 69
BRO YouTube’s bot thinks this video is about skyrim WTH?!?! 💀
so no one gonna talk about the playstation xbox controller offspring
His item list a little confusing.
The all Mighty girlfriend
The boss ball should have appealed
sneak 100
She’s *THICC* Asf
This video is sort of an oxymoron if you really think about it 😂
Now I’m curious how it will look like when she sees you
Sneak level 100
Fr, after my girlfriend fell asleep the other night I turned on my PC less than a minute later, she wakes up and yells, your on that stupid game AgAiN?!?
so true man, but I got unrelenting Force written on my d, cause I blew your girl away with it
I don’t think that’s a PS4
My guy got bath water 😂😂
this is amazing 🤣
“Must’ve been the wind”
Lol lockpicking lvl 69
Bro why does he have bath water
Anyone gonna talk about how he has an intervention in his inventory?
Shouldn’t you get some XP after she leaves or unless you have sneak 100
Why would you want to play games when your girl looks like that like I’d be playing with her lmao
Oh good, you’re finally awake
I like the level 69
bruh that’s not a ps4 that’s a ps4.5 💀
UNREALISTIC SHE DOSENT LOOK RIGHT AT YOU THEN SAY HER LINE (i know what the ai looks like when you run stealth and this is not what its like)
Resum: 69
Sneak 100
Oh so that’s how to beat the quest
Ayo did anyone else see how dummy thick his girlfriend was?
Yo 🤣🤣I’m broken
Actually when in a building the door just opens with no loading screen
69 lock pick
I’m usually the one walking in on my gf playing Skyrim…
He got us in the first half making us think he was hiding in the closet
Accuracy 1000mil
Every door would be a loading screen
*Same scenario is this happened to me*
Huh, must have been my imagination.
*Turns 1 degree in my direction*
Dummy thick that’s the real reason she didn’t notice the bright orange in the lit corner
She walks like C-3PO
Nice cake
Damn. The autosave
Pay attention to items
When yo girl understands it, then you hit the jackpot
Bro hide in the closet! Not in the corner
Should have snuck attqck her back side 100%
I wounder how many times it took
I love skyrim
You don’t have the key to your own bedroom?
69 HaHaHaHaHa So FuNnY
Wtf is that knock off PS4 controller in the loading screen lol
If this is the case then you have to break up
Omfg my pc looks just like that color and all
I can see why she’s your girlfriend
“Lock picking: 69”💀💀💀
Spot on 👏
I thought that was a wii for a sec there.
When I saw the controller that was on the loading screen I was like “ oooooo a PS4 controller but then I realized the controller was a revamp off the Xbox controller 😂😂
I never played Skyrim but it’s very similar to fallout XD
Damn, “do not reccomend channel” lookin pretty fire today
“Girlfriends hate-” was the best xD
I’m playing skyrim while watching this LOL
Must’ve scared em off
Please make more like this I love this kind of video
Wait, how do you hold your phone?
She has huge feet 🤔
Even though this is a joke, lets not pretend that there isn’t awful women out there that are this level of toxic, since everyone deserves their own downtime including video games.
Thankfully my wife is not that kind of toxic people.
I saw Beskar Spear in your inventory
A fellow Mandalorian fan I see
bro i wish my loading screen in skyrim was that long, like idk sbout you guys but for me it takes rlly long (its not that long, its like 20 secs, im not saying longer than fortnite lol
Bow of shadow : bonjour
Dam Your girl have so Nice… eyes 😏
That is true hidden is good sneak attack bonus 2.4 to 5 xp plus ➕😀😉😄👌😜🥰😍🤣😃
Damn sad for all the guys who have to deal with a gf hating on games me and my bf play games all day together
Every girlfriend.. seriously, mines one too
When i see this kind of Skyrim videos i remember the dude who killed his girlfriend and did the same.kind of this videos XD
Love this 🤣🤣👍
Video games are our lives
Very satisfying when you unlock it first try
Neverwinter Nights music
Level 69
And this, gentlemen and ladies, is why you max your stealth stat
😎🤙 sneak increased
Girlfriends hate it,so I brake up
Only a Word *NANI!?!?!?*
Girlfriends hate video games, try and Hide. Lol, I only kept play and beat Wonderlands because my wife played co op with me.
When you put alot of mod on you’re pc
Freakin dope um where can I find a gf like that asking for a friend lol 😆🤣😂👨🏾🦯👨🏾🦯👨🏾🦯
Outlast vibes
Skyrim ,is real life
I bet they started laughting alot this scene
You and your partner made me laugh so loud my dog had a shouting match with me lol
I still can’t find a companion🥲
Hahaha wuh this is great
When he goes to his favorite tab beskar spear is right above controller lol
I fallout
Classic bethesda
Plot twist she comes in to play later
Ajahahahahahqhqhw is h!
This is cool, I play because I love the game. Since my love of Skyrim, I’ve uploaded my adventures on you tube as seashell’s journey. This clip of yours has come together well.
I got confused for a sec there, I wasn’t sure if this was made in Unreal Engine 5 or IRL… Looks super convincing 👍👍
I wish
The sound of the sword being drawn when u pick up the controller lmao 🤣 😂 gd job
Me remembering nic as a magician 😢
Bro big foot nearly catch you
I would love for this to be real
“are you seriously playing…”
“Yes I am. I allowed to take 2 seconds to enjoy a video game I bought with my own money. I can pay attention to you and game at the same time. It is not a 1 or the other choice. I had a crap day, I bought this game a week ago and you haven’t even let me touch my console because your bestie fucked 5 guys and you need to gossip about it. Just let me enjoy my game for a bit. Then I’ll let you make 400 other decisions for me. Ok? Ok.”
Skyrim is so much like elder scrolls
That battle music made me panic!
I like the enemy dot being shockingly well done
“Must have been the wind”
Dude has a beskar spear in his inventory
Level 69 huh?
And that why I let my man play his game while I play mine 😂😂
Imagine she loves you doing tiktok instead that would br cringe.
I’m very pleased to see both of you love skyrim ,especially your girl friend and she helps you with these cool Skyrim real life videos nice 😀 thank you
This made me chuckle. Well done
This is very accurate XD
Love how every level is 69
Yo she 🥵 ngl
Holly crap, that was scary
People simpin over this dude’s girl lmao
His stealth must be 100.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 nailed it!!!
You have a girlfriend? Lol
Lol that was so funny XD
Bro, if she doesn’t like it when you do what you love, she’s not worth it
Sneak 100
It’s not true, we love games too
This is so fucking funny!
As a skyrim fan I really love skyrim content
Damn I like ur stuff but that joke is just another “boys quirky” rehash.
I expected the door to kill him somehow.
Missed opportunity for the classic “must have been the wind”. Still great though 👍
Actually: Wii
He should have crouched when he hid
Well…that turned into MGS gameplay real quick.
This was clever
My boyfriend plays a lot of video games. But the good thing is, I’m a gamer too lol so there’s no one upset here. Plus I enjoy watching him sometimes cause when he plays it’s very entertaining.
Lockpucking lvl 69 🤣
Isn’t it “If real life was like Skyrim”?
Haha woman bad😂😂😂
The eye should’ve opened when she entered the room, and slowly closed after losing sight of the player.
She’s such a good sport, she deserves a cookie.
Sneak level up!
The lockpicking level is…noice 😉
He picks the locked door to his own room😂
So thicc!
That’s was glitch and awesome 👌👏😎
Great job like how long if the game keep and going because glich and virus ha 😀 that’s was a joke 🤭
Time to grind the ole sneak skill
А потом он тоже убил жену
Is that the new thicc mod
Girlfriends are just a theory
*puts frost rune in front of yhe door*
Wait, why does he have a beskar spear?
Why didn’t you backstab her wit the controller while she couldn’t see you? :Smug:
Damn, must be sneaking around a lot to get to Sneak 100 with every skill
Why she hate playing?
It just works.
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. – Romans 10:9 from the Bible ❤❤
With datasss and you wanna play videogames??
😀 wow this is good
Good level
Good level tho
I heard about this thing called breaking up and is that a DLC or a mod
Skyrim dummy thicc mod
Ironically, she’s helping you with a gaming related video
If you don’t put down that camera an go clap them cheeks rn someone will… better yet don’t put down the camera
I’m tired of the whole “girlfriends hate when their partners play video games”
Shut up and hand me a controller.
She got a donk on her man!!! Dont let that one get away. I bet it hurts to watch her walking away…
*cluck* *cluck* *cluck* *cluck*
We have found dae queen my brudahs
Bro on the top it had the enemy thing
Their actions are as if they are in a game
At least he didn’t kill his wife…
this girlfriend can see
If your partner doesn’t let you play video games you’re in a toxic relationship.
Oh shit Bigfoot.
Just imagine that as she leaves, *STEALTH 78* pops up and blows his cover.
She need to look at him before she leaves and say “Need something?”
Ok now that’s gold right there.
It’s pretty easy to hide. You done yourself in a corner and back into the wall
Are the sexist jokes a running theme?
Yo all jokes aside, I love your Star Wars corner 🤣🤣🤣
Girlfriend: Time to end this little game. Ha! Found you
Bruh for real why are girls like this. You can either watch me play, play with me or don’t interrupt me.
I love that she has a red dot cause the game views her as actuvely hostile
“Stop! You’ve violated the law!
It’s always about are you playing that game
Of course your lockpick level is at 69. Of course it is. Why wouldn’t it?
Lockpicking: 69, lvl, 69… A wise man indeed
Only if the graphics was
girlfriend: *hates a ps4*
this dude: lets goooo – dababy
I freakin love these videos like they’re so addicting,
Excuse me but, did you just put the “use” button on Y?
She has a dump truck
I just realized she has some huge ass feet
my gf loves games just like me… i got nothin to worry about
Sneak 100
Straight cake
This is the most accurate video I’ve ever seen
Man, it made me want to play again.
Wow dude u bank ur YT success on ur Girl, I just saw the view counts of ur shorts. Yeah…. Might as well let her take over.
Why the ps4 controller joystick switch like an Xbox controller
Somebody had nothing better to do
I’m jealous you have a girlfriend who understands you well enough😂
I would pay thousands of dollars for her to make a porn
disaster mode activated
If you don’t eat those cheeks….
Why even have a gf like that? 😂
Holy crap, that chick is like 6’1”
Dont follow the older skyrim youtuber..
Beskar spear?!!
