Using Mehrunes’ Razor for the first time in Skyrim #shorts #skyrim
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コメント (660)
I got this and a dagger that staggered the enemy every hit/ you can also you frost rend and literally ass blast everything
If only the dagger was actually like this 😂😂
You know I always found I goofy that the sheath was considered a piece of Mehrunes Razer but now… understood
Until it runs out after 5 kills
In actuality: *never procs enchantment *
But only 67 damage….(with silver blood ring 100 in smithing and enchanted gloves for 20% improvement in smithing)
Guaranteed to never work until you fight alduin and ruin the fight by instakilling him first swing
I hated that thing, follower dead. Hey, my friend, what’s up? in battle dead wtf
Dude. This is me in red dead. Even with bare hands. Game has me saving constantly. 😔
To this day I still haven’t gotten that 1% chance to instant kill
The guards death is fuckin perfect man. You really be putting your all in to these videos
Oups 🤭
The death spin was on point
Accidentally cuts leg
Fam it has a 1% chance of happening
Finally one of those kids died bruh
I once used the razor to kill the karstagg
My favorite Skyrim weapon.
I have almost 2000 hours into Skyrim, and I’ve never gotten that instakill effect to trigger. I must be cursed…
Then you go into combat thinking ur about to destroy everyone then it never does the affect
The death fallings and landings you do is perfectly Skyrim!
I’m glad he disclosed this was skyrim because I only remember mehrunes razor in oblivion, and I remember not being impressed by it. Still have yet to play skyrim. Afraid I’ll fall in and never come out.
That shit has literally never worked for me. As soon as I give it to my characters wife she one shots a dragon. I almost wanted it back lol.
Keep it for the ebonite warrior
The sheath was the first to die
Dragon born spamming quicksave and quickload phasing through time to get a 3% chance to proc
Dude must have some really good luck since it’s a low chance to insta kill
That imitation of the death animation where they do a stupid nonsensical spin was perfect.
Mehrunes Razor gets absolutely nuts if you are playing a stealth dagger build. Even if you don’t get the insta kill effect x15 stealth bonus is nuts.
Yeah it’s a rare chance that it instantly kills
That’s the Jarls son😂every time he says that I just stop look at him and say “do you know how many times I have stormed this castle and made your dad my bitch”💀
Also mothers: where are my grandkids? All your friends have kids.
Me: well if all my friends jumped of a cliff?
I one shot Alduin with the Razor and thought my game was glitched
Kid just hard jinxed himself.
I love Skyrim but sorry your a grown ass man. You make way to many of these videos playing dress up in the woods or ur back yard. I’d hope ur at least getting paid. If not. Grow up
Ay bro you gotta tell me where you got that armor for my quest to kill the king of dragons
I never saw the effect once 😂
the weapon is so powerful it killed the unkillable
*”a child”*
I remember I put Mehrunes’ razor in my dagger display case in the house in Windhelm, I went back after a while and I couldn’t get it out. It was bugged 🙁
Me stabbing a dragon with that dagger over 2000 times & the dragon still has over 75% of its HP: WITCHCRAFT! WITCHERY! TEACH ME YOUR WAYS!
It always seems to work when you dont want it to
Kill braith
mine basically didn’t work 😅
I never got it to work lol, I always ended up losing to a Drauger Overlord before I could really use it
I remember using this against Alduin. Gave him a little tap once and the guy just straight up died. Easiest boss fight ever
isn’t Mehrunes’ razor only a 3 percent chance? this doesn’t make sense
When ever I use it I never get its effect
Muh n’wa 😎
I love that dagger, I usually get the insta-kill effect pretty frequently
Okay so how does one activate the razors ability because I’ve been using it nonstop to beat the shit out of everything and it’s instakill hasn’t activated ONCE
Not for me the effect barely activates
You can get two if you max out the pickpocket before you get it from the story event
That skyrim child killer mod was so good. Fucking shit talkin little turds can catch a fus roh all day, now, “go get your daddy now, zombie, I’ll wait.”
The death spirals 😫
But it’s great for thieves guild or nightengale quests
It’s worth it when the enchantment actually works
My only wish was that it was actually useful and didn’t only have a 1% chance to instant kill
If it’s 1% then hitting your opponents 100 times would guaranteed you an insta-kill ?
Really should, lol
Well, their souls now belong to lord Dagon now
That’s braith
I don’t remember that thing being any good, I didn’t find any daedric artefact to be of much use, am I just using them wrongly?
Bruh this effect never worked in vanilla for me
I dropped that fighting a dragr death lord in a dungeon. Sad day
Windshear and Wabbajack is way op than mehrunes razor
Bro finna get a bounty of 100000 and be wanted in every castle and town
Did he just walk up and call him an N’wah!?
Bro got that good luck
You can glitch this enchantment onto other weapons using the enchanting table equip glitch. Combine said glitch with a random enchantment mod and a wooden sword named “Sticky” that basically rolls a d20 will never be not fun
Never worked for me
The only way to kill children is through instakill similar to essential npcs
No lie, Mehran razor is stromg as fuck, i remember one shotting a dragon preist right as i was about to die to him
Okay now hear me out…. an army of immortal children soldiers
Whenever some random ass dragon thinks to fight me when I’m farming ingredients this baby gets pulled out
The death sounds of the first guy a perfect
Until you actually want to kill somebody
I used that dagger, for 20 irl hours, It never worked…
Mine is glitched out in one hits every time
Untill you fight someone 😅
When you turn off child immortality
If only mehrunes razor could kill the unkillable
Ive never had an insta kill with that in the game.
