The Stormcloaks EXPLAINED Under 60 Seconds With David Attenborough. #shorts #skyrim
Join Sir David Attenborough as he explores the Rebellion of the Fourth Era, conducted by Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak as it disrupted the plans for the Imperial Legion across Skyrim.
#shorts #elderscrolls #bizzarefacts #history #facts #cinematic #elderscrolls6 #shortswithcamilla
コメント (87)
I see a lot of people arguing that both sides are wrong. However, I am of the opinion that they are both right, or at least they both believe they are wholeheartedly. The Empire believe they are doing what is necessary to appease the Aldmeri Dominion until they can regain their strength and oust the Thalmor from Greater Tamriel and Ulfric believes he is doing what needs to be done to free Skyrim from an empire that would so easily give away the rights of its citizens to freely worship. Now, I’m not saying that either are completely innocent by any means, but I think the only truly evil ones here are the Thalmor. They are the ones who wish to erase all men (and I personally believe every sentient race that isn’t Altmer eventually) from Nirn. I mean, ultimately, their goal is to undo the Mundus, isn’t it? To unmake the world?
Ironically their supremacy and separatists ideology plays right into what the Aldmeri are wanting, and actually led to the crackdown on Talos worship as Alvor tells us “Everyone had their own little shrine to Talos, but than the Ulfric and his sons of Skyrim started agitating about it, and sure enough the emperor had to crack down” So not only are the weakening the main adversary to the Thalmor, their actions have led to the justification of justiciars being sent to Skyrim legally. Meaning their actions have led to the legal sanction of prosecuting Talos worshippers in Skyrim. Stormcloaks are the embodiment of not thinking long term.
Stormcloaks forever!
Can’t wait to kill another one of Ulfrics boys.
I love taking ulfric out. The man just wants power and to hear himself speak.
Skyrim with an Assassin’s Creed song? 😎
Man’s got this like a history channel documentary and I’m all here for it
I think the Aldmeri Dominion is going to get a reenactment of Talos’s boot from Talos the Second.
Here’s the rub: during the great war, Ulfric was captured by Thalmor agents and is currently considered by the Thalmor to be an asset. The continuation of the skyrim civil war is all they want because it weakens and distracts the empire, thus making it easier for the aldmeri dominion to eventually conquer the empire. You can find the documentation in the thalmor embassy.
Furthermore, even if the stormcloaks succeed and skyrim becomes independent, there’s no guarantee that skyrim would be able to fend off the dominion like the redguards were able to. So rather than one challenging conquest, the dominion may end up with 2 easy conquests should Skyrim become independent.
Ralof simply told the imperials that you are not one of them and did they listen no
Tried having you killed for no reason
But I like the stormcloaks better why would I join general after what he did to you in the beginning of the game
No bad
Worshipping a man?
Kinda cringe innit?
Is this Ezio theme from Assassin’d Creed
so much incorrect lore in one comment section
Good way describing them without mentioning that Nords would likely try to wipe out all non humans if given the chance and the Stormcloaks are an entire army of them.
Using AC music instead of Skyrim 😂
We should remember that the only reason the Empire “lost” the war is because the Aldmeri Dominion was using the “Eye of Vaermina”, a deadric artifact that allowed them to know the Empires exact movements and plans. And when they lost it they got immediately sacked in the battle of Red Ring.
To put it simply, Ulfric Stormcloak is a moron. He’s a racist idiot who doesn’t get the bigger picture. Just look at the Grey Quarter, for the love of Talos that’s like forcibly moving all the black people in your city into the dingiest corner and calling it “Blackville” its just terrible. He’s sowing chaos and dissent when unification is what’s required. If all of Tamriel is united under one banner it’ll be all the much easier for the Empire to kick those Thalmor shits back to the Summerset Isles. But no, he’d rather grab for power under the guise of “Skyrim is for the Nords” than actually care about the other people who live in Skyrim.
Also Red is a better color than Blue.
Ezio’s family is always good
There’s no ambiguity about it. The Empire allows foreign governments to abduct and torture their citizens on their soil. Death to the Empire, Skyrim belongs to the Nords.
