Shopping in Skyrim [Comic Dub]
Not my photo original by RatoPombo
VA is made with AI voice acting
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This is requiem more specifically 3BFTweaks but everything seen in this video can been done in vanilla and requiem alike. I didn’t really treat this as permadeath but for how safe and easy it was do permadeath wouldn’t be that unrealistic. So list like Wildlander, Arkay’s Commandments/ACs, Total Skyrim Overhaul/TSO, Maybe Nolvus mod list, and Serenity II you can replicate this.
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コメント (526)
I would do the same with these alchemist shops when i needed firesalt for Balimund
Not funny
Shl methord
I didnt have to pause, thats not alot of text and you let the pause play on for quite some time.
Who buys soul gems if anything I be buying daedra hearts for smithing
Me asf
F5 hit f9 = profit
The glitch 😂
I can relate
Halt you have committed crimes against skyrim and her people what do you say in your defense. This is a very real thing it’s a shope reset where you kill and reload to reset till you get what you want you don’t have to kill you can just punch
Azura’s Star do your magic!
Why did he kill her?
fallout V.A.T.S. be like
fuck the college of winterhold quest bruh
Jesus Christ that was brutal….. To be honest I would do the same
Haha, I didn’t need to pause it
“Sorry sir, we’re out of soul gems”
*Mississippi queen plays*
“I bet I paused to video to read this” …😶
Didn’t have to pause it. I’m the perfect human.
That…may be a bit excessive
Would pay to have a mod like this if I do find one I’ll link it
Then modded magic to resurrect
*I bet I paused to video to read it*
_Strong the force is in you_
Poor Berna, holy shit.
Jesus fucking Christ
Am I the only one that doesnt hurt innocent npc’s? I just go to other merchants when they have nothing.
Jesus christ i was not ecpecting that god damn
Honestly she kinda fine tho
Jesus Fucking Christ, why was that so brutal
Right now the only ones that fully recharge my weapons are grand or greater soul gems
Anybody else read it
I kinda wish there was some realisticness in games like this. I could be like, yeah I’m expecting to be needing a ton of gold ore. You get a bunch and I’ll buy it all.
“I bet I paused the video to read this.”
I mean… did you? You’re the one who made it xD
Why did I smile at the gore
I in fact did not pause to read that
“so where did I put my Mace of Molag Bal..”
Ya did not need to kill her ya just need to knock her out with a suplex.
I only learned doing that trick recently 🦆
I only do this to the whiterun peeps
here I’ll help
I honestly can say that I have never done this 😂 my first elder scrolls game was Morrowind ❤
I’ve always just waited 48 hours could never get this trick to work for me
I cant describe the absolute dread i felt when i heard him ask for the grand soul gems.
So you learned the good old save and reload inventories.
I have mad ADHD and I can confirm I did not need to pause to read that text it said I bet to paused video to read this
Best glitch ever
I did
That was uneeded gore
Jesus christ … I just punch them ONCE
Ahh the old hit the merchant and reload to refresh inventory trick.
Her head popped more than a fruit snack gusher
That’s kinda rude if you ask me
I didn’t
Bro, you know you don’t have to kill them for the store to reset. 🤣
Killer Queen “Bites tha Dusto” tings.
Use the bucket on the head technique..its way sillier and make you feel like a mastermind/king of thieves😂
I thought the video had started over for a second😂
No I’m out of stock-
*The Nuke from a mod I downloaded:*
The never ending cycle of pain that NPCs face
What she do 😱
Heh, shopping in morrowind where the merchants don’t leave their stores and don’t question why you’re still standing the same spot in their store for the past 72+ hours.
Ha what a noob, you can just duplicate soul gems without having to buy them from NPCs 😂
Why was that so brutal
Fun fact, this glitch cannot work if you are missing one of the DLCs I don’t know what you want though
Ithelia, daedric prince of paths.
What you loaded from never happens, but it’s still significant.
You know, I like my gore like any other guy, but GOD damn! This one was not well received at all.
You can’t just lull me into false sense of cuteness/ slice of life art style and then proceed to bitch slap me across the face out nowhere with these high detailed brain chunks.