10% chance to insta kill humanoid
If you drop the dagger, thats how Oblivion starts
Bro assembled the razor without the sheath
I sat and hit a dragon with that thing hundreds of times. Never worked, forgot about it for months. Pulled it out again insta killed a daedra
Kids in Bethesda games talk so reckless
Have it om display in my house and I’m rocking knightengale armor too
I get rid of it every time. 1% chance to kill isn’t worth the crap damage output.
Where did you get that from?
Whaddup N’wah
You absolutely NAILED those death animations
I remember a playthrough where I fought alduin after everything else and one shotted him with the razor. The game broke for 5 minutes
Had my first fight with Alduin ended after about ten seconds because of that dagger. I was in tears from laughing when I figured out what happened
No cap i actually have a 1:1 raplica of the mehrunes razor
Its in Dawnstar. Right side of port, in the museum at the end
But when your in a fight, the instakill effect doesn’t ever work
Spinning death animation was on point
more like it never happens, at least not when you want it to.
I wish I had been recording when I played this game the first time, just for memes I decided to bring this dagger to the Alduin fight, and it procced the instakill first hit…
That death animation was fire.
What playing Skyrim in vr is like
“Hey Braith! Come look at this sharp shiny thing I found!”
Idk if I was the only one but I would have to hit an enemy 30 frickin times for the instakill
“Who’s stronger now?” 😂
I had never really considered why the daggers sheath was such an important item in the quest to repair the Razor until now lmao
“How my parents raised there children”
Anime protagonist in real life trying to store their weapons be like.
I wish it worked that frequently😂
Pair that shit with invisibility spells
If ONLY it was this good lol… Still my favourite weapon tho and i want that prop
Roflmfao awesome videos
The spin death from the guard is on-point
Bro i wasted my time getting this thing, u put it in a freaking dagger rack and it wouldn’t allow me to take it out😤
Except for the percentage is low😢
The dagger has an instant-kill effect? I’ve never seen it lol.
I got the insta-kill oneshot on a dragon, felt like a god of death.
I’ve been beating Tonilia for over an hour with Mehrune’s razor, from one-handed level 75 to 89, ILL GET TO 100 OFF HER BITCHASS!!! because she Glitched and won’t give me the “”One with the Shadows”” Achievement despite Taking EIGHT FUCKING HOURS RETURNING THE THIEVES GUILD TO ITS FORMER GLORY!!! 😡🤬👹👿
It would be cool if that instant kill effect effected even essential NPCs
Skyrim: here’s a new update another boss. The new boss a child
Every player; Shit
Every time I used it, it didn’t instant kill
Man you must be lucky I have only had the actual effect only happen a couple times 🤣bro just took the whole fam out on accident 🤣
“…hey Nazeem, come here real quick”
*you hit the ebony warrior and it reflects on you*
You can’t say that! It’s their word!
Time to rule skyrim
The way the first guy fell was 1:1 copy of skyrim 😂
It’s the weapon I get for almost every character but have never used more then once since the first time I got it
Lmao the first guy dying I can’t fucking breath the way he falls at first 😂😂😂
Bro got the infinite sword glitch
It never worked for me
Man I wish luck was a stat in elderscrolls
The skyrim default death twist animation lol subbed
then a legendary dragon lands and the enchantment refuses to work
That death spiral was on point
The kids of skyrim are annoying granted I apoted sofie and Lucia and I treat them good
Pro tip: N’wah is pronounced “nuh-wah”. Imagine the Apostrophe isn’t there and pronounce it like that.
Everyones done tried to kill a kid on Skyrim cuz they’re fucking annoying
Right before I watched this I was playing Skyrim and found it-
the ragdoll lmfaoo
Worst daedric artifact
knowing my luck: The corpse of the guard would attempt to arrest me.
What’s up Dragonborn, how you doin N’wah! Hahahah gold
It only has a small chance to install kill I died more tryna use that then I do just dual welding two op weapons
What it do my n’wah
Where to find this 🥺
This is misinformation, the dagger is more likely to kill Nazeem 300 times from base damage before getting the actual instant kill effect off. That 0.03% ain’t doing shit
Yeah i would’ve loved to have this feeling sadly i killed the guy who gives the guest so i never got it i can still get it since o downloaded a mod where i can craft any deadric artifact so might craft it idk
Dude that Maximus Gladiator helmet was badass. I’ve wanted one of those since the movie came out.
I’ll bever forget when I was fighting Alduin at the end of the main quest and Mehrune’s razor just insta-killed him on the first bout. I was so confused.
I need a skyrim playthrough!
Did you just slay maximus? 😂
That ragdoll and spinning animation are on fuckin point man.
You killed Maximus Decimus Meridius
I think this effect has activated a total of 4 times in all my time of playing Skyrim
The spinning death animation lol
I had stop using it cause I killed a companion a couple times on accident, usually hitting them once or twice is no biggie but uh the razor don’t care it’ll straight up unalive anyone
Bruv really just pulled the N’Wah card
It comes with a sheath
This too true even down to the kid walking up to you and saying his dad could fold you🤣
All I thought was “stop there milk drinkerr you murdered that person there” o.o
Bro got that MF DOOM mask
Shadow Dagger money gang, we love casting illusion
Funny story. I was having issues with this dark mage in a barrow, as soon as I crossed the threshold of the room he would summon a bunch of shades and they would kill me before I even got to the mage. I had to figure out the fastest way to kill him and I settled on using the whirlwind sprint shout and the Razor. So I rushed his ass and prayed Dagon for the insta kill. Fuckin got ‘‘em on the second swing.