Unrelated, but can we admit that this guy has a pretty good Richard Attenborough you should do a planet earth thing but with the elder scrolls
I dont even care what the story is im just here for the voice
mongrel dogs of the empire
I want every history lesson w8the assassin creed theme
Ulfric Stormcuck simps in the comments getting real hard I see.
Break out some actual political analysis sometime and learn that Ulfric is doing more to destabilize Skyrim than anything and is considered a literal Thalmor asset. 😂
Always enjoy hearing Ezio’s Family, even when it makes no God damn sense. 😂💀😂💀😂💀
The way I see it the stormcloaks are not bad they have good reason to do what they do but ulfric has no reason to do what he does (and is a big reason why so many nord are against other races but then again so are the thalmor
Assassins creed music in the background lmao
Why the hell are you using assassin’s Creed music for the background? This is Skyrim, not assassin’s Creed. That is extremely weird and not normal
And yet Bethesda still could have given us an option to end the war by bringing it to the obviously evil Thalmor
Nords: Anyone not nords arent equal to us and lesser
But the empire isn’t invading skyrim is part of the empire. And if the nords wanted to keep worshipping talos maybe they shoulda fought the eleves a little harder then.
Anyone else think it’s funny that they used a song from assassins creed for an elder scrolls game? 😆
But it makes me angry to think that siding with the storm cloaks weakens a already frail empire in comparison to the dominion and further increases the likelihood of a rising merethic era
Nice except for the 3rd eea typo. It was the 4th era. The 3rd ended 200 years before
Love that we have assassins creed music for a Skyrim video
The storm cloaks are 100% in the right
i like how the background song is from Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
All these people going on about how ulfric’s a puppet of the thalmor, even though the dossier literally says he’s uncooperative and a stormcloak victory is equally “disastrous”
My brother in talos just accept that the Mede empire is a cuck state and needs to collapse already
Kinda forgot to mention that if Ulfric wins, so does the Thalmor. General Thulios is trying to keep the Thalmor away from Skyrim.
you forgot the part where Stormcloaks are Thalmor’s tools and if ulfric cant even fix a small city like windhelm, what makes you think he can fix the entirety of skyrim?
Well, from what I lurned thalmor had a part in the Empire. So I chose stormcloaks.
That Ulfric pic got me acting up
Third Era was a little more than 200 years before Skyrim. I haven’t finished my first playthrough and even I know that. Humans like the Nords don’t live that long so he’d been long dead by the time of Skyrim if he had formed the Stormcloaks in the 3rd Era.
I’m in the middle of both sides reasoning and motives. In the end both want to get rid of the Almeri Dominion’s hold so in the end it’s up to the player to choose which side suits their personalities best. Stormcloaks: Being a mostly straightforward Warrior who openly defies the Aldmeri Dominion and the Empire. Empire: being a soldier who is willing to make the hard decision to pretend to be a puppet of the Dominion while covertly as possible consolidating power in order to free itself from the Dominion and in turn Skyrim and other provinces taken over.
Only the thing is if ulfirc wins the thalmor can invade much easier and inslave all nords
Ulfric wasn’t even alive in the third era, wtf are you smoking
I mean one a bunch of racest tho…
Also, Skyrim belongs to the Nords
What I don’t get is we have literally proof of Talos even before skyrim and stuff…. High Elves are just butt hurt.
What happened to worshipping the old gods?
Damn the mongrel dogs of the empire
STORMCLOAKS all the way.
Got source for the redhair nord?
When you realise the aldmerie where using the stormcloaks to destabilise the empire to make it easier to conquer and when you realise that the elves where there trying to release Ulfric it seems that the stormcloaks may have just been elven puppets
Funniest thing yet is there “Nordic god” talos is an imperial
Honestly I’m for, and always been for the rebellion, not the racial tendencies they have (I play as an argonian for all my non magic playthroughs) but for following Talos, and that the empire tried chopping off my head 10 mins into the game
Arguably the best civil war in modern fiction
I want an entire series now. With epic filming, will they-won’t they survival moments, someone getting eaten by a dragon while he tells us all that’s it’s just life and a cute bit at the end.
“Death to the false emperor!”