Hey nice Sweetroll…
She have a club seventeen shirt on 🤣🤷♂️
Sneak 💯
Wow that PS4 Slim is a tiny little thing isn’t it? Reminds me of the PSOne console which looked barely bigger than a discman. My PS4 Pro would look huge next to that thing.
It’s funny that the other guy who did this killed his girlfriend
Literally Skyrim
Sneak increased to 87
Ew tell that filfth of a woman to put some socks on those crusty skin pads
Wait whaaat?
Quien necesita un nintendo cuando puedes estar coshando???
Dorvakin %+#
You should do one where the you need a key for the door so ypu have to pickpocket your gf for the key
Xbox and pc and switch!
That sound❤🥲
* *remotely turned off Playstation* *
Jesus christ her feet are HUGE.
I’m always doing this around my house
Modlist please? 😂
Level 69 pretty good!!!
Great simply great
I thought she would say: “It must have been the wind.” or it would be a boss fight.
So close 😂😂😂
Almost perfect. NPCs have a much wider stance and cock their head back weird when in combat.
Could have hid in the closet
Honestly it will be different because you’re not running on the AI it will be just human
Cringe demais
Неужели в играх такие убогие движения?…)
Nice girl dude
No no it’s huh musta been the wind
Does dump your girlfriend if you she doesn’t like you playing video games seriously it’s not worth having her sound like playing a video game seriously
Jinnkid?? Is a KILLER!!!
Sneak imcrese to 100
Skyrim brings me back especially with the music
Wife’s can be gamers too! Down with the stereotypes!
Yes, she made me write that.
Just don’t end up murdering your girlfriend ok?
Has any seen the 69 yet?
Level NICE
Well that gf looks pretty dum
can i have the nuka cola?
Level 69
🙏🥺 Waiting for that kind of brother and sister who support me”🥺🙏..
She is mad cuz you play ps and Xbox will make her happy
She locked the game room, Bro?
So funny. You two are súper cool
Considering she helps with the videos she probably is fine with you playing video games, cool videos
Nuka Cola?
Out girl cute bro
I see, he’s already reach level 69 hmm
His NZXT pc has bad cooling
Nice a$s
But bro you fr still with a PS4? 💀
Круто )))
Dovakin spartaaaaa.! 👏👏👍👍
Lock picking skill is at 69
Hiding increased to 100
Its’s not a mistake ✨ ITS A MASTERPIECE ✨
“””””A”””””” to use a PS4
He plays PS4 with a xbox
My maaaaan dont wanna levelup 69 lmao
This is so good ngl
You have to be level 69 to get a girlfreind… Noted
Dont kill your wife in the future like the last Skyrim real life person.
🤔should that be funny
The tips 😯
Didn’t this guy murdered his wife ?
Sneak 99
I’m seriously looking forward to ES6 and Starfield!
Your gf plays skyrim? Marry her bro!
A não mano! 🤣🤣🤣
🤣😂🤣😂👏👏👏👏👏👏 jugaso
Bruh I’d throw my ps5 out a fuckin window if I had a girl like that coming in
Dit you seriously killing my family
*Guy has lv 100 sneak*
Other Guy huh must’ve been my imagination
Love this
Bro you living the life rn yo girl understood the assignment
Shit, my girlfriend is just as much of a gamer as I am. She’s more for Nintendo while I am more hard-core towards both PlayStation and Xbox. We came together for two, three hours every evening. Sometimes though I like to sneak out of the bedroom if I know that I’m off of work and try to play a little bit longer. Thankfully these next GEN machines are much quieter. Sssshhhh….
It’s not a mistake ✨it’s a masterpiece ✨
is this….. matrix??
Hahaha there needs to be more 🤣🤣
Slap that ass and begone
Good vídeo….trash game
This is fake af no way Skyrim would load that fast
Hm yes level 69. But honestly it’s so cool he gots a girl not only understand what you doing but helps you do the skit
I thought she way going to have a bucket on her head.
It’s not a mistake it’s a masterpiece
me, tries to play skirim with my boyfriend but the coop mod is to unstable -.- (on pc because my boyfriend is not into consoles as I am….)
Bath water
She got them lil clap claps 😂
she’s damn thicc
On a serious note tho. If your girl doesn’t support your passion, sHe’S nOt wOrTh iT.
*SNEAK 100*
This skyrim sneak makes no sense
Skyrim guards are blind af so true
I see you’re using CBBE
But the actual girls that do that just know you’re the problem
Wow skyrim
“Sneak has increased to 80.”
I don’t know if I am the only one that got excited when I saw his gaming PC, I don’t have one and that makes me personally very excited
bro you’re already level 69 wow
To be honest, the loading screen music in Skyrim is horrifying. 😳 *I’ve never played Skyrim so I don’t know if that’s the real audio*
Thats awesome!😂 Thumbs up 👍👍👍👍
This one is the best
AYO, the level though 🤨
Must have been the wind.
accurate xD
No one talking about how he is level 69?
Lockpicking. *69* . Lv. *69* .
Gostei dessa npc
I love how toxic can straight ppl relationships jokes can be. Are you guys okay?
xbox is Best
The girl would be a bitch if she’d really did that
If would get a bf i would be the one to join him when he plays something
Why is this game everywhere!?!
I feel like there is a dark cloud over the ‘Skyrim NPC in real life’ content since that fuggin guy killed his GF… but this is a ray of light peaking through the storm
Why is no one mentioning that the gf is sasha grey
The girlfriends are always the worst at acting. Lol.
Wtf lmao
She have giant feets 😁
This is so perfect. 🤣🤣
The last guy who did this kinda videos. Ended up killing his girlfriend LOL
Hahaha casual misogyny hahaha
Anyone else feel like this is a lot like playing fallout 4
Instead We should say: if real life was Skyrim
So anyone gonna mention the option to take out “bath water” 🤨
I always complain about how fucking loud the ps4 is when you turn it on. Trying to tell the whole of skyrim of your presences. Ps5 isn’t much better, it’s like you start up a jet engine
You have an awesome girlfriend
Wtf with this foot
That’s a PS5 not a PS4 HMMMMMM
Well, very old “joke”, but good video 😀
She got cake
Lockpick 69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Why she to stiff tho?
Now I want to get back into some Skyrim! My husband and I both play it. I play more games than he does though, but we both enjoy playing.
Skyrim with mods is even better. 💜
My husband and I meeting over ESO because I played obsessively and acted as a group guide: 👀👀👀👀
When you’re a girl already: damn guess I’m one step ahead of u all
Twitch ceivas
Why do s/o s hate when they’re loved ones play video games tho, it doesn’t make sense to me lol
her voice
What game card do you use for these grafics holy crap
Lmao, fallout 4 is so similar to this game wtf
Need something?
Sneak +1 million
Who did you kill to level up so many times?
She got that dumptruck for sure
You forgot the part where you take a single step and you’re immediately detected
you got a girlfriend that love you (if that isn’t you sister or something)
Love it 😂
Haha can’t relate
Lmao that was so good 😂
Never shoulda come here
Yup, lol
This is such an incredibly stupid garbage game
Top tier I love it
Nice exp Level
Skyrim sneaking in a nutshell
Put the controller down and go play with her. I’d love to have that ass around all the time
lucky guy
*Sneak Increased to 99*
You forgot the moment when you stand up after they left the house and they come running back like “I knew it, you were playing video games” and send you to jail
That’s my boyfriend when i play without him lmfao
I don’t have this problem. I don’t have friends or family, nevermind a girlfriend. 🤷🏾♂️
Man i love skyrim.
LOL! the loading thing- “your girlfriend hates when you play video games, try your best to hide”
Jokes aside. Its controlling and manipulative behaviour if a man was to police a woman like this but its ok for women to police men in their own homes. Double standards
Feels kinda odd seeing jokes about women hating it when their Boyfriends play games, cuz most women I know love playing games 😅
Not that this seems mean spirited I mean his gf is clearly playing along with it, she’s likely a gamer too, unless she’s just a good actor
Have you heard of the high elves?
Ok but why is no one talking about how he holds his camera
What is that controller in the loading screen? 🤣
But damnnn bro your girl is ours now
What mod is this?
Level 69 you need 70 for the New skill ignore girlfriend😂
I wish it could be this easy to unlock in the real game 😅😅😅
Well still need a gf to stop me 🥲
You forgot the part when you throw something at them and they are like hmmm mustve been the wind
I love Skyrim and your videos!
Corner = Best Hiding Spot
Why is skyrim lockpicking so satisfying? Like when you get the lock correct and then you hear the click? Amazing
If you don’t marry her I will. 😂 That was literally so accurate to Skyrim. I love y’all relationship 😍 it’s liquid gold
Ah yes ps4 controller with xbox layout
I love how she walks out like an npc lmao
As soon as you pressed on the console i got a notification from pokemon go
White PS 4?
What Pc specs do you have??
They need to make these new gaming systems silent I swear they would make hella money off of that alone
They missed 1 tiny yet very important detail…. the red enemy dot on the compass at the top 😝 very funny though hahaha
Every horror game ever:
Наверное это просто ветер
69 лвл без перчаток? ты шо абуел врать мне!
Nice acting btw
Оружие бы убрал
She got a fatty tho
Imagine being able to eat that cake everyday
I wish this is effective in real life! Hahahahahah
You should play more with her!
Luv the inventory items
Radiant AI
POV: you have sneak level 69 and cannot be seen
Sneek up behind her and steal her clothes. See how good your pick pocket skill is.
You got time to make videos as well. Your a machine.
Nice lol
what’s her ig
oh wait a minute..
Sneak level 100
I’m flag my girlfriend doesn’t mind me playing video games. I’d just rather spend time with her over my PS4.
God that Xbox playstation hybrid controller gave me cancer
Even her voice is hot! lucky bastard
I like how the arrow and the red dot on top is synced with the vid
Oh boy, she’s a keeper.
Lockpicking lvl; nice
Lucky guy that’s a nice truck
legit your hands and arms thought you were the girlfriend. grats on the soft skin Hun!
Im pro level I don’t have a girlfriend
Lmao she’s a keeper
Skyrim will never get old.
I wish Skyrim loading screens were that quick
Ahahahaha nice one.
What the- must try this
Fake. They woukd never add an animation for pressimg a button, it would telekinetically get pushed. My immersion is ruined.
🤣🤣 oh man I can’t get enough of these!
Very accurate. And sie is very cute too
I’m so happy for you to have such an amazing woman in your life.