Lmaooo I gotta find the sheath for this thing before it gets worse
I find the razor’s ability rarely triggers.
Still mad asf mine glitched into a dagger case and I can’t use it now🤬
The effect has a very little chance of activating.
My favorite weapon
I love how the enchantment just makes it act how a weapon should act
My first use of the Razor was on a dragon in front of a Word Wall on top of a tower. Brotherhood gloves, sneak perks maxed, Tovald’s Lucky Dagger and the Razor equipped, and poisoned.
Quick Save.
One ignoble death later and a quick load, watching a dragon crash.
“Stop right there brudda” made me laugh more than it should 😂
well this would be cool, but the chance of it one hitting someone is like 1 in a million
I’ve used this many times and never got the instant kill effect.
This was great. Well done.
I accidentally sold the fucking blade and I’m pissed
*last witness murdered*
*100 bounty removed from whiterun*
The dramatic death fall is too accurate 😂
I started a playthrough where I was going to use just this as my weapon but the insta death thing worked like twice once on a wolf the other on a bandit never when I needed it
Everytime I am fighting a boss it just one shots them like when you fight the 3 dragons for the dawn guard it one shot both of them
Where’d you get the nightingale armor also good video
It do be hella sensitive. Just saying 😆
No should have posted the truth the first time you get the blade and try to kill a giant in the first four swings basically do nothing and you still get clubbed into the stratosphere
Even though it only has a chance to insta kill its still OP as shit lol.
The weapon almost never works until a Dragon appears and the dragon dies in 1 hit
The first time the insta-kill effect happened to me I was fighting a dragon and was very confused (until I read what it does)
I got so disappointed by the merunes razor that I just glitched some alchemy potions to make the one punch fork, killing everything in one hit, lol
Try dual wielding it with valdr’s lucky dagger.
“One of the kind” before you dupe it
what kind of gladiator helm is that?!?!? that’s the ultimate MF Doom Mask
I have never had that effect activate for me I’m convinced it’s just a troll
RIP that guy who didnt install the childkilling mod
“My weak, childish heart!” Killed me😂
It really was insanely potent. Especially when you duped it and duel wielded them.
I could never get the instant kill lol
You have to do the save hit load repeat in whiterun at Belethors shop😂 or when you create 300 daggers to get smithing up
Me using it for a whole game: this effect is really hard to get
Me fighting alduin: wtf happened
Bros got the sword equivalent to trigger finger
someone, please get their redguard.
I used that on the event warrior and regretted it
The waffle house has found it’s new
Small chance to instantly kill.
It’s does insta kill everybody
Ok dont take this out of context but i very desperately wish that the children were able to be killed.
I met that one girl who is just a complete betch and tried to murder her but she was immortal and it made me very mad.
Skyrim vr be like
“Yo sup, how you doin N’wha’d” 💀
N’wha needs to become a thing. So much better than whatever slang Gen Z coming up with these days.
This guy restarted that urge to play skyrim for like 2 months and have the best time while playing it
lies it never activates that much
I thought the thing was dumb when it said it was a small chance to instantly kill but then I actually used it and that became my go to dark brotherhood weapon
5% chance of insta-kill
Better find Nazeem first
Bruh I had that thing for like 12 hours of gaming and never got an insta kill
I never touched that thing besides putting it in a display case
Fun fact you use telekinesis and throw the dagger and sometimes get an instakill that way 😂😂
P.s. he even threw the ridiculous ass rag doll they do when you kill them 😭
I bet I’d be funny to mention the 40 dollar chicken killing fee😂😂
So it is like Occam’s razor, but for people?
It barley activates the 1 hit kill
Sup mah N’wah’s
A more realistic video would be you hitting them 50 times until you get the instant kill effect
I collected all those items for the razor before the quest started and yes I broke into some random guys house
Fun fact for how the insta-kill probability works. On hit, it chooses a number from 0 to 100 and on a 1 or lower the insta-kill is triggered. 0 is a possible number for it choose though which means 0 or 1 will trigger a kill so there is a 2/101 or 1.98% chance for the insta-kill to activate.
Merunes really talked our heads up with getting that weak ass sheet metal. Low chance for insta kill when majority of my weapons are already on that 100%
I’m guessing n’wah is like the n word for dark elves. Yes I just started playing Skyrim 💀
bruh that 1% happens more than you’d think it happens so much for me w dragons its great
If it just would work like that and not only 1% for a damn soul charge making my own enchanted gear more godlike except for the effect.
Damn you got the insta kill more times in this video than I did my whole playthrough haha
Mine never instas
I was leveling up my one handed skill with a dagger on shadowmere when he instantly died then I realized what dagger I was using. I felt so stupid.
“You get to th-
Really would love to see a series of the first guy who died just being all chill and shit while the dragon born does his thing
Mehrunes razor is pretty handy when combod with astrids dagger.
I wish it worked like that
The death spin tho😂
I think it’s maybe only worked 1 out of 50 times in all 6000 hours I have in the game lol
*pats alduin on the head with it*
If only you could kill the kids lol and wife 😂
“Stop right there, murderer”
*Rap Snitches starts playing*
What would happen if you touched it
Was always disappointed you couldn’t kill the kids in the game skyrim.