My tastes in art is wide but this is like adding coca cola to a yogurt. I DON’T WANT TO SEE IT…
let alone taste it.
And more npc’s will understand my wrath in starfield 😈
My eyes read faster than a pause I BET YOU PAUSED THIS JUST TO READ IT
Man the NPCs in my Playthrough’s are privileged af. Everyone else seems to be entrapping them in a hellish dimension of torment.
I have 3491 confirmed kills before loading a quicksave in fallout
I’m too nice to npcs for this. Except nazeem I think he’s called. Screw that guy
Bro really said “I hit my head, what did I miss-“
Seeing as the Dragonborn get’s their power from Akatosh – “the Dragon god of time”; quicksaves could possibly be cannon.
That was hella 🥵
Actually, I did not need to pauze the short to read that.
“i bet you paused to read this” jokes on you i read it in passing
Belethor! I’ve come to bargain…
You know what? Placing an order through a merchant for consumable items like crafting materials should actually be a thing you can do, with the drawback that it won’t arrive until their next restock day and they charge a sizable handling fee, meaning it’s only advantageous if you buy in bulk.
this is what happens in speedruns of fnv. if chet doesnt have the 357 you murder him in cold blood.
He shall take your soul instead
This exploit never actually works for me
God damn😂😂😂 IF THIS WASNT FACTS😂😂😂
No, I didn’t pause to read that
used to do this every time they ran outta gold but appearently you dont have to kill em, but thrn I always killed them in one hit anyhow
“Hol tf up. You can take things on order? Why have you never told me?”
“Well its because I always seem to have what you’re looking for in stock.”
“QuickSave” is the last thing anyone wants to hear or read.
When it gets boring i load an old save ane kill people for fun hahaha.
So is she the same person, or is it one of those times Echo?
Personally I’d rip off a grieve and show off a perfectly sculpted calf, thus getting her all hot and stanky and compelling her to produce the grand soul gem hidden in her pink pocket.
That was fucking brutal
Y’all a too edgy in video games lol. Npcs lives matter!
Thats the way she goes
“No, I’m out of stock.”
*Seems that your expiration date has arrived.*
This but for void salts and daedra hearts
by azura that sound effect was so satisfying! thank you for helping a poor soul sleep ❤
She is about 10 seconds from the realization of CHIM
Me with my 2 remaining brain cells who rewatched the video instead of pausing it to read the text:
No I didn’t
I read all of that message except for the “Read this” part without actually having to pause
Do you get to the cloud dis.. (death)
At least put the mace away and punch like a gentleman, ffs y’all are monsters
soul gems are filled with the souls of animals and grand soul gems are filled with human souls. they are one of the most evil things in the elderscrolls but is common to buy.
Nah, you don’t make a new quicksave, you use the one you have. Excessive quicksaving can and will corrupt your save
I had a character who was just a miner and smith which turnned out to be a dragonborn (had it set to random if they would be dragonborn), after talking the grey beards and finding out they couldn’t get out of the saving the world gig and the unrealistically high expectations that came with it… my character stepped off the edge of high hrothgar just to be stood back at the edge again (because it auto loads the previous save on death).
In then became my headcannon that there is no escape… not even in death because none of the gods want the world to end just yet, none of the gods will accept the dragonborn into their afterlife just yet. Akatosh will just reset time for you until you win.
Damn I liked the head exploding drawing, 10/10
This must be really bizzare from the perspective of the NPC because you make the quicksave after asking but before attacking. So they just se you ask, they check find nothing, then you ask again and suddenly its there. This would be even weirder for a blacksmith who you just bought all the iron from and then you ask again and the blacksmith suddenly has another 20 ingots… but you still have the 20 ingots from last time…
me reading the last stuff whitout pause the video cuz I’m built different
I feel terrible now
average skyrim “feature”
Skyrim with dark souls, that’s a mod I haven’t tried yet
She got Re:zeroed 💀
When you hate an npc so much you dont quicksave
“Im out of soul ge-”
**pulls our warhammer**
“Uhm, sir?”