That badonk 🙂
I love it
Must been the wind.
must have been the wind*
Yo where that gf in skyrim she thick
This is politically incorrect. He is holding his ps4 controller in the wrong hand.
“Are you seriously playing while we are supposed to be watching a movie together. You promised me after our talk.”
This is false. Skyrim’s characters don’t have interact animations. Your character wouldn’t have pushed the button on the PlayStation
HeHe, Lockpicking is at 69
it was the wind
She got that 4 wheel drive on
If your girlfriend doesn’t like you playing video games you should look into getting a new girlfriend … though mostly because she’s an NPC.
She is 🔥🔥🔥
You got the Girlfriend DLC?
Did that girl go commando? 🤦♂️. Looks like it.
Bruh, you don’t….Oh kay. You need a PS4. But that PC though. Sexy.
what mod is this?
Right elders scrolls rolls out the thiccc
I just started playing and that never happens to me lol If they see a strand of hair, they detect me
Bruh 69
Lol wtf Hella real
The fact they walk like that is funny cause that isnt how they walk at all lmfaoo
Bruh you got a pc and playing a moddable game on PS4 lame
The fight music lololol
They forgot to take her red dot off the radar when she lost hime
Skirim the best
PC Case Name please I need to know 🥺🤓
Off topic: But which PC case?
Loading screen for the small room got me
Dude with a girlfriend like that and you’re wasting your time making videos… C’moooooon!!
Why are you always ready to fight? Tho I love the lockpicking skill level
I hate fake
Love this
If Skyrim was real life I would die instantly, I wouldn’t even be born yet. Me as a sperm would lose the first boss battle.
He disn’t try a lot, this game sucks!
Would have been more realistic if she stared at you while walking away and the hidden effect was still active.
The thicness is unreal
I only watch these for the p-arse-o-nality.
3 seconds into this video it made my YouTube app crash, that right there is the most accurate skyrim portrayal possible
Love this
Maan!This makes me play skyrim!
You know she is OP when she bypasses the door loading screen and just walks in.
This is highly inaccurate see when you have your hands out and you don’t have anything equipped your hands are balled up in a fist not open like that. If you’re going to do a Skyrim video then do it right noob
Must have been the wind…
Sneak must be insane if she didn’t detect him when she turned to leave the room
That was thick
Sneak 100 xD
Fan service never disappoints
Nice gf.
This probably the best one I’ve seen
The fact that the music plays out of nowhere when there is no enemy in sight
She doo
I like the contents that filled with reativity….
I hope no one does similar videoa so you videos can be unique….
So you can do many stuff like that….
That is sick man… all the best 😊👍🏻
This was cute 😍
If she does a Skyrim reel with you, she’s a keeper
Any tip to level your stealth fast?
Gotta love the enemy tracker at the top as she leaves
Did you notice the 69
‘Are you seriously watching pron all by yourself? Huh, must’ve been my imagination!’
SAO be like:
The proportions on that girl 😩😩
These are pretty well done. Nice work you guys.
Why do girlfriends hate videogames so much?
Hey thanks for the walkthrough man! I was trying all sorts of shouts and spells but nothing seemed to work.
Turns out I was just approaching it wrong. Thanks 🙂
Nice girl. Some people just got everything in life ill suppose
Wow, nice rig bro
I do not hate when my boyfriend plays video games.
The graphics are just like how I remember them, wonder when it is going to get an update
Wouldnt happen if you used my old trick. Not have a girlfriend…
Sneak increse 20
For almost all novice locks, the way it starts, is mainly the answer for me
Just walking around?
Not the jump cast walk sneak summon.
Guys’ girlfriends: “ugh i hate video games!”
Me: i want to play with someone 🥺
She thick what’s her ig
Хорошая у нее воображение
Wait, play PS4, but the commands are in wrong-box???
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in real life.
Goat Cheese Wheel! *eat*
I want my man like this one, skyrim fan and gamer as long i could play with him on console. I wanna play too.
Idk why you tryin ta fill djinnkid’s shoes.
Good ol sneak builds
you thought of me ps3I know what I have played
Had enough of these vids and his bitches big feet
Every metal gear solid be like:
How do you not have a ps5 lmao
Damn that girl is thick!
If your girlfriend complains and whines at you for playing video games when you have nothing else to do then she is not worth your time.
If that was my girl she’d take an arrow in the knee
Your not even in your mom’s basement but how?
Girls a smoke show Gj dude
Pretty sure she should’ve seen u when she turned around
Dont forget boys, wear your anti- cringe armor so you dont get cringes
She’s a keeper man 😂
She’s stacked.
That walk through
“gIrL hAtE bIdEoGaMe”
but the second you move, Alduin knows where you are from across the map
TES 6 exclusive xbox 💚😊
Eva Elfie?🤔
It’s a shame u never leveled up from 69
Oh my goodness
Sneak increased to 78
Come on…to say must have been the wild would be way cooler..
Anyone else notice how MASSIVE her feet are?
Oh god she have big a.
Brain… What a smart lady!
2words: muh mods 😹
*skyrim skill up sound* sneak 100
When you play video games in a video game:
Why do people still think the “Girlfriends hate video games” trope is funny??? There are plenty of girls out there who would watch or play with. If she doesn’t respect your personal time, she’s not worth having.
Actually, she was supposed to hide
She should have said “must of scared them off” I hear that one way too much
Why is your ps4 white tho?
Let’s be honest in your child hood you pretend like your POV was a video game so you walk weirdly with your hands out
Sneak 100 be like:
Imagine loading as soon you hit a door
I love the level of funny number
Love it!!!
The graphics are so realistic 🙃
She thick!!!
nice model skin of woman character
Damn she got nice genetics
(وَٱتَّقُوا۟ یَوۡمࣰا تُرۡجَعُونَ فِیهِ إِلَى ٱللَّهِۖ ثُمَّ تُوَفَّىٰ كُلُّ نَفۡسࣲ مَّا كَسَبَتۡ وَهُمۡ لَا یُظۡلَمُونَ)
[Surah Al-Baqarah 281]
It means
Beware of a Day when you will be returned to God: every soul will be paid in full for what it has earned, and no one will be wronged.
(فَذَرۡهُمۡ یَخُوضُوا۟ وَیَلۡعَبُوا۟ حَتَّىٰ یُلَـٰقُوا۟ یَوۡمَهُمُ ٱلَّذِی یُوعَدُونَ)
[سورة الزخرف ٨٣ ]
It means
Leave them to wade in deeper and play about, until they face the Day they have been promised…. ..
Can we stop going along with and promoting these kind of ideas? Like girls/gfs don’t like video games? It’s just silly. I am a girl and a girlfriend and I love video games and I’m fine with my bf playing them. Stop promoting outdated stereotypes.
Now I know why being single is ok
Thats a really good looking NPC…
Need something?
The effect of invisibility comes off some random girl: it’s a bad day for you to be lost in Skyrim today
aww this is cute- *oh my god you are so lucky to have a girl with that dumpy.*
All of the levels are 69
P2 plz
Are you seriously pla- huh must’ve been my imagination now that happens to me allot I kill a few bandits then just huh must’ve been my imagination and I’m level 69 in Skyrim
Definitely not me as a girlfriend 😂😂😂 I may even tell you to go play ’cause gaming is pog 😎
why. the. FUCK is ur mic in between the monitors ??!???? with a ps4 in the middle of the second monitor. the setup seems so scuffed
Lockpicking 69, love it
Unrealistic, lock wasn’t fully turned when it opened.
Sneak 100
Almost, but it was still really good
Level 69 lol
Noice level you got there
Alternate Version:
Mom: Are you seriously playing games? Did you do your homework? Did you wash the cat? Did you mow the lawn? Did you- Huh, must of been my imagination…
Level 69 funni
**Sits down for a game session**
My wife: Hey hun…
Зачем включать консоль если в руках геймпад? Кликни кнопку “Хоум” и не парься
If she didn’t see him in the corner he could’ve crouched anywhere. Disappointed he didn’t go for the backstab.
Hi5 4 this one
She got a dumpy
Part 2
My man got HIGH agility
69 jajajajajajajajaj
“Do I seriously have a girlf-“
“Huh, must’ve been my imagination.”
You should of just put a bucket on her head.
Sneak 100
Draw the power from the skillful gods of hiding out in the open.
Ability: Blast the girlfriend with your power ability called Sneak Bomb and hide from all enemies for 60 seconds.
What the fuck was that xbox ps4 hybrid controller
Ps4 huh… cheap…
That’s what Camera Man Use when They have to hide there Cameras 💀
Forget that Im taking back the amulet and finding another suiter 😆
Lvl 69 (funny number) and ps4 controller for a ps5!?!??!
Bruh it’s must have been the wind it’s so much better
Shes never played 😔
at least he didnt kill his gf and friends, good one
69 lockpicking
Best game
Sneak 100
The controller for me
Lmao the girlfriend is marked as an enemy
i wish it was like this so i can never gobto school and play on my pc and phone and be hidden
”Sneak level : 100”
The oblivion in real life video will always be the original.
You should make a video of you getting caught
I’ve played skyrim before it was weird
As a Skyrim player I approve
Damn those graphics look good! What mods are you using?
She looks 🥵
Wheres your shadow?
What a nice gf you got there man
This is so true
Girls hate it more if you play games and don’t let them play on your game save. They act suspicious!! 😬
Man these new graphics are insane!
This is hilarious.
Thought it was good until I saw the Playstation. Disliked
Why does this look so real but also alot like a video game I’m so confused
Hm, must have run off😂
Why do women not like us being happy?
Closet, hidden. Plain sight, not hidden. Ignores girlfriend, loss of girlfriend.
Ye true😂
“NEVER SHOULD HAVE COME HERE” I’ve experienced this way to many times
Game creator: ok make it so If he crouch in a corner he’s invisible him: thank you 🙏 game for putting this in the freaking game let’s go
I love how his level is 69
That looks cool
that’s a really nice 3D model you’ve made
The fact that he was level 69 was hilarious
Make a pt 2 now
Put a ring on it.
Tie the knot.🎗️
She won’t care as much 👍
That’s so accurate lol
Never gonna give you up never gonna let you down
Lockpicking 69
I also hate guys doing video games but theres a twist… (i also kinda play with them either)
Sneak increasing 5000
That’s not a ps4
This one is good.