He just killed mf doom 😧
We all know it realistically never works 😂
That song hits so hard for me even after 5 years…
Damn, he killed MF DOOM 😮
This and Elemental Fury are good.
Bounty is now a 100000000
Bounty is now 5
I’ve killed alduin with this razor
Pft yeah you are never rolling 3 1% rolls
This is why I keep it in a display case. I would accidentally kill so many people. 😂
me: (laughs in maxed out sneak + 30 times backstab damage)
It not instakilling until every like 30-45 hits
Since merganser Dagon is the daedric god of revolution destruction and lower class you could make so one you join the stormcloaks rebellion mehurnes dagge has a 2 percent instant kill on imperial soldiers if you where beggars clothes it becomes a 4 percent chance against anyone higher class then you and a five percent chance on nobles while part of the stormcloak rebellion wearing beggars clothes and because he’s a god of destruction maybe a minor flame or lightning effect I know that seems like a lot but it’s only stupidly overpowered under very very specific conditions the opposite could be done if you join the imperial
I know it says its a percent chance of activating but in my personal experience…
Is that the helmet from gladiator?
Fights dragon: slowly beats it to death.
Fights goat: insta-death.
Was waiting for the
“Ill fight anyone, BOYS, DOGS, ELDERS… UGH”
Man that was funny! You are awesome man 😄
You wish to test your mettle? Come at me I have a fork with a fire enchantment.
So lucky for all those to be the insta it’s chance to insta is less than 2 percent
A 1% chance to instakill with otherwise mediocre base damage? Nah. I’ll craft a weapon that’ll do it in a coupla hits, tops, guaranteed. =9[.]9=
After mabye 50 slashes it works
That spin!
i love n’wahs
IMO the punchline should have had more to do with the fact you can’t kill children, so technically the kid is immune. 🙂
3 insta kills back to back yeeesh I wish mines did that I have never gotten 1
Jokes aside, the outfit and blade are amazing looking, brilliant video as well, especially the child killing. He’s a god among men
Nah this after the potion of restoration loop lmao
The bit of following ragdoll Skyrim physics. XD
Meanwhile, the one dude who combines the razor with the windshear:
*You challenge me, Mortal? A GOD OF OLYMPUS?!*
I’ve only really used it once on a dragon cos well that thing can take so many hits that well the chance the effect can proc there is higher, tho still better to use actual weapons
This video is false advertising, everyone knows even the legendary Mehruhes razor can’t defeat even the weakest of skyrims children😤
Before some patches The Dagger actually could kill anything with the insta kill chance
I love how you snuck in the MF DOOM mask 😂😂
Except children in Skyrim are invincible. LOL
I really gotta find the sheath for this thing
This is the content I come to Youtube for
And that’s why I love that weapon so much
Bro earned another sub. Been in my feed with the fallout and Skyrim vids. Absolutely amazing comedic reenactments
I’m using that dagger right now and this is exactly what it’s like. hilarious 😂
Lol nah that n’wah really got me
It worked insanely well for me, at least 1/3. I realize i must’ve been pretty lucky
Its small percentage but i guess todd forgor to put that in and made it 100%
Except the odds of it happening 3 times in a row are the same as doing a 100% playtrough without encountering any bugs (in vanilla)
For that to happen it would have to ever trigger
Thats the only 3 kills you’re getting outta that. I used that blade a few times and only got a insta kill maybe like twice
Damn 3 straight hits on 2%
The death animation on the first guy 😂😂😂😂😂😂😭💀
That thing literally never activates except on bandits and wolves
Skyrim 1.0 my first playthrough, I never got the razor to kill anything, until I charged the final boss. Let’s just say the fight was very anticlimactic.
Fun fact, mazruns dagger DOES work on alduin
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 😂 😄 😆 🤣
The blade does what? I don’t remember that.
I always thought that sword sucked
That would make an interesting quest.
The ebony warrior walks up to the dragon born touches it and you die, get that thing in its scabbard real quick!
Fucked up how you killed mf doom like that though 😢
I love those goofy ragdolls
Mans really said I need to find the sheath before this gets worse god damn in dying.
The 360 death had me dying
Kid: another wanderer here to lick my father’s boots
Me: are you essential? ( raises mehrune’s razor) lets find out…
Yo my N’wah, very quick n subtle but that was everything in this video.
Nah, that kid would have been fine. Kids are invincible for some reason. 🤷🏻♂️
The way you died first time arm in the air like that… Got me giggling my arse off 🤣🤣
That’s a funny looking bow and arrow fired from the crouched position.
he is wearing the nightingale armor
My man, just grab some spare dragon skin and some tape and make a makeshift sheath
Then it doesn’t proc while fighting a legendary dragon lmao
It was so OP in oblivion
The spin 😂
Lol I’d rather steal their souls with shadowrend
Imagine using Mehrune’s Razor to peel potatoes and you accidentally nick yourself.
Skyrim story! So I have found children to be very annoying, but you can’t… silence them. So I was fed up one day in Whiterun. I found this kid’s house, killed and looted his parents, and just waited for someone to give the kid an adoption notice until he had to leave. Only thing was I felt too guilty, so I reloaded the save and looted the house instead.
ahh… memories, my first ever main quest playthrough, i used this thing, and oneshoted Alduin at the last quest… and cuz chance is so low, by that point i totally forgot it can happen xD
You forgot the part where a guard comes to arrest you for accidentally killing the first guy then stabbing the guard 600x only for the effect to never work.
