Skyrim Mods So Good That Will Make You Uninstall Starfield
In this video, we take a look at a few REALLY COOL recent mods for Skyrim Special Edition/Anniversary Edition to make Skyrim even more fun than it already is.
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/NarivaTV
Last Hot New Mods Video: https://youtu.be/nUmggKvrP4s
A Fond Farewell – A Funeral Mod: https://www.amilovescakemods.com/home/mods/a-fond-farewell-a-funeral-mod
Skill Based Dynamic Animations: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/99842
No Furniture Camera: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/100515
Gore: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/85298
Shadows of The Guild: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/98219
Grief: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/97832
Organic Player Animations: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/99270
Dark Harvester: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/98743
The Hinterland Rander: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/99201
Draugr Warrior Armor: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/98609
ElSopa – Shields Redone: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/99142
Dynamic Female Weather Idles: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/98493
Intro 0:00
Mod 1 0:36
Mod 2 3:02
Mod 3 3:52
Mod 4 4:54
Mod 5 6:38
Mod 6 8:58
Mod 7 10:49
Mod 8 11:21
Mod 9 11:56
Mod 10 12:15
Mod 11 12:41
Mod 12 13:18
Outro 14:00
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🎵 Outro Song: https://youtu.be/cZD3YgUdOmU?si=yTXXxaYvIrhfshVV
Hot New Mods Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7aadNunV6goUmTC9JrtJA0LEbum_ivhl
Huge City Overhaul Playlists: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7aadNunV6grB4uDnLfiODqjq3zXZgAMH
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Papa Quill
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コメント (42)
Welcome back, bro!
Hahaha! That title says it all.
Starfield is Meh. Stopped playing it was so boring.
*It is no exaggeration to conclude that Skyrim has the best mods in video gaming history. Over 100,000 mods exist solely for this one game, most of which are game changing. The best types of mods for the game character & world customisation, immersive, follower and player home mods*
This is click bate at its finest (in a good way)
No Furniture Camera – we need that in Starfield a million times over
Yes! Love the return to Skyrim. Starfield ain’t it.
Skyrim is what Todd will go down in history for, any other success be damned
I enjoyed Starfield. But I don’t think I’ll replay it until the Creation Kit comes out. I guess it just doesn’t “scratch the itch” for me like Elder Scrolls does.
You’ve got a good channel. Commenting for ENGORGEMENT
“Probly Ohio” took me tf out for some reason lmao
Starfield is just another Fallout leftover resource regurgitation.
You dont need much to make me uninstall it
Yeah more Skyrim less starfield thank you!
Yes!! It is true. I started a new modding installation of Skyrim. I’ll play Starflied later.
*Sticks head inside door* “Are there any wide eyed zombies in track suits haunting sterile Bauhaus streetscapes on even more sterile planets about? No? Just trolls, draugrs and dragons?” *Sighs contentedly* “I’m home…”
This channel is an absolute gem. I often look up for mods suggested by yours. Keep up, mate!
Im waiting for Mern answer to this
The Gore intro reminds me of my fav mod Kaidan
FK MAN I love this channel actually puts out unique mods and also the sense of humour makes it really fun to watch
I saw some new mods that added a whole new class system into Skyrim using custom skills framework. Also SimonMagus made a new combat mod intended for use with Valhalla Combat, I need to look more in depth into those mods.
Console or PC?
oi.. where’s the outro song?? i’ve put my hands up in the air and the video just ended
I couldnt make starfield work on my PC. Had to get a refund.
So yeah. Fuck Starfield.
I’m sticking to skyrim until they make Starfield actually playable on most PCs because I am NOT shelling out $500 for a console toe play ONE game.
Bethesda thinks I won’t last. But Bethesda doesnt know that I have NEVER done Legacy of the Dragonborn or that my continuously tortuous mind and short attention span means I’ll be making new skyrim builds into infinium.
You should never buy bethesda game at release. Just wait until all DLC released and they don’t plan anymore update. Not just you will get them cheaper all in one, you don’t need to keep fixing your mods each time they updated the launcher. Learned the hard way with FO4.
The Mern references had me laughing pretty good
its always ‘Mern’ itsn’t ?
#show that Mern
im 🤣🤣🤣
and Proceed to total meltdown about Mern
😂 8:45 i wanna ysee ou and mern play skyrim together now lol
W-who’s Mern? What have they done to be hated so? I truly don’t know
Already uninstalled Starfield. I’ll reinstall it in about a year, gonna wait for the modding community to catch up to it.
I’m taking a full pass on the “latest release”, I’ll buy BG3 before I pay Bethesda again. As for the latest mods presented here, yeah the scene is booming still.
We said fuck starfield because I lot of us don’t care about sci-fi. 😅
I still sometimes get jank when wall leaning and skyclimbing but I think it has to do with angles and marker placement. No Furniture Camera has been one of the biggest QoL updates. Ersh is king of QoL lol.
6:18 Hey what mod is that which allows paintings to be displayed like that? e.g. in the background theres Rembrandt’s old woman reading..
Bold of you to asume I even installed Starfield in the first place
Thank you for not reviewing the same mods that a lot of skyrim reviewers do every week.
I want some new skyrim mods and every new video is the same stuff except for yours. Keep doing your best and you deserve 13 million subscribers ❤🔥
I can’t play Starfield. No SSD. So, Skyrim ahoy!
Must to say that, IMO you do better videos than Mern.
cant wait for starfield creation kit release
why do you play as a woman
Starfield by itself made me uninstall Starfield…
The thumbnail got me😂