Detailed head shows us these shopkeepers has a small amount if brain
The bit about the hammer is funny.
Jesus Fuckin Christ Brah
That’s so true because that’s how you refresh a Shoppers inventory😂
I had a stroke reading that message
Was that….. a visceral/parry murder sound??
Crit ds3 – perfect
I was not expecting the murder to be so well animated
Holy crap why the fuck did you do that?!
Fucking akotash and his dragon breaks
Lord knows how many times I’ve done this, but this was way to graphic
Ok that was unnecessary but good detail
i read it first try without pausing
…I just punch them…
Belethor is my favorite, he makes such a nice pignata.
I didn’t have to
Jokes on you I was to lazy to pause and just watched it twice…. Oh wait
her face when get hit by that weapon is good
Didn’t expect that holy shit
*I was not expecting that.*
Well that was concerning
That second panel of the gore caught me off guard, Jesus christ.
Каждый раз они чувствуют чувство дежавю
Skyrim meets Westworld
I’m going to fill my soul into her gem
She knows to much
“we only have common soul gems”
*Mississippi queen starts playing
Doesn’t work if you kill them
Sweet shezzar that death was graphic
The name of the artist is Ratopomboarts if anyone is curious
So cool
You know you could just punch them but you do you
Me whit crusader armor and blade: do you have any healing potion
Here: no sorry
Me: ok have a great day (leave)
Save scumming is the same as being enlightened with Chim
*bit rude innit*
Elden ring reposte sound lol
Me when I look for daedra hearts at alchemy shops
Jokes on you, I replayed until I read it.
That’s why I get so much side eye and my path is always clear of npc’s.
This is pretty graphic for YouTube…and they thought swearing was the worst you could do
If only combat was even remotely that fun and brutal, only feels like it for about 4 hours on your first ever playthrough
Proof that the Dragonborn is CHIM/has CHIM powers.
YouTuber the dragonborn went back in time didn’t he by loading
I get it’s an actual reset but it still feels wrong
The merchant: “Sorry, I’m out of 5mm rou-“
The explosive advanced legendary double barrel shotgun in my inventory: 👋😀
Tactical Merchant Reload!
That’s why i only punch them to reset them. So much more humane than that…
Im…so guilty of this haha 😂
Oh God i pray that they can’t have a memory of the things I’ve done and the crimes I’ve committed
I never played as this kinda monster
I did not
Holy fucking shit lmao
I in fact didn’t pause the video to read that-
Jokes on you I did need to pause to read it
Remember kids, never piss someone off when you see a magically floating phrase written “quicksave”.
Me when I see a soulsborne NPC with cool armor
Why would I have to pause for that? It was on screen for a good while.
JESUS CHRIST! I did NOT see that coming!
Guess I won’t be eating dinner today. I suddenly lost my appetite
Well that took a turn
this is what I do to any woman I dont wanna talk to
I didn’t pause it. Just let it replay
Dude she was going to order them have some bloody Patience lol.
I bet I paused to video to read this
I did not
This is like a psychological horror. Imagine a story written from her perspective, slowly losing her mind from constantly being killed and living through this loop for who knows how long because some reality bender wanted fruit loops instead of fruity circles.
Whenever I’m replaying Skyrim again I’m no longer using this shit… If I’ll install a mod for smarter NPC’s of course…
God i love this fandom
Junji ito vibes
I relate to this so well even i dont play skyrim
Holy of dragons…….what did i just witness
I bet I paused to video to read this nope
Why does this seem so relatable
I did pause the video the 2nd time to read it
Could’ve just went to the Court Wizard…
Me just using console commands: that’s just mean. **git gud console scrubs**
It wasn’t the gore that shocked me it was just unexpected
First degree murder over soul gems…
Just a poke will reset it.
When you need shit the dragonborn will do as he wishes
What great graphics!
Imagine not casting Soul Trap followed by chucking Azura’s Star into her cranium, pulverizing her Skull and Soul like a 3XL Daedric Shuriken
Surprisingly gorey for the art style, nice job
Time manipulation.
