10 NEW Amazing Skyrim Mods! (Grass Mod, Weapon, Location Overhaul, and more!)
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Hey guys! This video is 4 weeks delayed! I hope this video will still be helpful to you! 🙂
#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Intro
00:19 Skoglendi – A Grass Mod
02:10 Dwemer Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
03:26 Snazzy Interiors – Windhelm House of Clan Cruel-Sea
04:34 Dynamic Random Dragons
06:16 No Morthal Snow – Redone
07:06 JK’s Markarth Outskirts
08:09 Inmortui – Undead SFX Replacer
09:39 Valtheim
10:31 Diverse Candles – Base Object Swapper
11:15 Debaser SE
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✔️My Playlist :
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim SE/AE – https://bit.ly/PandaSSE
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▶️ Panda’s Modshowcase – https://bit.ly/PandaSEMods
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🔻Mod Showcased
1. Skoglendi – A Grass Mod by JPSteel2
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93944
2. Dwemer Armors and Weapons Retexture SE by Xavbio
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93088
3. Valtheim by snozz2004
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94539
4. Snazzy Interiors – Windhelm House of Clan Cruel-Sea
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93850
5. Diverse Candles – Base Object Swapper by FrankBlack
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94369
6. Dynamic Random Dragons by Delta
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94410
7. No Morthal Snow – Redone by ToosTruus
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95749
8. JK’s Markarth Outskirts by Jkrojmal
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93006
9. Inmortui – Undead SFX Replacer by pentapox
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94205
10. Debaser SE by 4thUnknown
✔️Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94439
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors! 🙂
Members’ Thank You Area
1. Monkeyking
2. Claire
3. Gilda
4. Miloš Milinkov
PC Specs:
CPU: Intel Core i7 9700k
CPU Cooler: CoolerMaster Masterliquid ML240L RGB
Motherboard: ASUS ROG Strix z390-e
Graphics: Palit RTX 4070ti 12gb VRAM
Memory: G.Skill Trident Z RGB (2x8gb) DDR4 3200 mhz
Solid State Drive: m.2 NVMe Samsung 970 Evo Plus & 3TB Seagate SSD
Hard Drive: Seagate Barracuda 4TB
Case: Techware Forge
Power Supply: Seasonic 850w Bronze
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 pro USB Flash Drive
🔻 Additional Tags:
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コメント (31)
It’s hard to beat the YouTube algorithm as a small channel so every like and comment helps this small channel grow. I wish you all the best and stay safe! Subscribe for more! 🙂
P.S Hey guys! It’s been awhile and I wanna thank everyone for their support and comments! I apologize that this video has been delayed for almost a month so a lot of the new mods that were released won’t be showcased here. I am back and will be posting once a week or more when I can. Starfield is almost out as well so yeah! 🙂 Thank you again and I hope everyone will have a great day/night!
Glad to see you back with another great video!
Don’t beat yourself up for taking a while to make this video and potentially others. If I’ve learned something from all the breaks I took is that this community is super loyal and will always be there for when you come back 😀
Here’s to more bangers! 🍻
Skoglendi looks like a grass mod that I might actually like enough to keep in my game. The addition of brown Tundra option instead of just making it green and over lush is so nice!
bro, i can’t stop adding mods to my game xD
Aaaaye new video. Wassup brotha! 🤙🏽🔥
Amazing to see you back man!! I know sometimes life gets harder and you gotta step away and take some time for you to think, relax or whatever make you feel better so don’t apologize for taking more time than usual to make this if you don’t feel to due to depression, i know what it feels and i believe some of you out there too. So i hope you’re doing better and you’ll stay the same. Awesome video as usuals, thanks for the great content!
Great Video Panda! Hope you are well
Hey CaptPanda, what is the mod for sword first person animations? I mean the videofragment where you fight a dragon.
Imagine a world where people want dragons to randomly attack at any time 😮
Don’t know if you’ll see this mam since your mostly pc, but do you do xbox modded stuff? I can’t seem to ever get mine working.
Thanks for the vid
Love to see one of your showcases, and if I’m correct is that Cabbage with the Nolvus ReShade? If so, it looks fantastic. And great video as always. 🙂
Edit: For Skoglendi what option for the grass density did you pick? Like Bethesda’s Cut or NoGrass in NoGrass in the FOMOD? I never seem to get it right.
The Inmortui skeleton SFX segment was PERFECT – the mod spoke for itself and well done in acknowledging us as competent to KNOW when we hear it that it is indeed ‘a must have’… kudos mate 🙂
Great video as always my guy!
Personally I don’t think skeletons should make any mouth noises, since they no longer have lungs or vocal chords, except crunching footsteps and rattling bone against bone noises.. yeah I know “But that’s not immersive!”
It’s been well worth the wait, and I’m glad you’re feeling better.
I really hope JK does a Solitude Exterior overhaul, that’d be awesome. Right now have a somewhat smaller solitude docks overhaul mod(as compared to half the others) solitude bathhouse, spaghettis solitude, and my solitude gardens. So I’m alright in the interior, but I feel like there’s so much ’empty space’ right outside for such a grand city, but most of the exterior addons are too much for me.
I am very picky, I know. >..<
What armor mod are you using at 11:38? it looks really cool.
you tempt me to do yet another playthru just to see this stuff up close and personal …thanks for the video I know it’s a lot of work ..!
Thank you for showcasing my mod 🙂
As always awesome!
Didn’t know dragons are on a schedule but then I always ~SET TIMESCALE 8 or so. makes it much less noticable.
Panda my friend thanks for the video, be well…..
My man has some goofy skeleton eyes happening
I too enjoy some big ass fantasy trees 🌳
Great list mate ! thanks you 👍👍
There’s still snow on trees in Morthal!
What enb are you using and hows performance compaired to Rudy for cathedral? (I use the predcal version)
Do you have any recommendations for Skoglendi load distance cause I don’t like it when it just has no grass in far distance.
Great presentation dude 👍
Tickle tickle