Ulfrik is still a racist a***hole.
Man if it wasn’t for the extreme xenophobia, their civil war would ensure total thalmor victory in tamriel and the fact theyd exile innocent people just for not being a nord i would be fine with them because i respect the cause of establishing true freedom but whenever i play i cant side with them knowing these things would happen
Wait! Talos is not an Aedra! He is an artificial god made in the 3th Era.
For the Empire! A divided Skyrim only makes us weaker. The Empire will one day drive out the Dominion.
Why the AC music???
I’m just going to leave it out here. For being such “racists”, the stormcloaks are the only ones who actually accepted dark elf refugees in skyrim, despite their races being literal rivals, with the dark elves being too expansive and the nords being too aggressive.
Like, Windhelm is legit thr only city with the most number of dark elves in Skyrim, think about that. Its like if a neo nazi territory is the only one allowing indians to stay in their lands while liberal areas reject them.
Founded by Ulfric in the 3rd Era? I had no idea that Ulfric was over 200 years old.
Beautiful video, subbed and liked
Btw, I would like to add in favor of the storm cloaks cause that there is no better example than being free than the red guards fending off the Aldmeri dominion from their land and remaining free after the Empire lost
Besides, Talos founded the empire, that’s an insult directly to their honor and history, that’s a valid reason
Why do all these AIs say 3rd Era
For the khajiit always a like
“The Elder Scrolls 6: The Dark Brotherhood’s Creed.” 🤔
I’m officially making this the plot of TES 6 in my head canon (because Im sick of waiting and I think an AC+TES crossover sounds dope).🤷😜😂
I sided with the Stormcloaks every time because I want to kill the dude that wants to behead my character without even a simple trial and was regarded as a simple “collateral damage”.
Of course, I did not spare any of the RACISTS in Windhelm that wanted to “visit” the Dark Elves homes in the middle of the night…
Except the Stormcloqks are a slightly darker shade of gray when you get right down to it.
Is that David Attenborough AI????
Does the “Being funded by the Aldmeri Dominion” actually count as a rumor that is spread? I don’t recall ever hearing about it unless you specifically find the documents that suggest Ulfric has ties to them.
Honestly, it makes way more sense that it’s objectively true. When you think about it, it’s not the sort of rumor that would actually hurt the Stormcloaks or help the Empire. Nobody predisposed to desire Nord independence would swap support to the Empire if they found out.
And no matter how much support the Stormcloaks might appear to have, they’re objectively the underdogs, ao it makes sense that they’d take whatever support they could get
Edit: It also makes sense from the perspective of the Aldmeri Dominion. They keep the Civil War going for as long as possible, keeping the humans occupied with each other, allowing the Thalmor to further consolidate power. The fact that it boils down to making the Thalmor even more the objective bad guys is what makes it believeable
Now this is the correct way to explain while also remaining professional and neutral.
Not third era though, or is it?
What’s with the assassins creed music?
4th era
Bunch of idiots. I wouldn’t mind if the Dominion take over Skyrim. Better that way, the Nord will probably become more of a liability than a useful ally.
no grey area. one side is definitely worse. the empire doesnt stand a chance in hell during the time the game takes place so they try and regain their strength while keeping their head down. the stormcloaks are racist, shortsighted and utterly misguided morons that dont understand that driving the empire out of skyrim would leave them as nothing more than just that, a militia standing against a massively overpowered faction such as the aldmeri dominion. thats like pitting the embershard mine bandits against a level 50 dragonborn. nothing short of idiotic. empire > stormcloaks.
“But the stormcloaks are racist!” People will say as if the Imperials aren’t oppressive toward anyone and everyone. I play as an elf, but honestly I still prefer to fight as a stormcloak with a cause they believe in, then the people who tried to have me killed at the start of the game.
I like this stuff
Stormcloaks be acting like ulfric isnt a lowkey thalmor agent. They be acting like imperials werent giving their lives to save everyone from the thalnazis. They be acting like there werent nords in the imperial army fighting against the altmer who wanted the king to sign the white gold concordat to atleast stop the meat grinder. They be acting like there werent any nord advisors to the king who wanted to sign the treaty as well.