The strongest dragonborn power granted by the greats gods
“didn’t we just had this conversation”
“Why, wanna have it again”
Hmmm I think I discovered a black soul gem instead now 😂
That didn’t go how I expected at all.
Let’s be honest if NPCs could actually remember things like Westwood we would be in trouble as Gamers because I know personally I’ve wiped out of town or two just because I got irritated with the quest
that is so true
OMG…. I’m… I’m an NPC…. NOOooooiiiI I don’t care.
im pretty sure it is intentional mechanic. for one to make game more fun but also to show how little moral we have when there is no consequence
You can’t soul trap ulfric while he’s alive. But if you find him in sovengarde and try again it’s possible. His gem is in my living room on the mantle now.
Basically Griffith
These mfs don’t even know about Ratopombo
“I bet I paused To video to read this” I’m sorry what?
This is why you should betray Azura
All too often.. 😂
Honestly can’t believe this wasn’t patched out considering the actively rid Skyrim of merchants with infinite money like how Oblivion did & I don’t remember if Morrowind did or not
I wonder how many poeple Learned this Trick and Got away With it?
Really, no one else had an aneurysm reading that?
Finding gems was not hard, preventing them from putting weak should in big gems was (without a mod at least).
RatoPombo has great stuff.
Never gets old
im trying to chill
Marty, I’m bored I’m gonna kill youu
Alternate title: “How to get a head with business in Skyrim”
just go to the court mage, they always have a few grands.
Just whip out the 2 million degree fork
Mississippi queen
Di you guys also see the the quicksave thing
I actually have just scrolled past it 3 times to read it
Just got flashbacks to all the npc I killed just to lvl enchanting to lv100
Damn, a little punch is enought to reset they inventory
No need to be overkill on the poor vendor
I saw the quicksave the second time
Id like a Skyrim mod where every action has a small consequence that later increases and makes the npcs insane everytime you quick save
The wandering merchant watching the wicked dagger made from the heart of a dead demon slowly reveal itself to them after telling me they dont carry any fine jewelry enchanted by the Archmage two ages ago in the middle of Red Mountain with the sweat and blood of a million dead dwemer:
Sorry missclick
Does your mace’s name happen to be Lucille?
Just use commands I even use it to get my mod weapons and stuff! Even Azura’s Star!
Jesus, that was needlessly gruesome…
Hold the hell up-
“I sense a great danger”- her probably
I just started doing this in this Year’s Playthrough 😅😂
The thing is, you don’t even have to kill the shopkeep, just punch them in the face and reload, and ta da! Their inventory has been rerolled!
I just did this but for ingredients
in the word of great sage Steve
Bro this is some undertale kinda crap
This is cannon
NPC who died to be bring back to old saved, remember something of their death
Damn that was pretty gruesome
This is the kind of Gore I like clean
Jokes on you I didn’t pause I just watched it several times
What… the fuck?
What the fuck??
I was hungry before watching this.
Now I’m horny
I just watched Ironmouses reaction to a night for a villager, I don’t need more of this.
I love how the bounty sometimes glitches through the save
what if…. this exploit actually represents how our dragonborn, we, know about the dream like Pelinal, and just like him we can navigate through it, a dream that no longer needs its dreamer. Wouldn’t it be cool, if that mechanic that only looks like an exploit can really have this narrative weight, a way of manipulate the dream, going back in time in a line that has the item we want, in the same way that we can massacre the whole city and load our last save and everything is back to normal
Mmm love gore this good
Should’ve been Belethor
No I didn’t pause the video to read that
What’s funny is when you reload quickly, sometimes the enemies agressive marker and hp bar show up on the compass… meaning they do have flashbacks
What an n’wah. He’s the Archmage of the College of Winterhold. Just go there and buy all the soulgems!
Minor grammatical mistake
Me at Walmart
It’s like familiar zero all over again
I beat the shit out if a guard with my fists reloaded a d he asked me if i wanted to fight again so i beat the shit out of him again
Dragonborn: “Do you have any soul gems?”
