10 Immersive Skyrim Mods I CAN’T Play WITHOUT!
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Hey guys! Hoping you guys will enjoy this! Some of the mods I showcased here are already used by most but for those who are just returning from Skyrim, I hope this video will be helpful to you! 🙂
#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Intro
00:12 Mod 1
00:58 Mod 2
01:27 Mod 3
02:23 Mod 4
03:11 Mod 5
03:52 Mod 6
04:44 Mod 7
06:01 Mod 8
06:27 Mod 9
06:53 Mod 10
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▶️ Panda’s Skyrim SE/AE – https://bit.ly/PandaSSE
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🔻Mod Showcased
1. Immersive Equipping Animations by TheCyclist
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/77187
2. Immersive Equipment Display by SlavicPotato
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62001
3. CBPC Equipment physics SE and AE by Acro
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/58990
4. Read the Room – Immersive and Animated Helmet Management by istayzoomin
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/77605
5. Splashes of Storms by powerofthree
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/72115
6. Wade In Water Redone by Doodlum
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/71418
7. Khajiit Has Wares – A Caravan Camp Overhaul by allonsywisegirl
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73500
8. Use Those Blankets by jayserpa
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/75481
9. Sleeping Expanded – Animations and NPC reactions by Jayserpa
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59250
10. Wait Carriage in Inns – Fast Travel Improvement by Sluia
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/83044
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors! 🙂
Members’ Thank You Area
1. Monkeyking
2. Claire
3. Gilda
4. Cosmix6
5. Miloš Milinkov
PC Specs:
CPU: Intel Core i7 9700k
CPU Cooler: CoolerMaster Masterliquid ML240L RGB
Motherboard: ASUS ROG Strix z390-e
Graphics: Palit RTX 4070ti 12gb VRAM
Memory: G.Skill Trident Z RGB (2x8gb) DDR4 3200 mhz
Solid State Drive: m.2 NVMe Samsung 970 Evo Plus & 3TB Seagate SSD
Hard Drive: Seagate Barracuda 4TB
Case: Techware Forge
Power Supply: Seasonic 850w Bronze
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 pro USB Flash Drive
🔻 Additional Tags:
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コメント (108)
What mod do you use to make your interface look brown?
what is the minimum requirement to run this mod
Bread v
what UI mod are you using during mod 1?
yeahhh if i cant see past 15ft cuz you use DOF your recommendations are invalid
I’m loving your videos, you have many mods just happen to be in my modlist, same taste 🙂
i alredy cum
What graphic mods are you using
Thanks for the compilation… one question… how do you get that lightning?
after a long time away from skyrim the mods for it have really improved since the last time i played. On a unrelated note what is the mod called in 0:18 for the interact with items?
Great collection of mods!
What mod did you use for that weapon trail? That looks noice!
Hey dude, great video loved it. Got one question. What is your modlist. Can you share it?
6:34 what is the name of the mod that can change npc clothes if they are asleep ?
I have khajiit has wares but im having problems using it, mainly crashing
Edit: fixed it, load order issue
That music makes me emotional and I didn’t even play Morrowind I think that’s where it belongs to but
Care to share your mod graphics?
Great video. Nice, simple, straight to the point and doesnt drag out at any one point.
2:03 Which mods are here used?
Amazing video! Love the editing and your game looks so beautiful! Thanks for the vid 🤓✌️going to get these mods NOW! 😂
nice video! 😀 what is the enb used?
While the Khaajit Has Wares mod looks amazing, I would argue that it actually breaks immersion to think that four khaajit traveling on foot with no pack animals would be able to carry all of that. The standard display alone would take all four of them to carry let alone set up.
I already have all theses mods, and I can confirm they are all great!! Thank you for comfirming that my game is very immersive.
dude what enb do u use holy shit
what was the loading screen mod (i think) that you use that shows up around 7:57?
I can play just fine without them, I’m not all that impressed with your list.
hello, first of all I congratulate you because you are really top. I would like to understand how you make everything so graphically beautiful and complete this game. I have ps4 and I would like to know if all these mods are there for ps4. could you make a complete list for ps4 as you have in all these videos and their order? because I see all your videos and I would put all these mods, but I don’t want to risk putting them in the wrong order. Thanks in advance and I look forward to your reply.
I thought skse was broken
Que grande el Panda👍
Why do all YT who introduce their mods play in the third person :O
What is that armor at 2:41 ?
This looks amazing! Where can i find your full mod list?
Tell me, please, someone, what is this mod for the updated NPC models?
Hey! What enb and weather mod are you using? Looks great 🙂
How’d you get the shield on your back? I’ve been trying to fix it, but I haven’t figured out to do it.
What enb is being used?
please someone tell me what mod hes using to change the menu that pops up when you press tab ive been looking for ages
A loving, kind society: look what they have to do to mimic a fraction of my power!
Man, you are filling Broduel shoes. All the mods you showcase are really good and not generic like some armor mod. Because many of these mods are unpopular it’s very difficult to find them, thanks to you I’m able to find them.
Wow! I’ve just installed the “12 years of Skyrim” wabbajack pack, it looks amazing. Then I find your channel. My word, you got levels my man, serious levels! Yours looks like I’ve always dreamed of, and your mod recommendations are first rate. 👌 Very well done sir, and thank you!