Skyrim paradise are always good
Is it just me or are her feet huge :v
Very good😮👍
Sneak 100
Bro I just realized he’s level 69
That’s so smooth
Lol his skill is level 69
Also did he call the PS5 a PS4?
Which game is this nice graphics
She looks like Lara Croft
That girl was 🔥
It’s all fun and games still the PS4 controller light is brighter than the sun in the closet
Idk why I saw this but damnnnn them some big feet 😂
SHE THICK but it’s November
She should drop off your compass after you are hidden
Funni number
Holy shit she transformed into a game character for a moment
69 lol
Acktually, you are supposed to put the loading screen before the door opens….. IDDIOT
Catched Ending: you got catched, now your punishment is the bed
Funny number 69
Part 2 please
This guy has crazy editing
It is real Life
Pretty good made, nice work
i dont play skyrim but this shit funny as hell
Why is the graphics looks realistic
She looked in the same direction as him lol
And then he pulls out a sword
Literally a closet right beside him
Xbox has a silent startup setting
Nice.. Awesome
question is it okay
My question is why he had to pick the lock of his own door.
Unrealistic. She should’ve spent twenty seconds walking into the wall.
The fact you actually got her to do this made me laugh 🤣
Lvl 69
Why’re you like 8’6
Ha yeah we do that at times
“have a good day sir.” : McDonald’s worker *walks away and runs into ice cream machine*
This shit sucks
My girlfriend: LEMME PLAY
Stealth 10000
So true
But she close saw you man
I just realised the level 69 lock picking skills
Wait but that means u can play skirym in skiryk in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym in skirym
Sneak increased
Dang bro, she thicc. While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a clapping, as of @$$ cheeks gently clapping, clapping at my chamber door…”Tis a visitor I muttered, dummy thicc, and nothing more.”
Foos roh dah would be “BROS BEFORE HOOEESSS” 💀
It saddens me that’s she doesn’t say must of Been the wind
Always happens
Good joke
Level 69
Did you guys see his level
U know.. After seeing this im kinda interested in skyrim
Amazing pro of being gay, you just game with your boyfriend, or watch them game about 60% of the time if youre me
I want his set up
Baby yoda?
Open Harry Potter theme for girlfriend
el shut
Damn bro, you need to upgrade that lock
If you pause, it has game references in his inventory, like Minecraft, fallout, MW2, Assassins Creed, and gamer girl bath water?!
Must have been the wind
I can hide from my mom like this
I’m surprised you didn’t reach sneak 100 after hiding
Sadly it isn’t real..
the fact i knew what was going to happen before he turned on the ps4
Ironically she’s embracing that you love the game and helping you profit on YouTube.
Different type of people upgrading stuff:
The one who only upgrades in strength
The one who only upgrades in skill
The one who only upgrades in Endurance
*The one who only upgrades in stealth to crouch mid fight and get away*
Day ass though
Must have been the wind
So true
Bruh used the red emoji dot.
i hate that it says girlfriends hate when you play video games, i respect my fellow gamersm
And the autosave in the corner its so trueee
Plot twist: she was mad he was playing without her.
Why would you want to play when you have her
It’s a loop!?
Girlfriend hates when I play video games by by gf lol
I was waiting for her to say must’ve been the wind and then stop and look towards you and say need something
If skyrim was real most of the people will be stuck on the ground not being able to move
Totally true 😂
Sneak 100
Bro she good lookin what’s her ig
Stop right there
It might’ve been her imagination, but I 💯% know for a fact that, *DAT-ASS* ain’t just MY imagination! Wooooh-Wheeee!!! That wasn’t no regular pre-made birthday cake from Kroger, boys. Nope! That was a 6-Tiered special order, feeds approx. 50-100, top quality, extravagant, upper class WEDDING CAKE! I try not to ever covet thy neighbor’s wife, but homeboy, am I coveting the ever living hell out of thine own neighbor’s trophy wife, today pal! Lord, forgive me, for I have sinned… Greatly! I have committed the deadly sin of Lust and therefore coveted and have already committed Adultery in my heart! But man, dem cheeks might be worth going to hell for….might as well envy my boy here and commit murder in my heart as well! 😂😂😂
Since when did skyrim have dumptrucks
When you think your finally free from your mom, but then gets a girl friend
So true
Hey, I think your ready to level up-
Lol I love this 😀
Stealth: 100
mw2 intervention. that got me
Literally murders 300 people in front of a guard
Guard: must have been my imagination
Lmfao so true hahaha good ool skyrim logic lol
😬 cringe bro
I wish skyrim was real
The quality of the voice acting is realistic too
I love how one hand is less detailed as the other
Too easy
She should just pop into the room when she enters and then just disappear when she leaves the room just like in the game
I guess everyone is stealing this idea
You have a gf? This isn’t realistic at all 😂😂
It would be funny if he just leveled up to stealth 420
Damn bruh she got the whole bakery, nah, she got the whole factory bruh
I wish I could like just become invisible when I sit on a corner or crouch
This that your real level in Skyrim
The music started and I got worried for u
Data azz…
What do you use to edit
Actually got scared
She thick lol
i never really got the hang of skyrim but i loved it
Well made
Delet this
Sneak 100
The real chad is the girlfreind for playing along with this
This video is approved by The Official Water Federation
Why is this so………so true
You forgot to show her getting stuck on the door with her wonky AI
Guys get a girl who will do your Skyrim skits with you
Ah yes the great thing about having 100 sneak
Level 69 for the bois
Found a flaw the door he went through to get into the room was a loading screen door, thus it would not be opened for her to just walk through. She wasn’t in the room so she wouldn’t of noticed and if she did somehow notice being on the outside of the loading screen door she would have just appeared out of thin air.
Yes I know it’s a skit made for entertainment I’m just having a little entertainment of my own with it.
Bruh omg I didn’t realize he is using lock pick at his own house
Has Somebody stole your
Are u sick of sneaky archers 🏹 stealing your valuables?
Call 777-thuum. That’s 777-thuum.
That was scary
I’ve never played dark souls and I find this funny
You sir are a legend of stealth
Must have been the wind
The fact that she also joined to make the video
Haha 😹 😄
Creaking floor
Did anyone else notice her massive stompers though? 👀
Jesus loves you
The fact that hes level 69
Or you just get a girlfriend that plays video games
The strange thing is, why use a PS4 when a gaming PC is right next to it…
Then there’s me who encourages my bf to take a break every so often because he works too much.
Being invisible to girls isn’t so bad after all 😂
PS4 has Xbox analog
Nah loading screens take about 6 years longer to load im unimersed
bruh i looked once and damn she a bigfoot
Lol Love how he had to lockpick to get in his own room
That dumpy
Let’s just hope this nan doesn’t kill his wife and friends shall we
RTX *off* / on
RTX off / *on*
Kadin kör
Everytime I watch this it gets funnier
Omg the level
just remove the piezo element boys, you’ll never hear that damn peep again
If you can play a game in a game
Level 69
He’s got my respect
Level 200
she forgot to say hi to you while you are hidden, immersion break.
“Use PS4” i mean bro
Spot on!
We wish all had a girlfriend like her am i right bois?
I didn’t know there was a dumptruck mod in Skyrim.
If my girlfriend try me to stop play games he become my ex
The fact we cant play our games in peace is sad 😐
Bruh seriously? The lock pick it’s 69
I swear I laughed so hard. it’s way too accurate to skyrim AND real life haha.
except the loading screen is delayed with half an hour
This hits super hard now after her death. RIP
The controller looks like if Xbox and Playstation had a baby
Bro Just lock your door then *d e f e a t* her And she will respawn outside And she won’t Be Able to Get in.
Thought this was gonna be the short about killing your wife
Skyrim remaster looks great
This is why I want a bf
This video just ruined a great game..
You could make a horror game about this
Wouldn’t have heard it if it was Xbox…
Damn she thicc
How did he convince her?
Sneak 100
the danger music after he presses the button is priceless
Nah this isn’t skyrim anymore, that an horror game
She is dead guys… i feel so bad looking this video
Wow 😮😲
As someone with a gamer gf I can relate to this
The nostalgia I had it all
These mods are getting too realistic
This is real!
Damn boi she THICC
also the fact that she went along with this joke makes you ultra respected in my eyes for landing her
damn i miss playing skyrim, too bad my laptop is broken
Lol soo true you yet something you hide because someone here
Girlfriend mod is so good maybe I should play too
I was cringing trying to figure out if this was the guy who killed his gf or some other “irl skyrim” creator
This was seriously well done
Hahah hahahah hahahhahahahah hahahhahahahaha
Je sais que tu es anglais mais je te le dis quand-même en français je joue aussi à Skyrim sur ma xbox 360
So Amazing the idea
Where can I buy this amazing game? xd
lockpick 100
stealth 100
Hopefully you dont kill your wife too.
Easy for others because we dont have bf/gf but parents yea xd
The loading screen had amazing foreshadowing. Also I call hacks! she literally turns towards the player character.
edit: I just realize his lock-picking and level is 69 (NICE 1)
If my gf hates it when i gamin wit da boys then im sorry its headshots before backshots
Wow 😲😀
Amazing 😀🔥
He’s girlfriend is a C-3PO?
Wow so on point
I can’t go into the top comment’s first 3 replies without running into an argument lmao what has this world become
That dumptruck
You downloaded the thicc body mods for her didn’t you.
Just seeing these makes me go crazy thinking about what jinnkid did
The music coming in killed me🤣
Is no one going to point out her feet ??! 🤣🤣
Damn look at that body
Or the girlfriend is like me, already playing video games in the living room XD
Lockpick 69
Need something ?
She has big feet
Must have been wind is even better to be said
I see this after hearing about the other Skyrim dude who just killed two people. At least this persons not a psychopath
I love how every Bethesda game has the same mechanics
Speech 100 – how about we play the game together?
[Success] yay
Damn the quality keeps improving 👏 👌 🙌 👍
Be careful last guy to make these videos killed his wife
I remember playing this a long time ago I should start up again and actually try to play normaly I would run around with a stolen horse and sometimes fight.
Didn’t this guy kill his wife or was it the other one
that load time though
Dont kill your wife
Shout her apart and problem fixed
Mine would’ve telepathicly felt me reaching for the power button
The girlfriend will like it if you fhritp… Then go play games
Fus roh daaaaaa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
She’s definitely cheating.
Its nearly Perfect, one cool detail you could add to that video is eye slowly openning when gf turns towards you while leaving.