Shopkeeper: “Yes I have several grand soul gems in stock, that will be 2000g each.”
Dragonborn: “Allow me to show you my 100% off coupon.”
Why not just say “ok, if you could put an order down for a couple grand soul gems that would be just lovely, in the meantime I’ll try to find them somewhere else” or sleep in the shop till they arrive
…..yeah, save-scumming is pretty horrifying when you think about it. And everything it implies.
We saw her Eyes go Limp Lifeless, that was so Detailed.
I didn’t pause there was text for like 2 minutes in screen
Wait if you kill them and reload they reset the supplies?
this is actually wrong… you dont wanna actually kill the npc just hit them to make them angry
and dont fuck up and quick save rather then quickload…. lol
… I’m just gonna wait 24 hours…
I did not in fact pause to read that.
This is why you get Azura’s Star asap, oof
That’s just psycho sh*t.
Jokes on you, I read that fast.
I did not pause, the break took too long
Its “I bet YOU paused this video to read this”. :/
Oh I forget killing and resaving changes the inventory good memorys
Knowing that at-least one person who watched this got aroused is weird…
Oooh….. I did that strategy. Mmm. Well… I mean…. it was the shopkeeper at whiterun so that shouldn’t be a problem due to his personality right?! Right???
Yeah for some reason tht doesn’t work for me but them again i really don’t need to buy anything I’m pretty much done with the game sure o have a couple of random mission i know 1 of them is bugged and i can’t be bothered to collect all 24 gems or the crimson nirn roots
Npc becomes self-aware
Lol, so true.
The acting in this is just stellar!
Holy shit
Must be modded skyrim
Maybe we were a lil too harsh lmao
“Your stock is empty. Soon, your cranium will be emptied too.”
*grips warhammer handle*
“I bet you paused the video to read this”
People who read this sentence without pausing: You underestimate my power.
The concept of soul gems just kind of messed up, killing people or animals, and trapping their souls in a crystal, to fuel magic weapons.
Say no to him you just chose violence
That was… Disturbingly graphic…
spiffing brit playing Skyrim be like:
God, i wish i could get this level of FATALITY from Skyrim. I wanna just go fucken blade mode on an enemy
Sells her a soul gem “do you have nag soul gems”….”no I’m out of stock”
This is me. Except I’m extorting a shopkeeper from multiple timelines with sh8t looted off of bandit corpses.
When the NPC ends up being more powerful than the player character, I want that comic. Lol
That glitch made the game so much more playable cause fuck spending all the extra minutes I’d have wasted going town to town instead of going to the forge couple in whiterun and buying all their ores, making a bunch of things, selling what I made, do the glitch and repeat to make better equipment or at least I repeat the process til i run out of cash and got to upgrade my armor and weapons a but more again as I work towards the endgame stuff that isn’t named equipment.
You know all you have to do is anger her. You don’t have to make ummm…a mess
Psychopath POV
You don’t have soul gems? You’ll become soul the soul gem
I didn’t have to pause
AHAH! I didn’t pause the video to read that 😏🤌
Virgin: uses soul gems
Chad: uses Azura’s Star
Love the dark souls crit sound lmao
Yeah thats me
Is that Obama?
Didn’t even pause
that got gorey very quickly
Economy is just another thing you csn fix with a hammer
new Velma meets original Velma by Avocado animation vibe😮
If only they knew how many times this has happened 😂
I kinda want a game we’re then ncps get sick of your bullshit and fight to save their world from your tyranny
Bro wtf why
The bonk and load method is so canon😂
Perfect waste of a shopkeep. We only have so many of those you know.
The agro of the merchant causes the switch, no death required, just a slap in the face and then reload
I thought killing could cause them to due before there AI could turn agro on you, so it would fail sometimes, but it’s been so long sense I killed for this that I don’t remember properly
I only punch it bash, funnier that way then super murder
As someone who’s incredibly empathetic and feels guilty after killing something innocent, I could *NEVER* do that in a million years. I would just find another shopkeeper that has a higher chance to have soul gems in stock.