AncientGamer 🕹️🎮🔥💯
Is immersive equipment display actually on Xbox? I know it’s an older mod but has someone ported it for us yet
would be nice to add name mod on the setlist
найс ідея нагружати скайрім скріптами з безпонтовими модами які вас заїбуть через годину гри через довгі анімації і нульову користь
Can you show us your modlist for reference
Ayo? That last mod seems so damn cool, at first sight it looks like I can have expanded carriage options, without the compatibility headache that some of the carriage mods bring. That could actually be so huge.
Last one is great for people with heavily modded towns. It’s hard to fit a carriage in a location with so many alterations
Are these mods on Xbox?
Wait so is read the room and immersive equipping compatibility
funny jig
wade in water is originally from Loki tho
Can we get a full mod list?
Thanks for featuring my mods! Your game looks lovely and you have nice editing 😀
Buee video amigo al fin usas un mod que te he recomendado
Great showcase! I subbed 🙂
i just reinstalled skyrim and read the room is now my new permanent modlist. Great video, keep it up.
Great Video! Keep up the great work!
what mod is used to have those wpon sparks that bounce on the ground?
I hate immersive equipment displays it looks so clunky on your character but especially npcs
Do you have a modlist tht ure currently running on?
Liked and subscribed.
Super immersive mods – well chosen, @Panda 😉
Man you got my Sub.
You make amazing content for the game of my heart, pls keep up the good work :)🙌
whats your enb and weather?
These little detail can truly change a game!
A little late, but great list and video!
Amazing video bro, i really loved the editing on this one. As you said, you’re improving on every video you make!
Please tell me what modlist are you using? it looks beautiful
Wow this is a really good list! Thank you, I’m back on my modding spree now lol
what armor were you wearing in the wade in water showcase?
splashes of storms has become my permanent mod to any modlist,
it just feels so natural!
Bro wtf is that enb. The lighting is gnarly!
hi i love your videos man , i find myself downloading every mod you showcase. but i was wondering what ENb and weather mod do you have , looks so good <3
Does anyone know how to increase the range of splashes and storms? The mod page says changes the ini, but doing so increases the range but has the splashes very spread out… reducing it has a lot of splashes but only very close to you.
@7:53 wow that barmaid has very nice umm… eyes
Awesome videos thx ! And does someone know what mod he is using for the cape ? It looks amazing
Damn didn’t know Brodual is back 😛 nice too see skyrim modreviews again. Reminds me of the old time.
Awesome video friend! These are truly immersive mods!
Yeah you have a different opinion of SKSE things.
To me, on Xbox, just means that mod will never be available. 🥺
Mini edits like the one at 7:00 makes me feel proud of the Skyrim community.
Keep up the good work. 🙂
I spend literal hours a day looking at Skyrim mods and this video was amazing. I was genuinely surprised at the size of your channel! Definitely earned a new sub and a regular!
i read the title “10 hours of” instead of just “10”, dunno how
great videoooo, bro!
Great showcase like always mah brotha! 🍻
When you split the video up into segments can you name the segments after the mod, please?
It always bothered me that the amount of items the Khajiits carried were never represented when you find them on the road between camps. Rugs, skins, tent poles, plus their wares and cooking pots, being moved around without a cart, wagon or pack horse? Riiigghhhttttt.
The ‘Wait Carriage in Inns’ is such a cool mod + it’ll fix so many incompatibilities.
Immersive Equipping Animations could be great if there was a way to delay the item becoming visible to a certain point in the animation, currently I find it more jarring and immersion breaking than having no animations at all.
Great video as always brother! That carriage mod Is pretty cool, I’ve not heard of that one lol 🙂
Nice video! Very good selection of mods
What’s your Whiterun mods, the outside looks great
This makes me want to buy Skyrim SE. I’ve been playing Skyrim LE for years, but all good mods seems to be for Skyrim SE and there are literally no channels that make videos for Skyrim LE mods.
Wonderful mods!
Hey, whats that greatsword attack animation you use? It reminds me of dark souls 2. Been looking for something like that.
immersive mods immerse me in immersion. The other words I’m definitely not tired of hearing when describing mods are “dynamic,” and “realistic.” Somebody please create “needlessly Immersive, realistically dynamic Skyrim.” known as “NIRDS.” it will be the most dynamically immersive, realistically needless mod eva!
Absolute gems! Cheers mate
Great Showcase again! Khajit has wares was my favorite, we got a lot of mods now to fully enhance skyrims roads! Keep it up!
Ps. Two videos in a row 😉
How funny. I have mods that hide all my weapons, arrows, quivers, scabbards, etc for my current channel playthrough. But adding physics to them is another way to go.
my boy back at it again ! gonna share this on discord
Great content man!
Fantastic Editing for someone being as small as you, you truly deserve more.
Awesome vid! I really enjoy these types videos. Keep up the good work!
I haven’t heard of that wait carriage in inns mod before >.>
I dont like fast travel so that sounds perfect for my mod list!
Great video!
Thank god you didn’t put Hunterborn 😛
Nice video! Mind if I ask which ENB/Reshade presets you’re using? Looks great
It’s hard to beat the YouTube algorithm as a small channel so every like and comment helps this small channel grow. I wish you all the best and stay safe! Subscribe for more! 🙂
P.S Hey guys! There were not enough mods to showcase for the last few days of April, so I decided to do one of “I can’t play without” type of video. I got a question. What is an immersive mod that you cannot play without? Let me know! 🙂 I will be making a lot more of these and other themed mods. So, stay tuned! Anyways, stay safe and happy modding!!