I’m never going to try being helpful again | Skyrim Gameplay Highlights
Gameplay highlight from part 325 of my Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition Let’s Play on legendary and survival. You can find the whole playthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2e9YdI6fp8&list=PLobdprIgcqJ-7HzrDzInvB3xaRyuzHE6L&index=1
Playlist for all of my video game shorts: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLobdprIgcqJ8J-k7WVZwcIdq2zfne4kbv
As always, feel free to recommend clips for future shorts by providing time stamps and video information.
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Taqs:skyrim short,skyrim highlight,skyrim gameplay,skyrim funny moment,skyrim funny,funny moments,highlights,skyrim highlights,let’s play skyrim,let’s play skyrim se,let’s play skyrim special edition,skyrim legendary,skyrim survival,skyrim survival mode,skyrim playthrough,gameplay skyrim,elder scrolls,the elder scrolls,skyrim shorts,shorts skyrim,tes shorts,elder scrolls shorts,funny moments skyrim,highlights elder scrolls
コメント (76)
Dragon casually flying in the background
Why is Barbas bugging you? That talking dog should be dead or bothering Clavicus 😂
More or less the reason why I have calm spell under ,, favourites” at all times.
We’ve all been there, accidentally punching a dog. Happens to the best of us.
man, I hate it when your followers won’t stop attacking. I had to remove one of the staffs I gave my followers (I had 2, a nord and a goblin) because it kept on accidentally hitting the goblin and they wouldn’t stop fighting
So no one’s going to mention the dragon flying in the background
Jzargo didn’t hesitate
I mean what did you expect, cats and dogs
There really needs to be a “stand down!” or “cease fire!” command for followers who get a bit overzealous.
He’s a friend dog ❤
This is why I save at every encounter😂 followers in skyrim are almost always itching for an excuse to beat the absolute shit out of every living thing accident or no😭💀
I wouldn’t be able to live with myself…
5 mins later: “Oh you’re finally awake…”
The dog has the same exact model of Barbados the dog of marvicus the god I think but marvicus hates em anyways
I always heal them and run away bc I know the dog will attack if I stay too long 😆
Jizargo avenged his ancestors
War… War never changes… Between cats and dogs.
how the turns have tabled. In the TES universe cats have evolved and are now giving dogs long awaited revenge
I thought that Dragon in the background was gonna have something to do with this.
Also thanks for reminder of why I install the silent dog mod every time.
Common jzargo w
Ahahahahahha! Nothing stops j’zargo!
two types of dog in skyrim random encounter. Dog and Stray Dog.
Stray dog is like a extra follower. you can take any stray dog from road. and they are useful and also protected (with max 25 level), means cant be killed by enemy.
But Dog Can’t be used as a Follower. they will attack you if you go near him and stay for long time.
you could shot it with calm
Just yield in that situation! It makes no sense but it works with animals too!
I cant stop thinking about it you sound like a slightly higher pitched Scatsbury the guy who did Skyrim randomness
typical cat
This is where it all started cats vs dogs
I think j’zargo fucking hates dogs
jizzargo- *I can do it i can do it right now just say the word and I’ll kill everything*
I was waiting for the dragon to kill the dog lmao
So a Cat is hunting a Dog now huh well that’s new
Lol noooooooo run! 😂
soon as jzargo let them sparks fly, I woulda let kitty cat get the town guard treatment. Use that fus ro dah to see if cats actually land on their feet
Khajiit don’t like mutts
A cat chasing a dog, how ironic LOL
Ben there done that
“This one shall dog flesh.”
– definitely that Khajit.
why you punch the dog :c
Funny dragon in the background
that dog was going to attack you anyway,unless you walked away.I encountered him many times
I know skyrim has a cat race, but why is there not a race of dog/wolf peo-
oh wait I think I know why…
J’zargo is the type of companion that is already secretly unhinged. Like “one wrong move and I will slaughter you and send your soul to the void if you wrong my travel friend.”
Man, a mod that lets you to tell your followers to stop attacking something would be so useful
What type of bow is this? I’ve been playing Skyrim since 2012 and never saw this bow before. I’m still finding things I’ve never seen.
I healed a mammoth with healing hands one time, it attacked me so I replayed its malice by killing it and its masters
J’zargo is more of a cat person
Dude either loves too much skyrim, or loves his sezure while playing skyrim
it’s a cat eat dog world.
Why does he sound like woody
Cats amiright 🐱 Chaos personified
I’m literally LMFAO 😂🤣
Ah, when you engage, you cannot tell them to stop. Freakin’ way to reset that is to load a last save 🤣
Everytime I got straydog following me, I always dismissed them short after. So sad seeing them alone in wilderness. But that is better. Because adventuring with me will be insta dead for them.
Heal heal heal punch
I guess J’zargo is more of a cat person
Most entertaining Let’s Player around!
I had this happen so many times to random friendly dogs i felt sobbad 😭
J’Zargo was always an ass, why didn’t he test his self destructive fire scrolls on himself?
This is why Illusion is important. I like to think that the “calm” spell is also known as the “oh shit, sorry about that!” spell
He’s unhinged! Lmao
LL: I heal you
Dragon in the background: You cannot see me
Funniest fucking moment in Skyrim
NOOOO poor doggy!! 😭😭😭😭
One more reason J’zargo is actually the worst follower ever.
Lyle: *punch once*
J’zargo: cowabunga it is
I had this dog show up on my play through. I noticed you couldn’t interact with him if you had your weapons out he’d look at you with anger I guess he already knew the danger when the last Dragonborn was coming his way.
Should have fus to dah’ed his ass of the mountain to save the dog
I mean Jzargo is a cat.
Yep that quest isn’t being completed LOL
Cats and dogs
J’zargo was just *ITCHING* got the moment you slipped up 😂😂
Just dead stare on the dog waiting for the “signal”
Dog: Lord Lyle, have mercy on me
LL: “ I heal you “
This is your villain origin story