If you know you know lol
Lord sebee: let me remind you that I can reverse anyting anywhere I want but somehow you’re not dead I killed you before but now im reverse in your own deathbed
Lucas the spellsword necromancer: (gasping for air) what do you even do to me you just killed me
Lord sebee: I know I just did but somehow I reversed of you’re death because everyone calls me I’m the Lord of many things and I’m Lord of illusion art and Steve always believed there could be good but the way I see it you’re doing in the wrong path so don’t think about making my mistake again
Yes, the kill and load.
When their is like 500 shopkeepers in the game that can potentially sell grand soul gems and you can teleport around the map like it’s out of style, then I don’t see the point in brutally murdering any shopkeeper. But if I get interrupted by a GODDAMN COURIER ON THE WAY, THIER IS HELL TO PAY!
No Witnesses got to make sure they stay in the system
“I love you. You know that, right? I love all of you. But I don’t understand why you keep R E M E M B E R I N G.”
No, I didn’t pause to read that.
Jokes on you, I looped it twice and read two halves
I in fact did not pause the video
to be fair, making an order on a catalog would be a nice change.
I see you have the maximum Carnage mod on 💀
Funnily enough, I didn’t have to pause to read it.
Quality gore, look at you being talented and shit
Sounds about right
I wish I could do this with the waffle house employees
This comic is more brutal than the game Jesus christ
“Either sell the soul gems, or fill them.”
I indeed did not pause the video to read that some of us are actually good at reading
In Morrowind it’s confirmed that the player’s ability to save and load is a canon in world magic ability, and there’s an NPC that won’t even bother fighting you because he’ll never win in the long run
christ I played skyrim a bunch and never killed the vendors to reset. I just left and waited 2 days at the door
I would like self-aware games like this tbh
Tbf if they let you order what you need, would’ve been a nice mechanic
I never did this even tho I knew I could. I just feels bad for them
Had to pause because I kept having a stroke reading it
I don’t know what is soul gem is, but it leads me to murdering someone continuously like this then I don’t want em!
Every body that plad the game
Did u had any soul gems
The npc no
Me after reloading the other save
*Did u had it now?!*
You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people what say you in your defense
Bro go to a different vendor you don’t need to kill them In my play through grand soul gems were a plentiful resource
And then there’s me who apologizes and leaves, I just can’t be evil even with quicksave 😅
Nope I read fast but nice try.
Holy shit that went from 0 to 100 real fast😳
This is morbidly funny af… Why is this shop keeper kinda attractive though…
Virgin soul gem user vs chad black star user
No, I didn’t notice it first time and didn’t pause to read it second time
Her: “Yes, actually… But why would you want a black soul gem anyw-”
Me: “Now we can be together forever, beautiful shopkeeper”
My Enchanted Codpiece: “Everything’s for sale, my friend. Everything. If I had a sister, I’d sell her in a second.”
*free bird turns on:*
The joke is if you hit a shop npc and reload the quick save it resets the entire shop stock
Jesus the autosave is terrifiying af from the outside
so true
bro was not having it
I love your artwork it’s so cool I hope you can do some more gory stuff like this
How cool yet creepy it be if everytime you kill someone either in a different play through or a reloaded save and barely remembers
Jokes on you I didn’t pause the video
Ya no I’m out
Which merchant is this?
Nope I just watched the video three times
What artist is this
I laughed at the relatability of it, then I realized that death was too well drawn for it not to be a fetish thing.😅
But I Don’t understand, WHY YOU KEEP _R E M E M B E R I N G_
I think it would be funnier if you cut off the last part and just let it restart back to the beginning after the quick load. Just an infinite loop of killing the shopkeeper and reloading.
It’s funny because I’ve done this to many times that I’ve lost count
*me testing if the auto quicksave works*
I’m a fast reader. No pause needed 😂
I don’t trust that method.
*waits 24-48 hours*
Well damn…
She is starting to chim. 😮
Parry this you casual
I honestly abuse this feature, so this is beyond relatable. Although, I am usually just setting a cat on fire. Repeatedly.
Dawnstar is great.