Bullshit we all know that thing triggers once a playthrough
And then you gotta spend the rest of the time pulling the longest hit combos just to get it to pop off again
That first rag doll was on point.
I use that razor as my main and I’ve used it so long but I don’t know if I’ve even activated the effect yet😭
“Hey Nazeem! Take a look at this dagger, wanna hold it!?”
A weapon to surpass Metal Gear if it can take out Bethesda children
Where did you get the nightingale outfit from and the mehrunes razor?!!!
You must’ve used up all your luck to get all those insta-kills 💀
Stop right there criminal scum you have violated my mother
He killed mf doom
Where did you get that?
Too bad it pretty much never activates
I love these videos
I just got this lol and it is awesome!
The death animations are spot on lmao.
My name is maximus decimus merUGHHH!!!!!
I never thought the razor would be so good because of it’s damage but that 2% while dual wielding with another dagger that is good actually makes it stupid good. Was one shotting dragons in seconds
Where did you get that Nightingale armour?
the only time it worked for me is when I hit Aela on the werewolf quest, had to reload an autosave that was 30 min ago
*Hits with Mehrunes’ Razor
“Hey that tickles”
*Hits a few more times
3% of the time it works everytime
That second guy: MFDOOM
Yo the way the guard died and fell, easter eggs are everywhere
except todd made kids unkillable
I found got the razor before I knew about it and just decided to finish the game with it. I three shot alduin lmao
Now I gotta look for a mod that’ll put the MF DOOM helmet in my game.
It never worked for me and I had played Skyrim with only a one handed the whole way through.
You look like Tafery from mtg
Your MF doom masks are dope af
since you have to ritually kill someone to obtain the Dagger in the first Place:
killing strangers shouldn’t be such a big Deal anyway
To be fair, the Dragonborn in this video looked high enough lvl to one shot those npcs anyway.
i remember feeling so hyped to fight that evil snow elf guy and my first slice was an instant kill
It’s the death sounds for me
It’s been a long time but I found that dagger and killed the dragon on top of the mountain above the elders you have to visit
Why yhe razor so large its a dagger not a sword
Bro is the luckiest/unluckiest guy ever it’s a 1 in 1 chance or something
Dawg he killed MF DOOM
I can’t think of a single time I killed with that razor.
Skipped the part where the kid keeps coming back to kick your ass cuz you cant kill him
Anyone else expecting it to not work on the guard or kid? This the luckiest dovahkiin ive ever heard of
Only if it actually worked that many times in a row😅🤣
I’ll always remember seeing someone kill alduin in one hit with that thing
Where did you by the Nightingale armour and Mehrunes dagger??
He killed MF DOOM 😭
I love Mehrune’s Razor, too bad it doesn’t proc that much.
I dual-wielded this thing with some weapon that leeched enemy health, and just went blender on anything I crossed paths with. Doesn’t matter how much health they have when odds are in my side.
Then you hit an actual enemy and it doesn’t do anything
I’m so glad that every skyrim youtuber can justify my hatred of skyrims children
I wish you could one shot the annoying red dressed shit in whiterun
Dude I love the quest line for that weapon more then the weapon the chance for it to insta kill is just so insanely low but it’s cool for assassin builds I’d combo it with the blade of woe
Best memes,nailed game perfectly 😀
That weapon has never insta killed anyone. Let’s be real
I would be careful resheathing it.
I must know where you got your nightingale armor. I need a lady version of it.
I hit someone like 30 times and it didn’t workkkkk
Man I love that dagger
Ah mehrunes razor the dagger that instakilled a dragon for me once and never worked again
Isn’t it a rare chance to insta kill of yes that guys the luckiest man alive
I was convinced the effect wasn’t working or needed a soul gem or something for a solid hour the first time I used it, eventually someone just dropped dead and I remembered I still had it equipped
The chances of that happening are so incredibly low that if this did happen it would be astonishing.
Just got it today 💀
In my experience, this thing only ever instakilled my allies and only ever nicked my enemies like I do myself when I’m shaving
Thats my favorite weapon in skyrim, so much fun to use
Bounty increased to 2,000
This shit is flipping hilarious 😂 LOL
You playing In VR? Haha
I was just thinking about how my high school friends all said the razor was the worst weapon and the ebony blade was a million times better
Someone has a mod installed…
Thought you had the mf doom mask on 💀
me walking up with the staff of jabberwock 🐔 🪙 🐐
Imagine Skyrim AE with Oblivion AI.
The nightingale armor is so cool.
Wasn’t the dagger smaller in the game? This looks huge!
You put alot of work into these and i hope it pays off because its fucking gold.
Ok I only have 1 single question
Mehrunes’ Razor: Decimates anything that touches it
Meanwhile the Dragonborne: *Grabs end of blade and throws it on a sharpening stone*
The guards ragdoll literally sent me back in time bruh
Still can’t beat my maria though
funfact the ebony worrier can deflect bloch (heavy armor perk) means u kill urself
If only the chance was that high. The low chance for the enchantment makes the razor rather trash
Is this a Skyrim VR reference?
Luckiest Dragonborn ever😂
Insta-Kill proc’ed three times in a row? I don’t think I’ve seen it proc more than thirty times in all the years I’ve played it💀
guy won the razor lottery. I think I might’ve insta killed a mudcrab once with it
I still have yet to get that stupid effect to proc and I’ve been playing skyrim since I was 10 😭
Lies, effect worked in 19% of cases
“What’s good my n’wahs.”
The spin on death was🤌
The death spin!!!