Lmfao this reminded me of the time we tried turning off the sound for the ps5 and xsx but it hurt us both in a cringing way. The sound tells the other that we will be afk from life.
Your girlfriend is helping you with gaming memes u lucky devil
Oh my god even her huge feet are just like the elves in the game.
That’s terrifying
Love how I am playing skytim rn and I see this lol
It really be like that in Skyrim 😂😂😂
Girl got sum cake
This reminds me of my dnd session and as a 6’5 dragonborne I was really good at sneaking (Idk how). Everytime I’d somehow do it my dm sighed and my pal went “Musta been the wind.” Always
I love that your gf is actually in these and playing along
Don’t murder your wife.
man, u should silent strike her with x30 damage!
Bro to bro, dont let your girl parade in those clothes on the internet man. Protect her dignity.
Level 69! hmm…
Lock picking 69, Level 69, bedroom 69
I can’t believe he killed her
But she didn’t blankly stare at you when she walked by
Damn, even the fov is similar
God.. damn it lmao why are these so good..
Level 69…..did no one notice
I love everything about this video because it is Skyrim related
Ну и ласты у нее
She’s legit good AI
How do you do that animated everything
This is how he killed her. He just didn’t have his sneak high enough.
Dam is this skyrim remastered?
If a person in your relationship complains about you turning on a device they deserve to be hit by a car and the relationship to be broken
Lvl. 69, i saw that dude…
Even tho I don’t play Skyrim based off this it seems interesting
Beskar spear
She fineeee
This dude is living the gamer’s dream life
God these are great. 👍
Y is the wrong button for that?
So true lmao
Unrealistic it would never load that fast
The loading screen 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
If only it was that simple irl
new skyrim mod looking fire!!
Your gf carries with the video xd
The loading screen advice was the best 👌
Kkkkkkk bem isso
Best one yet
That was great lmao I’m actually happy I don’t have a gf
Marry her
Huh must’ve been the wind
Dat NPC ass doe..
I swear its the ps4 beep that sets them off cuz the xbox beep doesnt and im not trynna start a console war i mean that genuinly😂
Minimalist game room is kinda controversial
Must have been the wind
Lo que me hace feliz en esta historia es que la chica también juega , mis respetos bro
Lol. When she walks in tho. I can think of multiple ways this could be used… 😏
Sorry guy, but your girl is beautiful!!!
I also choose this guy’s wife.
Level 69 nice
This is so well made
Next time use tentacles mod
Hahahah 😑
You play video games when you got a girlfriend like that ! 😆
Good vid
I have the exact same pc ahahahahah
He use to be an adventurer like use, then he took an arrow in the knee
Your that fucking sound gets me caught all the time. I quickly put my headset on and act like I don’t here you. 😆
Marry her
Your sneak must be level 200.
If Skyrim was a horror game
What mod is this? 😂
20 years to late for this joke
My favorite
I love how the compass shows the GF as an enemy
*bitch detected.. Passive option’s enabled*
Damn that chic has some sasquatch feet
She thick
*Beep* …(Rage ensues)…
Bro when you releasing the mw2 intervention at lvl one tutorial??
It’s hard to get caught by your girlfriend while playing Xbox when you don’t have a girlfriend
exact same nzxt case that i have lol
Thatset up is clean🔥🔥
Then the white run gard walks in to take you to jail for your qwintipel homacid
So my lockpick IS different… Damn special Edition 😐
Level 69…
her character model has a donk
Best video in the world
This is absolutely priceless
Thats not how lock picks work in Skyrim
The fighting music had me dying 🤣😭
Batista did very well standing very still here she didn’t see him even after she turned his direction
Oh 😂 must have been the wind 🌬️
She’s got the npc walk down
Seriously…you break into a girl’s room and go for the PS4? Why not see what kind of porn she likes? At least that’d be interesting.
Level 69
wow this game looks so realistic
Her: Are you seriously playing video games.
Me: Out you go.
*Punts her out the door.*
That room is so drab I can’t handle
Yo your cousin kinda fine
Inaccurate she should’ve rotated twice then sat at the chair blankly staring at you (still hidden of course though)
That controller about 10 seconds in is so cringe. Mix between Xbox and playstation
IT is in his world
Hahahahaha the music and hearing her triggered.
The music accuracy was too crisp for its own good
name of song when you get spotted its been bugging me for awhile now lol
Can you mod her top off?
It would certainly increase the value of this clip.
Unrealistic, he didn’t break at least 10 lockpicks at the start
Dem tats
The combat music 🤣🤣🤣
When the music start playing you know s,*** coming
huh i buyed soo i can use
I’m dead 🤣
Its the playbox controller or the X station controller
Press “A” to play ps4?
Worth it for dat side bootay lol
Skyrim is real life and 99% of people are npcs.
I know its just a Joke but I want a man that plays Video games because Im playing too so I would play with him Dark souls together, best relationship ever xD
project mara meets skyrim
Love how he turns on the PS4 with Xbox controls
It sounds like fallout 3
Glad that lockpick and sneak didn’t upgrade your level to 70, maybe you stay the legendary level of 69 forever Dragonborn
why do his hands look so animated
Girlfriends hate when you play video games? Wrong girlfriend
Unrealistic, loading screen should have lasted half the video at least
It must be a wind
Troy Barnes: “AAAAAAAAA….wesome”
Time to install risqué adult mods.
Who the fuck presses the console button
The fact your girlfriend does these with you is amazing. Good on you both
New Skyrim is looking sharp,great graphics I almost thought this was real
Why we can’t hide like this in real life?
Press a button and you are hidden!
She’s got huge feet holy cow
Best girlfriend.
Lmao yes they do. It’s fucking pathetic.
69 Nice
Poderia tá comendo ela e tá jogando
cringiest scetch of all
Damn I have yet to clear that stage
Gf hates when you play video games. Throw the whole gf away and find one that will game with you
Edit: I stand corrected! She understood the assignment 😂😅
My man level 69
It is a good thing M’aiq doesn’t have a girlfriend, he can play skyrim as many times as he wants.
Is it minecaft
everyone’s talking about his lock picking skills but no one is talking about how it’s level 69
Did she just sheathe her pointing finger???
Man you got the red dot and everything
yep it’s you’re imagination 😂
Ok, 2 things I want to make a statement about.
1) Anybody else notice “69” in the beginning?
2) The girl’s acting, in my opinion, is absolutely immaculate.
That’s funny cuz I’m the Skyrim nerd in the household, I got my youngest son into it and now I could hear him scream “Lydia NOOO” in the other room!!
Marry her bro
It’s always sooo nice to see a fellow Skyrim adorer.. Honestly one of the best experiences I had as a gamer. The atmosphere, the fucking music, the mods, omg the fucking mods.. The community made this game even more Phenonmenal!
It will go down for me as one of the best games ever made..
Amazing editing! 👍
She got a dumpy in da back and two large dairy beverages in da front
Bro you are the best. It’s hard to make me laugh but favorite game is Skyrim 🤣
That was awesome 👌
dam that bunda
Really thic npc
These are amazing!
The conflict music got me 😂😂😂
Damn that load time was fast, I’m jealous
Ah, she’s the right one adventurer. Take an arrow to the knee for her💍
Decorate that room, it looks stale af. Get some interior going, some framed posters or something
You made e want to play Skyrim again….
ES6 looking good ngl
Grab a bucket and put it iver her head, EZ
The online is kinda boring
I like that he’s lvl 69, and can lvl up but decides not too. A real gamer right here
That music gives me goosebumps every time
Where in skyrim u fuck have seen hands like that???
I love sky rim and it reminds me of those long nights i would stay awake playing . Very creative ….keep it up.
Dat cake
I don’t doubt they make different content
Ooh I miss these days
Todd “It Just Works” Howard in the year 2055: “We are getting there. Only a few more years guys. In the meantime, here’s Skyrim Special Edition free in every kids Happy Meal”
“If i was lock picking there would be finger print on the doorknob”
Mod link??
I enjoy theese!! Lmao
At least he have a girlfriend.
This might be funny but to be honest when a gf try to steal your hobbies and dreams then dump her away! We men always need to “understand” them but do they understand us? Don’t be a simp and Don’t forget who you really are
I found a Side Quest “wrong Girlfriend than, find another”
The true way of using a ps4 is to sell it to prevent bankrupcy
I am seeing less triangular eyeballs covering the screen than I expected
Imagine playing video games and having a hot gf 😂
The fact you two exist makes me very happy!
Unreal, the loading screen doesn’t take 4 hours
Aaaaaaaa blyaaa ahhahahaha
Must’ve been the wind
Can’t relate, my ex-wife and i used to play together always. Good days
My wife watches me play the PS at night to fall asleep.
Dude, these youtube shorts are better than tik tok
So basically i play video games cuz i got no girlfriend. So at the moment i can play as long as i want to and when i had a girlfriend my console would die in dust
that game room is so empty i’d go insane, i hope ur able to pimp it out some more
Being hidden crouched in the corner was so fucking perfect.
I would abuse the sneak feature
If skyrim was real life this video wasn’t exists 0/10 my immersion is ruined
Love it!
Not your imagination girl “must have been the wind” lol
lockpicking… nice.
Know, trust and accept the gospel to be true to be saved and inherit eternal life:
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV
trust in Jesus shed blood to cover yoursin
Load screens are getting faster that’s good
Have you tried domestic abuse?
You know what they say, “When thy girl goes to sleep, thou Playstation shall beep.”
Level 69, you can tell this man is grinding
0/10 Hands aren’t supposed to be up unless you’re gonna throw hands… Smh…
JK JK, that’s cool as heck man!
This is great! 🤣🤣🤣
I ain’t imagining that trunk tho
10/10 production very accurate 🤣🤣
Oh no cringe
So cringe
Its like Skyrim but with guns
Let face it the reason we play skyrim so much is because we dont have girlfriends
Sthealf 99
We really can’t wait for TES 6
Well made. May you always be protected by the nine.
Nah not enough glitches to be made by Bethesda.
It’s that was a real wild you have on it lock
Loot picking 69
LVL 69. Nice 😎
This is what happens to the brave men who take a arrow to the knee for his brothers.
Video is wrong. Load screen wasn’t half an hour long.
The funny has not been found
Gigant feet girl
“Girlfriends hate when you play games” then don’t get one lol STONKS
She would’ve said ‘hmm, must’ve been the wind’
Lockpicking: 69
These re-releases are getting out of hand.
