What is the most Historically Accurate Armor in Skyrim?
#skyrim #videogames #gaming #rpg #armor #fantasy #hema #history
コメント (30)
#skyrim #videogames #gaming #rpg #armor #fantasy #hema #history
コメント (30)
What about the Ebony armour?
What about the guard armor?
I play with realistic weapons and armor mods. It’s so easy to make fantasy weapons that could actually be used by a person.
What about ebony armor
Ebony armor looks pretty accurate
Steel plate armor* at the beginning
Stormbearer Armor because it replicates Vendel Period/Germanic Armor
It’s vaulman30’s armor mods
Dawnguard armor is just a coat of plates.
…who tries to look for historically accurate armors inside a videogame where there’s magic and dragons 😂
I was gonna say either guard or dawnguard armour
I’d say the guard armour. It’s a chainmail hauberk, tarbard and gambeson.
Dawnguard armor
Nah its definitely Forsworm armor
We just forget the dragon bone armor?
Why should stop talking about historically accurate armors in fantasy settings, and start speaking about realistic designs in fantasy settings that still adhere to our physics and logics
Isn’t fur armor the most ?
Could swear it was daedric
I don’t play but some love “modding ‘ the game. Can you do Armor Mods ?
What about Dawnguard armour?
Woot! Skyrim!
Has to be the skaal armour
I am both fascinated with this analysis and disappointed with Bethesda for their lack of realism lol
No it’s obvi the Daedric armor, it was worn by the natives duhhhh
You mean steel plate. Not steel.
For me steel plate kinda reminds me of a Knight’s Armor.
The armor might be good but they aren’t wise
Okay this is interesting but I was just playing Skyrim and now I’m having a mental crisis
This is all wrong it’s obviously the Glass armour