Omg where did you get that outfit I’d kill for it
could have been the loose shards, you get the sheathe when dagon reforms the blade
This + windshear = god mode
Nice Cosplay!
I LOVE your armor!!
If only it worked on kids, those little Skyrim brats are just asking for it
I’ve been playing Skyrim since 2011 and have only had the instakill work less than 10 times
“How you doing n’wah”
Alright he deserved it at that point
I forget where I put that dagger I think I sold it
I loved combing this weapon with my conjuring. dremora lord in one hand and mehrunes dagger in the other. I have body guards and a random chance to one shot anything. it procked on alduin funnily enough
🤣😭☠️. The Killable Children mod ded me.
N’wah nice one boutta sub
I accidentally improved Mehrunes Dagger to 2500 damage. Now the insta-kill effect always happens
Unfortunately the kids the only ones immune to mehrunes razor🤣🤣
That death spin effect was TOO FUNNY
Bro just killed MF Doom
How lucky. The 2% is in your favor
Nightingale drip go hard respectfully 🥶
First weapon I go for, soon as I leave helgen(ik you don’t get the quest till level 18, but I leave that cave with sneak 100)😂
I wish there was a mod for children to die
Dragonbone war hammer go brrrrr
Lagmfao i remember all the times in Bethesda games I remember hitting the wrong button and having to run and pay off my bounty
Even a kid who’s played by a grown man has to be censored when killed
If you use the alchemy/enchanting cheat you can make a smithing armor or ring that fortifys smithing so every weapon you improve has so much damage every hit with mehrunes dagger is one hit. Also don’t forget the sneak peek that allows dagger sneak attacks to do 15x damage
One of a kill
Ebony warrior: You can’t defeat me.
Me: No, but he can.
Mehrune’s Razor: *doom music plays*
Imagine just bumping into people with that dagger out:
Killing the kid is the real flex.
Mehrunes razor never worked for me 😭
whenever i know i have no chance of killing whatever im fighting, i always draw the razor and throw down my chips.
“Quick, let’s go find Braith!”
Let Nazeem touch it first
That stuff arm when he dies lmao
if it were by lore:
but if it were by gameplay?: death by 1 thousand papercuts.
Bro even got the nightingale armor
Absolutely love this
Please read at least three books of the Bible. Genesis Mathew and one you chose yourself. Jesus Christ is lord. The teaching he gave us reveal important truths about this universe as you genuinely do them. It all starts in the heart. Forgiveness is key. Parents are easiest, they’ve loved you, but they’re also have extremely important spiritual significance. Working though your issues with them as an adult is crucial. To be forgiven we must forgive. Doing the hard inner work that Jesus Christ taught shows God that you have genuinely taken his lessons to heart. Please trust me. Break down before Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness.
The Bible is truth.
Jesus Christ is the way truth and life’
*inputs kid killing mod*
Dragonborn sharpening the blade, knicks his/her finger shit
The insta kill is so goddamn rare that it isn’t worth using
DOOMs mask mad respect o7
He freaking had the level up sound 🤣🤣
Is it just me or did that helmet remind anyone else of MF DOOM?
Nice, but I like the Blade of Woe.
I never get it to work
I got the “kill children mod” annoying little shits finaly get what’s commin
that dagger sucks. I’ve fought whole dragons without that effect working, and death lords without it even Trying to work. idk what kind of weird knife welding rogue builds y’all are making but that enchantment almost never even attempts to work when I hold the thing
I once was watching my mother use this dagger and this dragon swooped down the mountain path at him.
He swung and the dagger went down the belly of it and it instantly died, colliding into the mountain path
Now…….pair it with maxed out One-Handed & Sneak. Then max out perks; Backstab, Assassin’s Blade & Armsman
Dumb thing for me is it’s never works
On the original xbox 360 version, I somehow kinda procced the instakill on alduin and ruined the entire fight
The sheath died a long time ago..
Lol n’wah was perfect.
And you look so much like Russel Crowe with the Maximus mask it’s ridiculous lol.
That sht ain’t work fo me tho
Inb4 the ebony warrior reflects the instakill effect
That dagger never worked for me…
There is a way with this razor you can get 100% insta kill I forget how
I like how in the game, the effect triggers a few milliseconds after you struck them. So, you’ll hit them, a moment passes by (the attack animation finishes) and suddenly they give out a death cry and ragdoll over. It’s hilarious at times.
That thing actually did something, i threw that garbage in a chest in fuck knows where
the spin bro XD
I love mehrunes dagger. I mai ed it all the time. Best moments is when u one shot a dragon on legendary. Worst moment is when the effect dont activate soon so it basically a dragon with one foot in the grave on legendary.
I just beat that quest and wish I’d gotten it sooner
Lol the last should always be fair game. I hate that they’re invincible.
Windlass and mehrunes dagon are both kinda lame so I avoid them separately. Put them together and nothing can touch you
Let’s be honest that annoying ass girl in whiterun deserves it
The best part for me is right now I’m actually collecting the pieces of this in Skyrim
This at the beginning is exactly how playing vr skyrim felt, when i had a weapon out, move wrong and oops now I have a swarm of npcs after me
I just upgraded mine high enough to insta kill, I don’t know if the enchantment works it’s never really worked for me 🤷🏾♂️
TIL MF DOOM’s mask was based off a helmet from the movie, gladiator
How much did you pay for that nightingale armor, or did you make it?
My first thought when I saw the gladiator mask was that it was an MF DOOM mask and idk how to feel about that
I really like your stuff man.