69 🥴
She got some big mud mashers.
The Dumpy
Damn bro. Unequip hour hands you’ll move faster.
Ainda quero saber onde posso arranjar esses hud para fazer vídeo
LMAOO nice
5GB for datass
What ps4 controller is that
Oh yeah lv.69
Wow that was very well made
Bro had gamer girl bath water in his inventory lmao
His game room was locked and he didn’t have a key lol
Bath Water and Suspicious Stew
Oh my God!😭😭
Level 69 is when your girlfriend hates you play video games?
Y’know, I thought that room looked pretty small. I was surprised when she still managed to bring a whole bakery in there behind her.
You know it’s fake when I girl says it must have been my imagination
He has lvl 69 and likes on this video too 69
Как же хорошо когда с девушкой на одной волне🤗😅😁
Ахуенная девочка
If girlfriend hate when you play, that mean this is not your girlfriend.
Bravo sir, fucking bravo.
Why the F do you need a the game when your life is the game
Girlfriends sneak skill Zero. Too dummy thicc with them cheeks
Bruh, tfw your partner doesn’t want you to have any sort of hobby
It must be the wind.
If I would have girlfriend like that she would be long gone
How the hell did he not level up?????
Attack dude attack!!!
Im glad my girlfriend is a gamer
auto saved
Do morrowind, skyrim memes are so boring.
Haha lockpicking 69
Seeing his girlfriend makes me sad. But in a good way.
He must have gotten stealth 100
“Level 69 in lockpicking”
Hehe, Nice.
Damn, that’s relatable…
She got monster feet
Thats enemy is thicc
you’re so lucky have this girl 😢
Level 69 lol
Bro my man’s must have used sneak alot to get them points XD
I love skyrim
Is anybody gonna notice that weird ass controller?
Nearly perfect except the NPC would turn their head and look directly at you as they walked away
Dude, you forgot to rob her
Yoooo them graphics so OP 😂 😂
*BF is caught playing video games*
GF: Stop! You have broken the law against Skyrim and her people!
This is so brilliant!! We can all relate. Lol. Keep up the good work!
Pretty sure my life would just crash at the load screen
I’d like to play a game like that
Is that f*cking Eva Elfie?
Wow this is my favorite video
Can we appreciate how good the graphics are
Oro puro jajaja
Just casually carrying bath water
Yeahhhhhhh i wish that was real lolXD
Im terrifiedfied i havent played in so long abd havent seen any videos of skyrim but as soon as i get back on i see some
I envy this man!
Its so funny bc how true that is
Damn that npc thicc
Where Can I download this girlfriend mode?
Omg I don’t know how long the game is but like iv went through do much of the game and like omg that has made me laugh so many time
Would of been more accurate if she walked into the door frame and walked in place
Tsk tsk tsk it would have taken him at least 17 lock picks to open that lock
Nice mods
Lotta women would totally be doomed
My heart dropped when the battle music played😂
Imagine your day, but every door you open takes you to a void for 30 seconds.
(I get that some of you dont have to open one ;P)
Ha ha. 69. Funny number.
I realized it’s not a game when the woman show up
That hand really look convincing
Wish my mom was that blind
Bruh just get another girlfriend who will let you do the fucking shit you want to do 😂
*skyrim combat theme #10 plays*
Nice ps4 😬
Clairvoyance is my favorite spell in Skyrim it is always on my left
Wow… U just.. Made me buy Skyrim again
Jokes on you, my girlfriend disappears when I take my meds.
Wow that female model it’s HD 4k resolution running in more than 120 fps, it looks so real, really awesome
Should have done the gta walk out
A girl understands Skyrim ??? Dam
When your sneak is one hundred in skyrim
Dude has a banging pc and chose to turn on the ps5
Хахах, жиза
I thought she was gonna be like “Thought I heard something…”
Bunda is high quality
Level 69, Nice.
Sneak level 100
Level 69… Nice
Huh must have been the wind
When the dovahkiin has max stealth
Guard: gets stabbed
Also guard: huh must have been the wind
The loading screen. Lol
He can’t surpass level 69
Respect to yo girl for absolutely clowning herself for you
Break up already!
Lmfao nice
This new
Newer Scrolls trailer looks LEGIT
Why do you have a mw2 gun as a option
If i could give u with 2 liked
Lmao. Amazing. Well done. Sneak points!! Lol. Best guard she is. Lol.
The compass is missing NWES and the red dot should have appeared before she came in.
Bath Water….nice
Mustve been the wind
His girlfriend is just as blind
Far to true
Awesome really awesome
Haven’t played Skyrim in forever but hearing that fighting music come on was legendary… Goated Soundtrack for real
that was close
Старый добрый Skyrim
Cool vid
Was it the editing or did she have huge feet ?
Thats a thick and nice gf
Daamm he really grinded greybeards
for that 100 stealth
I wish
Sneak 100
“Are you seriously playing…”
That was my last girlfriend EVERY SINGLE TIME I TOUCHED THE XBOX
Level 69 that’s why
Mate. Who walks around with out a weapon with their arms up.. Unless u r planning to punch the next npc u see
You missed the part when she enters the room and just fades into existence
Level 69 again lol
Damn she gotsss the yammms!!! Pokin pokin pokin
When you die and they like huh must have ran off and when you can literally delete the map off existence and they like huh must have been the wind
If my gf was that cute I would not play any games. Fun content.
This game has such great graphics
Then I’ll remake myself
Let me guess, somebody stole your sweet roll?
Not bad
Relationship goals
Pure awesome
What kind of case was that??? 😍
If you want a real big bounty bro try picking her pocket and taking that silver ring
I’ll show this video to my girlfriend… Huh… Must have been just my imagination.
I need the girls name pls 🙏🏽❤️
I could skip days without sleep, how useful that would be!
What’s the loading song called
A and Y buttons??? X’D
*SNEAK 100*
With a GF like that why would you play skyrim?
Now use that backstab perk with your level 100 stealth and go for the kill. Its worth 600 gold and its better than nothing.
Huh, must’ve been the wind.
Must have been the wind
Bruh too funny
alright babe if I can’t play video games will you at least be in my video game skits
Skyrim « RTX On »
Id love to show this to my gf but I know she would not understand it… 🙁
Ahhhh, CBBE eh? A classic choice.
god i hate when girls don’t let you play shit
Ha! The load screen was a nice touch
I have a gamer gf
Fellas, Get yourself a girlfriend like this
She got cake tho
I legit got a little nerved when the music started and I realized what was coming.
Me reading all the comments:
Dude this is so spot on having played over 2000hrs of skyrim haha well done
I play videogames WITH my girlfriend
The fact how her gf is NPC:
Must have been the wind…
You have an awesome girlfriend to help you do these vids bro.
My guy always good to quicksave before doing risky things
Is it just me or at the beginning did the dudes hands look fake/video game animation
but what if they played as a warrior and not sneaky?
Is that new CBBE mod , so damn realistic
She’s thick
So true man I wish for that in middle school
My boy had nuka cola (from fallout) and suspicious stew (from minecraft) in skyrim 💀
Anyone else take a look at her feet 🐾🐾🧐?
Marry her
God this is cringe
I Hate myself for laughing as hard as I did
This guy has max sneak
How do I get this mod?
Omfg I love her for that
What mod did you use to make the npc beautiful?
Playing Skyrim on pLaYStAtiOn 🤢
Pitticu su culu
Girlfriends have a problem with video games? Easy just get a boyfriend
I hate going into diffrent rooms It takes forever to load
I miss playing Skyrim :(, it is not possible to play it because a bad born took my xbox reader
Imagine lockpicking in your own house
U use Y to unlock?
If a gf was supposed to appear when I opened my videogame then the quest must be broken 🤔
Lol did you just move in where’s all your stuff?
Idk abt other girls, but it only bugs me if my boyfriend plays for hours on end then goes to sleep before we can even hang out. Which is something guys tend to do at least from my experience. I dont mind if he plays for a couple hours bc i get it he wants to play his game. But it gets super annoying when your s/o plays for so long that its like they are dating their friends and not you. Bottom line dont get a girlfriend if you dont wanna put effort into the relationship.
Goddamn, she’s a keeper dude, lucky you 💕💯👌😂
Damn she got a great bank that little beech
This man just became John Cena in one second…
The position of the hands remind me too much about those weird “real-life” Mc videos
Level 69 hahaha
I like how he has a PS4 but the button said “A to use”
I love it when women help with guy stuff
I love video games, I’m a girlfriend. I AM THE MASTER OF DESTRUCTION!
Damn.. so juicy
Where is the little lag that happens after autosaving, I am not immersed! JK great video 😂
Relationship goals reached max lvl with them
*SNEAK 100*
Elder scrolls 6 be like
Damn am i missed some mods here!? That model i cant find it on nexus!
Yeah but then she hears a plane take off in the room
Damn that model had some Ocarina of Time if you catch my meaning.
I hate and love this lol
she didn’t say “must’ve been the wind”
Fucking legendary
I see you have a Beskar Spear. Care to explain who you stole it from?
Why is no one talking about how he turned on the ps4😓😓
“Are you seriously playing…” with a fucking console when u seem to have legit pc right next to it
I SWEAR games are getting more and more realistic each year. Just look at the graphics!
That was awesome
Damn dude you found the girl never ever lose her
Damm! I didn’t realize that Tamriel is T H I C C E R. 😏
“wow you’d rather spend time playing video games than spend time with me?”
**Boyfriend spends time with girlfriend.**
**Girlfriend stares at phone for two hours and starts pointless argument afterwards**
Solution, don’t date lame chicks.
If Skyrim was real life I’d be out there slaying dragons. And accidentally killing my companions.
Bang that big round must be much better than any ps4
Nice physix
Must have been the wind
Nice It has CBBE installed…
*overhand throws the controller at her head and knocks her tf out* sorry but it’s what I would actually do in skyrim…I’m the type of skyrim player who makes a point to murder everyone in the game
That beep on power up has gt me cussed out a few times still SONY you need to fix this shit 😅
Dude must’ve installed CBBE the base models don’t look like that
Sneak 100
>Use PlayStation
>Xbox controls visible
Elle a un de ses fiaks
This some grade A production right here
You had the perfect chance to loop it!
Lockpicking level “69”
You can tell his sneak levels low, or else he would’ve just crouched in the middle of the room.
i thought it was gonna be another “you’re finally awake” meme
Never let her go man, she’s too cultured 👌
But when he was hidden the red point was supposed to disappear
Skyrim Special Legendary Anniversary Ultimate Ultra Real-Life Edition
Forgot the part where you shoot her in the back of the head with an arrow.