Fuck me his voice like Mace Windu from Star Wars
For some reason this doesn’t work on Enthir of all merchants. I guess I can say goodbye to buying all the black soul gems I want
Jeez put a warning next time
Something like this literaly hapens in new Vegas and it was as funny as morbid as here
Thats more accurate than my aim
You don’t have kill then you just have to make them aggro towards you
The fool doesn’t know we control time and space.
Jokes on you, I’m a fast reader
This reminds me of that one Red Lobster ad that keeps repeating, but one of the actors begin to realize that it keeps repeating.
I like seeing a woman’s brains splatter everywhere
Me rending the poor merchant into ribbons with my legendary greatsword with the power to 1 shot a dragon for an iron bar
What kind of asshole does that? She’s trying her best and you killed her.
Dragon born we not be able to be unique with shout powers or fly or teleport like Lidia and carry infinite sht but…. We have the power to rewrite time itself like the true power of akatosh the time God LOL.
Every body in my game I asking why I keep asking them the same question too
Learn how to write bro
That doesn’t work to reset their inventory, whoever made this is just a psychopath
Fun fact, I can read quite quickly if I desire
Nah, I didn’t need to pause to read that…
Dementia hits dif
This must be so confusing for anyone that doesn’t understand this trick. XD
Just get the black star homie
Jokes on you fucker, I didn’t pause to read that.
Omg that got realistically dark quick
That was graphic, very awesome 😊
I was not prepared for how vicious that was.
Jesus! I just punch them in the face and reload! I’ve never gored a shopkeeper for that glitch!
Godzilla had a stroke trying to read the loading screen.
Every Single Time
It never get older 🤌
No i did not pause the video to read it
Haha I read half and guessed the rest.
Reminds me of Eminence in shadow where cid disguised as mundane mann was exuding such combat rizz every time his opponent moved she hallucinated witch limb he could have hacked off in that split second
Jokes on you I didnt pause to read.
Keep this up and I’ll be filling her soul gem.
Ha, I read that without pausing!
that’s what I’d do before committing a crime.
save, then load up.
Funny thing is
That this is actually canon
As someone who has achieved chim you can do this
Haha, I keep coming back to watch the pretty lady get recycled
Damn. And she went “glurg” too. Brutal
Alright, I didn’t expect this bashing the head scene to be SO gruesome.
Damn I wouldn’t kill ‘em jeez. I’d just punch them 😂
In fact no I did not pause to see the text, I read it all on the very first time I watched this video (which was 10 seconds ago)
Who is the artist?
that is why I think the dragonborn after skyrims main quest became a all concurring
I feel called out by the loading screen
If she keeps getting out of stock she will be in a soul gem
I feel like a slap across the fave would be less bloody…
Also, no, I didn’t pause to read it.
DAMN that’s brutal
Her death was kinda hot
Honestly, the idea that all NPC‘s have faint memories of saved a Undertale and b is actually pretty interesting, which explains why most either don’t talk to you, or only say neutral things. The west are scared to do anything else due to certain players essentially being sociopaths.
Ringo Roadagain
Poor female
I mean, I just punch them, but I suppose that works too. . .
If only I had this service irl
The Dovakiin is the true villain of Skyrim and no one can convince me otherwise. The Imperials would have done everyone a favor by chopping your head off at the start of the game.
I didn’t have to pause to read it
Personally, I don’t murder merchant because I’m such a minor reason I just visit other merchants. After selling them so many supplies they’re penniless.
Last time I played Skyrim somehow I ended up with Max gold, which I didn’t think was possible or at least the game, probably just stopped registering the amount of gold acquired.
You got me
Boy, did that escalate quickly!!!!
Am I the only one who wants to say shopkeeper inventory is restocked on in-game time and not on reload? Or do I not know my exploits?
Re:Npc. Where they start to have conscious about what they did and try to change their own future to save themselves.
No, I didn’t pause the video to read that. I’m just a fast reader.
Also this is very accurate.