I wish it worked that way😮💨
pro tip for new skyrim players use it in your left hand with a strong base weapon in the other do a duel wielding power attack the speed is based on your left handed weapon now you have a possible insta kill with something that does good dmg like a mace but its normally slow but attacking at the speed of 2 daggers
Where is this sword? I don’t remember it
I use it to kill enemies that are too strong.
The alduin battle glitched so he wasn’t faking damage so I jumped off the mountain, did the quest for this dagger, returned to whack him 3 times
Please tell me that actually works on the kids except for some I don’t want to kill
“damn my nose itchy”
*scratches nose with dagger*
#sounds of Dagon laughing in oblivion
I just keep watching it over and over I love it lol. The way the first guy dies Idk what about it is just funny to me lol. Seen ur videos pop up a bit the last few days so imma sub cuz I wanna see more of this lol.
I don’t think I’ve ever had the insta kill effect activate
Damn if it could DAMAGE a child that thing is godly
Not to mention the insta kill effect doesn’t work on most bosses like alduin and miraak 🤣
Yours works??
How do you get this sword
U killed mf doom
Bruh killed MF doom
Bro I only ever got the instant kill with it when a wolf came up honestly
Anybody else talking about the fact that the symbol on the armor looks like the BoS symbol form Fallout?
For some reason this weapon is bugged for me, first time using it it was literally just a normal dagger with no indication that it was failing the insta kill, it was only in the second playthrough on ps4 years after my first that it said the target was too strong for it.
I was thinking about forging a replica smaller sized one glad to see people interested in mehrunes razor I was worried it would be too niche
this is how I one-shot a dragon
Then it never happens ever EVER again
Edit: btw it’s never insta killed anyone for me ever so I hate that trash can of a weapon 😂
Where did u get the sword any way
I want one🫵
It actually did it for you? I thought it was a 1% chance to trigger?
Damn, really killed MF guard
The guard voice was on point lmao
He clearly has Killable Children installed
that weapon doesn’t have a very high percentage chance at insta-kill from what i remember its like 3%, meanwhile you can just do some bullshit alchemy exploit and craft busted smithing potions and make a dinner fork do enough damage to slay gods with merely by sharpening it.
If that was a real skyrim child it wouldn’t of done anything because children are immortal in skyrim XD
only if it actually works
When you’ve played so much Fallout, that you gain a 10 Luck stat irl
You just have a nightingale suit laying around!? Nice.
Honestly if that thing works more than five times in a 70 hour play through, its a miracle
The sheath is dead because it was poked by the sword.
alternative: fortify restoration loop
Bro I need that outfit that’s literally my favorite vanilla outfit
Dude i want some Nightingale armor wtf
Op against dragons and high health enemies
This dude so strong mf doom had to square up
How did oblivion mehrunes razor work? I never cared enough to get it but im curious
Dude, you could go full time with Bethesda game references. 💯
Going full Nightingale dual wielding the razor and blade of woe *chef’s kiss*
I have never once In I don’t know how many years triggered the damn things effect
Lol the guard looks like mf doom
Do a short showing off your closet
It’s more funny cause you can one tap dragons as well
Fake. Using mods.
I one hit an elder dragon with that b4 😂
Me: *it never insta kills anything.*
We need a mod that does this ware the instant kill effect is like 99% chance or something
how it feels to be in vr skyrim, the slightest movement triggers the fucking blade swing
I barely uses it, since I usualy play an assassin build with daggers and one-shot everything regardless.
It’s gonna have to be a master sheth
Skyrim VR with the PLANCK mod installed.
Is that an MF Doom mask I see? Or just regular Dr. Doom?
Love that spin death 😂😂😂
N’wah! 🤣🤣🤣
My weak childish heart lol
Damn bro, where’d you get that Nightingale drip? It looks amazing!
can’t believe you killed MF DOOM
Take his father Cinnamon roll!!
Yeah. It sounds awesome in effect but in reality it’s nope. I prefer wabajack with it’s percentage of turning people into sweet rolls.
bro the guards have good music taste
I think it’s funny that I know what that is :))
The spin death animation 💀
Skyrim VR be like:
The dragonborn killed mf doom smh
“My weak childish heart” 😹😹
Not the MF DOOM helmet, lmao
I accidentally killed alduin in one hit with this weapon. I was little and made a bad choice of weapon I just liked it cause it looked cool so I used it. I felt so robbed.
Isn’t it like a 2% chance? I’ve been playing Skyrim since it came out in 2011 and I have never had the insta death activate lol
Meanwhile I’ve only gotten the damn thing to work like three times
Kid not taking any damage
I’ve only had the insta kill effect happen once I was at the honeybrew island doing the thieves guild quest well I was spotted had to fight off the guards when I got attacked by an ancient dragon hit the dragon once and it just straight died and was like whew then I remembered the guards and was like oh crap
Weapon instantly kills a sleever, frostbite spider and wolf. But I could wail on a dragon for ten minutes and nothin.
If only the effect was this useful in game
I can only wish I had this luck with that fucking butter knife
Dog just killed MF DOOM
1 in 20 chance tho right?
This gentleman is authentic because he got the death spin right. Akatosh Bless Skyrim
I went to go fight ebony warrior only for the mehrunes razor to kill him in one hit on my first try so i restarted and went to fight him with another weapon and got crushed so i used the mehrunes razor again
I really don’t like how big that “dagger” is. Like no sir, that’s a flamboyant shortsword
“How you doin n’wah” I thought I was the only person who said and remembered the term n’wah. Subbing.