Is no one gonna talk about the loading screen controller??!!!???
*Turns on ps4*
Boss music begins
I’ve not played skyrom in years I think ima go see what mods a downloaded last.
I can just hear them busting out lauching after the video ended
Aw fk it. I’m subbing. I’ve seen two of your videos and the two of you are just marvelous x)
Is she sworn to carry your burdens?
Beat her to death with the controller
Can someone tell me all the names of these songs pls.
Wow the shader are really great, and where can I download this mod? I can’t find it
Lol 😂
I normaly just stealh kill them
This video is hilarious, but real talk: If your girlfriend hates it when you play games, that’s not the kind of person you want in your life. (′・ω・`)
I love writing books, but writing books is just as much as a valid hobby as gaming, especially if you’re making YT videos and making profit 💕
I wish I still had Skyrim 😥
I think it would’ve actually ended with her shooting an arrow into his knee.
Skyrim vs the hobbit?
Would love this as a series
Now finish her with a sneak attack for that boosted damage, if you one shot her nobody can stop you
Heh nice
Is this TES 8 ?
Love these kinds of videos
That was to close
I see you have CBBE Installed.
my girlfriend must have been my imagination
I don’t really have this problem.
I’m dating another man.
Girlfriends actually play more skyrim than boyfriends
Reminds me of rocky rambo 🤮🤮🤮
No no no this is wrong. When he interacted with the ps5 it should’ve just came on without him touching it at all.
Stealth 100
Dude if my gf was like this I’d look at her and point to the door
69 nice
Lockpicking 69
Hehe nice
This is not like skyrim at all. Have you ever played the game man? The loading time was way too quick for this to be skyrim.
Bullshit. This is a fake run. The eye that shows if ur hidden should be a little open bc girlfriend is looking for him
So good!
The fact that someone other opened the door make this video just more funnier xD
Must have been the wind
that “you never should have come here” voice in my had is killing me ahahaha
The enter door waypoint should be on the center about 4 inches from the top of the door. Not above the door handle
Skyrim’s horses are crazy 👀😅
if only it was that easy to avoid your girlfriend and be able to game all day
Is this the New skyrim gameplay leak?
When i try to put a bucket on an npc head it doesnt work
Can we just talk how he has a
MW2 intervention
And suspicious stew
In his inventory
I mean XD
Why are there so many people blown away by the girl knowing how to act like an NPC?
Guess you don’t have ABP and shrouded gloves yet, missed the perfect opportunity to get rid of your problem. Permanently…
She had the cakes
I’d be playing with her instead
Man she blind like the rest of the npcs in skyrim
She kinda bad though
She’s gotta really big feet
Bath water
Hidden blade
Beskar spear
MW2 Intervention
Suspicious stew
One thing is missing
“Sneak going to Level up”
I was expecting the “must have been the wind”.
Dudes got a girl who will help him with videos… lucky dude my girl just left me 🙁
As she walked away she gets clobbered by the remote or at least that would be my solution
Lol nice
Like how it says level 69
Mine loves to play video games with me . I maxed out speech tho lol
lockpiking a 69 😂
You know something bad’s going to happen whenever it autosave
When your stealth skill is completely maxed out
That loading killed me 🤣🤣🤣
Nah, the AI would have broke and the GF would have sat at the desk and pulled out a mug
Omg hilarious
Cant believe he convinced his gf to do this shit
Closets are a practical hiding place
I don’t mean to simply. But she thic bro congrats
Yo when did the new Skyrim come out?
Nice level
Unrealistic, nobody floated away
What’s the name of the mod for the hot girlfriend addon?
Sneak lvl 101 legendary
When the danger music started playing I got chills
So that’s what Frodo baggins look like now huh
When you crash you die
Only a novice lock?
That’s one thing I’m grateful for my girlfriend doesn’t care if I play videogames all day on my one day off
If she detects you, do you have to fight to the death?
This was well made fun
It’s clear she knew what kinda character she needed to be great work
Yo why didn’t he level up sneak
“Must have been the wind.”
Holy cow
I have this but I haven’t. Played it yet
This video is like: *When your girlfriend plays Skyrim more than you*
Completely unrealistic, that loading screen went by way too quickly
Cool, but girl friends don’t actually exist in real life
Dude had to lockpick to get in his own room
2 mistake
Didn’t stealth kill
Didn’t loot
“Your sneak potion has worn off”
Pretty much how I played the game before I downloaded a few follower mods
Lol lvl69
You shouldove put sneak has increased to 100 when she left
Man these game are getting too realistic
Anniversary edition lookin great
Must have been the wind!
This had better acting than anything on TikTok
it’s nice to see when people are supportive
ya love to see it
please, anything but another fucking Skyrim release
your girlfriend packing
Them lockpicking skills tho
Por seu filho de uma p*** mantendo essa música que saudade Amanda😭😭😭
Ok but she clearly loves you to say the lines and do this with you. You got lucky treat her right my dude
That girl needs to be used by a lot of modes
My ps4 is so old it doesn’t make the beep anymore
My dad has that game on his Xbox
That loading time though. Damn. Must have a ssd.
I’d put a CBBE mod on her
You’re not using the Skeleton key? Cring
skyrim didn’t have hands showing only in combat I don’t know why everyone does this in every video
this is probably the best one ive seen
Your girl got some stompers
Are you serio-
Hearing that music make my head hurt
What the hell was that controller at the loading screen? Was that a ps4 controller? Thats not what mine look like.
Ok the lockpick in skyrim always starts starts straight at the top, and it really says a lot about how much fucking time ive spent picking locks in the game that id know that and notice that its wrong
And i barely have a hundred hours in the game.
Na just crouch in the chair and continue playing
Second not cringe short
Ey man what mods are you using?
Wife that girlfriend.
1: Open hand punch posture is only on kajits
2: lock picks always start at the top of locks
3: enemy’s don’t exist outside of your load zone so how could the girlfriend detect you?
4: combat music doesn’t engage unless your in combat so if your sneaking and remain hidden the music won’t change.
That all the smarmy comments I could think of. Fun to watch tho.
There’s one thing in that house I would rather be doing than play games 😉
Is she’s not ok with you just enjoying your thing, stop being ok with her living in the same house as you
-sigma grind rule 736
Oh so we’re back to the ” ahah wife/girlfriend bad” kind of humor like the boomers? I regret not killing myself sp fucking much
Must have maxed out stealth
Skyrim modding community be like
Ironically it says press A to play *p l a y s t a t i o n*
level 69
Nice. Now I wanna see Lover’s Lab mod IRL.
I remember my brother was sneaking around a bandit camp and accidentally shouted and threw a bunch of pots and stuff everywhere and one bandit came in the room stared at my brother and said must have been the wind
Just amazing
“must’ve been the wind”
Ahahah girl bad, amirite
What mod is this? And what graphics do you use?
I know they said they would release a patch, but those graphics really are awful. They should aim for more life-like graphics really
Why get a girlfriend in the first place if you don’t want you’re gaming to be interupted
Tat azz phat ! 😂
A pleasure to be comment 420, and this is beautiful.
You should’ve gone for the double dagger execution XD
Imagine playing Skyrim on a PS4 when you have a PC beside it.
Cap. Gamers don’t have girlfriends
Metal gear solid reference “just my imagination”
lol; this was a good one
Okay but her cake doe 😜😍
Should have added a sneak increased to 69 pop up when she walked out
How much for your woman
What mod is this?
“Ah, I see you are awake. Tis time to prepare for supper and school boy!”
watch the compass at the top
Real men play fnv
He got the dumptruck ass female model mod installed sheeeeeeesh
Todd did it again boysss
That loading at the door was too fast to be true
Oh Todd Howard. If only you took example from this video
Skyrim anniversary edition looking decent
Bro your girlfriend is a Chad lol
Hey I have that case too
But have you heard of the high elves?
Fake, skyrim haven’t animation
No life
This is GOLD
The battle music was hilarious
I love shit like this
Bro why is Skyrim copying fallout
The fact that his girlfriend went along with this says he has been lying this whole video lol
My mans gotta get a more healthy relationship
If your partner dislikes you reasonably indulging in a hobby they are not for you
This is f gold.
you come up to me fists raised? are you looking for a beating??
What guy would ever get with a girl that doesnt like him playing video games???
Glad my shit don’t beep that damn loud
The only inaccuracy is that there was an actual animation for turning on the PS4.
Make full vid pls
Your unarmed hands aren’t balled into fists at all times, my immersion has been ruined
Looks so animated even though reaaall 👌
She a keeper
I wish someone would bitch at me for playing games
Man you have to get the silent on perk
looks like Bethesda still needs to work on the “sneak”
If that was actual Skyrim sneaking you have been caught right when she turned the corner
I am the guy that goes guns blazing killing every enemy
This is great
He pressed the ps4 power button instead of the PS BUTTON-
ATDD be like
Level 69. Nice
This looks like the house in fallout 4
holy shit even the ai is the same
Im so glad to know it isnt just me
That loading screen was Wayyyyy to short.
That character looks thicc af 😂😂😂
Lol, Genius.
Your choices wouldn’t matter also.
If her radar works outside the room it’s not worth playing just saying going to have to resort to phone games that’s rough buddy
I love Skyrim
Lol Frodo is that you? Why Frodo? Cuz his wife have Hobbits feet
Using xbox controls to play a playstation.
I don’t see hands when walking around what the heck man.
Objection! She would have seen you through the wall on the way out
If Skyrim was real with the mods I downloaded on the pc…🥴
Hehe 69
She’s a keeper
That TUSHY tho
“The PC’s still warm there must be a gamer about.”
Gf should have said it must been the wind lol
It would have been funnier if she hit the wall
Dont even understand why he have a ps4 beside a 4k$ pc xD
Try the amulet of Mara or some other magic next time
It should have been “must have been the wind”
Oh no cringe.
Straight up a girl expects me to just stop playing video games she don’t even need to be in my house if I have this sneak around as a grown ass man just to play video games you ain’t even worth bothering with
Next time go for that dagger backstab for 20x sneak damage
Who has better fps then mine
That was the easiest lock I’ve ever seen, you already knew it was a trap
Wait WTH, Skyrim isn’t real life?
