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VShojo 所属。
A VShojo Member.
A genius with an IQ of 999. She has escaped from a research facility that gathers children with special abilities and has retreated into a hyperdimensional space to hide from her pursuers. The name Henya comes from the Spanish word Genia (genius).
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Taqs:Vtuber,Vshojo,Henya,HenyaTheGenius,へにゃ,へにゃざじーにあす,じーにあす,天才,Genius,バーチャルYouTuber,VTuber,IQ999,Clip,切り抜き,VShojo JP,VShojoJP,Skyrim,スカイリム,MOD,モッド,YABE
コメント (104)
She was just disappointed in which nude mod she was using.
“No, mom. It’s art. See?”
those mods have a non nude option
she chose not to use the non nude physics enabled version
horny jail for life
Don’t believe her. If it’s the mod I think it is, there’s a “nevernude” option. She specifically didn’t turn it on.
Horny jail dayo!
That’s the worst. She just silently judged you in disappointment and left
Tell her it’s a roleplaying game and you were just getting ready for the hotspring something 😂
Btw there is no place in horny jail so Kenya is free
So I downloaded a whole bunch of mods – a friend asked to have a similar list so I copied them over.
I didn’t know there was a sex mod – it came with animation and SOUNDS!
Well my friend “accidentally” triggered an animation.
He wasn’t wearing headphones
He also didn’t know his dad was right behind him watching
For the animation that triggered, the male was making noises and moving but the female wasn’t
So to everyone outside my friend, it sounded and looked like gay sex
Don’t listen to her. When you install CBBE, you have the option to use the nevernude versions that comes with unremovable underwear. She consciously and deliberately used the nude models.
Henya is a regular at the lab
Silence is the worst.
“Porn? That’s a nude Nord I won from my game. I’m not in trouble at all.”
Every better bodies mod ever has an excess of “content”
Mamanya:where have i gone wrong dayo?
Straight to horny jail. Right away. No trial, no nothing.
I know people who only download the horny mods because the skin textures look better.
“Are you winning, daughter?”
I see henya is a LoversLab connoisseur
Install the Nevernude option.
Then what is it? The character went to the laundromat? yabai genius 😂
full nude mods are very important and lore friendly, censors be damned–play Daggerfall and see what it’s got going on unmodded
Something smell fishy, is it her mouse?
Yeah, even the best body and race mods for Morrowind come nude. No room to be a prude.
If people can get away with Genital Jousting, I think modded Skyrim should be okay.
Im glad she can truly be herself as henya. I can see why kson her bff
Maybe in s collab with melody in that other platform
hentai mod
Missed mamamee
Totally not Hentia 👌😅
Oh no, not the silent treatment.
for those who are wondering some of these mods have a never-nude version which censors the nudity (which saved me from the lecturing)
I’m also playing with muscle bodies mod but there was an underwear version
The immersive experience huh
i know how you feel Henya i want to stream Skyrim too and then too many mods and it too horny somehow
mom : konna ko ni natte omowanai..douka kamisama nantoka tasukete kure…
And let me guess, it was just a coincidence that the Lusty Argoian was next to your character.
Mom, It’s called immersion, and it’s art !
Certos hábitos nunca mudam
Ah yeah, the silence, the worst reaction you could get😔
I remember the first time I installed mods in Skyrim. And I looted all items from the enemy. Suddenly, naked (and dead) female elf bandit at my feet. What songs were sung about the mighty Dragonborn who left che corpses of her naked opponents in her wake…
Peek-a-boo pikame
if you download body mods you have to download shlongs of skyrim to make it gender equal if you take a girls armor and she’s now fully nude then the men should also be fully nude..
warning all men will die with giant boners but you know how nords are about sovengard
Hello Pikame…
Ah yes the Caliente beautiful body mod
In Skyrim I like to steal items alot. Sometimes I hate NPC talking shit about me and you know why I do? I pickpocket them but not just items, I steal their weapons, armor, clothes so they could be naked and useless while walking around 🤣🤣🤣 I also like to use Resurrection mod the steal Bandits items
*Calls in Officer Shuba regarding nudity in Skyrim gaming.*
Was Henya playing as a man or woman? Mamaya’s reaction could be seen differently depending on the answer.
I can’t stop looking at Henya’s cat ears.
that’s what a horny would say
A real skyrim player got mods have mods that got 3x or more file size compared the main game file size. . .
I got introduced to the Bethesda moding community one month ago because I tried to make skyrim look better, and I tried not to install those mods, but they are almost a requirement if you want those 4K graphics.
“It’s not what it looks like!” Really, so it *isn’t* a naked person? XD
The exactly same thing happened to me when I watch onimai uncensored version and the girls go to the bath 🤣
Well… CBBE have many options to put non naked body, so i guess is not that one lmao
I’m pretty sure nexus mods have the sfw versions of the mods she have
but most of those mods let you select if you want underwear or not
Is your Vshojo that you had in the beginning with Zentreya going to be a series?
I heard that before… but where was that?
My brother in law always describes his Skyrim as “an interactive p**no” with all the mods he downloaded lmao
Most I ever did was add lightsabers so I could wear a black cape and shoot lightning at people while quoting Palpatine.
That’s our Hentainya, keep at it 😀
Sometimes you have to install the pp mods to get the fluffy hair mods. It’s unavoidable.
All is right with the world.
At least she’s playing Skyrim as intended
Down bad
Sure genius
Skyrim mods are too wild…way too wild…i even saw Thomas the Train in a mod…Why?
Oh yeah… the silence is so much more loud than having your mother say something
She has hentai posters all over her room, its exactly what it looks like 😂
One of us
blessed by lord immersion
Eat me
Wow, she plays Skyrim the same way I do xD
do it Henya! a skyrim playthrough would be legendary!
“I was playing Skyrim, and I was taking off my clothes…”
No wonder Mom left in silence. She was probably like “Oh, she’s doing _this_ again, eh? Guess I should just leave her to it, then.”
Henya’s into Skyrim hentai, I see. 😏
That was too yabai of a moment on what she talked about. 😮
Actually thought it was gonna cut and loop back when she sai “thats why”
I JUST noticed she has Cat Ears! That is Cute and ADORABLE! Great Job! And also Thank You for the English Subtitles as well! 🙂
Many of those body mods include options to make the mod family-friendly by giving them underwear back. Though NPCs which use custom races like the Bijin line or many custom followers can’t do this.
“But Henya, it’s literally called SoS (Schlongs of Skyrim)”
“Sh- shut up!”
gentle mom ever walk away but in mind
“dear henya you do what you need to be done”
Poor Mamamee is scarred for life
I bet those are mxr Mod’s mod 😂
Lmao mom just left
To be expected from hentai’s squad leader 💀
does it have where the the dragon become thomas the train mods?
To the horny jail she goes! 😀
What a CULTURED kettle!!
Thats beautiful! Bonita. That’s spicey! Caliente
( )’u'( )
Henya you are truly a blessing to be around. And watching you stream is always a well welcome experience of fun and laughter…
cultured henya.
Post the modlist henya no balls
Why? why the hell? The whole thing is cursed….I love it
This is probably just me, but now I want to know what other, non-nsfw kinds of mods she uses. Things like Ordinator, Requiem, Ultimate Combat, Immersive College of Winterhold, Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, etc.
Also, shoutout to anyone who uses TR and/or PC for Morrowind
Skin mod in Skyrim is so popular that I’m more surprised if you didn’t install it
On the other hand if you use loverslab mod is a totally different story lol
her entire life is an anime sitcom situation
She’s very culture. I love it.
First maybe and lol