I killed alduin in 3 hits with this thing
I wish it did it that often
Is that an mf doom mask? (If it didn’t have the spikes it would be)
I have that exact helmet
But children are immortal in Skyrim
Wish it actually worked only had it happen twice
Fake news, you can’t kill children. I tried 😢
Mine was taken by an enemy with an enchantment that disarmed me. It pissed me off so much.
“yo you ain’t a Dunmer,here you need this.” * gives N’wah pass*
Still cant kill the children
Oh shit you killed MF doom how could you
Inaccurate, that dagger will never work on anything you actually want to kill
Yall ever duplicated it and just dual wielded it like maniacs till the enemy died
That 5% insta kill man.
Hell yea bro love the DOOM mask
Lol, I have never done that quest
I could never get it to use its effect… like never has for me, i dont understand it
Too bad it’s not guaranteed
“I sell rhymes like dimes
How dare you kill my mans DOOM like that
Last quicksave: 76 hours ago
bro that armor is the only thing I wore during my skyrim playthrough
He did NOT call me N’wah.
Skyrim in VR
I came here to see …MF DOOM
Making our days with this stuff
That’s how it was in oblivion
Max out stealth, all weapons are one hit kills
Midas touch but instead of turning things into gold it turns things into corpses 😂 did the grim reaper himself forge that blade?
Yo that’s a pretty common 2% chance
The instead kill chance for that weapon is so small you’re more likely to kill them with the base damage than the actual ability
Ah shit. Cut my fingeeeeaagh……..
I once ended a child’s family after he claimed his dad could beat me. I dragged the bodies to the middle of Solitude then robbed the family store.
Earned a sub for that ending tho lmao
Mf Doom
Not gonna lie, with that beard and helmet, the guard looked like MF DOOM
Yooooo where did this man get a full set of Nightingale armor and where can I get mine!?
i remember just getting the speed shout and a ton of armor and heath then just went ham trying to activste it as much as possible
Damn that’s lucky as hell for a 1% chance
*Kid touches weapon, starts to die.. five seconds later gets back up* Hey, you wanna play tag?
I dont like daggers in skyrim but.. the razor is the one thing in game that has my heart
It has come to my attention that I use this weapon as my stealth assassin weapon because it looks cool and the damage basically makes the effect useless
You nailed the goofy spinning death animation
Funny. I never get the insta-kill ;3;
I swear to god I went a whole play though one time doing all the dlc using that dagger for a good bit of it and not once during it did I ever actually see the effect.I’m sure there was one time or 2 where it worked but it was so little I forgot aboutbit
That- bro, is that handmade? I don’t think i ever seen something like that
I’m reality it’s 1.9%
My weak childish heart 😂 that got me
That 1% chance really putting in work😂
Na bro the ultimate killing machine is the spoon
That weapon never works lol
Bro that nightingale armor is the coolest thing i’ve ever seen!
Aw hell naw, this n’wah got that MF KRTS
since when?, I’ve fought dragons with that basic ass wooden dagger and have never got an insta kill
And when you actually need it it doesn’t work
holy shit, he actuly killed a child in skyrim! them motherfuckers be invincible.
Bro where you get that outfit I want to be a nightingale too
It worked for me once, I was fighting a dragon. Then the game bugged and I didn’t get the soul. I had to reload the only time it ever worked for me. Still the coolest looking dagger in the game.
“Your not so strong! I bet my dad will beat you!” **quicksave**
You can tell its staged bc he doesn’t tear into a bear for a full minute straight thinking it will instant kill
Bro the ragdoll is on point for the first guy, u know this guy is addicted 😂
I forgot about this effect and insta killed Alduin in my first playthrough. I thought it glitched and reloaded the fight to rematch honestly lol
That Nightingale costume is fuego sir!
hay can you clean my blade?
yo of cau…
I like you, you used my favorite fantasy slur.
Crazy how you have Mehrunes razor but don’t have the sheathe lol
You sir, earned yourself a sub!
Did you make all those!?
Also great video, the children deserve all of it
I wish bethesda either made the kids less annoying or let you kill them
I will always remember when Skyrim first came out, and a friend of mine was rocking this because of his dagger build. He got to Alduin, hit him once, and triggered the one in four chance for an instance to kill. He got so confused that Alduin died in one hit. 😂
Holy crap that nightingale outfit looks AWESOME
Shoutout to morrowind that has a greater chance for the instakill and more effects overall
The lore before skyrim was it could destroy and rebuild anything anyway like Cameron made himself able to wear the amulet of kingd
n’wah please
Wish it worked this much instead of the 1% chance of insta killing something
That first ragdoll was absolutely perfect. Hilarious content, liked and subbed
I’ll just hold it really close to my
Generic DEF
Wow those are nice replicas
Really strong enemy shows up and it does nothing
That MF DOOM helmet is fucking sick
Morrowind reference? Instant sub
Who had to kill for that blade
Should do a bit about how the kids are all invincible 😂
I was fighting a bandit chief with this weapon and on like the third hit he blocked with his shield but that’s when the effect kicked in haha. One of the most pathetic deaths ever
Ayo where u get dat nightingale armor?
Wise mystical tree.
“How you doing n’wah”
You earned a sub
Everyone’s dream finally came true; a Skyrim child died.
Damn beautifully crafted sketch/vid, well done! 😂
noooo not that spin death anim
i think that weapon only worked like three times for me in all these year