Looks cool
Lmao 🤣
Girl cheating on you
“Find device called gun”
Must have been the wind…
Walking animation and animation transitions aren’t quite that stilted but otherwise spot on.
You should have put stealth increased to 69 when she left😐
Nice 4SS
Is this me or she has quite a big feet? Or is it the lens of the camera..
HAHAHAH that’s me everyday LUL
Me with no GF: *I have no such weaknesses*
You will go faster if you undraw your hand
Finally, a sneak peek of the new dlc of skyrim.
BF: “Can you pretend to hate games?”
GF: “Aw but I love games.” 🙁
BF: “You’ll get to act like an NPC-”
Ewww ps4
The loading screen was WAY too short.
I love skyrim its my live plus fortnite also
If you have to hide from your girl you need a new girlfriend
Did he just seriously turn on the ps4 like that
Dayum that npc is fine af
This was very good
How come it didn’t freeze up? 😁
“Must be hearing things.”
This gives me nostalgia
Bathwater 🤣
Do girlfriends really not like you playing?
From the angle you are recording, your girlfriend looks very tall.
Didnt know they put big foot in the game
Do call of duty ww2
Am i the only who hates it if ppl grab the controller and then press the on button on the console instead of the ps button?
Nice work though
Ahhh good times
Ok playing games may be good but if I was that guy I’d be smashing that girl 24 7
I like the Skyrim game it’s very fun.
if my girlfriend stopped me from playing i would break with her
Must have been the wind
Lolololololol well done
Hmm… It looks like fallout… But a lot worse…
This is what I don’t understand if you weren’t spending time with them is time with them why aren’t you allowed to use your playstation
When you have played Skyrims for over 180 mins.
Lmfao please this is amazing I need more of these
Goddammit the music and the Great memories 😭😭
This is what I see after 10 years in Skyrim. Here’s to another 10 more!!!!!!!!!!
Are you playing? Then pay with your blood!
Remember this is Skyrim we don’t have hands we have the force
+100 sneak
I mean hey if the world was like this I wouldn’t be complaining
This is peak comedy
Skyrim modding really is getting out of hand nowadays
Girlfriends need to get off our backs and let us game like ffs this is our stress relief, if we want love then we will let you know.
Dude… pure gold right here
So cool!
Lockpicking is *noice*
Its Thife Simulator.
“Must’ve been the wind”
Wow nice hidden spot
Damn he got the Xstation 4
I love how legit this looks😲 respect🤣😎
If Skyrim was real life everyone would be dead from accidentally picking up a fork in public
nice dump truck
Bro the graphics are crazy now! Also I can’t lockpick at all so thats pretty impressive.
Imagine having a woman who tells you what you can and cant do
Lol I just realised Bethesda kept lockpicking sounds the same throughout Skyrim and all the fallout games 😂
Level 69. *n i c e*
This reminded me of the good old days when YouTube had funny videos back in 2017 and I would stay up all night watching videos on my tablet lol
Lmaoo mw2 intervention nuka-cola and SUSpicius stew xD
Failed opportunity, you should have said “must have been the wind”
It felt like real Skyrim.
Must have been the wind…
Thicc no video game gf
Bro how can I get that game?
Must have been the wind
God I love Skyrim
Like how she is the Red dot
Perfect dude this lock picking is the best I’ve ever seen damn dude perfect video 😍💕 must have been the wind 🌬️🌀💨🌕🌬️🌀💨🌬️🌀🌬️🌀💨🦌💨
Hmmm 69
Even though games are games, i HAAAATE it when bots just fail at common sense
Bruh imagine having a controller with ur YouTube username on it? Lmfao
Stelth 1000 and 100 IQ
When I read the loading screen *it got intense*
If you have a girlfriend that doesn’t like it when you have fun, dump her.
This so well made not even gonna lie
You get to the cloud district very often?
Assassin’s Creed NPCs: *sees you crouching in the bushes 100 feet away
Skyrim NPCs: *stands right next to you crouching in the middle of the room “Where the hell did he go????”
That was pretty good
Next time place a cat trap, so when the villain enters and steps on it u can load ur excusespell
I genuinely cannot whether this is animated or not holy crap
He should of said : must of been the wind
Could not have a girl like that
Me simply fus to duh girlfriend off a mountain
Shit how do I change it to fallout
It would have been so much funnier if she walked up to him looked at him and said “must have been the wind” then left
Is your girl’s name Alfarinn? ‘Cause she’s got that wagon.
Damn, I can’t tell how much I loved this
Must have been the wind….
I know I’m not the only one that saw bath water
I would never touch a game again if it meant I would find love 😭
This is accurate
Stelth 100000000
That loading screen tied the whole story together
I’ve shot a guy in the head with a arrow and he was still alive. After 15 secs of searching he said “must’ve been the wind” and walked back to the corner of the basement with an arrow still in his head
The lock picking starts at the middle not the left, I am unsubcribing
? Sí entiendo pero a la vez no por eso dicen que los videojuegos son malos pero las risas no faltaron
Is this the new 10 year anniversary edition
It say she’s an enemy, you may kill her 🙂
this is why im gay
So true I also found a good way to lock pick if u see that tiny little white spark on the lock that’d the side where ur gonna unlock it usually
I see that you installed the CBBE mod. Nice.
Girlfriends hate gaming. Get a boyfriend instead.
That Wind AI be faking out the guards even more now than I remember
What are you doing Step Bro..
Wtf have you done to your girlfriend 😉👍
She’s joining you in your madness. Haha great
You know you can “sheath” your hands right
These are so good!
God this was good.
Why tf she walking like c3po
Why should your Girlfriend hate when you play?Its not her buisness
The moment she spots you, and you realize you have to kill your ex.
Love how your GF is playing along
Sneak 100
Sneak 100
Disappointed that the objective logo wasn’t on the middle of the door
I feel like he wanted to show his gaming setup…
Good vid tho
I love when you just see mw2 intervention and bath water😂😂😂😂😂😂
I like how he lock picks his own room
Got a subscriber.
Bro, the true gamer don’t have girlfriend and friends
We gonna talk about how scary that was with the sound effects?
Why play alone when You can play WITH her??? I play with my wife whenever we both have time, most of the time we do something else like, Idk take care of the house, go for a walk with her or even take her somewhere romantic? I’m sure she would appreciate this more instead of constantly seeing her man (or in Your case I should say “her kid”) playing videogames constantly… Still, real life Skyrim? Nice video to watch.
Unrealistic. Not enough map clipping
Would’ve been even better if it showed her spawning and de-spawning as she passed through the door.
Lucky for you,I accidentally taught her the Detect Life shout
So much missed potential on it must’ve been the wind..sadge.
*SNEAK 100*
Hate to get kicked by those feet, might end up on a different planet!!! 😂😂😂
Damn the devs are really stepping up these character models.
You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people how do you plead
Those are some nice lockpicks
Wow, that’s some nice graphics on those hands.
“How is the weather today sir?”
“I broke my leg in a cereal bowl today.”
Huh, must’ve been the wind
the fact that his girlfriend knows what to do in the video shows how she’s THE ONE
If this was real my sneak will be 100 because my brother hate me to death
Lockpick level 69 nice
This is so inaccurate! If you were hidden, the red dot on the mini map would have been gone! 0/10! would definitely blow again.
Having your ps4 Vertical is a sin
Damn, she could of said “must’ve been the wind”
Made me burst out laughing at the hospital when I saw his girlfriend actively participated
Sneak 100 at its finest
This was funny a.f
Lol so happy I have a girlfriend who loves watching me play and plays video games with me
She got some Hobbits of the Shire feet 🦶🏼
Nothing’s more terrifying than Girlfriend seeing you play
Gaming pc, ps4 and a hot girlfriend? Somthing not adding up here….
She’s just mad because she’s an Xbox gamer.
Urgh, so trash, how can you play on such low fov? Should atleast be at 90, also where is the overencumbered while carrying 20 cheese wheels and 2 dragon bones at? You casual bro?
i love the load screen, that was awesome cause its so true and so much pain. great work my dude!
Everybody’s Girlfriend: Get of the game! You have been on that console for hours!
Me: Also been on the console for hours along with him/her
*Must’ve been the wind…*
Meanwhile my gf: Are you doing a labs run on Tarkov today? Those are fun.
She kinda thic
This is wholesome af
This is how cameramans are trained
Please mooooooooreee!!!!! Hahahahahah
His sneak LVL gotta be 100 plus 20 percent sneak bonus from gear
Imagine your children seeing this 20 years from now and saying “What the fuck?”
I love the enemy music
man I need to play this game and actually beat it for once…
Dam she heard the ps4 button she was just waiting
Do fortnite next
She nailed the NPC walk so good omfg XD
Ps.4 game 😂
😂🤣🤣 this is gold! 👏👏
Non playstation owners don’t understand. Your girl will hear the power beep across town during a nuclear strike
It’s hard to level up when you don’t have a proper girlfriend
With a girl like that, forget the game dude!
Her pathing is so realistic
Amazing, just amazing
Sneak 1000
More of these!!! I wanna see the bucked steal trick!
Omg I Love this
Was into it till the loading screen. Stop normalizing abusive behavers
This is amazing! I think it’s just missing a small detail. When she goes to investigate the room and then leaves, the sneak should’ve leveled up to 100. Long live the meme
Very nice
level 69 💀🤦♂️
When ur sneak is 100
Armature imagine having a girlfriend
This has so much effort put into it how does it have only 800 likes bruh
This resonates with me. Girlfriends are very scary. Some people play on permanent legendary difficulty by marriage to them and getting the permanent father perk
Lmfao won’t be long until $$$ leads to what the people want. Here’s a tip: take at least 60% if you do most the work. Don’t get married ever and if u do sign a prenup.
Ah yes sneak 100 a man of culture
Thats my life…
Ah yes sneak 100
“Never should’ve come here”
This is a really underrated channel. It’s always nice to see people actually put in the effort to make videos like this 😀
Share the modlist bro🧐
The editing is top tier my dude 👌
174 like
This is GOLD
This is sick
*includes girlfriend in videos* *suddenly blows up* coincidence?
Mans got 99 stealth
Dude this is spot on how long did it take you to edit this and everutbing
NPC’s when you’re standing up: Stop Right
NPC’s when you’re crouching: I’ve never seen this man in my entire life’
Edit: Corrected(most)of the typos
Damn, my man’s lockpicking skills are on point.
Edit: Y’all need to chill, its a fckin joke I know its novice.