This is the cutest shopkeeper of skyrim I ever seen in this video, if they were looking like that is skyrim they would had gotten their Dragonborn “meat” pretty soon
The best part of all my dragonborn wears the volendrung so it’s twice funny cause I’m just reading the description info from the weapon I just used to smack ur head off xD
How about not. Putting gore in my shorts with no warning? I dont care if its drawn, its disgusting.
“I bet I paused to video to read this”
“Sorry sir, I’m out of stock-”
My warhammer in my pocket:
I’ve discovered something about doing this though every once in a while the game will still register that you’ve done it and random people of that City or related will spontaneously become irreversibly hostile even after having just had a friendly conversation with you it’s always a good idea to hurt a guard and accept the punishment so the game of doesn’t decide everyone’s gonna kill you or a die.
Doesn’t really work if you oneshot them. They have to aggro on you.
Just use the hidden chests in Dawnstar, Solitude and Markarth
I remember one time I was reloading a save so much for a fortify alchemy enchantment that once I got one I used the secret of arcane power and used the most costly spell in my possession on the merchant
I do the same thing it’s just I use lightning
Nope didn’t need to pause
I like frowned irl from this bruuu
I’m almost confident that every game I play the NPCs are aware of my saves. Open World NPCs especially.
I would have liked to pause the video to read what the hammer said but I cant because shifty YouTube shorts format. Now I watched this video 5 times typing this.
funny enough the stat screen remembers the assault/murder from this method
That’s messed up
WTF i get feeling a loop
Dragonborn that was highly unnecessary just punch her then reload
HOLY SHITT I died of laughter when he struck her down
This people is why you punch them
after doing the merchant reset, he gave up and went to dawnstar to just loot the khajit chest
Now you know why Vivec won’t fight you in Morrowind.
Wait you guys actually buy grand soul gems? I just steal them.
Ok you got me the loading screen you put in I got kinda made when I read it lol.
i would’ve made a different kind of business exchange 😏
See this is why I’m not this desparate in Skyrim
Quick saving Gives Npc’s The Opposite Of Dementia, Which Is Brutal If Such Npc Is Killed Over And Over
daaamn…that’s was brave
WTF?! I never knew this glitch actually existed. I just waited for them to resupply.
Good thing the npcs can respawn
I literally thought of this vague scenario everytime I used that trick
Thats not the only soul that needs filled 😏
Now start “🤨📷” reacting me I dare you
It’s like final destination the character gets a premonition of death then suddenly cheats death by having stock
Get this man his grand souls gems!
So is the fate of any shop in skyrim
Am gonna sleep with my parents tonight
Jokes on you I can speed read.
Bro all you had to do was punch her in the face not obliterate her head
So… quick debate:
White grand souls or black grand souls?
My skyrim use to be more gore than that video thank to maxim carnage mod
This is why we sheathe our weapons while doing this glitch
Quick-save, beat, quick-load, repeat.
The idea that npc have a faint vague memory of being quicksaved and reloaded is pretty grim
Did not expect the gore turn lmfao
This is how I feel in Fallout
Hmmm truly art to my eyes
She remembers
well im no longer hungry,
Thanks i guess.
Her voice sounds so familiar…
Best part is that if you simply overlap saves you can fill as many soul gems as you want. Just air out the entirety of whiterun with the ebony blade.
Well, now I wanna play Skyrim again, and I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing
You fool; bold of you to assume I’ve paused
Damn, how could you kill her? She sounds like Laura Bailey! This is a sin most unforgivable!
Yeah and your shitty grammar had me sitting there reading it way longer than I needed to, I feel violated
That death was juicier and more graphic then it should of been, Jesus 😂😅💀
how it feels to play skyrim for the 10th time
Jokes on you I didn’t pause it to read it
I tried that once, she never came back thou
What did she even do
If she keeps being out of stock I’m gonna use her to fill a soul gem.
I’ve never done the safe scumming stuff before. If they don’t have it, they don’t have it. There are like a hundred different merchants shops in Skyrim.
I don’t get it 🙁
Full playlist if you want more of these
I got from very violent very fast I loved it
I was eating….
I’m not hungry anymore…
Fatality knight wins
Bruh this is to accreat